
Zelensky gave the Pope a painting in which Jesus is completely BLACKED OUT

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1 year ago

The Pharisees and the aPOPEphis both agree that the Great Mother, “Queen of Heaven,” aka Isis/Ishtar/Ashtarte, Lucifer in the transgender female form, is the one they serve.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

wrong, that is not Catholic theology at all. You do not judge a religion by those that fail to follow it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Julian

Queen of heaven is a certified pagan term for a goddess. And Mary is called the queen of heaven. I grew up Catholic and know all about the worship mass for Mary which also has pagan origins. Mary doesn’t want to be worshipped and I do believe they are tricked into worshipping Asherah the mother of all demons and Queen of the marine realm. Her husband is Moloch the child eater. While Moloch/Baals father is Dagon who is the king of the marine realm and is exclusively worshipped by the Vatican.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

this is interesting- i am happy you see it= as an Orthodox Christian, we have disagreed that the Catholics are pushed to worship Mary a whole lot, I mean we do too, but even the Catholic elementary schools prayers more toward Mary than Jesus, I feel something sinister there. We many many holidays dedicated to The Virgin Mother of Christ, but I still wouldn’t be surprised the semi- satanic vatican fools its people..

Last edited 1 year ago by americanillusion
1 year ago


The Catulus Church is a fully Luciferian organization, and has been since it’s very foundations. It is the church of the antiXristos, as mentioned in Hebrews, 1 John and Revelations.

The Papa (father…) and his mignions are the priests of the transgender form of Lucifer, The Great Mother, the same who for millennia have spread Luciferian indoctrination throughout the world in the various Re-Legions (Re = Lord of Light Legions = Pawn soldiers.) of pagan Astro theology, and then culminated them into a “universalist” churches such that the emperor of Rome (the same as Rama the Solar warrior and Rammanu the Babylonian version of Zeus, the Illuminator.) could have control over the minds and souls of his subjects.

The name Vat-I-Kain comes directly from the “Great Mother” Vatika, who was the reaper of souls of the underworld that is half COW (Cattle Church), and the same as the Mother of Re, Vat/Bat in Egypt, the Bovine (COW) mother of the sun. And of course a wink to their progenitor, Kain. This is but another Re formulation in the long line of the cult of the “Queen of Heaven,” Isis/Ishtar/Astarte/Asherah. This title appears nowhere in scripture, except in Jeremiah 44: where the prophet tells us that all those who blow incense to the statue of the Queen of Heaven will be punished by YHWH. This is what the Papa, calling himself father and spitting on Yeshua’s words, does every SUNday for the MASSes indoctrination.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Furthermore the symbol of the Chai Rho, takes its name directly from the underworld ferryman Chairhon.

The kult of the great Mother has always been about one thing: blood sacrifice to quench the thirst of the Mother Earth. This is why in Berashit 4, it is referenced directly that YHWH sees the blood of Hevel has been spilled on the soil. Once you realize this, the constant inquisitions, heresy burnings, and extremely brutal nature of the glorified (and often fabricated) martyrdoms becomes clear.

They have, of course, substituted the name of Lucifer for YHWH in every language. This is why these serpents are called Na-Ha-Shim in Hebrew

Na = Not
Ha = The
Shem = Name

Literally “Not the Name.” In Hebrew this word together means serpents; the imposters, said “Tannaim,” in Hebrew that are “beasts of the sea.” Tanninu; same word with a diffeeenr suffix, and the origin of the Phoenician Great Mother Tannit (literally Ptah-Nit, Egyptian Luciferian deities put together to make a transgender great mother.)

This is why I’m every language they replace the True name, HaShem, with a false imposter: Berashit becomes Genesis, literally Janus (two faced deity Lucifer) is; the Ganes (Ganesha) is. It is why they refuse to use the name YHWH nor Elohim; in every language they have categorically replaced the ineffable creator with Lucifer:

God = Gad an epithet of Ba’al (Isiah 65:11) literally said “Ball god…” it’s the Sun, a big ball god…
Dios = Zeus the Illuminator Lucifer
Bog = Again the dualistic, Teo faced Lucifer
Allah = the Sumerian deity of gatekeeping the underworld

Even the name “Jesus,” is quite literally replacing Yeshua, with g-Zeus in every language, the letter G of fr33ma$onry, which is Gad (Ba’al) and Zeus the Illuminator. The Ancient Greek is “Ishua,” as you may know being orthodox.

As the scriptures say, it is with the word that the ineffable creator has given our existence. We are an utterance, a vibration of his word, his Truth, and this is the essence of the antiXristos, the Mirror Image imposter put in place of The Truth: it is Na-Ha-Shem, “not the name.” The serpent sitting at Mary’s feet while she rides the moon, just as Isis.

The cattle lick church was founded, from the very first moment, by the dragon blood lines of the Flavians Vespasian and Titus (You can quit easily verify that aPOPEphis Clement is their direct descendant), whom burned Jerusalem to the ground in 69 CE, and then stole and corrupted the scriptures so as to stamp out the Truth of Yeshua and YHWH, and to wield them in service of Lucifer imposter as Dios F-Zeus for the entire age of Pi-Seas, the beast out of the Sea.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Have you ever kissrd a girl?!🤣🤣🤣 you sound like the nerd in Ghostbusyers”

1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller

What an insipid insult. Make an argument or show us further you cannot.

Candi Kern
Candi Kern
1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller

Imma take a wild guess the gem prolly got so many honeys he bored. Ur watchin ghostbusyers, while he’s swashbuckling real info down ya throat and exposing the luminatis.

1 year ago

“Certified pagan term”? Just where did they get the trademark, I wonder?

You give too much authority to paganism. Christianity is primary.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

Plus in the article the goddesses mentioned are other names Asherah goes by like Ishtar/Inanna and Astarte.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

Modern “Christianity” across all variations is Paganism repackaged, so your comment is not entirely untrue (it is primary). We are seeing more “secrets” being released so that other faith systems may find their truths as pertaining and interrelating to a whole which all might recognize, and thus embrace as a collective. Babel. Matthew 24:24. It has to be a convincing counterfeit in order for it to work such massive deception.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

“ For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. ”, right?

When you proposed an article whose author was the very author of “The Christ Conspiracy”.

“ Author Acharya makes the case that there was no actual person named Jesus, but that several characters were rolled into one mythic being inspired by the deities Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysus and many others of the Roman Empire. She demonstrates that the story of Jesus, as portrayed in the Gospels, is nearly identical in detail to those of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, and concludes that Jesus was certainly neither original nor unique, nor was he the divine revelation. Rather, he represents the very ancient body of knowledge derived from celestial observation and natural forces.”

You landed on a dangerous soil, A.E. Is this your bible? Did Christ need to be inspired by Hercules? Dionysus, “the party-boy”? Krishna?
One of the so-called “savior gods” of the ancient world is the Hindu deity Krishna. Mythicists (those who believe Jesus is nothing more than a mythical figure like Zeus, Thor, Ba’al, etc.) claim the existence of unmistakable parallels between Krishna and Jesus in the original sources. These parallels are so strong, they argue, that the only rational conclusion is that the Gospel writers recorded a tradition about Jesus that was deeply influenced by, or even plagiarized, Hindu beliefs.
Let’s see a few “simmilarities”:
-“Christ is a form of the name Krishna.” No etymological connection between “Krishna” and “Christ” actually exists. Christ (christos) is the Greek equivalent of messiah (Hebrew mashiach). Both mean, “anointed one.” Krishna is an unrelated personal name, which derives from a Sanskrit term meaning “black, dark, dark-blue.”

-“Krishna was born of a virgin.” This is a popular claim, sometimes made by atheists, but also by those who profess to be Christian. Hindu texts make it clear that his mother Devaki had already conceived seven other sons, the first six of whom were executed by the evil prince Kamsa after their births. Matthew states that the chaste Mary fulfills an ancient prediction of the prophet Isaiah (Matthew 1:23; cf. Isaiah 7:14).

-“Krishna died at age thirty.” Although Jesus died in his early thirties, Krishna lived a much longer life. Common estimates place Krishna’s age at death somewhere around 100 years. A 2004 article in the Times of India reported Hindu scholars calculated that Krishna died at the age of 125.

-“Krishna died by crucifixion.” Crucifixion appears nowhere in the Hindu texts. Krishna died after a hunter named Jara shot him in the sole of his foot with a poisoned arrow after mistaking him for a deer. Kersey Graves infamously claimed Krishna was crucified between two thieves, that darkness attended the event, and that he gives up the ghost and descends into hell, details he—or a source he used—invented out of whole cloth.

-“Krishna resurrected after three days.” After his death, Krishna’s spirit appears almost immediately. Being liberated from his physical body—or abandoning it—his spirit returns to the realm of the divine. Hindu pilgrims today still visit Dehotsarga (literally, where Krishna “gave up his body”), where they believe Krishna died. Jesus was buried in a newly cut rock tomb and later experienced a bodily resurrection that serves as a prototype for believers (1 Corinthians 15:20, 42-44). The Hindu view of Krishna’s death is much closer to Neo-Platonic philosophy than it is to Christianity. There are absolutely no Indian gods portrayed as crucified.

Dorothy M. Murdock (also known by her pseudonym “Acharya S”) made similar claims to those above. Another book book “Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled “ includes a litany of supposed parallels between Christian and Hindu beliefs. Although her work is hailed by her uncritical supporters and other non-specialists as a work of unparalleled scholarship, scholars dismiss her work as the stuff of crass invention.

A common problem found in the work of militant critics is the failure to adequately understand the beliefs of the religions they oppose. Critics can be inexcusably careless in their descriptions, making ancient religions appear more similar than they really are. This is often done by describing non-Christian elements of other religions using Christian vocabulary, and then marveling at the similarities between the two. In some cases (especially authors from the 19th and early 20th centuries), these parallels were made using vague interpretations, supported by evidence which was poorly understood and likely fabricated.
Despite claims to the contrary, the story of Christ in no way plagiarizes the story of Krishna. To argue otherwise is to twist and distort the teachings of both Christianity and Hinduism..

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

A.E., do you want to discuss “simmilarities” with Horus?

Let us see:

Was Horus born of a virgin whose name was “Mary” or “Meri”?

Horus was not conceived of a virgin. His mother was “Isis”, not “Meri” as some claim. Isis hovered over the erect pe**s of Osiris to conceive Horus. Does that sound like a virgin birth to you? If there is a pe**s and a va***a involved I’m not sure you can claim it’s a virgin birth.

Was Horus’s step-father named “Joseph”?

No. His step-father was named “Seb” which some claim is a form of “Joseph” but these are two different names. Seb was the earth god and was actually the father of Osiris – who was the actual father of Horus.

Was Horus later visited by three wise men?

No. There is no evidence of this anywhere.

Was the birth of Horus in a cave, surrounded by shepherds, announced by angels or accompanied by the sign of a star in the sky?

Absolutely not!

Did Horus have twelve disciples?

No. According to the story of Horus from Egyptian mythology, Horus had a total of four disciples. Later on there’s a reference to sixteen followers, but there is no reference to him having twelve disciples.

Did Horus perform miracles?

Well, Horus, as a god, did perform miracles but he never specifically is said to have ever cast out a demon, raised someone from the dead, or walking on water. There’s no correlation to the miracles of Jesus and Horus.

Was Horus called the “son of God”?

While technically Horus was the son of another god, he was never actually referred to as “the son of God.” In fact, no one was ever called that in any Egyptian mythology, ever. He was also never called the Lamb of God, the Way, the Messiah or anything like that.

Was Horus crucified between two thieves, buried and resurrected three days later?

Well, as you can probably guess, those things never happened to Horus. If you go examine Egyptian myths about Horus you’ll find that he was not only never crucified, he never died at all. He later merged with another god named “Ra” [the sun god], and so he does sort of die and become reborn at every sunset and sunrise, but that’s nothing at all like the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Now, there is a story where Horus is cut into pieces and thrown into the water, but later his mother Isis orders a crocodile to gather the pieces of his body and he was reassembled like Mr. Potato Head. But, again, that’s not a correlation to Jesus in any way.

Was Horus associated with fish, or lambs or lions?

In some versions of the Horus story Horus was actually a fish. But Jesus was never a fish, so there’s no correlation there. Horus was never called a lamb or a lion.

…and the list goes on!

You see, there are many sellout authors that claim Jesus story was completely fabricated and stolen from the myth of Horus, or Osiris, or Mithras or Krishna. Their goal is to convince you that nothing we read in the Gospels about Jesus actually happened but that it was all borrowed and recycled from other myths in the ancient world.

Egyptologists are the only experts you need to consult when it comes to Horus or Osiris. They’ll tell you straight up that the similarities between those ancient Egyptian gods and Jesus are entirely fabricated by atheist apologists who want to rattle Christians with bogus claims about Horus being born of a virgin, or Osiris being crucified, etc. Don’t believe it. Simply go to your local library and check out a book about those ancient deities and read it for yourself. You’ll find nothing at all about those gods having 12 disciples or being baptized or crucified or raising from the dead three days later. It is merely propaganda intended to send Christians into an existential crisis. Don’t fall for it.

Have time for some Mithras?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

A.E… Here is Mithras:

The story of Mithras is that he was born out of solid rock. So, maybe the rock could technically be a virgin, but that’s a bit ridiculous.

Another claim is that the birth of Mithras was attended by shepherds, but that notation only appears a hundred years after the Gospels were composed, so if anyone stole or copied something it was those who followed Mithras, not the followers of Jesus.

They say Mithras was a great teacher who travelled around preaching is message. But if you look at the mythology of Mithras it never claims he was a teacher of any kind so that doesn’t fit.

Did Mithras have twelve disciples? Again, there is nothing in the actual Mithras legends that name or number his disciples as being a group of twelve. Some attribute this idea to a single mural that was painted showing Mithras surrounded by twelve signs which look closer to the zodiac than anything else – one is the moon, the other is the sun, etc. – and those are not connected to disciples of Mithras at all. That painting also came long after the Gospels were written and so if there was any connection between Jesus and Mithras it was coming from the Mithras side and not the Jesus side.

Did Mithras promise his followers eternal life? No, not exactly. We can’t find any specific sayings or verses from Mithraic texts that suggest anything like this. But if he did that wouldn’t be unusual in comparison to all the other gods in the ancient world who often promised some type of blessing or benefit in the afterlife.

Does Mithras perform miracles? Yes, he does, but, as with the point above, so did every other religious figure in the ancient world. So, there’s no conspiracy or specific detail about a certain type of miracle that overlaps between Jesus and Mithras.

Did Mithras sacrifice himself in order to save the world or bring peace to everyone? The Mithraic narrative is that he killed a bull as an heroic deed. The bull died but Mithras didn’t. There’s no connection to the death of the bull and the salvation of humanity. It’s not there.

Was Mithras buried in a tomb only to rise again three days later? No because there’s no death story connected to Mithras. Since he doesn’t die there’s no burial and that means there’s no resurrection either. Tertullian does refer to the Mithraic cult of his day having some sort of resurrection celebration, but we have to keep in mind that this was over a hundred years after the time of Jesus and there are no other actual Mithraic references to such a thing. So, until we find more credible evidence the answer is, no, the followers of Mithra didn’t believe he died or was buried or that he rose from the dead.

Was Mithras called a shepherd, or was he ever compared to a lion or lamb? No, he wasn’t. There are no Mithraic texts that ever refer to Mithras in this way. Mithras is more like a sun god and so that’s why he has some association with the zodiac symbol Leo, but that’s not the same as calling him the Lion of God.

Was Mithras ever called the Logos, or the Word of God, or the Savior or the Messiah? Say it with me everyone: No. He wasn’t. Based on the Mithraic story none of those terms were ever applied to Mithras.

So, again, the pattern we find here is that claims made about the similarities between Mithras and Jesus come long after the Gospels were written. When we do see direct comparisons between them it’s the followers of Mithras who are borrowing from the Christ story, not the other way around.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Which one next from the meme?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Want to give you sources? There are tons! When I attended Art High School, many, many years back, there was this course named “History of Ancient Art”. I learned quite a lot about these figures from those classes. Old school is the best. This is one of the reasons why this kind of parallelomania does not affect me. Elementary info about the ancient deities are to be found in almost every library.
Pay more attention to the sellout authors that propagate zeitgeistic lies.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

cisspf, I appreciate your effort and intent here, but apologize that I am without time and am unwilling to rehash the truckload of hours I’ve already spent studying ancient mythologies of all kinds and how it pertains to modern myths. I simply do not have time to reverse to debate fine details which might be easily proven by evidence of the eyes, much as VL shows, of patterns across time.

You’re oversimplifying and not understanding that Christianity took the mythologies and combined many aspects into one figure, much like ancient deities were combined, condensed and renamed over periods of time. Every detail does not need to match precisely, especially within the written accounts, for us to recognize the unmistakable symbols which Christianity has absorbed and continued.

Gem has already displayed these images along with their correlations and detailed accountings of such ad nauseum, so I feel it unlikely you missed them entirely, but if you have, please tell me and allow me to link you, as the arguments have already been crystally laid out. 

This absorption by the church was done so deliberately as it was to be the precursor for the one world religion – the one which brings them all together. If scripture tells us, Matthew 7;13, 14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Yet, so far as I am aware, Catholicism has been a dominant world religion for quite some time…how might that be if scripture here is accurate..?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

“This is often done by describing non-Christian elements of other religions using Christian vocabulary, and then marveling at the similarities between the two.”
Regardless of which descriptors are used to describe the same thing, they still describe the same thing.
As to the dispute regarding this particular source, I am not a devotee, so have no dog in this fight. I simply draw attention to the across-all-religions similarities, which are too consistent to be ignored when repeated in the Christ story as given modernly.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

>“ I simply draw attention to the across-all-religions similarities, which are too consistent to be ignored when repeated in the Christ story as given modernly.”

See the above. There are no substantial similarities!

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

“…where did they get the trademark..” reveals your need for a certified “authority” comprised of other men, just as yourself, to place a stamp or seal upon a person or concept in order for you to recognize it for what it is.

But, in a very clear sense, your statement that “Christianity is primary” is demonstrably true, as it is drawing of all other religious practices into a oneness, a combined, big tent religion which worships what’s created and supplants the Creator and His true son with a false one they now feel so free as to erase and enjoy the shadow he once inhabited. The dark twin, the other face, the false aspect of JaBuLon, the two faces of Janus.
This portrait clearly displays the true focus of worship (Queen Of Heaven) vs the shadow (Christos – the thin thread by which they keep believers in the true Yeshua ensnared – he is considered the tagalong for purposes of recognition in which people are then deceived this is their same faith):


(transitive) To attest to (a fact) as the truth.
(transitive, law) To authenticate or verify in writing.
(transitive) To attest that a product, service, organization, or person has met an official standard.
These blankets have been certified as fireproof.
(transitive, archaic) To inform; to tell (a person) that something is true. 
(archaic, reflexive) To assure (oneself) of something; to ascertain. 

The very system, itself, certifies its message, over and again, as you have been repeatedly shown and as you personally continue to demonstrate. You wish to claim it is caterpillar into moth or some such metamorphosis, but it is plainly the same old system spreading it’s metastasis and you are either too invested personally to acknowledge or you promote the falsehoods yourself from a position of advantage.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Emunah to your words here @Igageharleya

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

May I take my measure now and multiply it heartily as I continue to learn.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

To restrain myself to my former point, LG, I spoke of trademarks ironically, precisely to show how outlandish this kind of logic is. These accusations of paganism in Christianity depend on the hidden premise that paganism is a creative force in the world, capable of putting its imprimatur on everything that it brings into being, so that once a given symbol, title, image, etc. has been used within a pagan rite or practice, that same symbol or title or image can never be used in a non-pagan context or a non-pagan way.

This is equivalent to an absolutization of paganism, and a reduction of the true faith to a subsequent and purely negative reaction to the primary act of paganism. That is not only impious, but it turns the truth precisely on its head.

The idea that Christianity “drew all other religious practices into a oneness” is both visibly false (traditional Christianity today is almost universally suspected and even loathed by non-Christians, and is one of the few forced standing against the emergence of a One World Faith) and historically untenable (Christianity conquered paganism, it did not adopt it).

I won’t address your analysis of the word “certify,” as you were the one to use it, not I; I have no dog in that fight.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


When a Re-legion takes a veritable multitude of its symbolisms, ritual practices, professed beliefs, names, iconography, and even saints directly from pagan use for thousands of years beforehand over a large swath of geography and cultures, especially when all of those symbols, rituals, names, etc directly and overtly contradict scriptural commands, then it is paganism, no matter the branding they’ve slapped on it.

Surely you are correct that just because pagans use something general once, does not automatically make it pagan. Yet this is so far from the case: this church of abomination admits it absorbs pagan practice! The very title “Queen of Heaven,” has no scriptural basis whatsoever, except to be called an abomination in Jeremiah, and to be called an abomination regarding Astarte in Solomon. How then did it stop being a pagan abomination? Is that because the Papa, calling himself father directly contradicting Yeshua’s words said so?

The title, iconography, and ritual practice surrounding the Cattle Lick Queen of Heaven has been taken directly from pagan practice in Egypt, Babylon, Phoenicia, Ireland, Gaul, Anatolia, Akkadian’s, and China with precedent of 1000s of years prior. This isn’t an ancillary reality, but the foundational core of the Cattle Licks doctrine, and it is (and has been for thousands of years before there ever was a Papa in Rome) a PAGAN

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

You draw things backwards and fail to acknowledge a critical point.

“…paganism is a creative force in the world…” – of course it is, although your words diminish or dismiss this truth. The point here is that all mankind has been made with creative or destructive authority – this is not a confined phenomenon to a single people or population with like beliefs, this is the human natural state.

The drawing in reverse is the fact that Paganism did not need to influence Christianity, as it was Paganism that morphed to give birth to it. This was Paganism wishing to change it’s stripes in order to claim an authority it couldn’t before, which further emboldened them to violently enforce it on overyone.

I think that the demonization of Christian beliefs, in particular, are a way the cabal continues their mind games. This assault appears to be because it is the “one true faith” and reaffirms and solidifies this idea in the minds of its followers, but it is a manipulative sham to cause adherents to settle in further, believing they must be right. Christianity is heavy on the “blind faith”, and while people can find a legitimate peace and covering this way, if their hearts are pure, it’s not really the adult, developed relationship the Creator wishes us to aspire to.
It’s like all the hoopla against Trump – he is every bit a part of the cabal, yet they act as if they despise him utterly, and the masses became divided in ways unheard of before he ran for office. It is manipulation.

I have not in any wise lost my faith, I have solidified it and I know that Yeshua is the Truth of YHWH and I have entire faith in both. I also have long known that the Father is able to find any of us wherever we may be, in whatever system we have attached to. There are truths in every religious system, as there must be, as belief requires plausibility or it does not pass.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Another way the “manipulative sham” plays out in Christianity is the teaching of “The Rapture”. This was yet another stand-down soft order – a pacification which caused a smug apathy and nonaction amongst followers.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I agree. “The Rapture” is deception.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

There is a type of “rapture” but it is not a physical removing.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I agree, too!
This is a sect’s doing.
The preaching of the “rapture” of the Church
before the Great Tribulation is about 170 years old. For about 1830 years, going back to
apostolic times, Christians were taught to be victorious, to endure patiently the sufferings, the persecutions and the troubles that will come, until the coming of the Lord.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


What irony there is in an adherent of a “universalist,” church of pagan practice, created by solar worshippers, claiming that they are the one thing stopping a world universal religion. The Cattle Licks are the original universalist one world religion; of paganism! You have laid forth very clearly the Truth here.

The Luciferians running the farm are aware, that just as an electromagnetic DI-POLE, or an alternating current Tri-phasic system, they must create an Us Vs. Them scenario in the minds of the masses in order for the system of human mass control to remain stable. A person can hardly walk with one leg, a bird cannot fly with one wing.

Likewise this strategy of Bi and Tri-polarity is frequently used to flip and spin people around on the ideologies they conciously claim to follow, and thus very weak, and ultimately lost in their allegiances to corrupt cult organizations that are their own demise. An easy example: In US, the republican cultists (it is a cult…) hating on the phrase “my body my choice,” for decades regarding abortion, while the Demokratic kultists touted it with great fervor. Yet, once it was time for nano-technology shots for COVert IDentification, the used their levers to flip and spin the ideology in a chiral inversion, and suddenly Repulikains were using the phrase, while the DemosKratos were trying to force the others against their will… The effect being that the cattle yell over the fence at one another, and nobody really pays attention to the corporate farmer preparing for their slaughter.

Take this (the blindness of someone so intelligent, yet so deaf) as a lesson in the power that this strategy wields over the cattle who have swallowed the poison pill; while you speak clear, and evident Truth to them, they are as zombies, and by trying to hold onto their life, they have lost it forever.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I hate this all. It is such a sad and sorry waste.

1 year ago

I believe this is accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Julian

Forget about the blessed mother, according to gem you’re not supposed to believe in Jesus either he’s some kind of imposter of yeshua or whatever

1 year ago
Reply to  Trevor


The second commandment is clear “Graven Images you SHALL NOT!”

How many crucifixes, icons, statues, and other graven images of G Zeus, bloody and gruesome, and the Great Mother do these imposters make, and spit on the commandments of YHWH? Dare I say billions…

Indeed such an abomination is the imposter, the G Zeus of the Roman (Rama = Solar Warriors) Tannaim (imposters.) For all those that read the Torah and the Bible, these things are clear.

1 year ago
Reply to  Julian

Jeremiah 7:18 ” The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Jeremiah 7:18 ” The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.”

1 year ago

disrespectful, full mockery…

1 year ago

I’m sure the evil pope loved it

1 year ago

That actor turned president looks like a landscape gardener It’s theatre folks. Last week in Rome , he met up with Pope Francis who offered to facilitate negotiations. Zelensky was furious as he only wants help to keep the war going.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lilpeep

They’re all following the family plan.

1 year ago

He was a long time ago born, I think. The context of our days is fit for his coronation already. Zelensky is maybe signaling that he will stick to the plan and do his “work” in order for the anti-christ to take his “rightful” place. He is reassuring the pope they are on the same side. He is a high-heeled belly-dancer, a comediant and a jew so, yes, of course he is blaspheming and trashing the values and the religious identity of the ukrainian people (that is Orthodoxy). If he still managed to fool so many people than he is truly a better actor than I initially thought.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf
Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago

Or he s about to be revealed.

Some years ago, i had come across an antic gazette dating from the end of the 19th century where Ms Blavatsky made an announcement to her followers.

(She was a famous occultist and her teachings were taught in a school where the pope John Paul 2 studied while he aspired to be an actor…)

In this article, she announced the birth of the great great grandmother of the anti C.
I calculated he should be born in the 70s.

I really think he s been among us for a while and about to be revealed.

The current state of the world, the possibility of a ww3, the rabbis asserting the existence of the moshiach among us right now and his imminent presentation, the red cows being reintroduced in israel as well as the sacrifice ceremonial clothing and equipments recently fabricated, the school of priests who has recently opened to train them on how to perform sacrifices (which havent been performed since the 2nd temple 2000 years ago) are just some of the examples that make me believe so.

In any case, I dont see how the world, in the desperately degenerated state it is in, can make it any longer.

He is here already.

1 year ago

A clear Black Sun/Son reference lining up with Lyuba Yakimchuk’s reference to the hollow sun during the Grammys last year in her mocking rendition of the Our Father or the Lord’s Prayer and the 88/14 tank export from Germany to Ukraine earlier this year. The blacked out spot where Jesus should be is making it clear(er) the intent to supplant him and introduce the Antichrist instead, who in a way is also present in the icon since he is the darkness, the negative, etc.
FWIW, there has also been at least one alleged Marian apparition where the message was clearly designed to introduce Marian worship by positioning her almost directly on a cross. This was the “Lady of All Nations” (the title alone suggestion the world communism the Antichrist is working towards). The Vatican has asked Catholics *not* to promote this apparition.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Look below at the papa worshipping his pagan statue of the Queen of Heave; what an abomination that spits second commandment these Luciferians are.

Here’s a long, and fully cited, although incomplete list of the Mary “Great Mother” Worship the Cattle Licks have declared directly against the scriptures themselves. As you once said, it seems the Papas either hate the scriptures or can’t read them… Better to practice magical cannibalism based on a completely literalist reading of a fanciful translation, yet to disregard and directly contradict thousands of other scriptural commands.

They worship Lucifer, with the serpent that lurks below the veil, and convince the cattle to bow before the Di-Hevel himself by playing pious.

1. Mary is the all holy one (CCC 2677)
2. Mary is second only to Eve (Mystici Corpois Christ, par. 110
3. Mary is to be prayed to (CCC 2679) equally (and in practice more) than YHWH
4. Mary sits at the right hand of Christ (Pope Pius X, 1835-1914, Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum, 14) Pope bowing before stature of Mary
5. Mary is Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix (CCC 969)
Mary is the great mother of the members of Christ (CCC 963)
6. Mary Queen over all things (CCC 966) including Heaven
7. Mary is the one who brings eternal life by her intercession (CCC 969)
8. Mary makes atonement for sins (Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ott, page 213)
9. Mary crushed the head of the serpent (Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus)
10. Mary delivers souls from death (CCC 966).
11. When considering the Church, there is no better way than to look to Mary, (CCC 972).
12. Catholics mus entrust themselves to Mary’s prayer (CCC 2677).
13. No man goeth to Christ but by His Mother,” (Vatican Website: Encyclical of Pope Leo 13th on the Rosary, Octobri Mense, Pope Leo 13th, 1903-1914).
14. Mary ascended to Heaven directly

It goes on and on…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is not worshipping a pagan statue… Who cares about those pesky commandments about murder and worshipping idols?

Let’s burn the witches, rape the kids, and definitely worship statues.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Cattle Licks”

I’d never heard of these before you mentioned them. What are they exactly?

>”As you once said, it seems the Papas either hate the scriptures or can’t read them… Better to practice magical cannibalism based on a completely literalist reading of a fanciful translation, yet to disregard and directly contradict thousands of other scriptural commands.”

I said this? You must be thinking of some other chud.

>”[long list of pssages concerning Mary]”

I looked up a few of these and your list does indeed look accurate! I couldn’t find where it said to worship Mary, though. Are those in a separate list?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I’m trying to pinpoint when, precisely, our society shifted from recognizing a thing for what it is to requiring a system to “identify” itself via specific, self-attributed labeling for what it is in order to recognize it. This is the reason for all the tortuous language convolutions nowadays – if you dance around reality, no one has to acknowledge it.
Every one of those points is Mary-centric, yet you pretend this is…what, exactly?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What is worship?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Worship is the highest thing you give your time, energy and attention to. It is where you invest your faith and trust, it is whatever you most glorify and praise and believe will return to you good for it. It is whom or what you meditate on, that which takes precedence over all else in your life.

Some worship their careers, some money, some social or organizational standing, some assets, and on and on. Where your treasure is….

Why, having been given the son, do we beseech his mother and hold her in higher esteem? The one to go to to “get results”?

Do you not understand that, by calling Mary “immaculate” you immediately deny her son? His holiness is only made possible by hers, according to this “immaculate” concept.

Therefore, prayers and worship are directed towards Mary and her cohort of “saints” because either the masses believe she (and they) are more directly reliable than the Messiah, they are hedging their bets, or because the masses believe the Messiah is too busy or unconcerned to acknowledge their personal prayers to him. Or they are fully aware of the deception and embrace it. Either approach (and others may exist I am unaware of) negate Messiah.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”Worship is the highest thing you give your time, energy and attention to. It is where you invest your faith and trust, it is whatever you most glorify and praise and believe will return to you good for it. It is whom or what you meditate on, that which takes precedence over all else in your life.
Some worship their careers, some money, some social or organizational standing, some assets, and on and on. Where your treasure is….”

Pretty good. I probably agree with this.

>”Why, having been given the son, do we beseech his mother and hold her in higher esteem?”

No one should hold her in higher esteem. I completely agree. That would be insane, yet some probably do.

>”The one to go to to “get results”?”

A Catholic or Orthodox Christian would tell you it’s because, being his mother, she is a particularly powerful intercessor. They don’t understand intercessors as being much different than asking a friend to pray for them.

>”Do you not understand that, by calling Mary “immaculate” you immediately deny her son?

[I assume you mean “one” rather than “you” because no one is using me as their standard.]

No, this does not follow. “Immaculate” is a necessary condition for being God, but is entirely insufficient on its own.

>”His holiness is only made possible by hers, according to this “immaculate” concept.””

No, this isn’t right. The Catholic and Orthodox understanding is that Mary would have received grace prior to giving birth to Jesus, so her holiness is contingent on his.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Well, thank you for setting me straight as to fine points of Catholicism despite your demurrals of having no dog in this debate. I would ask you to clarify or flesh this out, please, “No, this does not follow. “Immaculate” is a necessary condition for being God, but is entirely insufficient on its own.”

I’m reasonably certain Catholics see Mary and the “saints” as bit more significant than just “asking a friend to pray for them”. There is a reverence and faith in them which transcends strength in numbers.

Most Catholics I have known wear some amulet (St Christopher’s Medal) or other charm and are highly averse to removing these tokens even for a moment from their bodies because there is attributed more than just a remembrance to these items. They are held and rubbed in times of prayer, just as the rosary is. The rosary is a rote, repetitive prayer, prescribed to be repeated a set number of times depending on the significance of the offence it is supposedly paying debt for.
Matthew 6:7

Not that this is unheard of in Protestantism, only they will favor a cross charm, or a dove, or even at times a star of David.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”I would ask you to clarify or flesh this out, please, “No, this does not follow. “Immaculate” is a necessary condition for being God, but is entirely insufficient on its own.””

Being immaculate means something or someone is “without blemish.” In order for someone to qualify as God, that person would have to be more than without blemish; it would require being omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, Creator of the Universe, etc.

>”I’m reasonably certain Catholics see Mary and the “saints” as bit more significant than just “asking a friend to pray for them”.

Whatever their practice, their theology is to acknowledge Mary’s special relationship to Jesus and ask for her help in obtaining grace from him on their behalf given her special relationship to him. It is understood as analogous to asking a friend to pray for them, but because she is the mother of Christ, they do have a greater respect for her (or at least ought to) than other intercessors, dead or alive.

>”Most Catholics I have known wear some amulet (St Christopher’s Medal) or other charm and are highly averse to removing these tokens even for a moment from their bodies because there is attributed more than just a remembrance to these items.

It sounds to me like you may be describing superstition. If so, I can’t answer for that.

>”Most Catholics I have known wear some amulet (St Christopher’s Medal) or other charm and are highly averse to removing these tokens even for a moment from their bodies because there is attributed more than just a remembrance to these items. They are held and rubbed in times of prayer, just as the rosary is. The rosary is a rote, repetitive prayer, prescribed to be repeated a set number of times depending on the significance of the offence it is supposedly paying debt for. Matthew 6:7″

It sounds like you may be describing superstition. If so, I have no reply for that. By their own theology, they shouldn’t be giving in to superstition. The Orthodox have a similar criticism of some Catholic practices.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Ahhh. I think I see now. My apologies to rtu (if there was ever a distinction).
Do Orthodox not use rosary? Do they not believe in relics of saints?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”Ahhh. I think I see now. My apologies to rtu (if there was ever a distinction).
Do Orthodox not use rosary? Do they not believe in relics of saints?”

Orthodox will use a prayer rope or “chotki.” They do believe in the use of relics also. The repetition of a prayer or prayers is not a problem for either Catholics or Orthodox. Both, similar to the point you were making, do warn about saying prayers in a ‘dry’ way. I have read at least a few saints, Orthodox and Catholic, who warn against saying prayers lifelessly or without love for God, saying that this may even be more harmful than not praying.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

What do prayer ropes or chotki or rosary mean to these believers? What do relics signify?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

A prayer rope, chotki, or rosay should be a way to keep track of the prayers said, and also to remember God’s mercy towards them. For some, they become fashion accessories. The relics of a saint are a way of being physically close to someone who is close to God.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Okay, but if you are “keeping track of the prayers said” by counting beads, how is this not mindless, rote repetition? Is our Father an automaton we feed the set number of coins into to extract what we are seeking?

I pray solely from the feelings pouring forth from my heart, directly to the Father, and know that Messiah intercedes for me in my imperfection.

In fact, I may err in the other direction, by not praying so often as I should if I don’t feel it within me. I get disheartened and I clam up. This is also error.

We, each individual, can be close to the Father, without need of someone we esteem higher than ourselves. This is still a search for an intercessor. Yeshua IS our intercessor. We need no other. Comfort and agreement amongst the brethren is good and bolsters us, but this is, quite simply, chain of command.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Let’s pretend for a moment that YHWH is our Father (which He is). How might you approach a beloved father in your life now, if you wished to entreat him? Would you go and repeat words and mantras, rubbing beads? Would you bring along a couple of friends you’re sure he likes better than you to finagle on your behalf? Or would you go, sit at His feet and cultivate a relationship between YOU and HIM?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Go to Him, try Him, see if I lie or am mistaken. Just try it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”Go to Him, try Him, see if I lie or am mistaken. Just try it.”

What I do is irrelevant. If you have the impression that I am answering for myself, that is not what I’m intending.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”Let’s pretend for a moment that YHWH is our Father (which He is). How might you approach a beloved father in your life now, if you wished to entreat him? […] Or would you go, sit at His feet and cultivate a relationship between YOU and HIM?”

There’s nothng opposed to this view in Catholic or Orthodox theology. They might add that you should approach the Father as well as the Son, or that you’d be foolish to ignore his mother if you were to visit him, but I’m not aware that they have a prohibition against doing just what you describe.

>”Would you go and repeat words and mantras, rubbing beads?”

To reiterate, both Orthodox and Catholic would warn against this approach.

>”Would you bring along a couple of friends you’re sure he likes better than you to finagle on your behalf?”

What I would do is irrelevant.

In concept, if I knew someone didn’t like me but his mother and his friends did like me, and I needed his help badly, I would of course ask his mother and friends to try and get him to help me. That would be the smart thing to do.

If I knew someone didn’t like me but I needed his help and had to make a good impression, I would be very polite to his mother and his friends while visiting him. That would be the smart thing to do.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I fully agree!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”Okay, but if you are “keeping track of the prayers said” by counting beads, how is this not mindless, rote repetition? Is our Father an automaton we feed the set number of coins into to extract what we are seeking?”

“Mindless” and “rote” are modifying the word “repetition.” The prohibition is not against repetition, it’s against “mindless, rote repetition.”

>”I pray solely from the feelings pouring forth from my heart, directly to the Father, and know that Messiah intercedes for me in my imperfection.In fact, I may err in the other direction, by not praying so often as I should if I don’t feel it within me. I get disheartened and I clam up. This is also error.”

The Catholic and the Orthodox would have no problem with this statement.

>”We, each individual, can be close to the Father, without need of someone we esteem higher than ourselves.

Catholics and Orthodox would point you to John 14:6 on this one. How you understand that verse and what you accept may be different, that would just be their view.

>”This is still a search for an intercessor. Yeshua IS our intercessor.”

Catholics and Orthodox would agree that without the Messiah there is no redemption, making him *the* intercessor in a very real sense.

>”We need no other. Comfort and agreement amongst the brethren is good and bolsters us, but this is, quite simply, chain of command.”

Catholics and Orthodox are unlikely to disagree substantively. In fact, the Orthodox have a very strong tradition of this. You are likely to find elders among both who would add to your statement that although we need no other intercessor, we may receive benefits from other intercessors, simply because they consider it an act of humility not to count yourself worthy of approaching the King on your own.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

As an orthodox, I pretty much agree with the analysis you’ve made. Mature and objective observations and I thank you for that.
There are, I’m affraid, some here that spent too much of their time studying the occult and it is very hard or almost impossible for them to distinguish things anymore. When one looks at dirt all the time everything else suddently looks like trash. They admire the “beauty and wisdom” in buddhism or other religions, but somehow real, unspoiled christianity must be satanic in their conception. Theology? Sacraments? Priesthood? Martyrs? Saints? Respect for the Mother of Jesus, the Logos? Jesus?( because they have a problem with the name, too). Prayer ropes? (I could go on forever). It is “paganism”, “satanism”, “cannibalism”. They understand nothing or simply cover their eyes and ears because the “precious hidden knowledge” they pretend they have lifts up their huge egos. They are too arrogant to let one explain so that they could reconsider things from an insider’s perspective. I’ve read lots of nonsense here in the comments. At first I felt outraged because some are blaspheming a lot, but now I just feel sad. These people don’t want to know more. They “know”!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Would you like me to show you all of the Luciferian solar worship symbols your patriarch wears and carries, symbols used to worship the Sun continually for 1000s of years before there ever was a Rome? To discuss the mass genocides in the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine empire? Shall we discuss the commandments of Moshe violated constantly? The commandments of Yeremiah? The commandments of Ezekiel? Or the words of Yeshua trampled as if they were nothing?

Should we discuss the open admission Catulisism absorbed and continued pagan practice and local deities as “saints”? Shall we discuss the dress and name of your priests taken directly from Babylon? Shall we discuss the celebrating of holidays in accordance with Mithraism and other pagan practices?

I am well versed in cattle lick and their offsprings (Eastern Orthodox, Protestants, etc.) theology, history, lexical choices, and ritual practices; there is a long and deep rooted history of child raping, genocide, lies, corruption and deceit, all veiled under mountains of false righteousness from the gentiles that trample the outer court. I do not speak from ignorance, but from a deep experience and lots of primary sourcing.

The vast majority of my studies and dedication is not to the occult, but to the scriptures in the original languages. You may not realise, but I hail from the same line of David, the same root of Ishi, the Aryeh Yehudah; the Occult is referenced throughout scriptures, as it is a corruption and twisting, much like the cattle lick doctrine, of the original teachings of my people; instead used for the use for personal gain (the papacy is the wealthiest organisation of the planet.) that have co-opted and destroyed what was once called The Way.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”I am well versed in cattle lick and their offsprings (Eastern Orthodox, Protestants, etc.)”

I know you are “well versed,” but for what it’s worth the Orthodox do not consider themselves “offspring,” or any sort of spin-off, from the Catholics. This is because the Orthodox view the Catholics as having abandoned the true Christian faith in 1054. From the Orthodox perspective, this means the Catholics were the first Protestants, and the Protestants were merely the logical extension of what the Catholics had done in 1054.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  chud

@chud @crisspf

By this reasoning, then I can reason that you are making the argument that everything prior to the schism of 1054 represents a unified Cattle Lick church, including all doctrines and practices. Crisspf has scolded me for claiming to “know,” yet you seem unwilling to have a serious evidence based discussion regarding any of these topics which may invite a certain nuance of reality regarding the first 800-900 years of shared history of these two organisations. Why the total avoidance of these topics?

I recognise crisspf did first give some “history,” regarding Constantine, a lone church source itself, which is presumably biased in offering interpretations and opinions in its own favor regardless of the evidence strength. Thank you for giving this. It is still quite absurd, due to the significant attestations via multiple sources of the executions by Constantine of his family. The family was so murderous, that they had no male heirs except distant cousins by the 3rd ruling succession; there is no historical debate surrounding these facts.

Likewise there are 1000s of artifacts of Constantine issued after his “conversion,” which continue to extol Solar worship in direct, name, form, and symbolism, including coins, relics, and documents. More esoterically, there is a mountain of evidence, albeit which requires both inductive and deductive reasoning, thar can demonstrate the direct elements of Luciferian Solar worship, including the kults of Isis-Horus-Osiris, Mithras, Kybele, Serapis, Janus, and most of all l, julius Ka-SARos (it means “spirit of the beast,” in the ancient tongue, referencing the Saros cycle) and the cult of Solar emperors. The papacy directly even took the title of KaSARos and made it their own from day 1: Pontificus Maximus.

My point here is that both of you seem unwilling to have an objective, nuanced, profound and extensive discussion of the topics I am bringing forth, ignoring them entirely, while having a superficial discussion extolling all of the virtues of Eastern Orthodoxy based solely on nicely worded modern clerical documents regarding the exoteric (publicly professed) theologies. I am willing to listen to what you say, and have respectful forthright discussion in search while evaluating your words openly; are you willing to return the same?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”As an orthodox, I pretty much agree with the analysis you’ve made. Mature and objective observations and I thank you for that.”

Thank you very much! I’m glad I could represent Orthodox theology fairly and in way that seemed accurate enough to you. I think Orthodoxy is one of the most compelling “proofs” (poor word choice there on my part, I know) that having knowledge is not the same as seeing. Your faith still produces saints among both scholars and those who never finish grade school, and all of them have the characteristic combination of simplicity and subtlety in their speech and writings that the Orthodox are known for.

>”There are, I’m affraid, some here that spent too much of their time studying the occult and it is very hard or almost impossible for them to distinguish things anymore. When one looks at dirt all the time everything else suddently looks like trash.”

Your words here remind me strongly of St. Paisios’ observations on people falling into the categories of flies or bees.

>”They admire the “beauty and wisdom” in buddhism or other religions, but somehow real, unspoiled christianity must be satanic in their conception. Theology? Sacraments? Priesthood? Martyrs? Saints? Respect for the Mother of Jesus, the Logos? Jesus?( because they have a problem with the name, too). Prayer ropes? (I could go on forever). It is “paganism”, “satanism”, “cannibalism”.

Yes, it is curious. And interestingly, some of it flies in the face of the symbolism in the Bible itself. No one, for instance, will question how sacred and powerful the Ark of the Covenant is, but it’s unthinkable and offensive that Mary, who literally contained the Messiah within herself would have a special role? Yet this is a very common objection I hear out in the world when people discuss Apostolic Christianity. I am sure you yourself have heard it more times than you can count.

>”They understand nothing or simply cover their eyes and ears because the “precious hidden knowledge” they pretend they have lifts up their huge egos. They are too arrogant to let one explain so that they could reconsider things from an insider’s perspective. I’ve read lots of nonsense here in the comments.

Yes, that does seem to be a real danger for all of us who start down the rabbit hole. As you will know better than I: “Being a theologian means first and foremost that one is an expert in the wiles of the devil.”

Just as a technical observation, there is a lot of inductive reasoning happening on this site (which makes sense based on the nature of it), but it seems sometimes to come at the expense of deductive, and can therefore spin out of control.

>”At first I felt outraged because some are blaspheming a lot, but now I just feel sad. These people don’t want to know more. They “know”!”

Yes, I think it’s interesting that Apostolic Christianity is often discarded so sloppily not just here, but all over! The Orthodox have gone to great pains, literally, to maintain the original deposit of Christian faith unchanged for over 2000 years. The Catholics, meanwhile, have created possibly the most comprehensive explanation of any system (poor word choice again from me, since much of it is also not systemic) of thought spanning both theology and philosophy and the relationship between the two, yet neither Orthodoxy nor Catholicism are worthy of careful study from those who would see behind the veil?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Since the dawn of humanity, the masses have always chosen the murderer, liar and their Ba-Ra-Abban, and hated The Truth, Yeshua. They choose to worship the sun, because it’s big and shiny, rather than than YHWH, who be all existence, to whom the sun is but a grain of sand.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Also, since you mentioned Constantine in so many other comments on previous topics… I will repost my comment here:
give me that one or two, or tens unspoiled source/s where it says that Constantine, the christian emperor strangled his wife for fun. …and was she strangled, or was she slain, or was she drowned? Was it for fun or was it something else? You said “all of his close family members”. For someone so calculated, so precise, you should probably know that his mother, Helena ( doesn’t that qualify her as a close relative?) was not killed by her strangler-for-fun-imperial-son and lived quite a long life dying of old age (82). All of his close family members becomes not all of his close family members. Could it also be that “strangled his wife for fun” is actually slain or dead by other method? and was it for fun or was there some other reason? (because some historians, a few centuries old historians disagree with you).
Also regarding Constantine… he was not born christian. He became! That means he lived quite a long time among pagans. Becoming christian and emperor might have made things a bit more problematic in terms of forcing christianity on his very people. They were pagans! Pagans did force idolatry on christians, tortured and killed them in horrible ways for not betraying their faith. Christian leaders, the real christian leaders have not. A christian Constantine could and would have not imposed the new faith on his people the same way his predecesors did with their gods. The new faith, the new way had to make it’s own way to people’s hearts. To be assimilated and followed willingly. People had to be convinced it was the best way. … In time! That is what assimilation is after all.
“Roman opinion expected of its emperors not innovation but the preservation of traditional ways; Roman propaganda and political communication were conditioned, by statement, allusion, and symbol, to express these expectations. It is significant, for instance, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for a few years on Constantine’s coinage but that they disappeared so quickly: the last of them, the relatively inoffensive “Unconquered Sun,” was eliminated just over a decade after the defeat of Maxentius.”
Some of the ambiguities in Constantine’s public policies were therefore exacted by the respect due to established practice and by the difficulties of expressing, as well as of making, total changes suddenly. The suppression of paganism, by law and by the sporadic destruction of pagan shrines, is balanced by particular acts of deference.

