
Miller Lite Dives In With Another Tone Deaf Ad. Why Are They Doing This? Social Credit Directly Tied To Lending. (

“Beer hasn’t always done right by women, so we’re on a mission to make up for the bad $#!T by turning it into good $#!T.”

The ad is confrontational, angry and full of repetitive vulgarity which I guess the makers felt was cute, as the overall theme ties into the homesteading/small farm ethos so popular today. 

Reading through the comments, I found information I was not aware of. Why do these companies do this?

S Huffman

23 hours ago (edited)They have to meet ESG goals to get loans and be in good standing in the international financial community..  the UN started the policy in 2005 with about 10 countries and goals.  Now it’s fully international – unless BRICS refuses.  ESG – environmental and social governance


14 hours agoOr they are being forced to raise their ESG in order to get the short-term loans that big companies need to get their liquidity up in order to fulfill bills while longer-term investments that are their main business, but they have to be able to get these short-term finances.  The ESG nonsense was put as a requirement on a lot of these short-term liquidity issues several years ago and businesses are being forced to go get their ESG up or default in the short-term…  But it is a treadmill and there’s no way off.

I’m not excusing them, the ESG stuff is nonsense, and fewer and fewer companies are able to find the non-ESG credit lines as time goes on, so more are being forced to go this way to avoid missing payments.

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1 year ago

This gives me the impression that they hired a female marketing executive with the sole purpose of increasing beer sales to woman. Her bonuses and future depend on her success. If so you have to be dumb or desperate to take such a job because it’s like trying to sell the game cricket to Americans to replace football.
Actually it is hubris to think you can do what they are trying to do, there’s a reason most woman don’t drink beer, they don’t like it.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Pathetic. And I won’t even go into the fact that probably 95% of the “women” models in those beer posters are trannies (all of the famous ones are, for sure). I also have to wonder about the “women” in the ad itself; they’re not looking or sounding very naturally feminine.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

To be honest the whole purpose of liberating women was not to benefit men in the first place. Most benefits come through exploitation anyway, so yeah, getting less opportunities to exploit women feels like a loss of status quo for entitled men. Because it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Well said!

1 year ago

when women brewed beer , They used medicinal herbs , so the add is saying we do not need allopathic medicine.

1 year ago

When I saw the commercial, I just didn’t understand the concept:
“We didn’t like beer companies selling the old stuff, so we’re selling the old stuff, and using the money…”
??? That right there lost me along with the rest of it.

(Whenever something doesn’t make this much sense I put it in the “must be full of lies” category.)

Last edited 1 year ago by hope