
Nick Fuentes says he wants a 16 year old wife when he turns 30

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1 year ago


1 year ago

So gross

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Programmed for the era. Nick Fuentes is right on point to create latest distraction to benefit the the wayward wizards.

I recently experienced some “dude” alt-named Westman on Substack who tried to refute all of my well-thought researched opinions but he had NOTHING. No history, no deep-dives, no critical thinking whatsoever. He called me a feminist-of-some-kind, and tried to gaslight me BIGTIME.

Nick F also looks like a drama queen. Just saying.

1 year ago

left rural Wisconsin for the lights of Los Angeles in pursuit of love and a major label recording contract….
Good girls do bad things?

So are you mad at the “wizards” because they are evil, or because they didn’t accept you into their club?

You’re not a critical thinker, you’re a follower with too much time on your hands…and a head full of broken Hollywood dreams

The Ninth Gate
The Ninth Gate
1 year ago

you’re way off of her point..

you’re obviously on something…

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Did you actually read my book or simply use the brief description to fit your fairytale invention of me and my life? Of course I was disappointed (20 years ago) in not achieving what I stupidly thought was “success” making music. Do people like me get programmed by tv/film/radio/video? Yes. Do some of us grow up and realize that those notions of “living the dream” are not only psycho-spiritually damaging but also unattainable unless you are a bloodline or a mind-controlled sell-out? Yes. And I am grateful that I never had a chance in Hellyweird.

You don’t know me, so back the f**k off and stop trying to characterize me in a defamatory manner.

A Random Man
A Random Man
1 year ago

Just another piece of crap floating around in the bowl with all the other fecal matter. And still they don’t mean s**t 🤣 I’m sure he’ll live a happy and fulfilling life and wont die alone or anything.

1 year ago
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Love this comment.

1 year ago


1 year ago

He is stating a 1940s/50s life value but it came off all wrong in this era. He looks sixteen himself.