
Putin uses wokeness to attack enemies. A reminder that wokeness is an inherently authoritarian ideology.

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1 year ago

America, Europe, China and Russia!!!
They all take orders from the same place!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Why the downvotes??

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Glowies are in the house.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

I think you might be half right. America and Europe, yes. China and Russia, no.

1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

I wouldn’t trust China. they the largest black market for harvested organs from prisoners

Last edited 1 year ago by nodnoc
1 year ago
Reply to  charlie

Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist China!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

the fact you think calling them jews would expose them in any way is interesting, they are satanists they dont care what you label them as, in fact they probably like all the hate towards jews they’ve harnessed this past year especially, making everyone think its the ‘jews’

1 year ago

The principals behind the phrase are true…
But “wokeness” has just become a trigger word used by those who pull the strings to cause more division and distraction.

I’m sure the owner of this site takes pride in that fact with all the political “patriot” bs that is pushed on this here anymore.
Gone are the days are exposing the whole thing, now we have chosen the “lesser” of Evil to champion……..

1 year ago

We must understand how the people who manufacture problems so they can then offer solutions they wanted the entire time use these types of messaging. Overall, to many people, “woke” ideology sounds great – it’s so “compassionate” “inclusive” “thoughtful for the planet” etc.

But it’s like the riders both parties sneak through on seemingly beneficial legislation – there is always a darker layer and seeds which, if we are not paying attention to EVERY detail of a movement and the language of bills passed on on our behalf, we not only miss, but give consent to through ignorance. This is the light face of Janus, the side who only can and will see what they can imagine as the good coming from a movement.

The dark side (checkerboard, polar opposites) seeds itself quietly and it runs a superficially similar, but underlyingly destructive agenda and it insidiously attaches itself to every movement (i.e. pedophilia and satanism into the LGBT movement). It does not share truly similar goals, but uses secrecy and attaches itself like parasites to what should be a true good, because it sees self-benefit in being able to draw parallels and to convince via “similar arguments” and precedents.

Both observing (subject) sides harbor some seeds of truth yet both observing sides are so polarized they cannot come into agreement, so the powers crafting these concepts use this extreme “one side or the other” manipulation of energy to bash the social pendulum one side to the other and to keep us all off balance.

They are the puppeteers holding all the wooden crosses which work the marionettes (puppets). The social chaos is forever presented and viewed as a “need to correct” leading to overcorrections by virtue of all they deliberately keep hidden, as they know where they want us to go and are leading us before they ever announce a problem which needs correcting. They don’t want any of us to regain our equilibrium and to call a halt to all this.

If people truly care, movements backed by huge money are not the answer, the answer is to personally change and to model it in such a way that people around you begin to see the merit and change their own methods (and hopefully understandings) as well. Large movements are ALWAYS usurped – they will inevitably become political because power and influence is the politician’s daily bread. The mustard seed is, grow where you’re planted and watch that diminutive seed grow into something fit for food and shelter for many around you.

You might think that something so small cannot possibly change anything, but we have the evidence before our eyes, as where we are now is a culmination of centuries of slow, small changes on individual levels (yes, influenced, but did they make that choice?) and this is how the tides change. If you set off on a large ship and get off track by only a fraction of a percentage, in the late stages of the journey you will find yourself nowhere near where you wished to wind up.

1 year ago

I dont see how this statement could have a “woke” tone to it?

Unless one has total ignorance of the history and geography of Russia?

Russia borders 14 countries from Finland to Korea, China to Crimea and before that, all the way to Poland and Turkey!.

This huge country has seen international trade for thousands of years, much earlier and longer than the US. This has allowed the exchange of ideas, customs, culture, blood and trade between Asia and Europe for thousands of years: just imagine the diversity which can be found at the crossroads of the 2 most populated continents!

This is why Russia is now home to 140 different ethnic groups: how is that not a “multi-ethnic” country?

After hundreds of years, how can one say it hasnt achieved some kind of “multi-ethnic harmony”?

Russia was born precisely out of a collective desire of separate communities to fight invasions, such as the ones from the mighty Genghis Khan!

