
FLASHBACK: When Sandra Bullock Got Children's P***s Foreskin Injections Into Her Face

FLASHBACK: When Sandra Bullock Got Children’s P***s Foreskin Injections Into Her Face

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1 year ago

If I were a betting man, I’d put a good chunk of $$ that she is a he. A very good deception, but she’s a t****y.

1 year ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

You really haven’t been around a lot of women? There are some trannies that look more like the ideal epitome of female beauty than some real women. So if they are going to push for trannies in showbiz why not get the most convincing? There are real women that have very strong (just a euphemism for hard almost masculine) features. They do exist and in great enough numbers that made me notice. As a teenager I slept with some of these strong faced women just to make sure they are women. I’m almost 60 now. In Europe there are so many real women who look like men but are real women even by dna. They also give birth and pass on these genes. Let’s be realistic and admit not all women have soft looks.

1 year ago
Reply to  John

I have to agree with this. I would also just make the point that we are at real risk now of causing offence to women who are entirely innocent of all of this. They maybe as you say don’t have very soft features or maybe aren’t particularly beautiful and “manly.”

I hate that this activism is making people look at others to judge if they “pass” and I mean pass the biological class they are actually in. It tends also to people commenting that women look like men – not the other way around.

To my shame Ive done it too.

1 year ago
Reply to  John

It’s a lost cause, John. I do like reading discussions and thoughts here, and I think there are a lot of good valuable people commenting, but one of the things I really don’t like in here, is that a buch of people are always doubting about each famous person’s “anatomy” (which I’m not saying it’s necessarily untrue, but surely most of the time irrelevant and, for Pete’s sake, not each and everyone of them, please!).

It’s usually the same ones who’d find some subliminal messages (and, of course, a secret code) even on my grandma’s underpants.

I think some of them are actually trolls on a mission to make everyone following this website look like a flat-earther…

1 year ago
Reply to  John

All you have to do is google pictures of Bullock’s adam’s apple. It was very prominent, especially back in the day when he was first starting out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crumpetz


1 year ago
Reply to  Buddhaboy19

Bullock has an remnant of an adam’s apple. Women do not have adam’s apples period, she also has a large blocky skull typical of men not women, She’s a tr*nnie

1 year ago
Reply to  MamaSan630

To be fair, some women have it too. And I had a female coworker who has a beard, her chin looks like Fred Flintstone’s. It happens, it’s testosterone.

1 year ago

Adrenochrome!!! (Tom Cruise)

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Have you seen Shelly Long?
She looks just like she ought.

1 year ago

Tom Cruise is using Adrenochrome!!!

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

She’s had more than a few p***s on her forehead I’m sure.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

Gross and unnecessary

1 year ago

Just for future reference, everybody knows where foreskins come from

Last edited 1 year ago by Laz
1 year ago

It’s time for a world full of good and decent people with interesting stories to tell. Some kind of restart is needed

1 year ago

SATANIC ritual, that’s all.

1 year ago

This is the homosexual agenda that’s being forced on families by the government to acclimate children to homosexuality when Hollywood movie stars are playing the opposite sex I Sandra Bullock who’s pretending to be a woman who’s really a man and lies about it that’s wrong just like Megan Fox she’s a trainee too pretending to be a woman and living your life is so and yet she’s dressing up her children her sons as girls this is the type of agenda that’s dangerous Force feeding people to accept a lifestyle a choice and now they’re going after our children do you know that students have walked out of classes over pride month because there are forced to participate in these things. When your adult do whatever you want believe the kids alone and then there’s also women pretending to be men in Hollywood they call it the T-Rex arms Keanu Reeves is one his director for John Wick is one if you see a man with short arms that don’t go past this cross they’re not long that’s a good indicator lack of an Adam’s apple and indentation of a waste above the navel sloping shoulders lack of brow Ridge Jennifer Aniston is a t****y Angelina Jolie is a t****y these are the people that some kids look up to and idolize and they don’t even realize what they really are that to me is the real Sin of the matter that to me is the real lie. I watch the video of Keanu Reeves and his director Chad with a man pretending to be a woman who had longer arms than they did who had an Adam’s apple and they’re standing there with their arms across their abdomen not to bring too much attention to it it was unbelievable you can actually probably find it on YouTube when you look for John Wick for interviews if they go and do talks that’s when you can see it without a shadow of a doubt a man playing a woman and a woman playing a man standing next to each other and you can tell the difference and it’s not okay