“Every part of the Juneteenth flag tells the story of the African American experience.”
“Juneteenth, short for “June 19th,” was made a federal holiday on June 17, 2021, and was celebrated nationally for the first time on Sunday, June 19, 2022 (with a public holiday of Monday, June 20, 2022).”
The name is cringy, but I noticed in this article two pics of the flag – the first shows the blue flown in superior position, making it a 5 pointed star inside a 12 pointed sunburst. The more “official” looking photo shows a pentagram, as the red is flown in superior position.
The original site states “The burst around the star is representative of a nova, which is an astronomical event that brings about the sudden appearance of a new, bright star.
“This bursting star on the Juneteenth flag is a symbol of new beginnings for Black people in Galveston and all over the country. “
“The arc that extends across the flag horizontally is symbol of hope.
“It represents a new horizon of opportunities and promises for all Black Americans.”
And yet, here comes the punch:
“On June 19, 1865, Union Major-General Gordon Granger read General Order No. 3 to the people of Galveston, announcing freedom for African Americans through the Emancipation Proclamation. It said:
“The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.”
….so….how much really changed? What former room and board (albeit likely meager in most cases) did they then forfeit due to the wages, which were then required to be paid back to the masters in return for those same basics? I suppose, technically, they were free to go, but is this “celebration” really sounds more like a bankers’ scheme of bait and switch to make themselves appear benevolent. Put money in their hands to simmer down, stay where they are and keep on trucking for the man. Pretty much what’s been done to the entire world’s populations.
Changes the perspective of the “righteous, benevolent” north vs the “evil” south a bit, no..? After all, the proclamation came down from the Feds…the Union, the north.
And now the masters have them raising this flag and celebrating their softer slavery along with the rest of us, even as the masters invert their flag.
Original article here The Powerful Meaning Behind the Juneteenth Flag (familyminded.com)
4 letters omitted – Nine.
2 numbers omitted- 19
Is the purpose to make it easier to say?
When I went to high school way way back in the very late 90’s, we wouldn’t have been allowed to take a short cut like that because it’s improper use of the English Language.
If you got cotton blumes by Juneteenth it’s gonna be damn good cotton that’s a fact
I’ve read back the article from VC on ‘don’t hug me, I’m scared.” The date on the wall was June 19th. The last episode it changes to 20th. In a way, it’s the same story, stuck in a loop, than something changes and the next day comes, but turns out to be the same as before.
Given the direct naming convention of Teenth, there is a clear and direct reference to dating. A quick analysis The date is 619 all around, a 6 a mirror and a chiral inversion of 6 as 9.
1: The date is the 6th month on the 19th day
2: It takes place on The 169th day of the year
3: There are 196 days left in the year
4: The apparent sunrise at the latitude 33 of Texas, is at 6:19 AM at this time
5: The time between sunrise at 6:19 and Solar noon at 13:18 on this date is 7 hours 9 minutes, or 6 hours +1 + 9 minutes
6: The time between Solar Noon and Sunset at 20:39 PM is 7 hours 19 minutes, 6+1 hours 19 minutes
7: The sun of the latitude and longitude of Galveston, 29.3 + 94.6 = 61.9 * 2
As a bonus, relating to the beast of the sea (27 heads horns and crowns total, 27) the multiplication of the latitude and longitude of Galveston Texas is 2777.7. Refer to Matthew 27, the field of the potter (Khnum Khufu) and killing The Truth for a field for tombs for foreigners, the distance of 272.72 between Giza pyramid of Khufu cornerstone and the Valley of Moloch sacrifice, Gehena. The radius of the moon relative the earth is .272727. The mark of Lamech the son of Qayin/Kain is 2 7s. 2777777… a holiday started by BLM which is Ba’al LaMech (BaLaMek) celebrating the mark of Lamech at the zenith of the sun with the mark of the beast out of the sea.
It is of vital importance to learn to cross reference all of this, including the time and simple mathematical conventions with respect to the calendar.
Cmon, it’s not that important!
It’s more important to get rid of their stupid 33 numerology/gematria!
Why waste time analyzing it when we should be urgently shutting it down.
Like the tellavision.
It’s an analytical tool to inform discernment. Why would you want to shut that down?
I’m not against shutting down television though, it was weaponized from inception. But if we ban that, they’ll just present with some new scheme.
I’m not saying shut down analysis however the sheeple need to be unsheepled the simplest way possible!
Some people respond to the simpler explanations, some don’t. Some require proof down to the tiniest detail. It’s not a one-size-fits-all.
The oligarchy relies upon the masses being IGNORE-ant, that is they ignore reality, in order to control them.
A cattle that follows the carrot is easier for the slaughter. It is your choice.
I guess I’m just tired of it.
So, like the tellavision, I shut it off.
Oh and believing.
I shut the believing part of my brain off.
Gematria is a belief and I’d rather know.
@airplane Clouds
The information I provided regarding Juneteenth is not Gematria. It is all based on the date, time and location of the event. I wouldn’t classify rudimentary numerical analysis of a holiday on June 19th being based on events at a latitude/longitude that sum to 619/2, with sunrise at 6:19 AM on that day at that location a “belief.”
Likewise the number cited at the end 77, is explicitly mentioned in scripture as the mark of Lamech. The distance between the tombs of Gehena and Giza is also a fact as 272.7272, and the field of the potter, whose name in Egyptian is Khnum, the same as the pyramid of Khnum Khufu, is mentioned in Matthew 27.
