“Scientists have called for zealots to stop pushing vegetarian and vegan diets on to people, warning that meat is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.’
“Researchers in Animal Frontiers said that unprocessed meat is responsible for providing B12 vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals, such as iron and zinc, as well as supplying retinol.”
‘Removing fresh meat and dairy from diets would harm human health. Women, children, the elderly and [people on] low income would be particularly negatively impacted
‘Livestock-derived foods provide a variety of essential nutrients and other health-promoting compounds many of which are lacking in diets even among those populations with higher incomes,’ the declaration states.
‘Well-resourced individuals may be able to achieve adequate diets while heavily restricting meat dairy and eggs. However this approach should not be recommended for general populations.’
Yes, it is. Meat heals.
Fruits, Vegetables, and sunlight heal.
My son’s Dad relied on fruits, vegetables and sunshine for health. He was an extremely strict raw vegan for 10+ years until his teeth began breaking out of his mouth and he didn’t want to eat anymore because his tooth pain was so bad. I helped him heal his teeth and various other maladies (IBS, neck pain) by eating MEAT and other animal products such as raw dairy. He’s since dropped the raw dairy and only eats carnivore now. Healthy as ever now!
Not anymore with vaxxed cattle
Or vaxxed chicken and pork. Everything on earth is being injected with this mRNA spike protein. Humans first and now everything they eat. Why mandate shots when you can just put it in the food people eat?
So does love etc.
Now I see why the elite is so concerned about forbidding it. Mf… Assholes!
24/7 torture of animals is necessary for health.
it does not foster psychopathic lack of care and enable us to treat you the way you treat others in a metaphysical way.
Enjoy the mouth pleasure.
So eating meat is wrong but being attracted to underage women is all good, thanks for all your great input Steven lmao..Like I said before, you belong on one of these cringy dmt spirit molecule forums, no one is interested in your views here. Don’t you have an acid trip to film or something else dumb like that?
What happened to live and let live? Vegans are always trying to force people to be vegan. If you want to only eat salads fine and if I want to eat cow that I pay for? That is also fine. All these trans and the gays want us to accept them, but they can’t accept meat eaters.
Animals can be raised in a humane way, and historically have been (sheep in pasture, tending goose flocks, grazing deer, cattle, and buffalo). It is the oligarchs who created the factory farm system which I do my best to avoid.
Veggie-lovers like to blame carnivores for inhumane actions, but when raised properly the animals live peaceably outside in the fresh air and have one bad day at the end of it.
Farming can also be harmful to animals, as it restricts them from lands and forests which have traditionally been their places to live and eat. Even the gentlest of the organic farmers wire up their farms to avoid animals eating their food first. So many wild deer are homeless, jumping over fences to find grass, mangy with patches of fur missing…
Factory farming of vegetables has been quite destructive as well, stripping fulvic and humic acid from the soil (the minerals we need in our food!) and destroying the topsoil. Add in the fossil fuels for far off transport and – oh, what a clown show!
Ultimately LOCAL is the solution, and to each to his own what he chooses to put in his mouth. As for me, it will be ruminant animals grazed in the sunshine.
Just think about how many cows you need just to supply McDonald’s. Drive down any American city street and most restaurants are serving beef and lots of it. Where is it all coming from? I rarely see a cow throughout my day. Now take pigs. Then chickens.
If you told me we have been eating lab grown meat for decades I would believe it.
They are not all tortured. Torture is wrong so is animal rape and child rape
Yep. Nothing like killing another Divine sentient being whose ingested flesh, full of heme iron and adrenaline-laced compounds, becomes immediately addicting and long-term harmful to our mind-body-spirit complex.
Anyone here in favor of Natural Law?
If you eat animal flesh, you are addicted to it. No one gets insanely excited over consuming an 8-oz. portion of chickpeas, which even in smaller amounts have more protein and more necessary nutrients per ounce than *any* animal’s flesh.
And chickpeas are also a detox agent, the inverse of animal flesh. The reason you get bloated from eating beans is because you are full of toxins and your body is like, “OMG, the chickpeas and lettuce are going to clean this s**t out!”
I know I’ve been putting out some hard-to-grasp stuff lately. Take it or leave it. I love you, as long as you don’t try to ruin me.🗡
I have healed painful tooth cavities in myself and others. Can you say the same? Or are you still foolin’ at the dentist?
The teeth are the seat of health in the body.
Teeth need fat soluble vitamins to maintain integrity. Guess where those fat soluble vitamins come from…
I’ll give ya’all a hint – not from plants!
I’ve never had a cavity, I rarely eat meat at all. I think every body is different
Marie, I’m glad your mouth health is good. That makes me feel curious about your intake of eggs and dairy, especially butter, and also your age.
Personally, I haven’t met any light meat eaters over the age of 50 without tooth problems. Once upon a time, I was a hippy living on a historical vegetarian farm commune, and I met many folks passing through that preferred to avoid meat or eat it lightly.
There are folks like Dr. Sebi who lived a long while healthfully without animal products… but I do not have the inside scoop about what his mouth health was like in later years.
I’ve yet to learn of a vegetarian or mostly vegetarian indigenous culture. Are there any?
Then eat your chickpeas. Why do you care so much what someone else eats?
What does the unedited book say
I gave birth to my first child at age 37, ate tons of meat – even raw meat… I had zero complications (except dehydration because I attempted a home birth in 100+ degree weather without AC), required zero painkillers, and gave birth to a perfectly healthy 10 lb. baby boy.
Meat is sacred food.
Even the vedic scriptures refer to meat as being the ultimate healing food.
It is.
It is but today all our food meat and especially veggies with all the pesticides and herbicides they need to spray to get those beautiful fruits and veggies everyone wants is killing us. But I agree meat is essential. If I had to bet I would say based on what I just said above assuming two people ate out of grocery stores their entire life and nothing special like organic only and all else being the same that the vegan would die first.