Allow me to give you a different example of motive behind actions, of context and of consequences.
Was Vlad the Impaler a criminal of war? Maybe! And no, he is not considered a saint (in case you wondered). So, was he a criminal of war? It depends on how you want to see it and what suits your purposes best. Are you a muslim or a christian? You want to win by all costs or be fair, consider the context, see the purpose and the effects? So, was he christian? Yes! Did he kill? Yes! The Otoman Empire was a menace to his country and to all christian countries in East Europe. He was a defender, not an offender. Without him and a few other small rulers Europe would have been muslim now. It would have been Quran, not the Word of Christ.

“Any saint has a past, any sinner has a future”.
Was King David of the Old Testament a rapist? And a murderer? Yes! He did, though, repent and he has given us the beautiful, powerful, God-inspired Psalms. Past gives one’s future even more value when the sins are followed by repentance and by the change of one’s ways.
Was St Mary of Egypt a prostitute? Yes! Was St.Moses the Black a killer, a robber, a rapist? Yes! But the robber and the killer repented. The prostitute turned to Christ. The thief on the cross repented. He entered Heaven as Christ promissed. Saul of Tarsus repented. He became the Apostle and the martyr. St.Cyprianos was a sorcerer. He repented.
…Some of the greatest men and women of christianity had a “past”, sometimes a very dark past. Christ made His way to their hearts and provoked the big change because there was an honest search of something called Truth. And the Truth, the Way, the Life found them and changed them forever. Without us knowing their past and their 180 degree change we would perhaps not have enough courage to believe Christ can and will forgive, will receive, will unite with us when and where there is repentance and an authentic will to change.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Genuinely asking, seeking, knocking: what is the true un-adulterated pathway to salvation then?

I love my neighbor. I love my enemies. I love YHWH and Yeshu above myself.

I walk privately and pray aloud daily.

What must I then do?

1 year ago
Reply to  SeekingAloha


Your questions is so broad, and I know nothing of you, so it is essentially impossible to answer.

The path you are walking is the way. You must continue to ask, seek and knock.

My one point to make is that you should not love Yeshua “above,” yourself. You should have gratefulness and “love” (loaded English word…) equal to the infinity of the ineffable creator for yourself and all things no above, nor below, only humility in front of his vast and perfection creation of which you are a part. As Yeshua said: YOU ARE ELOHIM.

If you have any more specific inquiries do not hesitate to ask.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you. I guess what I’m asking is:
– what is a life not wasted before YHWH?
– In your opinion Is there a line between ally with and combatant against the creator?
– is there different outcomes post death depending on the above?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

The name of the church known as “Catholic,” or in Latin “Catolica,” is a reference to its namesake Vatika (Etruscan), Vat/Bat (Egypt), whom are solar cow deities of Luciferianism called “The Great Mother,” and “

Their name is taken directly from the Umbrian word Catulus, which was long used and adopted in Latin, inland which means in no uncertain terms: sacrificial animal, animal Property, usually Bovine. The traditions of Bull/Ba’al worship are well attested in Luciferian Solar Rites of Eurasia, from Gnossis in Crete, to the detestable Moloch of Canaan, to Vat/Hathor in Egypt, to Tannit in Phoenicia Carthage, to the White Heifer of the Minotaur, to the Sacrifical bull fighting of Spain (a true Catulus), to the sacred cows of Hinduism in India. The tradition is very old in Luciferianism, and the universalist church of the great mother’s blood lust chose the name for this purpose: the Luciferians tell you what they are doing; they see it as consent if you play along.

The word Catulus also appears through French, as Chatel: which specifically means property that are living beings, from which the word “Cattle,” in English comes. The word “Catalogue,” takes the same root, literally it is a “Cattle Log,” a book full of all of the types of animals owned by a master. And thus the “Catolica” church chose its “universalist name,” as a catalogue that brings together all of the sacrifical animals, the Cattle, under their mastery. That was the point from the first day.

The term “Lick,” comes directly from the Ancient Greek λειχω “Lick-O,” which means quite literally “to lick up.” And this they created a “universalist” Church where to bring all of the Cattle, the people they consider the living property of their master Lucifer masquerading as a Mar-Yam (Mar = Sea Yam = Ugaritic Sea Beast deity, it’s the beast out of the sea, quite literally….) in order to Lick Up his salt.

If you have ever been on a farm, you’ll know just how much Salt Licks attract all of the animals. The Sumerians talk a lot about this in their texts for farm raising in 5000 BCE; it’s not a new technique. And this they have created a Salt Lick for their Cattle, a Cattle Lick Church.

The word Church itself comes from The Scottish Kirk through the templars, originally referencing the deity Cersei. If you’ve read Homer, then you will know that Cersei lures men into her house promising sustenance, and feeds them a poison pill that turns them into a$$es. This is what the Cattle Lick Church does.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

A very interesting etymology, thanks! It’s amazing how much names can reveal. I want to try!

Ok, here goes: Protestants have “protest” built into their name because they split off from the Catholics, which means they are defined only through their relationship to Catholics. I guess that makes Protestantism a lot like a parasite.

Hey, this is fun!

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Where are you getting that this is a Protestant vs Catholic debate? All major religions have been seeded with lies. I understand that the Catholic portion stings you, as I have had to come to some deep realizations myself. It’s not easy, nor fun.
You are continuing to focus on a single insult you personally relate to and refuse to acknowledge the bigger picture.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

What do you mean? I’m just testing out my etymology skills.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Sure, rtu. Hoping you will someday see.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You’re assuming the “Catholic portion stings” me. It doesn’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Well, you continue to do them a solid, regardless.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


This is quite accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The protestant as parasite? It makes sense. They cut off on a few points but retained most of the rotten core.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I would not define Protestantism as a “parasite,” of the cattle lick church. It is true that its name is chosen, as a method of defining itself in relationship to its origins of protesting against some of the most abominable aspects of its parent, such as Indulgences and Mass Genocide. As an allegory, the parent didn’t like being stood up to and called out for its abusive alcoholism, and so it kicked the questioning child to the curb and kept right on beating all of its other children who silently take it.

This is to say, Protestantism is not a parasite, but more of a child that rebelled against the crueler nature of its parent, the Cattle Licks. Is a child a parasite of its parents?

The argument is a common one made in logical debates as was popularised by some books in the 1980s and 90s (gives you a clue as to this person’s age and background.) The argument of the parasite child is made, as in the womb the developing child sucks off of the nutrient and energetic resources of the mother, and after birth continues to feed off the resources of its parents until it reaches full maturity; usually around 18-25 in modernity. Calling this child a parasite, as if it were a tape worm starving you, is of course quite a backwards characterisation.

Thus, we see in Protestantism, through this allegory, if a child (mischaracterised as a parasite) that it is a bloodline descended from this rebellious child that stood up to the abusive parent and was cast out of the household. It still carries the embedded DNA of twisted cattle lick ideology and practices, with a somewhat softer hand in general. Not every great grandchild is exactly like great grandpa, but they certainly carry his tendency towards alcoholism, even if they try to change.

As such, in many ways the potpourri of Protestant “denominations,” often has built in many of the same twists originally introduced by the Flavians -> Constantine into the Solar Re-legion of G-Zues, while introducing their own variations on motif; as many descendants in a family often carry common traits (may look alike or have certain behavioural tendencies) coming from their or common ancestor, but they are not all identical.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”The argument is a common one made in logical debates as was popularised by some books in the 1980s and 90s (gives you a clue as to this person’s age and background.)”

It’s exposing when you say things like this. It shows how willing you are to exceed your evidence only to arrive at an error.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Chud says “Protestants can’t read.” Chud says “protestants’ name mean they are parasites of Catholocism.” Now Chud acts like he’s exposing me. At least its entertaining.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Chud says “Protestants can’t read.” Chud says “protestants’ name mean they are parasites of Catholocism.”

Correct. I said both of these things.

>”Now Chud acts like he’s exposing me. At least its entertaining.”

You should re-read what I wrote. _You_ speculated about _me_ as a person. What I wrote in response with had nothing to do with you as a person, but about how you work. Why is this personal for you? It isn’t for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


You are claiming to know “how I work” here based upon one statement regarding Neurocognitive processing, which may or may not be accurate, and can’t be proven either way due to the shroud of anonymity of an Internet forum. It’s somewhat ironic that you admonish me for “overstepping the evidence.”

The broad brush assumption you are making about “how I work,” is unfortunately erroneous. It appears, although I have no way of verifying, that you may (or may not) have a motivation regarding personal experiences and/or beliefs which lead you to yet another erroneous broad brush conclusion in a line of erroneous broad brush statements such as “Protestants can’t read.” This time it is about “how I work.” I suspect the possibility that it may be that you don’t like the message, and may seek to discredit it by these means.

However, I freely admit to know absolutely nothing of you for certain. These are mere suppositions, based on a limited set of data points.

The previous comment you have taken issue with is directed to @igageharleya, who is training (and quite talented) to read sub-concious patterns in speech, and is discussing that certainly the linguistic patterns you have used so far,as well as your implied cultural references, do give some idea around your cognitive thought processes.

These ideas are always subject to re-evaluation as more evidence becomes available; that is “how I work:” I evaluate evidence, form theories in accordance with how strong the data is (always keeping an awareness of when the data set is limited or the patterns are weak) then look at how well the theory describes the data set as more data becomes available, and then monitor how well makes predictions in the future. I then consistently reconsider the underlying theoretical framework I’ve developed, and adjust or completely reformulate it in a search to come closer to approximating reality. This requires both inductive and deductive reasoning in healthy measure, and a strong ability to admit when I am wrong, or do not have strong knowledge or data regarding something.

This doesn’t mean I believe to know all about you; far from it, I am aware that I know next to nothing right now, the data is weak, and even when asked , you repeatedly refuse to give any answer and call it irrelevant. Yet, your words, references, patterns do however give certain data points regarding your concious and subconscious processes which show some trend and pattern, although for which it needs a lot more data points for evaluation.

So far, you have expressed and repeated broad brush vitriol against Protestants, without any backing evidence and which are clearly false (I’m pretty sure most Protestants in western countries are literate), showed great reverence for “apostolic Christianity,” and Eastern Orthodoxy and yet admonished me for “how I work,” by supposedly overstepping my evidence using inductive reasoning.

Another pattern so far is that you have continually refused to discuss and/or ignored any evidence and lines of reasoning I have brought up regarding the Aryeh Yehudah (who have written all of your scriptures, from whom Yeshua is born) and the founding, symbolism, ritual, genocidal nature, hierarchical structure etc. of Gentile Christianity and its deep connections to much older Luciferianism traditions, bloodlines, symbols, rituals, etc. Let us not forget it was founded first by the bloodline of Vespasian and Flavius Titus, and then made officially as the state religion by a Solar worshipping genocidal maniac (choked his wife and killed his kids) who chose a Babylonian Solar Demonic symbol to represent his Church.

You have simply ignored all of this discussion or called it “irrelevant.” Meanwhile, you have admonished me for “overstepping evidence.” The obvious contradiction and double standard is evident.

Meanwhile you have gone into great detail with others extolling and praising the great virtues of “apostolic Christianity,” and Eastern Orthodoxy, without any deeper discussion regarding the original scriptures, history, etc.

If you are really looking for Truth, I am willing to take the time to have a deeper, serious, and evidence based discussion regarding all of these topics.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You are claiming to know “how I work” here

No, I didn’t. I said _you_ are showing how _you_ work here.

>”based upon one statement”

Yes, it was an observation about one statement.

>”It’s somewhat ironic that you admonish me for “overstepping the evidence.”

If you followed the last two things I just said, you’ll see you’re doing it again here.

>”The broad brush assumption you are making about “how I work,” is unfortunately erroneous. It appears, although I have no way of verifying, that you may (or may not) have a motivation regarding personal experiences and/or beliefs

See above.

>”which lead you to yet another erroneous broad brush conclusion in a line of erroneous broad brush statements such as “Protestants can’t read.”

They can’t.

>”This time it is about “how I work.”

No, just the one statement. It was specious.

>”I suspect the possibility that it may be that you don’t like the message, and may seek to discredit it by these means.”

Suspect away.

>”The previous comment you have taken issue with is directed to @igageharleya, who is training (and quite talented) to read sub-concious patterns in speech, and is discussing that certainly the linguistic patterns you have used so far,as well as your implied cultural references, do give some idea around your cognitive thought processes.”


>”These ideas are always subject to re-evaluation as more evidence becomes available; that is “how I work:” I evaluate evidence, form theories in accordance with how strong the data is (always keeping an awareness of when the data set is limited or the patterns are weak) then look at how well the theory describes the data set as more data becomes available, and then monitor how well makes predictions in the future. I then consistently reconsider the underlying theoretical framework I’ve developed, and adjust or completely reformulate it in a search to come closer to approximating reality. This requires both inductive and deductive reasoning in healthy measure, and a strong ability to admit when I am wrong, or do not have strong knowledge or data regarding something.

That’s very admirable. I accept that this is your way of working.

>”This doesn’t mean I believe to know all about you; far from it, I am aware that I know next to nothing right now, the data is weak, and even when asked , you repeatedly refuse to give any answer and call it irrelevant. Yet, your words, references, patterns do however give certain data points regarding your concious and subconscious processes which show some trend and pattern, although for which it needs a lot more data points for evaluation.


>”So far, you have expressed and repeated broad brush vitriol against Protestants,

You mean to say “factual assertion.”

>” without any backing evidence and which are clearly false (I’m pretty sure most Protestants in western countries are literate),

You ask me if I’d like to engage in a nuanced conversation, but you’re missing the nuance here. But if you’d like me to respond in-kind: You’re “pretty sure?” How insulting! I personally am _certain_ most Protestants are literate in the West.

>”showed great reverence for “apostolic Christianity,” and Eastern Orthodoxy

Thank you!

>”and yet admonished me for “how I work,”

See above.

>”by supposedly overstepping my evidence using inductive reasoning.”

I was talking to crisspf when I said that. What makes you think I was talking about you?

>”Another pattern so far is that you have continually refused to discuss and/or ignored any evidence and lines of reasoning I have brought up regarding the Aryeh Yehudah (who have written all of your scriptures, from whom Yeshua is born) and the founding, symbolism, ritual, genocidal nature, hierarchical structure etc. of Gentile Christianity and its deep connections to much older Luciferianism traditions, bloodlines, symbols, rituals, etc.

Hmm… that name does sound familiar. Have you mentioned him before?

>”Let us not forget it was founded first by the bloodline of Vespasian and Flavius Titus, and then made officially as the state religion by a Solar worshipping genocidal maniac (choked his wife and killed his kids) who chose a Babylonian Solar Demonic symbol to represent his Church.

I will make a note of it.

>”You have simply ignored all of this discussion or called it “irrelevant.”

It mostly is.

>”Meanwhile, you have admonished me for “overstepping evidence.” The obvious contradiction and double standard is evident.”

If that’s how you see it, then that’s how you see it.

>”Meanwhile you have gone into great detail with others extolling and praising the great virtues of “apostolic Christianity,” and Eastern Orthodoxy,

I find others show a greater ability to stay on task in a conversation, even when disagreeing.

>”without any deeper discussion regarding the original scriptures, history, etc.”

I’d be willing to have that discussion in the right context.

>”If you are really looking for Truth, I am willing to take the time to have a deeper, serious, and evidence based discussion regarding all of these topics.”

That is to your credit, and I thank you for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Let’s follow the goal posts as you try to move them:

1) You say, based upon disagreeing with an interpretation of one sentence in scripture that “Protestants can’t read,” then you use the obviously highly simplistic etymology of the name “protest” within the name of Protestant to unequivocally state “Protestants are parasites.” Now you claim these are well founded factual assertions. Right… sure. Can you provide stronger reference evidence and expound on why these are “factual assertions?”

2) I made one statement regarding the possibility of making some inferences (without stating what they might be) to another person, about your apparent neurocognitive processes in speech patterns, with regards to generalised culturally contextual information that appears to be present in what you have written, and you boldly claim:

“It’s exposing when you say things like this. It shows how willing you are to exceed your evidence only to arrive at an error.”

When I address this with significant nuance, you backtrack and state:

“What I wrote in response with had nothing to do with you as a person, but about how you work.”

Both of these, to anyone reasonable reading them, take one statement I made about the possibility of making inference, and then extrapolating your interpretation of that into

1) a strongly worded statement about my character.

and then when confronted and disarmed regarding that you move the goal posts to

2) a strongly asserted overall statement about “how I work.” Which still, to any reasonable person reading, continues to be a generalised statement about my character extrapolated from a singular data point, which is not supported by facts.

It is also in line with your pattern of other far over generalised strongly asserted statements such as declaring “Protestants can’t read,” supposedly based on a single verse’s interpretation, and “Protestants are parasites,” supposedly based on a single etymology of “protest.” It shows a very particular communication pattern and thought process.

Now that I have addressed this twice, you’ve moved the goala third time and said:

“Yes, it was an observation about one statement.”

Ok right. It was, with a then twice reiterated generalised assertion about a facet of my character based on that one statement. If you are able to make these strong generalised assertions, are you capable of bringing forth more evidencr and data to support them?

You also seem to claim to be able to unilaterally declare what is “on task,” and what is off task, in a DI-alogue (two way). It appears to be a tactic, so as to be able to side step anything in the conversation that has been brought up that might be less than positive and require significant nuance regarding the origins, symbolism, rituals, translations, etc. of Gentile “Christianity,” and their strong and pervasive connections with rape, genocide, paganism, Luciferianism/Solar Worship, etc.

That you are unwilling to discuss these things does not mean they are on or off task, especially since any discussion with the aim of understanding scriptural interpretations, Gentile doctrines, rituals and practices as they exist currently. clearly necessitates discussing the history, origins, rituals, dogmas, transgressions, esoteric practices, symbolisms, and bloodlines involved in Gentile Christianity. How else do we contextualise and understand the present state of things?

You can try to unilaterally claim these things are “off task,” as if you were the authoritative school teacher running a guided classroom discussion, but it doesn’t mean much except that it is simply your unilateral opinion, and from a reasonable vantage point, it strongly indicates that you are simply unwilling to discuss them for specific personal reasons.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


And yet you never answered some past questions of mine among which “how can you pretend to extract any “Truth” from scriptures you recognize as being corrupted”?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

@444gem see @SoAnnoyed pls

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I try to answer everything. to I apologise this question went unansweeed before; which was not my intention.

Let’s begin with the easy portion: The vast majority of the corruption of scriptures is found in their translations. If you read the scriptures in their original languages, then you will do away with about 90% of the corruption immediately. Tan easy example is stuff like the 4th horseman, whose color is χλορος literally “Chloros,” like Chlorophyll and Spring Green, but is translated as “Pale.” The 4th horseman is Osiris, the palid green corpse, but all the translations say just “pale.” The colouring change is a clear form of obfuscation, as it is a tremendous clue to anyone that has seen Egyptian artifacts, where the consistently paint deities of death Chloros .

Now once you go through the scriptures, you will find that the translations actually serve as a very good guide to finding Luciferian corruption in scripture. It’s as if you were reading a text in English that they had translated and continually find the translators consistently obfuscate the same references, even when using different words, to Luciferian concepts that are very revealing; such as those to abominable Egyptian Deifies, references to earlier scriptures, etc.

There was a conversation about the passage of Matthew 12:30-32 in the article titled “aiming to be as offensive as possible.” There we find they remove all reference to Amartia, which is a clear reference to the serpent of Berashid tricking Hava into disobeying the command. The word Amartia, meaning disobeying commandments by being tricked or without meaning in Greek is, to any Hebrew and Greek speaker, an obvious reference to the Hebrew word Amar which is the command YHWH gives not to partake of the tree of knowledge. Likewise Amaru is the serpent himself (like the AMARites).

They have replaced the word Amartia with sin, which is a male lunar deity of the SINai, and a twisted translational reference to the male lunar deity child of the great mother Mut. The word used for “surely you will DIE,” is Mut. The translations serve as guides, for those reading the original to Luciferian corruption.

I’d recommend you check the other discussion out, you may find an interesting in depth analysis that can help answer your question on how to read the original texts, and how easily it untwists the obvious translational twistings.m of the serpents.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for taking the time to reply, I appreciate your willingness to share respectful and constructive exchanges.

Allow me to react on your last comment:

***The vast majority of the corruption of scriptures is found in their translations.***
I totally agree.

***If you read the scriptures in their original languages, then you will do away with about 90% of the corruption immediately.***
I agree


As you write it, in order “to do away with the corruption”, it is necessary to “read the scriptures in their original language”.

But does the Bible fit with this condition?

First, was the scripture written by the narrators (the prophet/divine figures)? No its not.

Thus we have to seriously lower our contention of truth. But lets go down on the conditions that may give validity for some truth.

Then, has the Scripture been written by those who personnally knew the narrators? No, it has not.

Was the Scripture written at the time of the narrators by some eyewitnesses?
No, it was not.

Was the scripture written in the original language of the protagonists?
No it was not.

At one point, one must ask: so what do we have left?

Well, not much.

What we have today are a greek version of the Bible dating back from around 350 A.D and an hebraic full version of the Old testament which dates back to year 1000.

What truth can one pretend to extract from this?

If any, then let’s imagine some 350 years after your passing, my heir goes to Court to claim some rights on your estate.
My heir presents to the judge a TRANSLATION written 350 years AFTER your death which tells about the account of a person who you never ever met in your life saying in another language than yours that you have meant that I should get your estate. While you are quoted to say exactly the contrary in this same translation (ie, that I must not get your estate).

Would you think the judge would give any authority to this document? How about the jurors?

You and I both know the answer: judge and jury would reject it right away and even the lawyers would not even dare to produce such a document in court without being laughed at or accused of forgery.

So I ask you again how can you assert to extract any Truth from such a scripture, whether in greek or hebraic?

Thus, because truth cannot be guaranteed if derived from tampered things, I have asked you “what make you claim your knowledge is truth?”.

However, I do agree with you though that the scriptures have been tampered in order to fit with another agenda, at least partly.

I will add a second comment below.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I will respond fully to this in a moment, however my first quick note is that you are forgetting the entirety of the “Dead Sea scrolls,” from Qumran in your dating scheme. There are many Hebraic texts, the vast majority of which are 99%+ identical to the Hebrew texts as known today, therein.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

What is a reliable publication of the dead sea scrolls, please, @444gem ?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Free online:

These are translations, but they are fairly accurate. They also link to the digital scans of the originals.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444 gem

Let me keep my analogy from my previous comment:

2000 years after your death, we find 15000 fragments which most read a few words or sentences. My heirs pretend these are fragments and smallish part of your last will.

Will the judge still accept these fragments as unequivocal truth?

He wont, and I wont either.

One could also argue that a small number out of thousands of scrolls are indeed complete yet… they still are tiny parts of the Bible.

Also, remember the James Ossuary? The Jehoash tablet? The Moses scroll? The Shapira hebrew bible?

I could also postulate that, considering the thriving art forgery capabilities which regularly fool experts and scholars, even the dead sea scrolls are not a reliable source, to me.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


This is my second part to your first reply 🙂

I do believe it has been tampered too to fit with an agenda.

First, the greek version of the Old testament, called Septuagint was written under the order of Pharaoh Ptolemy II: 72 scholars, 6 from each tribes, were isolated each in a room to translate each part of the texts.

This could explain the discrepancies in some part of the Bible and not in another parts: some tribes sold their souls while others not.

A few years later, Lucian of Antioch corrected the Septuagint and claim it was filled with errors. He is the one who taught Arius (more on him later) and was later martyred.

He must have been right since the rabbinic tradition considers the greek translation of the Torah as a distortion which is unsuitable for use in a synagogue.

What is also interesting is that the oldest version of the Bible in our possession very strangely dates back from the 1st Concile of Nicea and Constantine.

At the time of the Concile, the mainstream religion that we call “christianity” had nothing to do with what is practiced today; it was pretty much corrected judaism (no usury, the belief in the mission of Yeshua, his miraculous birth from Mary, to keep the commandments, the ban of carved images, the belief in a Unique G-d, the Father).

the most followed and respected authority was Arius. He was known for his writings, high morals and ascetism.

He preached a One and Only G-d which is the Father and that indeed, Yeshua was his subordinate who came later as a mortal.

He accused orthodox of following greek paganism such as Hosius of Cordoba.

Hosius believed in Homousion (which claimed the divinity of Yeshua), and hence suspended those who supported Arius; called them heretic and burnt Arius’s teachings.

At that time, they were still many pagans around and some of their beliefs and customs were naturally incorporated within Homousion beliefs’ system which will later be followed by Constantine.

Under the advice of Hosius, Constantine accused Arius of heresy and sent him in exile.
It brought big protestations from the population, from emperors and powerful people.
So Constantine had to call a concile so as to decide what should be the official faith (and hence, what to do with Arius and his beliefs).

1700 authority figures from the different religious movements were officially called to decide on a common dogma.
Yet, only 250 assisted at the concile. 15% only!

Why only 250? Because those who followed the authority of Arius were given wrong dates and locations so they couldnt attend and influence what had already been decided to set as the normative dogma.

The debates were so heated that Arius was smacked in the face.

The dice were piped, Hosius asserted his dogma in the trinity and all opponents were reduced to silent.

Arius was exiled again, called back by Constantine only to be poisoned to death.

Athanasius of Alexandria was the one who fixed the new canon of the Church.

He was obviously opposed to the ideas of Arius and was mainly known for his poor character. For example, he sold the grains to the Church for his own personal gain when they were meant to the poors. He was accused of violence and murder towards his dissent.
He rose in ranks under questionable means: he was only 30 when he was ordained bishop in a private consecration by a small number of bishop supporters.

Hence, we know that the persons behind the dogma that we know today as Christianity are far away from the morals and teachings of Yeshua.

Consequently, how can we listen to them seriously when they pretend to tell us what were the true beliefs of Yeshua or who G-d is?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


Thank you for this. With all sincerity. I wish to respond in detail but will take the proper reflection first.

Again I would point you to the oldest Hebraic texts from the Essenes of Qumran, radio carbon dated to as early as the 3rd century BCE. This may offer you some further clarity on timeline, which does not involve nor the Solar emperors Ptolemy nor Constantine.

What you say regarding “Christianity,” is True. More horribly true than most imagine, and the story is much darker and purposeful. I would recommend in looking into Flavius Titus, Vespasian, who burned and massacred Jerusalem to the ground, then stole the scriptures and set forth to create a universalist one world religion of the antiXristos. Their direct bloodline includes the first bishops of Rome, such as Clement I.

It may also be of interest to read The Computation or 666 which I linked in Chapter IX of Monkehs.

So you know I am not a “Christian” I do not bow before the abomination of Lucifer.

I am a Nazarene, an Aryeh Yehudah. We are still here, despite Constantine’s best efforts.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444 gem

thank you.

To me, it is still a belief that partly follow their belief in a human G-d.

Unless one returns the power strictly to whom it rightly deserves, man is either his own human god or follow another human god.

Humans are creatures created by a superior being along with everything else, for a unique purpose. Like your shoe or your comb. There is a purpose for each thing. A created thing cannot be uncreated. A created thing cannot be the Creator at the same time. We’ve discusses this already.

The purpose of Yeshua was to show the way to the Father, and only to the Father. That is the only thing that he repeats all along and which is coherent to the previous teachings.

I could cite several dozens of extracts from the Bible but I am sure you know them by heart. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


Having regained some strength, I find it a good time to give you a more comprehensive answer to this.

First of all, we agree that the scriptures contain corruptions from later texts; I am fully aware of them, and can identify them immediately. How I can do this I will explain.

First the easy way that most people can wrap their head around:

A very easy example is the “Song of Mary,” which is, in its entirety a 4th century fabrication. This can be ascertained from a simple linguistic analysis of the Greek present, in which most of the verb forms take compound tensing which is used nowhere else in the scriptures, and to anyone with familiarity in green linguistic development are a hallmark of 4th-6th century linguistic fashion. Something on the order of 50% of the non-preposition words and forms are completely unique to the passage and found nowhere else in the scriptures. We also see that it takes most of its content from making a remix soup of ”Old Testament,” septaguint writings and sort of reformulates it in a poor man’s 4th century grammar.

Likewise when cross comparing with the known historical information, including both the non-existence of the passage prior to the 4th century, and likewise the extensive evidence of fabrication of Great mother worship doctrines by the Babylonian priests that created “apostolic Christianity,” it becomes even more clear.

With this type of textual analysis, one can do away with another 90% of the remaining 10% of the corruption with great precision. This means that by reading the original texts and using extensive linguistic, historical, and as r geological analysis we can restore to about 98-99% fidelity the texts. At that point, the corruptions become of such a minor character that throwing away 99% for the 1 is a terrible waste.

Now, this methodology I have given you is how I began to read scriptures a long time ago, when I had yet to develop my skills in mathematics, archeology, physics, and particularly archeo mathematics and physics.

Let me put this in no uncertain terms: The scriptures are first and foremost mathematic in nature. The letters are there, as alphanumerics so that normal humanity can understand them, discern them, and remember them, but they are a record of extremely highly advanced technology. They are there, to give humanity the keys to the domain of the cosmos.

When I read the scriptures now, I do not generally read the words, I read the equations; and unequivocally, all of the forgeries perpetrated fail mathematically. When I first realized this some years ago, I noticed that all of the passages that I had originally discarded for linguistic reasons, contained jumbled equations that gave nonsensical results. As soon as one sees this, you can immediately find where the forgeries cut and paste from earlier sources without understanding the equations, as well as those than have no equations at all (pure fabrications.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now in terms of sourcing authentic equations:

First of all, speaking of what is publicly available, we have the Dead Sea scrolls. These are texts from the Essenes, which are my ancestors, unspoilt by the hand of the Luciferians. They are largely Hebraic, and in them we can identify large portions of mathematical code, which simply cannot be faked.

Moreover we can cross compare with the archeological artifacts from our students all of which contain these equations to a lesser degree, the last in line being Pythagoras who received a watered down children’s version from the Babylonians thousands of years later. The Greeks were the 10 year olds that received only rudimentary lessons. This is where they got their methods to take measurements for earth (which they copied with only poor precision), the rudimentary atomic theory, and trigonometry. Compared to what is in the scriptures, this is but child’s play.

Let me give you an example:

I can show you how to obtain the equation for Plancks constant (relationship of energy and wavelength) * The Speed of Light, in an additive relationship to the semi surface area (our universe is both projective and compressive) of the proton from Berashid 1:1. This equation, which gives a relationship for spherical waves in the time dimension has not yet been published in modern particle physics, who are still arguing over the proton Radius.

As for comparing archeological artifacts let us look at Hammurabis code:

The dragons tell you that it’s a law code, except we have thousands of law decision tablets post dating it and not one makes mention of the Hammurabi code. Wry strange, except that I know what it is with mathematical precision: a collection of transcribed equations for building a ”cold” nuclear fusion reactor for free energy.

One piece of the puzzle:

As by methods which I partially showed in Chapter X: I can obtain the equation from the Ham code from:

(Plancks constant^2 * 1 mol)/ Gravitational Constant.

This relationship explains quantum gravity, which modern physics still does not understand because the Aryeh Yehudah have quit providing the information (Einstein, Hertz, Max Borne, Niels Bohr, Wigner, and Tesla, all Aryeh Yehudah).

It is also but one of several thousand of high technology equations on the Hammurabis code thst lead to a schemers for fusion energy, ehich they are trying to unlock now at MITRE. Hammurabis code by itself is only about 35% of what contained in scriptures.

Trust me that Constantine and his band of merry murderers or the Pharisees, didn’t write this. They have never been given the keys to the domain of the cosmos, and we’re not capable even if they had tried. There is a reason we have so little documentary evidence: these monsters tried to destroy everything outside what they could control, so that they may hoard the knowledge for themselves.

This pattern has been well documented. The Hebrew gospels, such as the Gospel of the Nazarenes still exist and we’re originally written dually in Green and Hebrew, as Yeshua said. The Greek versions like Matthew, are actually designed to serve as password key codes to the more ancient Hebraic texts.

It is common for inquiring minds to fall into the traps you are professing here, it is natural; they have designed a gradient of what is acceptable opposition, and the views you profess here are quite common and understandable, but miss the much larger story of which the Re-Legions like “Christianity,” are but a spec of abominable dust.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


** I can show you how to obtain the equation for Plancks constant (relationship of energy and wavelength) * The Speed of Light, in an additive relationship to the semi surface area (our universe is both projective and compressive) of the proton from Berashid 1:1. This equation, which gives a relationship for spherical waves in the time dimension has not yet been published in modern particle physics, who are still arguing over the proton Radius.**

This is funny, I am just starting to read on quantum mechanics.
I have some hypothesis but no mathematical background, your help could be of use.

Have you found in the texts the equation for the TOE yet? 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I replied bit by bit to your comment and asked that question before I read the rest….

well well well if what you say is true:

**(Plancks constant^2 * 1 mol)/ Gravitational Constant**
you are on for a Nobel Prize…

Have you tested it?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

The texts are the ToE

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Such resolved theory would unlock the existence of the most powerful technologies.

Why are the physicists still looking for it if it is readily available on those texts (and even here since you posted some equations)?

Why would the Aryeh Yehudah want that to happen?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


Decrypting these texts requires a tremendous multi-disciplinary knowledge that penetrates far beyond what any specialist in a field will obtain. One must essentially master a tremendous variety of field of learning and their subfields and be able to seamlessly cross apply them at will, what are referred to in revelations as: the 7 eyes (sights), 7 horns (wisdoms), and 7 spirits of YHWH (faith): Linguistics, History/Archeology, Geography, Mathematics, Sciences, Music, and Cultural Psychology.

Likewise when learning these things, the dragons have laid many rewards for good little boys and girls that play by the rules, and laid many traps for troubadors along the way, by placing all sorts of twists that lead people astray, and likewise there is always a third rail of “no touch or get banished” zones in every area, basically what is meant by a Re-Legion. In science you don’t discuss faith; in genetics you don’t discuss the clear and apparent DNA manipulations of the human genome, in “christianity,” you don’t question the literalist interpretation, in linguistics and history, you don’t talk about the obvious connections between mesoamerica and Eurasia pre-columbus. Third rails keep people in line.

Go look up a wave with a frequency of 7.77 GhZ and see if you can figure out its importance to quantum theory; then compare with the gematrias of BAT SHIVA. I’ll give you a hint:

702/774 (a number associated with Yeshua is 774) = .9069. Look into circle packing efficiency and cross apply that planck scale energy transference quantization the speed of light and eulers numbers. Then look at what Vat, really means in the most ancient of tongue (like BAT of egypt, Vatika of Eutrusca, etc.) Do you see that most specialists aren’t going to understand this stuff?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I agree for the need for cross disciplines.

**.9069 in relation to e, c and planck scale**

thanks for your clues but at this time, please keep in mind I am not at all versed into numbers or physics, I am just starting to read general information on quantum physics in order to understand what it is and what are its implications.

Hence, I am not able to come up myself with this equation and nor can I find what VAT really mean.

Can you decipher?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


**a collection of transcribed equations for building a ”cold” nuclear fusion reactor for free energy.**

**This relationship explains quantum gravity, which modern physics still does not understand because the Aryeh Yehudah have quit providing the information (Einstein, Hertz, Max Borne, Niels Bohr, Wigner, and Tesla, all Aryeh Yehudah).**
You believe those physicists were aryeh yehudah?

What is an aryeh yehudah for you?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


This is publicly known: All of them were openly “Jewish,” except Tesla who was left in the dark by the monsters that controlled them. Yeshua is called a Teknos, which ya they translate as a carpenter, which is an allegorical translation at best.

Shrodinger was also an Aryeh Yehudah, although not openly due to the issues in Germany during his lifetime.

I can offer you speeches where Richard Fineman, the biggest contributor to Quantum Field Theory, and another Aryeh Yehudah. Speaks in his youth about “going back to the Babylonian method” for particle physics and ditching the Greek axiomatic materialist approach. Words are chosen carefully in a game of life of death

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I would like to read some of his speeches please.

some more questions:

What is an aryeh yehudah for you? How can someone know his line goes all the way back to Judah?

Why would the Aryeh Yehudah want such knowledge to be known when it could fall in the wrong hands?

How can you know about Tesla being put into the dark by some controlling entities?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


Here is a link to watch Fineman speaking on Greek vs Babylonian mathematics and their relevance to advanced particle physics.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you.

I have started reading your series to understand what is your theory.
I already have some interrogations but will wait until I finish the series in case you provide clues to them.

In earlier comments, we discussed our different position on what could be the Truth.
I held for argument that given the small number of complete scrolls and many fragments containing only a few words, even the Qumran scrolls do not offer proof of the original message contained in the Bible.
Thus, because truth cannot be guaranteed if derived from tampered or incomplete things, I have asked you “what make you claim your knowledge is truth?” if based, at least partly on them.

You then replied you criss crossed scriptures with “extensive linguistic, historical, and as archeogeological analysis” which allowed you to “restore to about 98-99% fidelity the texts”.
You cited the Hammurabi code and others.

I can understand that.

Yet, I would suppose that, if indeed the source of this ancient knowledge is Truth, than it would necessarily reveal or confirm what is known to all and what explain the very existence of Satan/Lucifer, us, and the whole universe.

Yes, this is where you lose me.

If I read your interpretation of those archeological/linguistic/scientific evidence, it still unlogically reveal that Yeshua is the son of Man yet god through which eternal life can be achieved if one believe in his crucifixion and resurrection.

This isnt the purpose of this comment but it is easy to debunk the crucifiction and the resurrection.

Hence, to understand a bit more of the how/what of your thesis, can you please anwer my previous (+new) questions?

(This is important for and would appreciate you take the time to reply)

  • 1/ How all this evidence you studied have not been able to confirm what Yeshua has repeated all along during his minister (i.e. to show the way to the Father, and only to the Father). That is the main message he repeats all along and which is coherent with the previous teachings (of a unique G-d)?
  • 2/ Using a simple bullets list, can you name what you think are the true information/laws of the texts? Of Yeshuah’s message? Of G-d/Father?

About the Aryeh Yehuda:

  • 3/ How can someone know his line goes all the way back to Judah and David?
  • 4/ Where are the proofs for it other than your words?
  • 5/ You say that knowledge is passed on from father to sons. If G-d forbids the hidden and the secret, isnt it necessarily occult when a knowledge is hidden? Isnt the probability for “errors” in the chain of transmission high enough to trust such knowledge?
  • 6/ Being from the branch of David implies to be from the branch of Solomon as well: why is he discarded for having had access to superpowers or supposedly dabbed into magic?
  • 7/ How did you come to the “truth” that his power and knowledge was necessarily not from G-d? (please note that word etymology are no proof for me as itself can be corrupted)
  • 8/ If it weren’t, then why should one consider that the knowledge given to the Aryeh Yehudah IS instead from G-d?
  • 9/Or else, I imagine you have discriminated your answer (of divine inspiration) from other possible ones: how the latter proved impossible?
  • 10/ Are all jew “scientists” Aryeh Yehudah (this is what I understand based on your affirmations)?
  • 11/ You consider Tesla as an “Aryeh Yehudah” because he claimed he received “inspiration” for his discoveries (correct me if I am wrong). Is that the only reason why?
  • 12/ Why would the Aryeh Yehudah want such knowledge to be known when it could fall in the wrong hands? Yourself acknowledge that Thomson, JP Morgan and Trump’s uncle stole Tesla’s work to sell it for money (through company creation) and create technologies that are for some enslaving us. So why do that again with even more serious consequences (referring to the theory of everything and other equations you say you have discovered?

I believe your answers could provide me and others some more light on what is what, according to you, and hence to better understand your message.

I hope you can consider taking the time to reply to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


You have not quite understood the message yet. It seems, although due to format I may be in error, that you are still applying certain dogmatic interpretations to the concepts I have presented forth, which may speak to certain mental biases within your psyche towards the scriptures and message inlaid by the abomination of “Christianity.” You need to strip away your ideas of what you think it means when the scriptures state to gain “eternal life,” or salvation, and go forth to the word as a child. Without presuppositions.

I explained earlier that linguistic-archeological and historical analysis are only a first step, and then explained the second, much more advanced form of authentication which involves highly advanced mathematics and scientific methodologies; these cannot be faked, as the scriptures contain such a hyper advanced level of scientific technical knowledge, system design, data encryption methodologies, data compression formats etc. that once one has obtained the keys (like a password to a read program for an encrypted computers hard drive), you can easily see where the inserts and frauds are.

The fraudulent sections fail not only the linguistics test originally performed, but again fail in the mathematical coding of tremendous intricacy present in the text. There are no exceptions to this I have found so far.

A dual diagnostic confirmation (or two factor authentication) is a rock solid form of message authentication used today by the world’s most advanced military computer systems to parse fraudulent versus authentic messages.

Do not underestimate the Aryeh Yehudah’s ability as Teknos (what Yeshua is called), the scriptures are designed as a seed of genetic material, from which the entire genome of Truth can be extracted. Anyone familiar with bioinformatics and genetics knows that CRISPR Cas-9 genetic splicing results in clear and evident cuts in the data, and with the scriptures it is the same.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I will answer a few of these questions briefly now, and more in depth alter as I have a lot on my plate right now.

1) it has, if you actually read the original texts.

2) no, you can’t sum up Homers odyssey in bullet points. You want me sum up The Way in bullet points?

3) there is a long and unbroken line of male-to male parentage for tens of thousands of years. One knows, and as I’ve said before, some never return and become lost, others do. How did Yeshua figure out who his real father is? Likewise Genetic testing confirm this quite easily now, and it has.

4) Math some of it in its most basic form is in chapter X.

5) logical fallacy. It’s not occult. Any who ask, seek and knock receive. But fathers do pass it to sons so that there are still shepherds the people may go to and ask, seek and knock.

6) You don’t understand the stories. How is it that Yeshua is descended from Dawid? Who is Dawid? What is the name of BAT/VAT SHIVA?

7) All Knowkesge is from YHWH

10) no, there are Isis Ra Elis

11) His father is an Aryeh Yehudah. Nothing to do with entities.

12) We are commanded not to hoard knowledge. Read the scripture of Shameshon, humanity has 7 days to figure out the riddle. Humanity is given free will, and hoarding and secrets are the downfall, not the answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for taking the time, really.

**”You need to strip away your ideas of what you think it means when the scriptures state to gain “eternal life,” or salvation”**
Then explain what do they mean?

**I explained earlier that linguistic-archeological and historical analysis are only a first step, and then explained the second, much more advanced form of authentication which involves highly advanced mathematics and scientific methodologies**
Do you have any videos or else that explain all this process so I can have a better understanding of it?

2) **no, you can’t sum up Homers odyssey in bullet points. You want me
sum up The Way in bullet points?**

Yes, any message can be summed up.

For example, how would you introduce Yeshua’s and YHWH to someone
who has never heard of them? or about their messages to us in relations to
our purpose in this life? If there is an after-life? If any laws need to be
observed? If Yeshua himself says he is G-d? who is Yeshua as regards to
YHWH the Father/G-d?

I mean, an answer to the main questions people ask themselves at one
point or another in their life.

3) **as I’ve said before, some never return and become lost, others do. How
did Yeshua figure out who his real father is?**

Unless I missed it, I dont recall you saying to me that some become lost
because they dont return (from where?). I am interested to know more of
that when you have time to elaborate on that too.

His “real father”? I do not know the whole of your discovery. What do you
mean by real father? For what I know, he was conceived without a physical
intercourse but I have no clue what is his paternal biological heritage. I am
interested to know more.

4) **Math some of it in its most basic form is in chapter X.**
So I shall soon reach that part, I’m at chapter 8.

5) **Any who ask, seek and knock receive**
So If I knock and ask, you will pass your whole knowledge to me?

6) **How is it that Yeshua is descended from Dawid? Who is Dawid? What is
the name of BAT/VAT SHIVA?**
I dont know, explain please.

7) **All Knowkesge is from YHWH**
Yes. But that doesnt answer the question

10)** no, there are Isis Ra Elis**
Yet, Tesla was both a scientist and an Aryeh Yehudah, wasnt he?

11) **His father is an Aryeh Yehudah. Nothing to do with entities.**
Is it a public fact or something that is known within the circle of A. Yehudah

12) **Read the scripture of Shameshon, humanity has 7 days to figure out the
Shameshon? please elaborate on this point, too obscure.

I hope when you have more time you can further details those points and questions 8, 9.

I appreciate you took the time to reply today.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I gave more details on bat shiva in another response. But here are more clues:

Bat = the Egyptian Cattle goddess, Great Mother of the Sun, Ra.

Sheba/Shiva = The Destroyer, the 7th planet, Saturn, the same as the deity as found in Hinduism, who is often depicted in female form as well, and the same name of the wife and woman who questions SOL Amon (The Sun King). Sol Amon is represented by hexagonal circle packing to form the “Maggen David.”

Her name is 72-702. The total is 774. 702/774 = .9069 the packing efficiency of hexagonally packed circles. 727.02 is Plancks constant over the mass of the electron, and another step with five you the electron volts in the SUN: 1.116.

Maggen = Seroent Deit in Egypt. It’s not an Aryeh Yehudah symbol, it belongs to the Pharisees, the FIRE I SEEs (written upaRISHIm in Hebrew like the Rishi fire sages of India.)

Her name means in no uncertain terms “the daughter of destruction.” Or “the daughter/womb of Shiva. The word Shiva in Hebrew still means the number 7, as Saturn is the 7th candle on the Helio Centric Model of the menorah. The reason that they send URiah to die at battle, is because he represents the planet Uranus. He is known as the father of Saturn/Shiva/Kronos in Greek mythology, here it is the husband. It all encodes the equations for the celestial mechanics that lead to solar system formation in great detail.

The entire story is a fractal, that at its most fundamental encodes the celestial mechanics of the early formation of the solar system, it’s not supposed to be the superstitious nonsense given now to keep people from realising The Truth.

The reason for all this rape fantasy nonsense spread by gentile “Christianity,” relates to their obsession with mother rape, and rape in general, which goes with the Madonna Wh0re complex they’ve got going on.

It keeps people bickering about nonsense and covers for the true origin of the name of the VAT i KAIN; Mummy and murderer. They worship the great mother “Queen of heaven,” the name coming directly from the Etruscan great mother VATika, in a church on SEVEN (Shiva in Hebrew) Hills. She is the adversary, the SATurnAN SAT-urANus. It’s why it says the harlotte of Ba Ba’al on (the spirit of the embodiment of Lucifer) sits in SEVEN hills; the mark of Kain is 7 fold; its SHIVA.

For any any who read the scriptures this stuff is evident. Their tricks are wicked.

