
Okay, So This World Is Owned By Luciferians And Sucks. What Can Anyone Do?

I went through an immensely hard time, I call it Dark Night Of The Soul (and alternately The Wilderness) in which the enormity of the lies we have been fed since infancy imbued within me a despair and bleak fear so profound I couldn’t see how any of us might survive it. My career as a nurse was a further slap in my own face…an awakening that unfolded over decades and finally drove its own stake in its foul heart in 2020, for me. 

How do we ever come through this and survive in this world? Excellent question. I am still learning, but invite you to consider what I’ve discovered so far, for your own walk.

Incidentally, I just noticed that either the book cover I chose as my illustration has a typo, or is telling us something – anyone know?

Anyway, back to the point.

I will try to make this reasonably brief.

After our personal events of 2020, I had determined to disavow nursing entirely. I felt this my only option. But, financial hardship and the additional worry it weighed on my recovering family member made it an option I had to reconsider. 

Be in this world, but not of this world.

After my wilderness and unloading all my thoughts with all their emotional weight continuously onto the Creator, I began to emerge from that wasteland.

I did return to nursing, but in a different role. Without some monolithic organization staring over my shoulder and making demands on my everyday decisions. 

I now use what I know to subtly help to show others, so they might make better decisions themselves. I administer what is ordered, as the family has every right to decide for their own, but when a new problem arises, I might recommend measures they may not have considered before. 

I help to alleviate stress and conflict, behavioral patterns such as: aggression, authoritarianism, manipulation, etc and help the young person I care for begin to disengage from ipad addiction to see there is a life beyond that device (a device that initially caused spectacular tantrums, should it cease for even a moment – the patient always has 1, with 2 backups charging at all times and an unknown amount in storage in case of breakage, which has historically occurred due to tantrums). This family is a complex story and no one is doing anything from maliciousness or laziness, nor any negative driver I can discern, the parents are themselves unwell and are coping as best they know how.

I walk a little bit of a fine line, but not really, for who can fault me if I recommend a gentle, natural remedy in place of a pharmaceutical, and it works? Who can fault me when they begin to see a calmer, happier, more peaceful and willingly compliant young lady who is never forced to do anything against her will? Who can fault me when, even one of her live-in mentally challenged family members is doing better and is gaining a peace, as the basic, simple truths I share impacts her spirit? 

None of this is a boast, because none of this is me, naturally, before I changed. It is available to us all. I simply share what I have been given.

I hope this encourages you. This world is an insane asylum – become a rock, immovable. Everyone needs a sure landing place. Set your anchor, let others tie on, and show them how to set their own. 

Drop of water in an ocean….mustard seed…? Impact the sphere in which you find yourself landed now. Small seeds here and there can create a vast forest. Drops of water form the seas. 

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1 year ago

This is key, we are all going through the same things. We are at the behest of the evil doers and the CORONAtion of the king, but there is tons of good in this world and most people have lots of good to offer. Keep planting those seeds and water them daily, in others and inside yourselves. Great post dear, !! 🙂

1 year ago

Accept God as your saviour and repent your sins. It’s a start.

William Paul
William Paul
1 year ago

Jesus is the only solution.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing your own hard experience in wrestling with the hard Truth of reality, and then discovering The Way, The Truth, and The Life.

May YHWH bless you on your journey.

1 year ago

From my point of view, your article itself starting from the title is misleading: “Luciferians own the world!”, this is the most disgusting lie i always keep hearing. Luciferans do have power but absolutely not to the extent of owning the place!
You are continuously contradicting yourself, In another page you wrote about infinite god energy coming from the sky… now Satan is owning the world…
you still need to bring some coherence in your ideas

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

It is evident for YOU because you believe it!
In that case if you believe Lucifer is god of this world, it makes full sens to worship him right!?! What are you waiting for? You are the fool for not worshiping the god of this world! What a contradiction!
I call Satan the king of deception, his power is mainly based on how powerful YOU believe he is.
This idea of ” Satan being god of the world” is a virus in your head and you need to get rid of.
If you think you’re right, please show where the bible is clearly stating “Satan is the god of this world” in total control of time, outcomes, destinies…..