I agree with you entirely!
I ate pretty much everything before, during and after both pregnancies. I also ate plenty of meat, fats, and drank bone broth (it’s loaded with nutrients – aminoacids, minerals). I gave birth first at 39 years old. The second at 40. Both babies perfectly healthy. Gave birth normally. Pregnancies without complications. Both babies breastfed. Both of them had their first teeth when they were only 2 months old. By the time they were one year old they had almost all the teeth. Healthy, inteligent, insanely active.
My husband who has Crohn’s disease (inflamatory bowel disease, permeable colon) recovered with a special treatment consisting of bone broth and other dense rich in nutrients foods like liver, eggs, fish and also avocados, blueberries, salads.
In my oppinion diversity and moderation are best. I am not advocating for an exclusively carnivorous diet, but while some conditions can be improved and even healed with organic juices exclusively, many, many others with animal fats and meat. Facts!
When Jesus urges his followers to spread the Gospel, “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you” (Luke 10:8)
On the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb had to be killed, Jesus sent Peter and John and told them, “Go, prepare the Passover lamb for us to eat” (Luke 22:7-15). Once the feast was prepared and Jesus and his Apostles were having their Last Supper, just to rub it in, Jesus says, “I’ve had a deep desire to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.”
Jesus miraculously fed two crowds with fish and bread. That’s a strange thing to do if he wanted us to be vegetarians (Matthew 14:17-21).
The wedding at Cana with His disciples. They didn’t eat salads and tofu.
After the Flood, God gave Noah a carnivorous diet (Genesis 9:1-4): “God blessed Noah and his sons and said, ‘Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth. All the animals, birds, and fish will live in fear of you. They are all placed under your power. Now you can eat them, as well as green plants; I give them all to you for food.’” It’s impossible to put a vegan spin on this one.
In John 21, after his Resurrection, Jesus appears to seven of his disciples as they were fishing upon Lake Tiberias. He not only condones the Apostles’ profession but urges them to boldly fish on! Once they’ve caught a record number of fish — thereby killing them all — Jesus calls them back to shore where he has personally prepared a tasty fish treat (John 21:4-6). He never admonished his followers for eating meat because doing so would have been ridiculous when he was feeding them meat and fish!
Jesus declared all foods — including all kinds of meat — to be clean and acceptable. (Mark 7:19). Had God wanted us to restrict out diets to twigs and barks, He would have been clear to that point.
1 Timothy 4
New International Version
4 The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. 2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. 3 They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth. 4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, 5 because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
Way to go, Mama! I am glad to hear of your successful child-bearing in later years – that’s awesome !!
For anyone who is unaware, the American Medical Association considers a first pregnancy for a woman age 37 or older to be high risk, because many women in our “evolved” society experience complications after that age.
Thank you! and again, I agree with everything you stated here.
It happens in Europe, too, you know? (It’s thw proverbial – “good”news travels fast! ..and everywhere!) That “high risk” killer statistic you’ve just mentioned? Well, I believe it’s just another ace in the sleeve used for depopulation. It’s a war on the mothers to be and on the babies everywhere in this world. Part of the killing machine, the satanic agenda. The devil is in the details. There are these “prevention” screenings for the babies while still in the embryonic and in the fetal stages that scare the hell out of the soon-to-be-mothers and make them decide for abortion. The pressure! The horror! I myself had to hear it more than once that I was in the “risk” cathegory. Old for that! Not fit anymore to have a baby! 😂 Fortunately, I knew I was as healthy as an ox, I wanted to be a mother and even ready to die for it if “the good doctor” had told me there was such a risk involved and I have this thing of questioning every “too good to be true” scientific “discovery” that has the purpose to heal all people, help reproduce and thrive, live forever. Apart from that I would have never decided for an abortion. Last, but not the least, I trusted God to prove this “statistic” a crap. In the end, no matter how good the doctor, how precise the science when it tells you there is smth wrong with you or the baby, leave it to God. My mother also decided to keep me when she was warned that I will have a severe handicap of some sort and I turned out to be just fine. It hurts to think how many women got scared and got their babies killed.
Which is the plan. DEPOPULATION.
Obviously we are not all of the same people. There are more races than what they accept and our bodies require more and less of different things despite what mainstream media pushes we all can get along lovingly but we are vastly different in many ways psychologically and right down to our basic needs. Alaskan natives can live entirely off meat and fat, other humans can’t. Their race has that great ability like other races have other awesome abilities which they want to stomp out. Look into your blood group 10$ for a test and check your ancestry, find out your bodies native land what they ate so you can eat properly.
I doubt anyone here wants animals to be abused and tortured. Steven has been fine with them being raped which is torture, people actually raped animals to death frequently so his voice in this matter is tainted with his lack of sexual morals and control sprinkled with ignorance and a self righteous attitude. The big corporations are the ones who treat the animals like they have no souls and live just to be abused. They are intelligent, sensitive, caring, loving creatures they do not deserve to be treated with anything but respect. Since many of us take meat we must do what can, try to find ways to be kind to them even in their deaths so when you do eat their meat it isn’t full of their last misery tainted with chemicals of being scared, instead let them be filled of a carefully done quick deep sleep and happy life where they were loved respected and fed appropriately with natural interactions with nature and their own kind. Watch the meat you eat. Even if you don’t give a hoot about their lives and are really careless just remember they are now shoving gmo vaccines etc into them so go local or do it yourself, otherwise risk your self and family.
I didn’t even need to read this to know this to be true. I only feel full and healthy if I eat meat. Especially beef and fish. I eat rice, legumes, veggies, and fruits. But, I can eat it all day and never feel full or compete unless I have a bit of meat.