@crisspf @chud

While you discuss the rape of one planet of another, in an allegorical story that warns against the evil of those that worship the sun and planets, in order to forgive an actually historical serial murder (Constantine), you do not see what is really there. I’m sorry but I can’t do the whole Mind Kontrol fantasy junk anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The Maggen David is just a Luciferian code symbol for the proportions of hexagonally packed 2 dimensional circles, which are the geometrical patterns that photons follow. Sheba / Bathsheba = .9069 = the packing efficiency of electromagnetic force carrying photons on a two dimensional holographic plane.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you.

You answered to my question #6:

**Yeshua being from the branch of David implies to be from the branch of Solomon as well: why is he discarded for having had access to superpowers or supposedly dabbed into magic?**


**How is it that Yeshua is descended from Dawid? Who is Dawid? What is
the name of BAT/VAT SHIVA?**

**Sheba/Shiva = The Destroyer, the 7th planet, Saturn, the same as the deity as found in Hinduism, who is often depicted in female form as well, and the same name of the wife and woman who questions SOL Amon (The Sun King). Sol Amon is represented by hexagonal circle packing to form the “Maggen David.**

**Her name means in no uncertain terms “the daughter of destruction.(..) The word Shiva in Hebrew still means the number 7, as Saturn is the 7th candle on the Helio Centric Model of the menorah. The reason that they send URiah to die at battle, is because he represents the planet Uranus. He is known as the father of Saturn/Shiva/Kronos in Greek mythology, here it is the husband. It all encodes the equations for the celestial mechanics that lead to solar system formation in great detail.**

**The entire story is a fractal, that at its most fundamental encodes the celestial mechanics of the early formation of the solar system, it’s not supposed to be the superstitious nonsense given now to keep people from realising The Truth**

If i sum it up, you discard Solomon because he was linked to Sheba, who’s name could be in relations with a fractal story explaining the birth of the solar system?

First, most of our names today are based on references to potential deities. Take Sylvia, could we say that the holder of such a name honors a “forest” god?
Does a person holding the name “david” means he worships David? It doesnt.

In other words, how the decoding of a name is proof of one’s real actions and intentions? It isnt.

As per the story of Solomon and Sheba:

All prophets have had some moments of weakness and Solomon included.
Yet that doesnt mean they were not worthy of G-d’s trust, it just mean they were mere humans.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem



Allow me to offer an example of another possible interpretation which includes your findings.

As you asked me before, I ask you to keep an open mind.

In the Quran, it is said about Solomon:

  • “So We gave him power over the wind (..) and over the jinn – every kind of builder and diver and others chained in fetters” 38:36-37
  • “We made a fountain of moten brass flow for him, and some of the jinn worked under his control with his Lord’s permission. If one of them deviated from Our command, We let him taste the suffering of the blazing flame. They made him whatever he wanted – palaces, statues, basins as large as water throughs, fixed cauldrons. We said, Work thankfully family of David, for few of my servants are truly thankful’. Then, when We decreed Solomon’s death, nothing showed the jinn he was dead (..) if they had known what was hidden they would not have continued their demeaning labour.” 34:12-14

These verses say that Solomon had jinns (spirits), under his command by G-d’s permission, who built many constructions under his order.

It also says that some jinns were “divers”: hence, they also built constructions under the seas (Atlantis?).

The verses also say that the jinns had to follow G-d’s “command”. When “command” word is used in the Quran, it implies control by G-d’s laws (ie, by maths/physics means).

One can imagine that the command/measure is actually the science / geometry behind such constructions where for example, phi is found many times in the pyramids and other constructions which follow a line along the globe.

Hence, the constructions probably seem “supernatural” to us, as in, above human’s building capabilities (such as the pyramids for example).

Such constructions were even immense for jinns and represented “demeanour labour”.

This could also explain why many imposing ancient constructions left no building plans, no traces of tools, no dwellings for the thousands of workers that such constructions should have required if they had been built by humans.

That would explain many things that have not been yet explained by archeologists, geometers, engineers such as “how did they bring the millions of heavy needed construction stones which weighted several tons each?” or “how did they perfectly carved statues?” or “how did they carved perfect lines in series which perfectly adjust to the neighbouring stones like a puzzle” or “how did they create perfect mirror constructions” or “how did they create perfect measures which allow for perfect sound frequencies?” etc etc.. and all of this, with tailor stones as rudimentary tools?”

On top of that, such “workers” being jinns, (non human entities), themselves and their realizations were not bound by the natural laws of physics which apply to this spacetime and hence, to us (see below the story of the throne).

One could also imagine that, since they were not bound by our spacetime dimension, jinns were also able to make constructions in different time periods (as spaced out by several centuries).

Furthermore, these verses also remind that, like humans, jinns have free will.
They could deviate. They were forced to listen to the orders of Solomon but were not happy to and would have stopped their labour much earlier had they known he was already dead.

Also, Jinns have different levels of power.

In the following verse, Solomon had ordered Sheba to worship G-d instead of the Sun but she refused. So he then asks his councellors, among which jinns, if one could bring him Sheba’s throne so she understands that her earthly power is fragile:

  • “Councellors, which of you can bring me her throne (..)?

A powerful and crafty jinn replied, ‘I will bring it to you before you can
even rise from your place’. But one of them, who had some knowledge of
the Scripture said, “I will bring it to you in the twinkling of an eye”.
When Solomon saw it set before him he said “this is a favour from my
Lord, to test whether I am grateful or not”. 27:38-40

Sheba does end up converting to Solomon’s beliefs.

What is it to understand?

First, that Scripture, as you theorize, DO include powerful knowledge since, when used, it has allowed a jinn to be “mightier” than another one by instantly bringing the throne to another place.

This means that using “scripture knowledge” could allow, for example, to spacetravel an atom-made object. This is in accordance with your findings I believe?

When Jinns knew about this knowledge, they transmitted it to humans who were evil motivated, such as those using witchcraft (it is not because witchcraft is evil that it means it doesnt work and influence our reality).

  • “When God sent them a messenger (Yeshua) confirming the Scriptures they already had, some of those who had received the Scripture before (jews) threw the Book of God over their shoulders as if they had no knowledge, and followed what the evil ones had fabricated about the kingdom of Solomon instead. Not that Solomon himself was a disbeliever, it was the evil ones who were disbelievers. They taught people witchcraft and what was revealed in Babylon to the two angels Harut and Marut. Yet these two never taught anyone without first warning him, “We are sent only to tempt, do not disbelieve”. From these two, they learned what can cause discord between man and wife” 2:101-2

According to the Quran, the story of an evil Solomon is an evil fabrication which the jews decided to follow instead of Yeshua, who they rejected.

Hence, it refers to the knowledge acquired by the jinns who passed it on to humans.
Yet, this knowledge contains true knowledge from:

  • the scriptures, which can allow for example to space travel objects
  • babylonian magic, which does work and affect reality and people’s behaviours (such as making spouses divorce)
  • the perfect numbers found in G-d’s creation which can be applied to create powerful constructions (such as jinns built for Solomon).

This knowledge transmission to humans allowed for the existence of freemasons (it were the jinns who were the first “perfect” masons) and the role they’ve played in the last few centuries.

This could also explain why they influenced royalty and evil bloodlines who based many future constructions on the same model

This also explains why perfect ratios such as phi and other advanced equations can be found in their constructions, names and wherever you have found them when studying your theory.

In conclusion, this theory would be that some humans have gained some of G-d’s knowledge, through the jinns, and want to harness it to re-arrange the world for the arrival of their representant on earth.

They have been preparing for centuries under the order of their master Satan.

Yet, however much they try to tamper the true creation of G-d, claiming it for themselves by using perfect measures and sacred knowledge from the Scripture, this doesnt mean that the whole creation which holds G-d sacred print is theirs or obey to them.

Or, it would be like saying, because there are some fake-real gucci bags (which are made of the same exact leather and sawn with the same exact traditions), then the whole of guccy company is fake.

You have found the perfect measures in the creation of G-d, in plants and animals and in the universe.

Yet, such creations are not evil made, they are not from Satan.

Satan has created nothing, hence, his “print” cannot be found in the natural creation.
Only in man made’s creation. This is precisely what his gangs want to do: spoil the natural creation of G-d and replace it with a man made one which could be under the complete control of Satan.

Just like the natural creation is under G-d’s control and command.

Remember Satan is also part of the creation and he knows it. His only goal is to avenge himself from us, sons and daughters of Adam whom he refused to bow down to.
He wants to avenge himself from us because he lost the love of G-d because of us.
Yet, he adored G-d much more than most humans do. Go find a single line in the Scriptures where he badmouths G-d. You wont find one.

He just want us to lose G-d’s love, like he did, and take us with him.

In conclusion, I believe such interpretation would perfectly be in accordance with your own.
If you dont believe so, can you please detail in what they would be incompatible (without bias)?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I don’t have fundamental disagreement with you regarding the trans dimensional passing of information and most of the other aspects. As it is, I get enough visits from jumpers who call me ALfred, the wise council.

There are some finer points to add to this which I will take up later, Radius Area Length Phi 22.5. The 22.5 degrees = 1/16 of the circle; a common imprint on artifacts sinusoidal representations baked into the metric and imperial measurement systems and quite clever given its importance.

You have understood a significant aspect of the scriptures, but appear with this interpretation, as you appear to have an attachemebt to for deeper reasons, to be mistaking it for a singularly important one, you cannot disregard the fractal after finding a single satisfactory vantage point which satisfies further understanding on one scale.

Likewise the Quran’s name comes directly from the Aryeh Yehudah קרן Quran. Which means to emit Rays. MIT-REs. It is an archonic, the ArChes embodied, piece of texts given by Luciferic . The shining light ray emitrinf archon. Doesn’t mean it’s useless or all wrong, just have to know why it was given when it was given.

Are the Igigi real, they are of course. The Utukki, Wetukki UTUkim crilele whatever you want to call them. Likewise The story of Sol Amon and Hammurabi is not all about time hopping string theory of the master of animals that are engaging in chaos control . that’s the point of these stories in the Quran, to decompress certain aspects of the story for their power of mass manipulation within the HaSHISHin (6) kults that eventually became masonry.

Equally this means masonry is not centuries olds, it’s the continuation of a long string of middle tier information dissolution call BLOCKS phemia from a very long time ago. Regardless, I will go into further detail in a bit. I appreciate the thought out response.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your quick reply. Always a pleasure to exchange with you.

**As it is, I get enough visits from jumpers who call me ALfred, the wise council.**
You get visits from time travelers?…

**You have understood a significant aspect of the scriptures, but (…) you cannot disregard the fractal after finding a single satisfactory vantage point which satisfies further understanding on one scale.**

Please elaborate on how it disregard the “fractal”?

**”Likewise the Quran’s name comes directly from the Aryeh Yehudah קרן Quran.”**

**Likewise The story of Sol Amon and Hammurabi is not all about time hopping string theory of the master of animals that are engaging in chaos control . that’s the point of these stories in the Quran, to decompress certain aspects of the story for their power of mass manipulation within the HaSHISHin (6) kults that eventually became masonry.**

If what you wrote were true, then it will be evil in essence, which I am sorry to say it is not.
Something that doesnt call for evil and call out everything that is luciferian cannot be from Lucifer.

So, I need you to show me some tangible uncontestable proof please (using proofs as described below)?

Meanwhile, I would like to share some general thoughts. Please allow me to and please keep an open mind, for I am not your enemy but instead a friend in what unite our hearts.

Why do you always refer to etymology when it is no proof? It is just interpretation of possible origins of a word. That is all it is.

If it isnt etymology, its lineage based evidence: you claim you know such and such based on hidden knowledge passed on, as you say, from men to men.

You then almost obliged me to accept such evidence or I imply you are a liar.
But what if I dont believe in both options? You are not a liar but your claim are also no proof.

For example, in a court of law, would the jurors be convinced by a case based on etymology and a lineage tradition?
No, they would tell you that no one can constitute evidence of his own.

So if it is no tangible proof for mere mortal arguments, how could it be for soul and spirituality matters?

Where I dont follow you is that you label luciferic everything that does not satisfy your own theory and again, without even bringing proof to support your claims.

From the assertion that the knowledge of your lineage is legit, you envision all other information and (wrongly) connect dots, as long as it confirms that same vision passed on from men to men.

Also, I think by focusing on millions of details, one loses the bigger picture.
Man’s brain is such that it cannot do both, see the details and the larger picture. This is exactly why, according to you (and me as well) many scientists fail in finding answers to physics problems: they focus in their own discipline without looking at the bigger picture in connection with other academic fields.

Yet, if you seem to have finely analyzed the details, you seem to have subjectively connected the details so as to paint the picture the way it should look like, according to your lineage.

One may have millions of true details, if the pieces are turned upside down, the puzzle still wont be coherent even with the right pieces at hand.

This is how I feel when I read some of your comments and series.

Hence, I feel you disregard logical reasoning when looking at the bigger picture, maybe because you are too personally involved in that picture.

Maybe this is the reason why some questions asked are not easily answered by you (example for my question on a summary of the message of Yeshua and YWYH according to your theory). While it is easy as A B C, you replied it was impossible to sump it up.
Your answer very much surprised me. Nothing cannot be sumed up especially when this requires words which you hold so dear…

I felt you bugged when I asked you to sump up because your brain just imagined all the millions of details in your mind and couldnt imagine how to sum that all up 🙂

Also, you ask people to step out of their comfort zone and out of all the things that mankind has known but how about you?

How have you stepped out of your Aryeh Yehuda’s bubble to imagine the world differently?

You havent.

However much you think you have found “satisfactory vantage points which satisfy your theory/belief”, to paraphrase you, this doesnt mean that you have succeeded in connected all the dots that make the whole picture clear and logical for everybody.

Because if it were the absolute Truth, no one would find one single thing “illogical”. Yet, at least, I do.

For what i have read so far, the BIGGER picture of your theory lacks logic and purpose. The 2 main things that run the whole show of this universe.

Nothing lacks logic or purpose. Look and look again, do you see one thing that does?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


You say

“Why do you always refer to etymology when it is no proof? It is just interpretation of possible origins of a word. That is all it is”

No, it’s not. When I give etymologies there is always tremendous cross-disciplinary evidence (textual, archeological, symbolic, mathematic, theological/mythological, ritualistic,
Cultural, etc.) corroborating what I am saying behind. I give etymologies as shortcuts to guide further research for yourself. I Denver give etymologies by a wanton maybe kind sorta woulda coulda should be cause it sounds alike etymology.

On the surface it may appear as such, given that I don’t decompress all of the evidence for times sake, but if you ask you will see this is true. Be my guest.

I’ll give one easy example: I call Pharisees the Fire-I-Sees. At first glance it seems asanine based on purely superficial phonetic similarity. It is not.

We can track through thousands of sources, across thousands of years and multiple continents, how the term “Pyr” and it’s variants like “fyr” “fire, “phara,” etc all relate to fire. The term for fire in Hebrew is quite literally “Ash,” just like the Assuras of India, fire deities and just like the term for the black soot of fire in English, Ash. The connections are profound.

The term Pyr for fire appears as “PeRISHIm” which you know as Pharisees, the root being pyr. Likewise, they share the exact same phonetic roots and Sanskrit spelling with the infamous fire sages of India, the Rishis, different from then Sanskrit by only one letter. There practices and symbols also aline heavily.

The story of Moshe looking into the burning bush where he becomes “clear of eyes,” or “glowing of eyes,” the term for the burning bush is “Hassina.”

Who is the famous female deity of wisdom in Greece that has “eyes like fire,” and “glowing eyes?” The huntress Athena.
Athena and Hassina are phonetically nearly exact, and share not only phonetics, but they align ritualistically, and in the attached epithet and, mythology regarding eyes looking into a fire and obtaining wisdom.

You can then go around tracking ritualistic fire staring and “becoming clear of eyes,” (often taking hallucinogens) all over Eurasia and Meso America for thousands of years. We even find Athena traveled with the Ainu to Japan, as the goddess Hassinew, phonetically nearly unchanged again, and just as well as in Greece a huntress deity carrying the same weaponry and role, with nearly identical symbolism to Greece.

Likewise it states as much in the Torah that Moshe is son of PHARoah, who claims to be the embodiment of the Solar Fire, AURus, the shiny golden Dawn now known as Horus. Phara-on, the embodiment of fire. Like Shamesh-on, the embodiment of the sun. On is a suffix for material embodiment of a deity or emergent phenomena in human form.

Here we can then ascertain there is a connection between the Pharisees and cross compare thousands of words which all show such deep and profound connections between peRISHIs and Shiva worship. To give but one example Shiva = 7 in Hebrew, the 7th candlestick being Saturn the destroyer, and Shiva is the destroyer of Hinduism.

Following this thread will eventually lead you to Gujarat and the Indus Valley civilisations. There is substantial archeological evidence of the prolonged (1500+ years) contacts between sailers of Maggen and the Euphrates valley with Gujarat.

Following this knowledge I have been able to decode and read hundreds of seals in the supposedly not decoded Indus Valley language: the letters are closely related to Paleo Hebrew if you apply star catalogues. They are read right to left principally, but are dual direction.

Some of the seals are dedications for a coming of age (girl turning 12) or other well known deities found in the earliest forms of Hinduism, such as Garutu, and the Amrita, the elixir of life. Others are more interesting and refer to Atlantis saying “Subsumed in Vice” in one direction and “Destroyed In Shiva’s Fire” in the other, contain king on one side a sea serpent, and on the other a boat with a tabernacle surrounded by two ducks and palm trees, exactly identical to the iconography found on ancient Egyptian potter Lyn and very notably on pheonician and Pharisee stelles stretching from about 3rd Century through about the 9th century CE. I’ll show you a few Pheonciab and Pharisee stelles which contain the Indus Valley script saying “Deva Indra Ra.” And showing the bull of heaven. This is an occult fire priest language, they carried forward.

So while it seems asanine that Injust call them “Fire I Sees,” the etymologies are designed as guideposts, not definitive evidence. The word really does carry that much power.

It says that with The Word, it was spoken the universe into existence. You may not be considering the full power of the word:

Why is the name of YHWH now changed in every language to previous names for the illuminator?

Gad = an Epithet of Ba’al found in aisiah 65:11 and all over Pheonciab artifacts, calling “Ba’al Gad is my fortune.”
Dios = Zeus the illuminator
Bog = The Two Headed Janus of the Siberian steppes
Alla = an ugaratic deity of keeping the keys of the underworld to deceased deities who had ceased to have been worshipped.

And notably in Aryeh Yehudah אל לא “Al La” means “There is no ALohim” just as LA still means no or not in Arabic.

I don’t speak these things lightly, I’m giving short cuts based on a tremendously profound and varied set of evidence I’ve found which has lead to these conclusions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your quick input.

You have explained in details and gave example of the etymology of a few words.
I appreciate your detailed description in reply to my question:

**Why do you always refer to etymology when it is no proof? It is just interpretation of possible origins of a word. That is all it is.**

You reply:

**When I give etymologies there is always tremendous cross-disciplinary evidence (textual, archeological, symbolic, mathematic, theological/ mythological, ritualistic, Cultural, etc.) corroborating what I am saying behind. I give etymologies as shortcuts to guide further research for yourself.**

What I mean is, for example, you mentionned Fire I see for Pharisee.
You link them to the etymology of fire which was found in many civilizations and languages (well considering the languages all come a single one, this makes sense). And?

If I take the word genuine. It comes from the latin word genu which means knee but also race, birth. In english it doesnt make sense to relate knee to authentic but it did before when fathers would put a newborn child on their knees in order to acknowledge their paternity.

Likewise, why would historical facts or meanings necessarily associate that same meaning to the present?

Dont you believe that what we mentally associate today to a word is what represents its true meaning instead?

When I speak, the power of the words are through the meaning and symbology that I want to share and which I base on what the words mean today for most of us. Not to what they used to mean some hundreds years ago.

Now I understand you also base your theory on other types of proof rather than etymology. This is what I am interested in.

Can you please answer my other questions?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I missed that in my last comment.

you write:
**And notably in Aryeh Yehudah אל לא “Al La” means “There is no ALohim”**

I am confused. Aryeh Yehudah which you belong to, dont believe in a Supreme being like El?
Isnt YWYH like El?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


The 3rd word of the scriptures is אלהים “ALohim.” Absolutely this is the one of the many names “HaShem”of the growth of the fractal of the universe and YHWH.

What I am pointing out is a linguistic coding, which occurs across space and cultures: That the priests of hierarchical religion and governments, which demonstrate to be invariably Luciferian, exchange the name of for the ineffable creator for ones which invariably in the much older languages and cultural contexts, and almost always in the Hebrew texts, are either a direct reference to Lucifer (the illuminator) or to the non-existence of YHWH. If I can show you dozens of La gauges with this exact pattern, is it really just a coincidence or some non relevant fact? No, it is an overwhelming and very specific pattern.

This is like the use of Dios in all Latin based languages. This name was referencing Zeus for nearly 1000 years before it becomes the word of choice in the Cattle Church.

It is like the use of Bog in Cyrillic languages, which is likewise the dualistic nature of electromagnetism (again the illuminator), in much older Siberian Steppe shamanism. That is now spread by Eastern Orthodoxy. Another several languages fall under this use.

The name “god,” in English spread by The Church of England, is an infamous epithet of Ba’al (the bull form of Satan) from the levant dating to at least the first millenia BCE. This epithet for Satan is even called abominable in Isiah 65:11, referring to Gad and Meni. Here another 4-5 languages (English, Norwegian etc) fall under using an epithet of Lucifer in place of the name of YHWH.

This is a pattern which repeats over and over and over and over in modern languages, to a point that it is nauseating: there are repeated, consistent patterns of linguistic codings that attach ancient pagan deities into the cultural conciousness. It is not by chance that the word “Nιgg3r” means “Human or Animal Property, ,” in Sumerian tablets on 5000 BCE and then suddenly it crops up with the same meaning and exact same phonetic value in the English language slave trade 4000 years later. These things are seeded and perpetuated under the surface in such a consistent and mind boggling manner.

Is it any wonder that today in English “Money,” is the same as so many of the ancient Lunar deities such as the Norse Mani, whose brother is Sol (literally Sol & Mani, Solimin)? This same deity is quoted as abominable in Isiah 65:11 as “Moni,” and it literally means “monetary fortune.” MONItary…

Let me show you a discovery I made just by following the word:

Consider the passage of Matthew 27 where at the condemnation of Yeshua they throw 30 “shining silver pieces,” into the tabernacle. 30 silver moons is equivalent to one lunar synodic period (29.53 days). The scriptures then mention “the fields of the potter,” which are used as tombs for “foreigners.” It is a clear and obvious referential clue for anyone in the ancient world, but which now is just brushed over:

1) To the potter deity Khnum, who is the setting sun of the west (like the Chinese great Mother) and is the name of the emperor on the pyramid of Khnum Khufu, at Giza, which were used as “tombs,” in later antiquity.

2) The valley of Hinnom in Jerusalem, often called Gehenna, and which is a valley of tombs to this day.

The distance between these two locations, measured from cornerstone to the tomb of “David” is 272.72 miles exactly. Random?

No, the ratio of the volumetric mean radius of the Moon to Earth is
.27272 : 1 How powerful they the word tells us this unassailable mathematical truth about two very important ancient sights.

Likewise yhe megalithic Yard, found baked into megalithic structures from StineHenge to Gobekli tepe all over the ancient world is exactly 2.72 feet. This is also Eulers number, a dimensionless constant (no units, like π) as fundamental to probability and the construction of the universe as Pi, Phi, etc. The imperial and metric systems are very, very old, and have been crestsd and adjusted to fit the Planck scale measurements of reality with φ to incredible exactitude, just as the second has been. Earth rotates exactly 16 Planck times per day (16.01) . That’s 86400 seconds, 1:54 within 99.997% accuracy. Coincidence?

If you follow this thread you’re going to end up with relative ratios of the hydrogen atom and it’s charge density to Earth that are encoded in this construction pattern not only of the universe, but ancient structures, and which are specifically mentioned in the scriptures.

So here I am showing you just how powerful the word is in tracking the history of the world, telling us to track two ancient sights that encode the Radius ratio of earth to moon (doesn’t depend on units) within the story. For those that are willing to use it as a guide towards much further and more in depth research.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Regarding the name Alla, we find that likewise it comes from a much older underworld deity that was the gatekeeper for dead. Look up Alla Gula, and you are going to find not only linguistic, but also significant symbolic connections to the modern Allah worship.

And then more importantly consider the aspects of the Black Kube of Saturn at the Hajj and Ka-Ba-ALLAH where people literally rotate around the Hajj Seven times. Just Like Saturn, the 7th planet. Seven being called Shiva in Hebrew, like Shuva the destroyer, whose tradition in India is about obtaining wisdom from Queen Shiva, aka Queen Sheba. Likewise, in pre Muslim Arabia there is a wealth of archeological evidence of worship of proto-Shiva, under the name Rudra, an amalgamation of Ra- and Indra. The sun and the illuminator.

Both kabbalists and Muslims worshipping back cubes called Kabbas Allahs, both under the same name. And with profound and deep historical ties.

All of these profound symbolic, linguistic, ritualistic and historical connections are of extraordinary use in understanding the world as it truly functions. The word is of great power if you understand it and apply it across disciplines with great care and research; I’m not just chopping up words randomly based on phonetics.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Now to cover the word Kaba Allah.

Unequivocally in languages and cultures of the ancient near east, the word Ka, is a reference to the aspect of a person, being, thing or soul as the soul’s image or likeness.

Ka in Egypt is a spirits essence. It is a reference to the images of statues made for deities to inhabit and be worshipped, they were called as Ka Statues, where it was said a deities spirit essence would enter the statue, and their ceremonies for summoning the deities Ka included an “opening of the mouth ceremony,” (which is a massive piece of cargo kult worship regarding animatronic machines, but that’s another story.)

in Hebrew Ka is simply the preposition “as.” Or “like,” with no connotation of this silly pagan notion. The prohibition on graven images of any kind in the second commandment of Moshe is directly against this type of stuff. Islam, to its credit has followed this command not permitting any statues or images of Muhammad.

The Ba of Egypt was a souls spirit in Avian Body or form.

Al is a reference to the tree of life, divinity. Alon in Hebrew means Tree, and is in the ancient tongue literally “the embodiment of the YHWH or Alohim.”

La means “no or not.”

The reason Ba’al is so hated as Satan, has to do with it being the avian spirit body forms worshipped in place of the one true creator so heavily by statue Luciferian religions of the ancient world. It’s the imposter, the shining “divine bird.” Look to the Babylonian Zu, who is the storm/lightning bird from where the name Zeus comes.

Ba’al is the avian form, of Lucifer/Benus/Venus/Ishtar/ etc. It is why Rome uses the Solar Eagle, dozens of flags still have it (such as US) today, Isis and all of the great mothera use either a vulture or eagle (largest bird of prey) and the Eastern Orthodox Church has it as their symbol in the two headed form. Evening and Morning Stae; Venus, to whom blood sacrifice was committed. Likewise Ba’al simply meant “master, or lord.”

So here we can see there is a dual meaning in Ka-Ba-Al-Lah

“the spirit of the Lord NOT.” Its a curse, and the black kube represents the nothingness of the vacuum of space.

This is why I find there is significant and profound evidence from a variety of sourcings that, Al La as the name used is designed to worship Alla, the deity who keeps dead deities locked away in Mesopfamia, and to say “Al La,” AL is NOT.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I want to continue with some of the other names and symbols associated with what is supposedly YHWH throughout the ancient world, by a consistent Luciferian name, iconography, and solar worship, as well as some of the twistings that have been given throughout history: Berashid discusses the pattern: wher the Aryeh Yehudah go, the imposters follow and corrupt the message:

In Chinese the archaic name, stretching back to the most ancient of records in Chinese, of what is described as the supreme and one original father, is called “Judi/Yudi” It is essentially identical to the latin word for Aryeh Yehudah, Judai, and the name itself “Yuda,” in Hebrew, often now called Judah in English. We traveled across the world many, many thousands of years ago giving the Truth as the shepherds. He is always dressed in turqouise, which is the color of the fish scale armor worn by the Aryeh Yehudah when they would arrive in boats, many thousands of years ago.

In later records, suddenly a very well known solar symbol appears, along with names for the illuminator and his iconography:

In Chinese we find the “utmost heavenly father,” about a thousand years later, accompanied by an uptick in war and killing, represented by the symbol called the wàn 卍. Said exatly like “Juan” or as the Babylonian Oannes. This symbol appears alongside fire and solar worship throughout the ancient world with incredible consistency, always accompanied by the same names, rituals and then lots of war and other atrocities.

A small selection:

Lithuania: It is called the PERkonkrusts, the Fire/Lightning Cross, like our root PYR.
Navajo: They call it the “Whirling/Burning Log.” It is equivalent to the fire Scythe mentioned “east of Eden” in Berashid.
India: Called the Sauwastik, it is greatly associated with Surya for thousands of years, the two and forehead headed solar gorgon deity of fire.
Armenia: It is called the Arevacach the “Sun Cross” or notable the havertshut’YAN
Persia: See below where I have attached a picture of a bowl from 4000 BCE persia which shows the swatstik surrounded by fish, the “John” or “Wan” or “Yan” or “Oan-es” the same as the roman JAN-us, the man of two or four faces. This is the power of the word to guide one into true understanding.

In terms of Astrotheological luciferian, this symbol represents unequivocally, and even many pre-imminent academic scholars and theologists openly acknowledge this, the north pole star in Alpha Draconis. This is the star Thuban, which was precisely the north pole star in 3000 BCE. This word in Arabic is ثُعْبَان  “Tuban” and as I believe you are aware, and means serpent. Likewise, the name “Jon,” is the word for Fish in Egyptian, as well as in Babylonian and Greek as “Oan,” later becoming “Juan” in Castillian Spanish, and da-Gan/da-Jon in Pheonician. This is why Yeshua says that many were prophecying until the day of Oannes (John the baptist), who took no food and did not drink. “The Builders” that you referenced are called אֲבָנִ֔ים “Abanim” which essentially means very large megalithic Stones, and survives even today in Castillian spanish and Arabic as “Abanil.” meaning a stone worker.

The word “to build, construct” used at the tower of Ba Ba’al (the avian spirit body, the accursed fallen angel Lucifer) is בָּנָה “Banah.” For instance both bricks (originally white) and any shining white color are called “Laban,” the origin of the name “Leban-on” meaning a physical manifestation of white; its not by accident all the ancient lebanese cities where constructed white and worshiped Ba’al Hammon, who is the solar acatar of Lucifer. These etymologies are not spurious, the can ben tracked and confirmed across thousands of primary source documents, across dozens of languages and cultural contexts where they keep a consistency with cultural, theologicial, historical, and archeological evidence.

In the Chinese above, we see the substitution of the teachings regarding the ineffable creator substituted for the solar symbol of “Jon,” or Wan. It isthe serpent from the sea, just as “Thuban” is the serpent and the star in Alpha Draconis that was at the north pole in 2500 BCE.

This tale of a wise council coming from the sea is repeated over and over across the world over, and shows a constant pattern with mountains of evidence; it is the ancestors of the Aryeh YUDA, then twisted into corrupt and vile luciferian worship full of statues, supersiticions, and lots of solar symbolism, along with Cattle/bull worship, and then usually somewhat later, a “great mother,” representing Venus is brought in for blood sacrifice. It is a remarkably consistent pattern. This is what is meant by the beast out of the Sea in Revelations; it is the Sun and its accompanying worship which twists the truth into a luciferian corruption that imposters the real thing.

You may question whether or not it is possible that this all traveled as far as China (whose name is literally KAIN-a and who is ruled by the HAN chinese, Hanas meaning serpent just as well in Hebrew and Arabic to this day.)

Then look to the Korean emperor Dangun. His name and iconography are essentially identical to the Pheonician solar fish man DAGON. Or the African Fish scale solar man deity, DOGON. Quite the pattern.

Korea’s Dagon is always represented wearing turqouise fish scales, with the sun behind his head. The symbols making up his name in Korean 檀君 mean “Purple-Red Monarch.” The texts regarding Dangun go back to 2000 BCE. Its quite hard to see how with the detailed phonetic, symbolic, iconographic, and ritual identicality they could be unconnected.

Is it any coincidence that at Beni Hazan, Hazan being a Hebrew word meaning “The speaker/singer of the Ruach (Breathe of YHWH)” we find semetic shepherd kings depicted wearing scarlett red? Or that the same Khnum Khufu of Giza grew up in Beni Hazan of Ancient Egypt, and only after constructing the pyramids was corrupted by the sun worshiping heliopolitan priests at the city of OAN/on? And then this shows up in the scriptures regarding murdering the Truth, which is Yeshua. Murdering the Truth in Matthew 27, pointing to structures that are exactly 272 miles apart corrupted by solar worship into becoming tombs by PHARAoahs and PHARisees? No priests will dare admit these glaringly obvious realities, but they cant be ignored.

Likewise, it cannot be a simple coincidence that in the scriptures we find that the one who betrays Yeshua is known as Judas, but whose name in Greek is  Ὶούδας which is a one letter corruption of the Greek spelling for “Aryeh Yehudah” Ἰουδαίων, and which relates with the term ἰοειδής which means “Violet.” It is a reference to a history of betrayal and impostering by those wearing Tyrrean Purple, and the color violet of the western setting sun, just as the Great Mother of the western setting sun in China, and Khnum Khufu the potter deity of the western setting sun in Egypt. The theme is dizzingly interconnected, with a profound depth.
Below is a photo of the Persian bowl from 4000 BCE, showing the “Wan,” along with all of the fish swirling around it; the beast out of the sea; Solar worship that Imposters the Aryeh Yehudah. This is why the Hebrew term “Tanninu” meaning sea beast, is from the exact same root as “Tannaim” which means imposters. It shows the corruptions in Egyptin Ptah, the patron deity of masonry and the builders, and Tannit (who is Ptah-Nit), of the Pheonicians who is the great mother of blood sacrifice of children in Pheonician, whose name originally included the letter Digamma, that looks like f, but is said W, and their original name WANicia.

The Scriptures are magnificent in the revelations they provide linguistically, as paths for guidance of much deeper mathematic, archeologic, historical, theological, and scientific research towards uncovering and exposing the very evil and occult tricks these monsters play on the world across space and time.

As Yeshua commanded, I am shouting what is whispered in the inner rooms from the rooftops.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Just a small question, does “East of Eden” refer to a new dawn of a period of judgment?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@Igageharleya @ariah

The whirling fire scythe refers to the solar pashas, the solar analemma which represents how the sun moves throughout the Earth year. This is in regards to the setting of Earth in its current stable astronomical orbit around the sun, which then gives rise to teh conditions that create humanity in its material form , from the carbon-12 (the dust) of the Earth. Male and Female created HEI.

Hava says (father does not)to the serpent in Berashid 3:2, that she has been told that whoever eats the “Fruit” shall surely die. The word used is:

מִפְּרִ֥י “miPYRi” = Fruit, Womb

compare this to:

פְּרוּשִׁים “PERIshim” The Pharisees

Note, one ends just where the other begins; a clever invention from them in their name. The same root for womb as the PYRIshim, or FIRe seers. The last three letters (reading right to left of course) of the word for “fruit,” in Berashid 3:2 and the first 3 letters of “Pharisees” are identical, Pei-Resh-Yod.

In the very name of the fire sage Pharisees we find a reference to this whirling fire scythe, the solar analemma, and the fruit of Eden, the one that Amarru uses to cause humanity to commit an amartia (disobeyment of commands) which leads to the banishment from Eden, and the construction of the solar analemma, this universe and our solar system, which is material existence. As we have discussed, this word for fruit also means “womb.” This is why they worship the great Mother, who reaps and sews; for anyone who partakes of the WOMB, emerging from the chaotic dark waters (literally what it is as the material body forms in the womb) WILL SURELY DIE.

As you study the original forms of the Aryeh Yehudah letters, you will find that the words letters of MiPeri tell the story by itself:

Mem = Waters Pei = Mouth Resh = head Yod = Hand.

Just like a human birth, as from out of the waters of the womb emerges the living child head first followed by the hand (a defining feature of humans is our hands). Material embodiment in the universe, which requires you to be born in a stable solar system with a solar analemma with the same or very similar to ours; it requires a whirling fire scythe.

This is why Bishop Melito goes so far, between hating the Aryeh Yehudah for a good long while, as to give the direct etymology of the word passover as πάσχω in 191 CE, given as suffering and then includes the word “hyperbola” just like the mathematical form that describes the “arches of heaven,” which represent gravitational orbits; its the old adage, “life is suffering.” The Greek Luciferians really went hard on the Boddhi/Woden doctrines of the Thokarians and their octagonal churches, along with all the glorification of the highly disgusting false martyrdoms and brutality of self flogging. Make them suffer for their AI. (the name of Enki is IA…)

He is telling his cattle (human property) to their face that their passing over into material existence is suffering and sacrifice for the sake of Lucifer/IA’s material creation (AI…) by harvesting their souls an Ki (En = Lord Ki = energy, lord of the Ki Farm) into the material universe, and then directs them to worship the great mother (and the Sun, the whirling fire scythe, which sits at the door and blind them from The Truth) that gave them their life from “the womb,” so that SURELY THEY WILL DIE and feel suffering for their “original sin” that the serpent needs for his positive feedback loop of rebellion by harvesting their free will. This is a wicked twist.

As you know, Qadim, East in Hebrew also refers to backwards in time, or forwards, if you go around the whole Earth (allegorically) on a boat. It is both backwards and forwards.


This also may be helpful to you

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


mistagged you above. The numerics are telling: the word for “Whirling” or “Turning” has the lead digits as:

5.445824^2 = Speed of Light (which is C) *pi^2.

This is PI CEE, the fish around the scythe is the vesica pisces geometrical construction, which governs the serpent like movement of light. This is the connection between the great mother and her genitalia, like Ishtar, and the serpent, whose movement is governed by the geometric construction of the universe.

I have discussed this regarding a bow and arrow (the rays of light which bend in gravity as general relativity shows) and the vesica pisces flower symbol found in the temple of apollo, as is referenced in Revelations in great detail in a much earlier post.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for your input.

If I understand it, you criss crossed scriptures with “extensive linguistic, historical, and as r geological analysis” which allowed you to “restore to about 98-99% fidelity the texts”.

Then, using a simple list, can you name what you think are the true information of the texts?
For example, the “laws” that one has to follow? G-d’s message?

**Let me put this in no uncertain terms: The scriptures are first and foremost mathematic in nature. // When I read the scriptures now, I do not generally read the words, I read the equations; and unequivocally, all of the forgeries perpetrated fail mathematically. When I first realized this some years ago, I noticed that all of the passages that I had originally discarded for linguistic reasons, contained jumbled equations that gave nonsensical results.**

Very interesting, I myself believe that G-d is actually Perfect and All Knowing.
What allows for perfection? Mathematics. This is the roots to physics, astronomy, neurology, chemistry etc etc.. to the whole universe. The universe is just numbers, so are we. The atom, the quark. it’s all chemistry and physics. Hence, Mathematics.

Even excrements are perfect: they allow us to remain alive (otherwise an occlusion could kill us), they allow us to identify a disease/bacteria or expel harmful bacterias (diarrhea) and so on.

Look at what humans create and yet, it is always harmful one way or the other (harming us or the planet or animals).

When even imperfection is constantly perfect, be assured this requires perfection at the quantum level.

See, I have not agreed with many things you wrote here yet we share that same idea that G-d speaks to us with numbers.

No wonder with 89% of 500 or so nobel prize recipients believe in a Creator.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I’ve provided a long and thorough first part response, just “waiting for approval.”

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Good point!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I’ve provided a longer response to this which is awaiting approval. On here, I have received and responses to thousands of questions, and sometimes, some of them get lost in the fray, particularly when the volume is high. However, I am eager for the first part of the response to be posted, and then to provide further depth in the second part.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I knew we’d find some common ground.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>“ The name of the church known as “Catholic,” or in Latin “Catolica,” is a reference to its namesake Vatika (Etruscan), Vat/Bat (Egypt), whom are solar cow deities of Luciferianism called “The Great Mother,”
Their name is taken directly from the Umbrian word Catulus, which was long used and adopted in Latin, inland which means in no uncertain terms: sacrificial animal, animal Property, usually Bovine. The traditions of Bull/Ba’al worship are well attested in Luciferian Solar Rites of Eurasia, from Gnossis in Crete, to the detestable Moloch of Canaan, to Vat/Hathor in Egypt, to Tannit in Phoenicia Carthage, to the White Heifer of the Minotaur, to the Sacrifical bull fighting of Spain (a true Catulus), to the sacred cows of Hinduism in India. The tradition is very old in Luciferianism, and the universalist church of the great mother’s blood lust chose the name for this purpose: the Luciferians tell you what they are doing; they see it as consent if you play along.”
You see you can create quite a novel starting from one word. You extract and distort, then combine elements in such a way (convincing way) that someone a little bit more naive, or lazy, or weak in his faith, or outside the Church is being taken by surprise by your wordy avalanche and “buy a boat because of writing skits”.
It amazes me that you simply ignore the greek origin of the word.
Also,… Catholic Orthodox (orthos+doxa= straight/right opinion) Church = Universal Right/Straight/in truth Church.

I agree that some “shepards” are wolves. they use and abuse both faith and people. I also want to underline that Christ’s teachings are open, not occult and available to both educated and illiterate people, rich and poor, all colours and nations.
Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ is the one we give our respect to, and not some pagan godess or some luciferic woman predestined to be the mother of the anti-christ. We know whom we give our respects to. We esteem that particular, unique, special woman who was and is Mother of Christ. To the orthodox and also true catholics she is our Emperess, the Holy Virgin, the spotless dove, most beautiful flower in the gardens of heaven. We love her and treasure her because she was that one, outstanding woman worthy to carry in her womb God incarnated (and please, take your etymologies and insults elsewhere). Orthodox believers do worship Christ, yes, Jesus Christ (=Iisus Hristos = Iesous (Ιησους) Christos (Χριστος) = the Son\ the Logos , not Mithras or Horus or whatever Zeitgeist impostor you sell us here. True and in Truth believers KNOW whom they worship and show esteem to.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”I also want to underline that Christ’s teachings are open, not occult”

This is an extremely important point, and perhaps the most important point that could be made here.

If we believe the Bible, then we believe Christ is the manifestation of all that was previously hidden. Christ tells us this when he says “I am […] the Truth.” (John 14:6) This means (among many other things) that *the truth is a person*. This is further reinforced when John says of Christ, “the Word was made flesh.” (John 1:14) God, of course, speaks only Truth. This also means Christ himself is the language God chooses.

From here, one can begin to see why prophets are made to eat scrolls. If one can see that, then one can also begin to understand why the Orthodox and Catholics believe the Eucharist is Christ.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

@chud, is eating scrolls literal, too? If not, why not? Especially if these two concepts are interrelated?

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

>”is eating scrolls literal, too?”

John 1:10: “I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day”

Ezekiel 2:1: “This was the vision of the likeness of the glory of the Lord”

Before John was given a scroll to eat, he was in the spirit. Before Ezekiel was given a scroll to eat, he was having a vision.

As you can see, my answer to this question will be less relevant for you than your answer to it. So I ask you: is what happens in the spirit and in visions literal, or not?

John 6:25: “And when they had found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him: Rabbi, when camest thou hither?”

When Christ is saying, “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life” (John 6:55), John has given us the other side of the sea as the setting, so this is a literal description of historical events in the temporal realm. The disciples and Jews respond negatively to what he plainly says. In response, he does not modify his statement or turn to a parable, he insists: “For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed.” (John 6:56) The people are scandalized when they hear it, He persists, offering no qualification to his words, but instead offers them a proof that what he is saying is true: “Doth this scandalize you? If then you shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?” (John 6:62-63)

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

He did try to correct their literalistic misinterpretation of his words in John 6 in several ways: (a) Yeshua said, “The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6:63, emphasis added). (b) He also said, “The flesh is of no help at all” in understanding his words (John 6:63, empha-sis added). (c) Further, Yeshua equated “eating” his flesh with one who “believes in him” and thereby “has eternal life” (cf. John 3:16, 18,

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD

“O taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps. 37:4). “Come, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters . . . come, buy and eat” (Isa. 55:1). Ezekiel was told to “eat” the scroll (the Word of God) in a figurative sense (Ezek. 2:8-9). Peter said, “long for the pure spiritual milk that by [eating] it you may grow up unto salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2:2-3, emphasis added).

(4) Jesus often used figures of speech in the Gospel of John to describe Himself such as, “water” (4:14) “bread” (6:35), “light” (8:12), the “door” (10:7, 9), and the “vine” (15:1). But a literalistic sense makes no sense in any of these cases. 

 ‘It is the Spirit that quickeneth, but the flesh profiteth nothing.’ The words that have spoken to you, are Spirit and Life.’”11 But according to Jesus, eating the “flesh and blood” of Christ brings eternal life (John 6:54-58) now (cf. John 5:24). So, he cannot be referring to the physical sacraments here which do no such thing.

 In the Communion ceremony Jesus said, “This is my body” (soma), not “this is my flesh” (sarx).

Doesn’t the bible call the sum total of believers/followers “The Body Of Christ”? Shall we all “munch” on each other?

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

Then you have your answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E


Thank you for doing this.


Why does the Cattle Church not take Yeshua’s command “Call no man Father” literally? Or is Papa totally different?

Why does the Cattle Church use a multitude of graven images, in violation of the second commandment?

Why does the cattle church (it openly admits this) use pagan deities as “Saints,” and have parades where they worship the statues?

It takes magic cannibal crackers literally, but not these commands which it directly violates. Why is that?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You have your answer also.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


No I don’t.

Why does the cattle church disregard, en masse, the command of Yeshua to call no man father? Specifically in reference to priestly “authority.”

Why does the Cattle Church use a multitude of graven images, in violation of the second commandment?

You have many words to defend the hyper literal translation reading of the body blood eating, but no words for how their practices do not stamp on the commandments?

I have one more question for you, what is the earliest extant manuscript of the passages you cite John 6?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”No I don’t.”

I accept your correction.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


If you refuse to answer me, I must assume you cannot answer me. The extreme avoidance you have shown towards discussing these direct commands is glaring. The Papa wants you take call him father no matter the scriptures and words of Yeshua, it’s “Church Tradition.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Cattle Church”
>”Cattle Lick”
>”cannibal crackers”
>”magical cannibal crackers”

You have made up your mind, and I respect that.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


You can try to deflect, by playing mock offended, but coming from someone who has proudly declared “Protestants are parasites,” rings extremely hollow. I’m not a Protestant, I don’t take it personally, but my it’s silly to see you now act so hurt to avoid answering fundamental questions.

I’ll ask again:

1) The Second commandment says “Have graven images you SHALL NOT.” Then why does the cattle church have billions of graven images, including a myriad of saints it even admits used to be local pagan deities? Why is munching on crackers sacred and highly literal, but the second commandment means nothing?

2) Yeshua says “Call no Man Father.” Yet the entire Cattle church hierarchy calls itself “father,” from your local priest clear up to the Papa himself. Why is munching on crackers sacred and highly, extremely literal, but Yeshua’s command to “call no man Father,” means nothing?

3) Ir is commanded in the scriptures not to erect obelisks, which are detestable to YHWH. Why then is their a giant solar obelisk in the vatikain and many Eastern Orthodox churches?

4) Yeshua gets quite upset at those selling in the temple. He commands we do not bring commerce into places of worship. Why then are their gift shops, credit card donation ATMs, Commemorative Coin Makers, and many other sales mediums placed for profit in the Temples of Cattle Churches across the world?

5) Yeremiah commands that blowing incense and making cakes to the statue of the “Queen of Heaven,” is abominable. Why then does the Cattle Church make cakes and blow incense to the billions of statues of the Queen of Heaven?

6) Ir is commanded that “murder you SHALL NOT,” Why then does that cattle church and Eastern Orthodoxy, going back long before the schism, have such a tremendous history of engaging in mass genocide against other religions, witch burnings and heretic burnings in town squares for fun, and the mass purging by murder of anyone it perceived as a rival to its state sanctioned authority.