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You are blessed!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

This is the kind of world perception you get from being bombarded with Satanic Media.
What do you mean by “promotion”? wealth, money, power?
to answer : “How are people of faith being targeted for financial and societal destruction?” they are not targeted, just pushed away from a Satanic system they don’t belong to.
to answer: “This world does not reward the righteous. The righteous are rewarded by the Father” how are you deciding who is righteous, and who is not? on what basis are you making that assumption?
You are also raising a false idea that: “Good people don’t belong to the world”, “God created this world and left Lucifer to manage it for him, and help sort out the true believers from the doomed ones, at some point Jesus will come back and take with him the good ones. This also a huge lie!
This world is governed by karma rules and justice is enforced in a way that is hard for us to perceive. Our senses are EXTREMELY limited!
Your brain is full with satanic preaching, you definitely need a cleanup!
You need to widen your perception of things, the world is fine, amazing, and contentiously cleaning itself from anything that would destabilize it.
Please make a difference between human society, and the world!
I agree with you that Satan is the god for a portion of human society, and from that base he works to corrupt as much people as he can, just like an election, but saying that Satan is God of earth is totally non sens!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@lgageharleya ,
Only YHWH knows how much respect and consideration i have for you, and for the efforts you are putting here to come up with a lot of interesting and insightful contributions, you are one of top contributors in this website, and i have to say i learned many great things from you. Maybe my comments look aggressive, and honestly it’s because I’m disappointed that you believe “Satan is a god”, I’m like “How can you say that?”, but it’s all based on mutual respect and a healthy confrontation of ideas.
As i said, this idea of “SATAN is the king of this world” is WRONG, this is the foundation of witchcraft which in essence is a religion of worshiping demons and seeking demonic power.
This is in a way like in Islam the key idea “Shahada” that makes a person Muslim: you have to truly believe that (There is no god but Allah, and Mohamed is his last prophet), now replace Allah with Lucifer!
This idea of “Satan is a god” is like a bad seed, that can have a fractal impact and overgrow to alter your whole perception. That’s all what i want to say, and again I’m sorry if you find my comments harsh.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You need to learn about the “psychology of belief”, these texts may have 1000 different interpretations, and you are understanding them based on your beliefs.
The only place i see Lucifer having a chance of being something close to god is maybe in the Metaverse, as long as internet networks exists….
Psalm 37 is a verse that perfectly projects my thought, how i see things.
Also after reading a lot of text from @444gem, i never saw him acknowledging Lucifer as God in any world.

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse


Psalm 37 is a very particular verse. It is an acrostic in Hebrew which encodes a ton of information.

Each verse begins with a Hebrew letter of the alef bet in order. Alef, Bet, Gamel, Dalet and so on. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew Alef bet and 40 verses.

40/22 = 1.818181 repeating
1.81818181/8 = .2272727272
2272 is the number of degrees of a circle measured as 9.930073 radians * 4, which may seem random except that 2π/(9.930073333*6) is planck’s reduced constant exactly (11 decimal places), which is the constant of the relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency.

This entire verse of Psalm 37, will give you all of the fundamental constants of quantum mechanics with very simple math. In fact 37 = the radius in manometers of a hydrogen atom. (Meters are exactly 1/10,000,000 of the distance from the equator to North Pole of earth, not a random measure.)

What this verse says, in light of the surface level linguistics (pun intended) offered, is that although Lucifer may be the power source of those that use this knowledge to take power over this material realm, he is forever locked here, and has no authority over those that are not of this world.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Nicely done AE. Coming up with all those verses so fast is impressive

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse

Too lazy to do your own research? That’s not good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jbizzle

I do my research, i use my brain and i also double check, and i like to have constructive discussions

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse


@Igageharleya, may or may not have intended it this way, but what she says is entirely accurate; the word you are both using, god, is indeed an epithet of Satan/Lucifer/The Illuminator.

