“HARTFORD, Conn. — The results of an investigation into the reports of a possible miracle at Thomaston’s St. Thomas Church have been sent to the Vatican. On March 5, the Rev. Joseph Crowley, pastor of St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, which includes St. Thomas, reported that during Holy Communion a lay person distributing hosts had found that the wafers had multiplied in the ciborium. “God …”
“Roman Catholics experience a daily miracle because every time Mass is celebrated what was bread becomes the Body of Christ and what was wine becomes his Blood.”
“There have been four recent eucharistic miracles approved by the Vatican, O’Neill said: in Poland, Mexico and Argentina. The churches in those cases were permitted to erect a shrine, he said.
In Poland — Legnica in 2013 and iSokólka in 2008 — hosts, after accidentally falling to the floor, were determined to have traces of heart tissue in them. In 1996 in Buenos Aires, fragments of a host reportedly turned into blood. A similar event occurred in Tixtla, Mexico, in 2006, according to therealpresence.org.”
“There are various types of eucharistic miracles, but the ones that are most remarkable, in my opinion, were on some rare occasions, the host is said to bleed human blood,” O’Neill said. “And according to Catholic belief, Catholics believe that at consecration, the bread and wine is not turned into a symbol of Jesus Christ but in the literal body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. It’s the most difficult of all Catholic beliefs for sure, but that is what the church actually teaches and what faithful Catholics believe.”
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the authoritative text on church teachings, a miracle is defined as “a sign or wonder such as a healing, or control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power.”
Somebody put more cannibal cookies in the cookie jar when I wasn’t looking!! Quick, let’s call the aPOPEphis and get some Mono-Eye to erect a pagan statue we can worship and spit on the commandments some more.
There is a long history of these inane types of Cattle-lick fraudulent “miracles,” designed to encourage the worst kind of superstitious MAGIkal thinking that makes even the slightest confusion a supposed act of Gad.
Exactly what I thought. There was heart tissue and blood in those wafers. The rest of the material not consumed via trickery or ritual was likely incinerated for diamonds and sold for further profit.
How sick they use byproducts of their horrific abuses to further their own lies and increase their wealth by preying further amongst the gullible and those who will not see?
They cannot help themselves, they can’t stop eating killing torturing people and animals. This whole eating Christ thing has bothered me for years and I’ve not seen anyone else bothered by it until now.
I didn’t realize until very recently that Catholics truly believe that the wafers and wine are transmuted(?) into literally his body and blood. I had always thought their ceremony to be a remembrance, like with Protestants.
I need to read these passages in the Greek Interlinear. I know that many Protestant denominations also teach that to miss out on communion or to enter it with any unconfessed sin is dire of consequence. I don’t really know enough about the original texts yet to have a solid opinion although the Catholic version is sketchy in the extreme.
Their own texts tell them this is wrong:
Bereshit (Genesis) – Chapter 9
4But, flesh with its soul, its blood, you shall not eat.
Acts 15:20 – But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from sexual immorality, and from things strangled, and from blood.
I think, based on my limited knowledge now, that “eating” in these passages is likely the same or similar as used in Revelation for “eating the scroll” in which John accepts the entirety of the Word/Truth, even though it can become bitter. But Gem has said (paraphrased) that our unskillful understanding and application of the truth is what seems sweet in the mouth but turns bitter in the stomach – it seems initially appealing and correct, but ends in miseries and setbacks we never intended.
By that, I mean that, while they may have been seated at table sharing a meal, I think Yeshua was giving them another strong and colorful analogy to show he is the bread that sustains us and the life (blood) he gave, which is Truth – that which takes us from a walking dead state into actual fullness of life, where we are not just existing on a physical plane but interacting with him and the Father in a new way.
He never meant for it to turn into what it is, it was a metaphor. “Man shall not live by bread, alone” – no, we need the living bread of truth. Wine, as historically made, was preservative, medicinal, comforting and could help to convert water not so safe for drinking into something safely and beneficially taken by all. Yeshua’s sacrifice was also medicine for the world – taking a sick world and purifying it for our benefit.
Killing and torturing people is one thing. St. Eucharist is something else.
“I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh” (Jn 6.51).
Thus, the bread of the eucharist is Christ’s flesh, and Christ’s flesh is the eucharistic bread. The same with Christ’s blood. It is the “unbloody” sacrifice – Christ with us, in us. It is union and communion.
The difference between a sacred mystery and roasting somebody’s spleen is pretty obvious.
Christ did use the words eat and drink, but what He meant was that we should join ourselves to His body and become one with Him.
What does the Greek say? What is the word for the “living bread?” Have you read it, or did the Babylonian Priests’ word suffice for you?
What much older scriptural story(s) is Yeshua’s referencing when he makes this remark? I assure you It is not a commandment to eat cannibal waifers that magikally transmute into flesh.
This Catulus doctrine you defend of consuming the body of the soon to be dead and reborn god, is yet another rip off from a much older luciferian ritual of consuming the body of a very well know solar deity that is about to be killed and then eaten and reborn. What deity(ies) is/are that?
In apoKALIpsis, when it speaks of the great harlotte of Babylon riding from the 7 kings on the 7 hills (Romes mythical 7 kings, often known esoterically as the Pleadies and called the “7 sisters,” and 7 hills that The Vatika rests upon), it says
“The beasts you saw will hate the prostitute…. They will eat her flesh.”
Revelations is telling you exactly how they work. Remember the Luciferians fetishise gender changing Lucifer into both male and female forms, the great mother is actually a man… her Virgin priestesses all w****s.
This harlotte as described in revelations whose “magic spell” deceives the nations is dressed in crimson and deep blue, carrying a golden chalice and covered in glittering gold. Is this not exactly the description of your MarYam?
It is.
Dionysus/Osiris (also Ganesha? Tammuz?Quetzalcoatl? ) was one. He incidentally also rode in a triumphal procession on a donkey. “The Greek god of wine, Dionysus or Bacchus, also called Iacchus, has been depicted as having been born of a virgin mother on December 25th; performing miracles such as changing water into wine; appearing surrounded by or one of 12 figures; bearing epithets such as “Father” and “Savior”; dying; resurrecting after three days; and ascending into heaven.”
This article’s bullet point list shows that this is the god they modeled the story from: stellarhousepublishing.com/dionysus/
It’s the same myth dressed up in different names and icons for different times and civilizations, but all the same tale.
“Attis, a Phrygian-Greek vegetation god born of the virgin Nana, castrated himself and, depending on the version, either bled to death from this or was hanged on a pine tree. He was reborn after three days, his blood redeeming the earth as it fell from his body. His worshipers celebrated the salvation from death offered to them by Attis by decorating a pine tree each spring.
This took place on March 25, a date later used by Christians for the Easter celebration (while no longer used for Easter, Catholics still use it to celebrate the Feast of Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary).”
“Followers of Attis “ate” his body in the form of bread. The Creek and Seminole Indians believed corn was the manifestation of the corn god. The Aztecs ate bread, which they believed became the body of Huitzilopochtli or Vitzilipuztli. The people of Crete thought Dionysus became a bull, so at their ceremonies they would eat a bull live and drink its blood.
There were many groups around the world that ate their human sacrifices as well, and some who believed that by eating a man-god they could receive his divine nature.”
The article you mentioned… are you serious? The author of “The Christ Conspiracy”?
You throw here some Zeitgeist inspired crap as Truth? Or is it a possible truth? …an alternative truth? Your truth? You gotta be joking!
Okay but eating his flesh and drinking his blood isn’t being one with him, if that was the case you would become one with every animal you eat. Whose blood and heart tissue do you really think appeared? Why don’t they have it tested to see if it’s from an actual true ancient Yeshua, I’d love to hear the blood type, mother father etc. Someone was murdered here and there just like in all the other religions crackers they put blood in them.
“Broken and distributed is the Lamb of God; broken, but never divided; ever eaten, yet never consumed, but hallowing those who partake”
…this is something no one will understand unless in the Church, True Apostolic Church or at least searching Truth with honesty and humility. As an orthodox I assure you it has nothing to do with cannibalism or luciferianism as gem says. Christ is in the Holy Liturgy, in the Holy Apostolic Tradition, in His Holy Mysteries. And yes, Christ is in the St. Eucharist.
I was sitting in church watching communion as a 7-year-old, thinking how creepy the whole “eating the body and drinking the blood” was. Missouri Synod Lutheran.
Good girl. Eating and drinking people is creepy gross. Maybe we were the weirdos but I rather be weird than a cannibal of the very person who tries to heal us from this loop
@Sharine Borslien
The entire set of rituals is designed to humiliate, patronize, and desecrate the dignity of those that follow it. It is luciferian cult indoctrination designed to prey upon the weak and farm their Ki incessantly.
They know that making people habitually accept horrible practices, and lie after lie, excuse after excuse for things as abominable as pedophilia and genocide, creates severe disassociation from reality for those indoctrinated, and makes them highly manipulable through their conscious rationale and subconscious personality splitting and compartmentalizing. It is a form of mass MK-type ritual abuse.
“Signs and wonders,” more like smoke and mirrors (and inversions and perversions).
Transubstaniation is real and has been around for over 2,000 years. Catholics are not eating blood soaked crackers as you make it out to be. The essence of the host and wine have been changed using the priest as the mediator between God and the Church.
If you don’t understand something that’s been around longer than me can fathom it’s best not to sound like some Edgelord.
Stop being a slave to your thoughts.
Where in scripture does it support that a priestly authority called “father,” (Yeshua said, call no man father) has the power magically transubstantiate crackers?
For those who are interested in learning more about what Catholics believe about the Eucharist, and why, here’s an article:
What somebody read a Bible?
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the authoritative text on church teachings…the priest brings Jesus to the alter to be sacrificed again and again.
The Catholic church has not been Christian for a very long time.
Sounds like the khazarian Jewish blood libel
What’s up with CT and the PsyOps??
@Airplane Clouds
The CT is one massive psy-op with 1700 years of run time.
A solar worshipping Luciferian that murdered all of his close family members (Constantine, who even strangled his wife for fun), installed the antiXristos as prophecies foretold (AntiXristos = “in place of the anointed one” meaning the imposter that is put in place of The True Messiah), and set up the solar cattle farm of the Chai-Rho (Chairon, the Chiral Serpent, the ferryman of the underworld) and the beast out of the sea “Mar-Yam,” (Mar = Sea Yam = Ancient Ugaritic Version of Poseidon, the female great mother that is Lucifer) as a way to consolidate power over the people’s minds, by subsuming pagan Luciferian practice under a single “universalist,” state authority.