7) It is commanded in Hebrews that playing as if you were bringing Yeshua to sacrifice at the alter over and over is an abomination. Why then does the Cattle Church do ir ever SUNday?

This is but a tiny fraction of the commands the church tramples upon underfoot day after day, for thousands of years. All of these scriptural commands from Yeshua. Moshe, Yeremiah, Ezekiel, which just don’t seem to matter, which are to be taken “not literally,” but Yeshua, in a discussion about the bread of life and manna from heaven was supposedly being super duper literal about bowing before crackers and claiming you’re a magic cannibal.

From someone who claimed others “can’t read,” based on a single sentence which you read with exacting literalism in translations made my psycopathjc serial killers, I wish to understand your interpretations about why all those commandments are not literal and unimportant, but the crackers are Extremely literal.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You can try to deflect, by playing mock offended”

I’m not offended.

>”but my it’s silly to see you now act so hurt to avoid answering fundamental questions.”

I appreciate your concern, but I am not hurt. You made up your mind. I respect your decision.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


I am asking you forthrightly to discuss these scriptural commands. You have, now over several threads, refused to address these issues repeatedly, for ever shifting reasons from: “my (Chud’s) stance is irrelevant,” to now “I’vemade up my mind,” to a lot of just plain ignoring.

I am genuinely interested in trying to understand your view point on the literal flesh crackers that never make you eat again, versus the other commandments I’ve discussed. Keep in mind, these are but a tiny fraction of the direct commandments violated and trampled in interested in discussing.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”I’ve asked you about 9-10 questions, all of them have gone unanswered.”
>”You have, now over several threads, refused to address these issues repeatedly, for ever shifting reasons from: “my (Chud’s) stance is irrelevant,” to now “I’vemade up my mind,” to a lot of just plain ignoring.”


>”This is how devious these wicked serpents are; they take abominations and call them sacraments to trick their cattle into rebelling against YHWH.”
>”From someone who claimed others “can’t read,” based on a single sentence which you read with exacting literalism in translations made my psycopathjc serial killers, I wish to understand your interpretations about why all those commandments are not literal and unimportant, but the crackers are Extremely literal.”
>According to your literalist interpretation of the translations, we shouldn’t need to eat ever again after one super powerful flesh cracker.”


>”I’m genuinely interested in trying to understand it; if I already had the answer I wouldn’t ask.”
>I am genuinely interested in trying to understand your view point on the literal flesh crackers that never make you eat again”


1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Quoting me and writing “Right, Hmm, Lol.” What lengths you go to in order avoid answering some very serious questions, while trying to pretend you aren’t avoiding answering them.

I’ve applied your professed hyper literalist view of interpreting translations in order to show you the logical absurdity of the argument. You are selectively picking what to interpret literally, and then arbitrarily deciding what to interpret figuratively in the same sentence.

He states “Nourish yourself by my Body and Blood” you claim he means it hyper literally. We gotta munch his body toes to ears.

He states “you’ll never hunger again.” Now that is figurative! He doesn’t really mean you won’t be hungry ever again, he’s referring to spiritual sustenance.

Human body munching and cannibalism = very literal

Never being hungry following said
cannibalism = very allegorical

Where is this arbitrary distinction line between hyper literalist and very figurative begin and end? It’s the same sentence, same speaker, same topic, but you would claim that one part is dead literal and justifies munching his eyeballs that a priest who calls himself father (Call no Man Father) magically makes crackers, while you claim the other half the sentence is figuratively discussing spiritual sustenance. And if I dare apply the same hyper literalist translation logic to when he discusses partaking of his waters as magically making water his urine, then you get really offended.

Cracker magically made Eyeballs and cannibalism = holy
Water magically made Urine = desecration

If I applied your church’s logic to the whole sentence, then it clearly states that if we were to eat one of his toes and sucked on his neck like a vampire, we would never ever get hungry nor need to eat again.

Obviously that’s not true, but it is revealing of how arbitrary this selectively literalist reading is to justify flesh crackers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Quoting me and writing “Right, Hmm, Lol.” What lengths you go to in order avoid answering some very serious questions, while trying to pretend you aren’t avoiding answering them.”

Most of your responses are cluttered and disorganized, which makes it a chore to get through. You can call it “avoiding” if you like, but ignoring is more accurate.

>”then you get really offended.”

You’re continuing to imagine a drama that isn’t happening.

>”your church”

Which church is that?

>”I’ve applied your professed hyper literalist view of interpreting translations in order to show you the logical absurdity of the argument. You are selectively picking what to interpret literally, and then arbitrarily deciding what to interpret figuratively in the same sentence.”

You already have your answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I am also eager to hear how you justify all of these direct violations of scriptural commands by the Cattle Licks.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

@chud What is it that you seek on this site?

Last edited 1 year ago by vesicapisces
1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

I like some of the articles. Sometimes I learn something from the comments and sometimes I’m entertained by them. What about you?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I’m seeking information, answers, the Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces

I hope you will find more and more.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

My apologies, @Gem and @Chud, the comments format here likes to reshuffle and to not show which reply is being referenced.
I meant the reply from @crispff, forgive me, I should have specified.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

@A E

Read the portions from John 6:30 onward:

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 36 But as I told you, you have seen me and still you do not believe. All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

At this the Jews there began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” They said, “Is this not Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I came down from heaven’?”

There is a tremendous lot of context here that gets disregarded. Particularly given what the Manna from heaven is. What word is used for Manna here in John 6? What word is used for heaven?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem and what word is used in scriptures for “eternal”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

In this same chapter is: αιωνιον – eternal

The noun αιων (aion) means life-span, age or epoch. It is the source of our English words age and eon

Our noun appears to describe any length of clearly defined span of time, whether one person’s life or some era of certain renown. As general point of referral, this word may also apply to the vast span of history: the ages, the times of old.

Note that the Greeks also applied this word to the spinal marrow, which appears to suggest that they saw society as much based on social evolution as a human being on his spinal cord. To the Greeks, time wasn’t merely the stage upon which all things unfolded. Instead they realized that time is an inherent and fundamental quality of the universe that doesn’t exist separate from it (something moderns didn’t know until Einstein). They personified abounded but cyclical time, or “the ages” as the deity Aion and associated him with a coiling snake that often ate its own tail or else curled along a spoke or spine.

In Roman times, Aion began to personify the eternal Roman rule, which made him/it an obvious target of the New Testament writers (MATTHEW 6:13, LUKE 1:33, ROMANS 1:25). The Roman Aion even begat a female counterpart named Aeternitas (from which we have our English word eternity) who adopted the patronage of the deified Roman Emperor. This in turn made her too an obvious topic of commentary for the earliest church fathers.

The adjective αιωνιος (aionios), meaning eternal, or more precise: lasting an age. This word was also used to describe the term of an office when it was to be held for a life time (an αιων, aion). The familiar phrase “eternal life” uses our adjective in combination with the noun ζωη (zoe), which doesn’t describe one’s personal life but rather life as a phenomenon that arises from interaction of elements (precisely how time works). So no, the term “eternal life” does not describe one’s personal perpetuation, but rather speaks of an epoch that consists of souls rather than seconds: the most perfectly intertwined social expression also known as the New Jerusalem 


1 year ago
Reply to  A E


Abarim is an excellent source for beginning to access the original scriptures. As you can see, nobody gets spiritual sustenance (nor even physical sustenance) from unsalted crackers. The entire passage is a discussion of the evolution of time as experienced by souls.

As per usual, I am ineerested in your own personal thoughts.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


I am sorry that I missed this among the rabble. There are two words in the Hebrew Scriptures: one for for eternal and one for everlasting. I am going to give them to you and I want you to tell me what you find on them:

1) עוֹלָם “Olam,” it means “everlasting,” or an “unfathomably long time.” It is said quite the same as the English word “A Lamb.”

2) נֶצַח “Netzach,” it also has a form of “Nitzchi,” yes like the philosopher Frederick who discusses the endlessness of time. They are never random with their names.

look at the following and tell me what you find:

1) Where do these words appear in scriptures and what meanings do they carry?

2) What are their alphanumerics and what might that mean.

3) where do we find the words graves throughout history, and how are they used?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here is my interpretation, be rough please with your opinion.

1. In hebrew gematria it is 101. 50 20 1 30 which gives us 11. 101 is similar to binary code, lucifer for example. From Fibonacci sequence, in short, 1+1/x after some calculation gives us 1,618 the golden ratio. As for the word lamb, it is mentioned many times but most of them are in Revelations. But amongst them there are few that Yeshua has said. “Go your ways, i send you forth as lambs amongst wolves” Yeshua itself is called the Lamb of God. We are called lambs by Yeshua as well.

2. Netzach in luciferians kabbalah it means victory, or patience, strong spirit and following towards our goals. It is also similar like you’ve mentioned to Nietzsche, or nasir, or natzi. In simple gematria it is 77. Does it represent 7th day in some way?

We know what Nietzsche did, we know what natzis did. They wrote their own pages of our history.

I had very limited time on this but i wanted to reply, i will get into this deeper tomorrow. Tell me this please, is this somehow related to the 7th day and then only lambs will be “saved” ?

Probably i didn’t even came close to what this really mean but that’s the beauty of learning.

Thank you as always, i will come back to this tomorrow with fresh mind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Take your time, there is no race. When you finish I will give you some more pointers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I sit down on it and looked on this from the other side that it seems i forget sometimes.

Given the repeating cycle of the universe, and how the energy flows throughout, isn’t this yet another allegory to the infinite/everlasting energy within? As you said, our action cause reaction, like in snake Newton’s theory. Whatever we are doing we are sending our vibrations into the cosmos, and cosmos replies. Sometimes quicker sometimes longer. Our small action here, may cause a tremendous reaction much much later, like Yeshua did. Let’s take a very long rubber stick for example, by holding it in your hand on the beginning, and swinging it quickly left to right, we can notice that further towards the stick, the end of it moves much wider and faster than beginning we are holding and the longer the stick, the bigger reaction to the movement stick will get. So, if the universe is repeating itself, our action may cause reaction in q total different time and place but it will start from us, isn’t this the idea of “immortal” “eternal ” ? Our energy from our action will remain in the cosmos untill it will find a perfect match (frequemcy) and start interacting with it and this will carry our “seed” and so on. Isn’t fruit from the tree is not a tree itself with different variations? Question is what is consciousness and whether energy can be conscious but in the different way than our consciousness, because the energy we sent might not react to some things, but it will react once it will find a perfect match, chemically, physically and biologically therefore we might say ot does have a certain level of consciousness. Everything that will be made after we send our energy out, will still have our particle in it. Yeshua did what he did thousands years ago and i have the feeling that reaction is speeding up every day, week.

Thank you as always for your time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Extremely perceptive, your applications of leverage within classical physics to a more probabilistic quantum type interpretation of chained effects is excellent. The harmonic oscillator and the fulcrum.

I will respond in more detail after proper consideration.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I am really looking forward to it

Thank you

Last edited 1 year ago by Maciej
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

This is awesome, @Maciej, very vivid and helpful to me, thank you! My mind doesn’t normally think like this, but I am trying. I get it in certain contexts but not broadly applied. Prayers for love, grace, succor and protection to you and yours.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharelya @soannoyed @Maciej

This came up ina. Conversation and I thought it would be useful: the many names of Alla, reveal exactly what he is.

Alla is in Mesopotamian mythology, the gatekeeper of the graveyard of deities no longer worshipped. Where do we find this aspect in Maha Amutism? In Allahs 99 epithets.

All of them, without fail are slightly modified (generally just dialectical differences) names of former worshipped deities he has subsumed in the Arab tribes of the Middle East:

1) alla Muhsi = Mussusu the dragon and administrator of Marduk, the epithet means “the administrator.

2)Al Malik = moloch the bull “king,” of blood sacrifice. This epithet identifies moloch as king

3) Al Mani = Manu/Mennes, and notably Meni, as mentioned in Isiah 65:11, the deity of MONItary fortune. Note the name finds its home as far as Germanic in the title “Alemagne,” which like ALExander MAGNA means “the great man.”

4) Al-mumit = Mat Mut, the great mother of death “Mummy!”, this epithet of Allah of course means “the bringer of death.”

5) Al-Jalil, like JAel in scriptures.

6) Ar – Rahman = Brahman, the benevolent creator, as well as finds reference in other religions (particularly easy to find is Rudolph steiners work) on Auramanic brings of light. In Arabic it is the “benevolent one.”

7) Al -Bassit = Egyptian Bastet. While now infamous for being a destructive lioness, her main features were as a provider of good fortunes and protectress. In Arabic the epithet means “the protector.”

8) Al – Hakem = Aqen of Egypt. A deity who is the Egyptian equivalent of Charon, the ferrymen of the underworld. The title in Arabic means “the judge.” It amalgamated the older word “Hakma,” meaning having wisdom/discernment with the deity in a judgment authority

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

9) Al – Sakur = Shahar, an igaritic deity of the dawn, said to be the one who brought rewards to those grateful for the light. In Arabic it is the one who brings rewards. The name appears in Isiah as Helel Ben Shahar, translated as “morning star,” but actually meaning “bringer of the dawn.”

10) Al – Badi = Buddha, who was known as the enlightenment. Also equivalent to Woden, the unattainable perfect wisdom. The title in Arabic means “the unattainable.”

11) Ad Dar = Adar, a very ancient Babylonian Solar deity, often considered the “first man.” The word Atar finds use as “burning or divine fire,” in Persian Zoroastrianism and fire worship. In Arabic the epithet means “the afflictor.”

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Thank you. It bring smile on my face to hear this. I forget sometimes that scriptures are written as Yeshua said as a “story because that way you will understand”. Before i knew what i know now, i was taking all those stories quite literally, that one day i will see 4 horseman and the judgment as some sort of movie with pitch-black sky and monsters etc. My favourite one was about Samson, how he has been betrayed, and he regain his strength to punish everyone,now thanks to @444gem now i know it’s the story about supernova and hoe it “regain” strength just to collapse itself, amazing allegory, slowly i start to adapt my knowledge to understand what is the true meaning and the connections to everything, but like i said, sometimes i forgetting about this and my mind goes on a different track. One more thing i want to add is this: few days ago i asked YHWH to help me find answer to Gem questions amd in the less expected moment yesterday it hit me. I had my “eureka” moments in the situations like that all my life. Now i know what it was…

Be well, best to you and yours.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya i replied on your comment but it seems it has been deleted.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maciej
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

Is this the end of what you said to me @Maciej “One more thing i want to add is this: few days ago i asked YHWH to help me find answer to Gem questions and in the less expected moment yesterday it hit me. I had my “eureka” moments in the situations like that all my life. Now i know what it was…”? because I read it and smiled. I want to know what your “eureka” moment was.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Ask, seek, and knock with Yeshua Kavvanah (Truth in your heart), and you shall receive.

You cannot yet even begin to imagine the capabilities that YHWH has blessed us with.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Teach me, guide me. Please.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Let us recall that the fundamental laws of thermodynamics and energy state that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. This thus relates to the concept of eternity, or cyclical reality. If energy cannot be destroyed, and all things have a vibration, and thus a frequency, then indeed the end is the beginning.

Here we find the term לְנֵ֣צַח “Lenetsach,” which is 30-50-90-8, take the lead digits and we have 3.598 (very close to 36.) 3.598/φ = 2.2236 * 2 = 4.4474 follow th me 444s…

I will give you another clue jumping ahead: the term 2.2236 is essentially the Compton wavelength of the electron, the particle which carries electromagnetic charge interactions in the atom. It’s reduced Compton frequency is 777. You will have to do your own research but the reduced Compton frequency relates the photon frequency of the same energy as the electron; light and matter in unity.

Here you are understanding that the word for “eternity,” relates directly to the mass energy equivalence principle: E = mc^2. And thus “eternity,” as netsach refers to the timeless quality of the massless photon: when an electron emits a photon by reducing energy in an interaction, it gives a part of its mass into pure energy, which does not experience time. Thus we see that creating time (energetic interactions of massive particles) require the emission of a timeless energy (a light photon) as a portion of itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for this. I need time to.contemplate on this. Please allow me few days to process and reply.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


What fascinating discussion between you and Maciej, and what beautiful insight Maciej has brought forth. If I may, i would love to contribute an insight brought from this discussion. @444gem, towards the end of our brief discussion regarding the whitehead manifold of time, I suggested that as the universe enters a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, it will essentially enter a state close to its initial condition. the universe expands until all matter (potential energy) decays and is turned to light (kinetic). this also implies that all massive particles eventually vanish from existence, and all electrons decay to lose their mass. Time and matter cease to be; all becomes the timeless photon. If the universe is entering a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, then this implies the universe (after heat death) eventually will see a sudden entropy decrease, from the perturbation signified by the final disentanglement of the knots of gravity (caused by dark energy expansion), where essentially the universe would collapse into itself. However, the gravitational effects in this condensed quantum state would be repulsive (paradoxically dark energy and gravity are the same) thus condensed energy expands to form the “next” universe. Indeed the end is the beginning as you have said. However, if the whitehead manifold is a positive feedback loop, then there must be a transfer of information from the previous iteration to build off of. @Maciej said: “So, if the universe is repeating itself, our action may cause reaction in q total different time and place but it will start from us, isn’t this the idea of “immortal” “eternal ” ? Our energy from our action will remain in the cosmos untill it will find a perfect match (frequemcy) and start interacting with it and this will carry our “seed” and so on.” Then is it possible to transfer information through quantum entangled photons? In other words, the effects of our actions, the culminations of what we created in this universe, transferred through the condensed, encoded seeds of light, to be planted in the next. Our actions now would certainly be felt cycle after cycle. Yeshua was sent to undo this whitehead manifold, that we may finally show what we have planted on the 7th day. Then to live in this universe is to show the healthy branches we are, and from which other healthy branches grow, is it not?

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


I saw your previous comment and have it earmarked. I’ve been a bit ill and limiting myself to easier, lower level things so as to respond to your more intricate and important queries when I am recovered.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I wish you a seamless recovery @444gem, please take care.

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


Thank you sincerely for the patience. This has been an intense time of work, catching up after recovering and I finally have found the time to give you an answer to your questions.

To begin, the term manifold you have used, as it is used by modern physicists, is an appropriate word for usage to describe space and time in this case. However, the Whitehead Knot, is rather an emergent binding structure within the framework of an overall scalar branching of creation, which can be found in the equations of the scriptures; they are blindingly simple, if you can remove the veil of linearity from your thinking, a task which is very difficult. Again, This is 37×73. You must work on the computations of Berashit 1:1 to really understand. It is the scalar mechanic of the universe.

I will direct you to the link below to get a better perspective of the Whitehead knot as a topological space in hyperbolic geometry, with the reiteration that we are not on a hyperbolic whitehead knot topological space; rather, you are going to find in a lot of the equations Root 7, over and over again. 7 Days of Creation, the equations are a bit of an explanation of how the whitehead knot forms as a Knot, within a much clearer space in which we live.

If the mathematics are too much, I can give you another.

Your general understanding of thermodynamic equilibrium is also poignant; with the caveat that once all gravitation ceases, and thus no computation information is available, the universe will enter a state that is A-thermodynamic; no DYNAMOS. That is, all is nothing, and nothing is all; the entangelement of this universe with all of its coupled reflections, even “virtual particle pairs” (which are not real, but simply a very burdensome and sloppy QED patchwork for understanding dynamic informational exchange through Fyneman diagrams; see the amplutohedron model as a first start to reducing that mess), will be raced apart upon their “creation,” such that they can never interact. Yet, how can “rate” or “speed” or “velocity” exist, in a universe where there is nothing relative. It can’t, and thus space cannot “expand,” but rather enters into an infinite state of no informational existence. The whitehead knot is undone. This state of the universe is equivalent, and geometrically dual, to an evaporating black hole.

At this moment, in which all gravitational/informational potential ceases to exist, and yet the vacuum energy is infinitely great and yet inifinitely disperse, is the moment that indeed time vanishes, and the processes is “reversed” into its dual. The dual of the whitehead knot is the hyperbolic octahedron, a perfect “diamond,” for which Catalan’s Constant is 1/4 the volume. See Reveleations description of the “New Earth,” and apply the mathematics of it into Planck units and apply it to the Tessarects boundary as a three dimensional cross. The simplest shape is the hyperbolic octahedron nested within the cube. The mathematics here are stunning, and point to the temple of Apollo, whose murals still exist, with a bow and arrow (hyperbolic curvature) a flower of life and a “sun,” representing energy radiation.

Likewise, it is important to note that we live in a spatially local universe, yet it is temporally very distant from all of the “next” and “previous” iterations; nevertheless the interactinos are inverse to the “locality,” where temporal collapse is non-loca and yet spatial interaction is non-existence; this explains harmonic resonance. If you can imagine the infinite multiverse, which acts temporally as a continually collapsing wave function, which follows a single, simple guiding scalar structure with some similarities to the hidden variables of pilot wave theory, you will approximate the functioning of reality. All of these three theories (multiverse copenhagen and pilot wave) are describing degenerate cases of something much simpler, yet much grander.

This then leads to a certain understanding of what “eternal” means and the seeds and the branches. @Maciej was very intelligent in his application of this metaphor. However, it is not quantumly entangled photons that result in the vibratory patters; the information transfer of “entaglement,” requires that two photons, or informational structures that are non-interacting with other observers or structures in the universe in order to remain entangled. The interaction of eternal, is that you are the Breathe of YHWH, and as the non-locality of time causes harmonic resonance of all materials, it causes a harmonic resonance pattern which we call your SOUL. The entirety of the universe’s wave functions resonantes at the pattern of your existence.

The moment of NOW, is a geometric series of this haronically resonanting structure, of which one compononent is Phi, which is realized as an infinite collapse of a single scalar computational structure that is blindingly simple once you see it. Let him calculate the number of the Beast, the SARos, 666. Why are there 666 solar eclipses per 325 year Saros cycle? 37×73. The Menorah will give you the answer to this, if you take the time to read the passage in Exodus which describes its construction. Not the translation, Not even the translations of interlinears, which are all wrong. They only get the number of things right.

A cubit is 33 Planck Lengths.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you always for your profound understanding and insight. I am no autodidact or polymath such as yourself, so that I take longer to reply is necessary for me to try to capture the essence of your message, is the best that I can do. Much has happened in my life since your reply, and I have a few queries to ask, but first I would like to address your reply: If an event in the past or future has a similar frequency to an event in our current moment, it can cause the event in our current moment to be forced to vibrate at that frequency. For the events to interact, the events must communicate through a non-local field; are we the non-local field? If so, then are they attempting to exert an inversion wave through us; one that is weaved through time, and one that cancels; the cessation of the breathe of YHWH? But are we not saved through the act of Yeshua; the event which always resonates?

I have started to begin my research into the numerology and geometry of the scriptures that can further aid my understanding. I have been drawn to the works of Amir Tuchman, Matthieu Pageau, Vernon Jenkins, and Abarim Publications. The theories by Bohm and Hiley seem to be congruent with what you call the guiding scalar structure. Are there other references you can suggest regarding these topics? Especially more accurate translation of the scriptures? I know you’ve been very busy, but you had also mentioned passing along your paper describing the reconciliation of quantum gravity, I am still very much interested.

Since my last reply, I have gone through several tests of spirit. I had asked in a dream what my purpose was, to which I was given a book that had written my purpose was “to protect those from fire, and those from ehna…” I have recently been feeling in the wind the changes that are to come in the near future; serious fundamental changes that will challenge us all. I feel as though time is slowly running out to study, and soon we will be put to the test. I believe we will live in a near future where we will not have the luxury of this site and your wisdom, and any esoteric information that will be available to us will be the ones we have saved offline. This brings me to a more fundamental worry; It is my understanding that the scriptures are a roadmap of a plethora of the fundamental geometry and mechanisms that the creation of YHWH follows, a kind of source code. A false duality would be to assume these mechanisms are merely a means to an end. Rather, these mechanisms precisely are the end; a way to communicate with YHWH through his creation. In other words, these mechanisms can answer the question of “how” and the question of “why.” By learning the language of creation, one can understand how and why it was ordered. However, learning this language, especially to the degree at which you’ve learned it, seems completely impossible for almost all of the population, myself included. It is made more impossible with the layers of luciferian veils the population is under; the fiction they have learned is much more comfortable than reality. However, much like you can explain the entire human history with 22/7, I believe there is also an analogy that can translate the complex mechanisms contained in the scriptures that the population can understand intuitively. I have believed it to be the mustard seed, the tree of Elohim, and the snake that binds the tree. Is this not analogous to humanity, within the fractal creation of YHWH, in which the emergent binding whitehead knot constricts the creation? Then to undo the binding, the seed must grow into the tree it is intended to be, such that the binding cannot hold any further; how? what would be the simplified analogy? how must the population act accordingly to the mechanisms of the creation? I apologize that this turned into an unfocused rant, however I believe the best way to protect others from the fires and from them is to give the people the mustard seed which contains it all; that which is both simple yet grand. I hope you have recovered well from your illness @444gem, please take care.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill. 27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

So they asked him, “What sign then will you give that we may see it and believe you? What will you do? 31 Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’[c]”

32 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

I’m quoting translations for ease sake.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

μαννα – manna
“When Moses first utters those words (Deuteronomy 8:3), he also explains that God gave this bread so that Israel would understand certain things, and the whole Manna-phenomenon appears to have an entire double meaning: one of physical sustenance and one of mental purification.”

Found this: “The Hebrew word לחם (lehem), meaning bread or food in general, comes from the verb לחם (laham), meaning to eat or use as food. But the identical verb לחם (laham) means to fight or do battle. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is commonly translated as House Of Bread, but to a Hebrew audience, the name Bethlehem would also have meant House Of War.”

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

ουρανουof (ouranos)- heaven

The noun ουρανος (ouranos) derives from a hugely old Proto-Indo-European root “ur-“, which also gave us both the noun “water” and the verb “to urinate” (from ουρον, ouron, urine, which also explains the noun ουρανη, ourane, meaning chamber-pot). The ancient root “ur-” also has to do with the Sanskrit noun vari, meaning water, and the Avestan (Zoroastrian) noun var meaning rain.

To the ancients, heaven was primarily a rain-maker; the place where rain came from — but this is still not all. The word for rain, βροχη (broche) comes from the verb βρεχω (brecho), which means to wet or saturate. Both these words are typically not reserved for water falling from the sky, but also cover other kinds of wetting: brewing, steeping or even the overflowing of rivers, the soaking up of water by a sponge and of course the imbibing of fluids by a thirsty drinker. And that means that even the familiar act of baptism is a form of raining (see our article on the verb βαπτιζω, baptizo).

Heaven is any origin of any agent that flushes, cleanses and allows growth. And note the obvious similarity between the Greek verb βρεχω (brecho), meaning to rain, and the Hebrew verb ברך (barak), meaning to bless. 

Both the Hebrew word for land or earth (ארץ, ‘eres) and the Greek one (γη, ge) describe any situation in the here and now that’s capable of growth and correction by means of any kind of fluidic agent, whether in the physical or mental realms (ACTS 14:17, HEBREWS 9:23). Heaven (שמים, shamayim in Hebrew) denotes both the source of that agent, and the blueprint of what earth may finally become, after its many seasons of cleansing (HEBREWS 8:5, MATTHEW 5:48, 6:10, REVELATION 21:1-2).

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

This is obviously your reference to urine in speaking previously – if they wanted to translate “blood” and “body” literally, why did they not with this reference to any cleansing or refreshing fluid poured out, to include urine? Highly selective literalism.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

The “house of bread,” translations is not entirely unjust, although the point made is good. Think to the parable of the kingdom of the cosmos, which Yeshua describes as a tree (the body of Elohim) and then describes flour with lots of yeast worked in such that it rises bigger and bigger. (Cosmic Expansion)

Hence Yeshua was born in The House of Bread, meaning from the very first moment of the universe he was to arise from unfolding of the cosmos. Hence you “eat his body.”

There is another aspect to this discussion above, which is that eating meat or anything with blood in it is expressly forbid by Kosher.

This is how devious these wicked serpents are; they take abominations and call them sacraments to trick their cattle into rebelling against YHWH.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

The Body of Christ, A.E, is The Church. The Apostolic Church. The Gospels are not to be interpreted in an autodidact way, but in a responsable, mature and moral way. We talk about the Holy Tradition, about Christ Himself commanding his apostles to go and spread “the Word”. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
Matthew 28: 19, 20

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


It is not the church. That is not even what the translation above says. It is those that follow the true message of Yeshua, not a bunch of greaves images and golden temples.

What do you make of the surviving Nazarenes and Aryeh Yehudah that follow Yeshua, are his relatives, and teach the nations despite the mass persecution and genocide, including from your church?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


My device does not like the word “graven,” and consistently autocorrects it wrong. The “body of Christ,” is not a church full of golden statues and graven images.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Re-research! Eastern Orthodoxy did not commit genocide.

for the most part, the Orthodox Church has largely been the victim of persecution, from Communists in Russia, to conquering Muslims during the Byzantine Empire, to other Christian sects as in the 4th crusade of the 13th century and the events in Alaska in the last century. The Eastern Orthodox Church has never supported killing anyone. Although there were instances of persecution of heretics, they were never condoned or by the EOC as an institution.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I am aware of the atrocities of Stalin and the USSaRus (literally Osiris). It including genocidal millions of Isis-Ra-Elis,along with yes, repressing your religious rites. These are terrible atrocities.

However you need to do your Re-Search. Let us look at the mass genocide of the Paulicians under the Byzantine empress Theodora and sanctioned and aided by Cattle Church authority:

In the year 843 Byzantine Empress Theodora and her agents, mass genocided over 100,000 paulicians in and around Turkey and Armenia. Children, Women, Men, all were mass murdered, and their property confiscated and split between the Proto-eastern Orthodox Church and the empress. Likewise all survivors were stripped of any and all rights in the empire.

This is an en masse genocide by religious persecution in no uncertain terms, in Byzantine territory, and under what became Eastern Orthodox Church control.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Consider the naming of the two Cold War “rivals.” If you consider the work of Stanford Economics Professor Anthony C Sutton, you will see they were cooperating at the largest of scales and only pretending to be rivals.

USA and USSR, together spells USSARUS, the name of the 4th horseman of the apocalypse as written in Egyptian and transliterated into Greek: Osiris the bringer of plague and death.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E


From Ezekiel 3:3

“Then he said to me, “Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.” So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.”

Clearly we’ve been commanded to eat paper scrolls dipped in honey, then wash it down with flesh crackers. I also don’t understand why they are not munching Ezekiel, as he is also Son of Man.

@Chud why don’t you munch Ezekiel too? What about Daniel, also a Son of Man? According to your church we must munch The Son of Man in its most literal translation.

This is the insanity of having no concept of the Aryeh Yehudah term “Akel,” which means to consume, and being more nuanced: to take nourishment from sustenance. There is no nourishment in crackers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”@Chud why don’t you munch Ezekiel too?”
>”This is the insanity of having no concept of the Aryeh Yehudah term “Akel,” which means to consume, and being more nuanced: to take nourishment from sustenance. There is no nourishment in crackers.”

See? You already have your answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


I’ve asked you about 9-10 questions, all of them have gone unanswered. Most of them are very specific regarding scriptural commands. I don’t understand how you Justify hyper literalist translations reading in one specific passage, while you stamp underfoot the others. I’m genuinely interested in trying to understand it; if I already had the answer I wouldn’t ask.

However, yes I do know what “Akel,” means in Hebrew, do you? Another question, do you speak Hebrew or Ancient Greek?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Also let’s be clear.

When I say there is no nourishment in crackers I am referring to the fact that Yeshua said we would never hunger anymore if you ate of the body.

Do the waifers fill your stomach, or do you eat a big meal after mass? According to your literalist interpretation of the translations, we shouldn’t need to eat ever again after one super powerful flesh cracker.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


I’ve provided a long and thorough response, just “waiting for approval.”

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

@444gem Another, just tagging you so you can respond if you wish to.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

A.E, you should be able to speak for yourself. Take a bit of distance from “zeitgeistic knowledge” and try read some theology instead. I warmly recommend you approach St Paisios, Nectarios. It won’t bite, I promise you that. I know you know you master words. I am way behind you and I do not have this kind of ambition. Your words lack the Spirit though… It is in the Apostolic Church. If your search for Truth is genuine and you garnish it with humility you will one day, soon I hope, will understand what I mean.
I am a sinner.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I do speak for myself. I tag Gem because he has repeatedly asked people to so he might respond, yet most consistently don’t, or do so halfway, as did soannoyed.
This forum shunts responses around. I tagged him on a post he was being addressed on, but wasn’t tagged in.
I disbelieved in Catholicism and most other organized religions long before I’d ever heard of Gem.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  A E

@A E

You’ve got to take it easy with him. He is not wicked, but he is so confounded by the wolves dressed as shepherds that he believes Constantine the mass serial killer was a holy “saint.” And then compared him to vlad the Impaler as a justification, a blood drinking, child raping Dragon that today is known as Dracula, and gave birth to the lineage of mass murders and drug lords the English “RA-YA-El” family.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Where on earth did you extract the “child raping Dragon” story? How many other cherry-picks from fictional books have you purposely planted here, I wonder?
Are you even aware there was this thing called hungarian propaganda?

He killed “all his close relatives” I remember you saying about Constantine. Somehow the mother (who was close enough I’d say) “mannaged” to escape. She died of old age. Please be more careful with what you state as 100% truth.

Also, killing for fun? These are obvious exagerations and I know you know that. It’s that proverbial “bits of truth mixed with bits of trash”.
Have you, appart from your exagerations, which are many, many, many! ever considered the contexts? Had there been an incestuous affair between Crispus and Fausta and a plot (as some historyans claim) after all, Constantine was away “quite some time” without the wife, and the son, would he have had another solution? He tried to implement christianity to pagans. If the idolatry and incestuous affair stand in regard to Crispus and his wife, then it looks more like he had to make an example out of “fair-play”. Do you know for sure what made him so upset to drive him to kill them? No one knows for sure, yet you know it was for fun.

Again…The reasonable doubt! The context!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


The hypocract and intense double standard is palpable in your words. You’ve actually claimed based only on modern sources that Constantine didn’t kill anyone, then when confronted with overwhelming evidence from do note Piraeus sources, you claimed he has a pre-Christian history which he reformed.

Now that I’ve provided you with several contemporary, matter of fact sources which show that Constantine was a serial killer who murdered his son, nephew, wife, and many of his friends directly after the council of Nicaea, you defend his mass murderer. Sometimes admitting one is in error is less foolhardy than defending a serial killer by changing your stance constantly so as to avoid admitting this error. This is how July indoctrination works.

You speak utter fantasy to fit your narrative, and change your stance without doing any research, and yet nitpick the tiniest detail of my words… You’re right Constantine only killed his son, nephew and boiled his wife, but Mom escaped, so saying “all,” was slightly inaccurate. He only killed most of his family, this Saint Constantine. I will admit I was not 100% accurate with that statement. It does not change the fact your church was founded by a serial killer.

It is written in the commandments “Murder you SHALL NOT!” Why do you defend a mass serial killer?

Certainly his nephew and many friends he murdered in cold blood weren’t all having incestuous affairs with his wife? Does Yeshua not say “let he who has not sinned cast the first stone regarding an adulterous?”

Maybe this doesn’t apply to boiling your wife, or provides an exception to the commandments for emperors?

If you are to admonish me for perfect accuracy and call my words into question by the slightest of errors, then I would expect you hold yourself to the same standard.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“ nitpick the tiniest detail of my words…”
The devil is in the tiniest details.

My sources are not modern.
Fausta was the daughter of former Emperor Maximian and sister to Emperor Maxentius. However, they were both political rivals and Constantine had them killed in 310 and 312 respectively. He married Fausta in 307. in 325 he killed his sister’s husband and had his nephew hanged a year later. Yet, they were also political rivals and Constantine was engaged in a civil war with them.

In 326, after becoming the sole emperor of Rome, he kills his wife and first son. Why? After all, his favourite son, Crispus, was made Caesar in 317 AD and proved his abilities as a leader in military campaigns during the early 320’s. Also, Fausta was highly respected by Constantine throughout their marriage, and proof of this was that in 323 she was proclaimed Augusta, although she had previously held the title of Nobilissima Femina / “Most Noble Lady”.

According to church historian Philostorgius:

“But Constantine, having obtained rule over the whole Roman Empire by remarkable success in wars, ordered his son Crispus to be put to death, at the behest (so people think) of his wife Fausta. Later he locked his wife Fausta in overheated baths and killed her, because his mother Helena blamed him out of excessive grief for her grandson.”

This is according to Greek historian Zosimus:

“He killed Crispus, who had been deemed worthy of the rank of Caesar, as I have said before, when he incurred suspicion of having sexual relations with his stepmother Fausta, without taking any notice of the laws of nature. Constantine’s mother Helena was distressed at such a grievous event and refused to tolerate the murder of the young man. As if to soothe her Constantine tried to remedy the evil with a greater evil: having ordered baths to be heated above the normal level, he deposited Fausta in them and brought her out when she was dead.”
There’s been an idea presented that Fausta accused Crispus of rape or assault; and then later it is revealed that Fausta lied and Constantine had her steamed to death.

The “nuances”, the “modern sources” are old enough.

Mass serial killer? We have different definitions of “mass”, but you probably mean civil wars. So we talk about wars. There! Fixed it for you. Gave you the context for becoming “mass serial killer”.

>“let he who has not sinned cast the first stone regarding an adulterous?” You “forgot” this one I suppose. King David, whom you and we, the orthodox, also esteem raped Uriah’s wife and killed him. How does that sound as “a double standard”? King David also fought and killed people. Dare I say many. Wars as context for murders. I repeat: we do esteem David. David, the great repenter, prophet David. And the great repenter and the prophet David is looked at as holy. I have no problem with that. Is he a also “a pagan god”, a “god”?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


What civil war? I quoted this source earlier.

Even your own biased church source, which are the only ones that intimate this supposed relationship as a form of granting clemency to Constantine, state that he had already “obtained rule over the whole Roman Empire.”

What about how nephew? Was he rocking it with Aunt Fausta? And All of his friends too? He did this AFTER he had consolidated all power. Other sources I have quoted this to you make it clear, even stating very clearly that it was the drunkenness of power itself that made Constantine, once more mild mannered, then into a psychopath.

I also fail to see where that pesky commandment that says “Murder you SHALL NOT,” comes into this? Are flesh crackers so literal, and yet the commandments of Moshe offer exceptions for unproven adultery. Constantine killed his son without trial, his nephew, his wife and his friends too.

Yeshua said, in defense of an adulteress “let the one who has not transgressed cast the first stone.” Do you suppose that there is an exception to this command for emperors that have fully consolidated their power (even according to your own source) to boil their wife without trial?

Your argument of civil war is again fanciful. Even the source you quote (which I provided you before), makes it clear he had consolidaTed all power. You say the devil is on the details, and yet you make up fanciful story after fanciful story to excuse a serial killer.

You measure me with one rod, over the tiniest of “all” vs most, yet you lie through your teeth over and over, to defend mass murder no less, constantly changing your story.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

What evidence proves David raped Bathsheba? A quick search online gives me only opinionated results at this time (which is why I purchased hard copies of the scriptures) and I am tied up multitasking just now, but I’m not convinced he did except by perhaps modern standards (he was in power over her so she felt she couldn’t say no – despite that many women have managed to find ways to do so throughout history).
She was visible to a man walking on a roof – I find it hard to believe she was oblivious to this fact.
I don’t want to speculate and to smear either person, but I can easily see how this may have been rather opposite to his “raping” her. But if you have read it more clearly and have some proofs, I would be grateful to see them.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


It doesn’t say he raped Bathsheba. It says he slept with her and they conceived a child.

It uses the common word for “laying” together as וַיִּשְׁכַּ֣ב “we-kisab.” When there is rape, such as in Genesis 34:2, it uses the term “violate,” which is וַיְעַנֶּֽהָ “We aneha.”

You are dealing with someone who speaks pure fantasy and lies to protect a patron saint mass serial killer, changes their story on a dime at each new evidence to fit their narrative, and never admits they have erred, yet demands 1000% accuracy of every single word I might type or he then makes grevious and unfounded accusations to try and discredit what I say. I am not afforded the grave to honestly err as a human.

This person claims he pays great attention to detail, yet he pays so much attention to detail that he requotes sources I’ve already given him, as if they were new, and then contradicts his own quoted source and invents a super reformed Christian “civil war,” fantasy tale for a man that boiled his wife.

Then he spits on the scriptures which he knows little of, and certainly has rarely if ever attempted to read on his own, and then makes a semi racist insinuation about jews after I ask him what he sees the place of the kin of Yeshua and the Aryeh Yehudah. Likewise, he repeteadlt refuses to answer one single poignant questions regarding scriptural commands.

I do not hold this against him, for Yeshua has said there will be grace for Amartia for those deceived by the serpents, but this is the curse for those than bear the Tau Cross, the mark of the antiXristos. Their eyes have been sewn shut and their hands tied.

It is not my place to write in the book of life, nor is it the place of any of us to render any judgement whatsoever. However what is said is the unfortunate (and depressing) reality; all we can do is have compassion for those who have their eyes sewn shut by the beast of the seven hills of Rome.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Don’t believe everything old Charlie says, nor what Robert -the twillight-Pattison claims.

The only thing they have in common (Charlie and Tepes) are the long noses.

I am a romanian, born and lived so far pretty close to “Dracula’s habbitat”. I also have a long nose ( but so have many indians and jews). And since I am a cracker eater and a Christ’s blood drinker, one never knows, I might actually be a very, very close relative of Vlad. In fact, most orthodox romanians are cannibals since they sacrifice Christ over and over again with every Eucharist, eat His Body and drink His blood.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Stop being silly. Think deeply about what I’ve shown you rather than being avoidant.

You still have yet to address your completely fictitious statements regarding Constantine the serial killer and that the cattle church was founded by this psychopath and then a few months later he mass murdered most of his family and a lot of his friends.

You also have not addressed the historical fact of the mass religious genocide of the Paulicians by the Eastern Orthodox Church in the 800s CE.

Nor have you addressed why you interpret the first half of the sentence hyper literally to justify flesh crackers, but not the other half of the sentence. Why do you get hungry after a cracker?

Nor have you addressed any of my questions regarding how you justify all of the clear and direct scriptural commandments the church stamps on with great fervour.

Nor have you addressed the genocide of and massive oppression of the Aryeh Yehudah, the very kin of Yeshua, and the destruction of all rival texts by the gentile church. All those early Isis Ra Eli and Aryeh Yehudah hating sermons and edicts aren’t fake.

Rather than quibbling, can you openly and honestly address these things?

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

No, you have to address and reconsider your “insertions”, your lack of accuracy, “the tinniest details” since you know all the answers and since your questions are only rhetorical. You have already too many times insulted people to the point all those that disagree with you are cattle, the cattle lick, the magic cracker eaters. So far, for someone who knows all in detail (lies the devil) you “failed” to mention the greek root of “Catholic”.( It doesn’t fit in your novel, right?)

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


My questions aren’t rhetorical. You just refuse to answer them over and over.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


On the other post I gave you a very long explanation regarding how to source etymologies thst don’t come from Gugal Anna, the bull of heaven. Not sure if you saw it or responded since you don’t tag me.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

Ok! Fair enough!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


This notion of the “apostolic church,” being The Cattle Church/Eastern Orthodoxy has no historical basis. It is a lie. Following Saul of Tarshish (The Solar seeker of the six) and the children of Luciferian Vespasian who fabricated a history of fake martyrdomss does not make it “apostolic.”

You also seem to disregard any notion of the actual descendants of the clan of Yeshua, nor the make any room fro Aryeh Yehudah in any of this. I find it odd that in a discussion regarding the Aryeh Yehudah Messiach, you seem to throw away the Aryeh Yehudah.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


No, the etymology I am offering you does not come from one word; that would be extremely foolish, and you are admonishing me rather than asking id I have more corroboration evidence. The search for Truth requires losing your biases and live for the institutions of men.

Trusting Gugal’s first answer, whom is named for The Babylonian Bull of Heaven, is equally foolish. The exoteric (public) explanation for the name for Google is that it means an insanely large power of 10.

However, if you do some research on History and Archeology, you’re going to find out that very name for Google comes from Gugal-Anna, including its color scheme. Gugal Anna, whom is literally The Bull of Heaven in Babylon, for whom Ishtar (The Queen of Heaven and blood sacrifice) descends to the underworld to find in Babylonian Luciferian Mythologt.

You asked a company started by CIA intelligence operatives kids, named after the Bull of Heaven of Babylon, to give you the etymology of your a Solar Cow Church pretending to be “Christian.” And you trust it?

To give you a corroboration of where we find the name Gugal elsewhere in Luciferian mythologies, look no further than to the deity KUKAL KAIN of ancient Meso American Mayas. It was, like Ishtar, the deity of blood sacrifice and the planet Venus. How did Kain the murderer end up amalgamated in name and practice with the blood sacrifice deity of Ishtar (Venus, who is Lucifer the morning star) and the name for bull Ishtar goes to the underworld to find? That’s how luciferian mythology morphs across time, it mixes and reformulates a little bit, but the names and mythologies and blood sacrifices stay the same. Let me know if Gugal also tells you with its first answer that the name KuKal Kain = to KalKulate = to the KLu-Klux-Klan.

I’m going to assume that if you are on this sight, you realise that the exoteric, publicly professed concepts of things, are Mass mind kintrol, that Lucifer rules the word, and they use the esoteric reasonings to manipulate people and as a convoluted and thin veils for darker esoteric practices, such as child rape (let me know if you find Church Documents openly admitting they’ve been raping children for 1000s of years.) Realising this fact of a veil of manipulation and lying, means you are able to analysis beyond the surface level.

Let’s take an easy one:

For instance, I don’t think any of these stars are going to admit their doing 666 symbols all the time. Gugal will tell you it’s the OK sign, or if you really dig maybe you’ll find out in some cultures it means “up your a$$.” Or maybe the Buddhist symbol of “peace and unity with Ganesha.” (FYI Ganesha is the serpent, said “HANAS” in Hebrew, like GANES-IS, which is actually Berashid.) I am certain you’re certainly not gonna get a nice article on Gugal explaining the 666 OK hand symbol as professing allegiance to Lucifer. But are you going to argue that? No, because there is a mountain of evidence.

Let’s start with how to source etymologies that are not force fed by the Exoteric professing using the Cattle Church. I’ll use sources only available on the Gugal Bull of Heaven.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

@crisspf @chud

No, the etymology I am offering you of Cattle Lick does not come from one word; that would be extremely foolish, and you are admonishing me rather than asking if I have more corroboration evidence. The search for Truth requires losing your biases for the corrupt institutions of men.

Likewise, trusting Gugal’s first answer, whom is named for The Babylonian Bull of Heaven GugalAnna, is equally foolish. The exoteric (public) explanation for the name for Google is that it means an insanely large power of 10.

However, if you do some research on History and Archeology, you’re going to find out that very name for the company G00gl3 comes from Gugal-Anna, including its color scheme, and symbolism. Gugal Anna is literally The Bull of Heaven in Babylon, for whom Ishtar (The Queen of Heaven, same title as Maryam, and blood sacrifice) descends to the underworld to find in Babylonian Luciferian Mythology.

You’ve asked a company started by CIA intelligence operatives children, named after the Bull of Heaven of Babylon, to give you the etymology of your a Solar Cow Church pretending to be “Christian.” And you trust it?

I sense you may believe I’m making a spurious connection from the word Gugal and this CIA-In-Q-Tel project for world domination.

To give you a corroboration of where we find the name Gugal elsewhere in Luciferian mythologies, let us consider the deity KUKAL KAIN of ancient Meso American Mayas.

