
A couple videos of the "child friendly" Pride parades (look at the children's reactions – they have more sense than the adults)

Warning, these videos are a bit graphic, especially the DC one, but I thought it a good illustration as to how the gaslighting that “kids aren’t being exposed to anything overt” is complete bunk. 

Citizen Free Press on Twitter: “Children are watching this garbage at DC parade.” / Twitter

Rebecca Brannon on Twitter: “Children watch ‘Boston Area Pets’ walk by in the today’s pride parade and see other sexually explicit dressed people. Large banner reads: “Your Sex is Political”” / Twitter

Ms. Brannon writes: “Children watch ‘Boston Area Pets’ walk by in the today’s pride parade and see other sexually explicit dressed people.  Large banner reads:“Your Sex is Political”

Yes, your sex IS political when the goal is depopulation, amongst the social chaos, use of trans activists within antifa (even the UN now recognizes “Trantifa” as a growing, global threat)-

and trans activists enjoy the full support (and inflammatory encouragement) of the US government

“The event, which hosted performers and speakers representing LGBT causes, acclaimed the Pride community as “the bravest and most inspiring people” and an example for the U.S. and the entire world.

“Outside the gates of this house are those who want to drag our country backwards, and so many battles yet to be braved. But today, we’re not here to be strong. We’re not here to be courageous. Even though for so many of you, just coming to this event is an act of bravery,” said first lady Jill Biden.

You know, we all move forward when we move together with your joy, with your pride lighting the way,” the president continued. “So today, let us proudly remember who we are – the United States of America.”

Yet this is the way msm insists on continuing to frame this issue I’m not going to quote this drivel.

And there’s this new level of classroom threats against kids who apparently have no right to decline to witness whatever propaganda the teachers wish to force on them. What lesson does this video teach?  Robby Starbuck, who posted it, states, “Parents of kids at Edison High School in Huntington Beach, California say this video was played to their kids in math class. The kids clearly didn’t want to watch this pride video so the teacher threatened them with Saturday school to get them to watch it.”

 and “Some 10th grade students came forward to tell me that this video was played in ALL classes that day, not just math class. They’re upset about it and want the school to refrain from playing videos like this.”

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1 year ago

I’ve been reading an interesting book, Return of the Gods by Jonathon Cahn. It’s the first one by him that I’ve read, but it seems to fit what’s happening now. This is just one of the results.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

He is jew btw.

1 year ago

1 year ago

LGBT = Useless!!! 🤮🤮🤮
