
One of the Titan sub passengers was WEF

One of the Titan sub passengers was WEF..SOURCE HERE

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1 year ago

WEF members aren’t good guys, are they?

1 year ago

Rest in piss

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago
Reply to  endloaf

Though this is inappropriate, it’s hilarious!

1 year ago

And most of the people here belong to the maga cult…
So whats your point?
There is evil in the world and you celebrate death just as they do?

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

I don’t think most people here are maga…we are free thinker and go with the balest candidate they elect. There is really no winning. I could be wrong. Thumbs down if you agree.

Jimmy Jam
Jimmy Jam
1 year ago

What’s maga cult?

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago

You certainly live up to your name.

1 year ago

Most of the people here aren’t in the “maga cult”. This is a site for people who want to know the truth about what’s really going on, beyond political parties. I think most of us here know there is no difference between the parties anymore, most answer to the same special interest groups and the intelligence agencies. You’re projecting because the media tells you that if anyone questions what’s really happening then you’re an insane conspiracy theorist. The parent site to this is the vigilant citizen and the creator started it way, way before trump, back when I was in high school and I’m 27 now

1 year ago

This is only a theory of course but seeing as how June 21 is observed as a sacrifice day (, and the number 5 usually being associated with death, not to mention the absurd coverage of the events surrounding the sub, kinda stands to reason this was some sort of ritual sacrifice. I’ve even read that the original Titanic could have been used for such a purpose.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

I thought that as well. And it happened 111 years after the sinking of the Titanic. It’s also interesting that the vessel was called the “Titan” and the man listed above, owned a company called “Dawood Hercules”. In Greek mythology, Hercules, who tried to obtain immortality, was the son of Zeus. Zeus killed his own father, Cronos, who was one of the Titans.
Weird stuff.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

There is something about the Titanic story that makes people completely crazy. Of course it’s interesting but there is a level of obsession with it that is confounding. The hubris, the unsinkable ship that sinks on its first voyage, the horror of how classist and dystopic it really was with the lack of lifeboat space for the people in the cheap seats. The eternal fascination with it borders on the macabre. I read that the bodies have all dissolved due to minerals and bacteria in the water, but the shoes have survived because the tanning process preserved them. It’s all weird and ghostly. The Hindenberg is similar, just in the air.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

Yes sir. You are awake.

1 year ago
Reply to  549

The titanic sinking had numerous purposes but not for rituals. First, it wasn’t the titanic that sank, it was another ship because it was an insurance fraud. Most importantly though, it was a hit job on the people who opposed the creation of the fed and who had a chance at actually stopping it.

1 year ago

Simpsons and Titanic Submarine!!!
Episode released January 8, 2006!!!

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Mmm, bit of a stretch

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

This is creepy specially when he says “daddy daddy” as a father and son were on board 🙁

1 year ago
Reply to  VTov

They didn’t predict the future, they planned it!!!
It’s about the Author Matt Groening being a 33 Degree Freemason!!!

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Seems a bit of a stretch

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

The Simpsons have “predicted” many events. It’s pretty eerie actually.

1 year ago

more behind this than meets the eye….

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

Did he also visit Epstein’s island?

Awakened citizen
Awakened citizen
1 year ago

In my mind I’m just thinking it’s a ritual sacrifice of some sort. Also the news coverage of this versus those refugees on a ship heading towards Greece (I think it was), the amount of people/families who sadly lost their lives on that and here the ”news” is talking about a sub mission to the Titanic… There’s always levels to this.

1 year ago

Shahzada Dawood worked for Engro, which is one of the largest argicultural and bioengineering conglomerates in Pakistan. There has been an attempted takeover of all agricultural production on the Indian subcontinent by Gates and WEF Co for the past 40 years, which to some degree has been unsuccessful due to coordination from the local farm community.

Sometimes when you fail your masters, you get sacrificed under the Sea on the SOLstice, deep in the Abyss/Abzu.

1 year ago

Theres been an interesting development with blackrock and JP morgan bank while this whole show has been going on this week.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew


Whenever there is a war they tab “reconstruction funding,” as a catchall for funnelling trillions of corrupt money into legalised coffers through military contractor back channels.

In Iraq they were flying old Wwii B52s into The dessert loaded with hundreds of billions of shrink wrapped cash inside to pay “contractors,” for their “work,” from Cheney’s old employer Halliburton, and then setting them ablaze after all that cash had disappeared.

Usually contracts are sealed in blood in the Mithrain rites.

1 year ago

What did they know?

The sub is starting to seem like sabotage. Kind of like the Titanic and the insurance fraud they did.

1 year ago

I feel for the young man who felt trepidation about this excursion but did it for his Dad because it was Father’s Day.

Of course, it could be a total propaganda point but still, of all the people on the vessel, my heart goes out to that young man.

I hope his passing was so quick he didn’t have time to be afraid; I really hope so. I pray that for all people who face death in such a way. I always pray when my expiration date arrives, I will not be afraid. I wish that for all of you all as well.

Current days are showing us we all need to get our spiritual houses in order.

Luke 21:28

1 year ago
Reply to  ToS

Wise words.

1 year ago

Hm and then there was that author that wrote about it sinking before it did.

1 year ago
Last edited 1 year ago by marie