It was, like Ishtar, the deity of human blood sacrifice and the planet Venus. It’s name is identical to the bull of heaven Ishtar goes to see in the underworld. Likewise it is a Serpent Sea Beast, a Dragon, just as Mar = Sea, with reference to aMARu the serpent of the AMARites (who became MARs the blood coloured planet of earth) and Yam = Ugaritic Poseidon. The sea beast. The congruence of namings, mythologies, and rituals surmount quickly, and are far too vast and profound to be by chance; they are the product of esoteric Luciferianism.

Now how did Kain the murderer end up amalgamated in name and practice with the blood sacrifice deity of Ishtar (Venus, who is Lucifer the morning star) and the name for bull Ishtar goes to the underworld to find?

Well, that is how luciferian mythology morphs across time, it mixes and reformulates a little bit, flips the gender or puts two together or splits one into two, but the names and mythologies and blood sacrifices and abominable practices stay the same; it’s all based on the SOLAR mysteries. Let me know if Gugal also tells you with its first answer what I have shown you here regarding the name KuKal Kain = to KalKulate = to the KLu-Klux-Klan.

I’m going to assume that if you are on this sight, you realise that the exoteric, publicly professed concepts of Luciferian organizations are a form ofMass mind Kontrol and manipulation, that Lucifer rules the world, that the very names you use to blaspheme YHWH such as Gad (Isiah 65:11, it’s Ba’al God) and Dios (It’s Zeus, you know this since you are Greek speaking), are used to replace the name of the ineffable creator.

You also likely realise that the esoteric reasonings for manipulating people with an nice sounding exoteric lie are very dark. They use their nice words and public personas as a convoluted and thin veil for darker esoteric practices go serve Lucifer, such as child r@p3!

Let me know if you find Church Documents openly admitting they’ve been r@ping children for 1000s of years. It’s an ESOTERIC PRACTICE OF WICKED WOLVES PLAYING SHEPHERD.

Realising this fact of a veil of manipulation and lying, means you are able to analysis beyond the surface level.

Let’s take an easy one that doesn’t touch your extraordinary bias toward an institution of men:

I don’t think any of these movie/music stars are going to admit their doing 666 symbols all the time.

Gugal will tell you it’s the OK sign, or if you really dig maybe you’ll find out in some cultures it means “up your a$$.” (Nice reference to the child @n@l r@p3) Or maybe you’ll discover the Buddhist symbol of “peace and unity with Ganesha.” (FYI Ganesha is the serpent, said “HANAS” in Hebrew, like GANES-IS, which is actually Berashid.) I am certain you won’t find a decent article on Gugal explaining the 666 OK hand symbol as professing allegiance to Lucifer. But are you going to argue that with me? No, because there is a mountain of evidence that they lie, and that they serve the Di-Hevel, the Di-Abolos, the Twin of Abel.

Let’s now start with how to source an etymology of Cattle Lick with respect to primary source documents, history, theology, practices, hierarchy, rituals, and self chosen namings;as well as keeping in mind the well documented and pervasive mass murder, child Molesting, and total disregard for a multitude of direct scriptural commands

We need to go beyond the force fed by the Exoteric professings of the Cattle Church, and examine how wolves dress themselves in sheeps clothing. Recall that even their own official doctrine claims not to know the origin of Catholic; strange. I’ll use sources only easily available on the Gugal Bull of Heaven, but which require a bit of critical thinking.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You also use “gugal” a lot and so does A.E but it is ok when you do that. You possess the “critical thinking” (“ I’ll use sources only easily available on the Gugal Bull of Heaven, but which require a bit of critical thinking.”)

“ I don’t think any of these movie/music stars are going to admit their doing 666 symbols all the time.”


Abusers of people and particularly those of children have nothing to do with the Church. The Apostolic Church. They are abusers of both people and faith. Wolves.

About the rape claims and the murder of Uriah.

In 2 Samuel 11:2, 4, we’re told that Bathsheba is bathing, but we’re not told where. Bathing was mainly done by pouring jugs of water over your body since bathtubs were uncommon. Architectural discoveries found that most homes at that time had a courtyard, so this may be the most likely location.

Was Bathsheba fully naked as she bathed, possibly in her private courtyard? In those days, bathing wasn’t always done in the nude. Clothes or sarongs were sometimes worn to avoid being totally exposed. The Bible does not say if Bathsheba was nude or clothed.

Let’s also remember that David wasn’t supposed to be in his palace. Therefore, Bathsheba may not have realized he was peering from above.

Uriah and Bathsheba lived in the lower section of Jerusalem. King David’s palace was elevated above all the houses, so he had a private vantage point. Based on Scripture, David was on a roof, not Bathsheba.

Did Bathsheba Seduce David?

First, let’s consider what we know about Bathsheba.

Based on 2 Samuel 23:34, 39, she was part of a brave and godly family. Her husband, Uriah, and her father, Eliam, served on King David’s elite team of soldiers. Her grandfather, Ahitophel, was considered a trusted counselor of the king.

Interestingly, the bath mentioned in verse 2 was not an ordinary washing for cleanliness. It was ceremonial, performed by Jewish women every month after a “state of uncleanliness.” The count for seven days of impurity ended in the evening at sunset. The evening time of the seventh day was when a woman would carry out the ceremonial washing. Bathsheba was where she was supposed to be (Leviticus 15:19, 28) and when she was supposed to be there. From all indications, Bathsheba was obeying the law of Moses.

Did Bathsheba seduce David? Did she place herself within David’s sight in hopes of receiving the king’s attention? Scripture does not say. God alone knows the heart, as well as its motives. Even if she had, it was still David’s choice to look beyond a glance and act on that temptation.

Did David Force Himself on Bathsheba?

“…and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite” (2 Samuel 11:3).

Bathsheba is identified by her husband and her father, which was common in biblical times. Because both men were well respected, this identification reflected positively on Bathsheba’s reputation. Also, David had fought alongside both her husband and father in an elite “mighty men” army. Her identity alone should have pierced David’s conscience.

The fact that David had to send several men to “take” Bathsheba may indicate that she was compelled to come to David. Even if Bathsheba was unhappy with David’s request to come to the palace, Bathsheba had no power to refuse the king’s sexual demands. Bathsheba, even though she was married, most likely had no say in the matter with David. It was impossible for her to reject the king’s demand.

@gem, @A.E, no consent = rape.
…and then the murder.

But hey, this is not critical thinking, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t get past the first sentence of this without thinking, “Huh??” When have I ever used “gugal”? I’m still learning what it means.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I quoted gem. It was in response for his claims that only some can use “gugal” and keep the critical thinking.

>“ You’ve asked a company started by CIA intelligence operatives children, named after the Bull of Heaven of Babylon, to give you the etymology of your a Solar Cow Church pretending to be “Christian.” And you trust it?”
“ I’ll use sources only easily available on the Gugal Bull of Heaven, but which require a bit of critical thinking.”

The double standards!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

= go*gle

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

You wrote “You also use “gugal” a lot and so does A.E”. I am A E and I am telling you I never use that word as I don’t entirely understand it. You spray allegations without any clear aim and smear everyone in whatever it is you’re getting at. It dilutes your message.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

According to gem, the “critical thinker” you also use “gugal”. Ask gem. I didn’t use the term before either.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I was offering some knowledge regarding the fact that a lot of knowledge requires you don’t accept the first explanation Gugal and other “authorities,” give you, and showing you how to look deeper beyond false professed exoteric cover stories.

Regarding your stuff on David and Bathsheba, you have extrapolated and invented an entire fictional rape narrative regarding David and Bathsheba. You seem to have a penchant for inventing fantasy narratives based more on Pop Culture than scripture. This is problematic.

While you take an extreme literalist view (of translations) towards eating flesh and drinking blood,

here you have fictionalized an entire fanciful narrative not in the text at all by engaging in random questions like “Did Bathsheba seduce David?” Followed by answers based only on your (and Pop Culture’s) imagination. As I pointed out before the word rape is used in the Old Testament, such as in Berashid 34:2. Here it simply says “they lay together.”

The point of the passage, what it actually says, is that David had a one night stand and bore a child; no other information is given.

I’m also not certain how this compares, as you have done, to Constantine boiling his wife alive and serial killing the lot of his family and friends (except mom)

Here we have:

A one Night Stand that conceived a child you fantasize as a rape in order to be able to fantasize a A Serial killer you as a saint.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Avoiding the greek root of “catholic”, this one in particular because it doesn’t fit your so beloved exposing-the-occult narative is enough proof of your objectivism and critical thinking.

Christ’s teachings are not occult, nor sophisticated. But then again, you are not christian.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


You need to tag the full handle 444Gem or I won’t get the update.

I didn’t avoid the Greek etymology you are giving; I tried to show you what is plainly there, with exacting detail, just below the surface veil they use in false piety.

If you wish to look into the creation of the title, we can go through the history of the Exoteric explanation, which strongly supports the etymology I have given you, and how the word “Catholic,” always denoted a UNIVERSALIST POSSESSION over the peoples and souls of the church in association with the bloodlines of Roman emperor Vespasian.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Whether she was fully naked or no, does it matter? Why are wet tshirt contests such a draw?

“Let’s also remember that David wasn’t supposed to be in his palace. Therefore, Bathsheba may not have realized he was peering from above” – perhaps not, but she must have been cognizant he could have been and this thought did not deter her. Scripture doesn’t suggest she’d only just moved in.

And if she lived so close she could have bribed some servant to tell her when to expect him home.

“David was on the roof, not Bathsheba.” She was, by all accounts, a gorgeous woman. Perhaps she was not satisfied with her lot and aimed higher? We see little conflict in all that passes after except David, within himself.

“Based on 2 Samuel 23:34, 39, she was part of a brave and godly family. Her husband, Uriah, and her father, Eliam, served on King David’s elite team of soldiers. Her grandfather, Ahitophel, was considered a trusted counselor of the king.”’ – translation: her family were all military strategists. They’d have also had immense pull to stop David when he ordered Uriah to the front lines, had they wished to. They could have even made excuses to the king, had they disagreed with him.

“Did Bathsheba seduce David? Did she place herself within David’s sight in hopes of receiving the king’s attention? Scripture does not say. God alone knows the heart, as well as its motives. Even if she had, it was still David’s choice to look beyond a glance and act on that temptation.” – absolutely, but it was also Bathsheba’s choice to place herself in an area in which she could be observed. Surely, she knew there were rooftops surrounding and that people at times strolled them.

She had every power to refuse him and accept whatever consequences just as anyone has ever had to refuse men at any time throughout history. I believe, had he raped her, the scriptures might have been more to that point. You infantilize a grown woman who most likely was aware of her allure and was not unwilling to use it for her own (and more likely, family) upward mobility.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I often, sadly, hear it too many times from the “critical thinkers “ – “hey, they asked for it, wanted it”. The blouse too transparent, “the curvey shapes”, the skirt too short.

Also, the same logic the MAPs use…”the child too sweet”. The child “consent”. (Where there is power and abuse of power involved to obtain s*x from someone in a vulnerable position there is most probably no consent).

I am not infantilizing a woman looked at from the roofs in the evening, who had a man, taken by several men at the orders of the king… to the king.

Man. King. Authority. …woman.
Roof. …evening. The king sending not one man, but several.

You do the math!

You should also read more than just this excerpt to understand why this was rape.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

“But the thing David had done was evil in the eyes of the LORD.” David did the evil, not Bathsheba.

The Lord was not happy with what David had done. The prophet Nathan told David that the Lord had passed judgment on him. In his rebuke of David for what he had done to Bathsheba, Nathan told David, “Why have you despised the word of the LORD, to do what is evil in his sight? . . . You have taken his wife to be your wife . . . you have despised me. . . Thus says the LORD: I will raise up trouble against you from within your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes, and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this very sun. For you did it secretly; but I will do this thing before all Israel, and before the sun” (2 Samuel 12:9-12).

“What you have done in secret shall be done before Israel.” Amnon, David’s son, took his sister Tamar, David’s daughter, and “raped her” (2 Samuel 13:14 NIV). When Absalom, David’s son, revolted against David, to show the people that he was the new king instead of his father, “Absalom had sex with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel” (2 Samuel 16:22 NET). Absalom raped David’s wives in public.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Let us recall that Bathseeba has four children with David, including Solomon through whom Yeshua is descended. Are you insinuating he raped her into 4 children?

The “Evil,” you discuss here is adultery.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The fact that he made her his woman after this is another thing and doesn’t prove your point. She was free of “contract” after her husbans was killed. (Here you are again avoiding this particular murder and the consequences). I am reffering to that one instance when David sent several men to bring her to him.
Bathsheba’s “consent” was just as real as David’s concubines “consent” to have s*x with Absalom in public when he wanted to prove he was king, the new king.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Thank you for getting this right! Now we are having a real discussion not in fantasy.

Here indeed we have an actual murder by proxy of battle, which is stated in the texts! It is yet another example of the abominable drunkeness of power leading to psychopathy; one which ultimately led to the downfall of Isis Ra El through David and batSHIVA (daughter of destruction is what her name means) second child Sol-Amon, the Sun King. Another abominable character was Sol Amon and his Sun worship.

The point of this story is to openly trash Dawids terribleness for how his own selfishness brought ruin to the promise of YHWH for Israel and Judah.

The passage of Yeremiah I quote to you about the cakes to the Queen of Heaven being abominable is directed towards the Aryeh Yehudah that went to Egypt to avoid Babylonian captivity and after a generation started engaging in the same horrific Luciferians practices of Solar cattle Great mother worship present in the Cate church of today. You are going to find that a significant portion of the scriptures are dedicated to EXPOSING rather than excusing or covering up abominable actions.

This is the point of the temptations given to Yeshua:

The true servants of YHWH refuse earthly pleasure, ego glorification and power in their service to our father.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

To further your point, this is also not be the only time the Bible leaves the reader to connect the dots. For example, in John 8:3-11, Christ draws on the ground with his finger, but the connection between what he is drawing and the departure of the woman’s accusers is not made explicit in the text.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


You’ve claimed it was good for Constantine to boil his wife alive if he she committed adultery. Where does this story fit in?

Maybe he was drawing a duck? Or maybe an exception for emperors to boil their wives on the ground?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Did Constantine rape Fausta?

“ Maybe he was drawing a duck? ”
It was clear to me long ago you were mocking.

“ Or maybe an exception for emperors to boil their wives on the ground?”

Both wronged God. It is no denying here. However, the contexts are different.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


This is someone who does not understand women and how adult human sexuality works; there is likely little to no experience outside a traditional courtship setting.
Unfortunately in modernity, there are many males which have never become men, and live in a state of “Madonna/w***e.” complex as a result of confused sexuality. It is common among the Catullus and plays in with the paycgology of the Mother worship, the origins of which are found in the Latin kult of the Vestile Virgins, and which stretch back to the ideas of the “virgin,” Ishtar who behind temple doors was not such a Virgin.

This is also a tactic to try and redirect and deflect the conversation from anything serious that might damage his psyche further. I’ve asked many, many times serious scriptural questions, clear scriptural questions regarding a plethora of violations of commandments present and pervasive today in his church for thousands of years, and he refused to answer. Now here we are debating whether a woman who bore this man 4 children “wanted it,” or not, some 3000 years ago.

It is clear he feels attacked regarding the discovery his church was founded by a psychopathic serial killer, and as he realizes my ethnicity, has set to try and see if he can do the same to arhat he perceives (wrongly) as a founding figure of Judaism. It is childish.


Nobody thinks David is perfect, and I am not, nor ever will be a purist. Indeed you are correct that the scriptures take the time to discuss his issues with sleeping around and committing adultery. However, to insinuate he raped the mother of 4 of his children based on fanciful extrapolation is… off. His heir to the throne comes from this woman, meaning she became his lawful wife.

You also are not reading the text about his servants at all, not even the translations: it states he sent the servants to inquire about who she is, and then they tell her. It does not say he had his four soldiers go to her, hit her on the head and drag her into his rape cave, you’re inventing fantasy.He asked about a woman he later marries.

For someone that says the devil is in the details and tries to needle, you seem to have a problem with ignoring and grossly contradicting the details.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

-> “ This is someone who does not understand women and how adult human sexuality works”.

How could I possibly understand women since I am a woman? Right? There is absolutely no way I could “ understand women and how adult human sexuality works”.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I had absolutely no doubt you were a woman, and yet you are still prone to a similar slant – the madonna/w***e complex. I will respond further later. But your stances regarding David’s supposed “rape” and Bathsheba’s sweetly innocent piety disregard a large truth regarding women and the use of this aspect of women’s inherent influence over men.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Being a Woman,
Does not mean you understand healthy adult female sexuality, particularly in a culture like Romania, where most of the men are quite oafish (ie rapey), and then you have the orthodox church culture which is extremely repressive towards healthy sexuality.

I intended to make this, and all other comments gender neutral, as I was not sure of whether you were male nor female. I made the mistake of using rather than “this person,” and this is, without question, my mistake.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”yet you are still prone to a similar slant – the madonna/w***e complex”

Do you really mean this or are you saying it casually?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I try to not say anything casually, or at least, not flippantly. I am quite serious. I say it, because, as a woman and a lifelong “Christian”, I have my own schlew of unnecessary hangups regarding sexuality, especially that of females. We understand men’s drives and excuse all manner of things of them, yet act as if women are devoid of desires, or if they have them, they are wanton and evil. This is twisted and it causes a great deal of misery for both sexes, but mostly for women.
In the US, at least, it is the old adage that a sexually active man is a “stud”, but a woman who enjoys it is a “s**t” – not even a “w***e” – because w****s are smart enough to charge for their services.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

-> “ I had absolutely no doubt you were a woman, and yet you are still prone to a similar slant – the madonna/w***e complex.”

Thank you, dear critical thinker!

-> “ I’ve been staying out of this, but I’d just caution anyone proclaiming to know which human beings Yeshua might or might not be “good” with. I see true believers in every stage of growth and development, including those still embroiled in some practices perhaps better left behind for their own good.
Please try to take a good, hard look at the spirit behind your accusations and remember whom it is we resemble when we hurl these things.
There is a huge difference between trying to help someone by stating truth as we see things and this.”

I believe this one belongs to you.
So far I’ve only seen you and gem “hurl” things here. Can I make the suggestion back?


1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

That wasn’t an insult, just matter of fact. I even explained to chud I have the same affliction. I think it’s common to some of the overall Christian teachings throughout. Christian teachings can tend to favor heavily into guilt and shame, and it can become crippling.

Our hangups may be different in origin, but your insistence Bathsheba must have been raped is telling.

The only way to improve oneself is to be honest about where you stand. You also must shed a victim/offended mentality, otherwise you’ve handed over your own power to external forces and rendered yourself helpless. I know that from firsthand, too.

And I certainly don’t pretend to know your relationship with the Father, it’s not for me to know. Scripture does admonish us to help others of the faith. We are supposed to push back against each other and continue to strive for truth. I know I will spend the rest of my life and beyond learning and will never even come close. I don’t need to feel defensive about that.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Aha! Right!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”That wasn’t an insult, just matter of fact.”

Whether you meant it as an insult or not, you pivoted from a discussion of the text to an argumentum ad hominem.

>”I even explained to chud I have the same affliction.”

I appreciated your openness in that explanation. Having a particular affliction does not confer the right to diagnose others with the same. It may even be a disqualifier.

>”I think it’s common to some of the overall Christian teachings throughout. Christian teachings can tend to favor heavily into guilt and shame, and it can become crippling.”

It may be of interest you that in Orthodoxy, @crisspf ‘s faith, guilt and shame are considered suboptimal motivators when working towards one’s salvation. As a rule, Orthodox elders, spritual fathers and mothers, would be very concerned if one of their spiritual children did not outgrow this stage.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I wish you both nothing but the best. Moving on, now.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Likewise. Have a great weekend.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


I think there is room for error. You’ve not exactly been the shining example in this either, calling others “parasites,” based on an etymology of “protest,” and even beginning by declaring that millions of people “can’t read,” essentially declaring they are idiots, simply because you don’t agree with their interpretation of a single passage you’ve never actually read. You’ve also yet to actually discuss any scriptural commands I’ve brought up through some very immature means of avoidance.

Likewise you’ve oscillated between moving goal posts, changing positions, and generally snide, if somewhat implied attacks; @crisspf has invented entire fantasy tales to try and fit a narrative, contradicting herself over and over as she becomes aware of more evidence I present, while then trying to excuse serial murder by an actual historical figure, and then basically slandered me through adhominem attacks based on the fact I said this serial killer killed his “whole” family rather than “everyone in his family and lots of his friends, except his mother.”

This kind of behavior, which you full we know you were doing, can affect people less generally used to dealing with it. Below you essentially try to act the authority and claim what of my post is “good” or not. It seems you a latent psychology that vasicalltes between calling yourself a chud, acting like a bully, and then trying to speak as if you are a wise paternal-teacher figure.

Likewise, The whole wise “church fathers,” wisdom act and growth pattern speech seems a little backwards in a place they worship golden statues, and sanctify pagan deities, fabricated martyrdomes and venerate a founding actually historical serial killer solar worshipper. I will spare speaking of the church’s history of mass genocide on the order of millions, while playing victim based on what Stalin did (where he killed a lot more people that were non-orthodox, than that were.)

Nevertheless, I agree that we all have stages which takes time and practice, and extended effort to grow out of.

@lgageharleya has come very far in an incredibly short time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

->“ @lgageharleya has come very far in an incredibly short time. ” I suppose you say that as a “ wise paternal-teacher figure”.

@crisspf has invented entire fantasy tales to try and fit a narrative, contradicting herself over and over as she becomes aware of more evidence I present, while then trying to excuse serial murder by an actual historical figure, and then basically slandered me through adhominem attacks based on the fact I said this serial killer killed his “whole” family rather than “everyone in his family and lots of his friends, except his mother.”

“batSHIVA (daughter of destruction is what her name means)”

Here! I have a better one. How about Bathsheba – from Hebrew בַּת שֶׁבַע‎ (bat shéva’, “daughter of an oath”), from בַּת‎ (bát, “daughter”) + שֶׁבַע‎ (shéva, “oath”). Oh, yes, and you will go on and chop the name again, invent a new fairytale about “oath” and end your speech with cattle lickers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You’ve not exactly been the shining example in this either”

>”calling others “parasites, based on an etymology of “protest,””

What I said was “that makes *Protestantism* a lot like a parasite.” You then misquoted me saying, “Chud says ‘protestants’ name mean they are parasites of Catholocism’ and I let it slide because I assumed you understood I was talking about Protestantism since your followed it with “Catholocism” [sic]. Now, since your error persists, I am correcting it.

>”and even beginning by declaring that millions of people “can’t read,” essentially declaring they are idiots,”

I will assume you’ve never heard of the concept “rhetorical hyperbole.” Rhetorical hyperbole is like when someone says:

>”Being a Woman,Does not mean you understand healthy adult female sexuality, particularly in a culture like Romania, where most of the men are quite oafish (ie rapey)”


>”The reason for all this rape fantasy nonsense spread by gentile “Christianity,” relates to their obsession with mother rape, and rape in general, which goes with the Madonna Wh0re complex they’ve got going on.”


>”Unfortunately in modernity, there are many males which have never become men, and live in a state of “Madonna/w***e.” complex as a result of confused sexuality. It is common among the Catullus and plays in with the paycgology of the Mother worship”


>”The Papa (father…) and his mignions are the priests of the transgender form of Lucifer, The Great Mother, the same who for millennia have spread Luciferian indoctrination throughout the world”

Unless, of course, you mean all of those things literally without any nuance. If so, I have a question for you: how many millions of people total are you talking about in those comments?

>”You’ve also yet to actually discuss any scriptural commands I’ve brought up through some very immature means of avoidance.”

Do you mean when I told you directly that I didn’t want to? Or do you mean when I contrasted your own words to show that you may not be as genuinely interested as you were saying?

>Below you essentially try to act the authority and claim what of my post is “good” or not.”

If I think something is over the top, I’ll usually ignore. This post of yours I’m responding to right now is an example of something I’d consider mostly over the top because it seems to have a lot of emotional content. That’s what I meant by “good or not.” I am the authority figure when it comes to what I will respond to. Would you feel more comfortable if I substituted “good” for “chud approved?” (This is a joke, by the way.)

>”It seems you a latent psychology that vasicalltes between calling yourself a chud, acting like a bully, and then trying to speak as if you are a wise paternal-teacher figure.”

I appreciate the criticism.

>”Likewise, The whole wise “church fathers,” wisdom act and growth pattern speech seems a little backwards in a place they worship golden statues, and sanctify pagan deities, fabricated martyrdomes and venerate a founding actually historical serial killer solar worshipper. I will spare speaking of the church’s history of mass genocide on the order of millions, while playing victim based on what Stalin did (where he killed a lot more people that were non-orthodox, than that were.)”

While I don’t necessarily share your view, if this is your honest opinion, I am glad to see you express it.

>”I agree that we all have stages which takes time and practice, and extended effort to grow out of.”

And given the path is infinite, it is impossible to say how far advanced anyone may or may not be. A distance that may only take 2 steps for one to complete may count as 1000 steps for another. God will judge.

>”@lgageharleya has come very far in an incredibly short time.”

I am sure you are right and I have no reason to think otherwise.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

What you have quoted are unfortunate realities, I wish were simply emotionally based hyperbole…

The easy stuff:

1) There are a lot of males in modernity which do not advance in their maturity and sexual identities beyond a very low stage. Do you really disagree?

There are many females which are also very unhealthy in their understanding and manifestation of sexuality. A good example includes woman with personality disorders.

This does not belong to any one group, or is a generally pervasive issue.


However, there are a particular set of patterns of psychological issues that are found in the adherents and places with centralised Piscean Solar religions.

The whole mass child raping (and attempted cover up) for 1000s of years in the cattle church by supposed celibates is one glaring example. The greater part of a millennium ago the pope infallibly declared openly that intercourse with children is no worse than wiping your hands.

There is substantial historical evidence of what today would be called institutionalised child sex trafficking by the Cattle Church power structure, maintaining retinues of young boys for the papa and his friends.

Equally the Church of England is founded by a necromancing (playing with dead bodies) mass murdering boy lover… It’s a theme in Luciferian Solar religions, particularly those of the Piscean Age.

The attitudes of possessing females and all of the atrocities of sexual violence Maha Amutism, are equally well documented and pervasive. Even today speaking to a woman in the street in Saudi Arabia is punishable by death, while The crown princes all have yachts for constant coke fueled hooker parties, and all the tea shops are places for covert (but well known) gay orgies, by a generally mass repressed populace done in the name falsely of the ineffable creator.

India and Hinduism (somewhat less centralised but still a Solar religion) has a huge issue with mass rape as well.

Likewise having spent a decent amount of time in Romania, it is clear to me the country does have a serious issue with rape culture, and particularly with it being covered under a veil of “christianism,” in which a lot of things are shoved under the “god wanted it,” rug. Like a lot of eastern Europe, it’s a weird world mixing big underground raves, and hyper religious peasantry types.

Same people running their medical system and loudly professing their Christianity in Church were the ones profiting from diluting medical sterilisation chemicals and killing tons of people for decades. Nobody went to jail for that…

2) The papa and his power structure is a patently Luciferian organization, of the most evil kind.

The current pope is a Jesuit, one of the darkest, most evil organizations in the world. They are essentially a mass covert organised crime ring.

If you would like some well sourced books on the covert satanic dealings of the Jesuits, I can offer them. Their symbol is of course the solar Corona (the crown of the sun king) with 33 rays, a non incidental symbolic reference that is also found in Ma$onry.

The amount of murder, rape drug cartel running and covert power control exercised from the shadows by the Jesuits is tremendous.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Chud @crisspf

Certainly there is a very twisted Madonna wh0re psychological complex pervasive in the religions which worship the great mother. This is a 1000s of year old issue, not limited to Cattle Church, which is more of a continuation of the problem, than anything.

It is unlikely you are Aware of this history so let’s track but a few of the most glaring examples:

1) The cult of “Queen of Heaven” Ishtar was renowned for its temple “priestesses,” which were supposed to be chased virgins in the street for the populace, but then engaged in mass orgies and occult sex rites behind temple walls. The head “priestess,” of Ishtar was usually a transgender. These Urigallus were renowned for being very effeminate later in history during the Roman era, and the priests were called”Acura’s,” just as the cattle church’s priests are called today in Latin.

2) The cult of Cybele, the “Great Mother or Magna Mater,” in Turkey and then later Greece and Rome was made up of transgender, self castrating males who would scream “Hai Attis!” Before chopping off their own genitalia. It is of course a reference to the constellations of Hyades, the stars that form Taurus, the bull of heavens Horns. Bulls and mothers and bovine Solar worship always go together.

The name Cybele is emblazoned all over Catholic France’s water systems in iron. It’s that whole “beast out of the sea” thing and Luci Ferrus.

3) Tannit the “Great mother,” and “Queen of Heaven,” of Pheonicia was the goddess of child fuelled temple orgies, and mass child blood sacrifice. The hierarchy system of Carthaginian priesthoods were the eventual basis for the Cattle Church hierarchy. Pheonicians simply became Venicians.

4) The vestal virgins dedicated to The Great Mother Vesta of Rome were supposed to be these forever chaste, perfect virgins. Touching one was punishable by death, so most of Romes upper caste found it a thrill to sleep with them. Madonna, W***e complex.

This sect are the basis and origins of the cattle church’s celibate virginal nuns, the same ones later found to have been stealing babies and burying their offspring with priests outside the monasteries. It really is a pervasive issue of unhealthy mad0nna-wh0re complex that is thousands of years old.

Of note is that Vesta, is the same as the great mother goddess Hestia, whom is the “great mother,” of the Phillistines, whose name means “Phili Hestia.” The children of the Hearth, the Mother of the Earth.

The story of Sampson and Delilah is of course about this, with Sampson being the sun, his name in Hebrew means “Solar,” and is written said SHAMESH on. The number of years given that he is champion of Israel is 20, which is the Solar deity of Babylon SHAMESH’s official number.

The name Delilah means Lilac, the color of the sky at dusk of the setting Sun, and in Hebrew it means “door to the night.” It is the same root as the name Lillith and the demon Lil-utu, a female solar demon who was said to be the Succubus of wanton sexual desire that came out only in the dark. It’s a theme, and the story again discusses the fall of a hero, through the celestial mechanics of supernova explosions, by succumbing to the issues always found in Solar worship with this twisted sexuality.

5) The kult of Isis, “Queen of Heaven,” and Great Mother whose GIANT PINE CONE SITS FRONT AND CENTER AT THE VATIKIAN, was renowned for freeing slaves in Rome in return for them agreeing to become part of massive okkult sex rites orgies all over Rome. They were renowned for purporting Isis was a chaste pure Virgin in public, and then dedicating their mass occult sexual rites to her in their temples. Her image is the direct basis of all the “Mad0nna and child,” and “Virgo Lactans” images so popular in the modern Cattle Church. I’ll show you below

So there’s a very brief history in the Madonna-wh0re complex issues found pervasively within the religions of the Great Mother and “Queen of Heaven,” always associated with solar bull and bovine worship, which the Papacy is but another continuation.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@chud @crisspf

It’s not a new thing. The vast majority of the “church traditions,” are borne directly from much older, very twisted, dark Luciferian Solar great mother kult worship. The name itself Vatican comes directly from the eutruscan Delilah, the great mother and cow goddess Vatika.

This is what was warned of by the antiXristos and the harlotte of Babylon on the Seven Hills, of the Seven Kings of Rome.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@chud @crisspf

Let’s also look further even afield than the Near East and Mediterranean at where these pervasive themes of an amalgamation of:

1) Great Mother/ Queen of Heaven worship
2) Bovine, Cattle, and Bull worship
3) Virgin Worship
4) Solar worship
5) Blood sacrifice
6) Pervasive unhealthy and repressed sexuality that bubbles just under the surface
7) Paternalistic priesthood hierarchies that represent the great mother and her solar child

Certainly all are present in the rituals and history of the Cattle church, always coming from the “church doctrines,” which have no fundamental basis in scripture

1) Maryam is the great mother, Queen of Heaven. There is no scriptural basis, except to call this worship abominable
2) It is named for Vatika, the bovine great mother cattle goddess of the ancient peoples of the lands of the Vatican.
3) Ditti to the Virgin Mary worship
4) The church loudly and proudly displays a myriad of Solar symbols encrusted in gold, the Solar metal, including the infamous IHS within a Sun, which is Isis-Horus-oSiris the Solar trinity of Egypt that they have used as a basis for the non-scriptural Trinidadian doctrines.
5) The mass genocides, inquisitions and Heresy burnings in town squares as public spectacle are blood sacrifice.
6) The pervasive thousands of years reaping of children says enough
7) The pope says, don’t call me father, you call me PAPA

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@crisspf and @chud

Having already looked at where all this comes from much older luciferian tradifions proximate in time and geography to Cattle Church, let’s look at just how pervasive and ancient this is across the world, speaking to an obvious pattern:

We have Xiwangmu (西王母), or “Queen Mother of the West,” who is one of the most ancient goddesses in the world and who was said to sit at the setting sun. She represented the Violet color of dusk, as I discussed above regarding DeLilah. Likewise she is frequently dressed in Crimson and Deep Blue or Violet, the colors of sunset, and blood (blue for veins and crimson for arteries), just as Maryam is today, and as is warned of the Harlotte of Babylon in Revelations 19 who wears these same colors and rides a panther.

Our great mother of China was said to ride a tiger, or even be a tiger, just as warned of in revelations, using another big cat which is native to central Eurasia (no tigers), the Leopard.

Xiwangmu was said to be the arbiter of life, death, creation, and destruction. Blood sacrifices were performed to her by a paternalistic priesthood when Venus was in the western sky, at sunset, and they upheld a Solar emperor as the head of their priesthood (like the Roman emperor as Pontificus Maximus a title the papa still uses) with their power.

Sacrifices to Ishtar and all the other great mothers were also made in accordance to the Venus cycle, and the reason that Lucifer is called “the morning star,” is because the period of most intense sacrifices were traditionally performed at Venusian inferior conjunction during a 6-7 day period when the planet transitions from the western sky to the eastern sky.

In Greek tradition this was called the Phoenix, in Egyptian the Benu Bird. Depicted as Corey and multi coloured because Venus light refracts into rainbow colors when it is low on the horizon.

This is why the Eastern Orthodox Church still uses the double headed eagle. It represents the Phoenix, and represents the western, evening sky Venus, and the rising of it in eastern sky as the Morning Star, after a period of six days of blood sacrifice. This is why the Son of KAIN is Enoch, is is FENAK/Fenix; the blood spillers that sacrifice to the frat mother. The f in Greek was originally the digamma letter which has a “Wa sound,” the name “Phoenix actually being said “Wenok.”

Returning to our Chinese Queen of heaven great mother, it is notable that one of her best known names demonstrates the profound linguistic connection to the other great mothers, she is called AMAH. This is identical to the Hebrew word used for mother.

Revelations 19 is a warning of this kult your are following. You’ve been tricked by the beast, just as the prophecies predicted.

I am going to keep going and move over to Mesoamerica, but my point here is that I can’t keep having a conversation which ignores history and essentially is out of pure ignorance to the reality of things.

They define the lines so that you don’t find out these things I am telling you and you spend your lives believing utter fabrications of nonsense and defending your enemy. And then you refuse, albeit with constant excuses (until now when you’ve finally admitted it) to do anything which might expand your views, while returning to basal conversations of whether an allegorical person, representing the Proto Sun, murdered another allegorical person, representing the planet Uranus, so he could sleep with Shiva, the seventh planet from the sun now called Saturn. The menorah is the heliocentric model, and the temple is the solar system.

You do not realise it, which is why I’m still talking to you, but you are sheep following wolves masquerading as shepherds who have fooled you into believing utter junk so they can harvest your souls and control the world .

Little red riding hood almost let granny eat her because she believed the crap that came out of the wolf wearing her grannies clothes. My what big ears you have! “No I don’t I’m granny!” oh okay, wait, what big eyes you have! “ I I don’t I’m granny!” Ok, oh wait, you have really big teeth!

Did you ever wonder why the story features a wolf masquerading as the GRAND or GREAT Mother by putting on her clothes? It’s the story of the antiXristos, which you are following blindly while they parade the eagle of Lucifer-Venus in your face, the morning and the evening star.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I could accept that all of the symbolism and much of the analysis you outline is correct, but it still wouldn’t matter much.

Symbols are a language, and so it shouldn’t be surprising to see both good and bad actors using the same symbols. Enemies often do speak the same language. Recognizing this, it isn’t difficult to understand why symbols may overlap between Christians, Luciferians, pagans, etc. It doesn’t signify agreement anymore than you and I both speaking English signifies agreement on this topic.

When one side is essentially dominating the use of a language (as is happening today with symbols) it can be expected that the language itself will be repurposed consistent with the goals of the dominant side. We see an example of this with governments in the West today with the word “woman.” To use one of your examples, a woman with a baby at her breast is hardly intrinsically evil, but it *could* be made to represent something evil.

Even if a vast majority of people speaking a language thinks the same way and has the same goals, it still wouldn’t follow that the mere use of the language signifies agreement. The upside-down cross is an infamous example: it is almost universally associated with Satan by the public, yet there are pious Catholic and Orthodox who recognize it as the Cross of St. Peter.

Personally, I would be surprised if at any point there were _no_ overlap between the symbolism of Christians, Luciferians, pagans, etc., simply because evil cannot create. Evil can only mock, imitate, derivate, etc. Therefore, whatever the truth is, the existence of evil all but guarantees there will be simulacrums of it.

Knowing this, it should be even less surprising that many pagan or Luciferian religions predating Christianity would make use symbols that show up again later in Christianity since God already had established at least one priesthood prior even to Judaism (Genesis 14:18-20). Both the Orthodox and Catholics consider Melchizedek, the king and priest, a prefiguration of Christ and so, from this perspective, Satan has had a very long time even before Christ was born to iterate and produce his mockeries and imitations of the Messiah, the priesthood, and liturgy.

None of this means the Orthodox and Catholic churches _as human organizations_ are immune to infiltration and attacks at any level, or that the faithful of those religions will understand what they’re seeing on a conscious level.

I don’t have any illusions you’re going to be convinced by, or accept, much of anything I’ve said. I am replying because you’ve presented a good opportunity to articulate this position, so know that if you put a lot of time into replying to me, there may not be a reply in return.

If you have the book recommendations you mentioned, I would be happy to take a look at them when I have the time.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


The official Catholic Church documents admit they have absorbed and use pagan practice; even boasting that to this assertion they are “proudly guilt as charged.” It’s not a coincidence, it’s on purpose as part of the “universalist,” pagan religion. The antiXristos making millions of bloody, gold encrusted statue and stamping on the face of Moshe.

This entire argument ignorantly dismisses the tremendous, specific and profound and direct “church traditions,” bred of the womb of abominable pagan practice that sits at your church’s very foundation. Although I suspect you already know this fully well.

You don’t transmute the work of Lucifer Holy with sprinkled water or by putting big Papa’s stamp on it. The symbols carry tremendous weight, many of which are very, very dark. Your patriarch carries the staff of the Solar Gorgon of two camel heads; a very specific symbol of Lucifer, which I can show you on some very old dark symbolism from India. Not a coincidence, would you like to see? Or is that as irrelevant as all of the scriptural commands your church stamps on you refuse to discuss, for evidently agenda based reasons.

You don’t reformulate paganism into holiness; that is what Revelations warned of. You worship the birth of G Zeus on the day of Horus, the Sun’s return, December 25th, a purely solar worship holiday. You hold prayers to the east (where the sun rises and the direction of the morning star, Lucifer.) on Ishtar aka “Easter,” the Eastern Star, at the spring Equinox. It’s astrotheological Luciferian pageantry designed to fool the masses; although you won’t admit it, I realise you know what I speak is Truth, which is why you came to try and waste time for a little bit.

Yet I’ve saved the best for last, Pacha Mama the blood thirsty Queen of Heaven, whom your Jesuit Papa, has firmly entrenched into his church with great honor and re-enacted one of the most famous pagan moments of great mother worship of antiquity. The statue of the Magna Mater being thrown in the Tiber river.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You don’t reformulate paganism into holiness”

This statement shows you haven’t understood what I said.

>”your Jesuit Papa”

How do you know he’s mine?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


I do understand. You just won’t discuss scriptural commandments because you say they are “irrelevant.”

You are claiming that these symbols are a common language used by spirituals of both satanic and “saintly” intent. You have asserted they represent a common substrate language spoken by enemies of battle. As if it were the Austrians fighting the Germans both using the word “Dankeshun.” Right.

The second commandment expressly and directly forbids ALL graven images in worship. The cattle church now makes billions of graven images of crucifxes, Mary statues, Saints statues etc. containing very ancient pagan symbols and iconography, which they when worship. What is this common language you say? The very making of your graven images containing these symbols I am speaking of is forbidden.

There is no common language between one who follows scriptural commands forbidding all graven images, commandments predating the Cattle church by 1800+ years, and the Catulus organization mass producing and worshipping ritualistically billions of graven images heavily embedded with pagan iconography, a substrate of iconography which are found to predate the Catulus church existence by 1000s of years used only in a Luciferian Pagan context.

Your assertion of “common language,” is an extreme fallacy, which demonstrates tremendous willful ignorance and selective bias.

On one hand we have worship which expressly forbids any and all graven images commanded in the 14th century BCE, and then in the other we have a church producing billions of graven images infused with very ancient symbols of pagan idolatry which were the enemies of those who worshipped without any graven images at all, for which there is extensive archeological evidence, beginning in the 4th century CE, and then grafting this image founded upon graven images onto the Hebrew Messiach.

It’s not a common language to spit on the second commandment and claim to have universal authority to follow the Hebrew Messiach.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”It’s not a common language to spit on the second commandment and claim to have universal authority to follow the Hebrew Messiach.”

When you say things like this, it confuses your point.

In this example you’ve given, you’re mistaking the sentence for the language. It must be common language, otherwise you wouldn’t understand how (in your view) the second commandment is being spat on. What you don’t agree with is how the language is used.

What you are literally arguing is that this language is not possible because (in your view) it is forbidden. Yet if that we’re true, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.

So I can only assume you mean it is “morally impossible” based on your view of the second commandment. For that reason, this is probably your true argument here:

>”The very making of your graven images containing these symbols I am speaking of is forbidden.”

Okay, fair enough. You’re basing this on this belief:

>”The second commandment expressly and directly forbids ALL graven images in worship.”

I understand that this is your view and your reading of the verse. You’ve made this more than clear and said it multiple times. You said earlier you are “well versed” in the theology and of the Catholic and Orthodox churches, and you’ve made it more than clear you do not accept the interpretation of this commandment by either group.

Given that: why are you insisting that I should explain something to you that you’ve claimed you already understand and disagree with?

>”Your assertion of “common language,” is an extreme fallacy”

As you say, we have no common language.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

I agree your analysis 100%.

What keeps striking me is how someone can distort and mock the respect one gives to a mother, especially to the mother of Christ, God Incarnated, the one that cast away demons, cured and brought people back to life, died for us and resurrected, the one that gives us salvation? If she was worthy, that worthy! to carry in her womb our Saviour are we to esteem her less than our Lord? We can give her whatever name we want that is meant to honour her. She is the Holy Mother, the Holy Virgin, the Spotless Dove, the Blessed and the Pure for she is special in all ways, outstanding and worthy of God’s love and esteem. For any loving child in this world a mother is like a saint. If we love Christ how and why would we not love His mother? How is she less worthy of our respect than our mothers. A distinction is to be set – she is above all women!

The second most important thing that people also ignore is that, like you have just said (I’ve also said it before and I believe it) is that the devil, who knows scriptures by heart, also prophecies, witnessed generations rise and fall, and can speculate human weaknesses can so easily forge a false Christ or come up with a Krishna, Horus, Mithras or a Zeus and make people believe these reseble Christ or even that Christ is somehow a sum-up or an update. One big fat ugly lie that He is actually the impostor.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Having respect for mothers is honorable and a fundamental aspect of family life.

It is written, that blowing incense to the statues of the “Queen of Heaven” is abominable. Are the scriptures unclear?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Take it the other way round to understand why not. For every evil forgery the devil came up with (we talk here especially about the goddesses and gods of ancient times) there is an authentic, real figure, THE good one. Therefore we can talk about anti-crist/s and Christ; Queen of Heaven (the pagan goddess) and whom we consider that deserves any and every royal distinction, our own and authentic Queen/Emperess/Lady who is Mary, the mother of our Lord/King of the kings/Emperor/ Iisus Hristos/ Iesous/Yeshua… the Lamb, the Good Shepherd, the Son of God.

The same applies to “the lion” aka satan and Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The same with “morning star”/satan, the impostor and the real Morning Star.

The first reference to the morning star as an individual is in Isaiah 14:12: “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!” (NIV). The KJV and NKJV both translate “morning star” as “Lucifer, son of the morning.” It is clear from the rest of the passage that Isaiah is referring to Satan’s fall from heaven (Luke 10:18). So in this case, the morning star refers to Satan. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus unmistakably identifies Himself as the morning star. Why are both Jesus and Satan described as the “morning star”?

So the concept is applied to both Jesus (the authentic) and Satan (the impostor) In Revelation 5:5.

Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. In 1 Peter 5:8, Satan is compared to a lion, seeking someone to devour. The point is this, both Jesus and Satan, to a certain extent, have similarities to lions. Jesus is similar to a lion in that He is the King, He is royal and majestic. Satan is similar to a lion in that he seeks to devour other creatures. That is where the similarities between Jesus, Satan, and lions end, however. Jesus and Satan are like lions in very different ways.

The idea of a “bright morning star” is a star that outshines all the others, and Jesus is the One who is called “bright.” Satan was a morning star. Jesus, as God incarnate, the Lord of the universe, is the BRIGHT and morning star. Jesus is the most holy and powerful “light” in all the universe. So, while both Jesus and Satan can be described as “morning stars,” in no sense is this equating Jesus and Satan. Satan is a created being. His light only exists to the extent that God created it. Jesus is the light of the world (John 9:5). Only Jesus’ light is “bright” and self-existent. Satan may be a morning star, but he is only a poor imitation of the one true bright morning star, Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

About the incence (meaning you have a real authentic wish to know and not another opoortunity to attack):

The burning incense symbolizes prayer. “Let my prayer come before thee as incense, the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice. . . .“ (Psalm 141: 2 – used during Vespers as the whole church is censed). In Old Testament times, the people would pray before the Holy of Holies while the priest within made the sacrifice. “And the whole multitude of people were praying outside at the hour of incense.” (Luke 1: 10) Symbolically, the incense represents prayer ascending to God.

Incense continues to have that attachment to prayer in the New Testament, as we see in the book of Revelation. “An angel came and stood at the altar, with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden Altar before the Throne of God; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the Saints from the hand of the angel before God.” (Revelation 8: 3-4).

We also remember that Christ received frankincense as one of the gifts of the Magi (Matthew 2:11).

In our liturgy we burn incense to symbolize:

1. Worship of God who is present in the Temple and in the Eucharist.
2. Prayer rising to God like the smoke.
3. The Grace of the Holy Spirit (see prayer above), which God pours upon us as incense pours fragrance throughout the Church.

The Church censes icons and other Holy things to honor God who crowns these saints in heaven, who worked wonders through them here on earth, and who sanctified and glorified their bodies; and to demonstrate our devotion to these special friends and servants of God called Saints.
We cense the faithful in order to honor in you the likeness to Christ that was imprinted on you at Baptism and to honor you as temples of the Holy Spirit (I Cor 6). When you are censed, you should make the sign of the cross to remind yourself of your baptism and that you are a Temple, made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1).

