
Las Vegas family calls 911, reports UFO landing, aliens walking around after several reports of something falling from sky

Las Vegas family calls 911, reports UFO landing, aliens walking around after several reports of something falling from sky

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1 year ago

The fact that it’s on mainstream media, and the people involved seem kinda nonchalant, plus they blacked out part of the video… it’s just looking a bit psyopy to me. Plus people did give a head’s up that “project blue beam” was going to be a thing. Yeah I believe in aliens, but I don’t believe in trusting our media.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

It’s a nice of fake news to switch it up for alien summer

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

agreed psyop/propaganda, they didn’t show the so called aircraft because it was private property but yet that doesn’t stop thousands of other police cam videos all over the internet inside private property.

1 year ago

We’re probably somewhere in the middle of project bluebeam. Look for a collapse in the (a) financial markets and then we’re pretty close to “disclosure” . 👍🏿

Last edited 1 year ago by recap
1 year ago

police dashcam date showed may 1, so over a month ago, but just now this is a story on mainstream media?

i mean, the symbol of the news station is enough for me to be suspicious of the intent of putting this out there

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

If this is legit, what with phones and tablets being ubiquitous, I can’t believe that family did not take video footage. Sounds to me like the See-Aye-Ay is officially launching its “aliens are coming to [fill in the blank]” psy-op on the Continuous Bull S**t network.

1 year ago

why didn’t the family film what they saw in their yard. everyone has a smart phone, so I call B.S.

1 year ago
Reply to  SAW

Other firsthand accounts of UFO report having a sort of brain fog, so they don’t react. Others report missing time after seeing UFOs. The so-called “aliens” have incredible power to affect perception and mood. These are demonic beings that are capable of utilizing extra-dimensional technology to affect our spirits.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

i dont doubt if they were demons they could affect your perception, but they were already on their phones, they just needed to go to camera

who knows thou, i find it interesting thou that on the same day this month old breaking news story erupts, joe rogan had a video released the very same day talking about aliens, it has over 2.7 million views in under 24 hours

1 year ago

Demons disguised as aliens, to deceive many

1 year ago
Reply to  John

The grand deception!

Last edited 1 year ago by rick