Then, how can one pretend that him saying “diversity makes us stronger” is false when it is precisely what triggered its birth?

I dont see how his testimony of the past is a woke stance.

Unless one comes from the US and export his obsessions everywhere to the point of rewriting other’s history and ignoring his?…

The US is home to a population which has never embrased its diversity, right from the start: settlers crushed and eradicated the local ethnic groups because they cannot bear the idea of sharing what is not theirs.. the US history is filled with such actions in all parts of the world: this is the US mindset.
This is America. To legitimate its horrible failures and wrongdoings, it has always resorted to hiding it behind some ill placed patriotism and superiority, backed by propaganda (thanks hollywood).

Same for the UK and France.

Yet, all other empires, including the Russian one, have embraced their multi-ethnicity: not the US, not the UK, not France. All they did was steal what wasnt theirs to enrich their own people and enslave the legitimate owners.

Thus, Russia refering to such countries by “neo-colonial mindsets” is backed by nothing but history.

Putin also has the right to evoke history in reminding that Russia has never had a colonial stance and has embraced its multi ethnic history, however difficult it may be for any empire.

I dont see how his comments are “woke”. Or, unless everything that doesnt fit with the US agenda is woke?

The US are good at creating concepts according to their needs to distract people from the ignominous truth of their actions: “separate but equal”, “social-communists”, “axis of evil” and now “woke”…
Everytime its hegemony is threatened, they create a scapegoat; a concept to create divisions and justify those same divisions.

Wokism has come from the US for the very same reason the US have always been defaillant in creating a multi ethnic country without oppressing one of its constituent group, be it the indians or the blacks.

The multi ethnicity of the US is just an illusion, which is right now fracturing under our eyes. Yet, you’d rather ignore it and instead rewrite the history of others by labelling them “woke”?

Pardon me but, you sure are sleeping… wake up!

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

True, i dnt get the downvotes.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I agree with you on the part about Russia. I see Putin as one of the premier leaders of the world. As far as the USA and it being a very young country, yes we are screwed up. The USA was infiltrated by the dark forces from the very beginning. Sir Francis Bacon sent the Rosicrucians at around the same time the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. The Catholic Jesuits were there early on as well. What happens in America always seems to come from the top down. I think “Vigi” got it wrong on this one. The Patriot crowd seems to run around and plaster the ‘Woke’ label on just about anything that moves

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Who were the original owners of ‘America’ exactly? The oldest native American DNA found was tested several times with both father and mother’s closest relatives come from European stock in Russia, then who stole what from whom here? History is not what it seems. There were quite a few ancient north American cities buried to be covered up and denied to ever exist, quite a few old tribes with light blonde hair and blue eyes that they just don’t like to mention the moon eyed children that got ethnically cleansed from this land by the same natives in your head who weren’t native until after they exterminated them. Many old native American words are ancient Norse, explain that for thievery. Europe consists of several races being wiped out this very minute under orders of the cabal and no one cares, what could this,,why is that? !? Could it be the media is controlled by them. Ah they all have Jewish last names etc.

England and France are not what they seem. Are they separate when it’s two bodies with one head? How about all 11? They have been controlled by the cabal for hundreds of years. The u. S. Is not what it seems. Putin is related to Zelensky and Israel. They all kiss the wall with stupid hats on just like all of our corrupt traitor presidents. Trump has a rabbi certificate! How is he Christian when he studies the Talmud and prays to Lucifer? His daughter came out of the closet and changed her name, Biden, Obama “Barack” Clintons bush, Jewish . Not every fake Jew is in on it but almost every controller is fake Jewish. They owned the slave ships, they owned almost all the slaves yet ” white people” a giant collective of races being exterminated are the ones ordered to pay reperations for the third time. The king is Jewish, they own everything. The pope is Jewish. Russia had mostly white skinned races in it until the bulshevek Jews created communism and massacred 10s of millions of Christians using the same dead Christian photos as props in Holocaust museums until recently getting exposed. Putin is a fraud, just like every fake leader. He is killing the Russians and Zelensky is killing the Ukrainians because they didn’t kill enough of them the last times. The slavic people are on the wrong piece of land, they are tough and they are a threat. They want to break it up into the new Khazarian Israel to rule over the stupid animal goyim (everyone who isn’t fake Jewish) who they believe they can kill without sinning and even if they did somehow sin they will kill a chicken every year and fool the creator by giving the chicken the sins (as if the creator is that stupid). I’m not saying you should beat every fake Jew you see but know the leaders are all a big fake Jew luciferian family who murder millions and millions every war they create and worship in a sin o gog.
Knowing this maybe we will see their limitations though they do use goyim to work against us too.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I dont agree with your deduction based on a so called discovery of some old graves with blond hair. Same was done with old muslims graves, so what? An exception, this is what it means at best.