None of this is Gematria, and all of these are facts, not beliefs. You may bury your head in the sand and call the formula πr^2 a “belief” but I don’t foresee the circle’s proportions of radius to area changing anytime soon.
The forum you are commenting on is called VL. it’s companion sight is VC. this the formula for Wavelenegth Speed of Light and Frequency
VL = C
Frequency * Wavelength = Speed of Light
It’s always been called Juneteenth, why I am not sure, but that isn’t a modern thing. As far as I know that name arose organically from the black community in Texas.
Are they too dumb to realize that their flag is an almost exact copy of the VC battle flag that so many people on both sides died fighting either for or against it.
Wow, that is very similar!
It’s important for African Americans to have the remembrance day or month and everybody should learn about the cruelties of slavery. The very sad part is, however, that slavery is still going in the form of abominable private prison system. And when it comes to flags, i can assure you that almost every single flag, coat of arms, monument or historical artifact has some “hidden” masonic symbolism on it. After all, it’s the freemasons – architects of dialectical processes of history that are experts on symbols and symbolism – purpose of demonstration, method of revelation or whatever they call it.
Too true, but the reality is that they have the entire world enslaved, only difference is whether the individual is experiencing hard or soft slavery. Our “freedom” is illusion. The article “The True Matrix” begins to show this.
Copy/pasted from my response to someone else on the thread:
One other thing the article says is not that man won’t have to work for his own sustenance, but that man should not have to work for other men for the means to gain his own sustenance, giving not only his labor, but a rather large portion of his wages/salary to these same men and their cohorts to fatten their own purses and power, whilst abiding by all their arbitrary rules and regulations to avoid being fined, arrested, incarcerated, murdered, etc. We have been conditioned to think this arrangement is normal, but it is anything but.
Modern jobs are so specialized and highly focused that, while someone at the top of his field may be the most brilliant mind known within that focus, he may be entirely oblivious as to how the rest of the world works, and without that job and that salary from the masters, would be helpless to take care of and provide for himself and his family. In that manner, he is a type of specialized battery or single-purpose tool/appliance, not a fully realized human being.
Not only that, they have us going into massive debt to gain the “education” necessary to enter these professions, then paying to take tests to prove we can do them to standard, then paying for annual licensing for the privilege of being allowed to continue.
If you want to work for yourself, own your own business, can you, in truth? You have to submit to them for permission and various approvals, pay them their regular dues, submit to inspections and abide by their rules and regs, etc.
And despite all this they initiated, purportedly to guarantee certain work ethic and standards, both of those things have deteriorated into nearly nothing these days, whilst we pay more and more for the privilege of their “oversight” which not only amounts to no security at all, but an utter degradation of the vast majority of men’s efforts in their work lives. They have encumbered so many fields with mountains of paperwork to “prove” they are doing quality work that no one has time to do quality work anymore. It is all forgery, just like the “money” they pay us with.
Exactly, 100% spot on, my friend. The problem is, in this modern society we individuals are never going to be materially free. As you said, if you want to run completely your own sustenance, you need millions of permissions and licenses (i.e. involunary contracts with higher powers), then you pay taxes to these powers (i.e. involutary payments – literal extortion). We still live in feudalism only with the difference that now it’s more (or less) sophisticated, but the principles are merely the same as they were in the middle ages – you don’t agree with the ruling class – you are being persecuted, doxxed, they will take your savings, etc. And this is why i completely reject the modern politics. We need to view things metapolitically, be always one step further, otherwise we’ll end up as nothing but debt-owning consumers and that is exactly what The Powers That (Shouldn’t) Be want. We must always resist.
Yes, all politics is bread and circuses. Theatrical distraction and another bone to make people believe they actually have a choice in their own leadership.
Good cop, bad cop, flip-flopping and intertwining depending on the issue so that, in order to accept one good message, you must embrace ten bad ones. This way they make everyone who participates in that system culpable for something.
They are a uniparty on local and global levels, the two heads of Janus. The true reality is that world conflict is almost entirely the global elite vs the masses of all races.
It is another method of gaining compliance through illusion.
Like money, which they give us so we have the illusion of freedom. It is a meaningless exchange that only has value because we attribute it, but was initially promoted as a portable method of tangible barter when merchants could only travel carrying so much – they were literally tokens which had specified values so that the merchant could then trade these lighter weight markers of exchange for things he needed once he returned home. These tokens used to be made from valuable metals, until all those became hoovered back up by these same elites who now give us quarters that will rust to nothing in short order in a water ring from your glass of melting iced tea. And now, they want to do away with even these, and give us digital currencies which only exist in computer codes and our imaginations and which are intended to extort every human being on the planet into compliance for the privilege of being able to purchase the basic necessities to sustain life. These things always start out with good intentions by honest people, but are then usurped.
In case you have not noticed:
Your writing is taking on a notable elegance and depth; your thoughts clear and rid of strings. The advancement is really impressive.
Thank you, @444gem. It doesn’t feel like such a change from my perspective, but I can say that all my free time now I devote to trying to understand from one perspective/issue/slant or another. I find that my focus has sharpened and, no matter what I’m engaged in at the moment, I am constantly striving to understand. It’s like my entire thought life has become one unending prayer. And I am seeing more clearly though many illusions.