
Claudia Conway, 18, became a Playboy Bunny because she was ‘preyed upon’ in mid-teens (

“i believe in writing your own narrative, like i’ve said in the past, and taking back what was once unjustly taken from you,” the “American Idol” alum tweeted.”

I’m not certain how disrobing for the jollies of millions is more empowering than being disrobed for the jollies of a few who took crass advantage of a dependent child. Is it the money..? Superficially it would seem to be but I’d imagine the twisted logic here is far more insidious. They’re still profiting off of her, but now on “her terms”? Because now she gets a cut from her own exploitation?

Girl looks stoned off her gourd. The single, clumped lash to the right eye (eye of RA – self, ego…and what is that grey spot on her lip..?) Chinese dragons all over her self-phone case (or cell – go on and lock yourselves in).

““when i was 15-16, i was exploited by the media, preyed upon, and was forced into portraying myself as something i wasn’t,” she tweeted.” — I’m not seeing much of a difference here, Ms Con Way. You are now a 2 dimensional paper doll with a pay-per-view upgraded feature. You don’t have to do this.

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1 year ago

Whoredom is learned behavior people get used to. She is programmed with it and that she wouldn’t know what to do without her handlers. It’s because giving them freedom will release overwhelming repressed emotions. I’m sure they purposely give them freedom without actual deprogramming knowing they will come back and convince them they aren’t meant to live like the rest of us.

1 year ago

Leviticus 19:29 “Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause her to be a w***e; lest the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickedness.”

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Another t****y in the limelight. His “mother” is one, too.

1 year ago

Playboy = Evil!!!
Womens = İlluminati’s Sex Slaves!!!

the next Kardashians
the next Kardashians
1 year ago

they’re doing the same to johnny depp’s daughter, the 1st episode of the HBO show “the idol” is quite revealing of their intentions..

They’re pimps..

1 year ago

Hugh used to watch gay p**n and have the girls queue up and sit on him. The whole thing was MK Uktra. The also photographed under age girls and people still think this is harmless