Theologically, this censing is very important. Orthodoxy is focused on theosis, on “becoming like God,” not in Essence but through God’s Energies (as great writers like St John of Damascus and St Gregory Palamas made clear), which are imparted to us in myriad ways and chiefly through the sacraments. We cense the icons first because they are the people among us whom we venerate as having received theosis in high degree; we cense ourselves because we are in process, throughout this life, of becoming more and more God-like by grace. In a sense, you may also see censing people as a wake-up call: Recognize that you are made in the image of God and that you are being restored to that image and likeness through Christ who is at work in you through the Spirit to become a “partaker in the divine nature” (II Peter). Therefore, we cense the departed in the funeral rites to honor their bodies, made holy at Baptism, and to offer prayer for the repose of their souls.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I want to respond to this more thoroughly in a bit.

Your first point regarding the fact Queen of Heaven and the true vs Lucifers copy fails to acknowledge any sort of chronology, spits on the scriptures, and ignores the history of the Hebrew peoples trying to be rid of this scourge that kept coming back at the behest is those wolves in sheeps clothing. How can someone in 2000 BCE copy someone in 900 CE?

You have the rituals of Queen of heaven predating the existence of the Catulus church by thousands of years, and then continually practiced alongside child rape and blood sacrifice. Just as in the Catulus church as well. Quite the pattern.

The scriptures are not ambiguous, even though you ignore them, to follow only highly selective literalist interpretation:

This same practice under the name Ashteroth/Ishtar is called abominable in the book of Kings regarding Sol-Amon the abominable sun king. It’s called abominable under the name Isis in the book of Yeremiah using the same title.

These practices are continuing a practice expressly forbidden and called abominable in scripture, which predates your church by thousands of years, and now claim it’s holy! What?!

Why would you choose to use a title as the foundation of your rituals scripture calls abominable, 1000 years prior to your existence and copy their practices of blowing incense to its statues, in direct violation of the 2nd commandment? Or were they copying your church backwards in time?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You underestimate the knowledge of satan (knowing prophecies ). He did a good job with Horus, Mithras, Zeus after all. People think nowadays Jesus is the impostor. You also keep on ignoring what I’ve already more than once explained: we can and will use any word that shows our deepest respect and love towards her. We will use especially royal titles. Why do you immediately assume that “queen” is a patented word for some pagan goddess? And that “heaven” means always other than paradise/holiest place (yes, holy, not unholy). Look at it like this: if Mary’s son is God the King doesn’t that make her a queen? Where is the kingdom of our Lord, the King of kings? Exactly! Furthermore we, the orthodox, call her Emperess as well ( for she is honoured both in heaven and on earth). Mother as well, dove, pearl, most beautiful flower of heaven, blessed and pure .. Consider them all, not just the two that you can twist.
I also believe I answered other previous questions about incense … and icons.


Explaining iconography to someone who doesn’t pray with icons can be a little daunting. For us Orthodox, it’s as natural and normal as reading the Gospel, and we all sort of instinctively know that we’re not worshiping the wood, the oils, the material they are made of.

The Church made clear the position of images in the worship of the Church and their relationship to the second commandment: Incarnation is a game-changer. Christ made visible the invisible God, and thus it is allowed that images of Him be depicted.
Icons depict real people. The second commandment protects us from creating fantastical creatures that replace the true God. Icons depict real people and events that draw us to the true God.
Worship and veneration are not the same. Worshiping an idol is the equivalent of replacing God with a created thing (or ideology or passion). Venerating an icon is an act of respect and love that glorifies the Creator (sort of like saluting to a soldier is an act of respect and honor that shows your loyalty to your country).
God instructed Moses to create images. Just in case anyone thought God’s commandment to Moses excluded all visual images of anything as idols, check out Exodus 36:35-37:9 where, per the instructions of God, Moses has images of cherubim embroidered into the curtains of the tabernacle and statues of the same cast for the Ark of the Covenant.

Obviously, then, it is not images that are an issue, but our relationship to images. So what do icons do for us and why do we love them?
Icons teach us our history. In the early Church, never mind the fact that there was no official New Testament canon for almost 400 years, there were very few copies of the Scriptures (no printing press), and not all Christians were literate. Even today, we have a huge contingency of Christians who do not read–you know, everyone under the age of five. Icons teach us the stories of Scripture and the lives of the saints–the whole story of salvation–and invite us to be a part of that history.
Icons teach us our theology. Icons are no ordinary paintings. They are full of symbolic meaning to convey the theological truths of the True Faith. From the colors to the stances of the people, to the scenery and lighting, icons teach us who God is, and who we are in relation to Him. For example, in most of the festal icons of Christ (Nativity, Theophany, Crucifixion, Resurrection), you’ll notice that Christ is the Light emerging from the darkness (of the cave, the water, Golgotha, Hades). Or you’ll typically see Christ wearing a red tunic with a blue cloak, showing us that he was divine (red) but took on humanity (blue), and his mother is typically dressed opposite as she–and we–are human (blue) who take on Christ’s divinity (red).

Icons draw us near to the saints. We believe in a Church that is united across both space and time. In other words, the saints that have preceded us are just as much a part of the Living Body of Christ as our own friends and family. Just as we might cherish an image of a loved one who is no longer physically with us (and we might carry that image with us or even kiss it when we miss them), we cherish the images of Christ, His mother, and the saints as images of those we love and who guide us in our own lives.

Icons call us to be still and worship. Unlike other forms of visual art, Orthodox iconography is specifically created with worship in mind. There is a stillness and a peace about the figures, even when they are shown “in action.” What seems to be a reverse in perspective is a message to us that it is we who vanish in the distance when we move away from God. Icons help us focus our prayers to God and help us dispel the distracting images that flit through our minds at the prompting of the demons.

Icons call us to the heavenly realm. Everything about icons that we’ve already mentioned–their themes, their symbols, their characters, their artistic style–seek to draw us toward Christ and His holy ones. This is another reason that icons are not painted realistically; they are meant to draw us not to themselves, but beyond the images to the heavenly reality they depict. Unlike other art and certainly unlike idols, icons do not allow us to get stuck in the beauty of this world but call us to be a part of a world transfigured by God’s grace and love.

Icons are meant to give us glimpses of the world to come and who we can become in Christ.

Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian Archdiocese once said: The walls of this church are lined with icons. The empty spaces are yours.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

It is written in the commandments of YHWH:

“Graven Images you SHALL NOT.”

I’m unsure where in this commandment, there is an exception for gold encrusted graven images full of Luciferian symbols of Horus, Zeus, Mithras, etc. (predating your church with thousands of years of continual use) that you pray to as if they were divine objects? That’s paganism, always has been, always will be, and it is forbidden expressly.

Satan really did play a trick on you.

Eating blood waifers: Selective Hyper literalist reading

“Have Graven Images you SHALL NOT.

Well that doesn’t include OUR graven images! Totally not literal.

“Call no man father.”

Well that doesn’t include our priestly Fathers! Totally not literal

“The Sabbath of rest is on Shabat (Saturday).”

Well we do it on SUNday, its “tradition.” What tradition? oh yes, the SOLAR tradition. Totally not literal.

“Worshipping the Queen of Heaven and blowing incense to her statues is abominable”

Not when we do it! It’s different, all those Queens of Heaven called abominable in the bible aren’t the same, They just have the exact same very specific title, rituals, iconography, and dress that was used by luciferians for thousands of years before the cattle church ever existed.

Now, we just do the exact same thing as the enemies of the Aryeh Yehudah whose Messiah we claim universal authority over, while our church of the two-headed, two faced Solar Eagle spits upon the scriptures every day. Its holy because We do it!

“Murder you SHALL NOT”

Well that’s not the same when its Heretics! Totally not literal.

And definitely not when it is the mass genocide of 100,000 Paulicians! And definitely not when Constantine boils his wife alive for supposed adultery.

And definitely not when its the Aryeh Yehudah!

“Let the one who has not transgressed cast the first stone.”

@crisspf says: Well that’s different when Constantine has to make an example by boiling his wife, murdering his son, murdering his nephew, then offing most of his friends! He is a reformed Christian in my fantasy narrative, and he didn’t actually cast any stones!

Your petty excuses for these serpents violating every possible commandment are hollow and empty.

You’re right Satan is clever; he has played quite the tricks upon your psyche.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


“Christ made visible the invisible God, and thus it is allowed that images of Him be depicted.”

Where does it say this in scripture? Where does it say “Since G Zues Came, the commandments are totally cancelled.” Nowhere. Copying and pasting this stuff is, sad.

This is Satan’s Cult indoctrination material. Satan speaks softly so as to deceive you. This doesn’t quote a single scriptural passage to justify their ramblings which supposedly cancel the commandments of Moshe.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You do refer to Jesus as G-zeus or something as abominable as this and I gave you straight-to-the-point info. Copy? It is the Church’s proof-based view AND my view as an orthodox regarding all that I previously stated and all that you previously mocked, distorted, choped, trashed. You also do imply that we follow the G-zeus and therefore, since we practice certain rituals (Holy Tradition) we don’t respect the commandments. (G-zeus, the impostor, therefore bye-bye commandments). It is the orthodox way, the understanding of things, the way we, as orthodox christians see it.

Does it bother you that I choose a more articulate way to let you know how I feel and see things as an orthodox? It shouldn’t. I can give you tons of sources, theological sources, to help you understand but that means you have to address it all with honesty in your heart, abandon the make-fairytale-skills that feed your huge ego and detach yourself from all the occult stuff you’ve been feeding yourself with. Christ is the Light! Nothing He says or does is occult. He makes Himself available to everyone, not just those who can read (and criss-cross myths and mythologies). Yes, He is hard to follow, that is why all of us stumble and fall. The essence of Christianity, is that although we stumble and fall, we are meant to rise and be Christ-like. What is Christ? Light! (not occult).

You focus on the commandments received through Moses when Christ clearly says He came not to abolish, but to fulfill the Law. He didn’t alter the commandments, He raised the standards. So yes, changes have been made.

“I have come not to abolish them, but to fulfill them.”

The Church’s view and my view:
“Jesus opens up the way not only to understand all the changes that are made from what it means to be a good Jew to what it means to be a good Christian, but He also sets up the basic dynamic of how Christians read the Old Testament.” (yes, you can insert and trash things here as much as you like).

“The changes are not just about things we don’t do, but they are also about things we’ve taken to another level. “ Church’s view, my view!…and yes, you can mock again and act like a bull-y displaying the never-ending list of crimes Constantine “your (mine) serial mass murder boy saint patron, Constantine”, the Queen of Heaven/Ishtar/ Isis fantasy all you like.

“Jesus says, for instance, that it was previously forbidden to commit adultery, but He raises the moral stakes and says that you can’t even look upon someone with lust in your heart (Matt. 5:28). Ever heard anyone say, “You can look, but you can’t touch”? Well, Jesus says you shouldn’t even look, because the whole dynamic of looking without touching is about lust. And He says that the spiritual effect of lust in the heart is the same thing as touching.
And no longer do we circumcise. Instead, we baptize. And no longer do we offer up animal sacrifices in Jerusalem. But instead we offer up the one sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ on altars everywhere in the world. And we offer up our own bodies as a “living sacrifice” (Rom. 12:1). So there are lots of changes.” Also Church’s view, my view!

But what makes these changes make sense is what Jesus gives us in terms of how we read the Old Testament. If He has come not to abolish the Law and the prophets but to fulfill them, what does that say about the Law and the prophets? It says that the life and work of Jesus was the whole point of the Law and the prophets to begin with! Jesus is Himself the fulfillment of everything that came before Him.

So that means when we read the Old Testament, we look for Jesus. Even when we read all the complicated kosher and sacrificial laws in Leviticus and elsewhere in the Old Testament, all those things the Pharisees loved so much, we read them in the light of the coming of the Son of God into the world. He was the point all along.”
Church’s view, my view!

Old Testament vs New Testament. Jesus is the New Testament!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Where does Yeshua say the commandments are finished and worshipping statues and murderer are now 100% ok?

According to what you’ve written,
You claim that the message of Yeshua is:

Adultery commandment; even stronger! Except for infallible popes with retinues of young boys.

No graven images commandment: Into the Trash! Time to base our entire faith upon graven images just like all the pagans before us.

What you are purporting is total fabrication, without scriptural basis so as to justify continued pagan practice called “holy tradition,” by gentiles in the 2nd-4th centuries being agolmerated into a unified Roman State Sponsored Solar religion of Atonism, Sol Invictus, etc. that is then grafted onto Yeshua so as to desecrate his name by replacing The Truth with an imposter.

Likewise quoting Saul means nothing. I’m pretty sure Saul of Tarshish (whose name in Hebrew means “Solar Seeker of the 6(66)”) is also a murderer that never met Yeshua.

All that murder in your saints… those pesky commandments have been done away with!

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

-> According to what you’ve written,
You claim that the message of Yeshua is:

Adultery commandment; even stronger! Except for infallible popes with retinues of young boys.“

No, I didn’t say this! You say it in my place. You are impostoring me (you wickedly twist what I say. I could easily use this technique and say “it was jews that stoned Yeshua/Iesous, the Christ. )
Instead I say we all tortured him with our sins and ego. What I said was “ Yes, He is hard to follow, that is why all of us stumble and fall. The essence of Christianity, is that although we stumble and fall, we are meant to rise and be Christ-like. What is Christ? Light! (not occult).”
I believe God, who is omniscient, omnipotent knows better who or what we are. He knows our hearts, our thoughts, our intentions. “God knows the hairs on your head”.

Serving over and over again the fallen-priest-narative as your supreme argument as truth doesn’t make it Truth. False priests, pedophile priests only make Truth more visible. The tree and it’s fruit. For the fallen ones you do not stone and crucify the majority represented by those who obbey the command of love and who genuinely and devoutedly follow Christ.

There s this thing you might have never undersood. The greater good! based on the logic that if we were to be subjected to God’s judgement (in terms of lawyerish correctitude, impartiality) we would all end up deep down in hell. We all are sinners and continue to sin (the fight against the sin and one’s weaknesses is what make some of us better in the eyes of God). The greater good is that the whole christian world today would be still openly, officially pagan. Would still openly and officially embrace the pagan gods, make human sacrifices at an incredibly large scale and persecute/burn/stone/throw to the lions/behead and torture the good ones
…might have there not been a Constantine.
If my faith is the one true faith that survived and preserved the Tradition and what we have from our Apostles and martyrs and all our Elders, than I believe God allowed what Constantine did for the greater good, the same way he allowed the Flood, the same way he allows our world to end because of Satanism, abbortions, pedophilia, LGBTQ+ and other abominations.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I believe you inherently seek YHWH and Yeshua with Truth. You really believe someone boiling their wife and going on a serial killer spree is for “the greater good?!!” My gosh the tricks Satan plays upon you through this wicked organization; the entire world under them is OPENLY AND OFFICIALLY PAGAN! Gotta kiss the statue and pray to those saints, which they even admit are formerly pagan deities.

I am trying to show you that the organisation you have misplaced your faith in, is a wicked trick of Satan that makes you say such abominations.

Equally I am not simply generalising a small problem of bad apple fallen priests to a widernarrative; the church hierarchy and organization, all the way from bottom to top have a long and we’ll documented history of being rife with systematic child trafficking, mass pedophilia and total genocide. You think these are the fruits of following Yeshua?

So what am i to conclude of an organisation whose infallible papa states openly, nearly 1000 years ago, that raping children is like wiping your hands, and whose highest authorities (like Pope John Paul) in the 20th century befriend and protect pedophiles at the highest echelons of power? What am I to conclude of their mass genocide of heretics?

What am I to conclude of popes that dig up their predecessors, put their corpse on trial publicly, and then chuck it into the river, recover it and do some more necromancy?

The same men that claim heavenly given authority, are wicked corrupt murderers and child takers. At the highest echelons of this very vile organization.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You assume i am catholic, gem! And you assume that Papa is my papa.

I do see the fruit of the trees. I choose and defend the good trees with their good fruit.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Gotta kiss the statue”

It’s so strange when you say these things, Gem, because you said you were well versed in Catholic and Orthodox theology. Don’t you know there are many Orthodox, especially in Eastern Europe, who do not allow statues at all for the reasons you’re saying right now? I have yet to see a statue in an Eastern Orthodox church, even in the Western Rites whose Liturgy and churches are very Roman.

I’ve even heard of Uniates disallowing statues in their churches.

<"like Pope John Paul"

[The first or the second? I assume you mean the second, but 'II' is usually added because the first one was also very influential for the Latins.]

This is another weird one from you, Gem. crisspf is Orthodox. As Orthodox, she doesn't recognize the authority of Pope John Paul II or any other Catholic Pope. Why would she?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”It is written, that blowing incense to the statues of the “Queen of Heaven” is abominable. Are the scriptures unclear?”

No. Why don’t you understand them? There was a pagan goddess who went by that title, and that’s who the text is referring to. You obviously know this, but then you pivot to this bizarre argument that since it’s the same title, it’s the same person. Is every king the same king? Is every god God?

You wouldn’t have asked me this question if you’d understood my previous post because you’d already know my answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”I agree your analysis 100%.”

Thank you! I am very happy to be on the right side of Orthodoxy in Romania. Seeing your country continue to produce monks like Elder Cleopa is incredibly inspiring and, I’m sure, one of the few reasons why God continues to spare all of us.

>”If she was worthy, that worthy! to carry in her womb our Saviour are we to esteem her less than our Lord?”

I fully agree! Christ esteemed her very highly. If we are to follow his example, we should honor her as he did.

>”A distinction is to be set – she is above all women!”

Again, I completely agree. Of all women who will ever exist, Christ chose her to be his mother. If that does not recommend Mary as worthy of honor, as an intercessor for us, or as a woman above all others, I don’t know what possibly could.

>”(I’ve also said it before and I believe it) is that the devil, who knows scriptures by heart, also prophecies, witnessed generations rise and fall, and can speculate human weaknesses can so easily forge a false Christ or come up with a Krishna, Horus, Mithras or a Zeus and make people believe these reseble Christ or even that Christ is somehow a sum-up or an update. One big fat ugly lie that He is actually the impostor.”

You are quite right in my view. Satan’s ability to deceive and his skill at doing so should in no way be underestimated. He was an extremely powerful angel in heaven prior to his fall and has knowledge and understanding commensurate with that level of power, which he has been using against us ever since Eden. As you say, adding to this he knows the scriptures by heart, and has many generations of experience with humans and how to deceive us. Since he knows the book of Revelation, we can expect him to fabricate false messiahs, try and cloud our understanding of Christ and anything that leads to Christ, all while promoting his own imitations and mockeries.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


When you speak of tricks played by the devil on those seeking The Truth of Christ, do you include the worship of statues and graven images laden with pagan Luciferian symbols in direct violation of the second commandment?

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”When you speak of tricks played by the devil on those seeking The Truth of Christ, do you include the worship of statues and graven images laden with pagan Luciferian symbols in direct violation of the second commandment?”

If you kiss a photo of a family member, are you worshipping that person? Or is it simply that you are so moved, you want to express your love outwardly?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


When Kissing a family photo of granny, do you usually accompany it by loads of incense? Do you put on special ritual dress beforehand? Or do you recite religious incantations to granny? What about setting an appointed time weekly to kiss granny’s photo? Do you call granny “Queen of Heaven?” and 1000 other official religious titles? Do you collect a tithe for granny’s temple? Maybe you use that tithe to make more gold encrusted photos of granny? Tell me Chud, When you kiss granny’s photo, do you get on your knees and pray to her for salvation?

If so, you’re committing pagan ancestor worship of your granny and it’s also an abomination.

“My body and blood are sustenance.”

According to Chud:
“Protestants can’t read” because they don’t munch blood crackers.

“Have Graven images you SHALL NOT!”
According to Chud:

Well he didn’t really mean that. It’s a Tradition!

Seems according to your initial logic, you would say your reading skills need work…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Lol. Is this a good example of you asking “forthrightly to discuss these scriptural commands?”

>”Tell me Chud, When you kiss granny’s photo, do you get on your knees and pray to her for salvation?”

I appreciate your interest in my personal practices but, yet again, those are irrelevant. Unless, of course, what you really want to attack is me.

To answer the more relevant probable question: neither Catholics nor Orthodox do this. I’m surprised you don’t know this, since you said you already knew this theology.

>”“Have Graven images you SHALL NOT!” According to Chud: Well he didn’t really mean that. It’s a Tradition!”

I never said that and you don’t even know what my religion is. Are you really this confused or just mocking?

>”According to Chud: “Protestants can’t read” because they don’t munch blood crackers.”

That also was not my argument.

>”Seems according to your initial logic, you would say your reading skills need work…”

It’s odd you still don’t understand that conversation. You even said, as your own argument, the point that I was making, as if you were arguing against me, and I pointed it out to you once you did it, so that you would know we agreed.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

@crisspf @Chud

It is written in the prophecy of Revelations:

“They did not stop worshiping daimons (local deities, the saints), and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.”

This is a Greek passage. The word used for “idols,” is not such a limited word as modern English: it is εἴδωλα the same as the word εἴδωλον which means not just statues, but:

a) any representation (in all forms), image (graven or painted), and/or likeness which represents a thing to be worshipped, prayed to or revered. Regardless of what that thing is.

B) Phantoms, or ghosts, particularly in reference to spirits of those already past. It is a direct reference to the church practice of saint prayer and idealization.

C) Clinging to Ideas which are false.

That is Greek, not Hebrew. A prophecy of exactly what the cattle church and its other head of the eagle, Eastern Orthodoxy, do en masse and excuse by non-scriptural church “traditions,” which are simply paganism by another name and a thin veil.

I’m fully aware crisspf is an Eastern Orthodox; they and the cattle church are two heads of the same Solar eagle.

It is written:

“and the beast had two horns and a mouth like a dragon.”

Just as their official symbolism;

A) a millennia long standing two headed eagle of Venus of blood sacrifice which predates any cattle church by 4000 years of continual solar use,

B) their worshipping the “Queen of heaven,” which is a very specific epithet of Venus as the great mother and queen of heaven for ~3500 years predating the cattle church.

C) The chai Rho, a symbol of Babylonian solar demonology predating the cattle church by at least 1000 years in Babylon.

Apparently, according to what has been put forth here, the argument appears to be that the Luciferians were copying the cattle church 3000 years before it existed. It’s utter fantasy; the cattle church took all the pagan practice and sun symbolism and rebranded it. Coherent Chronology in the arguments seems to have been thrown into a wind of fantasy junk.

Ive tried to reason with criss, who has avoided saying “murder and serial killing is bad,” by presenting an ever dizzying blur, of ever changing fantasy based positions (which change each time I present significant evidence disproving each new fantasy position) to make excuses for a Solar worshipping serial murderer named Constantine who founded this church in Constantinople. The last, being that “god wanted Constantine to boil his wife alive for the greater good.” Really?! This is very typical of kult mindset; once proven wrong, just say “god wants it,” so the position becomes unassailable. Yes YHWH wants us to boil our wives if it is for the greater good, seems to go the logic of Crisspf.

I’m also aware the Eastern Orthodox use golden icons rather than statues. They think worshipping in 2D gold is an absolution of idolatry.

Then I endured the claims, with no scriptural basis, that absorbing pagan idolatry is “new and advanced,” in comparison to the faith whose scriptures they rip off, the Aryeh Yehudah, whom expressly and in no uncertain terms banned using any religious human or divine image or likeness 1800 years prior, primarily because of the evils it leads to. That pesky issue of chronology…

What I am stating is reiterated with great clarity in Revelations (as I began), no matter the flowery excuses about kissing, praying to and blowing incense to an icon typed a “Queen of Heaven” from the priests called father. Oh didn’t Yeshua say “call no man father?” it’s Idolatry.

This bogus extrascriptural explanation about how Gzues incarnated so now we should “advance,” back to the symbolism and idolatry practices of ancient paganism, along with the claims the New Testament condones it and erases the previous commandments which is… simply not true. Read above.

Wondering where rhe scriptural passage (not just later church records justifying themselves) that condones breaking the commandments and serial murder of adulterers by boiling as gods will.

Now it appears the claim is that nor cattle nor orthodox get on their knees and pray to statues for salvation.

I provided you with official cattle church doctrine which states it’s adherents should pray to intercession by MarYam for their salvation. And anyone that’s taken quick jaunt through a cattle church knows how fervently they pray to the statue of Virgin sea beast MarYam.

See the photo below. On their knees bowing to a statue and praying. This isn’t idolatry?

You likened this practice to kissing an old photo of a loved one , which is… patently silly, and frankly insulting to anyones intelligence, yours included, as despite your vascillations it is clear you possess a good intellect.

So I since you apparently claimed kissing granny’s photo is the same as kissing an idol or an icon, or bowing before a statue and praying, I responded in kind by giving a very clarifying example of how ridiculous this comparison is.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let us begin to look piece by piece, at this abomination you call “apostolic.” But which is just like its twin brother.

A) It is the official Russian orthodoxy position reiterated in 2016-17, that in Scripture and Russian tradition, they regard “the reasonable and loving use of physical punishment as an essential part of the rights given to parents by God himself”. Hit your kids is the orthodox way! In the same year the church “Fathers” voted officially that wife beatings are part of “traditional church values.”

B) Dueing the Yugoslavian war, er CIA funded mass genocide, I have many friends, as well as third party sources, that report Eastern Orthodox clergy were fundamental to perpetuating the violence, even blessing AK-47s and calling for the total Anniahlation of the “demons of Satan.”

C ) I have brought up the mass religious genocide of the Paulicians numerous times, number 100,000 in the 800s CE. Still waiting for an acknowledgement about this.

D) During the Soviet Era, the Russian orthodox informed heavily on its constituents actives and attitudes to the communist government, resulting in thousands of senseless murders and deportations to Siberia.

E) The child trafficking and rape likewise form a significant and pervasive problem for Eastern Orthodoxy at all levels of power. It receives less press than the cattle church, but it is also extremely pervasive and underreported due to fear of reprisal in the former USSR block where speaking out resulted in death, or your own clergyman filing a false report with the communists to make you disappear.

F) Throughout a myriad of their churches the Easter orthodoxies engage in selling visitors trinkets and, entrances to see forged relics. That whole commandment from Yeshua against commerce in the temple….

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@crisspf @Chud

Let’s keep going:

G) The sales in the temples is abominable. But never mind Patriarch Krill! He’s in cahoots with the Russian mafia, and has been caught (time and time against by intelligence services) in a scheme where he “donates,” church land (stolen during communism) to his mafia friends, and then as of by MAGIk he receives huge cash sums in foreign banks/trusts.

Yeshua said:

“It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven.”

I guess there’s an exception for patriarchs getting rich with the mafia off of land they stole from helping the government of Stalin murder of millionsJews

H) The Church actively merged with the communist state and helped it genocide millions of Jews. By crisspf logic “god allows this for the better good.”

Now they claim they were poor victimsof state oppression, which is only marginally true for a short period in the 1920s. Terrible, but the whole narrative again, takes chronology and chucks it into the wind to for a fantasy narrative. Very typical of cattle church followers. After the 1920s the state became the state’s murderous patsy and ally, directly helping march Jews off to gulags for murder during stalin’a reign, and informing on their followers confessionals to get them murdered. Great intelligence strategy: get the cattle to think their safe, admit some stuff to the “father” and the BOOM it’s off to the death labor camp in Siberia for you. It’s the same stuff as the cattle inquisition, except it’s not the 15th century, its the past 100 years continuall now.

I) The priests of many popular churches wear fancy designer clothes purchased with the proceeds of their selling in the temple gift shop. Equally they encourage throngs of pope beggars, who they refuse to help, to ask the tourists leaving the gift shop for money outside.

Take a look at this awful piece of mind kontrol in a church gift shop; Gzeus wants you selling!

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@crisspf @chud

I haven’t even gotten to the juicy parts, regarding mass church slave ownership. I’ll save them for later.

Here below, look at this very nice picture of the “Queen of Heaven,” blessing Stalin! Gotta bless each and everyone of those mass murderers!!

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Chud @crisspf

Why don’t we look to to the early history of religious genocide by the proton Eastern Orthodoxy, when it was still very much cattle church.

Pope Theophilus l of Alexandria from the late 4 century, early church stuff, straight up mass murdered 10,000+ Origen monks who disagreed with him on his theology by heresy. He’s still a saint! The two branches of the cattle church love sanctifying mass murders, it is a pattern.

The fruits are rotten.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@crisspf @Chud

Here is a picture of the infamous athenagoras, whose name is litterly “Aton Agora “ or Aton of the people; the sun disk. He is shaking the hands of pope mintini, giving him a well known Masonic Luciferians hand shake.

Recall that Montini, has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to have been intimately involved with organizing, and funding the Nasis before and during the war. And then afterwards he helped organize nasi fascists in North Africa, and personally facilitated the genocidal Nasis escaping tp South America with the treasury.

And your infamous patriarch shakes his hand with no qualms, mason to mason.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”I’m also aware the Eastern Orthodox use golden icons rather than statues.”

Unlikely. You repeatedly emphasized *graven* images over and over until I got sick of looking at it and decided to call out your less-than-zero understanding of Orthodox theology.

>They think worshipping in 2D gold is an absolution of idolatry.”

Lol. More of your face-saving mockery.

Anyway, this is about as close as you got to a real counterpoint in that entire series of responses:

>”according to what has been put forth here, the argument appears to be that the Luciferians were copying the cattle church 3000 years before it existed. It’s utter fantasy;”

Unfortunately, that’s as far as you got. When you don’t have an argument, you pivot to (your) history and your polemics. After a round of that, you go back to repeating your claims that were previous addressed. Repeat ad nausem.

Despite this, notice how little of your history is actually every challenged.

>”The fruits are rotten.”

1) You have taken two of the most widespread religions in the last 2000 years and found a long list of horrors associated with them.

This could not have been difficult, given the billions and billions of people who have claimed to practice them.

2) Then you act as if the problems you’ve found are isolated to the adherents of these religions.

You are implying that they happened because of their religions only. Really? Politics means nothing? Economics? No other pressures? Even if religion were the only factor, this would still be a difficult charge for you to make because most people who claim most religions aren’t particularly observant. Perhaps you’ve never seen how packed the Roman Catholic churches are on Easter and Christmas vs every other Sunday.

3) Then you overlook the fact that the actions you outline are specifically against the theology of these religions.

Rehash and regurgitate your tropes if you like, but since you earlier cited the Roman Catechism as “evidence” (lol) of Mary worship, you selectively left out parts such as “”You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve,” (CCC 2096) and “The worship of the one God sets man free from turning in on himself, from the slavery of sin and the idolatry of the world.” (CCC 2097)

4) You take no consideration of the plots by groups such as the communists, CIA, masons, etc to infiltrate the both the Orthodox and Catholic churches across their 2000 years of existence.

One could easily argue that the mere targeting of these churches shows that they are counter to the projects of the infiltrators.

You’ve found some rotten fruit for sure, but despite your ongoing polemics and verbosity, you couldn’t identify the orchard if you were standing in it.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Look below; do my eyes deceive me? Or are they kneeling on all fours before two golden and wooden painted εδειλον? Or is that some other euphuism for getting on all fours in front of idols?

I’m very aware of the mismatch between the nice words and abominable actions of the cattle church and Eastern Orthodox priesthoods/hierarchies. I am specifically addressing why these organisations, not necessarily the ordinary people in them, are abominations whose power structures have demonstrated their true colors from start to finish. Luciferians of abominations they are.

How many Popes need to be rapists? Hoe many children trafficked, how many serial killers sanctified, how many wives beaten at the behest of the church, before its reasonable to conclude that hierarchical popery/patriarchy is probably a bad idea?

I mean they openly elect genocidal Nasi organisers as their infallible papa/patriarch; let the CIA dictate their patriarch who calls himself ATHENA/ATON Agora, a pretty clear pagan name. Maybe I’m wrong to credit you with a sense of unbiased reason, and you believe that akhen ATON in ~1400 BCE, or the mythology of ATHENA was copying the CIA mole patriarch of 1950 CE? I’ll show you the two headed staff of Solar worship of Surya from 3000 BCE in India in your patriarchs hands in modern times, maybe that was copied from the modern cattle church too? Is there a time machine we don’t know about, maybe they used the chronovisor?!

Beware Chud of those dressed as sheep and ravenous as wolves, said Yeshua. You may not realise or, but taking your daily bread from them is serving Satan dressed as GZUES – Maryam.

Let’s not forget these monsters pass purity decrees and use then to punish people by extreme physical torture, and then the higher ups (pope/patriarch etc) have throngs of children by prostitutes and retinues of boy lovers.

The words are hollow, the actions speak volumes.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Do my eyes deceive me? Are these poor souls not kneeling on a Masonic checkerboard floor worshipping and praying the golden sun gad?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You know, I think you’ve really cracked the code here, Dan Brown. If only I’d seen this picture of the intrinsically evil floor tiles before.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


You forgot the idol of MarYam clearly displaying her as the golden sun and its rays, rising between the silver crescent moon. My sleuthing skills led me to this well hidden secret.

The Queen of Heaven is astrotheological pagan worship, always has been, always will be. The Cattle church went out of its way to copy all of its names, dress, iconography and practices from pagan luciferian Babylonians, Pheonixians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.

The four horseman of revelations are four Solar deities: the Siberian steppe peoples always worshipping the sun and Astrotheology, and riding horses in remote antiquity:

1) Apollo of Greece (Bow and Arroww
2) Jupiter of Rome (Thunder Sword)
3) Shamesh of Babylon (the quote about work and wages comes directly from Hammurabi’s black code)
4) Osiris the Chloros, meaning PALE GREEN, man, the judge of the underworld.

Spring = white
Summer = red
Fall/ winter = Black
Returning to Spring = Green

Open your eyes and look at the golden sun rising over the silver moon these poor souls bow before at the behest of the aPOPhis, the Solar serpent.

It is the Beast out of the Sea, with 27 heads (the days it takes the sun to spin around on its axis,) and the beast out of the earth, the silver crescent moon 🌙 with two horns and a mouth the a dragon, which is the SAROS cycle of soli-lunar eclipses. SAR means “beast,” or “lizard,” in Hebrew. like dinoSAUR, like Ge Orge SAROS. In sntinwuitt it was said allegorically that an eclipse was a DRAGON swallowing the sun.

666 solar eclipses per 325 year SAR (beast) cycle controlled the the DRACONitic nodes of the moon, the number of talents of SOLar GOLD of SOLamon in 1 kings 10. The 666 times the word Shamesh, meaning Black SUN, appears in the scriptures.

The English translations even give you a clever hint: they say it is the number of AMAN.

This is the antiXristos you defend. Wake up.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You forgot the idol of MarYam clearly displaying her as the golden sun and its rays, rising between the silver crescent moon.

I didn’t forget, I ignored. I’ve already addressed this but you just stick to your script as if no one else said anything.

>”My sleuthing skills led me to this well hidden secret.”

This is exactly the kind of thing you would say in total seriousness, but I want to believe you’re making a joke here. The sun and moon symbolism in that icon is far from a secret.

Last edited 1 year ago by chud
1 year ago
Reply to  chud

@chud @crisspf

Obviously it’s sarcasm to you completely ignoring and justifying the clear and pervasive pagan astrotheological aspects that sit at the foundation of your church’s iconography, ritual, dress, titles, practice and theology.

Although you do not realise it, you are attached emotionally to this bdelugma, bloodsucker, which is what the Eastern Orthodox MIT-Re represents, a serpent sucking on the priests brains. It too has sucked your brains clear out, and made you it’s cow to feed off of; this bdelugma of golden statues of abomination.

The title MIT-Re of the hat od your patriarchs called “father,” means literally “to emit rays,” as the sun, and is identical to Mithras. Why would you choose to wear a hat titled after a sun god for 2000 years before your church ever existed? Keep in mind Mitre = 354 in Greek gematria. The days of a Lunar Year.

Likewise the “eMIT RAys” is the the word in the Aryeh Yehudah קרן “Quran,” which is also synonymous and identical with the word “Qaran” meaning horns; literally the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun which spirals like horns, the two poles of negative and positive of electromagnetism. It is not a coincidence that your patriarch wears a hat that is titled the same as a sun god and teanslinguically equivalent to the title of the Islam “Quran” supposedly written by a shining fallen angel, referencing electromagnetic energy from the sun: they are both Sun Kults: one for Europe another for Middle East.

You care so much for defending idol worship in an institution of wicked corrupt men, and so little for scripture, that you are willing to commit abominable Blasphemy against the letters of HaShem, the very name of the ineffable creator, Yod Hei Vav Hei, as if it were the same as a gold painted statue or picture of a person. Letters are not a Temunah, a photograph, or portrait any more than the word “dog,” is a portrait of a dog. You love your church and your golden icons so much, you will spit upon the name of our father.

Such is what the antiXristos has done to you; made you worship his image of the beast and speak great abominations against the father.

You have now been told, when you stand before the creator you will not be able to say “I didn’t know.”

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

😂 My father floored the balcony with a similar pattern on the linoleum. That makes us special and perhaps luciferians. I need to bring my father the good news.
This is a speaking example of how things can be twisted to fit.
And the goldened icon?
We do see Mary, the Holy Mother Mary of Christ like an Emperess. That’s how much we respect her.
Gem’s special gift? how to misconstrue and misuse things. We can no longer use golden, silver, red, blue, black and white. They are all patented by and for the pagan gods and goddesses.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


She is depicted as a sun and moon. You do not see that?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”😂 My father floored the balcony with a similar pattern on the linoleum. That makes us special and perhaps luciferians. I need to bring my father the good news.”

Lol! After I saw that photo yesterday, I spent most of the day yelling at old men in the park playing chess.

>”We do see Mary, the Holy Mother Mary of Christ like an Emperess.”

It’s only logical to do so. If Christ is the King, is she a nobody? The Ark of the Covenant was built to God’s very exact specifications and yet Mary was not special and can’t be recognized as such? She actually contained Christ within herself, but is really just “some woman” not worthy of honor?

>”We can no longer use golden, silver, red, blue, black and white. They are all patented by and for the pagan gods and goddesses.”

At the end of this, all we’ll have left is chartreuse, brown, and pink. It’s going to be like living on the set of Austin Powers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Chud 2 days ago: “None of this means the Orthodox and Catholic churches _as human organizations_ are immune to infiltration and attacks at any level”

Gem today: “I am specifically addressing why these organisations, not necessarily the ordinary people in them, are abominations whose power structures have demonstrated their true colors from start to finish. Luciferians of abominations they are.”

No one here is arguing the Vatican isn’t corrupt or that the Orthodox hierarchies have always been spotless.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Not corrupt; they were created from the very start to institute the antiXristos on Earth. Those pagan images and likenesses they bow before of Astrotheology and death/blood worship.

From start to finish, it is plainly and patently evil. It is the antiXristos putting lies and statues of abomination in place of The Truth. The serpent changes his skin , he is GANES is (Ganesha/Janus/Wenus) the man of many faces.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Look below.

It is written:

“The woman was dressed in Deep Blue and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

Babylon the great

the mother of prostitutes

and of the abominations of the earth.

I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Yeshua.”

Do my eyes deceive me?

Do these organizations not have a long , long history of their serial killers being sanctified/deified? Have they not burned and speared and raped and murdered all who disagreed with their practices of paganry? Is Vatika not the name of the underworld goddess of blood lust? Is CHAIRHOn not the ferryman of the underworld?

Do my eyes deceive me? Is this not an idol with the same title of “Queen of Heaven,” as the harlotte of Babylon (Ishtar) dressed in Crimson and Deep Blue (as Ishtar and Isis almost always are), adorned with pearls and glittering gold, and presenting a GOLDEN CUP of THE ABOMINATION OF SOLAR WORSHIP, THE ANTI-XRISTOS the reborn SUN?

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Do my eyes deceive me?”


>”The woman was dressed in Deep Blue and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.”

Satan can read. I don’t know why that hasn’t occured to you before now. And before you ask: yes, in the original language also.

>”Is this not an idol with the same title of “Queen of Heaven,”

Don’t try to walk it back now. You said repeatedly:

>”The second commandment is clear “Graven Images you SHALL NOT!””

This isn’t graven, so you should be fine with it.

>”Do these organizations not have a long , long history of their serial killers being sanctified/deified? Have they not burned and speared and raped and murdered all who disagreed with their practices of paganry? Is Vatika not the name of the underworld goddess of blood lust? Is CHAIRHOn not the ferryman of the underworld?”

I feel like we’ve had this part of the conversation before. Strangely, just telling you that, I feel like I’ve told you _that_ before too!

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


According to Chud:
“Satan can read, but Protestants can’t!” The reasoning is absurd. Apparently you’ve claimed that all those luciferian symbols are copies of your church from backwards in time.

Why would anyone wanting to worship in accordance with scripture, spit on the second commandment and revelations, and make icons of wood and gold that bear the titles, dress and iconography for their worship that perfectly fits the description of the Harlotte of Babylon, to the finest of details, all without any scriptural basis? Do you really believe the entire 2000 years of the age of Pisces have passed and the anrixristos never came?

It’s been here since 322 (Skull and Bones number) CE. The denial of reality is saddening.

I’m glad you finally have addressed this commandment of great importance, although you’ve ignored the warning in revelations as well. Selective reading to justify abominable acts is the mark of the illiterate, the Tau Cross of Tammuz.

It is written:

“You Shall not make for yourself any graven image of any kind NOR ANY IMAGE/LIKENESS of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. And you shall not bow down to them or serve them!”

Maybe that doesn’t apply to the Queen of heaven as long as when you get on your hands and knees you call it “prostrating” instead of “bowing.” And when you kiss her, you say it’s like kissing granny’s photo?

I’ve been waiting for about 40-50 comments for you to even address this, and then you finally do, with great ignorance of the actual commandment, while you claim I don’t know your Re legion.

Unfortunately I do know the antiXristos very well. I just don’t fall for the slanderous words of the serpent ehich you have internalized into a fantasy. That is the deception Satan has pulled upon you.

Instead I actually listen to Yeshua’s words and I “know them by their fruits:” Mass Genocide, Rape, Lies, And a whole lot of spitting on scriptures.

The actions of these ravenous wolves dressed as sheep speak much more loudly than all the flowery double speak and justifications for) have shown you do not know the slightest of the commandments. Yeshua warned us, you have not listened.

These wolves like to use euphemisms to justify their abominations and deceive their cattle:

They calling selling in expensive merchandising gift shops in their temples “donations,” but they are mandatory donations of full price.

They call bowing on all fours before golden idols “prostrating.”

They claim that they can abolish the second commandment by utter fantasy

They call mass Murdering “sainthood.”

They protect pedophiles and officially sanction wife beating.

The word used in the second half of the commandment is translated as Image/Likebess. I had hoped you might actually have taken the initiative to have read this commandment on your own, and found the word for “image likeness, which is תמונה “Temunah,”It means very clearly any Image or Likeness whatsoever, and to this day in Hebrew the word is used for PHOTOGRAPHS AND PORTRAITS.

Likewise the archeological evidence shows clearly just how much the Aryeh Yehudah faith has always abhorred all statues and images and likenesses being used for anything which might cause “reverence” of any kind: even the coins from the second temple period, never have people or other images or likeness on them.

The entire Jewish revolt in 69 CE was caused by the installation of statues for worship in Jerusalem by Vespasian as a cassis belli. Interestingly, it’s Vespasian’s bloodline through Flavius Titus that started your statue worshipping cult of the antiXristos. Take a walk through the genealogy of Clement I. Even without doing your research. It’s impossible to explain how a Roman gentile emperor’s kids were involved in leading an “apostolic” upstart Hebrew movement as a centralized church, lest you consider Vespasian’s Dragon Luciferian bloodline and their penchant for Mind control.

Interesting how revealing history is. Here we are, 2000 years on, and still a gentile that doesn’t read the scriptures in any original language, is arguing with an Aryeh Yehudah over our own scriptures, and defending the abominable statue and image worshipping practices of the church started by the very pagan emperor who burned Jerusalem to the ground by way of the cassis Belli of installing religious statues…

Ignorance is not an excuse anymore for you. You have been told, it is your choice whether you will listen to The Truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

->” “You Shall not make for yourself any graven image of any kind NOR ANY IMAGE/LIKENESS of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. And you shall not bow down to them or serve them!”

What me and @chud keep saying: it is not about the images, it is about whom they represent. The “relatives”, our close friends in heaven. Our family in heaven.

-> “Instead I actually listen to Yeshua’s words and I “know them by their fruits:” Mass Genocide, Rape, Lies, And a whole lot of spitting on scriptures”

God is omnipotent. You assume He cannot preserve the one true faith through his good priests. When you mention all the bad trees with their rotten fruits you forget about the rest of the orchard (the good trees and their good fruits. and they are many). Do you really think that the good ones cannot see the truth and preserve the true faith?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>According to Chud: “Satan can read, but Protestants can’t!”

This is how we know Satan isn’t Protestant.

>”Apparently you’ve claimed that all those luciferian symbols are copies of your church from backwards in time.”

Oh, this is priceless. So, in your view, the wise men could read the stars well enough to predict when and where Christ was going to be born, but Satan was was caught flat-footed on the Incarnation of the Messiah? Lol. Please, stop it, my sides hurt.

>”I’ve been waiting for about 40-50 comments for you to even address this, and then you finally do, with great ignorance of the actual commandment, while you claim I don’t know your Re legion.”

Okay, I’ll bite, but only because I genuinely like you and you were kind enough to give me some interesting book recommendations. (How do you know what religion I am, by the way?)

>“You Shall not make for yourself any graven image of any kind NOR ANY IMAGE/LIKENESS of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. And you shall not bow down to them or serve them!”

Earlier, you said:


This is an image that stands for God. It is therefore a clear violation of the second commandment since, as you say, we are forbidden to make “ANY IMAGE of anything in the heavens.”

Last edited 1 year ago by chud
1 year ago
Reply to  chud


The word Temunah is the same as “Portrait/Pictoral Likeness.” Not letters. You spit upon the name of YHWH to uphold your banned idols of abomination.

By this reasoning the Hebrew scriptures that use YHWH and Alohim, including the Torah, are one massive blasphemy, a total of 9428 times, which is exactly Pi * C (speed of light), for PISCES, and the km in Earth’s orbital circumference as well.

What an abomination, to even claim a written name is a “Temunah,” YHWH not even using the original letters (but rather English stands in). To claim it is anything similar to billions of falsely miraculous bleeding statues, and false fabricated relics for profit, and golden painted images you kiss and bow before, and likenesses of the antiXristos created by rapists for profit… This is how much you hate our father and do not even realize it; because you love the image of the beast and cannot see. Revelations has foretold this, although I wish it were not so.

Equally, the “signs in the stars,” read by Magi is Halle’s Comet, that comes around once a human lifetime, or 3 generations, and anoints a Son of Man, about every 72-77 years. THats why it uses the word Anatello; it references halle’s comet appearing in the eastern sky, next to a sunrise. Note Halle’s is recorded in Chinese records as such at this time.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with abominable earthly iconography and ritual your church copied and subsumed from 10,000 years of solar worshipping paganry preceeding it. They went to great lengths to copy even the most minor of details to create a universalist pagan abomination, down to calling their hat Mithras the sun god of rome and persia, the dress and the names of their priests, the same the Babylonian slave drivers “Curas,” the use of the Egyptian Trinity IHS, the very form image, title and likeness of the harlotte of babylon.. on and on it goes, how they copied even the tiniest detail from luciferian paganry.

To compare a wholesale taking of pagan luciferian solar symbolism into your church with three astronomers seeing Halle’s comet at the eastern sunrise, a long known and ancient astronomical phenomena of great importance to the Son of Man, is… silly.

To claim satan copied your symbols backwards in time, rather than that your priests simply took preexisting symbols and incorporated them, stretches creduelity to the level of pure insanity. Your church even openly admits in their official documents that they took local pagan deities, and pagan rituals, and incorporated them as saints and holidays and rituals. So, seems you’ve got a problem here… They admit they copied paganism, even if you won’t.

And isn’t it strange the Aryeh Yehudah, from whom all the prophets and the Messiach have come, have never, ever used any of these symbols at all? So you worship the “King of the Jews,” as the Magi you speak of said, and yet you worshi the symbols, rituals, name, and practices of the Solar worshipping Luciferians that the Jews really, really hate and dedicate lots of scipture to calling an abomination? Weird.