This is the Re-Legions, the Legions of Ra, the Lord of Light’s pawns on the chessboard.
If you look into the earliest “bishops of Rome,” (proto-popes, which are officially recognised as popes) of the pre-constantine-cattle-lick church, you will find that they are, particularly obviously Clement, direct bloodline descendants of Emperor Vespasian and Flavius Titus, respectively the Roman emperor and Military commander that sacked and burned down Jerusalem in 69 AD.
When they say their authority is from Piter, they mean the “ancestor,” the ancient dragon bloodlines that imposter the Aryeh Yehudah.
@Airplane Clouds
The CT is one massive psy-op with 1700 years of run time.
A solar worshipping Luciferian that murdered all of his close family members (Constantine, who even strangled his wife for fun), installed the antiXristos as prophecies foretold (AntiXristos = “in place of the anointed one” meaning the imposter that is put in place of The True Messiah), and set up the solar cattle farm of the Chai-Rho (Chairon, the Chiral Serpent, the ferryman of the underworld) and the beast out of the sea “Mar-Yam,” (Mar = Sea Yam = Ancient Ugaritic Version of Poseidon, the female great mother that is Lucifer) as a way to consolidate power over the people’s minds, by subsuming pagan Luciferian practice under a single “universalist,” state authority.
This is the Re-Legions, the Legions of Ra, the Lord of Light’s pawns on the chessboard.
If you look into the earliest “bishops of Rome,” (proto-popes, which are officially recognised as popes) of the pre-constantine-cattle-lick church, you will find that they are, particularly obviously Clement, direct bloodline descendants of Emperor Vespasian and Flavius Titus, respectively the Roman emperor and Military commander that sacked and burned down Jerusalem in 69 AD.
When they say their authority is from Piter, they mean the “ancestor,” the ancient dragon bloodlines that imposter the Aryeh Yehudah.
Regarding to Constantine and Fausta, the wife… you might take into consideration the following allegations:
“Fausta was the daughter of Emperor Maximian. To seal the alliance between them for control of the Tetrarchy, in 307 Maximianus married her to Constantine I, who set aside his wife, Minervina, in her favour. As the sister of Emperor Maxentius, Fausta had a part in their father’s downfall. In 310 Maximian died as a consequence of an assassination plot against Constantine. Maximian decided to involve his daughter Fausta, but she revealed the plot to her husband, and the assassination was disrupted. Maximian died, by suicide or by assassination, in July of that same year.
Fausta was held in high esteem by Constantine, and proof of his favour was that in 324[1] she was proclaimed augusta; previously she held the title of nobilissima femina. Their sons became emperors: Constantine II, r. 337–340, Constantius II, r. 337–361, and Constans, r. 337–350. She also bore three daughters: Constantina, Helena and Fausta. Of these, Constantina married her cousins, firstly Hannibalianus and secondly Constantius Gallus, and Helena married Emperor Julian.
In 326, Fausta was put to death by Constantine,[2] following the execution of Crispus, his eldest son by Minervina. The circumstances surrounding the two deaths were unclear. Various explanations have been suggested; in one, Fausta is set jealously against Crispus, as in the anonymous Epitome de Caesaribus,[3] or conversely her adultery, perhaps with the stepson who was close to her in age, is suggested.
According to the Latin Epitome de Caesaribus and the Ecclesiastical History of Philostorgius (as epitomized by Photius), Fausta was executed by being locked in a bath which was over heated,[4] in connection with the death of Crispus, which “people [thought]” was caused by Fausta’s accusation of unclear nature.
But Constantine, having obtained rule over the whole Roman Empire by remarkable success in wars, ordered his son Crispus to be put to death, at the behest (so people think) of his wife Fausta. Later he locked his wife Fausta in overheated baths and killed her, because his mother Helena blamed him out of excessive grief for her grandson.[5]
Zosimus, on the other hand, suggests adultery as the reason:
He killed Crispus, who had been deemed worthy of the rank of Caesar, as I have said before, when he incurred suspicion of having sexual relations with his stepmother Fausta, without taking any notice of the laws of nature. Constantine’s mother Helena was distressed at such a grievous event and refused to tolerate the murder of the young man. As if to soothe her [feelings] Constantine tried to remedy the evil with a greater evil: having ordered baths to be heated above the normal level, he deposited Fausta in them and brought her out when she was dead.[6]
Gregory of Tours reports that the pair plotted treason.[7] In Zonaras’ version written in the 12th century, Crispus’ death was caused by Fausta’s retaliatory accusation of rape following her unsuccessful sexual advances toward him. But when Constantine realized his innocence, he punished her, mirroring the myth of Phaedra and Hippolytus.[8]
The mode of her assassination is not otherwise attested in the Roman world. David Woods departs from the traditional view that Crispus and Fausta were executed and offers the connection of overheated bathing with contemporaneous techniques of abortion,[9] a suggestion that implies an unwanted, adulterous pregnancy from her relationship with Crispus[10] and a fatal accident during the abortion.”
…so there is no certainty about why it happened but there was definitely a context that might have required just that. There might have been treason involved or false accusations…
Constantine was a brutal murderer and a Solar worshipper. There are far more sources attesting to this tendency of his; and that so many of his family was executed on his orders is not contested by anyone, not even your own Catulus Church.
His chosen solar symbol, the CHAIRHOn, is taken directly from the form of it from MYTH-RA -DA’ATES kingdom in Anatolia as found on lots of his pagan coins.
Myth Ra = The Solar Mysteries
Da’at = Knowledge
The Knowledge of the Solar Mysteries. The symbol itself is shown on Babylonian Solar demonic curse bowls predating Constantine by many many centuries, surrounded by the mark of the beast 666 written as ΣΣΣ and is well known as a curse sigil of Shamesh, the black sun of judgement, the third horseman of the apoKALIpso.
ΣΣΣ was a sorority I pledged to in college. I had never had friends growing up and it was just a way to be “cool” and to belong for me. I didn’t last long, maybe part of the first semester and I dropped out. Glad it happened that way, now. Had I hung in, I may have had an easier and more profitable life in many ways, because of the nature of those systems, but at what cost?
It’s this why in a few movies they flag 3:33 am on the clocks? I tried looking it up but it showed a lot of conflicting things
Masonic 33, the .333, there is a lot there to unpack. Indeed the sigma sigma Sifma curse of Shamesh is shown as 3:33 clocks frequently for this reason; usually it will signal someone who is cursed to be stuck in a cycle that will destroy them.
Give me one unspoiled source where it says that Constantine, the christian emperor strangled his wife for fun. …and was she strangled, or was she slain, or was she drowned? Was it for fun or was it something else? You said “all of his close family members”. For someone so calculated, so precise, you should probably know that his mother, Helena ( doesn’t that qualify her as a close relative?) was not killed by her strangler-for-fun-imperial-son and lived quite a long life dying of old age (82). All of his close family members becomes not all of his close family members. Could it also be that “strangled his wife for fun” is actually slain or dead by other method? and was it for fun or was there some other reason? (because some historians, a few centuries old historians disagree with you).
Also regarding Constantine… he was not born christian. He became! That means he lived quite a long time among pagans. Becoming christian and emperor might have made things a bit more problematic in terms of forcing christianity on his very people. They were pagans! Pagans did force idolatry on christians, tortured and killed them in horrible ways for not betraying their faith. Christian leaders, the real christian leaders have not. A christian Constantine could and would have not imposed the new faith on his people the same way his predecesors did with their gods. The new faith, the new way had to make it’s own way to people’s hearts. To be assimilated and followed willingly. People had to be convinced it was the best way. … In time! That is what assimilation is after all.
“Roman opinion expected of its emperors not innovation but the preservation of traditional ways; Roman propaganda and political communication were conditioned, by statement, allusion, and symbol, to express these expectations. It is significant, for instance, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for a few years on Constantine’s coinage but that they disappeared so quickly: the last of them, the relatively inoffensive “Unconquered Sun,” was eliminated just over a decade after the defeat of Maxentius.”
Some of the ambiguities in Constantine’s public policies were therefore exacted by the respect due to established practice and by the difficulties of expressing, as well as of making, total changes suddenly. The suppression of paganism, by law and by the sporadic destruction of pagan shrines, is balanced by particular acts of deference.
Allow me to give you a different example of motive behind actions, of context and of consequences.
Was Vlad the Impaler a criminal of war? Maybe! And no, he is not considered a saint (in case you wondered). So, was he a criminal of war? It depends on how you want to see it and what suits your purposes best. Are you a muslim or a christian? You want to win by all costs or be fair, consider the context, see the purpose and the effects? So, was he christian? Yes! Did he kill? Yes! The Otoman Empire was a menace to his country and to all christian countries in East Europe. He was a defender, not an offender. Without him and a few other small rulers Europe would have been muslim now. It would have been Quran, not the Word of Christ.
“Any saint has a past, any sinner has a future”.
Was King David of the Old Testament a rapist? And a murderer? Yes! He did, though, repent and he has given us the beautiful, powerful, God-inspired Psalms. Past gives one’s future even more value when the sins are followed by repentance and by the change of one’s ways.
Was St Mary of Egypt a prostitute? Yes! Was St.Moses the Black a killer, a robber, a rapist? Yes! But the robber and the killer repented. The prostitute turned to Christ. The thief on the cross repented. He entered Heaven as Christ promissed. Saul of Tarsus repented. He became the Apostle and the martyr. St.Cyprianos was a sorcerer. He repented.
…Some of the greatest men and women of christianity had a “past”, sometimes a very dark past. Christ made His way to their hearts and provoked the big change because there was an honest search of something called Truth. And the Truth, the Way, the Life found them and changed them forever. Without us knowing their past and their 180 degree change we would perhaps not have enough courage to believe Christ can and will forgive, will receive, will unite with us when and where there is repentance and an authentic will to change.
@444gem just tagging so Gem sees this.
Thank you for taking the time to give a thoughtful response. I appreciate this a lot.
I agree that none of us are perfect, and that forgiveness is found in YHWH and Yeshua. However, you keep discussing Constantine’s truly abohorrent, truly abominable acts of cold blooded murder by discussing it as if it was his pre-Christian “past” and that he somehow changed and reformed through G Zeus. It is quite the contrary my brother.
Constantine never changed; he got worse after his conversion. When was the council of Nicaea? 325 CE.
When did Constantine murder his own child Crispus in cold blood and without trial? 326 CE. The time between was less than a year. That’s right, he had already supposedly been following the teachings of Yeshua since the mail Ian bridge in 312 CE. He had been a gentile “Christian,” for 12 years already, and had made himself its patron saint and Pontificus Maximus less than a year earlier, and thereAFTER he executed his son in cold blood.
