
In a town in Michigan, the white left elected a Muslim mayor with great fanfare but is now surprised that he has decided to ban LGBT flags on public roads. "We feel betrayed." (

Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured relations

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1 year ago

They should have known that average Muslims are normal (i.e. anti-f@ggotry) and even less religious Muslims are much more family-oriented and traditionalist than modern so called protestant Christians. I as a traditionalist Christian would 100% rather live in a Muslim area than secular area with all kinds of sickos and perverts everywhere around.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

…and don’t forget to mention that Muslims are much more willing to kill you than Christians are. Muslims are also willing to lie to you, taqiya, and tell you that they are traditionalist ‘Christian’ but would rather live with Muslims than Christians. Muslims are permitted by their religion to lie and kill as long as it advances Islam. This is ususally when some Muslim or propagandist or some other non-Christian person getting paid to post propaganda on the internet, or some AI bot chimes in and talks about how some so called Christians have lied and murdered in the past. All lying and murder is wrong.

The point is that LGBTQ+ are afraid that the Muslims in Michigan will murder them and they have every reason to be afraid of not only the Muslims but also any other Democrat or idiot who wants an excuse to kill you.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

I lived in 75+% Muslim area without any problem so i don’t need to read your BS about “taqiya” and “bad bad Muslims”…anyway, i would support killing of f@gs, i don’t have a problem with pederasts being killed like a vermin.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton


1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

WTF… I wonder why commentaries of sick people like you are still accepted in here.

“I as a traditionalist Christian duuuuh”
God didn’t tell that Lucifer is the father of the lie for nothing. You’re a notorious example. You aren’t Christian and still lie about the supposed peace of those Muslims you claim to have lived with. You’re just trying to sell a false narrative here because you’re an actual Muslim here.

Your soul is rotten like your nature. I bet a psycho like you must live in society like if you were a honorable man, above suspicion, but release your true monsters in the internet.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

Gay=peuple de loth Allah u Akbar

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

Jesus that 911/War in Iraq psyop really did a number on you ppl.

1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

I know right. I’m reading some of these comments and you can tell they are coming from people that don’t actually know any Muslims. I’m Christian, but I know many Muslims and they are mostly peaceful. Besides, every religion has its extremists.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

Let’s see what happens when someone publishes a picture of Mohammed snogging a guy….

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Why would you offend one of the major worlds religion with billions of genuine followers? Is that what makes you feel good? Is that your famous western democratic values? If so, than your democratic values are very shallow and double standarded.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Said the psycho who wants people dying just because of sexualities that they weren’t demanded to have.

First: Rosey didn’t tell he’ll offend it. He only released a supposition. People in West insult Jesus, publishing his image as a gay or trans, but nothing happens against them, unlike if they did it to Mohammed, for example. Yes, these are your famous honorable values of Musslims like you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alana

Firstly – i’m not a Muslim, i’m a Christian but i support Muslims against f@gs any day, every normal person does.
Secondly – if someone offended My Lord Jesus Christ like they did in great satan (i.e. USA) and in western europe, i would kill that vermin without any doubt.
Btw. i’ve never seen mocking of Our Lord Jesus amongst Muslims, every single time it was either some secular pervert or/and some filthy jOO.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anton
1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

No, you aren’t Christian. You’re a damn Luciferian/Muslim who is trying to get dirty Christians image in the internet. Jesus never defended psycho actions like you do, Lucifer servant.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

You said nonsense.
Killing people is FORBIDDEN by Islam! And so is lying! We are against all kind of violence. So stop telling rubbish and go learn Islam, the pure Islam.

Last edited 1 year ago by Linda
1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Tu as bien raison

1 year ago
Reply to  Kari

Les fous américains pensent qu’ils peuvent vivre en toute sécurité avec des homosexuels mais tous les homosexuels devraient être exécutés car ils sont très dangereux pour la société.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

@Anton, je t’imagine bien heureux dans une banlieue marseillaise avec tes amis muzz.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

5 years ago I would’ve thumbs downed you but I think you are 100 0/0 on point
At this point the f**s, the trannys, LGBTQUERTY, et al
Are a way bigger threat than Islamoimperialism.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trevor

There is nothing like “islamoimperialism” lol, it’s great oxymoron actually, now i’m not a shill for Islam or something, i’m born and raised Christian with higher theological education and i have very good Muslim friends and i took with big suspicious and disdain everyone who talks badly about Muslims becasue 98% of the time it’s either some dirty zionist or brainwashed american evangelical (i.e. false Christian) – both of them my natural enemies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Reality: you’re a filthy Muslim, so automatically all the Christians are your natural enemy, psycho.

1 year ago

Hello! What did you expect?