
The stomach-drop moment I realised there was something terribly wrong at the Tavistock gender clinic: Nurse reveals why she blew the whistle on 'experimental' treatment on children as young as ten (

KATHRYN KNIGHT: Sue Evans (pictured) took up her post at the Tavistock Clinic in 2003, treating young people with gender dysmorphia.

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Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

“Back then, the Tavistock was a byword for excellence, known throughout the world for its specialised therapy for patients with a range of mental health issues.”

Haha! More like, known in secret cults as a progenitor of mind-control methods and experimentation on unsuspecting, innocent people the world over.

1 year ago

Yes I think we all know what the Tavistock is, a laboratory for transhuman fanatics. They want to use these children as guinea pigs under the guise of medicine.

1 year ago

Psychology was originally developed by Nazis to justify murdering people and is still used by them.

1 year ago
Reply to  checkers

Psychologists don’t get paid unless they make themselves feel superior by deeming you as mentally inferior. I just watched a show about Britney Spears in which a so called ‘expert’ claimed that anyone who questions therapy is mentally ill bc he knows he doesn’t get a paycheck if he labels you as ‘normal’.