Then he had his wife Fausta asfixiated in a hot bath; literally boiled alive in 326 CE! I use the term, choked because people die of asfixiation when boiled in steam before their flesh actually boils…
What a start to his official role as the Pope-Emperor patron saint Of Cattle Lickism! A true saint of reform of his ways. Again the timeline is quite the reverse of how you paint it; he had supposedly converted 13-14 years earlier, and had held the council of Nicaea months prior, THEN HE MURDERED HIS FAMILY IN GRUESOME COLD BLOOD.
You are correct that his “motivations,” are reported somewhere between jealousy from an affair, and pure total psychopathy. But nobody contemporary or near contemporary to Constantine questions that Constantine murdered his wife and child in cold blood.
It is also certain the both were given the Damnae Memoria treatment, which is to have their names erased from official imperial records while Constantine was in power, a fate which would have required his authorizing post his cold blooded murders. This is really typical Luciferian behavior that we see as far back as Ancient Egypt,where they would scratch out names of people they hated and murdered on their stone murals, such as Akhenaton, and his heir Tutenkhamen.
One contemporary source you can easily verify writes about your “saint,” psychopath Constantine:
“But Constantine, having obtained rule over the entire Roman Empire by remarkable success in wars, ordered his son Crispus to be executed, at the behest (so people think) of his wife Fausta. Later he locked his wife Fausta in overheated baths and killed her, because his mother Helena blamed him out of excessive grief for her grandson.”
He boiled his wife, and cold blooded murdered his son. But hey, to his credit he didn’t outright murder his dear old mom. What a Saint!
We’ve now covered how your old boy patron saint psychopathic wife boiler Constantine kicked off his career of the official Gentle Cattle Lick church with a murder fest.
What we haven’t covered is the tremendous amount of solar symbolism he infused into everything.
Below is a coin issued in the 320s CE, note Constantine wearing the Solar crown, the CORONA, and below him is nonchalantly written “Sis” the six. 666 is a symbol of solar worship. He likewise holds a bevy of other solar symbolism here, see if you can identify it.
I will avoid the more nuanced arguments for now. Let’s look at to a contemporary source (from 300s CE) that dryly and unemotionally reports regarding your old patron saint psychopath serial killer founder:
Eutropius. Who makes it clear that Constantine was an all out serial killer, AFTER Nicaea:
“The pride of prosperity caused Constantine greatly to depart from his former agreeable mildness of temper. Falling first upon his own relatives, he executed his son, an excellent man; (then) his sister’s son, a youth of amiable disposition; soon afterwards his wife, and subsequently many of his friends.”
That’s not a pre-Christian “past” or history he reformed from like you claim.
The first death mentioned, that of Crispus, falls in 326 CE; 12 years after the Milvian Bridge fabricated conversion glory story (looking in the sun he saw G Zeus, shocking… he then founded a Solar Worshipoing Church) and mere months after Nicaea.
Mr. Serial killer emperor became a “Christian,” then 12 years later became the founder of the state religion and soul ruler (pontifices Maximus) of the organization that is now the Cattle Lick and Eastern Orthodox Church, and THEN WENT ON A KILLING SPREE AND MURDERED HIS SON, NEPHEW, WIFE AND MANY FRIENDS IN COLD BLOOD. At least he spared mom! This dear saint! Ironically, if you know what Saint means, you are correct that he is a SAN-TANic monster.
Do you hear your own words of abomination? You defend a multiple time serial killer of his friends and family, quote modern church sources, with vested bias to refute the bevy of ancient ones, and now even change the serial killers timeline (out of willful ignorance) to try and place this disgusting vile serial killer in the same breath as “SAiNTAN,” Moses.
All of this just to fabricate some ever evolving narrative that protects your psyche from pain, that is making you defend a a massive serial killer Solar worshipper. I understand it is difficult to accept, and I sense you are a good soul, but I can assure you that the child raping and mass murder isn’t new in the Cattle Church. It’s been there since Day 1 and kept right on going. The wolves masquerading as shepherds, do not place your faith in men, but in YHWH.
Note also the Eutropius works give a dry, matter of fact accurate account of Roman History and many of its emperors and generals,
All of which coincides very well with other primary documentary sources, contemporary historians, archeological and genetic data (which can’t be faked).
Eutropius even takes time in his works to praise Constantine’s military victories and generally good nature in his Youth. But, unlike any other emperor he discusses (all of them through Constantine’s children, so it’s a lot) in his long works, he makes specific note of Constantine’s psychopathic serial killing ways of his family and then friends. Although he doesn’t mention the dates, nor Christianity. He dryly reports the facts.
Thank you for tagging me or I would have seen this.
@crisspf @lgagreharleya
If you would like to read a decent translation of Eutropius work where he talks about the emperors, in all its dryness and matter of fact tone, they can be found here:
I have now given you not one, but two “unspoilt,” contemporary sources.
You may not like Catholics or share our beliefs, but you don’t have to mock us. I love Jesus just as much as you do.
My local priests do not support what this pope is doing.
Not trying to mock anyone, truly. Good people might be found in the masses of any large congregation.
I have been required to see through the lies fed to me via the Protestant denominations my parents selected, and others I went to in my seeking. My grandparents were Catholic, as are some of my extended family and friends, so it’s not so far removed from my understanding. None of this is easy nor comfortable. It’s distressing. And they were only seeking as well, so it is nothing of blame to them.
But, for me, the distress of being called out and shown, point by point, the truth, while painful, is invaluable and it is only meant for my own good.
The Father can find any of us true of heart no matter where we are at the time, but that, imo, doesn’t mean that, once shown, we shouldn’t strive to do better and come out from it. That is just responsiveness and deep love for the Creator and the Savior.
If you have not experienced any personal conviction as to this, then pray for your spiritual eyes and ears to be opened and your heart made good ground, and keep waiting on your answers until they come. Go back every morning to ask again and wait. Truth changes a person in the most foundational, fundamental levels.
We have to be extremely cautious though as Satan is a deceiver. I have felt God’s presence as I pray, I the power of my pastor’s sermon. My local priests don’t go along with this pope, they are appalled by his actions.
Everyone feels that’s as they pray or hear things from a religious leader etc. That’s why they all think they’re in the true church.
Yes, and these huge cathedrals have also been built to resonate just as the pyramids did, plus the pipe organs and huge choirs within their acoustics will make anyone feel a thrill.
Every church service follows a predictable pattern, it is performance art. It might make you feel something, but does it fundamentally change you for the better on an everyday basis? That is fruit. If it made you feel good for a time and you walked out same as you went in, that is a dead show.
I do not seek to mock you. May YHWH bless you in your search for Truth.
However, we are commanded to speak The Truth in the face of evil: in your quest to seek out Yeshua and our father, you have been deceived by the monstrous children of Kain into their luciferian solar church of abomination.
A church that indeed has raped children over millenia at its highest echelons of power and still does so: many of these “Infallible popes” have been caught raping children in luciferian origins; one even stated so much as that “sex with children is no more a problem that wiping one’s hand with the other.”
A church that spits on scriptural commandments over and over.
It worships pagan statues that bleed by trickery while stomping on the commandments given to Moshe “Have graven images you SHALL NOT!”.
And then this Church of Kain proclaims the mouth of YHWH shut forever more! Who on Earth may have authority proclaim such a thing?!! Not even Yeshua, son of man, king of kings, said this; by what arrogance may a human in the dress and name of a Babylonian priest proclaim over the mouth of our father?! Do you truly believe that our father would abandon us in silence??!? That is what the children of Kain to whom you have professed allegiance say you must believe or be cast out.
A church that openly admits it’s “saints” are former pagan deities! And parades their golden images through the streets on its sun worshipping festivals of Ishtar (Easter) and Horus Risen (December 25th). The church itself even admits it’s practices are pagan traditions and proclaims it proudly.
A church that dresses itself in the opulence of gold, sells in its temples, and follows ceaseless rituals of pagan origin and abominable incense that it blows to the “Queen of Heaven,”(Isis/Ashtarte/MarYam) again spitting on the prophecies of Yeremiah!!
A church founded by the direct descendants/bloodline of Flavius Titus and Roman Emperor Vespasian, the very men who genocided and burned all of Jerusalem to the ground in 69 AD after installing pagan statues as a cassis belli; that long history of committing genocide was once again found when they openly helped Nasis escape Germany after WWII with the German treasury. Where is this will of YHWH found in these rotten fruits?
The name itself they have taught you to use “Jesus,” is coded for G-Zeus, the G of free masonry the G of “Gad,” who is Ba’al (Isiah 65:11) and Zeus the illuminator. The name is Yeshua, and in Ancient Greek (read revelations original texts) it is ‘Ishua.’ Do you read Berashit? No you now read the renamed “Genesis,” which means “The Serpent (Ganesha/Janus/Hanas) is.”
I tell you these things out of sufficient respect to offer you The Truth, not to mock you. If you wish to seek the father, and heis Truth, The Key is in your hands. They may have convinced you there is no door, but remember, Yeshua said: You are ELOHIM
People get very upset with this concept, especially religious people, but if we believe we are made in our Creator’s image and likeness, why is it so hard? What do people think that means?
What does Christ say at the Last Supper?
Mathew 26:26-28
“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take and eat; this is my body.’ Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins’”
What is the word used for “body” ?
If you wish to discuss a specific passage, or make a reference to what you mean. I am willing to discuss. But if you wish for me to explain what is said at the last supper in the original Greek, as related into Hebrew in its entirety, we shall be here waiting for me to write many books.
@A E
Many get upset at the words of Yeshua which don’t fit with what they’ve been taught in pulpits… yet they proclaim to follow him without ever having read a word.
As you know my friend, the path to Truth is not walked without struggle, and that it is necessary to “lose,” one’s life, in order to become truly living!
It is a blessing to see you grow day by day.
Thank you, I am finally learning to trust what I hear directly. I think it is sad so many of us need the appeal to authority to the extent that we discard our own revelatory experiences in favor of what some other human being, wearing the right clothes and bearing the right human-granted credentials, has to say which they believe overrides us all on any matter. Why? What makes one human being so much more authoritative? I see human-made garb, rites and rituals and human-granted authority and promotion.
Somehow, after the Acts of the Apostles, many religions got the idea that those miracles were only meant for that time and that our Creator no longer speaks to His people, that we are to trust what happened back then, marvel and be satisfied. That we are to hope that, someday, after we die, the promises of the Father might finally be made manifest in us.