Look at the indigenous: how many tribes are there? How many blonds are there?

Same for the vikings: yet before them where other inhabitants who ressembled inuits.

Same for europeans.

Population migration is a natural thing. It is ignominous when one eradicates who was there before just to have it all for himself. That applies to what happens in Palestine.

Dont be angry at jews: it was promised to them that they should be preferred if they kept their oath. They havent. G-d is keeping his words in this world and favors them with money and power.
Let them have it all until they bring their moshiach. We all know how it will end.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I never said anything about graves with blond hair. If you’re talking about the moon eyed blond heads that information came straight from the natives who said they exterminated them. Do you want to talk them into a different history because you don’t like that? I already told you based on racism they tested the oldest found native several times because they didn’t want it to be European in origin. Do you think they have to look the same now? You realize how many years have passed. Do you know how people will look in Europe in a thousand years? What about two?
I had a friend from a tribe who had blonde hair and said they were all fair skinned tall and looked Caucasian.
Population migration such as we are witnessing is not at all a natural thing. It is a tactic of war called soft genocide. They used this several times before but you need to educate yourself and get over your bias of European races or self hatred. Killing or breeding a society in order to destroy them genetically and socially is evil. Killing native tribes just to wipe them off earth was evil. It doesn’t matter if you prefer this crayon or not, of you are missing crayons or destroying your base colors you are a pos artist.
What happened to Palestinians and Christians was mass slaughter by fake Jews. The land was not promised to be taken by fake Jewish khazarians because of WW2 and England giving it to them when they didn’t even own it. You think that war was just about Jews vs Hitler I bet. You’re totally ignorant it was nothing but khazarians exchanging the crash of Germany for Israel, the khazarians larping victim when they financed both sides of the war and the crushing of Germany and Russia so they were no longer a financial threat.
“Dont be angry at jews: it was promised to them”
They aren’t even real Jews. Secondly Yeshua called them the sin o gag of Satan and called them out on their fake identity right in the common Bibles.
“This world favors them with money and power”
Actually Lucifer their god does favor them. They sacrifice torture children animals and can take at will any goyim. Does that sound anything like what the true creator would want? If you aren’t Jewish you are goyims. The khazarians are as Jewish as any basic European around. They stole the identity like they steal everything and you and anyone else supporting this evil religion needs to actually read into how they view others.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie


You mix everything up, think you found the Truth and call other ignorants.

Just reading you one can fill tension and anger, and these are just written words..

I will just react on one thing: you mention khazarians/ashkenazi. How about the sefarads?

Or the 12 tribes unless you believe they ve never existed? And the covenant?

And no, Lucifer is just a creature whose only power is to tempt. He doesnt give anything to anyone.

The fact that they make sacrifices is just so they can be part of a club in which members are bound to help, enrich, promote each others while making sure everybody is under the same evil vibe.

Lucifer/satan doesnt sign checks, he connects his followers so they help each other: each get his lust for sex/power/money/fame fulfilled.

Still, he can do nothing but tempt.

One is free to answer the call or not.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Its like this, even if your comments weren’t just dumb mudbrain irrational rubbish (it is), all you’re doing is contradicting yourself, and responding to things that nobody wrote, as I mentioned earlier. You don’t want to accept this because you are brain dead.

