
Trans designer dumped by Target explains how he got smeared as Satanist (

‘Activists soon discovered Carnell’s independent web store, where he has sold, among other items, pins and medallions that used Satanic and occult imagery to make points about transphobia. A lavender, goat-headed medallion that reads “Satan respects pronouns” is among his most popular designs. A pin depicting a guillotine with the label “Homophobe Headrest” might be the edgiest.

“Within days, tabloids and conservative news outlets were painting Target as a promoter of violence, drugs and the devil. “Target customers shocked after company features pride items by Satanist partner,” read a typical Fox News headline.” – remarkably brazen gaslighting.

Carnell said he used Satanic imagery in some of his art to subvert a homophobic narrative that queer people are sinful, evil or otherwise ungodly. “It’s no different to people reclaiming slurs and trying to remove the power from it to try and use it to benefit them.”

“Meanwhile, activists appear to have scored yet another victory over a corporation that dared to embrace the LGBTQ community.” – I think you mean regular people sick of having these things shoved down their throats.

“And not all the attention has been bad. “I’m completely inundated with orders and every single time I get to a chunk of them, I’ve got another chunk more coming,” Carnell said, after temporarily closing his web store this week, citing a surge in demand.”

“At the beginning, I was a bit more lenient in understanding that their priorities were in keeping their staff safe,” he said. “And whilst I agree that it’s still the priority, it’s been a number of days now, and I would appreciate just a generic email clarifying that they’ve taken my things down and why.”

“The fact that I haven’t even had so much as a ‘hello’ I think is just a terrible business practice.” – targeted takedown of another big supplier of basic necessities…? Pun intended.

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1 year ago

the ease of how they explain away their satanism is just galling. it’s really an insult to anyone’s intelligence. they wont get away with this

1 year ago

It’s a known fact that target has tons of in house designers. They could’ve simply had a gay or transgender, or anyone for that matter, design their pride collection. But, they made a point with this, and we got the message. Target works with the devil. No satanic panic here, this is real.

1 year ago

No, folks. Carnell is not a Satanist. Nothing to see here. You need not panic. And if you believe that then my Granny is a …Virgin…

1 year ago
Reply to  Yuyu

It isn’t about whether the person is or isn’t a Satanist. It’s about this nonsense being accepted into the culture as normal. It is depraved and encourages depraved behaviour of ppl worshipping themselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Exactly, Rosey! So many satanists claim that they don’t worship Satan or the devil, but the fact is that satan worshipped himself. So anyone who claims to be a satanist or follows satanic principles of not following God’s laws or not acknowledging that God exists are in fact worshipping self. It doesn’t matter whether you call yourself a satanist, agnostic, atheist, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Chrisitan or anything else. Anyone who does what he/she wills rather than what God wills sets him/herself up as equal or greater than God which is what satan wanted to do. However, nobody can create human life or keep from dying so obviously nobody is greater than or equal to God.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

Anton LaVey definitely worshipped Satan, but a significant number of Church of Satan adherents are just edgy atheists who are being used as useful idiots by Satan. By worshipping themselves, which is basically what atheists do, they basically worship Satan by proxy.

1 year ago

in a mad world only the sane are considered mad.

1 year ago

There is no such thing as „pretend satanism”, „symbolic satanism” or any other nonsense of that kind. The evil one has only one goal: to establish unreality in place of reality and plunge humanity into a bottomless pit of physical and spiritual self-destruction. Sodomy and “transgenderism” are particularly blatant forms of such self-destruction, so their association with satanic imagery is – for lack of a better term – perfectly “natural” and demonic in the most literal sense of the term. Sodomitic barrenness and “transgender” self-mutilation are flagrant instances of rebellion against reality and its holy Creator. Whoever pretends not to see this obvious connection is willfully blind and thus complicit in the demonic agenda: so he had better regain his sanity quickly if he wishes to avoid the eternal insanity of hellish torment.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago

Satan prefers to burn. Lake of fire-style.

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Pierson

Or freeze if you’re in the north.

1 year ago

His explanation makes no sense. How does using satanic imagery subvert the notion that homosexuality is a sin? If anything doesn’t it kind of point more towards being true? That’s like being like “I’m not a satanist!” while participating in a conjuring ritual to speak to Satan

1 year ago
Reply to  nodnoc

exactly! lying in front of our faces brazenly! this verse applies to them
John 8:44
You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

You serve The Lord Jesus Christ by choice or toy serve satan by birth. There are only two sides in this spiritual battle. There is no Switzerland, no neutral, no spectators, no free agents. You serve light or toy serve darkness.

1John 2:22 –
Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

Switzerland was never neutral. 🙂 It’s was all backed by the cabal, every side.

1 year ago

A guillotine for homophobes is a predicable solution for someone with no solid argument in defense of their lifestyle. They absolutely would want to murder opponents who could logically point out increased drug use, suicide, HIV and STIs in the LGBTQ community. An individual like this would also lack the intelligence to understand that Satan only cares about himself. Such a person would get really sad and cry into their padded bra if a company rep didn’t say ‘hello’ to them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dagny

Interestingly, during the Tribulation, Christians will be beheaded as the primary method of execution.