
Jim Caviezel Goes In Depth On Human Trafficking And New Movie "Sound Of Freedom" – implicating Hollywood, Governments and the Elite as part of the problem..

Part 2 of the Interview is here:

During an interview with Steven Bannon on Tuesday, Bannon focused on promoting Caviezel’s new film Sound of Freedom, which is based on the true story of a former government agent who embarked on a mission to rescue children from sex traffickers in Colombia.

Bannon asked Caviezel if he thinks U.S. intelligence agencies play a role in the human trafficking industry.

“Absolutely,” replied Caviezel. “The three-letter agencies, they’re all involved.”

“Do you believe that that’s part of the senior government apparatus just does not want to touch this?” asked Bannon, adding “they profit off it. They don’t mind if it happens… and like you said, there’s five drug agents to every one human trafficking agent. This trafficking is a massive problem, people know it’s a problem.”

“That’s my opinion. I don’t know what Tim’s opinion is, but it’s definitely my opinion that this is something they don’t want to solve,” Caviezel responded. “And so, it’s going to take the public to put the light on it.”

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1 year ago

Jim C has gone deep on this rabbit hole wise.

1 year ago
Reply to  jiminycricket

Why did I see a huge poster and display promoting this movie in a Cinemark movie theater?… if he’s revealing secrets of the elite?? Please explain

1 year ago
Reply to  CSO

no ja ti to vysvetlím…lebo vedia že väčšina ľudí, ako ty sú zmetené ovce a už sami nevedia čomu majú veriť…robia to zámerne, lebo vedia, že ovce, ako ty sa im to bude zdať, nemožné a ako sci-fi a nie skutočnosť….ja mám dôkazy, že sa to deje…ročne zmizne na celom svete milióny detí, aj dospelých bez stopy.

1 year ago

He’s made his peace, no doubt. 😬

1 year ago

I don’t think they are part of the problem. I think they are the deliberate perpetrators of the problem.

1 year ago

My question is… if this is hidden why is it being shown in movie theaters across the country and being actively promoted. I mean Jim Cavezial is an actor and Steven Banon is a very questionable character. I think it’s important to always question.