You’re one of the reasons that this place is crap, any society that tolerates subhumans like you, is a dying society, you’re not going to change anyones opinions on here, when yours is literally worth less than sewage.

You will accomplish nothing in your degenerate existence, you’ll always be a useless idiot, at times a pawn, perhaps, and after you die from the vax(you type like you’re vax maxxed), this place will live on and your inbred genetic material will vanish with you and you’ll be forgotten. You won’t be missed by anyone, not even by your troon plebbitor “pals” you love so much. The only question is whether you an hero or not.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Reddit spacing, didn’t read.

Imagine being this retarded, actually you don’t have to. You shouldn’t open your mouth at all, when you’re this embarrassingly stupid. All your attempts at projected insults arepathetic & weak, you will never be taken seriously, and you will never be seen as a real human.

I find it hilarious, how you plebbit trannies are so inferior and insecure, that you ALWAYS try to have the last post. Makes you feel triumphant eh? That’s a loser mentality, no wonder you got BTFO in every interaction you’ve had in this thread.

You have absolutely nothing that could make even the weakest beta male in the west feel emasculated(no offense to all of you on this site). Everything about trannies, including you, is widely and correctly perceived as a complete joke.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

*Embraced 😁

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Bogatyr is here wit ha daily reminder: you’re unequivocally 1 mentally ill t****y, all you do is sperg out at people here after constantly consuming insane brain poisining politics from Twitter and Discord/Plebbit. All that pent up butthurt over muh t****y rights muh divisions muh wokeness is boiling over and spilling out into your retardation infused posts.

Do you understand that you are literally lower than a worm you subhuman oxygen thief? You’re totally nonfunctional with severe mental illnesses. Horrific autism, which you don’t even understand is a horrific disability. You’re so out of touch with reality cuckold, that you actually believe its a superpower, or a point of superiority, or something to be proud of. 

Without a doubt, you are THE dumbest, most totally disconnected, most screwed up 
creature on this board. You appear unbelievably stupid to everyone here. You’re suffering from terrible mental conditions you can’t see it in yourself. Mentally ill degenerates like you always think they’re geniuses and that everyone are the ill ones. You just don’t have the cognitive computing power to figure out how wrong you are and how utterly retarded everything you say sounds to healthy and sane folks.

Are you inbred, or did you simply receive tremendous amounts of damage to your ugly head when you survived abortion?

1 year ago

What’s that now?

Oh it’s tiring all this.

1 year ago

I agreed with everything he said

1 year ago

Funny. Diversity isn’t pushing races to mixing until they are all one race eliminating diversity. How about let everyone exist where they exist without destroying their homeland and people? If Putin isn’t woke Why doesn’t Putin stop taking Jewish orders? Why does he promote Westernism? Why does he continually bring in Arabs and every race possible if he loves his people and their culture? Why is Santa Claus now more popular than father Frost? Putin sold Russia out, and he’s not even a real person anymore if he ever was. We are on putin #3 or 4

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

You should stop making “race” a criteria.

Being Woke doesnt mean following jews.

There are plenty of non wokes countries being commanded by jews, including muslim countries (look at kingdoms….)

And there are jews who are reasonable and anti zionists. As there are many zionists among christians and americans.