It appears in Isiah 65:11, in which the prophet decries those who “spread tables for fortune and wine for Destiny.” (Terrible English translation…)

Fortune = גד “god,”
Destiny = םני “Money”

Literally “god money,” being understood as the deities of fortune and destiny in this realm. The name god is unambiguously an epithet for Satan as “Ba’al god,” and has been since 4000 BCE. Literally said ball god, The Sun… the illuminator of solar gold and fire. And as such Igageharleya is stunning accurate in her words: it is indeed Satan who controls the money and fortunes of those that are Of this world!

Such is the level of linguistic coding which has been infected upon the languages of today, to such a degree that they have replaced the name of the ineffable creator with the illuminator in almost all modern tongues:

“Dios,” Latin: Zeus
“Bog” Cyrillic: The illuminator of black and white
“Allah;” it means ‘there is no YHWH,’ and was the name of the ugaritic deity that guarded the door to the underworld.
“Zoroaster” Fire Fox /Star Fox, a reference to the Pheonix, the Benu Bird, Venus reborn. The plumed serpent.

Indeed Satan is the god of this world, but he is not the ineffable creator; he has been given the purse strings to the fortunes of those that submit themselves to his temptations for power, ego glorification, and pleasure.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, If Satan is not the creator, it means he was introduced into this world, which means he is obeying the rules set up by the creator.
For me the creator is the only one to be worshiped, and i agree with you, words matter, God is an entity that is worshiped, so Satan is considered god the same way Indians consider cows as gods, but is he controlling time, matter to the granularity of atoms, the answer is NO.
My idea of Satan: “Satan is the king of deception and indeed god for a portion of human society, and from that base he works to corrupt as much people as he can, just like an election, but saying that Satan is in charge of earth is totally non sens!”.
I see many contradictions from people glorifying YHWH and yet believing Satan is the almighty most powerful master of this world, it doesn’t add up!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

In your comments there are 2 ideas i can say I’m not OK with, (i also don’t see the link with Eden story), and in previous comments i explained why:

  1. Satan is the ruler, in charge of this world.
  2. Good people do not belong to this world.

These are 2 arguments satanists are spending billions to promote.
Maybe i look bad for some members like @Jbizzle, but i am sure a lot of readers are coming to this website seeking truth and these ideas as obvious as they seem, can badly induce confusion.
By the way which Bible version are you using? I double checked the text and the least i can say is that you posted an altered version !!!!!!!
@kwon, can you please double check the verses?

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

2 Corinthians 4:4
4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

John 12:31
Now judgment is upon this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.

Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out.

Ephesians 2:2
in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

John 14:30
I will not speak much more with you, for the ruler of the world is coming, and he has nothing in Me;
 I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me,

John 16:8-11
8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.

This is the only verse that matches the website!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse

No Bible verse from the version i am posting from recognizes Satan as the ruler of the world! his highest title is prince!

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago
Reply to  mouse

Which part of “god of this age” don’t you understand?

1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Pierson

We don’t read Holly texts the way we read a newspaper, misunderstandings have let to millions of deaths and unimaginable horrors…

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse


You are correct that the emergent phenomena known as “Satan,” or “Lucifer,” is indeed following what he is commanded. If he did not, we would have no choice.

However, and I wish to elaborate on this further (soon) when I have more time, he is the very emergent phenomena of the movement of energy and “atoms,” themselves, becoming concious.

Hence the title Luci-ferrus, electromagnetism. There is a lot here you have discussed I will try to respond to with greater detail.


1 John 5:19

“We know that we are of YHWH, and that the whole world is under the power of the deceiver.”

Avoid the KJV; it is one of the most deceptive pieces of Luciferianism translation out there. Created by a man that beheaded his mother and had fun personally burnings thousands of “witches.” Now it’s even more confusing due to its archaic nature in English. If you are to rely on translations at least use what is simpler and closer to your own language , and then approach interlinear in Hebrew and Greek.

1 year ago
Reply to  mouse


A more technical answer to your astute supposition regarding Luciferrus/Satan is above, and connects to Psalm 37. You have an excellent subconscious intuition.

You are yet again correct that many people defile the name of YHWH, but as I once told @thekwon, just because people blaspheme the name of the ineffable creator does not make the name blasphemous. The Luciferians create these people, fools clutching to the coat tails of dogma (dog= DAG = Dagon the Solar fish out of the sea = Gad/god who is Satan), believing they are worshipping the ineffable creator.

