
A ceremonial guard in front of a European palace suffered a heart attack directly in front of President Macron, and the msm covers it up as if nothing happened

A ceremonial guard in front of a European palace suffered a heart attack directly in front of President Macron, and the msm covers it up as if nothing happened.

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1 year ago

Looks like Macron noticed something is wrong when he is off the sight of the camera, that is why he is deliberately and exaggerating turning his head in direction of his colleague to act like I didn’t see anything.

1 year ago

What a ghoul.

1 year ago

As much as I dislike WEF puppet Macron, I suspect this video likely shows a guard fainting on parade which is not uncommon during long periods standing to attention (especially in heat, or if you’ve been drinking the night before). Having been a soldier I have seen this many times and the normal protocol is for senior officers or state officials to carry on. That sounds callous but is standard procedure. Having said all that Macron is certainly a weasel and probably would have acted the same way regardless. Either way I hope the guard is okay.

1 year ago

Agreeing with you, but every time I have seen it they fall forward. Wondering what the few seconds before the camera shot looked like

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

Him and thousands of other previously young healthy men and women. High school kids drop dead, celebrities, nurses, and none had preexisting conditions but all of them were vaxxers. But that isn’t the cause. Anything af everything, but not the vax. Cardiologists are coming out the woodwork exposing the fatalities caused by the vax. But they either disappear or get ostricized by their peers as a quack, an extremist, a kook, anything to discredit their reputation and career.

1 year ago

F*****g douche bag covering it up by standing in front of the guy.

1 year ago

these demons are so cold smh. that guard was probably vaxxinated