The fighting spirit has no race nor nationality, he is just a fed up dude fighting for his own sanity and that of mankind.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I can make anything a criteria if I want but I never said it stopped there. You think I wasn’t considering the Muslims ? They have a lot of races being effected but they get to keep their land ethnically. The rich Muslims sit in their mega filthy rich places while the poor get sent around the world to turn others into Muslim. It’s a plan. I bet you still think isis is not the mossad is not the see eye a. You’ve got a lot to research.. I’m sorry but you are too ignorant to even discuss this, I would have to spoon feed for days documents and videos and life for you to learn and you’re simply not interested in knowing anything with effort or you would at least try but what you’ve been doing is spitting out programmed information which doesn’t interest me. You want to argue something as you came here for that being you’re loving Unwoke, but completely woke Putin who is a fraud Jewish khazarian holhol in disguise who hates his own people. The elitists are from fraudulent Jewish families who worship Lucifer and control the world, yes some fake Jews are not horrible but I wasn’t going off on them. Why would I have an issue with the innocent? That would be stupid. Live in Israel a few years though, like quite a few then try and tell me how the elitists aren’t secretly the fraud Jewish families that they are, studying kabbalah and sacrificing/torturing people for their money and power. Please close your eyes to both the Russians and Ukrainian women and children behind bars being raped and killed there with absolutely no rights even if they escape because the Jewish gov care so much they don’t want their slave goyim to be able to fight back. Ask yourself if the Christians being spit on there by very religious Jews is very moral and if they do anything back, like speak up they get pushed from the country at once. How about how it’s not a crime to kill a child or baby goyim who could cause trouble for the Jews, or that they can rape a baby as long as it’s 3 days old goyim. This is not the creators chosen people it is a fabricated lie. This is not the creators chosen religion. The creator is a loving being who wouldn’t promote that trash If you want you can shill for them until you’re a Jew in the face yourself but you will never be able to convince me that those who are in charge are not the fake Jewish cult inbred khazarian family worshipping Lucifer, after all they themselves admit it.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I certainly have nothing to learn from you. You rant about things pretending others dont know the little you know.

You talk about countries you have never been to. I have.

You talk about religion you havent not even read their scriptures. I have.

You read one of my comments thinking i am pro putin because in this particle article i didnt see what was woke and accuse me of i dont-know-what? You dont know what it means to have a personal opinion yet keep a fair objective critical mind.

The difference between people like you without a mind to comprehend and people like us is that u swallow some bits of info here and there and get all excited u have found the Truth and are quick to call others ignorants.

Dont call me ignorant when u hysteric just swallow others s people thoughts without even going at the source YOURSELF.

If you had, you wouldnt think, write and react the way u do.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Can’t tell if you’re genuinely braindead, or a low tier JIDF(Jewish Internet Defense Force)shill. From everything posted by you its obvious that you either twist Marie’s words to connect your pre-written garbage to it, cause otherwise it won’t make sense. Or you go completely off topic in a strange schizophrenic attempt to brag about something utterly irrelevant to the conversation.

Its like you see stuff/patterns that don’t exist and then you respond to your own delusions. That’s some schizo s**t. So if you’re mentally ill and not a Shekelberg, well, reddit is probably a better fit for you, and from your reddit spacings, I can tell that you hang out there often anyway, might as well just stay there since most of them are mentally handicapped like you.

1 year ago
Reply to  bogatyr

Wooow…..and that is you who call me names?

If you know how Reddit people look like, it can only be because YOU hang out there. I never go and cant tell you how it looks like.

I dont think you have read “all” my comments since I first came here.

You re obviously on medication for writing all this nonsense.

Wishing you to get well soon…

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I feel bad for the hardworking nurse, that has to chew your food for you. You are clearly paralyzed from the neck up.

Once again, cringe reddit spacing, dumb stupid post that says nothing, yup, you’re a confirmed redditor. “NO U” response, your Asperger’s Syndrome is showing.

Passive aggressive attempts to create some sort of e-drama, you really sound like a unhinged t****y getting off on some fetish fantasy projecting your own failures and shortcomings, however keep in mind that your chimp outs won’t lift your subhuman status. And meds won’t do you any good, there’s none for your axe wound, nor down syndrome. Its there forever, that’s the rule porky.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

That’s some choice cope plebbitor.You can keep coping. I don’t mind, but aren’t YOU tired of listening to your own low energy schizo coping replies? You obviously don’t want to discuss anything since you are obviously incapable to even have lucid thoughts. You are so dysgenic and low iq it feels like talking to an absolutely retarded child.

Were you banned from plebbit for posting cringe or something? Maybe hop on 1 of your other sock puppet accounts then? Perhaps that’ll make you feel a little better after all this humiliation I’ve put you through here.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

And which arabs are you talking about?