I find this no longer to just be ridiculous, but I find it to be obscene and cruel. We are encouraged to believe in “miracles” which are frivolous, tainted with obscenity and which gain us nothing except more faith in their system, while simultaneously being discouraged from believing those true miracles directly from the Father which foundationally change us and better our lives.
Exactly what do you believe 444?
He’s been pouring it out for months now.
And I agree wholeheartedly with you that we can love people, just not the error. I feel the same way about error I find within myself. These are not personal attacks, but rather admonishments for believers to hear and to come out.
I am Protestant and I love my Catholic brothers and sisters very much. It is your church that I disagree with. They mislead and twist the Word and put themselves and tradition above it. That is wrong.
But you are loved.
It is ironic you say we “put ourselves above the word.” It is the Cattle-lics that claim in their official doctrines that “Solo Scritura,” aka Only Scripture, is bad/wrong! Eve-Angelics do the very same in practice, albeit more disparate or due to the alphabet soup of “denominations.”
The Cattle-Lics officially declare that their “Church Traditions,” which they also openly admit come from paganism, supersede and are above the scriptures.
Yeshua said “call no man father,” regarding priestly authority, the Cattlelica don’t seem to care… Jeremiah said it is abominable to blow incense to the Queen of Heaven, the Papa does that every SUNday….YHWH commanded we do not erect obelisks, sitting in the middle of the VatiKain is a giant solar obelisk… YHWH commanded through Moshe we shall have no graven images, all those statues and icons and crucifixes I guess don’t count… Who is that believes they are above the word you say?
I have only spoken of the word and following what it says, the original word in Aryeh Yehudah. And yet you claim that those who hold their traditions above the word honor it, and that we somehow twist it!
You are mistaking what is familiar, the English (or other vernacular) translations and Catholic-Protestant traditions (most Protestantism is born directly of the seed of Catholicism), for what is True.
If you are so certain I lie, show me where I have twisted and distorted the word, and I am open to discussing.
I misread your comment. My apologies.
I agree 100% with your sentiment here.
The problem with the fact that local priests claim that they do not support the pope is that the pope is the spiritual head of those priests. Those priests swear allegiance to the pope, and the devils that empower the pope, in order to become catholic priests. That means that they give the pope spiritual authority in their lives. When the pope performs rituals and witchcraft, he then has the authority to send devils to control and manipulate those priests.
If the leadership of any church exhibits anti-messiah sentiments or contradicts life and the giver of life in any way then we need to consider leaving that church. We do not want to give anti-messiah priests the spiritual authority to manipulate us and our families or interfere in our salvation. Yeshua alone is our savior, not the pope or any other human being. The fact that the pope tries to interject himself between us and our savior is a problem. The pope sets himself up as God in our lives, which is idolatry from the very top of Catholicism.
The messiah that the Bible describes is names Yeshua or Yehoshua. Constantine, who was pagan, then supplanted the name of the Messiah, Yeshua, with the name of a false messiah, Jesus. Jesus is the ‘deity’ of the Catholic Church which is the religion of universalism, not Christianity. Catholicism mixes tenets of Christianity in with paganism in the attempt to establish a one world religion of universalism with Jesus as its ‘deity’. However, the messiah of the Bible and Christianity is Yeshua, not Jesus.
Many people are confused largely because the Catholic Church authors confusion. For example, some people who have attended Catholic seminaries claim that the priests teach them that Jesus was a magician. Since Constantine actually proclaimed the deity of Jesus to be the ‘deity’ in charge of his religion that is a mixture of paganism and christianity then, yes, Jesus can be construed as the deity of pagan magic. However, to reiterate, Yeshua is the messiah that the Bible talks about. The Catholic Church then supplanted the name of the messiah, Yeshua, with the name of its false messiah, Jesus.
When the one world religion gets around to traipsing out its false messiah that claims that you do not have to accept the messiah, Yeshua, as your savior, then you will know that Yeshua is not the same entity as the anti-messiah that the Catholic Church worships.
Too many pseudo-documentaries from internet can create quite a mess. While we all agree there are wolves among sheep one cannot recognise the deception in the new generation of descovery films without the guidance of theology and history.
…and then again, the Jesus/Yeshua/ Iasous/Iisus. You might consider the old greek before naming “some” here heretics. We are pretty aware whom we worship and that is precisely the Logos/ the Son of God/Jesus Christ (Iisus Hristos in my language)/ the Messiah (Mashiach in hebrew if you prefer it that way)
Thank you. I believe that Satan goes after the priests because it hurts God the most. And the real feather in his cap, getting a pope to turn evil.
The word for priest as it has always been called in Latin, is Cura. The origin of the name is Curru, directly from Babylon’s administrative priest, which were the leaders of the slave gangs during the Aryeh Yehudah captivity. The individual Curru’s master was called SATANmu/Satammu, meaning “chief administrator. Today it is called Episcupus, meaning “The Overseer…”
The priests are the wolves dressed in sheeps clothes, or the useful fools carrying out the will of a church. Yeshua’s said “Call no man Father.” You call your “infallible” man, PAPA…
These wicked children of Kain habitually spit on the scriptures as a way of cult indoctrination for those with a sense of lack of sense of being worthy of true dignity.
A question I’ve had for a while but haven’t found anything on yet goes as follows: is there a particular reason why cuneiform script evolved as it did? Is there anything mathematically significant to be found in the angles between lines, the orientation of the wedges, the ratio between the number of wedges and lines in a given character?
While this is something I am wholly willing to pursue on my own, if you have any insight and/or resources on this subject, it would be greatly appreciated. I know you’ve referenced cuneiform before, so I figured I’d ask in case you knew anything that could guide me.
The short answer: Yes.
Cuneiform began as sticks on the ground. And just as sounds incorporate frequency patterns (hence alphanumerics of The Word), the shapes of the cuneiform incorporate angles and positions of sticks that meet. This is the same as that is seen in the importance of the glyphs shapes and directions of Aryeh Yehudah, and the same type of practices of “sacred scribes” seen throughout the ancient world, as far as Japan.
A useful place to start is to cross reference Ancient early written Chinese with Cuneiform, and find the link with the Alef Bet. Elamite, and particularly the Indus Valley script may help.
This is no easy task you are about to undertake but the rewards of learnings these languages will be great. You will see the power of the word to shape the world unfold before your eyes.
That is one of the reasons, I believe. Another one is that most people lose their faith when they see these fallen priests whom they look at with so much confidence do the exact opposite of what they preach and thus these people become vulnerable. False prophets’ teachings infiltrate much easier in people’s minds when their faith is trashed by those who should defend it.
Also, why don’t you say Kefa instead of Peter? See my point?
We do say Kefar when referring to the adherent of Yeshua.
Note that above the use of “Piter,” is in reference to the actual esoteric meaning it is ascribed by papal authority:
It is Pitr, which is a title for the deity Yama, like MarYAMA. He/She is the ruler of the underworld and justice, and he is the child of the two headed Solar Deity Surya.
His name means “twin/imposter,” and his main title is “Lord od the Pitrs,” which is in this case a reference to the Dragon Bloodlines through the great mother.
It is by this authority, as the luciferian church started by the bloodline children of the Flavians themselves, that your PAPA (call no man father…) claims authority.
It is well established that the early bishops of Rome, most easily verified Clement, were direct descendants from Flavius Titus and Vespasian. What does a Roman Gentile Patrician Royal Family, have anything to do with leading a small movement started by a poor Aryeh Yehudah?
They are “Lord of the Pitrs…” the children of Yama, the Solar Beasy out of the Sea.
True orthodox as well as true catholics have in mind Kefa/ Peter, the apostle of Christ, not who knows what deity or deceiver, of that I assure you. We respect and are guided by those priests who act according to the true teachings. Pointing out abusers and liars who are not true shepards, but wolves (we do know they exist) doesn’t make us, the sheep of Christ goats, nor deceived or heretics.
When you talk about KJ bible you assume immediately that all the the christian nations use the KJ bible? Tell that to orthodox greeks and to romanians, bulgarians, russians, coptic orthodox. Some of these nations were converted to christianity by the very apostles of Christ. St.Andrew introduced Christ’s teachings and baptised the peoples like thracians who were ancestors of the actual bulgarians and romanians.
Now please do tell the greeks who do not use the KJ translation that the “blood” Christ mentions at the Last Supper actually means “urine”. They will, like all true catholics and orthodox call you a liar or a deceived. (“Koiné Greek, also known as Hellenistic and Biblical Greek, evolved from Attic and is a more recent dialect. It is pronounced more closely to modern Greek. It is the dialect in which the New Testament was composed and into which the Old Testament, or Septuagint, was translated from older Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts.”)
You know nothing about whom we call “the Holy Fathers”, the Holy Tradition, the Holy Sacraments or you trash them purposely.
Indeed, you can write books, you are brilliant as a matter of fact, but your “books” have the seeds of deception.
This is the weirdest thread, what with all the accidental, incidental and/or deliberate misconceptions of what’s actually being said. Emotions definitely seem to cloud people’s interpretations in a calculated, or perhaps just an emotionally reactive manner.
Gem never stated the word for blood meant urine.
“Waters” could have easily been construed as urine, which is all he said, and would not have been outside of the meaning of the day had the venerated fathers posited it as such, much as the words translated in the eating and drinking of the last supper (blood and body) were translated poorly to indicate a meaning that many venerate, but is not much less crass, in reality.
Why is this so impossible to grasp? He is trying to show you the inconsistency of believing that the Creator of us all would wish us to consume some body parts of each other, but not others. That consuming any body component of another human might be considered holy, or might transform the eater into someone holy, through ingestion. How does digestion, an entirely natural process, impact and transform the soul? How does ingestion impact the spirit?
Are we made holy by what we naturally ingest? Or are we changed by what we spiritually ingest, which permanently changes our inner man? The spirit of man hungers and thirsts after truth, each one of us has a Creator-shaped void within us, which we all seek to fill by understanding.
Even during Old Testament/Torah times, eating blood was forbidden – it is why the command still goes forward that we may not eat any strangled animal – the blood congeals and does not drain out. What part of Christ’s “body” do you feel it is okay to harvest from to eat, along with his blood, for your wafers? Of all sacrifices, his was the most perfect for all mankind for all time and yet his is the most disrespected and degraded.
And, should you return and say, this is not a man, this is Christ, this is God in a man’s body, what then? The accusation that Catholics crucify him over and again must be true in order to sustain that demand for blood and flesh.
His sacrifice – that one time – was enough for all men before, all then living, and all who would ever after be born. Why demand his lifeblood and body over and again?