They read a Holy Bible, which means Helios Biblios (Sun Book), instead of a TORAH, which means “breathe of YHWH” and refers to all scriptures not just the first 5 of the Sun Book.

They open up their sun book to Genesis, which means GANES IS, Hanas/Ganesha/Janus/Oannes… it is the serpent illuminator they worship. Instead of Reading Berashid, which means “The gift of Celestial Motion of the solar System,” and explains the very nature of our existence.

They cry loudly to Saints/Santos (literally referencing Satan/Saturn) and pray silently god/deus/bog/Allah instead of speaking forth to the ineffable creator and giving silence to pagan images.

They put their faith in eating bread from pedophilic and/or petty men who run churches called Cattle-Lick and Eve-Angelic (the great mother of the serpent race… the children of Kain), instead of finding the magnificence of creation in a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the cosmos.

This is the very nature of the “antiXristos,” those that replace everything of Truth with its impostering double/mirror image, it’s Di-Hevel, the Twin/imposter/Mirror image of Hevel/ABEL, the shepherd.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This clarifies some things for me thank you

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@lgageharleya @444gem

Allow me to preface by thanking lgageharleya for her initial post. I don’t interact on here as much as some of you; I hope to be able to contribute more in the future if it’s possible. Lgargeharleya, I want you to know that your progress has been more encouraging for me than words could possibly express. I don’t come from a background of knowledge. I am still far behind and wish to improve my understanding every day so long as I live. Your records have helped show me that it is possible. @444gem, thank you so much for your wisdom and patience over these last many months, as well.

Now for the inquiry-

At least when I have allowed fear to grip me, one of the most difficult parts of having faith is not knowing what’s on “the other side” of all this. That’s one of the only topics I haven’t yet seen discussed here, that I’d especially appreciate insight on. So, first question: Do you have any knowledge that could be applicable? I remember reading something Gem said about “navigating the waters,” could that be relevant to this first question?

Regarding my second question, it’s about the meaning of a word found in a couple of different verses. Looking at Luke 17:33 first. “Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.”

The word used for “life” here is ψυχὴν, or “psychen.” This Greek word translated as “life” is also found in Matthew 16:25 “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.”

Is ψυχὴν referring to our consciousness? Our soul? English translations translate ψυχὴν as both “life” and “soul.” What does it mean, precisely?

Thank you in advance and may YHWH bless you all, wherever you may be.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I know what you mean, by one losing their old self. It is a very good thing that 2 Corinthians 5:17 spells it out for anyone to understand, because I may’ve still been in doubt otherwise:

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”

A lot, if not all of my hesitation to stop fretting about what comes next is rooted in how unfortunately attached I still am to worldly things. It’s sporadic. One destructive attachment in particular comes to mind, which I still must drop (though I have not given in to it in a fair while, the impulse to is still there). There’ve been a lot of bad plants in my garden, and while many have been uprooted, many still remain. At least I’ve been able to identify them, praise YHWH.

Chasing after gross escapism as a whole is a mistake I’ve been inclined to make much too often. I think we all (especially/at least in the “first world” nations) have been indoctrinated to make a habit of consuming corrupted things, instead of appreciating the goodness in the world- the wholesome goodness – or as Gem put it, “finding the magnificence of creation in a flower, the smile of a stranger, or the cosmos.” (I really appreciated that elucidation, by the way. Just this morning I took a lot of time to inspect a flower one of my arrows flew by. It was one of those really significant moments; I think of such ones as being very “organic.” I’ll always associate this conversation with that flower).

Most of all, we’ve been persuaded to consume gross escapism instead of looking to our Creator for aid, for comfort, and for a foundation. This persuasion has especially reached and influenced myself, being on the younger side of the second-youngest generation to date (Gen Z). While I’m always sure to exercise my body and appreciate my surroundings, a lot of my time is spent in front of a computer. I figure, I may as well make the best of it- and so I am here.

All in all, my foremost wish is to align my will to that of my Father.

