
RFK Jr. photographed at Ghislaine Maxwell’s house, 2014

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1 year ago

damn, oh well. The world is a stage, and we aint in the game.

1 year ago

Yeah, ghislaine is so clearly there. Great find lol

Smarter than you
Smarter than you
1 year ago
Reply to  predatorpatrol

So you are actually claiming Maxwell owned the Beacon Theatre and that she produced “Startalk Live there in 2014?

“StarTalk Live! Water World” Panel Discussion And Reception
NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 05: (L-R) Comedian Eugene Mirman, his holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa, Physicist/TV host Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, president of Live to Love International Tess Russo, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and actor Jason Sudeikis attend “StarTalk Live! Water World” Panel Discussion at Beacon Theatre on June 5, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew Toth/Getty Images)

1 year ago

“StarTalk Live! Water World” Panel Discussion And Reception

NEW YORK, NY – JUNE 05: (L-R) UN diplomat Palitha Kohona, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Angela Chen attend a reception at Ghislaine Maxwell’s residence after “StarTalk Live! Water World” Panel Discussion on June 5, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew Toth/Getty Images)

1 year ago

Embarrassingly you’re way off.. and with such an alias.

1 year ago

And of course, when you click on the source link and observe the other available photos from that nights “Grand Gala” you see non other than the grand poo-bah himself Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

1 year ago

there are so many images and they are not hidden but available to all who is interested in truth

1 year ago
Reply to  BOLight

I noticed a few things. They all wear certain colors for some reason.
Black gold/brown
Black white
And quite a few wearing the same white scarf with one woman getting hers adjusted around her neck
Red black purple orange blue
Tyson is wearing sun vest, black and gold with the white scarf
Is that Weinstein?
Two women wearing out of place odd large bucket fur hats, one with a fur scarf but short sleeved dress, which should be placed at the door but instead were worn.
One woman is wearing a purple dragon outfit
One child, wearing black and white dress
Drukpa and Tyson holding hands in odd way
Pierce Morgan in red and blue
One painting has a naked headless person holding up their own head looking at it inquisitively with their bare neck.
There is a tree in the middle of a table with candles around it.
Black and white floor with squares and stars
Black and red decor on tables
Lots of naked paintings, her room colors match their outfit colors

I also noticed this in the background which sums everything up

gettyimages-609338670-612x612 (1).jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I clicked on the image that looks like Weinstein. It was not him.

1 year ago

I was surprised to hear RFK jr. say in a recent interview that Kissinger was a real ‘guru’ and he seemed impressed with what he has done for the U.S. It was Henry Kissinger who in 1974 wrote the Kissinger Report, or Global 2000 that was a call for destruction of half the worlds people by the year 2050 and this plan was accepted by the U.S. government as official policy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Josie

Very interesting!

1 year ago

“We will build the New World Order piece by piece right under their noses” (the American people). The house of the New World Order will have to be built from bottom up rather than from top down. An end run around sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal attack.” Richard Gardner, leading American Socialist, Foreign Affairs, the journal of the CFR, April, 1974.

1 year ago

His family is part of The Illuminati families. That said,he’s written a great exposing the “Pandemic” for what it is…

1 year ago
Reply to  Yuyu

They do those things to look legit. It’s like getting fired making a show of it when you were going to quit just rack up street cred. (Tucker who wore a certain cabal pin exposing himself)( just like Glen Beck wearing skull and bones pin)

1 year ago

The woman is doing a very subtle devil horns

1 year ago

If you click on the source and scroll down through the images, you’ll also see Jason Sudeikis, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, his holiness Gyalwang Drukpa, and Good ol’ Ghislaine Maxwell herself.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

I don’t know how so many people can vilify this or that or another high-level person in any field, but not see that they are ALL in the club. They are ALL luciferians, living out the script of their “Cosmic Androgyne” religious zealotry.

Yes, RFK is in the club. He rails against jabs but never questions germ theory, the lie-basis of so much horror in our world. If he ever said (which he never will), “Hey, I’ve been doing a lot of research and I think that viruses as we’ve been taught aren’t causative of disease and they’re not transmissible between living beings let alone motor oil and Coca Cola.” If he said anything like that, he would instantly, um, “disappear in a mysterious manner or die in a cultic, symbolic way.”