
‘The Flash’ star Ezra Miller letting us know he’s in the club. (

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1 year ago

Edge lord.

Srsly are these puppets supposed instill fear? I just feel sorry for them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

No, not fear but jealousy. They are supposed to instill jealousy so that you want to sell your soul to demons for money like they did.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

To clarify:

Not jealousy but ENVY. Jealousy is fairly benign and petty, “I want what you have” (although it’s still wrong when dwelled upon).

ENVY is evil: “I want what you have but I also don’t want YOU to have it, only ME.” That is destructive, very death-culty instead of life affirming.

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

They’re just caricatures of humans that are supposed to be rich and have everything that they could ever want, but the reality is, they’re insecure, terrified of obscurity and will gladly be a slave to anybody that keeps them in the tabloids and saves them a seat at any event where someone shows up with a camera.

Vampires lair..
Vampires lair..
1 year ago

The background is quite revealing, on a matte black surface written in white (black and white duality) showing obviously corrupt coercive messages; -“urban decay (euphemism for societies decline, thanks to his mischievous, wicked, malignant, evil work), “stay naked”, “pretty different”, with the abbreviation UD in a diabolical typo. ..basically the message is: “pervert yourself”…!

to top it off, to have him (Ezra Miller) with all his crimes and perversion, in a posture and gestures of baphomet, signaling, to whom he pledges allegiance, -and “look what he did to me”, I sank deep in troubles (thanks to him) but he’s able to put me back in the spotlight, “yeah skeptics, doubters, my movie is out, and I’m back”

now you know what to do if you want to be like me, read the labels behind me and follow it. “and oh yeah, look at my face (makeup, wink)..”

subtle message, but you can’t get any clearer than that.. the same tactic used on from the time of eve and adam.