
If They Didn't Get You With The C-19 Shot, They'll Repackage It For You For Another Feared Disease (

“The FDA’s approval is a victory for GSK in a race against Pfizer and Moderna to bring a shot that targets respiratory syncytial virus to the market.”

This is their selling tactic:

“The U.S. suffered an unusually severe RSV season last year.” (Weird, I thought all virus-like infections were attributed to Covid-19, but now they’re saying other viruses were at play.)

“Cases of the virus in children and older adults overwhelmed hospitals across the country, largely because the public stopped practicing Covid pandemic health measures that had helped keep the spread of RSV low.” (Ahhh, now we see why – naughty, noncompliant public brought this on themselves! But never fear, they can save us! And don’t forget: measures like masks and social distancing are just to stop the spread! Temporary inconvenience for the Greater Good!)

RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. But each year the virus kills 6,000 to 10,000 seniors and a few hundred children younger than 5, according to the CDC. ” 

Granted, the article states this effort/approval is mainly targeted towards the elderly – presumably those who aren’t big on the assisted suicide scheme – yet I’m reasonably certain their “vaccines” have killed far more people than the numbers of at risk population cited here as impacted by this disease. It’s deviously clever, as the fallout can be blamed on so many factors now, they have muddied the waters to such an extent that all their enhanced pace of destruction through these shots and other measures can be plausibly – for the still enchanted public – attributed to other things. Just wait until your tailor-made “vaccine” is released, which suits your personal vulnerabilities, thus fears, and Trust Them.

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1 year ago

They’ve done their homework and updated their evil strategy. Now it’s the children that are being targeted since they’ve missed their shot last time.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

They love to focus on killing babies and children, because the more innocent the people they hurt, the more evil it is, which earns them more evilness brownie points.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hope

Spot on, Hope!

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

The article states that the vaccine has been approved for people over 60, of which I am one. They are also combining it with the flu shot.

A woman in Japan came down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (where your body’s immune system attacks your nerves) several days after she received the RSV//Flu vaccine. She was in the hospital for 6 months. They say it can’t be proven the vaccine caused the disorder.

The FDA is releasing the vaccine without these companies doing thorough clinical trials. Pizer also has a vaccine coming out that apparently causes the same disorder but has requested the FDA approve theirs and they will then look into the cause. Moderna’s, on the other hand, has not had this effect on people.

Everywhere you look they push vaccines. If it isn’t for Covid, it’s for Pneumococcal Ammonia, Gardasil for cervical cancer, MMR vaccine, Shingles, etc. The list goes on and on.

No wonder our immune systems are weakened or compromised.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

One of my biggest lessons that came out of this scam, is no more vaccines, ever

1 year ago

Are you aware that they are already giving mRNA vaccines to pigs? They are next going to give the vaccines to cattle which will affect beef and dairy. If you eat meat, you are still getting vaccinated in an obscure way.

You can’t get away from their unscrupulous ways.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

We buy our meat from local farms and have begun raising our own beef, ducks and chickens. It’s true that we probably can’t avoid all vaccines in our foods, but I’ll bet there’s a difference between getting ourselves injected and eating meat from injected animals. I’ve also heard from a number of farmers saying that they are not going to do any of these mRNA shots.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

You are right! that is why, knowing that they poison pretty much everything now, we should at least refuse the vaccines.
…and I believe the reason why they are pushing the vaccination on older people is because they are more conservative, they care about their roots, families, they stick to tradition, they have an identity, are stronger in faith and have the morals the youth nowadays don’t. That is why they must be eliminated. They are in a hurry to fulfill their satanic plans and people like you and me stand in their way.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

…”getting vaccinated in an obscure way”, since you didn’t accept it willingly, it’s more like forcing a maid – in the eyes of God. It’s not us giving up, it’s them forcing it on us by tricking us in ways we cannot avoid. We cannot filter the air we breath; not all of us can grow our own groceries and poultry; not all of us can afford organic, clean food… and even if we could it’s getting harder to find.
That means, at least for me (and this gives me comfort) that I will be somehow protected as long as I say No to the shots. You cannot avoid poison in the food and water, but you can bless it, pray over it … do what saints used to and this way purify it from all that is harmful in it. Do your part and God will do his. What else can we do?

May God protect us! These are truly terrible times!