Chechenyans? They are a russian minority.


Which arab?

2 options:
– Or you believe russia has been delocalized in the middle east

– or the arab is your scapegoat

How about you turn your head to some other nations for some real culprits?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

You think tartars are Arab? They aren’t Arab, the chechen are no Arab they are a mix and they are Muslim. You are ignorant, have you even lived there? You want to talk to a Russian about Russia? Because your schooling people in all the ethnicities of Russia is sounding like a liberal who read Wikipedia, and we know Israel owns that site and vomits it’s information for you to memorize. Getting schooled by idf isn’t really going to sway my opinion.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

You cant even read my comments properly.

Calm down.

I ve read enough of you. Call me ignorant or stupid if that makes u feel smart or intelligent.

Your aggressivity is enough to know you arent any of it.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Its evident that you don’t just space like a plebbitor, but you also argue like one.I wonder, have you ever tried reading something that did not come from twitter or reddit?

You keep claiming that girls aggressive, but I sense no aggression from her posts whatsoever. Have you considered not being a f****t? I know its trendy to be a weak beta male now a days, but you’re really taking it to the next level here.

Remember chud, only slaves and prisoners were castrated back in the day, and turned into eunuchs. It was a way to end a male’s line. You’re an idiot who drank too much t****y koolaid.

1 year ago
Reply to  bogatyr

I dont see any other reason that would make a person react your way unless he feels some need for personal revenge. Are you “Marie”?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Are you so braindead you actually think that? You really are from Reddit.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

SoUnhinged is nothing but a bitter fool projecting their own personal problems, because they were born disabled, but its not our problem.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Get a load of this drooling libtard t****y. Post nose you retatrded golem, why are you trying to distract us with your cope? You’re not even schizophrenic at this point, you’re just mentally retarded, plain & simple.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I don’t need to read your comments all the way to see that your are a moron and not even addressing anything. You need to stop hyperventilating and self projecting. You cannot even read good enough to understand what people are saying and have a conversation. You twist s**t to either dodge something or sound knowledgeable trying to win an argument vs learn anything and you’re thinking it will fly. I will call you whatever I want, freedom of speech you little weasel, there’s no way you’re here to learn anything you’re only here to spin others away from truth and into your maze of self appointed Russian expert when you obviously are not Russian and knows nothing but what your script has told you

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Your posts have some of the most insanely low IQ takes, on pretty much everything. S******g up the place with misinformation, and being spoon fed was suppose to be impressive?

Its like SoInsufferable was taken, so you went by SoAnnoyed. Marie sounds passionate, but you straight up sounds butt hurt. You had to drop 2 replies to 1 of hers? Quantity > Quality? JIDF isnt sending their best. Notice how she spoon feeds you and posts sources to back her claims, you’re literally telling her that your source is your a*****e. Haven’t seen you backing up anything, do you not know how to attach links/images? How can you not have any
critical thinking skills? Even Koko the gorilla had them, rest in peace Koko.

1 year ago
Reply to  bogatyr

same words, same anger…

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Same cuck energy, as in your revious posts.

1 year ago
Reply to  bogatyr

Indeed, my pseudo couldnt be better suited: SoAnnoyed by you. For a second.

Strangely, you use the same semantics, you use a russian connoted pseudo and Marie said she was Russian. You bark at me as if you were her pitbull.
Thanks for clarifying my doubts..

Do yourself a favor, go waste your energy, hate and time barking at something or somebody else. You seem very much at ease with that.

And leave me and my “low IQ” in peace and quiet.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Your pseudo should be reddit idf shill. He sounds more disgusted than hate filled. Twisting s**t again? I never said I was Russian. You’re the one thinking you’re so knowledgeable about Russia when you are completely ignorant just spamming Wikipedia idf lameness to quite a few Russians. Do I have to break down everything for you like you’re a 3 year old? Go ahead and scroll up if you cannot remember. You know transhumanism is f****d up but you are a good candidate and could benefit from some sort of brain implant. Maybe you could actually debate something without running in a circle with your head in your t****y butt.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

You have the reading comprehension of an Angolan with down syndrome.
Can you have that, as well as autism? Your posts always put that question in my head, cuck meister.

