
Weird throwback photo of rapper Drake from his Degrassi days..

I find this photo of rap sensation Drake VERY odd.   

it unsettles me and creeps me out actually.

the “dummy” or whatever that thing is, is dressed in the same clothing and throwing up devil horns… so telling. makes me sick!

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1 year ago

I watched that show when I was younger. It was very ‘teen angsty’.

1 year ago

It was always that way and got worse as time progressed. Back in the 80s America didn’t want the original Degrassi on because they thought it was too much especially when they had a 6th grader get pregnant as a storyline.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

That 555 is 111 short of 666 🙂 just saying

1 year ago

Yeah. The “6 god” has been weird for a long time…

1 year ago

He looks sad or scared. The kid in the middle looks drugged. Really weird.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunMom

Yeah I agree he doesn’t look too happy there. He claimed he was made to work because his mom was sick at the time but I think it was a cover up and it was the beginning of him being trained to become an industry slave.

1 year ago

Very gay.

1 year ago

Say what you want about Drake but I like his Coffee Cakes.

tess mass
tess mass
1 year ago

he’s always talking about how, “none of this is random” and “his stardom was planned”, lol. Warren Buffet was at his Bar mitzvah, as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  tess mass

They said that other then the show at the time he was getting trained in music. Music had to have been the main goal because it makes the most money.

1 year ago
Reply to  tess mass

What?! Warren Buffett at Drake’s Bar Mitzvah? I’m surprised. No. Really…

Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
27 days ago
Reply to  tess mass

At his Bar mitzvah? how on earth did those two cross paths? I am surprise that he made those two statements because his whole modus operandi was to try and downplay his background later on by saying that his mother was sick, had MS and mental issues meaning she couldn’t and in spite of living in an upper middle class neighbourhood, they were barely surviving! and therefore poor.

Somebody even tried to say that Degrassi didn’t pay him enough. I can only assume that the person is American because hun, the man was receiving around $60K CAD per year (in todays money as of 2024) That is good enough money for a 14 year old and is above the average middle class income in Canada. Plus his mother was a teacher. They are hardly poor!

tess mass
tess mass
1 year ago

so Drake is MK’d?

1 year ago

He looks like obama

Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
27 days ago
Reply to  Theylie

Even the smile! eerie.

1 year ago

I’d get a punch in the face from my friends if I tried to pull this off. Deservedly so

1 year ago

Who is the young boy he’s snuggling with? What’s that all about? Is he gay?

1 year ago
Reply to  jabby

That was his cast mate who played Spinner on Degrassi. Wouldn’t be surprised if the producers put them together when the molestation went on.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
Sarah Duhay
Sarah Duhay
27 days ago

A lot of people do that silly devil horns thing! I doubt they even know what it means! so I give him a pass for that.

I don’t believe to much in his rags to riches story neither! I think some of it is exaggeration. When did he suddenly change from his nerd like appearance to an aggressive male thot? it looks all contrived to me!