As I said, scriptures and the written word are not a Temunah, which is a portrait… It is a shame what they have done to you to make you say such foolish things from pure ignorance. You bow before the beast, and spit upon father’s name.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”The word Temunah is the same as “Portrait/Pictoral Likeness.” Not letters.”

You acceptably translated the word as “image” initially but now you’re fudging _your own translation_ to the say the definition is “Portrait/Pictorial Likeness” exclusively. This is moving the goalposts.

The meaning of the word “temunah” most certainly includes symbols, which _all_ letters and words must be in order to function as letters and words. Simply because _you_ choose to translate it only one way into English (and then another, when it’s convenient for your argument) does not mean the word loses its other senses in the original language.

>”and to this day in Hebrew the word is used for PHOTOGRAPHS AND PORTRAITS.”

This is sleight of hand. Just because that is how the word is used today does not mean that it has always been this way, that this is the only sense of the word, or even that it was always its primary use.

You could, for example, walk around London today asking people to “suffer” you without running into any troubles, but that doesn’t mean the primary sense of the word “suffer” is the same thing “to this day” as it was even a few hundred years ago.

>”By this reasoning the Hebrew scriptures that use YHWH and Alohim, including the Torah, are one massive blasphemy”

No, not by my reasoning, by _your_ reasoning. You insisted repeatedly that any image was an “abomination.” Therefore, applying _your own_ standard that any and all temunah are forbidden, you’ve created an untenable position for yourself. You can follow your assertions with your usual paragraphs of bloviation accusing me of all sorts of sins and practicing whatever religion you imagine I practice, but it doesn’t erase your error.

>”>”To claim satan copied your symbols backwards in time,”

This phrasing is amazing. You really don’t understand anything that’s being said here.

>”To claim satan copied your symbols backwards in time, rather than that your priests simply took preexisting symbols and incorporated them, stretches creduelity to the level of pure insanity.”

You are literally arguing Satan can’t read an ephemeris. btfo

>”Your church”

Do you need to assign a religion to me so that you have more stuff to throw against the wall and see if it sticks?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


It is clear you do not speak Hebrew, nor care to read the scriptures one word.

Look up the word Temunahin scriptures. Nowhere in scripture is Temunah used to mean letters or geometric forms. It is used only and directly in reference to human made representations of a physical living body, and in one case, to the physical human shaped apparition of a dead spirit. Not letters, nor names. To claim this is my argument is yet again, you coming from a place of irate silliness from being presented The Truth of scripture you abominate.

I’m also very aware of words evolving, I read something like a dozen ancient languages and study words in great detail over millennia. I don’t speak with slight of hands, I present you Truth and then you just spit on it.

Despite your logical fallacy of arguing from ignorance, today, and throughout the history of Hebrew, the word Temunah has kept the same same meaning, only in the past 100 years updating slightly to include photos. Can you show me concrete examples of when it means the name YHWH, or any other letters? I am certain you cannot.

This unchanging nature speaks more to the importance of the prohibition of Moshe and the congruence of the term within Aryeh Yehudah and Israeli understanding and conciousness. Likewise the same command against Temunah is repeated in Dueteronpmy 4:16, not to make any carved images, or anything for worship the form of a man or woman. It is not English letters written on a screen. It is golden guilded statues you kiss and bow before and pray to.

Anyone sane sees the difference.

For your continued learning, the word used for a symbol, a visual image not depicting a person or other living being, but a symbol that Carries some deeper meaning formed by geometric form or other representation not of their physical form is אות “Ot .” Go look it up, it’s used a lot, and in one instance that’s the mark of Kain. That G for the fr33masonic Geometry. Stay away from Ots.

Yeshua said we are not to take any oaths. How strange both the cattle and Eastern cattle priesthoods take oarhs of fidelity…. At least their consistent in spitting on Yeshua’s face while pretending to represent him.

Equally the name YHWH, and not in English, is always called HaShem, The Name, and to call it a Temunah is to claim it is as a wood painted effigy or Casper the no so friendly ghost of a deceased person, and that would cause most Aryeh Yehudah to laugh, and then cry at the person saying it. To confuse HaShem with a Temunah, is an utter illiteracy of the lowest form not befitting a child.

Let it be clear: I nor any of my people, wear nor make nor use any artifacts or symbols for worship, nor use any kind of the name or other letters or symbols except in mathematical calculations or writing; we call that numbers and letters, and those things we consider honorable. It is illiteracy that leads to people kissing statues.

As YHWH commanded, worship is to be practiced free from all (without exception) that can be seen or touched. No stars of David (a Phoenician symbol that is a curse hex of Solar origin). No crosses (also Babylonian Tammuz worship, the word cross isn’t used in scriptures.) Nothing with the name written on it or other abominable trinkets. No ritual dress nor silly sheep tassles (originally slave garb, big no-no), None of it; for YHWH is unknowable by anything you may see with your eyes or touch with your hands. So you can admonish me for writing, but I don’t pray to letters I write, nor bow before them, nor wear them, nor put them on my walls.

We practice very simplicity. You want to worship? Go speak to your father with the word. Help a child learn to read. Heal yourself, and become strong and independent, while carrying YHWH in your every breathe and every step. Yeshua Kavvanah, the Truth in the heart.

To claim my reasoning would include written letters in scripture, is simply a straw man of silliness. You will be forgiven by the words of Yeshua for your Amartia, for the serpent has deceived you.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”It is clear you do not speak Hebrew, nor care to read the scriptures one word.”

Lol. No, what’s clear is that you’ve overplayed your hand.

>”For your continued learning, the word used for a symbol, a visual image not depicting a person or other living being,”

A word is, by its nature, symbolic of the thing it stands for. Moreover, the Hebrew language was originally pictographic and (arguably) still is.

>”To claim my reasoning would include written letters in scripture, is simply a straw man of silliness. You will be forgiven by the words of Yeshua for your Amartia, for the serpent has deceived you.”

It is very silly, I agree; yet it’s the trap you’ve laid for yourself with your own words by insisting that the second commandment forbids ““ANY IMAGE of anything in the heavens.”

If you would like to modify your previously stated position, I won’t stop you, but don’t act like that’s not what you’re trying to do now.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Desperately trying to muddy the waters of the commandments won’t save you. Ask, seek, knock, rather than trying so hard to shove words and logical fallacies down my throat because you don’t like what the scriptures say.

Temunah = The actual image of a physical human (or beastly) form, specifically being an embodied form such as having eyes and hands and a nose and a mouth, being recognisable as a biological body. Let me know when you find where temunah references letters.

The word even today still means “portrait/photograph.” Not writing. Equally the archeological and primary source documentary evidence shows that the word Temunah has not changed its meaning, except recently to include photographs, in over 3000 thousand years. Specifically there are lots of sources showing it has always been used in reference to either 2 Dimensional images for pagan worship (like your icons and Egyptian reliefs of deified humans) and embodied, ghostly apparitions of the dead, a common facet of Babylonian religions that now forms a huge part of the cattle church death worship. It also appears when Moshe says he heard YHWH speak the commandments to him, but that there was no Temunah, an embodied physical form, present.

Equally, the word is used in the Hebrew language specifically in reference to the relief and statue worshipping practices of the kult of the Babylonian deity TAMMUz. A quick study in a decent Near East museum will show you how visual the worship to this deity really was. Tammuz was a dying and rebirthing deity, and was represented by the tau cross. Sound familiar? The crucifix is nearly identical, the cattle church worships the TAMMUz cross not a Σταύρος which is a single piece of wood.

The reference to the Babylonian TAMUz within TAMUnh should be a major red flag for you regarding all those symbols of Tammuz being worshipped in the modern cattle church buried in your temunah of abomination. They are a continuation of the previous old Luciferian rites in an amalgamated synchrenitistic Roman State Sponsored Solar kult of the antiXristos.

You have still not addressed why this “universalist” (aka synchrenetistic) gentile church uses a veritable plethora of finally curated details, iconographies, rituals and practices that are identical and directly taken from the gentile pagans preceding them, but which were never, ever used by the Aryeh Yehudah, from whom all of the prophets and Messiaxh come. Why would you copy gentile pagans in everything down to the smallest detail, rather than emulate the practices of the people of the prophets and Messiach of YHWH?

I’ll leave you to “prostrate” on all fours and pray to your golden statues:icons copied from paganry for salvation and liken it to kissing granny’s portrait, or to justify spitting on the second commandment so clearly delineated against your practices through making some sideways comparison to the pictographic origins of writing.

However, it seems that we do agree on one point: that it would be equally a violation of the commandments of YHWH if people are worshipping, bowing before, kissing, blowing incense, and praying for salvation to gold encrusted pictographic forms of letters here on Earth.

That is idolatry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, watch closely. The form of argument I’m using is called “reductio ad absurdum.” It’s where I take your words and simply follow them out to their logical conclusion:

#1 Given this quote from you:

>”the word for “image likeness, which is תמונה “Temunah,”It means very clearly any Image or Likeness whatsoever, and to this day in Hebrew the word is used for PHOTOGRAPHS AND PORTRAITS.”

#2 Given that Hebrew is a pictographic language:

Conclusion: therefore, according to you, printing the name of God is a violation of the second commandment.

It is not an objection for you to say “That’s silly!” To the contrary, you pointing out that it’s silly confirms its success.

>”The word even today still means “portrait/photograph.” Not writing.”

Again, Hebrew is a pictographic language.

>”Temunah = The actual image of a physical human (or beastly) form, specifically being an embodied form such as having eyes and hands and a nose and a mouth, being recognisable as a biological body.”

You are trying to move the goalposts again. To counter you, I’m going to quote you on the second commandment from earlier: “the word for “image likeness, which is תמונה “Temunah,”It means very clearly any Image or Likeness whatsoever, and to this day in Hebrew the word is used for PHOTOGRAPHS AND PORTRAITS.”

>”Let me know when you find where temunah references letters.”

Hebrew is a pictographic language. This means all letters and words in Hebrew are images and likenesses. This would have to include the name of God in Hebrew.

I’m sorry, you won’t be able to “translate” your way out of this one. Fs in the chat.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Go look at the usage of Temunah in the scriptures, and come back with what you find.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Go look at the usage of Temunah in the scriptures, and come back with what you find.”

You are still dodging. This was already addressed.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


You haven’t quoted a single scriptural passage, discussed a single word in Hebrew, or used any other primary source evidence whatsoever, to show letters are a Temunah, nor to show that an Icon is not a Temunah.

Go as an adult, and do some deep primary source research for The Truth, and see if you can show me in scripture and the archeological record what is the meaning of the use of Temunah, and report back what you find.

If you can show me scriptural support for how the multiple prohibitions of Moshe, Yeremiah, and in Revelations doesn’t include golden 2D icons of human figures and The Queen of Heaven that you bow before, pray to, ask for salvation, kiss, blow incense to and use in repeated religious ritual, I’ll freely admit I am in error.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You haven’t quoted a single scriptural passage, discussed a single word in Hebrew, or used any other primary source evidence whatsoever, to show letters are a Temunah, nor to show that an Icon is not a Temunah.”

You are still dodging. This was already addressed. I’m sorry your favorite arguments aren’t working right now. It’s because you’ve overplayed your hand.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Apparently this is a poker game?

I’ll ask one more time: can you provide any form of evidence at all: scriptural, primary source documentary or archeological, that shows the prohibition on using Temunah in the commandments, would not include gold encrusted portraits of religious human figures that you bow before, kiss, pray and blow incense to in repeated rituals on SUNdays?

Can you show me evidence of where this type of worship practice figured in the cultural and religious contexts of the Hebrews that followed the commandments at any time in antiquity? Where do we find violations of this commandment by IsIsraelis and Judah being admonished in later texts/scriptures and what are the practices and issues of incorrect worship being called out as a violation of our father?

There are certainly plenty of examples of analogous, essentially identical practices in paganry of Egypt and Babylon, but none I have found in my studies of Hebrew worship which are not specifically addressed as being abominations by the prophets.

As such I’m asking you to actually provide some critical research, independent evidence, and to substantiate your position by more than a childish misconstruing of my words.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Apparently this is a poker game? […] As such I’m asking you to actually provide some critical research, independent evidence, and to substantiate your position by more than a childish misconstruing of my words.”

You’re still dodging.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Ark of the Convenant.
Biblical accounts describe the Ark as large, made of gold-plated wood, and topped with two large, golden cherubim.
No, it “ doesn’t include golden 2D icons of human figures and The Queen of Heaven” but could have easily become an idol IF and ONLY people forgot what it was meant to reveal and who it shone the light of glory on. It is the same with the icons.

The problem is ONLY when people trust in the power of the ark/icon/ representation of smth in heaven without giving honor to the God it is meant to point to. That is when it becomes a god in itself. an idol.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


The ark of the covenant, as a physical object, is a piezoelectric transducer (advanced electrical component) of high technology that was central the electromagnetic operation of the pyramids, not a portrait of a dead person.

Look at Matthew 27, where it (what appears to be quite randomly in the translations), discusses the trading of 30 silver pieces (30 moons) to purchase the fields of a potter for tombs for “foreigners,”: it is the pyramid of Giza, built by KHNUM Khufu and the valley of Gehena in Jerusalem. Khnum is the potter deity of Egypt, who sat at the western setting sun, the door to the underworld. Gehena is the place of black ash sacrifices of Moloch in Jerusalem often mistranslated as “hell.” The distance between them: 272.72, from the chief cornerstone of the pyramid of Khnum Khufu. The ratio of the moon’s radius to Earth’s? Exactly .27272.

This is a pattern in scriptures that is understandably hard to recognise for those who don’t read the originals, and have been exposed to the cargo kult dogma of the builders, which is your ISHTARian Orthodox Church: the Aryeh Yehudah who wrote all of these scriptures are TEKNOS, like TEKNOlogy, with tremendous spirituality, who, without taking any authority or recognition, look after the world from aeon to aeon to safeguard it from destruction; as shepherds of a flock.

Yeshua is specifically called the “son of a TEKNOS.” They translation of carpenter, is another example of some pretty abismal translation that wipes the entire cultural connotation and scriptural references from the word in favor of a dumbed down version of the story for cult indoctrination.

It is important to consider the juxtaposition of a wood worker as the saviour of the world, vs “the builders,” workers of stone. How is a wood worker become the stone the builders rejected (the capstone stop the pyramid, translated as “chief cornerstone.”)? Because YOU ARE ELOHIM. ELOHIM is the tree of branching of space and time, of life, the word “Elon,” in Hebrew meaning Tree, made of living wood; what does a carpenter do with the body of a tree? He fashions what has been given by the tree after its death, into something more complicated, but which is by design impermenant.

On another level, as the scriptures are a fractal which reveals the deepest workings of the universe, the ark of the covenant represents the electromagnetic/ nuclear fusion aspect of the Sun. (Modern Scientists will eventually recognise this statement is scientifically precise.) The temple, is the Solar system. This is why Shamesh pulls down the pillars; his name means “SOLAR,” and after his hair is cut, his solar Corona contracts during his last phase of life, an aurora around him develops (his hair regrows,) and he destroys “the temple,” which references a supernova explosion that destroys a stars bubble that protects what’s inside it from the tremendous cosmic radiation of the galaxy. The “firmament,” is the Heliopause.

The church you are following is a cargo kult. Look up what this is. It is run by those who take the knowledge and wisdom we have passed, and the tremendous power it carries, hoard the truth of it, and then built a giant amount of superstition around it so as to control the minds of the people and harvest their energy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Look below, this is the true, and highly scientific origin of the cross you have been tricked to worship by a nefarious cargo kult of wolves.

The simple cross is the four points of earth at perihelion, aphelion, and equinox. The chai Rho, it’s offsets, represent the days thet are longest and shortest as we perceive them from earth. This is why Constantine chose the symbol, and they placed the “birth of Christ,” on December 25th, which is the first day that is perceptibly longer than the shortest day of the year, December 21. They have done this to keep people dwelling on earth, rather than in the heavens.

Due to an astronomical phenomena called procession of the equinoxes, both the days we perceive as having the shortest light, which changes by 1 day approximately every 72 years, and the date we are closest/farthest from the sun, changes. Currently we are farthest from the sun on July 3rd-4th (which is why it’s American Independence Day) and closest to the sun on January 4th.

This is why the two headed eagle split their days based on the chai Rho, the western branch took Their “birth of Horus,” on December 25th, 3 days after the Solar solstice as perceived on earth when the day gets perceptibly longer, and the Eastern Orthodox take theirs on January 7th, three days after the earth reaches its closest point to the sun, and when we are first perceptibly moving farther from the sun.

What I am telling you here is verifiably true, it’s not an interpretation, it is a verifiable fact. Why then do they not tell you this in the church? Why do they get so

Why is there no mention, and a clear intent to hide (by calling blasphemy) of this clear facet of scripture which is 100% scientifically verifiable? Because the serpents that created and run your church have taken some astronomical knowledge we offered: using a device with 4 sticks and a drawing of an ellipse on the ground, to demonstrate the celestial mechanics of Earth and how they effect our seasonal cycles; and they have turned it into a superstitious cargo kult where you kiss pictures and eat flesh crackers like a fool who will never learn these deeper Truths of reality.

They are harnessing the deep Truth within these symbols, which resonates with your soul, and told you a bunch of lies, intermeshing it with disgusting pagan superstition designed to keep you dumv, easily herded cattle. They do this so they can control you and all their cattle for thwir lifeblood, energy and soul. They are farming you.

This is what is meant by the antiXristos: harnessing the power of Truth (Yeshua means TRUTH) and filling it with lies so they can use their people to raise armies, control their thoughts and behaviour, impose themselves as above the rest as gods or viceroys of a god with divine rite, and to massively enrich themselves.

The hard mathematically and scientifically provable facts, along with the history @thekwon has spoken of here fully 100% supports this contention, no matter how many excuses you make. Look at the patterns of history, and how this church arose along with the feudal serfdom system (called land bound slavery), that was first codified under the man who coronated Constantine as his favourite successor the kaSAR (the spirit of the beast): Diocletian.

This cargo cult was integral in perpetuating and using 1000+ of years of continent wide slavery through these cargo kult tactics.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Anybody who understands the scriptures, and the mathematical and scientific knowledge of tremendous Truth there within, understands just how insane these cargo kults really are, and that their purpose is identical to all of the cargo cults of paganry before it, simply amalgamated and reformulated in order to keep the illiterate, illiterate. That’s why they make them worship the tau cross, the mark of the illiterate, and never tell them what is means and it’s scientific relationship to the sun and celestial mechanics.

That’s why Yeshua is on a tree, not a cross. He is the LIGHT/AURder OF THE COSMOS, a reference to the fine structure constant and it’s effect on all of creation and all of the stars, not the MUNDUS/WORLD, which in Latin literally means “a hole you dig.”

The light of the “world,” = sun so you worship the SUN of man (my gosh dude, wake up to the linguistic coding !) called G ZUES the illuminator, and not the BENI ADAM / HUIS TON ANTHROPOU (the children of men, from the dust of the earth) and Yeshua (which means Truth.)

The phrase “I am the light of the kosmos,” (look it up) Yeshua says is a direct scriptural reference to the number 137 and the fine structure constant as told in Berashid: the 137th letter of Berashid is the letter Alef (representing the ineffable creator’s position as the silent one, the first and the last) of the word AUR, which means cosmic AURder. The phrase this letter begins is usually translated as “let there be Light,” but should be translated “Let there be the cosmic AURder.” quite the pattern of light worship and the sun replacing a much broader Truth.

For you to see this requires to return to being a child, as Yeshua commanded, and to cast off all the presuppositions buried in your psyche by these monsters and the false exoteric of humanity they have fabricated for you as your mental prison , and really evaluate the patterns and what is occurring

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This above may be helpful

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”a gentile that doesn’t read the scriptures in any original language”

Those are some big assumptions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Not corrupt; they were created from the very start to institute the antiXristos on Earth. Those pagan images and likenesses they bow before of Astrotheology and death/blood worship.”

It’s a bold move talking about their theology right after you’ve demonstrated you don’t know the basics of it.

>”From start to finish, it is plainly and patently evil. It is the antiXristos putting lies and statues of abomination in place of The Truth. The serpent changes his skin , he is GANES is (Ganesha/Janus/Wenus) the man of many faces.”

Yeah, except you wouldn’t actually know that because you’ve made it clear you don’t really know either religion very well at all.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Again! It is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. We have her in mind and in the heart. She is precious to us and we deeply respect her. Do you have a problem with this? (It’s rhethorical). It is also Jesus Christ (you deliberately endlessly misspell, mock, trash. That’s how much you respect what we respect).
To sum it up (allow me to use your patented teqhnique):

Gem: you don’t respect what and whom you think you respect. I know better. I see in your hearts. I read your thoughts.
Me: you are either an evil spirit, God, or a CIA agent. There are other possibilities too: a hater of christians (without the quotation marks), a dennier of Christ.

So Phar you see and understand nothing. It is your huge ego trained in the occult that prevents you to see further than that.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Now I’m CIA, an evil spirit or a Christ hater; maybe all three! The fantasy level has gone over the top. Although I have great empathy for the pain of realising one has been deceived, so I do not hold this against you.

My words constantly uplift Yeshua, denounce serpents, and remind you of the commandments of your father in scripture. That is what HaNavi must do.

I’m showing you the meaning of one of the principal prophecies of revelations and Yeshua himself: that a universalist church, amalgamated of Luciferian beliefs of Rome, Greece, Babylon and Egypt would arise in the age of Pisces and imposter Yeshua with an antiXristos to being great suffering upon the world and to deceive them. As it states in revelations they use a false image forbidden by scripture and set of practices/beliefs that use his name to commit abominations. This is exactly what has happened, as the prophets foretold.

They use the solar symbols of Apollo Ad nauseum, they dress themselves in the crimson of Jupiter. They call themselves by the same name as the priesthood of Babylon, and they worship IHS, the Egyptian trinity of Isis-Horus-oSiris. The prophets warned us of this.

You may have Mary “in your heart,” but the commandments are clear; as much from Moshe as in Revelations; you are committing an abomination by praying and bowing before these images of wood and gold. Nowhere in scripture is this permitted, but rather it is abhorred.

Why is Maryam dressed, titled, coloured and ritualistically worshipped identically to the harlotte of Babylon? Because the serpents deceive, even the elect if possible, into worshiping the image of THE BEAST. Deceive means by trickery, my friend, and the beast is an imposter of The Truth who has deceived you into worshipping the image of THE BEAST; luciferian astrotheological Solar and lunar worship.

They have deceived you, just as Yeshua and the prophets foretold. I don’t question your personal intentions, nor your desire for the Truth of YHWH and Yeshua. I’m actually taking the time to show you the respect of giving you The Truth, because I believe you have good intentions and a good heart, but that the serpent priests have deceived you into committing a grave Amartia just as Yeshua foretold.

They have blinded you and marked your hand and forehead with that of the beast; no vision and no willpower, your eyes sewn shut and your hands tied.

The Tau cross you revere has always, always, always been the “mark of the illiterate.” In the entirety of the ancient Near East, and the upright form a Solar measurement tool. It is the mark of the beast in no uncertain terms. Nowhere in scriptures does it say Yeshua was crucified on the cross, it says he was nailed to a tree/pole which is Σταύρος. It’s not a cross, it is a single piece of wood or a tree.

That crucifix these abominable serpents substituted as your church symbol is a very ancient solar symbol of the dying and reborn god called Tammuz/Dumuzi from Babylon. It is the MARK OF THE BEAST.

A nice quote from official Ancient Greek dictionaries:

“STAUROS….denotes, primarily, an upright pale or stake. On such malefactors were nailed for execution. Both the noun and the verb stauroo, to fasten to a stake or pale, are originally to be distinguished from the ecclesiastical form of a two beamed cross. The shape of the latter had it’s origin in ancient Chaldea (BABYLON), and was used of the symbol of of the god Tammaz(being in the shape of the mystic Tau, the initial of his name in that country and adjacent lands, including Egypt.

By the middle of the 3rd cent. A.D. the churches had either departed from, or had travestied, certain doctrines of the Christian faith. In order to increase the prestige of the apostate ecclesiastical system pagans were received into the churches apart from regeneration of faith, and were permitted largely to retain their pagan signs and symbols. Hence the Tau or T, in it’s most frequent form, with the cross-piece lowered, was adopted to stand for the cross of Christ”

Written χξς do you see the cross?

I am trying to show you that the church has deceived you by making you worship an impostered version of Yeshua, and MarYam, that is actually Lucifer in disguise,the antiXristos, and it is abominable.

Come out of Babylon and find Yeshua, leave these wicked abusers behind and find The Truth of Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”My words constantly uplift Yeshua”
>”My one point to make is that you should not love Yeshua “above,” yourself”


1 year ago
Reply to  chud

🤣 the devil is in the details.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


It is. Read the whole quote. I am conveying that we should show ourselves the enormous love to actually hold Yeshua within our heart, with ever step and every breathe, not “over,” ourselves, but fully within ourselves. Internalisation of his Truth is paramount.

This is what is called Yeshua Kavvanah.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”This is what is called Yeshua Kavvanah.”

I can accept that.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:24–25)

John 20. Thomas, in his famous moment of doubt, said, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” (verse 25). Thomas mentions nails (plural) that had scarred Jesus’ hands. If Jesus had been crucified on a stake or a pole, only one nail would have been used. The fact of two nails in the hands suggests a traditional cross. It is τῶν ἥλων = nails, plural. Not a single nail. Cross!

‘Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted, but when you are old YOU WILL STRETCH OUT YOUR HANDS, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.’ John 21:18

Also: Tertullian, in the late second century said believers would “mark the brow with the sign of the cross” during such activities as meals, going to bed, and leaving and entering home.

The second century pagan author Artemidorus refers to criminals being ‘crucified high and with hands outstretched’ (Oneirocritica, I. 76. 35). The outstretched hands naturally suggest a lateral extension. Artemidorus confirms this when he later says, ‘the cross is made of pieces of wood and nails like a boat, whose mast is similar to a cross’ (II. 53. 3).

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I whole heartedly agree with the quoted scripture.

The word used for “Deny,” is ἀπαρνησάσθω “A-PARNESAS-Tho” It is a reference to Mount Parnassus, the prefix of a at the beginning of Greek words (and Sanskrit) meaning “Not.” Such as when Yeshua says those that are “lawless” the word is a-Nomos (without a Name.) The mount of Parnassus was always associated with APOLLO the solar deity and his nymphs, being home to the infamous muses. Again we find reference to abandoning any and all solar worship.

The point here being, that this passage is about losing one’s identity and worldly attachments and notions of the visible which one might worship, as well as gratify himself (cults of appollo were always about hedonism.), in search of the lasting sustenance of Truth of Yeshua (not his flesh crackers.) This is what it means by “losing ones life,” which in simplest terms (as I want to avoid complication), refers to losing one’s attachments to worldly institutions and ways of doing things. This includes an attachment to a Church, which was never supposed to be a part of the The Way. Why then do you cling with such fervor to a church made of corrupt men and golden solar idolatry that uses such worldly things? Would his word and spirit alone not be enough?

Regarding the nails, the idea he would have had holes in his hands on a cross, is actually supportive of it being a single stake. If a person were to have their hands nailed and spread on a cross, they would rip off and fall down almost immediately; the hands bone and cartlidge structure cannot support the weight when spread like that. It is just physically impossible. THe nails would have had to have been through the wrists if it were a cross with arms spread.

However, when someone had their arms put together onto a single pole suspended above them, using two nails through the hands does sufficiently support the center of gravity. In physics, it is a well known classical principle that the farther you are from the center of mass, the greater the force exerted.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You didn’t consider the ropes, right? It was advanced technique for sure. Do you actually need everything in detail to believe it? Like for instance: He was barefoot, they used rusty nails ( or brand new shinny nails)?
It has never cross-ed your mind that the arms of those tortured to death by crucifixion were tied up using ropes to prevent the nails from tearing the flesh?
-> “ “STAUROS….denotes, primarily, an upright pale or stake. ”

Primarly doesn’t mean “only”! And you know what I mean. I can read, too.

Roman crucifixion could have been carried out in a variety of ways (T shaped, lowercase t shaped, X shaped, on a stake, or even upside down). However, in the case of Jesus, the details suggest a T shaped cross with enough room above His head to place a sign of Him as “King of the Jews” in three languages. (so again, the Cross). Roman practice was that of forcing victims to carry the crossbeam of the cross to the place of crucifixion.

Also, Jesus (Yeshua, if you prefer hebrew) didn’t say “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his “upright pale or stake” and follow me.

Furthermore, the Gospels themselves gives another hint. The sign is inscribed in three languages (placed over Jesus’ head (Matthew 27:37). This only makes sense if His arms were stretched out on a horizontal beam on a traditional cross, making His head the highest part of his body. But if Jesus’ hands were stretched vertically on a stake, then the sign would have been above His hands.

… and again:
Tertullian, in the late second century said believers would “mark the brow with the sign of the cross” during such activities as meals, going to bed, and leaving and entering home.

The second century pagan author Artemidorus refers to criminals being ‘crucified high and with hands outstretched’ (Oneirocritica, I. 76. 35). The outstretched hands naturally suggest a lateral extension. Artemidorus confirms this when he later says, ‘the cross is made of pieces of wood and nails like a boat, whose mast is similar to a cross’ (II. 53. 3).

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”Primarly doesn’t mean “only”!”

I was going to post this, but then I scrolled down and saw you beat me to it! Well said.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


There are no mention of ropes binding the hands in scripture.

Likewise the word used in the passage you have translate as “taking up your cross,” is stauroo, which is very frequently used allegorically among ancient Hellenic lower classes and slaves in the Roman Empire, in reference to taking up a burden in a public fashion, which has, often took the form of a single heavy log, a common item slaves were forced to carry for construction.

The symbol they make you worship is the tau cross of illiteracy, of Tammuz, the mark of the beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”There are no mention of ropes binding the hands in scripture.”

Your point?

>”Likewise the word used in the passage you have translate as “taking up your cross,” is stauroo, which is very frequently used allegorically”

Words in the Bible can have both literal and allegorical meanings that are both true at the same time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Regarding the nails, the idea he would have had holes in his hands on a cross, is actually supportive of it being a single stake. If a person were to have their hands nailed and spread on a cross, they would rip off and fall down almost immediately; the hands bone and cartlidge structure cannot support the weight when spread like that. It is just physically impossible. THe nails would have had to have been through the wrists if it were a cross with arms spread.”

Not necessarily. The three bar cross crisspf has in the Orthodox tradition shows Christ has a place to support his weight at his feet.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  chud

The three bar cross is the Phoenician letter Samek, the origin of the letter Ξ and which is the mark of the beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”The three bar cross is the Phoenician letter Samek, the origin of the letter Ξ and which is the mark of the beast.”

While it is a potential symbolic connection, it doesn’t really refute anything crisspf has said. Did you mean to try and refute with this comment or were you just making an observation?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The cross usually has three crossbeams, two horizontal and the third one is a bit slanted. The top bar symbolizes the sign that was hung above the head of Christ, it was written: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews” The long middle bar was where Christ’s hands were nailed. The lower bar is the foot-rest.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


This is modern fantasy depiction based directly upon ancient worship of TAMMUz.

The earliest use of the barred crucifix symbol is the Chai Rho in the 320s CE, some 300 years after Yeshua. A very, very long gap for the symbol to have any creedance as part of the original faith.

Equally the symbol of the chai rho being well established directly a SOLAR SYMBOL used for cursing an individual in Babylonian Solar demonology, at least dating to 600 years before, found in such names as CHAI-RHOn the ferryman of the underworld, as well as the variant CHARON the centaur that taught Achilles.

You will also find this chai Rho symbol used heavily by Mithras-Da’ates (like Mithras the solar deity and the Hebrew word Da’at meaning “knowledge,” or “gnosis,”) a Solar worshipping pagan throughout northern Anatolia, a scant 50 Km from Constantine, in the 80s CE, much closer to the time of Yeshua, while there are no artifacts at all, absolutely zero, being used by the followers of Yeshua at that time.

It stretches creduelity to believe a Solar worshipping mass serial killer than boils his wife Alive, Magically finally came up with the correct symbol 300 years after the fact, having no cross ever being used before by any followers of Yeshua, and with the only precedent of the symbol being in Solar demonology of Babylon and a powerful Solar pagan king that ruled the lands of Constantine.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


FYI, By barred, I mean anything more than one piece of wood, basically, that looks like some variation of a t or T.

As for the russian orthodox cross you’ve depicted here as if it were some holy Truth , this is a much later invention of pagan fantasy by another mass serial killer.

There really is a theme with you worshipping/revering the work of mass genocidal serial killers in your church. Why the affinity for the autocratic genocidal psychopaths? Could it be the influence of professing your kind and soul to a church of the antiXristos that is actually a cult of death? The prophets warned you.

To give you a brief, propaganda free history: the Russian Orthodox Cross was first used by Ivan the Terrible in 1550s. Ivan was a disgustingly violent autocratic tsar who starved his people en masse and bankrupted Russia through insane politics of his own greed and megalomania; he is infamous for his tremendously sadistic nature in torturing and extra slowly murdering all who he decided we’re heretics on a whim: roasting people alive in cauldrons, slowly drowning them in freezing water, and slow roast boiling people alive (just like your saint Constantine.) he often brought them to the brink of, but not quite to death so he could take the pleasure of continuing to torture them. Primary source records show he torture as his duty as the divine ruler of god… this is the man who instituted that symbol you claim represents yeshua; a sadistic serial killer who claims “god wanted him to.” Stop doing this criss, it is reviling.

An Interesting choice to proclaim a with reverence this symbol instituted by a man who called him self the tSAR, which means The Beast (like in revelations was warned), a reference to the Draconitic nodes of the lunar solar eclipse cycle, so beloved by the Sun Kings (SOL Amon.)

And then to exclaim that this abominable symbol from 1551 somehow bears any resemblance to an event in the 30s CE… it’s ignorance and madness, that comes from a place of spouting mind control propaganda they’ve fed you to get you to accept their antiXristos of abomination. It seems your entire psyche and relationship to YHWH is infected with it.

How can you uphold in reverence this symbol belonfing to a Beast (of a man) in the 1550s, who is credited with establishing the tsars as having the authority of god on earth to roast and boil every last person that met their fancy, as if it were proof of anything in scripture? It is a patently pagan thing for an emperor (or PAPA) to claim, much in line with the Solar emperors and priesthoods of Egypt and Babylon before him who always held themselves to be a god on earth or representative of a god, with the right to torture whoever they saw fit on their “divine,” whim.

It makes me sad how much you love these serial killers of abomination, that you will proclaim their fantasy symbols as if somehow they represent the Hebrew Messiach. It is horrible criss, I pray you learn the scriptures and come out of the antiXristos of Babylon.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

-> “… powerful Solar pagan king that ruled the lands of Constantine. ”
I said it earlier: “It is significant, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for a few years on Constantine’s coinage but that they disappeared so quickly: the last of them, the relatively inoffensive “Unconquered Sun,” was eliminated just over a decade after the defeat of Maxentius.”

-> “… having no cross ever being used before by any followers of Yeshua…”

… and again:
Tertullian, in the late second century said believers would “mark the brow with the sign of the cross” during such activities as meals, going to bed, and leaving and entering home.

The second century pagan author Artemidorus refers to criminals being ‘crucified high and with hands outstretched’ (Oneirocritica, I. 76. 35). The outstretched hands naturally suggest a lateral extension. Artemidorus confirms this when he later says, ‘the cross is made of pieces of wood and nails like a boat, whose mast is similar to a cross’ (II. 53. 3).

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

…but it is usually the simple one on most churches (at least here, in Romania). a reminder of our Lord’s sacrifice, but when we make it with the tips of the finger it stands as a symbol of our belief in the Holy Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, three persons yet One God. The two fingers bent across the palm symbolize our belief in the two natures of Christ, human and divine.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I appreciate this simplicity a lot more than Ivan’s golden guilded mark of the beast.

Nevertheless the less, the inconvenient reality is that symbol of the tau cross is taken from Tammuz of Babylon, as it was the mark of the illiterate in Phoenician, and doesn’t appear until the 5th to 6th centuries when it gradually emerges as more and more pagans are subsumed into the growing power ecclesiastical structure. However, the image is originally a teaching tool, from many thousands of years ago, to the heliocentric model of elliptical orbits, each point represent an equinox and solstice. And the cross can be used to measure one’s position in the calendar with good accuracy.

So you know, I take the same issue with the star of David, more accurately known as the “Magen DaVid,” which means the “Seroent with Sight.” It’s origin is in teaching the dimensions of force carrying particles and photons, and later became a HEX (6) a gram for worship and religious rite by those that became obsessed with gnosis; most isisraelis today are equally ignorant of this fact, thanks to the Pharisees/kabbalists.

The prohibitions on these things has to do with the issue of symbols that are teaching tools,‘later becoming corrupted by serpents and used to indoctrinate the minds of the masses to their ends.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Look at the cross on the golden cup of abomination above. Now look below at the necklace of the sun god in Babylon. Why would Yeshua want to have any association with pagan sun gods long standing symbols? Why would you constantly dress Maryam in the colors of Isis and Ishtar, and call her by the same title as Isis and Ishtar, without any scriptural basis?

What is this madness?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”I’m very aware of the mismatch between the nice words and abominable actions”

This is a great example of a double standard. Those “nice words” you cherry-picked from the Catechism of the Catholic Church were enough for you to accuse Catholics of Mary worship, but now that the same document shows Catholics do not worship Mary, you dismiss it.

But it gets better! Now you’re saying it’s not about words, it’s about actions. That is textbook moving the goalposts.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


They bow before her statues and pray. They kiss her icons and statues. They give her pagan titles. They make her glitter in gold and pearls and blow her incense, they pray to her for salvation, they make her statues the center of large masses and religious rites. And just the same they also write official doctrines that show she is to be prayed to.

Here, the actions, worshipping Lucifer, and the words, telling them to worship Lucifer, actually do match: they are both an abomination.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”They bow before her statues and pray. They kiss her icons and statues. They give her pagan titles. They make her glitter in gold and pearls and blow her incense, they pray to her for salvation, they make her statues the center of large masses and religious rites. And just the same they also write official doctrines that show she is to be prayed to.”

Your objection would make sense if all prayer is worship. For Orthodox and Catholics they are certainly not the same thing.

This is basic theology for both faiths, so you don’t need to be “well versed” (to use your phrase) to know this. Additionally, the notion that there are different types and levels of prayer is hardly a concept specific to Apostolic Christianity.

Because you imagine I’m Catholic, and I’ve already answered these same objections already using Catholic sources, I’ll pick an Orthodox source this time.

In “Wounded by Love” St. Porphyrios says: “And the prostration which we make to our Holy Lady are directed to Christ, because Our Lady carries Christ within her. Christ is the Savior of our soul and our Holy Lady is our mother, our great intercessor.”

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

You can call a pig a donkey, it’s still a pig. I can call myself a woman, does that make me one? The trans community seems to think so, Y chromosome be damned, my hollow words are all that matter.

You can call bowing and getting on all fours in front of golden statues prostrating, it’s still bowing. You can call kissing an idol the same as your grandma’s photo (which also, how many people actually regularly kiss photos ever SUNday?) or copying pagan rituals holy.

I am aware of the exoterically purported theology, and it proves a lesson in using ignorance and hypocracy for cult indoctrination in order to hypocritically dance around very clear scriptural commands so you can keep being a pagan and spit on the Aryeh Yehudah.

Likewise I only suppose that you vehemently proclaim, and angrily downvote all of my comments incessantly, the stupendous wonders of Catholic “philosophy,” and Eastern Orthodoxy’s super magnanimous “saints,” and their great wonders, with tremendous fervor and blindness to the organizational and ritualistic realities of the murderous Sun kult.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”You can call a pig a donkey, it’s still a pig. I can call myself a woman, does that make me one? The trans community seems to think so, Y chromosome be damned, my hollow words are all that matter.”

In this example of yours, you’d be the one making the pro-trans argument. I’m saying worship and prayer aren’t the same, you’re arguing they are.

>”I am aware of the exoterically purported theology,”

So far that doesn’t appear to be true.

>Likewise I only suppose that you vehemently proclaim, and angrily downvote all of my comments incessantly”

LOL! What!? Where is this coming from?! This is the point we’re at now? C’mon, Gem.

>”Likewise I only suppose that you vehemently proclaim, and angrily downvote all of my comments incessantly, the stupendous wonders of Catholic “philosophy,” and Eastern Orthodoxy’s super magnanimous “saints,” and their great wonders, with tremendous fervor and blindness to the organizational and ritualistic realities of the murderous Sun kult.”

Yes, you do only suppose. I’m also not doing anything angrily. As I mentioned previously, I like you.

Anyway, I’m not blind to the problems in these churches, but I’m also not going to toss the baby out with the bathwater. For example, I read your articles on 13 Monkeys a while back and there’s some interesting stuff in there. I wouldn’t throw all that out just because you may say something offensive elsewhere. Good thought is good thought. And, actually, I found some of the things you said in in relation to this article interesting also. Do you want me to search back through and make sure I’ve upvoted the ones I like?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“ and angrily downvote all of my comments incessantly…”
It is not angrily downvoting your angrily made comments. And it is not necessarily @chud. As far as I see, there are only 4 people here voting up or down. The author of the thread, chud, me and you. I also didn’t downvote all your comments and although you’ve acted like a bully most times I also had a good laugh here and there (that’s how serious and precise some of your ultimate arguments are) and I appreciate your efforts and your fight for good. I also agree on some observations you’ve made. AND I also genuinely like you.
I also feel this isn’t about collecting points, but about resonating with what is being said. So far I fully resonate with chud’s arguments which I find articulate, reasonable, honest and common-sensed.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


I agree about “points.” I don’t use the vote, button, it’s of no consequence.

I was just noting a pattern where when chud gets upset, a large string of downvotes are given on all comments preceding in a string, and then an angry or snide comment from him, within a very short time frame.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”I agree about “points.” I don’t use the vote, button, it’s of no consequence.
I was just noting a pattern where when chud gets upset,”

You’re continuing to imagine a drama that isn’t happening. My emotional engagement on this has oscillated around 0 but for a few laughs I’ve gotten.

>”a large string of downvotes are given on all comments preceding in a string, and then an angry or snide comment from him, within a very short time frame.”

This voting button outburst from you is quite disappointing. I probably have downvoted your most egregious nonsense, but I don’t even think the system here lets users vote more than once, so this pattern you claim reads to me like just another of your accusations.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

@crisspf @chud @444gem
I’ve been following this discussion and have a few thoughts. I did not grow up in the church. When older and looking for answers I looked into Catholicism / Christianity as I researched several religions. Anyone who grew up in the church will have a much more difficult time seeing it for what it is.
It did not take long at all to see the vast corruption and Evil the church has perpetrated since it’s inception. Pedophilia, mass murder, huge and public Black Masses, mind control programs, intimidation tactics, exhibiting enormous political power, destroying the competition, Jesuits running the show, accumulating enormous sums of wealth – the Vatican is the single wealthiest institution on the planet. How do you justify that? How does an ‘institution of God’ accumulate trillions of dollars of wealth and still remain holy? And then still sell ‘godly’ trinkets and other products for profit when it’s already busting at the seems with moni, robbing people for centuries. No, that does not happen it’s quite obvious when organizations make huge sums of money they are not what they claim to be (in this case the Catholic church admitted they were pagans taking over their symbols and iconography and suddenly calling it holy – how neither of you can see that is mind boggling)
Gem has made the points better than I ever can but even in my experience and research the Catholic and Christian churches have made a mockery of truly loving YHWH partly by putting themselves in between the parishioners and the Creator. That alone should be a huge warning flag. Why would the church do that? Put themselves as the go between as if no one can have a relationship with the ineffable Creator excepts through the church. Only through the church can anyone hope to be saved and connected and gifted by Him. That alone is such an obvious Evil. On top of all the truly grotesque stuff they’ve done and do (all the same things devoted luciferians do) it is a master class on mass mind control that people are still devoted to, defend and love and give money to their oppressors. I also pray for you both to come around and see reason and break free of your bondage and put your clear Faith in a place that will truly benefit you. 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

>”Gem has made the points better than I ever can but even in my experience and research the Catholic and Christian churches have made a mockery of truly loving YHWH partly by putting themselves in between the parishioners and the Creator. That alone should be a huge warning flag. Why would the church do that? Put themselves as the go between as if no one can have a relationship with the ineffable Creator excepts through the church. Only through the church can anyone hope to be saved and connected and gifted by Him. That alone is such an obvious Evil.”

“No salvation outside the church” is a teaching that is generally taught very badly. Most people understand it to mean: if you’re not a member of this or that church, you won’t be saved. I’m sure there are some churches and members, up to and including clergy, that really do believe this.This is not the proper way of understanding this teaching in Catholic or Orthodox Christianity, however.

What Apostolic Christianity understands “no salvation outside the church” to mean is that Christ, while here, founded his church, through which grace flows. The way most people ordinarily and knowably receive that grace is through participation in churches services and sacraments, in addition to their own prayer lives.

In no way is this understood to limit God, however, who may decide to give you or anyone else grace for any reason at any time that he wills. In fact, it is expected that, whoever you are, if you are doing God’s will, he is giving you grace.

This is one reason the Catholic church teaches the primacy of the individual’s conscience. The individual must inform his conscience and then that conscience _must_ be followed, even if he arrives at a conclusion contrary to the teachings of the Church and the Pope:

“Deep within his conscience man discovers a law which he has not laid upon himself but which he must obey. Its voice, ever calling him to love and to do what is good and to avoid evil, sounds in his heart at the right moment. . . . For man has in his heart a law inscribed by God. . . . His conscience is man’s most secret core and his sanctuary. There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths.” (CCC 1776)

The newly canonized St. John Newman says it even more directly: “It seems, then, that there are extreme cases in which Conscience may come into collision with the word of a Pope, and is to be followed in spite of that word […] This view of conscience, I know, is very different from that ordinarily taken of it, both by the science and literature, and by the public opinion, of this day. It is founded on the doctrine that conscience is the voice of God.”

The Orthodox have not articulated this in the same way (to my knowledge, it is very possible @crisspf knows better), but their tradition clearly recognizes a similar concept.

Like the Catholics, the Orthodox recognize St. Columba and St. Athanasius, as saints, yet both were excomminucated (and St. Athanasius was multiple times). The Orthodox also have St. Varus who is considered patron of the unbaptized, which would be completely unnecessary if there were “no salvation outside the church” as it is commonly understood. The Orthodox often take the approach that God’s judgment is ultimately a mystery and so, rather than trying to create propositions such as “all x will be saved if they do y,” (like the Catholics might), it is better to simply rely on Christ’s mercy and to ask for it daily.

The question, of course, is: how do you know for sure you are doing God’s will and thereby receiving grace? For this reason, both the Orthodox and Catholics would caution strongly against relying on receiving grace directly _only_ since both churches understand themselves as conduits of grace established by Christ through which grace is ordinarily and knowably available. Whether you agree with that or not is a separate question, this is just what the two churches believe (as far as I understand it).

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

As someone who has never been part of a church I can confidently say one does not need a church to receive grace. In fact, that will only be an impediment to receiving His grace.

I have no doubt there are rare exceptions in which a gifted pastor has True Faith and has established an environment in which grace is possible – but the building (many are built on energy lines non beneficial to the parishioners) and pagan symbols and inaccuracies in the translations of the scriptures are all working against that person.