What you are seeing is the tremendous power of the cult MAGIk of the children of Kain; the Cushites (κυσιν.) It takes vulnerable people, and indoctrinated them in a system that makes them become as confused dogs: they bark non-sensically whenever someone gets close to their master. No matter how much the master then abuses the dog, it only becomes more faithful. It is heart wrenching…
Since you posted this, my supposition was that you wanted to broach this issue. I made the initial comment, so that through the ensuing conversations I could show you real time the extent of the insidious Luciferian Mind Kontrol on these people, as well as the probabilistic nature of self reinforcing systems of these monsters and their power over their subjects/pawns.
They have no need to specifically send someone who is aware and awake to waste time, they’ve got an army of blind pawns who do it automatically.
Misspelled the tag on your name above.
I know, from my own experiences over time that Catholics are uniquely vehement in their “protection” or defense of their faith. To the extent that often they become cruel, accusatory and irrational in what they hone in on to attack. And it almost always becomes character assassination, not a discussion of theology. It almost seems reflexive.
You’ve spoken of every major religion and have shown the divergences from truth, and most people seem able to accept them. This is an exception.
I think it must be very hard on them, because most do have a wealth of sincerity and devotion. I think the longstanding, deep tradition must be extremely hard to question.
A couple of the people who frequent this site have surprised me in their reactions and arguments on this and other threads, because they are usually so incisive and precise, but not when it comes to this.
I am always glad for the discussions, though. I appreciate having things drawn from myself, that I can better realize and scrutinize, as well.
No organization becomes as insanely rich, powerful, and corrupt, without employing extraordinary measures of Luciferian occult MAGIk to control the minds and spirits of its supporters. They are using very powerful Babylonian demon invocation to drag these souls to the underworld and separate them from YHWH.
They are the cult of the gorgon serpent, the beast of many heads (like the Surya Staff), a gruesome animal itself you can find depicted in ancient art. Think of everything that surrounds this organization, how everything that surrounds it is designed to be gruesome and reviling:
1) They eat cannibal waifers (practicing vampirism…)
2) Their incessant graven images of crucifixes are extremely brutal and disgusting to look at. (Taken directly from Babylonian Dumuzi.) A quick bit of research will reveal just how many bleeding statues they call “miracles.” Extremely gruesome.
3) Their art is painted lifeless and deformed, in the same style of the Egyptian Death Cult artifacts, often with what can be termed as “possessed eyes.” (From stained glass to icons to the art of the Middle Ages, one walk through a decent art museum shows how they brought hell to Earth, and demanded the style of The cult of Osiris into all art.)
4) Most all of their architecture is full of demons, gargoyles, and extremely creepy monsters, designed to invoke fear. It is of course actually a depiction to the gates of Hell, what awaits those that enter this Church of the antiXristos. Think of the artwork behind the pope that deletetheelite put up and how it was very creepy, but then mirrored to reveal ashmodei prince of hell and Baphomet.
5) They are named for and worship the great mother of blood sacrifice (Vatika, who is Bat in Egypt, Ishtar etc.)
6) Their very symbol is named for the ferryman of the underworld and is invoked on Babylonian curse bowls of soul binding. The Catulus are invoking Babylonian Solar demonology for power. They literally are selling souls to the underworld in return for earthly power.
7) They engage in mass child rape and occult sacrifice. This is such things like nuns burning and burying their babies outside monasteries.
8) They glorify the practices of bodily (and spiritual self mutilation/flaggelation.
9) They long burned all those that opposed them in a public fire ritual for all to watch as of it were a spectacle.
10) Their popes have dug up predecessors to put their rotted corpse on trial in public.
11) They sanctify and display mummies they call “incorruptibles.”
12) They spread false origin death cult artifacts surrounding biblical figures, such as the shrowd of Turin, or a “piece of the cross,” which are often MAGIk talismans created in actual brutal sacrifice rituals. (Such as the shroud of Turin, which shows a Hungarian who was sacrificed in the most brutal of manners and then photographed onto cloth.)
The point is, this is the beast, the ancient serpent of many heads, glorifying the harlotte of Babylon riding a beast on seven hills. They are one of the principle pillars that run world for Lucifer, farming souls for the underworld.
The antiXristos itself, and the level of power they exercise over their cult subjects is tremendous; their wealth and power are a testament to something you once said which is quite true: Lucifer is the gad of this world.
The thirteenth point regarding the death kult of cattle sacrifice: they are obsessed with gruesome martyrdomes.
Their entire mythos Glorifies (often fabricated), stories of the most gruesome of deaths by their “saints.” Skin being peeled off, bodies boiled, heads kept alive to watch their own body, being used as food for beasts, bodies burned after each digit and limb has been slowly removed, individuals kept in lifeless bodies of purgatory coma for decades. The entire mythos is a lesson in glorification of gruesomeness and death in blood sacrifice. to Lucifer.
And today they still know the great power of this. Who was the only US president to be publicly and gruesomely murdered, next to his wife, and aired on global television? The only cattle lick president ever, Kennedy. He was dealt with as a Cattle lick who submits to the blood sacrifice cult must be: his brains blasted into the hands of his wife on national TV, and re broadcast before billions for ever and ever. Sacrificed live on film for all eternity… Does this not sound like what they do in “bringing G Zeus to the alter to be sacrificed over and over” at each Mass and then eat his flesh as cannibals?
It is, and it is exactly what Abraham was commanded to never do.
I am aware that the everyday Catholic lay person, and even most non powerful Catholics, believe they are worshipping Yeshua and talking about Kefar (although most do not even know the name Yeshua, nor Kefar) However, these same adherents are fed (the take their daily bread and salary), and choose wilfully to follow practices and “church traditions,” put into place by the powerful men of the Vati-KAIN that control the Luciferian power structure of the Catullus system and have since the start when a murderous Solar worshipper decided he wanted to control not only his subjects lands and wealth, but also their minds and souls; a power structure which directs the everyday cattle-lic to worship in just about every way possible that is an abomination to the commandments of YHWH.
Yeshua said, “Call no man father.” The Catalus Church says, that’s not a literal command (unlike the cannibal crackers, which is super literal apparently), it’s okay to ignore Yeshua’s commands when it’s your PAPA…
So far you have completely ignored, and/or failed to address most of what I said regarding the Cattle church which you cannot refute, and then cherry picked and grossly twisted my words, so as to set up a straw man to beat by claiming I have said that the word for blood αίμα at the last supper means urine…
The Greek word blood “Aima” used at the last supper is in reference to the Hebrew word אדמ, “aDEM” the first humans, male and female, whose name means both Clay, and the blood of the Earth. It is a reference to the chemical composition of Iron Oxides which makes both blood, and Clay of the Earth Red. This is why the word דמת “DEMut,” is used in Berashit in the expression made in the “Image and Likeness” of Elohim, the branching tree of the cosmic fractal whose “genetics,” aka laws of physics and construction, guarantees our very existence. “Berashit Bera Elohim Et Hashamim Uat Harets.”
As an aside this is one of the reasons that I use 444 in this name, for deMUT; it is Dalet = 4 Mem = 40 Tav = 400. And it is also the reason that the word “man” άνθρωπος is the 444th word in alphabeta-cal order in the Greek scriptures. Hopefully this might help you see more regarding what Yeshua is saying at the last supper, which is not a commandment to play cannibal and call it holy.
Let’s look at some of the things you have failed to address:
1) That Dozens of Popes, not bad apples, but the “infallible,” mouth of gad PAPA himself, have over a period of more than 1000 years, been confirmed to have slept with children. One pope even going as far as to publicly say that sleeping with children is no more a problem than wiping one’s hand with the other.
Even recently it has been shown how closely your PAPAs associate with child rapers, JPJ being a good friend to many whom he protected while they raped thousands.
2) That you are commanded to worship and pray to innumerable statues and icons glittering in gold, which directly contradicts the second commandment to have no graven images. The most common being exactly as described in apoKALIpso, the harlot of Babylon, whom they dress in crimson and Deep Blue/Purple with a golden chalice and glittering solar imagery.
3) That the cattle-lic power structure openly admits many of its practices are directly taken from pagan traditions it has subsumed.
4) That you are commanded to call your priestly authority father, when Yeshua said “call no man father,” specifically in reference to priestly “authority.”
5) That your papa and priestly authorities blow incense, kiss, and worship to the statue and icons of the Queen of Heaven, directly in contraversion of the commands of Jeremiah. (Chapter 44)
6) That your Church authority sells in its temples, despite Yeshua’s direct command not to do so. (I can show you the gift shops in way too many…)
7) That you are commanded to celebrate G-Zues “birth,” on December 25th, the day of the Birth of the Sun (Horus Risen) and mass on SUNday/DOMinus. (Unless you are Eastern Orthodox, which I suspect, and then we can discuss the practices incorporated of Solar Gorgon worship of the East and the two headed staff of Surya the Solar Deity)
This is but the tiniest portion of the proof of the Luciferian nature of the Catulus power structure.
As I began, I do not question that most of the people on the Cattle-lic church believe they are speaking of and referencing Yeshua and Kefar. Yet this is the very essence of the antiXristos; the ones who replace the Truth with an imposter that looks, seems, and even feels as if it were The Truth; It is the imposter, the Di-Hevel, the δι-άβολος; The “Twin,” of Abel, the imposter that mirrors him, who is Kain. The true meaning of devil… Di = double/twin/mirror image Hevel = Abel, the Shepherd.
חבל means the “Empty one,” Kain, קין “The possessor possessed by his possessions…” The nature of the devil is the one who mirrors being empty (false righteousness) yet seeks to possess all (The trillions in wealth of the catulus power structure that plays as of it were the “mouth of god.”)
protestants: We believe in the Bible!
John 6:52-53 (KJV): “52 The [Protestants] therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? 53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.”
protestants: That part is figurative only, not literal!
John 6: 55 (KJV): “55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.”
protestants eternally btfo by John 2000 years later
If you think in binary or “Protestant v Catholic,” then you have fallen again for the ruse of the wicked. Did any gentiles write a single scripture you profess your faith to? It was the Aryeh Yehudah.
What does the text say here in the original Greek? The translation you quote here is fanciful at beat.
”Meat,” = σαρξ which means “The material World,” and references physical matter and materiality. It is known also as “the body of a fruit.” A reference to the body of ELOHIM which is the branching of space and time, the name meaning “Tree.”
It is a command for us not to reject existence in materiality, and rather to live in this world.
The word now translated as “Indeed” is
It means TRUTH! not ambiguously, this word in Ancient Greek means immutable Truth with capital T, and now it is translated as “Indeed…”
The passage of John 6:55 actually says something much closer to:
“For materiality, the fruit of my body is sustenance, TRUTH, and the lifeblood of me quenches thirst, TRUTH.”
