
Promotional Photo for Dolly's New Album

Promotional One Eye Photo for Dolly’s New Album SOURCE  HERE

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1 year ago

Ok. I gotta jump in on this one. First, this is heartbreaking for me to admit, because I love Dolly and she has done an insane amount of good for my home area.

That said, take a look at Dollywood. There are monarch butterflies EVERYWHERE in that park. Most of the art has the “W” as a butterfly.

Then, there is Billy Ray. He attached his wagon to her early on (see the Romeo song & video). Billy Ray, of course, is the daddy of Miley.

Then we have Dolly’s weird relationships with her husband, “friend”, and certain celebrities. If I had to guess, I would bet on some beta programming here.

There is too much with her to not see she is part of the in crowd.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

She was on playboy when she was younger in a bunny suit in the 70s and then posed again for it a few years ago in a bunny suit again. I’m assuming also she is a sex kitten who somehow made it to old age. I did know though that she always was into doing good for her community.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut


Point 1: seriously. Look up Dollywood and take a long look at all the artwork. Butterflies. There is a large flower display at the entry to the park in the shape of a butterfly. The park brings in an insane amount of cash for the area, and I am not suggesting anything nefarious about the park itself. But it is telling that Dolly picked the butterfly for her park symbol.

Point 2: Billy Ray made it big with Achy Breaky. About the same time, he appeared with Dolly in “Romeo”. Why does that matter? Miley. I am sure she has appeared on this site more than once. Dolly has appeared with her several times on shows.

Point 3: I cannot remember Dolly’s husband’s name. What I find odd is the lack of picture of him and her together. It is like trying to find hen’s teeth to get more than a few.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

I’ve read that ALL theme parks are programming sites hidden in plain sight. Noise, confusion, underground tunnels and the imaginative imagery of MK programming.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

There’s a link to another people article about them both within the original article. He gives me creep vibes. Maybe he’s her handler or maybe he hates all that stuff. He’s not smiling in one of the pics.

1 year ago
Reply to  CajunMom

If anything, I would suspect Dolly is Billy Ray’s handler. She/he’s wicked smart and he seems a more docile sort.

1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

The pictures of her husband have radically changed. He’s not the same dude as yesteryear, just a token male to boast of… Yet she has traveled with her female “best friend” through her entire career. After observing her carefully, I perceive that she is trans… Also have read of her lineage being connected to Henry the 8th, which I cannot prove but wouldn’t surprise me… Ever since I saw her endorsing the quackseen with a smile, all I see is a demon.

Kita Jones
Kita Jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

I totally noticed the w and butterfly and my heart sank years ago!

1 year ago
Reply to  Larrycoconut

The drone show they put on is one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. It really opened my eyes to what the technology that actually exists and is being used as ‘entertainment’; furthermore, how long have they been using it against us before they declassified the technology?

The Spiderman movie with the drones came to mind…..

Been AI'd
Been AI'd
1 year ago

Drones can be not aerodynamic. All you have to do is put anything on top of the flyer. And they have drones the size of airplanes and as small as bees.👍

1 year ago

You guys are spot on. Kylie Minogue dropped a promo photo for her new album yesterday due in the Fall and, guess what..? One eye is covered by a large diamond.

1 year ago

You can’t make it in that business without selling yourself. It’s sad.

1 year ago

She looks defeated and unhappy about having to do this, and being exposed as one of them. Just my opinion, but it looks like she was crying, not that she’s a ‘rockstar’.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crumpetz

I think you have a point. Once I got past the one eye thing, I took a good look at her face and she does not look happy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crumpetz

Unhappy? Sure. Unwilling for her part? I doubt it.

1 year ago

Where did I say unwilling? Don’t try to put words down that I didn’t say.

Been AI'd
Been AI'd
1 year ago

There’s a short on yt of her with Garth Brooks, trust me, she’s going for it.😅😅

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

They try to say she’s a Christian, but around the 1960s everyone had to sellout. She is Miley Cyrus God mother and though she carries herself well, she a satantic trashbag.

1 year ago

Lol, she’s about as Christian as an inverted pentagram!

1 year ago

Celebritys = Useless!!! 
Hollywood’s Celebritys = Useless İlluminati’s Puppets!!!

1 year ago

Decoding this image we get

One eye

Magical pentagram

Red streaks in her hair symbolize illumination, aka activated kundalini

Rock, the philosopher’s stone, aka the third eye activated by kundalini

Star, another pentagram reference

1 year ago

I went into shock when I heard that Dolly was being nominated into the Rock & Roll HOF. While I have respect for her in the Country genre, she does not have the voice for rock. Listen to her version of Stairway To Heaven — it as a countrified version of a rock song. I think that’s why she has to have the rock stars sing along with her on this album. This album is to justify her being in the R&R HOF.

I read that Billy Ray Cyrus and Dolly became very close when he began touring with her after his Achy Breaky Heart became a worldwide success (how close we don’t know – some say romantically involved but no proof). Dolly is Miley’s godmother.

All the entertainers that have achieved this level of success have had to pay for it one way or another. It comes as no surprise.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Well, looking at this image and reading her album’s song list, it is obvious that Dolly “pardon the fact that I’m a country-spiced androgyne who has been groomed since birth for this part” Parton is including many of her favorite rock star androgynes in this latest money-making, mind-distracting, soul-energy-harvesting scheme.

tess mass
tess mass
1 year ago

cldnt believe that they still have old Dolly pledging allegiance lol.