
Interesting Image For the Ukrainian Defense Ministry To Post Glorifying An Explosion In Crimea (Ukranian Territory) (

“The Twitter account of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine posted an illustration appearing to show the Hindu goddess of destruction Kali.”

“The official account, @DefenceU, tweeted a photo of a female in an upskirt pose reminiscent of Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe with the caption, “Work of art.” 

Why would Ukraine government seem to promote a certain seductively salacious, vicious glee in the destruction of her own people? Kali is a Hindu goddess of destruction.

Of course, the distraction then immediately pivoted to “Hinduphobia”.  No, this is a message, and the Marilyn Monroe also ties in to Erdogan and his obvious performance ties as an actor, but also how they promote an idea that people fall for which is not at all what it seems – superficially compelling, but beneath the surface lies the annihilation and their glee as they watch the people fall for it and be consumed. They are revealing, across the world, that all these “leaders” are actors bent on the extermination of their own, under “higher” orders and purpose.

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1 year ago

The Marilyn aspect is MK Ultra. I think it represents mass traumatization. And re the Kali aspect, Kali/Shiva is the Satan entity, the Scarlet Woman and the Beast in one dualistic being. That’s why celebrities like Miley Cyrus are always making Kali faces with their tongues out. It’s all about Satan. Kali, aka Seebali, aka Cybele, aka Sibyl. I think it’s always depicted with its tongue out because it is a snake, the Luciferian serpent. The “Great Goddess” is always a snake, a stone, a mountain. Hindu Goddess Sri Bali /Cybele in Rome and Greece | Tamil and Vedas

1 year ago

Well said. I see that too.

1 year ago

Underneath Kali’s dress, lies the birthing of atomic war, in the oven of Kali Fornaio (the Incubator of Destruction.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Is there any link between Egyptian, Babylonian, and Hindu deities? I don’t understand how the elites manage to worship Baal, Kali, and Ra at the same time?

1 year ago

One of the many reasons this war exists, is to get rid of the people there. Ukraine did start attacking it’s own people with missiles for years slaughtering innocent families before Russia got involved, at least publicly. I think both countries are working together to kill off as many young men who are fighting age as possible, then they can focus on killing the women and children or possibly using the children in some way. They have no care for others, they burnt them in the annual cremation of care ceremony and transferred their sins to chickens.

1 year ago

It’s not their ‘own’ people though is it? Ukrainians and their government are entirely separate peoples. Why further the lie?

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Just my initial impressions:

Marilyn MAN-roe as Kali IS the ultimate destroyer, bringing about the luciferians’ wet dream of the “Cosmic Androgyne” to wipe out human reproduction. Notice how Marilyn-Kali’s hands are not visible because they are covering up the sex organ, namely, a p***s. What is the nickname for a p***s? A prick, like a needle. And didn’t Ukraine try to force everyone in the country and all visitors to get the jabs?