
A History of Dragons

This is presented in a rather ponderously dramatic manner, but anyone familiar with the Monkeys series may appreciate and recognize the references. 

It helped to contextualize for me how the dragons have long made up their own mythologies to instill fear, love, and to control the masses. They represent themselves as benevolent lords…so long as you don’t step awry and tick them off. They make themselves larger than life so they cannot be questioned or resisted…they are their own “forces of nature” mankind must submit to for favor, else perish. 

I suppose the biggest revelation for me is that these worldwide mythologies didn’t occur as organic observations by the populaces trying to understand their world, the people were seeded with these storied explanations, and when the method was seen to work, it just spread repetitively across the globe. Perhaps that was apparent to many of you already, but for me, it set things in proper sequence, which reveals the magick trick behind the mysteries. Previously, once I’d recognized the patterns across mythologies, I’d thought, well, these people must have seen the same entities – thus these entities must have been supernatural, embodied beings in some manner. 

Classic case of “which came first..?” the gods or the man who created the gods to justify himself? 

These myths and monsters help to solidify the dragons’ perceived legitimacy, as they purport to act and weild power and authority above their own – they are “divinely” inspired and that is universally recognized in all its manifestations (religion, science, etc) as unquestionable. Not everyone is convinced by the same appeals, which is why they have a manifestation for everyone. 

Only Father and Yeshua are able to divinely inspire, the rest are men who wanted to purchase the truth, hoard it and then dole out tales for their own greedy ends.

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1 year ago

Dragons = satanic Evil Symbols!!!
Red Dragon is a form of the Biblical satan, became evil in Christianity and Hebrew Religions!!!

Roadside Prophet
Roadside Prophet
1 year ago

Chinese Dragons have 3 talons, Japanese Dragons have 4 talons.

1 year ago

I’m sure there is a histprical significance in that. Absolutely nothing any dragons do is incidental.

1 year ago

You had me all the way until the last sentence. C’mon you guys, not to cause an unnecessary back & forth debate bt you REALLY have to get past the petty allegories. Yeshua/jesus said “Greater works I have done, GREATER works YE shall do!” (a paraphrased John 14:12 but you get the point…i hope)

Your very soul (if you still have one) is GOD (NOT to be confused with the true “One above All” Great Mother/Father paradox, Source, the Unnamable/unknowable, etc) made manifest in a human vessel/space suit, etc. Having a temporary earthly/3D experience with the goal of knowing or rediscovering itself. We individually represent the Microcosm’s of that unfathomable Macrocosm.

1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

We are Elohim, which are fractal branches on the tree of creation, in my understanding Bit different from the Creator, which I believe you agree with. And we are able to do greater works because of what Yeshua did. What am I missing?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The metaphysical truth was & has always been that Yeshua is Internal rather then External. Whether he actually existed or not as one man leans more towards that age old roman propaganda. But even if he did exist, he was still just a symbol of what was already in you to begin with.

I guess my problem is that too much emphasis is put on the roman pseudo historical aspect of the myth, which in turn takes away from the true gnosis that “Christ” is a title & a divine state of being one rises to as oppose to 1 man coming back to save everyone, which in turn gives everyone the excuse NOT to work at it & just wait for someone to correct it, bt that person to return was always your own soul.

1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

Yeshua’s existence is undeniable since hundreds of unrelated historical records and witness testimonies were written about him by people from disparate nationalities. Perhaps you think that if you deny his existence and deny the testimony of the many witnesses that have seen him then you will somehow escape being held accountable for your sins. Yeshua died for the sins of those who want to be reconciled to God knowing that God cannot and will not be one with sinners. He died to forgive your sins so that you can be reconciled to God. However, it is entertaining for me that you think you are God when you can’t create human life or keep yourself or loved ones from dying.

1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

I am well aware “Christ” “Rabbi” etc are titles of office. This changes nothing for my understanding.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

Yes this is the ultimate truth. That’s a hard pill to swallow for self-proclaimed “christians” who still wait for someone else to take out their trash. Cognitive dissonance kicks in and they grasp at straws, telling you there was really one man who freed you from your sins 2000 years before you were even born (lol) but you need to worship his vague human image to be “saved”. If only the spiritual path was that easy.

Last edited 1 year ago by Yxxy
1 year ago
Reply to  googoohaha

I’m thinking you are all right. Maybe a piece of Yeshua is within us, and Yeshua was a human form of all those pieces, and he sacrificed himself for us and our imperfections. Because he loves us.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I don’t know alot about this stuff like you do. but I do know one thing. The most convincing lies are all mixed with truth. And I think any other spirituality that doesn’t worship Yeshua and YHWH, leads to Satan from what I’ve seen. So I agree.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

Yeshua did not do that. He was meant to be king right then but was murdered by the forces of evil that ran Rome and did not want to be destroyed by the realm of All that is The Earth falling into the hands of the Good. This is why Christ asked whether his God had forsaken him, for he was to ascend the Earth into Heaven

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucifer

Terrible choice of name.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

Because Christ calls himself Lucifer morning star in revelation, now put it all together

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

You notice Christ calls himself Lucifer in revelation in the Latin Bible in English he calls himself Morning Star, same thing, Lucifer Morning Star

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucifer

But in doing so he sacrificed himself for us. Also we are all put here to go through trials, maybe that’s why he went through what he did.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lucifer

Well I guess you’re done.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ryan

My sources are difficult. Christs favorite scripture on earth was/is the Hadith because Satan conflated the Bible as Jesus’damnation, you can find it for yourself if you’re extremely intelligent and know the entire Bible… It’s point is to paint Jesus as the enemy

1 year ago

This is an interesting site that covers the folklore of the so called Ice Age Sites of Britains Serpents.