
Southern Poverty Law Center’s ‘hate’ list suffers ‘monumental’ legal setback (and look at their logo, describes their mission perfectly – only not as you might think) (

“The Southern Poverty Law Center’s famous list of “hate” groups is under fire in a courtroom in Alabama, where a judge has opened the door for a group that opposes illegal immigration to challenge the SPLC for slapping it with the Scarlet H.”

This is the constant coiling of the serpent-speak, behold how they argue against their very own model without shame:

“SPLC attorneys said the First Amendment’s free speech guarantee protects opinions, so the organization cannot be held liable for defamation.

“SPLC’s anti-immigrant hate group designation is not capable of being proved false, but is an opinion expressed as part of a political debate,” the organization argued.

The SPLC questioned whether there can be a fixed definition of hate or being “anti-immigrant.” If there is no definition, then there is no standard to judge the SPLC’s argument as false.”

Unfortunately for them, the organization suing is largely staffed by legal immigrants, so perhaps they have finally tarred the wrong crowd, we shall see.

You can see their logo is not only twin capstones, but is also a reference to the “goddess of justice” who holds the scales:  Dike, or Astraea, a minor Greek deity known as a daimones (very reminiscent of “demon”). She was a daughter and consort of Zeus.  Interestingly, her mother was Themis, who ruled over divine justice, whilst Dike was more about enforcing human laws. (Very fitting for a front agency working to push the unholy NWO agenda by delegitimizing dissenters.)

Interestingly, the top portion of the scale reminds me of the bottom plate of the Egyptian Pharoah sceptre – the djed which ties and completes the circuit (Serket). It represents the cosmological energy feeding this organization through siphoning and hoarding. Also, that “justice” is always administered to those below, and even those highest in these pyramidic societies are answerable to the “generative forces” above them. Only those beneath the djed must be weighed. (Smacks of the Pope’s “infallibility”.)

Dike did not specifically punish, herself, but she could bring about reward or punishment to those she felt deserving of either (again, fits this org perfectly).

daimon | Etymology, origin and meaning of daimon by etymonline

daimon (n.)

a transliteration of Greek daimōn “lesser god, guiding spirit, tutelary deity,” 1852; see demon. Employed to avoid the post-classical associations of demon. Related: Daimonic.

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1 year ago

Excellent analysis as always!