I thank you again, once, twice, thrice over for sharing what you have shared. It means the most. May YHWH bless you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


The phrase you ask about, and particularly the word ψυχὴν, the context here is quite revealing: It first tells us in Luke to “Remember Lot’s Wife.” It would be of value to review that story’s end and how Lot’s wife ended up.

Indeed the word is a reference to the animating force, that which invades all things. On a deeper level, it is a reference to the spark of creation, and the vibration of the universe which guarantees our existence. That you exist, or anything exists, means it must vibrate, it contains ψυχὴν. The frequency and pattern of this vibration is of course a unique pattern, which is the product of all of the other wave functions which led to its moment, but which is also continually changing.

There is a reference here to the way that “the bulders” were obsessed with creating Ka Statutes, and trying to fix their image as permenantely as possible. That is, emperor’s and priests and other “gno-bility,” that spent tremendous portions of their life here on Earth, trying to make permenant that which is completely impermanent and ever changing; their very image, name and likeness. And thus they lost their entire lives, trying to fix themselves in this world… A foolish pursuit indeed.

There is of course also the inflection of possession or ownership. The word used for “keep” or “save” is περιποιήσασθαι. “Peri POIESAS thai. Which is to possess, to become owner of. And the word used for “To lose,” is ἀπολέσει “APOLLo-esi” which means quite literally “to obliterate.” As is said the word “Apollyon” in later greek texts. If you try to take ownership of your life, to become a possessor (as Kain, whose name in Hebrew Qayin, means the possessor, possessed by his possessions), you will only end up obliterating the life you have been given, but never may own.

THe word “to preserve” is written as ζωογονέω “Zoogoneo” which means something again “To animate, or have life breathed into it.”

And so, the standard English translation is again, incredibly misleading, and somewhat silly. It is saying something, in modern English dialect, something akin to:

“Whoever seeks to possess their life, shall destroy it, yet whoever releases it, shall find themselves truly living.”

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I guess I’m misunderstanding you, but i don’t see what’s wrong in loving this world, i also don’t see any problem with the nature, sky, sea, forests, air, animals, …
This world is wonderful beyond imagination, the problem is the evil in human society.
A concrete example of Luke 17:33 “Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it”:
During this pandemic, a lot of people took the VAX to preserve their lifestyle, they ended up losing their health, and on the other side people that said NO avoided poisoning.
Life here is not about living and dying, it’s about rejecting to live in this fake “world” or in other words “corrupt human society” and embracing truth and real freedom.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Is Enoch (book 1) canon/scripture? It has remarkable overlap with many scriptures in wording and even rhymes in the Hebrew in ways the “touch-points” do not.

Also, when you pray, how do you start and finish?

1 year ago
Reply to  TrueIndigo


“The Book” of Enoch/Hanak is a bit of a misnomer, as its modern form is a compilation of writings that stretch many thousands of years. There are sections which are indeed scripture, and there are sections which are purely Luciferian twists designed to indoctrinate proto-masonic builders into a certain mental pattern that serves their necessities for secret societies. There are two “Enochs” in Berashid of note here:

חֲנוֹךְ : The 7th in descendancy of Beni Adam.

חֲנוֹךְ : The Son of Kain, progenitor of all Children of Kain.

The word “hanak” comes from the Aryeh Yehudah which means “to teach (a child), to dedicate (the temple, which is the Solar System).”

It also is used as “to initiate.” That it is said the former Enoch lived 365 years, the days of the solar year, should serve as a clue to what this “book” involves: on one hand information and guidance for those that understood the celestial motion of the heliocentric solar system, and on the other hand, a guide for those that become initiated in a secret society in order to gain this knowledge, who now serve as the spiritual and (sometimes) genetic progenitors of the Luciferians of Kain. Kanye West’s name read right to left (as Hebrew), is said “Tsu Enoch.” The world order of the children of Kain… They are imposters, the Tannaim/Tanninu, imposters and sea beasts. Foreigners known as “Haas/ Hagarim.” Serpents and Eagles.