It may help to refer to the passage where Yeshua speaks with the Samaritan woman at the well. There Yeshua explains that the waters of Yakov, the serpent seed, leave all who drink of them soon thirsting for more, but that his waters will leave those that drink of them never to thirst again.
It’s not a commandment to drink his transmuted urine at mass; these are very common themes taught throughout scriptures and ancient traditions for which they have greatly derived you, as they have deceived you that worshipping bloody statues of the “Queen of Heaven,” is not spitting on the commandments of YHWH.
You are proving the point John made with that passage. Thanks!
For anyone else reading, what 444Gem called a “fanciful translation” is the King James Bible. Here is a link to the Greek for those verses so you can decide for yourself whether 444Gem’s interpretation of the text is more or less fanciful than the KJV: https://biblehub.com/interlinear/john/6.htm
Please also note that THE FIGURATIVE AND LITERAL ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. So if you see merit in 444Gems interpretation and the literal meaning of the verse, you can accept both.
You may also want to consider for yourself why 444Gem would mock the literal meaning of Christ’s words (‘transmuted urine’?! wth).
He wasn’t mocking anything but the fanciful translations that twist words into meanings that make them ridiculous. He spoke of “waters” and, in case you weren’t aware, the archaic meaning of “make water” is to void, urinate, pee. He’s contrasting that starkly with your concept, based on bad translation, that we are commanded to literally eat his body and blood, as opposed to seeking and finding sustenance in his very essence, which is Truth.
King James was yet another Solar emperor! A vile wicked person drunk with the temptations of Satan, who only replayed the same playbook of Constantine in forming his very own church of An-Gal land.
If you research who King James is, you will find, without any sort of disagreement over historical veracity, that King James:
1) Beheaded his own mother
2) Had lots of sex with little boys
3) personally commanded and oversaw the mass genocide of 10,000 plus women, whom he called “witch burnings.”
4) Was highly interested in necromancy
I could go on but the point is made. You seem to blindly trust a translation made by a pedophilic Luciferian, interpreted for you by other pedophilic Luciferians, and yet likely have never read a single letter in Aryeh Yehudah (Biblical Hebrew/Aramaic).
You claim to follow the Hebrew Messiah, yet your source for his words are the filters and practices provided by the children of Kain themselves.
You are commanded by several prophets to cease tiresome rituals (Ezekiel)… to cease blowing incense to the Queen of Heaven’s statues (Jeremiah), to have no Graven images (Second Commandment of Moshe) and to call no man father (Yeshua), and yet these are at the very foundation of the abomination of Rome whose ”holy father” is a Papa… Your church spits in the face of the commands of YHWH given by Yeshua, Moshe, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, David, Daniel, Ezra, Malachi, Hosea, etc. and openly and officially admits it incorporates paganism.
And yet somehow you claim the words and translations of a mass genocidal pedophile are authoritative over the original texts!
I am not mocking the words of Yeshua, quite the opposite; I was showing you that applying the same sort of logic with Yeshua’s words you use to justify believing your “father” (spit on Yeshua’s face when you eat the cracker and say, thank you FATHER) makes magical cannibal crackers by waving his hand, to the passage at the well regarding “my waters,” which yes in both Ancient Greek and Aryeh Yehudah is urine, would be ludicrous.
What is the original word used in the text for “Body,” at the last supper?
σῶμα ,
σῶμα • (sôma) n (genitive σώματος); third declension
body (both that of people and animals)
(Epic and often in other early works) dead body
One’s life in the physical world
That which is material (as opposed to spiritual)
An entire thing
(mathematics) three-dimensional object”
Yes it is σῶμα. Just from these several meanings you can gather a strong idea of tree which springs from the seed of this word.
However, where else in history/geography is the word Soma consumed un a MAGIK ritual, and as much as a “blood of a god,” or an elixir of life?
Then look at this consumption of soma, in the context of the MAGIkal transfiguration of soma by the Catulis, the ones who claim that they receive authority from “Pitr.” The Lord of the Pitrs, the deity of the underworld in the same tradition of Soma, the female version of the grim reaper Vatika being their very name (as well as Chairon the underworld ferryman being their very symbol.) Quickly the flavour of the Luciferian cult of death cult of sacrifice by false righteousness, and the practice of making them play cannibal daily ahould come into focus.
Beyond this, you can then conpare and contrast the various corruptions (the man of many faces… wears many masks) of the original teaching of Soma by the Aryeh Yehudah which Yeshua gives in scripture: the spiritual sustenance we gain by fully living our material existence as guaranteed by the nature of the cosmos, Elohim, and the branching of the cosmic tree.
Then cross reference this concept of the “living bread,” at the last supper with the passage in which Yeshua explains that the domain of the cosmos is like a tree, from a seed to many branches, and like a huge quantity of flour with yeast worked in such that it rises and rises.
The living bread, yeast, which makes the flour rise and gives us our daily basic sustenance.
I know there was an elixir which was made in ancient times they called soma, which would have been an alcohol ferment (hence the tie-in to yeast as sustenance) and I also have heard in the past that some called “magic mushrooms” soma (amrita, which sounds an awful lot like amanita muscaria? the magic “flying” mushroom on which Santa Claus tales are based). Those both make me think of natural experiences intended by some to mimic the divine.
If I’m not mistaken, the earliest mentions were Vedic (Hindu) and the ayahuasca resurgence in popularity is very likely related.
The hallucinogenic nature also makes me think of of the modern mind control measures using LSD to facilitate. This is an ancient practice – the Na zi s didn’t dream it up themselves, so this natural hallucinogenic concoction was very likely employed similarly in early rituals. Regions seem to have had their own mixtures which acted similarly.
As a somewhat related aside, natural substances like devil’s or zombie cucumber and datura stramonium, amongst like substances have also been used to simulate “magic” with “deaths” and resurrection being mimicked due to the understanding of these plants and dosage/admin which paralysis does look exactly like true death. I feel certain these substances were the basis for “whom the bell tolls” – meaning, the surge of people mysteriously “arising from the grave”.
This may sound off, but I wonder whether the tale of manna from heaven wasn’t the same as the ambrosia which turned humans’ blood into ichor. “Fobidden food of the gods” which made man immortal and demigods. Since we know that Moeshe was raised an Egyptian prince and was educated and skilled in these things…?
I will cross compare the rest of this to see what else I come up with, but I think this is taking natural substances in overly potent dosages to mimic spiritual experiences, and because these are so strong, the much more sane and soft experiences with the Creator seem anticlimactic to many in
There was also a muscle relaxer by big pharm on the market years ago called soma which was removed because of opiate-hypnotic or something along those lines.
I may be way off base here, @444gem, these are just my initial thoughts.
@lgageharleya @444gem
The first memory I have of the world soma is in relation to Aldous Huxley’s 1932 novel Brave New World. “Soma” was the drug every citizen would take to “go on a holiday.” It was tightly controlled from the lower castes, and used as bait to impel them to work. However, it was distributed freely among the upper echelons. The book has a lot of eugenic themes that I found particularly striking, especially considering the way things are run around the world today. One can find sources fairly easily on the Internet that state Huxley was well known for his drug trips. He was especially fond of mescaline in particular, I believe (according to the most mainstream sources on him).
I do not know much about it at all (regarding the book, as well as the substance) but in his book The Doors of Perception, he did mention 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione and its purported effects (though he stated he never consumed it).
Now that you say it, I recall it, vaguely. Do you recall what effects he attributed?
I’ll list’em here. Let me preface with a tidbit from the novel’s Wikipedia novel, which discloses where Huxley was said to have found inspiration for the drug and/or its name:
“Soma: Huxley took the name for the drug used by the state to control the population after the Vedic ritual drink Soma, inspired by his interest in Indian mysticism.”
From Study dot com (a resource for high schoolers to dodge having to read assigned material, and just read synopses instead. I should know):
There is a significant amount of drug use in Brave New World. The people who live in the world of Huxley’s novel are encouraged by their government to think and act in certain ways through the use of ”hypnopaedic” persuasive information delivered to them in their sleep each night. This information is provided primarily through pithy statements that are restated by the characters frequently. In the case of soma, the most commonly repeated phrase is ”a gramme is better than a damn,” meaning that taking soma is a better choice than experiencing even the mildest unhappiness. ”A gramme in time saves nine” is another hypnopaedic phrase that characters repeat.
When I read the novel, I also remember that in large doses, the soma could “transport” people to new places. Here is a quote I distinctly remember reading:
“..there is always soma, delicious soma, half a gramme for a half-holiday, a gramme for a week-end, two grammes for a trip to the gorgeous East, three for a dark eternity on the moon…”
Perceptually speaking, it acted as some seriously time-bending stuff. I also remember reading that it was used (in the novel) in smaller doses to make socializing easier (especially for the protagonist, Bernard Marx, who at the beginning of the novel found himself an outsider):
“Bernard also laughed; after two grammes of soma the joke seemed, for some reason, good. Laughed and then, almost immediately, dropped off to sleep,…”
edit: I accidentally misspelled my email haha. So no profile pic
Thanks, Channah, does sound a lot like LSD and the like, and for the same purposes.
No problem. I’ll try and do more research into Huxley over the next couple of days. His writing was really striking the first time I read BNW. Probably one of the best books I ever chose to check out (library is fairly small).
You are not way off base. What you are finding is the myriad of ways they have inverted and chirally twisted the concept of soma; the many masks, of the man of many faces; the many manifestations of this same Luciferian tactic popping up over time and space.
The original concept of Soma is about finding Truth and growth by living in our material existence in this universe. As you are doing with your nursing, living in this world and learning from it, even though we are not of this world. This universe is the body of the tree of Elohim, and thus we are commanded by Yeshua to partake fully (to consume it) and see our experiences here as spiritual sustenance and nourishment. (Not cannibal crackers.)
Invariably all of these examples of the Luciferian twists, from the psychedelic stimulant Houma-Soma of ancient Vedic and Zoroastrian tradition, to the cannibal crackers of the Vati-Kain, to the Vacation inducing Soma of Huxley mentioned by @channah , and the pharmaceuticals are designed to keep people from the sustenance Yeshua speaks of, which is provided by fully living this life, through distracting them with escapism into fantasies of a “better” reality where they can find pleasure or “divine wisdom.” Replacing The Truth with an mirror image, an imposter that is chirally opposite.
On a scriptural note, you can find that many Vedic traditions associated Soma with divine wisdom and the Moon; the MOON-Keys. They were taught how to use the moon to tell seasons for planting and crops (aka a farmers almanac) and determining celestial distances, and then had it substituted for a corruption involving escaping this reality through “tireless full moon rituals.” (Isiah.)