Why does the truth, that I’m generously revealing to you, makes you squeal like a hysterical pig at the slaughterhouse? I’m not used to dealing with a single digit IQ having subhumans, so all these smooth brain antics of yours are as foreign to me, as thinking is to you.

Do you get financial help for your degenerative disabilities? Or this laughable JIDF gig you seem to have going for you is how you wage cuck, plebbitor?

1 year ago
Reply to  btyr

@bogatyr @btyr @marie

same pseudo, same brain disease and same hate filled heart you have: you’re fooling no one Marie/Bogatyr/btyr (and all the other pseudo you will create by then)

What a crazy belief to think that this is your only way to exchange with people: create multiple accounts to upvote you, down vote me, yet, you are not even smart enough to realize that by doing so, you forgot to change your semantics, syntax and ideas: it’s written all over (by you) that it is the same person behind all those accounts.

Now, enough played, go find yourself some other scapegoats or take your prozac. You need it.

Have a great day

1 year ago
Reply to  bogatyr

Koko was not only more intelligent but I’d much rather be around her than this reddit idf bot. I tried to have an actually conversation and come to some understandings but it’s simply impossible with this thing.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

@marie @bogatyr

I am not your enemy, have never been and if what you say is true, then we are here for the same reason which is to “learn” through polite, respectful and constructive exchanges.

If you so wish, let’s forget it all.

Have a great day.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

It’s funny how the lowest most pathetic worthless retards such as yourself, always have the highest opinions of themselves. It does make sense though, since its evident that you have 0 self awareness, and disorders that even the doc’s don’t have names for.

1 year ago
Reply to  btyr

@bogatyr @btyr @marie

same pseudo, same brain disease and same hate filled heart you have: you’re fooling no one Marie/Bogatyr/btyr (and all the other pseudo you will create by then)

What a crazy belief to think that this is your only way to exchange with people: create multiple accounts to upvote you, down vote me, yet, you are not even smart enough to realize that by doing so, you forgot to change your semantics, syntax and ideas: it’s written all over (by you) that it is the same person behind all those accounts.

Now, enough played, go find yourself some other scapegoats or take your prozac. You need it.

Have a great day

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

This illiterate abomination HAS to respond to EVERYTHING posted here, it can’t and won’t go a single week without its phone/social media, otherwise it experiences withdrawal symptoms.

Earlier, it went full retård thinking you & I are the same person. Everything posted by that creatures claws is a deranged crackhead-tier fantasy. That plebbitor is just too braindead to engage with seriously.

Last edited 1 year ago by btyr
1 year ago
Reply to  btyr

Yep, no reason to actually give info to someone who is idf and at least a redditor who could just inform the base on how to cover things up in the future and change up the script, besides getting paid every comment and reply they make.
You’re very saucy as the redditor ask for and you’ve given them a new a*****e so to speak but probably better to ignore the idf goon so you won’t gain them money from our taxes. I don’t get any alerts for responses so if I don’t respond on here it’s because I’ve not checked this article and really I don’t care I’ve got a major thing to work on. The site has a few intelligent people, some kind people, but there is at least 2 perverts, a ton of glowies and idf. (Which means way more perverts). Otherwise not every male is missing their balls, a few have wanted to fight back though that doesn’t mean when shtf they actually will. It’s probably smarter to take the family to the woods.
P.s. You got some good punchlines there, you should write some lyrics or something.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

Why do you sound so Salty SoTroon? You sound like a butthurt college girl that got pumped and dumped by 30 below average dudes, wake up r****d.
Or are you too drugged from all these meds you’ve been telling us about, crackhead?

It seems like Marie struck a nerve! Her simple post has your idiotic a*s absolutely sperging out. You can’t even come up with a counterpoint, only pathetic confusion on a down syndrome level. Effeminate brainlet shitlib behavior. Anyway, let’s keep beefing some more because I wanna see you SEETHE some more piggy.