Also note that this word is used somewhat commonly in regards to placing a finger in a child’s mouth (to pacify it) or a rope in a horses mouth, by which it the beast is domesticated and educated, and thus initiated into serving the horseman. It then becomes submissive, an implement of the will of the horseman in exchange for its knowledge.

Thus it is of great importance when reading this book in its modern forms to be able to distinguish where the wisdom, and where the traps, have been laid. A fairly good (although incomplete) guide, are the portions of the text recovered from Qumran, in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The book does contain many sections of original text which are of value. which have later been scrubbed from the modern biblical narrative by the impostering Tannaim (so as to keep their identity secret), but then distributed with severe twisting via underground to serve as a guide to initiation into luciferianism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The word used is אמונה “Emuna,” which means “faith (through wisdom.)” Sometimes the form of the word used, to express agreement in the wisdom of another’s prayer, is אָמֵן “Emun.”

The modern expression of the word A-Mon, taken and distorted to invert this phrase by creating an expression of the horned deity of illumination, means “Faith by ignorance,” for the uninitiated; the letter a is the prefix that means “without,” and for the initiates in Illuminism that developed the religions for the “unwashed masses,” it is know from its Greek equivalent μην which means the moon, this coming from the word for to measure, a reference to using the moon for measuring time and celestial distances. Thus the phrase a-Mon means “without measuring,” or “without the moon.” And thus, they have no Moon-Keys to the Cosmos.

The ancients were taught all of the scientific laws through use of observing the moon as a guide, as its characteristics not only encode celestial mechanics, but also align with the quantum mechanical constants of electromagnetism: such as the procession of lunar apisdal nodes taking 8.856 years (approximately) and the permittivity of a vacuum being 8.856 farada per metre.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you very much Gem!

Is there a untainted compilation/version of scriptures that you would recommend?


Do the Aryeh Yehudah share knowledge with those who seek it?

I appreciate your patience and endurance to all of our questions.

1 year ago
Reply to  TruIndigo


There is not a publicly available text of the oldest scriptures from this book. It would be helpful to cross reference with the portions found in the Dead Sea scrolls at Qumran to get a better sense of what is actually there. It will take some work but it can be done.

If you ask, seek, and knock, then you will receive wisdom. I came here to share some of this in the Monkeys series for free and openly. I have been a bit overworked at the moment to finish and there is already so much material there, and it seems nobody has really mastered it yet. I will complete chapter XI when the ferver strikes.

In the meantime if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You wrote, “when the fervor strikes.” I understand more every day, thanks to YHWH. It seems to be building up to something. Is any of this deliberately on a schedule I do not know about (one that pertains to others aside from myself)? How would I find it, if so?

This is an off-the-wall question, I know. I am simply wondering if it is more than just “coincidence” (it’s not a mere coincidence), and if there are other patterns to be referred to. More wisdom to help one navigate the waters. As always, thank you in advance.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, i have a question about the name “Jehovah”, is it a synonym of YHWH? or just like “god” another corruption of YHWH name?

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Before I scroll down and read anyone else’s comments, I’m going straight in with my own:

I love your candor and your optimism! Sometimes, (and I wish this wasn’t so often necessary) it takes a crisis to remove ourselves from familiar terrain, to “do some soul-searching” as my mother used to say, and to find a new way of being and doing who and what we are as unique offspring of the Creator.

I commend you (not that you need my approval!) for walking the narrow path and returning to some off-shoot of The Matrix in order to offer your amazing services to those in need (who often have no idea what their REAL NEEDS ARE).

As far as the typo in the graphic:

I find it interesting that the word “pere” means “father” in French, and that word is located OUTSIDE the sphere. To me, it means that the divine masculine is unable to do its work under Natural Law: To provide for and to protect the divine feminine (and children and the vulnerable). Also, when I see the letter “S” in such graphics, I think of Snakes, reptiles, and cold-blooded, uncaring, ruthless killers. Along with “H” which might represent Health, Harmony, Heart, it appears that the so-called sphere is trapping everyone and everything vulnerable while making the protector males unable to enter and retrieve them.

Just my initial thoughts. Once again, thank you for sharing your story.

1 year ago

This seems like an excellent interpretation to me