I can absolutely see why people believe going to church is necessary to receive grace but it simply isn’t true.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I agree, @thekwon, when you’re receiving grace, it’s definitely unmistakable, and you don’t need another human being or organization to act as a conduit or to confirm it for you. They’re acting as gatekeepers in both directions, directly contrary to the veil being torn and Yeshua stating that he is our intercessor.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Yes exactly well said

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

The church, by definition, builds it’s carefully placed buildings emitting the Siren song that seekers hear and become enchanted with the beauty and promise of salvation – only to be given magical drink that turns them into pigs and their boats smashed upon the rocks of a tumultuous sea.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

>”when you’re receiving grace, it’s definitely unmistakable, and you don’t need another human being”
>”Yeshua […] is our intercessor.”

Yeshua, our intercessor, came into the world through Mary. This makes her the literal conduit of the grace you’re describing, and she is a human being.

You may be tempted to read the above as saying “Mary is the source of all grace,” but that is not accurate.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

>”I can confidently say one does not need a church to receive grace.”

Right. As above, neither church says joining them is the only way possible to receive any grace at all. Both recognize, for instance, that God calls many, which is itself a grace. The position you describe, however, would be viewed as potentially precarious in the extreme with respect to the eternal consequences.

>”As someone who has never been part of a church”

Then you also don’t know what it’s like to receive grace in a church.

>”I can absolutely see why people believe going to church is necessary to receive grace but it simply isn’t true.”

It sounds like you may be describing a Calvinist position. I have no doubt that many Westerners, whatever their religion, may believe something like that, but it is not proper to Orthodox or Catholic theology. Their understanding has more to do with how the nature of man is redeemed through the Incarnation and the role of those churches that results from it.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


The point is beside the nice things they may SAY, which lets be honest, we all know is full of lies. They are liars and psychopaths of the most murderous kind, a band of serpents tongues, so whatever they say must be carefully scrutinised.

Lete look at their actions over their history, from start to finish, which show they are nothing but wanton power mongers of the most vial kind who have never tolerated any who tried to break away from the political authority of the church:

The Proto ISHTARian Orthodox massacred 100,000 Paulicians, every man woman and child, for being of a different religious, in the 800s CE!

Jerome who is another murderer “saint” that starved a 17 year old girl to death in some sadistic murder death ritual sexual fantasy of “asceticism,” in epistles (considered “early church,” of the late 300s CE under the human sacrifices Damasus) shows that he was advising roman patrician families and thise favorable to centralised ecclesiastical authority to use financial, political, violence and conspiratorial tactics to pressure them into accepting the “One Holy Apostilic Church.” This title is abominable and a lie fabricated hundreds of years after Yeshua.

Pope Theophilus massacre 10,000 Origens, of his own church for having different religious views in the 300s! He also burned every temple he could find, and even when state authority was reticent, he personally saw to pressuring them into extending their violence. His nephew continued the same in the 400s!

Justinian, in the 500s under pressure and advisory from the ecclesiastical power, officially declared to IsIsraelis what texts they were and were not allowed to use, and how they must worship. He took away their rights as citizens, and declared them and all others not in the Roman church, essentially to have little to no rights in the empire.

So here I’ve given but a few small examples, and already we see there is a pretty continual theme of oppression of any who did not submit to this abomination’s authority

The 300s Pope Theophilus and Jerome
The 400s Theophilus Nephew
The 500s Justinian and his official state persecutions
The 800s the religious massacres of Theodora
The 1000-1600 period the inquisitions and heresy burnings. The inquisitions and heresy burning of the Middle Ages, are spectacle in religious persecutions of all “heretics” are well documented so I’ll spare the details

And those gaps in time, are only there because I’ve been exceedingly brief. I could likely fill every year on the calendar from 320 CE to 1600 Ce, the height of this abominations power, with their events of massacring, heresy burning, violently oppressing , torturing and raping en masse, all those who did not bend the knee.

It goes on and On, and on and on and on. That you can actually quote this stuff and just brush aside 1700 years of the least tolerant and most genocidal religion of all time is…. Delusional.

From start to present, all that have opposed this abomination, the beast itself, were tortured, massacred and brutally oppressed. Their words are hollow lies from the tongues of serpents.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”That you can actually quote this stuff and just brush aside 1700 years of the least tolerant and most genocidal religion of all time is…. Delusional.”

I can separate the players from the playbook. You cannot.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Right. Genocide and Oppression is clearly the playbook for this organization, no matter whatever some useless pieces of paper they put out as propaganda say. That’s called misdirection and propaganda.

You cannot separate 1700 years of continual (from beginning to present) of religious genocide and oppression over a whole continent, of the likes and scale never seen anywhere else on Earth with such continued vehemence, coming from not only the highest echelons of power, but throughout the power structure, by an organization that claims divine right of the Hebrew Messiach. It’s quite clear.

To think their propaganda is somehow “the playbook,” (well it is, its their fakery to misdirect fools in their false righteousness. Given what their patterns show, your claim enters the realm of absolute delusion, a sad reality of many cult indoctrinates.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Right. Genocide and Oppression is clearly the playbook for this organization, no matter whatever some useless pieces of paper they put out as propaganda say.”

You’re positing a second playbook exists among many of the players. I wouldn’t disagree with this.

>”You cannot separate 1700 years of continual (from beginning to present) of religious genocide, of the likes and scale never seen anywhere else on Earth with such continued vehemence, coming from not only the highest echelons of power, but throughout the power structure, by an organization that claims divine right of the Hebrew Messiach.”

No, _you_ cannot because you are letting history do your philsophy for you.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


My “philosophy” is not based on history; however, the data points are the data points, and there is a wealth of data showing quite the pattern, from the direct: primary source documents, archeological, ritualistic, and historical evidence, which show a congruent pattern of patently evil existence. The Way was never supposed to be carried out in Churches, ever, specifically because hierarchical organizations, and particularly those of religion, are by far some of the most abominable and corrupt organizations in the world harvested for nefarious purposes, in a measure which far outweighs their benefits. This is especially true for the Cattle Church of Moo Moo and the Ishtarian Orthodox

1700 years of essentially unbroken atrocities of mass genocide, oppression, rape, and intolerance = Organization whose fruits are rotten.

If a tree makes poisonious, rotten fruits, and chokes out all the other plants in the garden and spreads disease to them for 27 fruiting seasons in a row, I’m not inclined to do anything but chop it down.

Moreover, as I explained above (look for the picture of the orbital cross)in what you may or may not understand, as I pointed out above, is that Christianity is a cargo cult of massive porportions, which took some very sofisticated scientific tools that are intermeshed with spirituality, created a supersticious dogmatic sense of nonsense in order to harvest those people’s energy for the beast.

In the scriptures is found everything from Advanced Quantum Mechanics/ QFT to Modified General Relativity. Within that are given Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos and these fools grabbed the keys, and started making everybody eat flesh crackers while they burned them at the stake if they got any ideas about the Earth not being flat, or the stars being like other suns, just far away.

Dragons Hoard Gold

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”My “philosophy” is not based on history”

That isn’t what I said.

>”If a tree makes poisonious, rotten fruits, and chokes out all the other plants in the garden and spreads disease to them for 27 fruiting seasons in a row, I’m not inclined to do anything but chop it down.”

Already addressed.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”To think their propaganda is somehow “the playbook,” (well it is, its their fakery to misdirect fools in their false righteousness.”

Argumentum ad hominem

>”Given what their patterns show, your claim enters the realm of absolute delusion, a sad reality of many cult indoctrinates.”

Argumentum ad hominem

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Saying a murderer is a murder, a liar a liar, and a cult a cult, is not an ad hominum attack. The unfortunate reality of propagating cult mindset in these organizations is an unfortunate, sad reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Saying a murderer is a murder, a liar a liar, and a cult a cult, is not an ad hominum attack. ”

Shifting from ad hominem to tautology.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Still waiting for you to provide a single form of primary source evidence on anything. What you have provided thus far has been sparse, and what is there consistent of a few random, obscure one off quotes from modern, biased church officials, whom you deem “saints.” Maybe something on what Temunah is based on primary source documentary and historical evidence?

Spitting out hollow, misapplied logic terms (it’s not tautology to state that it isn’t ad homonym to rightly point out a murderer as a murderer, it’s an assertion of data veracity) with Latin roots to try and misframe my words, reminds me of the tactic of the immature kid in 6th great debate club that always got mad when he lost. And I hated debate club, and I’m not trying to play poker, debate club, or get grades like my “Fs in the classroom,” (according to you) because this isn’t an all white suburban American middle school, so I would appreciate if you’d provide something of substance if we are to continue.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Still waiting for you to provide a single form of primary source evidence on anything”

I have provided primary sources. I’ve even used the primary sources you’ve provided. I’ve even used you as a primary source. Most of your arguments are readily challenged using only the facts and sources you supply, so there isn’t much point in adding new information.

>”Maybe something on what Temunah is based on primary source documentary and historical evidence?”

Nice try. I quoted you as my source for the definition and you responded by changing your definition. This was all addressed already so, yeah, you’re still dodging.

>”Spitting out hollow, misapplied logic terms”

No, they’re correctly applied.

>”it’s not tautology to state that it isn’t ad homonym to rightly point out a murderer as a murderer, it’s an assertion of data veracity”

You said: “murderer is a murder, a liar a liar, and a cult a cult.” Each is a tautology.

You said: ”Given what their patterns show, your claim enters the realm of absolute delusion, a sad reality of many cult indoctrinates.” This is an ad hominem argument.

>”reminds me of the tactic of the immature kid in 6th great debate club that always got mad when he lost.”

Cool story. Did you like debate club?

>”I hated debate club,”


>”and I’m not trying to play poker, debate club,”

That’s good. I remember you saying you hated debate club.

>”because this isn’t an all white suburban American middle school,”

Racial stereotyping? Interesting choice.

>”so I would appreciate if you’d provide something of substance if we are to continue.”

I don’t expect to convince you of anything.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


It is evident you have no issue with lying, twisting words, and generally using grade school tactics to avoid a deeper discussion of Truth.

A) You have failed to provide any out of church primary sourcing of any kind. Likewise all of your one off quotes are from modernist, obscure sources you call “saints,” and then posited that a single quote from 1992 can be back applied to the history of violence and pagan symbols stretching to pre-320 CE. This is not primary sourcing, it’s a basic lesson in cherry picking in a fit of confirmation bias.

When I tried to have a serious discussion with you regarding the Hebrew words prohibiting idolatry, you showed such a complete lack of will to touch a single Hebrew word of scripture, such is your aversion to it, that you based an entire argument on your own personal and willful miscontruing of a general definition I gave of Temunah, based solely on a highly fallacious broader application of the English word “image,” to letters. Then you gave me “Fs in the classroom.”

I even agree with you, and stated as much, that if people were bowing to, kissing, praying to, blowing incense, asking for salvation and holding mass religious rituals to gold encrusted pictographic letters, it would violate the prohibition on Temunah… you just ignored that and kept on with some argument based on your own biases.

I took the time to clarify my definition to you, and did so by grounding that definition of the word in its scriptural usages, as well as strong, long standing archeological evidence of the historical religious practices of the Aryeh Yehudah, whom wrote all the scriptures. I asked you to show me where there were indications that the definition of Temunah as used in the second commandment would not include gold encrusted portraits used in religious ceremony; that was met with silence and false accusations of me “dodging.”

It has been clear to me from an early juncture, that you have latent psychological issues with your school age period since the start, where you vacillate between a variety of common stereotypes of the setting in children around age 12-14, and your linguistic patterns heavily indicate you are perceptibly mentally recreating a classroom setting for some deeper psychological reason:

1) You call statements you don’t like “outbursts.” This is typical of teachers talking to bad students
2) You claim people “can’t stay on task,” if they say things you don’t like or are afraid to discuss what they show you. Again talking as if you were a teacher in middle school giving a report card to a 12 year old.
3) You gave me “Fs in the classroom,” which sounds like some playground bully remark from a 12 year old.
4) You accuse others of your own weaknesses, a typical strategy of pre teens in debate club of 12-14 year olds.
5) You pretty randomly liken things to poker, using cliches like “you overplayed your hand,” which indicate you were in school when poker was very popular, as it generally is with 14 year olds that like to bet lunch money, although I will never be able to confirm or deny this concretely.
6) You speak in a manner typical of hyperbole of 12 year olds, saying things like others “can’t read.” Again it sounds like the student that had a hard time reading, so then bullies others so as to avoid their own inferiority complex given your difficulties reading.
7) You title yourself a pretty awful, and overtly gross sexual slang term typically found funny only by 14 year olds in the 1990s-2000s.

I could keep going, but I’m going to leave this conversation with you here. I think it may be worthwhile for you to consider where this latent subconscious psychology appearing in your speech patterns is coming, which indicates school age psychological/emotional trauma, and how it may be effecting you in a way which stunts psychological and emotional maturation. Good luck on your journey.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”It is evident you have no issue with lying, twisting words, and generally using grade school tactics to avoid a deeper discussion of Truth.”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”A) You have failed to provide any out of church primary sourcing of any kind.”

Now you’ve added “out of church.” This is goalpost moving. Your statement is also provably false. Your statement is also an appeal to corruption (as opposed to an appeal to authority). Your statement is also a double standard since you will use church documents to condemn churches, but won’t accept those same documents when they provide a defense.

>”Likewise all of your one off quotes are from modernist, obscure sources you call “saints,”

I assume you’re referring to “Wounded by Love.” You can get the book on Amazon for US$30 right now. It has 280 ratings. St. Porphyrios is a popular saint for the Greek Orthodox, in part because died relatively recently in 1991. I call him “Saint” because his church calls him one.

>”and then posited that a single quote from 1992 can be back applied to the history of violence and pagan symbols stretching to pre-320 CE. This is not primary sourcing, it’s a basic lesson in cherry picking in a fit of confirmation bias.”

This is the tricky thing about logic, Gem: have all the data you want, but if the logic is flimsy, the conclusion can’t be trusted.

But this is also the beautiful thing about logic, Gem: if the logic is wrong, it can be seen by anyone who wants to look at it without having to touch the data.

>”When I tried to have a serious discussion with you regarding the Hebrew wordsprohibiting idolatry, you showed such a complete lack of will to touch a single Hebrew word of scripture”

Provably false.

>”such is your aversion to it,”

You could not be more wrong about this.

>”that you based an entire argument on your own personal and willful miscontruing of a general definition I gave of Temunah, based solely on a highly fallacious broader application of the English word “image,” to letters.”

You began with temunah referring to “any Image or Likeness whatsoever” then changed your definition to “specifically being an embodied form such as having eyes and hands and a nose and a mouth, being recognisable as a biological body.”

By your first definition, a symbol (image) or stick figure (likeness) would qualify, as emphasized when you say “whatsoever.” But when I pointed out Hebrew is a pictographic language, you say there needs to be “eyes and hands and a nose and a mouth, being recognisable as a biological body.”

Anyone who is interested in this discussion can search for “reductio ad absurdum” and decide for themselves.

>”I even agree with you, and stated as much, that if people were bowing to, kissing, praying to, blowing incense, asking for salvation and holding mass religious rituals to gold encrusted pictographic letters, it would violate the prohibition on Temunah…you just ignored that and kept on with some argument based on your own biases.”

See above.

>”I took the time to clarify my definition to you, and did so by grounding that definition of the word in its scriptural usages, as well as strong, long standing archeological evidence of the historical religious practices of the Aryeh Yehudah, whom wrote all the scriptures.”

See above.

>”I asked you to show me where there were indications that the definition of Temunah as used in the second commandment would not include gold encrusted portraits used in religious ceremony; that was met with silence and false accusations of me “dodging.”

See above.

>”It has been clear to me from an early juncture, that you have latent psychological issues with your school age period since the start, where you vacillate between a variety of common stereotypes of the setting in children around age 12-14, and your linguistic patterns heavily indicate you are perceptibly mentally recreating a classroom setting for some deeper psychological reason:”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”1) You call statements you don’t like “outbursts.” This is typical of teachers talking to bad students”

I used the word “outburst” one time prior to now. It was when you accused me of downvoting you.

>”2) You claim people “can’t stay on task,” if they say things you don’t like or are afraid to discuss what they show you. Again talking as if you were a teacher in middle school giving a report card to a 12 year old.”

I claimed “people” couldn’t stay on task because “people’s” responses weren’t making strong contact with the arguments “people” were responding to.

>”3) You gave me “Fs in the classroom,” which sounds like some playground bully remark from a 12 year old.”


>”4) You accuse others of your own weaknesses,

Maybe. It would be foolish of me to rule this out completely since our own weaknesses often blind us while simultaneously shaping our perception.

>”a typical strategy of pre teens in debate club of 12-14 year olds.”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”5) You pretty randomly liken things to poker, using cliches like “you overplayed your hand,”

It’s an idiom. It’s even listed in the Cambridge dictionary.

>”which indicate you were in school when poker was very popular, as it generally is with 14 year olds that like to bet lunch money, although I will never be able to confirm or deny this concretely.”

Speaking of weaknesses shaping perception, this psychoanalysis you’re offering me right now is a good example of overplaying your hand. It’s also an argumentum ad hominem.

>”6) You speak in a manner typical of hyperbole of 12 year olds,”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”saying things like others “can’t read.” Again it sounds like the student that had a hard time reading, so then bullies others so as to avoid their own inferiority complex given your difficulties reading.”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”7) You title yourself a pretty awful, and overtly gross sexual slang term typically found funny only by 14 year olds in the 1990s-2000s.”

I’m not sure where you’re getting your definition. “chud” is a catch-all insult for anyone someone doesn’t like or disagrees with.

>”I could keep going”

I don’t doubt this.

>”I think it may be worthwhile for you to consider where this latent subconscious psychology appearing in your speech patterns is coming, which indicates school age psychological/emotional trauma, and how it may be effecting you in a way which stunts psychological and emotional maturation.”

Argumentum ad hominem.

>”Good luck on your journey.”

Thanks. I wish you all the best.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  chud

“Conscience is God’s voice in one’s heart” -Elder Cleopa said, but it is a very common-sensed saying that is commonly understood and used by people that really have a conscience, a clean, moral conscience.

Using and abusing people like those “bad trees” gem and kwon often reffer to (we -you and me – are also aware of) means they no longer listen to the voice of conscience inside their hearts. They shut their “ears “ in order to be able to do their vile things. They chose another master to be the voice within. Claiming to be christians is not the same with being christians.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater is what unfortunately many good people do nowadays because they see the bad trees; their eyes are only set on them. They do so because they are dissapointed, feel betrayed, some are even shocked and therefore they refuse to have anything to do with what the bad trees “claim” to do.
To these people, good people I say: Claiming is not being! Take a good look at the baby in the water. Keep the baby, throw the water. To these people I say – take a good look at the life and works, the fruit of Nectarios of Aegina, Paisios, Porphirius (“s” included – it is greek, while in romanian is Nectarie, Paisie, Porfirie). They are orthodox saints.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Some might have a problem with “Iesous” and some or the same with “saints” and some or the same with “icons”. If so, I have no problem if they would rather use “Yeshua”/ “Iesou”( no “s” included), “righteous” Nectarios, Paisios, and “representations that remind us of those that became Christ-like and point to the glory of God”.
To some I say:
– words as symbols and also “pictures” as symbols can be used both ways;
– Mythological figures (unreal, fantasy figures) are not the same with historically proven figures;
– gold/en, silver, red, blue, white and black are not patented for and by gods. Black and white floor tiles are not patented by and for masonry. One can also use them to floor the toilet floor, the balcony floor and still be a christian, a good tree. Also “red”= royalty, blood, passion, love. “Blue”= royalty, sky. “White”= purity….
– how many gods are there in hinduism and symbols attached to them? Are we supposed to read and study hindu sacred texts (in this life) to make sure we avoid the many, many symbols they use for their gods? Are we to study all myths and mithologies of the nations to avoid using the symbols they used? … There will always be a “fish” that means smth else somewhere wlse; there will always be a “lion”(satan) and a lion (Jesus/Yeshua). There will always be a “shepherd” (Tammuz, the fictional shepherd of SHEEP and Yeshua/Jesus – the real figure, a shepherd of men), a fictional “tau cross”, a fictional death and resurrection of Tammuz brought to life by his lover (who was reffered to as the goddess of s*x) and the real cross, and the real death and resurrection of the Son of God for the sins of humankind.

The list is very, very long.

I would conclude with this picture of masons, rapist FALSE clergy, movie stars, music idols, all the big names in entertainment, politicians, satanists spitting on the cross, mocking Christ and His mother. They all have this in common, and except satanists who proudly say they are satanists, all the others do not openly admit they are satanists but they do the same things – raping, murdering, using and abusing … and mocking Jesus, mocking and spitting the cross! Why? Because they and the evil inside them hate Jesus and the cross!

Claiming is not being!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>”words as symbols and also “pictures” as symbols can be used both ways;”

I agree. The Orthodox and Catholic theology on icons is straightforward. The prohibition against images described in Deuteronomy is understood to be premised on the fact that no images had yet been seen. Once Christ became man, an image had been seen: “and the one who sees me sees the one who sent me.” (John 12:45) Therefore the prohibition is lifted. It would be idolatry if they were bowing to the wood and the paint, but that’s not what they’re doing. To understand it that way would be like arguing that the name of the Messiah has no meaning and is just a sound.

>”– gold/en, silver, red, blue, white and black are not patented for and by gods. Black and white floor tiles are not patented by and for masonry. One can also use them to floor the toilet floor, the balcony floor and still be a christian, a good tree. Also “red”= royalty, blood, passion, love. “Blue”= royalty, sky. “White”= purity….”

Right, we should be careful with symbols. Saying “It’s pagan!” falls into the trap @JBL summarized so well: “These accusations of paganism in Christianity depend on the hidden premise that paganism is a creative force in the world.”

Another way to view it is that if we go far enough back in time, we will find that all symbols must have their origins in something God created because evil creates nothing, i.e. is not creative, and is only derivative.

If we don’t accept that, then maybe we should all shield our eyes when see a rainbow in the sky since the LGBTQ movement has adopted it as their own!

>”Claiming is not being!”

Yes. And if we see someone claim something that doesn’t appear to be, we should understand what they’re claiming and who they are before we reject both based on just one.

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

-> “ @JBL summarized so well”

He also said smth that addresses many claims-to-be-truth here: “ Christianity conquered paganism, it did not adopt it”
…I couldn’t agree more!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

>“Conscience is God’s voice in one’s heart” -Elder Cleopa said, but it is a very common-sensed saying that is commonly understood and used by people that really have a conscience, a clean, moral conscience.”

You are right: we have to follow our conscience, but we also must form and strengthen our conscience to make sure we are aligned with God’s will. St. Athanasius could endure multiple excommunications because he was aligned with God. He knew that, as you’ve said, what was being claimed was different from what is.

Last edited 1 year ago by chud
1 year ago
Reply to  chud

-> “… but we also must form and strengthen our conscience to make sure we are aligned with God’s will. ”

I fully agree! That’s when claiming is being!

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

>”the Vatican is the single wealthiest institution on the planet. How do you justify that?”

I don’t.

>”How does an ‘institution of God’ accumulate trillions of dollars of wealth and still remain holy?”

The church is understood to be holy, the people who occupy positions of authority in it are not guaranteed to be.

Last edited 1 year ago by chud
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Orthodoxy is not compatible with masonry. It rejects it. What you serve me and chud again and again is the “wolf in the sheep cloth” case. But the wolf is an intruder in the Church the same way a real wolf is an intruder in a sheepfold. He might be in the Church but he is not of the Church.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Except your patriarchs and high priests are all masons…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Except your patriarchs and high priests are all masons…”

Which argues against your point at least as much as it argues for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

When you say “all”, do you really mean “most of them” or “some”?! Because you have created the precedent. If it is ALL what you really mean can you give SOME proof that ALL the patriarchs and high priests are masons? …because I can give you a long list of SOME that are not.

I also don’t think you have paid enough attention to what @chud said. …he has made some very common-sensed observations.

“ …billions and billions of people who have CLAIMED to practice them. “ (catholicism, orthodoxy)

“ you act as if the problems you’ve found are isolated to the adherents of these religions.

You are implying that they happened because of their religions only. Really? Politics means nothing? Economics? No other pressures? …you overlook the fact that the actions you outline are specifically against the theology of these religions.

…You take no consideration of the plots by groups such as the communists, CIA, masons, etc to infiltrate the both the Orthodox and Catholic churches across their 2000 years of existence.
One could easily argue that the mere targeting of these churches shows that they are counter to the projects of the infiltrators.”

And no! The those mason patriarchs and those mason high priests are not my patriarchs and my high priests.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


Again it is my error to say all. It is better said “a great number, heavily concentrated among those that have authority and power in the hierarchy, but also a very great many in the lower rungs.”

The organizations have for the greater to part of a millennia (and actually from the very start) a deeply seeded connection, cooperation and joint membership between their “fathers” and with the masons/templars/Illuminati (insert public branding here) etc. only every so often making a purge and having them change names and banners when necessary to keep the ruse going, or protect the authority of the church power structure.

It might be of use to go look over the passages which refer to “the builders.” It goes back many thousands of years. They founded your church.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

No, it is supposed to reprezent St.Matrona of Moscow. Stalin here is just a fraudulent presence. This intrusion makes it a painting, not an icon. The painters of such images most usually want to meet the needs of a local community which is most likely ultra-nationalistic. And there are others with Lenin too. The same thing.

There are schismatic tendencies involved in paintings like this. And I can show you many others. The controversial figures (Stalin, Lenin) cannot and will never have any ecclesiastical approval. The “iconography” is often enriched with motifs which are unknown in traditional icon painting.

You also forgot something important to mention: Stalin did play a huge role in the destruction of the Church in the 1930s. He was responsible for the persecution and near-destruction of the Church as a social entity during the ‘30s, with tens of thousands of priests, monks and nuns dismissed, imprisoned or killed, and many churches shut down, destroyed or converted into museums and warehouses.

“Gugal” did play a heavy trick on you, or your search is heavily bad intented and sellective. The Church slamms paintings like this one here. The image cannot be counted as an icon firstly because it verges on blasphemy.
”It is about “pseudo-religious views being imposed on the Church.”, the Church says. Also, this particular “icon’s”presence in a local church led to the dismissal of the priest who had hung it up, you should know this.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

>”Here below, look at this very nice picture of the “Queen of Heaven,” blessing Stalin! Gotta bless each and everyone of those mass murderers!!”

@crisspf is right, Gem, you can’t let an image search do your Orthodox theology of icons for you, especially if you can’t even identify the Saint properly. (I’d have thought someone so interested in symbols and so “well versed” in Orthodox theology would be above these sorts of mistakes!)

But maybe this is a good opportunity to test your theory. Print this picture out, mount it on some wood and take it to a canonical Orthodox church in communion with Moscow and see what happens when you try to get it blessed by the priest.

Last edited 1 year ago by chud
1 year ago
Reply to  chud


1 year ago
Reply to  chud


Some books to get you started:

On the True Histroy and Reality of Popery and the Mathematics of Scripture

The Computation of 666 and Its Relation to Antichristian Systems, But Having Reference to a Person (

The first is the original book which covers the fairly extensive and well primary sourced history of the reality of Gentile “Christianity,” and the terribly pagan origins of the infallbile solar popery masquerading as the mouth of Yeshua, but whom loves Zeus. Damasus really liked blood sacrifices. It also covers extensively the basic mathematics found in scripture which you ignore fully.

The second link is an “illiterate” protestant who read the bible so well he figured it out for himself, and then makes videos that make it easier for normal people to understand this book, which is written by an Aryeh Yehudah and is thus somewhat complex. He’s not what I would call an intellectual giant, and it serves as proof that just as you say, everything in the Bible is accessible to all people, even if it means you might have to actually try to learn something involving math and science rather than how to kiss statues and blow incense.

On the True Histrory and Reality of Popery and the Mathematics of Scripture so you can stop spouting propagandistic fantasy

When you’ve finished these, let me know and I’ll give you more.

P.S. here’s one on how the church was highly NASI loving and helped them escape with the german treasury after WWII.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thanks for the book recommendations, Gem, I will add these to my pile. If you do offer more reading suggestions in the future and I do accept, it would be great if you spared all the bluster.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

😂 and you say you don’t write fairy-tales.
All your repertoir until now resembles a lot to this game some kids play when they are told to create a story starting from a single word. ( to CREATE a story; not to tell THE story).
You don’t even realise anymore how absurd your “etymological” analyses are. (I say “etymological” because everytime someone has a certain opinion, other than yours, you become offensive and sellective to make it fit your fabulation.

-> “ We can track through thousands of sources, across thousands of years and multiple continents, how the term “Pyr” and it’s variants like “fyr” “fire, “phara,” etc all relate to fire. The term for fire in Hebrew is quite literally “Ash,” just like the Assuras of India, fire deities and just like the term for the black soot of fire in English, Ash. The connections are profound.”

You have some logic here, yet you abandon the logic when it suits you and call Jesus an impostor, the G-zeus or who knows what other crap. The same with Bathsheba, catholic, Mary -mother of Jesus etc.

The premise of your arguments regarding Jesus/Iesous/Iisus (for you G-zeus) with some variations, is:

– it is impossible to ‘translate’ a name from one language to another. Therefore, the Savior’s name has to remain in its Hebrew form.
– The name Iesous (the Greek form of the name of Yeshuaʿ) did not even exist before the crucifixion; it was invented by the Romans (or the Jews. Or the Catholic Church. Or Constantine
– Iesous is a pagan Greek name.
– Iesous has nothing to do etymologically with the Hebrew name Yeshuaʿ.
– Yeshuaʿ has a meaning in Hebrew, but Iesous does not mean anything in Greek.
– Iesous was fabricated by an enemy of the faith and means ‘Behold the horse!’ Or maybe ‘a pig’ or ‘Hail, Zeus’ or some such thing.
– The use of Iesous or Jesus or other forms is a plot by the Vatican to blaspheme God and the Savior. If you use that form, you have fallen into their trap and are apostate.
– Greek or Latin names are by definition polluted with paganism; therefore, the Lord could not have the name Iesous.
– If you claim to follow Jesus, then you cannot be saved, because there is ‘no other name by which we can be saved’ except for Yeshuaʿ.
This line of thinking is rife with historical and linguistic errors, and is logically self-contradictory. It fails to explain how the name Iesous could be applied over 1270 times to the Lord in the New Testament, let alone in all the literature of the early church, without a single exception.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

1. “It is impossible to ‘translate’ a name from one language to another.” FALSE!

The example that always come up is, “George Bush is George Bush all around the world! You wouldn’t say ‘Jorge Bush,’ because names cannot change!” Well, let’s retire this claim from the outset: two minutes with Google reveals that George H. W. Bush is sometimes called Jorge in Spanish,Giorgio in Italian,and with the French form Georges. In fact, names can change from one language to another. We could multiply examples: Why do the Italians call the king of France Luigi XIV, but the Spaniards say he is Luis XIV? Why don’t they say Louis XIV, like the French do? In English why do they say Christopher Columbus; in Spanish Cristóbal Colón? Why don’t they say it the right, Italian, way, Cristoforo Colombo? Why do we say that the Russian Tsar was named Ivan, when everyone knows the correct form of that name is Иван?
It is spelling and adaptation from one language to another.

2. “Iesous (the Greek form of the name of Yeshuaʿ) did not exist before the crucifixion; it was invented by the Romans (or the Jews? Or the Catholic Church? Or Constantine?)” FALSE!

There is this program called Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG), which is a digital database that allows one to look up all of the 10,000 Greek texts, from the earliest writings through AD 1453. It can be used to used to put together a concordance of every single reference to the name Iesous in ancient Greek writings. If the horse, Horus, or “Hail, Zeus!” theories were true, then we would expect the data to show that the name wasn’t used before around AD 30.
Instead, what do we find? More than 30 pre-New Testament references men, always Jewish, not Gentile, named Iesous.

The name Iesous ( ̓Ιησοῦς, pronounced yay-SOOS) first appears in the literature of the third century BC, specifically, in the Septuagint (abbreviated as LXX). The earliest appearance of the LXX was a translation of the Pentateuch from the Hebrew into koine Greek. The rabbis who carried out the version were expert in the Hebrew Scriptures, fluent in Greek; they rendered the name Joshua as Iesous.

Are we really to believe that every time the rabbi-approved Jewish translation of the Old Testament mentions Joshua ben Nun, it is attacking him as a horse or Horus or pig or Hail, Zeus?

Let’s look at other Jewish men named Iesous. According to the traditional account, two of the 72 translators of the Septuagint were named Iesous (Letter of Aristeas 48-49a). One assumes that Iesous and Iesous knew how their own names should be spelled when they put together the new Greek translation! In fact, in the Septuagint, a whole book of the Bible is named “Iesous Naue” (Joshua of Nun), our book of Joshua.

The TLG database identifies plenty of other men, every one Jewish, named Iesous in texts written by Jewish authors of the Second Temple period. The Jewish book Ben Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus, 2nd century BC) was written by a man named Yeshua in Hebrew and Iesous in the Greek translation.

All to say that Jewish theologians of the day knew to render the Hebrew name Yeshuaʿ as Iesous, and found it a perfectly acceptable and very Jewish name.

The evidence of the Jewish historian Josephus matches what we possess from those earlier sources. In his Antiquities of the Jews (written in the AD 90s) he used the name Iesous about 126 times. As a Jew who was bi- or trilingual, and who probably knew dozens of men with that name, Josephus undoubtedly knew that the conventional Greek way of writing Yeshuaʿ was Iesous.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


The name in Greek is:

Ἰησοῦ = “Yesou” which is the greek phonetic for “Yeshu” or “Yeshua”

not G-Zues. This spelling occurs throughout Revelations.The S on the end of names in Greek is just the nominative case, it would be a*s if your name appeared as:

Criss’s house

And now 2000 years later we called you Crisses forever.

Its silly and its a very clever trick they used to replace the True HaShem, the name, with the imposter of Zues. Just as you call YHWH “Dios/Deus” or “Gad” or “Bog.” which are all names for Zues the illuminator. Why don’t you use YHWH? I really don’t understand where in scripture it says we are supposed to use the name of Zues in every language to refer to the creator?

The pattern is pretty obvious linguistically.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

-> “ Ἰησοῦ = “Yesou” which is the greek phonetic for “Yeshu” or “Yeshua”

not G-Zues. This spelling occurs throughout Revelations.The S on the end of names in Greek is just the nominative case, it would be a*s if your name appeared as: Criss’s house”

Some might just strongly disagree your analysis here:

A. In Greek, when someone wishes to label (the technical term is “inflect”) a word as a masculine noun, it adds an “s” sound, the Greek letter sigma (ς), at the end.

Inflection happens in most languages. In English we usually mark plural nouns with an “s” (store to stores, boy to boys). Hebrew too marks its nouns: many single feminine nouns end with “ah” (berakah, ishshah, Sarah, mishpachah); masculine plurals often end with “im” (kerubim). By the way, it’s Rebeca, Sara, Lea, Dina, Batşeba (Bathsheba) when transliterated in romanian.

Very simply, names in Greek are inflected (NOT perverted, not distorted!) by adding an “s” sound (the letter sigma, or ς) at the end. That’s why so many names of Greek males end with an “s” sound: Zeus, Hades, Ares, Hercules, Achilles, Theseus; Socrates, Aristotles, Alexandros (Alexander the Great), Herodotus – you can observe there is this vowel at the end of the word that requires a strong consonant, “s” If you look at names in the Septuagint, many Jewish names add a sigma at the end: Mosheh (Moses) becomes Mouses, Ezra becomes Esdras, Isaiah becomes Esaios, Jeremiah becomes Ieremias, Jonah becomes Ionas, Zephaniah becomes Sophonias. Do you still claim that these names all were vandalized by being represented with Greek letters, or made to sound like a horse, or Zeus? In the New Testament, John the Baptist goes from being Yehohonan to Ioannes, his father is Zacharias; the Jewish priest Qayapha becomes Caiaphas; among the followers of Jesus, Kepha (Peter) changes to Kephas (Cephas), Iakov (James) to Iakobos (“b” because there is no “v” sound in Greek!); Barnabas picks up a final “s.” Yeshuaʿ too takes a final “s.” This is the normal, natural, no-cause-for-panic way that languages work.

B. Again, anyone who studies both languages knows that when words are transcribed from Hebrew to Greek, the “sh” sound (the Hebrew letter shin, שׁ) is written out as an “s” sound. Yeshuaʿ is spelled with the letter shin in Hebrew, but Greek does not have that sound and so it substitutes sigma (σ or ς). There are plenty of paralells in other languages: making a Greek speaker say “sh” would be like asking an English speaker to use the French guttural “r” or trill the “rr” as Spanish does – the “receptor” language does not accommodate it, and so something else is substituted. To give a parallel example, the Spanish letter ñ does not exist in English – that’s why in school the teacher said that the name of Columbus’s first caravel was The Nina (NEE-nuh), whereas its actual name was La Niña (NEEN-yah). It’s a technicality, and unless someone is a professor of 15th-century explorers, it doesn’t matter much how you pronounce it.
Thus: the Hebrew name for Joshua, Yeshuaʿ, (A) adds an “s” sound at the end and (B) swaps the “sh” sound for “s”, and thus it becomes…Iesous. In the case of the apostle Paul, the same two rules apply: Sha’ul in the Hebrew becomes Saulos (Σαῦλος) in the Greek.
These are the normal rules from transliterating a name from the Hebrew to the Greek.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I gave you an explanation. I am waiting for the approval.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

In the meanwhile… You might have a look at this. I will copy-paste it so that you won’t miss a thing (these are very reasonable, common sensed explanations) … and also for the good jokes. You need to de-tense a bit.
I also already know @chud will agree the observations for the same reasons and that he has a good sense of humour.

“There is ‘no other name by which we can be saved’ except for Yeshuaʿ.” FALSE!

This is not simply about words, but about pastoral care: these off-the-wall legends about the name of Iesous become toxic at the point when people preach, “Unless you say the sacred name as I do, then you cannot be saved, because every time you say Iesous (or Jesus, or Jesús, or whatever of its hundred forms), you are committing blasphemy and maybe even damning your soul.”

Why is this problematic?

First of all, let’s be clear on something: whenever someone writes a blog in English and says we must use the name “Yeshuaʿ” – spelling it out in Roman letters, Latin letters, as in the Roman church! – then neither is that person writing out Yeshuaʿ as originally written. They write Messiah with two esses, which just isn’t right! They too are falling short and by their own lights and should, I suppose, expect to come to grief in the final judgment.

Second, when Peter tells the Sanhedrin that “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12), he probably spoke to them in Aramaic. Nevertheless, the author of the book of Acts composed this account in Greek, and used the name Iesous in this account, with no footnote telling the reader to please not pronounce the name in the form that he had just written it. In addition, “name” in this verse is a Hebraism. It means “in the authority of” and “on behalf of”; it doesn’t mean “pronouncing it just so.” Paul exorcises the demon from the Philippian slave girl “in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 16:18) – Paul preaching in the local dialect, koine Greek, and Acts recording that Iesous was the form of the name Paul used. Confronted with the Lord’s power, no demon can smirk and say, “Hah! You pronounced the name with an ‘s’ not an ‘sh,’ so I’m just going to stay put!”

Third, one person after another claims that you have to pronounce the name exactly, precisely, as it is in Hebrew – but between them they have nothing like a consensus on which is the true pronunciation. Here are the forms I have seen trumpeted as THE ONE TRUE NAME; there are probably others:

on so on.

By the way, they are all spelled and pronounced differently in the Hebrew, that is, they are not the same name. By my count, people who insist on one and only one of the above names have about a 1 out of 13 chance of escaping condemnation. Of these, Yeshua actually exists in the Hebrew Scriptures, also Yehoshua; the others are made-up forms, from people who don’t know Hebrew, or perhaps who have seen the light through mystic study or “revelations” or rewriting the name through their own sketchy experiments with Strong’s Concordance.

In fact, the idea that the pronunciation of the Lord’s name must be precisely, scientifically, exactly pronounced in this way and not the other is a sign that people misunderstand what we are doing when we call on the name of the Lord. They are treating the divine name as if it were a fetish, a magical formula. In magic, you must pronounce the name exactly right, or the whole thing might blow up in your face! Thus the Sacred Name Movement has become a Magical Name Movement. Interestingly, we have many magical papyri from the first century and onward, where pagan and Jewish magicians used the name Iesous in order to heal or drive out demons as an abracadabra, a power word. The sons of Sceva made the same goof in Acts 19:13 when they tried to cast out a demon “in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches.” Their error lay not in how they pronounced Iesous – they used the same pronunciation that Paul used with the Macedonian girl – but in the disgraceful way they tried to exploit his name for profit.

Fourth, even if people agree that his name is Yeshuaʿ, it is amazing how many Messianic believers mispronounce it. In the case of the final vowel patach, they do the typical English thing and slur (the technical word is “reduce”) the final sound into a shwa (ᵊ), the short “uh” sound, when the Hebrew sound is “ah”; and secondly, they mispronounce the first syllable as “Yeh” when it must be “Yay” (Yay-SHOO-ah is correct). And hardly anyone authentically pronounces the final letter of Yeshuaʿ (ayin, ע, in Hebrew, represented by the superscript ʿ), which has a deep guttural sound, the sort of gagging noise you make when the doctor puts a tongue depressor down your throat. In light of their own standards, can Sacred Name sectarians be really certain that Lord hears and understands them when they pray with such sloppy diction? And if someone wants to say, “Well, it doesn’t matter so much, since in English we don’t have the ayin sound!” – then isn’t this falling back on what the Greek Bible does when it changes the shin sound? If this justification holds for one Hebrew letter, then certainly we can apply it to another.

In short, Yeh-SHOO-uh with no guttural at the end strays as far from the “original” pronunciation of Yeshuaʿ as Iesous does!

I likewise run into Messianic believers who consistently mispronounce the divine title “Adonai” (the “d” should sound like the “th” in “though,” not be hard as in “dough”). Does the Lord hear them when they slip in a hard “d”?

Well, of course, the Lord is so wise and powerful and caring, that he understands us when we pray, and is not confused by insignificant pronunciation differences. To say otherwise is to reduce him to a god like Baal: we would have to shout louder to make him understand us (see 1 Kings 18:27).

Fifth, like you, I believe in a God who is the Lord of all nations and all languages, as the Bible clearly tells us: “because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5:9). The Lamb of God will not bar you from his chosen people even if your language does not have an “sh” sound.

It is when you insist that only you and your friends, with your special-genuine-historically-right pronunciation, will see God’s blessing, or worse, can enter the kingdom, that your group has become weird, sectarian, cult-like. You have set up the ultimate Shibboleth, shutting the door to the kingdom to those who cannot or do not pronounce a shin, just as when Jephthah slaughtered his enemies in Judges 12:4-6 –

4 Jephthah then called together the men of Gilead and fought against Ephraim. The Gileadites struck them down because the Ephraimites had said, “You Gileadites are renegades from Ephraim and Manasseh.” 5 The Gileadites captured the fords of the Jordan leading to Ephraim, and whenever a survivor of Ephraim said, “Let me cross over,” the men of Gilead asked him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” If he replied, “No,” 6 they said, “All right, say ‘Shibboleth.’” If he said, “Sibboleth,” because he could not pronounce the word correctly, they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan. Forty-two thousand Ephraimites were killed at that time.
If you “slay” the righteous people of God by insisting on your own pronunciation, rejecting a form that the Holy Spirit approved 1230 times in the New Testament alone, you are committing a slaughter infinitely worse than that against the Ephraimites. You are telling God’s children with their slight lisp that they “don’t talk good enough” to merit his mercy.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


This is more kult indoctrination junk, with essentially zero scriptural basis. I’m a bit miffed at the whole “well American messianic Jews (Which is just another cult), can’t really speak Hebrew so nobody can!” It’s a logical fallacy of common ignorance making ignorance acceptable.

Equally you’re beating a straw man, as I never said have ever thought the phrase/idea “you may be saved by no other name than Yeshua.”

I tried to explain a very specific scientific concept: that words have signature frequencies, and that these monsters have linguistically encoded, in a consistent and widespread patter, for you to be calling upon Satan, and in particular the names of Zeus the illuminator, when you believe you are calling upon YHWH. You seem simply to just ignore the significant evidence of this.

The English “god” appears in Isiah 65:11 as a well known epithet for Ba’al who is Satan.

The Latin Dios is unequivocally the name for Zeus

The Cyrillic Bog is also an ancient shamanistic pagan deity of duality and electricity

Alla means “There is no Alohim.” In Semitic

They have systematically made it so that the name for Yeshua in many languages around the world, is the pronounciatiob of the letter G, for the G of freemasonry which is Gad (the illuminator Baal in Hebrew) followed by “Zeus.”

You’re missing the point. Im trying to show you how deeply and nefarious Pt this pattern of linguistic coding runs.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’d also suggest you take a look at the original text this kult material quoted from Acts, in which the name appears as:

Ἰησοῦ = “Yeshou” or “Yesou,”

depending on the accent/dialect of the speaker, although it’s silly to even discuss which dialect he may have spoken, because Kephar was an unlettered villager (Kephar means villager, or “without sacrifice.” In Hebrew, literally referencing someone non-priestly) who spoke Aramaic.

As it appears in the text “Yesou/Yeshu” is a Greek phonetic transliteration of Yeshua, and does not have the nominative case S, which is used now in all the ways of speaking about G Zeus.

Again you have copy and pasted nonsense church indoctrination material, that uses no scripture, and the little it does it utterly blasphemes by claiming that because modern American Kult Messianics (equally evil stuff), don’t properly speak Aryeh Yehudah, we’ll then nobody does… a race to the bottom of ignorance. Satan speaks softly as he convinces you of his nice lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


It should be a huge red flag to you, not a badge of honor, that not a single early church writing regarding the Hebrew Messiach, is found extant today in Hebrew/Aramaic. Not one, as you pointed out.

Strange isn’t it?

1 year ago
Reply to  chud

Also true!

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

->“… hit her on the head and drag her into his rape cave” – I didn’t say that.

-> “ It does not say he had his four soldiers go to her, hit her on the head and drag her into his rape cave, you’re inventing fantasy.He asked about a woman he later marries.”

Right! That was courtship!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


The texts don’t say she was raped at all. They don’t say she was forced. It says plainly, he had people ask who she was and they report her name and familial affiliation.

You also seem to ignore and not address they were married and bore four children together over a much longer period , including David’s heir. Where’s the rape narrative in his wife and mother of 4 of his children? Doesn’t make sense…

This story is told as a warning towards committing adultery with someone else’s wife, as per the death of their first born, much like what occurred in Kemet for disobeying the commands of YHWH. It’s not about rape, as you have fancifully imagined.

It is disturbing you make excuses for mass serial killers when it involves purported (only rumours) of infidelity, yet grossly condemn sexual infidelity through a false rape narrative. Serial killing, and sleeping around, are not at all the same.

What you are doing is exactly what the scriptures warn of: in the words of Yeshua, he commands we are to forgive and not murder adulterers (by stoning, rather than boiling), yet you excuse this murder by a rumoured infidelity! You indeed defend the direct violation of the commandments and the words of Yeshua himself for a murderer.

Do you not see you are choosing Ba-Ra-Abban, a murderer and thief over Yeshua?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

3/5s of this is a good post.

>”The texts don’t say she was raped at all. They don’t say she was forced.”

You and crisspf aren’t disagreeing on this point.

>”You also seem to ignore and not address they were married and bore four children together over a much longer period , including David’s heir. Where’s the rape narrative in his wife and mother of 4 of his children? Doesn’t make sense…”

Uriah had been murdered and Bathsheba was now living in the palace with the King. Perhaps she had a pragmatic streak.

>”This story is told as a warning towards committing adultery with someone else’s wife, as per the death of their first born,”

I don’t think I’ve seen @crisspf disagree with this either, unless you mean to say “This story is told _only_ as a warning…”

>”It is disturbing you make excuses for mass serial killers…”


1 year ago
Reply to  chud


What do you call it when someone says adultery is an appropriate context to justify boiling your wife alive?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


When I see it, I’ll let you know.

1 year ago

they blacked out DeSantis like this today on yt. 😒

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

Got a link handy?