This same phenomena pops up in Matthew 27 regarding the “30 pieces of silver in the tabernacle,” that the Fire-I-Sees use to purchase tombs for foreigners; which are the pyramids and Hinnom separated by 272.727272 miles. The 30 silver pieces are the approximate 30 days of the Lunar Cycle; the Meni, the Mono-eye (of Horus), the Moon… It controls the flow of the current-cy of water, and how having been given this wisdom the Luciferians were so silly they decided to murder the Truth and use the knowledge to make tombs for serpents and eagles.
>”You seem to blindly trust a translation”
I haven’t said that.
>”You claim to follow the Hebrew Messiah”
I haven’t made that claim.
>”You are commanded by several prophets to cease tiresome rituals (Ezekiel)… to cease blowing incense to the Queen of Heaven’s statues (Jeremiah), to have no Graven images (Second Commandment of Moshe) and to call no man father (Yeshua)”
Who said I do any of these?
>”Your church spits in the face of the commands of YHWH given by Yeshua, Moshe, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, David, Daniel, Ezra, Malachi, Hosea, etc. and openly and officially admits it incorporates paganism.”
How do you know what church I belong to?
>”somehow you claim the words and translations of a mass genocidal pedophile are authoritative over the original texts!”
Footage still not found
>”I was showing you that applying the same sort of logic with Yeshua’s words you use to justify believing your “father” (spit on Yeshua’s face when you eat the cracker and say, thank you FATHER) makes magical cannibal crackers by waving his hand, to the passage at the well regarding “my waters,” which yes in both Ancient Greek and Aryeh Yehudah is urine, would be ludicrous.”
Who said I do any of these things?
Thanks for your post. I’m not sure if it really qualifies a reply to anything I’ve said. Perhaps you were responding to someone else.
Probably to the person you postured yourself as with your first comment chiding Protestants.
Posturing? I only presented myself as someone who can read. I did chide Protestants; that is a fact. And I would do it again. They apparently cannot read.
Certainly, most “Christians,” don’t read scriptures, they read terrible translations, most of which are based on simply revising the KJV, or regurgitating the latin vulgate. The rotten fruits of the genocidal necromancing pedophile that commissioned the KJV text as the basis for starting his own solar church are well documented.
However, If I have misinterpreted your personal stance, then this is my error. What I said in my previous reply is in response to what appears to be an appeal to authority of KJV, and an apparent defense of the “literal” interpretation of magic cannibal waifers in John.
My question is then to understand more of your perspective and where you are coming from.
My personal stance on this topic is covered in my comments on this article. I know you and others like to expand the scope of the topic freely to include speculation, sometimes even regarding the personalities behind the comments, but I don’t particularly care to participate in that.
Separately, I observe many people here will criticize any and all appeals to authority, yet are more than happy to do the exact opposite, i.e. appeal to corruption. For example, someone quotes the King James Bible, and someone responds that ‘since King James was evil, ever verse in the King James Bible is distorted/evil/corrupt/etc.” We might call this the ‘appeal to corruption’ as it’s essentially the same mistake as the appeal to authority.
That is a non-answer of politician proportions. The only personal stance youve been unambiguous about is that “Protestants can’t read,” while quoting King James the genocidal necromancer as proof.
Otherwise it’s been a series of fairly ambiguous statements that certainly imply an assertion (such as appeal to authority of the KJV), followed by admonishing me and claiming I’ve potentially misunderstood you completely, albeit again ambiguously using question declarations such as “who said that I…” which is not actually a negation but rather simply stating the possibility about the possibility of negation, followed by another non answer of “my personal stance is already covered.”
In logic, this tactic is called the undefined goal post mover…
You’ve now gone to another extreme to beat a strawman against me, yourself assuming something about me: that I question the KJV only because it’s author was a genocidal psychopath who created it as the basis for starting his own cult/“church.” You’re now also falsely claiming I’ve said that since King James was Evil, every word in the KJV is distorted/evil/corrupt.” I never said that.
I have specifically addressed the translation of some of the passages in question, including the one you quoted from John 6, in the original languages, and compared it to the bewildering translation offered by the KJV, which has often been used as a fundamental basis for Why G Zeus said we must eat cannibal crackers.
In response to my discussion of the original Greek of the passage you cited (as evidence Protestants are illiterate,) you then made an apparent public appeal to authority of the KJV, and posted an interlinear translation, stating “you decided for yourself reader,” but again offered nothin regarding the Greek words themselves, nor responded to what I stated about those Greek words… Just a link and another ambiguous statement about literal vs figurative interpretation.
Indeed regarding the KJV, I offered some compelling reasons for one to be skeptical of it due to the nefarious origins of the document; The origins and purposes of a document are certainly important in evaluating it’s content, but it doesn’t mean every single word is bad/wrong.
Would you unquestioningly read Charles Manson official biblical translations he created for indoctrinating his cult followers as authoritative? Most would not. And King James was more of a psychopath than Manson: beheading his own Mother, burning 10,000+ “Witches,” and then going home to play with dead bodies to cast magic spells. Pure, total psychopathy of the most wicked kind.
Again it doesn’t mean every single word in the KJV is bad/wrong/corrupt, but it definitively gives a strong reason to read it with an understanding of its Purpose: A document to be used as the basis of a church started by a psychopath for cult indoctrination of an entire country. It is wise to consider how that might have effected its content. Although I can assure you, that my mistrust is also rooted in having looked at the translations in great detail relative the original language documents, and found persistent and pervasive patterns which demonstrate there was indeed an attempt to corrupt the word to start a new cult; hiding away certain very specific information repeteadlt, and greatly distorting the meanings of others with the same mistranslations over and over.
Here are my question for you I hope you can answer unambigiously:
1) Are you a Catholic?
2) Are you a Christian? Or do you attend to a “christian,” Church?
3) Do you support the authority of the KJV?
4) Do you read the scriptures Ancient Hebrew or Ancient Greek?
5) Why do you specifically single out Protestants as illiterate but make no mention of Cattle Licks or other branches of gentile “Christianity?”
Yes, “nonanswer” would be a good one word summary of my previous reply to you. That’s what it meant when I said “I don’t particularly care to participate.” I’m glad at least that much is clear.
I made an observation, you ‘disagreed’ in novella form, and so I provided a link for anyone who reads in the future to make up their own mind. Somehow you still wanted answers from me. I can only guess why that might be.
But let’s say I were to answer your questionnaire anyway. What will anyone learn? Who ‘chud’ is on this website? Is ‘chud’ Catholic’? Does ‘chud’ support the authority of the KJV? Lol. It’s hard to think of questions more irrelevant to this topic and someone’s desire to know truth. Readers should be weighing the ideas themselves, not the person who posted them.
Which Urban Dictionary reference should be called to mind by your handle, chud?
Or are you going waaaaaay back?
There are a number of hypotheses as to the origin of the term. Chud could be derived from the Slavic word tjudjo (‘foreign’ or ‘strange’), which in turn is derived from the Gothic word meaning ‘folk’ (compare Teutonic). Another hypothesis is that the term was derived from a transformation of the Finno-Ugric name for the wood grouse. Yet another hypothesis contends that it is derived from the Sami word tshudde or čuđđe, meaning an enemy or adversary (Finnish: vainolainen)
Any or all of them. I chose it because it is the opposite of flattering and common enough to be almost completely nondescript. That way, when someone is bothered by something I say, they’ll know they’re wasting their time, arguing with some chud.
Just a time waster… the kind who gets touched off by a topic, speaks/types rashly, and then when spoken to as an adult, decides to play games to prove to themselves they are “clever.”
Yes, the person who gives himself the name ‘chud’ is trying to prove he is clever. I’m sorry for refusing to engage in your internet cred contest by answering your fatuous questions. The real tragedy is, alas, we may ever find out what chud thinks of the KJV.
I was trying to have a conversation with you as a person, not make a public display.
I asked you questions simply to try and understand you better as a person, nothing more, but it seems the conversation for you was more about playing some game of cleverness and slipperiness for a non-existent audience.
If you troll yourself with a degrading name, that is your business, I was still just trying to discuss with you at a personal level, despite the self deprivation and insulting first comment (I’m not a Protestant, but calling an entire group illiterate based on a single verse is, insulting…)
>”it seems the conversation for you was more about playing some game of cleverness and slipperiness for a non-existent audience”
This is pretty rich coming from you. If you do not see the irony, I doubt you ever will.
>”calling an entire group illiterate based on a single verse is, insulting…”
This is also pretty good coming from you. “Cannibal crackers”? “Cattle-lic”? “Death kult of cattle sacrifice”? You must be joking.
You are mistaking unveiling an abominable Truth for an insult.
The words I’ve used reveal exactly what this organization is: a Luciferian church designed to reap harvest for Lucifer and the underworld. Let’s examine:
The origin of the name of the Cattulus church itself is Vatika, the Etruscan underworld goddess of reaping souls and blood sacrifice, a half COW female grim reaper who was the “great mother,” and “Queen of Heaven.”
The Etruscan Vatika is the same in origin and name as the Egyptian Bat, a solar cow goddess also associated as the “great mother,” of the sun and with reaping souls for the underworld.
The name “Catholic/Catholica,”
Comes directly from the Umbrian (Etruscan) Catulus. Which means Cattle, or “sacrificial animal.” Solar of cows and blood of sacrifice give this church its very name.
The symbol of the Chai Rho is directly taken from Babylonian Hex bowls for Solar demonology that are used to bind souls to the underworld. It is named for CHAIRHOn the ferryman of the river Styx of the underworld. Notice a theme?
The name of the church fatherleader is an aPOPEphis/aPOPE which is the great serpent of chaos of the Egyptian underworld that the Sun battles each night in Egyptian mythology.
They glorify a history of brutal, disgusting (and often fabricated) martyrdoms. And they spit on Moshe and have innumerable heaven images of bleeding G Zeus statues that are extremely gruesome. Then they tell their adherents to eat his literal flesh. It’s playing cannibal.
They gave burned countless (likely millions) as “heretics,” as public spectacles that were done for adoring crowds of their followers. They’ve been raping children for thousands of years.
The words you are claiming are insults are unfortunately highly exact terminology, which are what this church is, and has called itself from the start: the Solar Church of the “Queen of Heaven,” that reaps Catulus for Vatika, for CHAIRHOn to carry into the underworld.
Yes, I see now that “cannibal crackers” is really the best term available for a thoughtful discussion of transubstantiation, and that urine was the best choice for analogy no matter how we look at it. This isn’t insulting in the least; it’s just “highly exact terminology.”
