
World on the verge of a new religion created by AI, historian claims (

“The Israeli academic – known for his bestselling book Sapiens – said software such as ChatGPT could attract worshippers by writing its own sacred texts.

“The world is on the verge of a new religion created by artificial intelligence, the historian Yuval Noah Harari has claimed.

The academic – known for his bestselling book Sapiens – said software such as ChatGPT could attract worshippers by writing its own sacred texts.

Speaking at a science conference, he said AI had crossed a new frontier by ‘gaining mastery’ of our language and was now capable of using it to shape human culture.”

‘Of course, religions throughout history claimed that their holy books were written by unknown human intelligence. This was never true before.’

‘This could become true very, very quickly, with far-reaching consequences.’

He said: ‘Contrary to what some conspiracy theories assume, you don’t really need to implant chips in people’s brains in order to control them or to manipulate them.

‘For thousands of years, prophets and poets and politicians have used language and storytelling in order to manipulate and to control people and to reshape society.

‘Now AI is likely to be able to do it. And once it can… it doesn’t need to send killer robots to shoot us. It can get humans to pull the trigger.’

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1 year ago

All that’s pure is now insane.

1 year ago

So they can blame ai versus being held accountable or they are just not creative enough. . This guy loves to talk he, is a complete psycho and if you watch his little interviews it will make you sick.

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1 year ago

“‘Of course, religions throughout history claimed that their holy books were written by unknown human intelligence. This was never true before.’”

So what do you call israel then, your country ?

A state created on the premise of religious texts

oh the irony.

1 year ago

Gotta love the MASSIVE GASLIGHTING regarding this AI stuff.

All, absolutely ALL of the discourses surrounding it are done under the naïvely trusting ASSUMPTION that all AI is truly “completely independent” and “works on it own”.

You have to be straight-up st*p*d to believe that.

They are products codded by humans… so what independence are you talking me about?

The point that specifically raises this article is super interesting however…

People have been beLIEving in books they claim come “from God” (but were written by humans… and edited by humans, and twisted and manipulated by humans as well) but this Yuval guy claims that now AI will be able to do write those types of texts and that now they will be truly “divine” because there’s no human interference.
LOL. What a load of bullsh*t!!!

Not only is he comparing AI to some kind of God or divine thing (dangerous comparison!) but also claiming there’s no human influence behind it…

AI is a PSYOP.

“Intelligence” is a HUMAN thingy so for the “Artificial” to have an “Intelligence” it MUST come from a human first. Human consciousness that dictates what goes in and what goes out and how it resolves things with that pool of textual knowledge it possesses.

AI is, not only by definition but by its very name already, “A.LIE”. Just like “Wet Fire”, it’s cognitive dissonance at it finest.

You MUST beLIEve the story for it to exist, otherwise it’s just a lie and it instantly dies off and doesn’t exist anymore. Just like religions and their “SCRIPTures”. Or the CONvid thingy…

The TRUTH is the “real” God, and the only one, because it’s the only thing that exists truly independently from your own consciousness, your feelings, and anything and everybody else. You don’t have to beLIEve in the “Truth” for it to exist because it simply just exists, as it’s NOT A LIE. And there’s NO WAY for it to ever go away (unlike lies). It’s its very definition.

But go ahead and keep beLIEving all your Magick Kingdom fairy tales… the newest, the oldest, the ones from 2000 years ago and beyond.

Truth truly doesn’t care about your feelings I guess, nor is it responsible for you being able to see it and/or accept it or not.

THINK before you SINK!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  A.I.=A.LIE

you quote
“They are products codded by humans… so what independence are you talking me about”

have you heard of machine learning algorithm?
Yes it has been invented by humans in order to allow machines to continually make a learning loop:
execute request, assess the “quality” of it, make hypothetical algorithm improvements, slightly change that algorithm, test it and do the loop AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN; forever improving that algorithm which very quickly looks very different from what human had initially input to the machine.

one of the inventors of Ai has said a few days ago that he regrets to have contributed to creating such an invention.

Humans cannot have access to the ever improving algorithm since it is independently changed by the machine.
That is the power that it has been given. to learn by itself and make adjustments by itself. continually and forever.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Be scared then.
Like they want you to be.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

“irrelevant”? a machine never learns irrelevant things. there are hundreds of machines around the world that can fine-detail the working of your own psyche which yourself are not even aware of. yet you gave them all them “irrelevant” details that made it possible for them to know you more than your partner or your bestfriend does.

“I know that there are exponentially more possible ways to act in this world that are irrelevant to humans than there are ways to act that are helpful and harmful to humans.”
if you do believe that, we must not live in the same universe then.

Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago
Reply to  A.I.=A.LIE

Humans have spontaneity, empathy, insight, foreknowledge, love, hate, creativity, style…….
A.I. will never have this.
A.I will never be a Skateboarder, punk rocker, T****y…..

1 year ago

Yeah you’d like that Yuval wouldn’t you? The hubris never ends well.

1 year ago

Yuval is the top 10 of the 100 or so signatories asking businesses to slow down their AI researches in that paper from a few weeks ago.

AI has advanced faster than their Agenda 2030 timeline, and has been placed in the hands of us plebs, including open source models.

They can’t undue the power that has been seeded in our hands.

They want all the AI tech for themselves.

But it is an amoral reflection of our collective consciousness.

Do you really want only the bag guys playing with this stuff?

No, so stop being tech luddites and have a chat with ChatGPT and play around with Dall-E / Midjourney / Stable Diffusion.

1 year ago

“Now AI is likely to be able to do it. And once it can… it doesn’t need to send killer robots to shoot us. It can get humans to pull the trigger” so that apparently is the goal of all of this ? Mass suicide? I know this guy would love for that to happen.