
Make no mistake, the transgender movement is not a grass root movement. It's coming from the top.It's a psyop with several objectives: The destruction of the nuclear family, moral relativism, infertitlity, depopulation & societal division of the human race

Make no mistake, the transgender movement is not a grass root movement, it’s coming from the top, it’s a psyop with several objectives: The destruction of the nuclear family, moral relativism, infertitlity and depopulation societal division of the human race.

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1 year ago


1 year ago

Yes, it is a preparation to accept transhumanism, because if you accept that we are infinite genders etc, you will accept any type of human robot hybrid. It’s all coming as planned.

1 year ago

Would be great if there was a new point in this one. I love ya, but we’ve heard the same message on this topic forever. Thought there’d be some new evidence or something.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller

Take a DAY OFF from trolling, Bueller.

the great plague
the great plague
1 year ago

Yes, the christian god is transgender. He supposedly gave birth to the universe without any help from a female. The world religions including the esoteric ones were founded by women-hating men.

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

What are you talking about ?

1 year ago

He didn’t give birth to it. He created it. It’s basically how an artist creates a picture on a canvas. He molded it from his hands.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

Haha I like how you put that

1 year ago

@the great plague,
God is not transgender.
Yes, Jesus came in the flesh, born as a human male, and we call God, “Father”, but God is Spirit.
Humans are made in God’s image, meaning we reflect God’s attributes; the ability to love, we have a spirit, we can speak/communicate, and although we cannot create something from nothing like God can, the Lord has given us the ability to procreate.
He did this by making two separate sexes, male and female, and then bringing one male and one female together, to become one flesh, to create new lives; new little image bearers, both male and female who will go on to procreate.

God did not give birth to the universe.
The Creator spoke the universe into existence.
Let that sink in.
The eternal God spoke words.
Words are information.
That information became everything that exists. Your DNA is proof of God’s existence. Scientists call DNA the Book of Life or the Blueprint of Life. Why?
Because DNA is information.
Just like you know it’s impossible for a book or a blueprint to appear without someone writing or drawing them, you can logically conclude that the information written within every cell of your body had to come from a source of intelligence.
That source is God.
That God is the same God of the Bible; the God who created the universe.
The same God who spoke the universe into existence is perfectly capable of making sure the truth about how everything was made is known to all people, and He is capable of making sure every person has the ability to know Him.

I don’t know your life or your pain.
Perhaps someone who called themself a Christian hurt you and that is why you are biased against Christianity.

As a born-gain Christian, I’m here to tell you the Truth: Jesus loves you.

But the harsh reality is, each of us has broken God’s laws. In your lifetime you’ve most likely lied, stolen, taken the Lord’s name in vain and had lustful thoughts about others.
You are not alone, I have done those things as well. God says that the wages, or payment, for our sin, is death. Not just physical death but spiritual death, which is eternal separation from God in a place called hell.
But God is not willing that anyone should go to hell. His desire is that all people should come to repentance. He wants us to turn from our ways, to His Way.

Jesus is the Way.
He is the Truth and the Life and no one can be reconciled to God without Him.

Jesus willingly allowed Himself to be put to death on a cross, because only God who is perfect and holy, wrapped in human flesh, could became the perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Jesus paid the debt we owe for breaking God’s law, because of His great love for us. He doesn’t want you to go to hell. He longs to redeem you.

Scoff at it, mock it, deny it, hate it… it’s still the Truth. At the end of your life, you will stand before the God who created you, and give an account for how you responded to God’s free gift of the Truth. You have an eternal spirit inside of your physical body. That spirit will go on to exist in heaven where you will either be in the presence of the God forever, or to hell where you will be separated from all of God’s glory, love and goodness.

We live in a fallen world. Other people will regularly hurt us and let us down, but even on this fallen earth we are still able to experience God’s goodness and we can know His great love towards us.
Salvation is a free gift of God grace alone, accepted by your faith alone, in Jesus alone. It is God’s Way, the very One who created you, but He will not force you to accept His gift or love Him in return.
The choice is yours.

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Yep, Luciferian religious zealotry for their Cosmic Androgyne agenda.

1 year ago

I’ve come to realise this too. The blurring of genders is unholy, and it does all those things you mentioned.

1 year ago

Absolutely. It is also an alchemical process of reversing the roles. Converting a men into women and women into men.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Transgender = 🤮🤮🤮

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago

Satan will rot.

1 year ago

It’s from the top down and they are “wizarding” from the down up (as above, so below) through “education”. It’s all an initiation into their sick cult. If you don’t believe your own eyes and ears, you can be sold anything.

1 year ago

And they have plans to fix that whole “eyes and ears” thing by plugging our brains directly into the metaverse.