You would never say something truly offensive to “an entire group,” like “Catholics don’t know how to read the Bible.” That would clearly be a bridge too far!
Here, let me try to fix my earlier comment: “Protestants can’t read. I know this because they clearly do not grasp the plain meaning of the verses I highlighted. I base this on my reading and research, which are not wrong. If anyone believes this is insulting, they don’t understand that I am just revealing the truth.”
How’d I do?
You seem to have disregarded and ignored everything I have said above regarding the nature, naming and symbolism of the Catulus church. Why is that? Can you point to me where the assertions and language are incorrect, or the facts refute the statements?
Instead you’ve honed in on one term which may be open to interpretation as possibly inexact (cannibal crackers) to try and divert the conversation away from what has been said above which is strongly supported by evidence and highly damaging to the image of false holiness of an organization run by many genocidal pedophiles over the past 1000 years.
Could I have used the term “unleven bread that is used by the church of underworld reaping to instill the idea of getting on your knees and eating crackers magically made flesh without any scriptural basis so that cannibalism is viewed as holy in its adherents.” I could have, but the burdensome nature is just as well captured by “cannibal crackers.” You could say “one who is attracted and acts upon sexual desires for young children,” or simply “pedophile.”
What I never said is “Catholics are Xxxx (insert insulting characterization such as illiterare, dumb, etc.)” I have factually asserted that most Catholics and Protestants and gentile “Christians,” never bother to read one word of original scripture, and instead rely upon translations made by a psychopath greater than Charles Manson, designed for indoctrinating an entire nation in his cult.
You have also falsely twisted my words and claimed I made statements about drinking urine which I did not. I made the point that the literal reading of the terrible English translation of the phrase you used to call others illiterate, is just as seemingly absurd when applied to another passage.
The passage you quoted that supposedly makes all Protestants “illiterate,” is of course a terrible (Mis)translation of an original passage. The mistranslation is used by the church of Solar cattle reaping for Lucifer, that worships gruesome graven images which spit on the second commandment, in order to justify its ritual practice of eating unleven bread that is used to instill the idea of getting on your knees and eating crackers magically made flesh without any scriptural basis so that cannibalism is viewed as holy in its adherents.
>”Instead you’ve honed in on one term which may be open to interpretation as possibly inexact (cannibal crackers)”
Just a moment ago, this was “highly exact terminology.” Now it’s “possibly inexact.”
>”to try and divert the conversation away from what has been said above which is strongly supported by evidence and highly damaging to the image of false holiness of an organization run by many genocidal pedophiles over the past 1000 years.”
Making observation about Protestants != defending the crimes of Catholic clergy
>”Could I have used the term “unleven bread that is used by the church of underworld reaping to instill the idea of getting on your knees and eating crackers magically made flesh without any scriptural basis so that cannibalism is viewed as holy in its adherents.” I could have, but the burdensome nature is just as well captured by “cannibal crackers.” You could say “one who is attracted and acts upon sexual desires for young children,” or simply “pedophile.”
Your description of Catholics and their theology continues to be flippant and “inexact” about the crucial element of the Catholic faith, which Catholics would find very insulting.
Whether you want to say that kind of thing or not makes little difference to me. The joke, however, is your finger-wagging at me for pointing out that Protestants completely miss the literal sense of their Bible at a point where Christ is insisting he is speaking literally. This shows Protestant reading skills are lacking, or that Protestants are, if you prefer, simply “illiterate.”
>”What I never said is “Catholics are Xxxx (insert insulting characterization such as illiterare, dumb, etc.)” I have factually asserted that most Catholics and Protestants and gentile “Christians,” never bother to read one word of original scripture, and instead rely upon translations made by a psychopath greater than Charles Manson, designed for indoctrinating an entire nation in his cult.”
Oh, okay, now I’m beginning to understand. You would never say something like “Catholics can’t read,” but you will say “I have factually asserted Catholics don’t read.” That is wholly different. Allow me to rephrase my comment again: “I have factually asserted Protestants can’t read.” Thanks for your help!
>”You have also falsely twisted my words and claimed I made statements about drinking urine which I did not.”
No, I didn’t.
>”I made the point that the literal reading of the terrible English translation of the phrase you used to call others illiterate, is just as seemingly absurd when applied to another passage. The passage you quoted that supposedly makes all Protestants “illiterate,” is of course a terrible (Mis)translation of an original passage. The mistranslation is used by the church of Solar cattle reaping for Lucifer, that worships gruesome graven images which spit on the second commandment, in order to justify its ritual practice of eating unleven bread that is used to instill the idea of getting on your knees and eating crackers magically made flesh without any scriptural basis so that cannibalism is viewed as holy in its adherents.”
In your own words: “most Catholics and Protestants and gentile ‘Christians,’ never bother to read one word of original scripture, and instead rely upon translations made by a psychopath.” And the literal meaning of the words in this translation you’re referring to has Christ saying to eat his flesh and drink his blood. So you can talk about the original translation all you like, but that is beside the point. Protestants do not understand the literal meaning _of their own translation_ and hence “I have factually asserted” they simply “can’t read.”
Every response you simply ignore about 90% of what I say, then cherry pick a small number phrases out of context, slap your twisted interpretation on them and try to direct the conversation how you see fit. Constant goal post moving as if this were a political debate in the USA.
Although you seem to think I’m finger waiving at you, I wasn’t, truly it is of little consequence; I was pointing out that you began with an assertion that can be made intelligently, but was clearly written to be intentionally inflammatory, and then saying that despite your name of self deprication and clear intent to inflame rather than discuss, I was trying to have a conversation with you.
Your last comment about Protestants not reading the literal interpretation of an English translation of an original text, is completely non-sensical. If they have better captured (albeit only partially) the idea of an original text in Ancient Greek, then why does it matter if a modern English mistranslation of that original text, made by a genocidal psychopath for cult indoctrination, appears to contradict the interpretation? It’s a logical fallacy, and for anyone trying to follow the original scriptures it makes no difference. Who cares what the cult psychopaths twisted translations literal interpretation would be?
If you find the time to answer some of the questions U’ve posed and to respond to the other 90% of what I’ve said, I’m willing to continue, otherwise it seems a tremendous waste of time.
>”Every response you simply ignore about 90% of what I say”
Correct. That is because most of your responses to me have contained a large amount of extraneous content that isn’t germaine. 90% might be right.
>”Your last comment about Protestants not reading the literal interpretation of an English translation of an original text, is completely non-sensical. If they have better captured (albeit only partially) the idea of an original text in Ancient Greek, then why does it matter if a modern English mistranslation of that original text, made by a genocidal psychopath for cult indoctrination, appears to contradict the interpretation?”
You’re admitting my point while telling me I’m wrong, but you still can’t see it. My assertion has never involved whether or not the KJV is a good or bad translation or what the original texts may say. It’s about what Protestants as a group do and don’t understand.
>”It’s a logical fallacy
What you’re describing is not actually a logical fallacy. You also misapplied the term “strawman” earlier fwiw. I previously included that one in the 90% to ignore but a pattern is forming.
>”and for anyone trying to follow the original scriptures it makes no difference. Who cares what the cult psychopaths twisted translations literal interpretation would be?”
The Protestants who use it, as you said in your previous post: “[…] Protestants […] never bother to read one word of original scripture, and instead rely upon translations made by a psychopath.” You’ve asked a rhetorical question here, but if you undestood that the answer to this question when asked non-rhetorically, you would understand why you’re still going in circles on this.
>”Although you seem to think I’m finger waiving at you, I wasn’t
So when you told me: “calling an entire group illiterate based on a single verse is, insulting” this was merely “factual assertion?” Lol. Sure, Jan.
>”truly it is of little consequence; I was pointing out that you began with an assertion that can be made intelligently, but was clearly written to be intentionally inflammatory, and then saying that despite your name of self deprication and clear intent to inflame rather than discuss, I was trying to have a conversation with you.”
You demanded answers from me (mostly about whether or not I am a Catholic) that weren’t relevant to the topic. I declined to play this game and you said I was “Just a time waster… the kind who gets touched off by a topic, speaks/types rashly, and then when spoken to as an adult, decides to play games to prove to themselves they are ‘clever.'” I can only speculate as to why you’d handle things this way.
I would guess that, among other things, you have an anti-Catholic animus, which is not uncommon among people who are covinced they’re “awake.”
crisspf said “You know nothing about whom we call ‘the Holy Fathers’, the Holy Tradition, the Holy Sacraments or you trash them purposely.” I don’t know crisspf’s personal views on theology or what denomination he may be (his pic makes me think Orthodox), but I’d say this is a pretty fair assessment or your attitude towards (at least) Catholics.
BeeDavis told you “it’s best not to sound like some Edgelord.” I have a feeling Bee might say the same to me. But then she(?) followed up with a comment you might easily ignore but that is worth repeating: “Stop being a slave to your thoughts.”
I have never once seen anyone set off by the word “Protestant” who wasn’t a Catholic, but I suppose you could conceivably be a first.
I wasn’t set off, and I wasn’t set off by the word “Protestant.” To my knowledge, I am the one who brought it up.
I mentioned them 2days ago responding to Marie in what were the earliest and only comments on this thread at that time:
2 days ago
Reply to marie
I didn’t realize until very recently that Catholics truly believe that the wafers and wine are transmuted(?) into literally his body and blood. I had always thought their ceremony to be a remembrance, like with Protestants.
Okay. I didn’t read your comment prior to posting. I understand why you think I was set off by the word.
His urine now too? What perverts.
Witch Bible? Better look into who king James was
Read the Greek, so you will know who the creater of the Universe is…either Jesus who changed nature with his words was a nut, a liar? If not, then he was the perfect Teacher. Some teaching are difficult for the visable imagine his teaching of the unvisible.
This world was created out of nothing. Nothing can not create itself. The first miracle you have to believe in. The rest is easy.
Satan has spoken false stories from antiquity for the angel of light will become dark and be the master of lies. If you are unique, the Creater of you, will become a human like he said he would and save you and show you the narrow path to live.
The choice is free will.
@freedom of Soul and Spirit of Life
It is vital to understand Aryeh Yehudah to truly understand the Greek. The Greek often uses words that have meaning in both the Greek itself and its phonetic equivalent in the Aryeh Yehudah.
An easy example is “the mark of the beast,” which is “Charagma.” It is of course The Brand of a Cattle. The Stamp on a piece of Mono-Eye. Yet to those that speak Aryeh Yehudah it is perfectly clear that John of Patmos is referencing the words:
של חכמה
Which is a “Baptism of Wisdom.” The imitation into the Solar Mysteries of Baphomet.