1 year ago

Well, I took two chinese doses in Brazil, Coronavac, and then I took my first Pfizer to traveling to Japan where I’m currently living. Now I took my fourth dose (also Pfizer) just in case. It has been a year since the last one. This trial was a warning, and a lot of religious people got really paranoid this time, but you know, business as usual. 2023 looks like a relief year, and nothing is happening (except the war) until now. Russia accused the US and Ukraine of biolabs, show the biolabs locations in the United Nations and bomb them, so maybe we all got some time. Bill Gates had said that the next virus could be a lot worse, that means, in other words, that the actual virus is not the main project.

1 year ago

Why bother with announcing any of this because when COVID was in full swing, an article came up that I read and it said that for all the people who did not get vaccinated…not to fear because soon anything they put in a vaccine would also be put in drinking water and it suggested that really, their is no way anybody can actually say No. if they are going to give it to you, they will make you take it one way or the other. Plus with available AI Systems being available…you know the elite has access to an AI system far advanced than the ones that are available to us right now so to reduce population…their AI could very well target almost every human and kill them with whatever robotics that are set up. They have military drones and military machines that fire automatic weapons and missiles. What are you going to do if several of these things show up in your town..? Right now, do you have anyway of defending yourself against an AI killing machine ? So like most people you would be forced to run and hide while it hunts down every human in your town. They might also use some type of advanced drone with body heat sensors to find you. I mean think about it, their technology is going to be way more advanced than anything available to the general public. What if they build some type of structure that can aim and target buildings using a beam of infrared light which will destroy everyone in a building. The obvious experimentation of using sound frequency is of great concern to me…the list goes on. When they choose to, they will kill us, I have no doubt…Prob 2030 will be an all out assault on

1 year ago
Reply to  ARc6000

I only have one answer for everything you’ve mentioned. If everything we eat and drink gets poisoned the only thing left to do, at least in my opinion, according to my faith, is do what Holy Fathers and other saints did when they were given poisoned food or drink: pray and bless it with the sign of the Cross. (“if they drink anything deadly (poisonous) it will by no means hurt them” (Mark 16:18)).
For everything else I have the same answer – ask for guidance every day and start your day by invoking God’s protection over you and your dearest ones. Cross yourself whenever you feel you are in some sort of danger. I was under demonic attacks years back. The horror happened during the nights mostly. I was so terrified that I couldn’t sleep anymore. This is how I discovered the power of invoking Lord’s name and the power of the Holy Cross. It stopped.
It comes down to that but it is a great thing. Your only weapon. It’s the only thing that I can think of. Indeed, we do have the will, we aknowledge the dangers, we use the intellect and body strength that we have at this point, but we also need to aknowledge our weaknesses and smallness, therefore we ask for guidance and for protection. The rest is up to God.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Agreed. God’s help is the only way to overcome what they have in store for us.

Before I eat, I always say these words:

Abba Yah, please bless this food that is before me to nourish my mind and body
so that I can better serve you. In the mighty name of Yahshua I pray.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused


Redpill Portugal
Redpill Portugal
1 year ago
Reply to  ARc6000

Use paint to block the robots sensors.
Paintball might work perfectly

1 year ago

Boost your God given immune system by living a healthy lifestyle, which means keep your weight under control, exercise regularly, make sure you are getting vitamin D, C and zinc and consider everything you eat and drink. If you do get sick take large doses of vitamin c, elderberry, and extra zinc, works every time for me.

1 year ago
Reply to  JesseJ

Worked for me, too

1 year ago

İlluminati Heroes Tv Series Corona Virus Part 1

İlluminati Heroes Tv Series Corona Virus Part 2

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

The question is how are we supposed to navigate through these trouble events?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chester

Hi Chester, that was my grandfather’s name. 🙂
I’m not sure if you are a Christian, but in order to navigate, we need to keep trusting in God. While all this evil is getting worse, it has never stopped since the fall of man. Except now, more people are aware of it, which is a good thing. Their eyes have been opened to the spiritual war waging around us.
They are open to hearing the Gospel and can see their need for Jesus.
Keep praying, stay in the Word, abide in Christ daily, ask God for wisdom and discernment, and keep being a light in your community and on-line. We are each involved in this spiritual war, and the way we fight it, is through prayer, by being an example, by being vocal and by speaking truth to others.
We must not stop until the Lord calls each of us home.
Run your race with patience and endure until the end. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear, for the Lord is on our side.
God bless you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

Nice find. I’ve often wondered if these actors ever put 2 and 2 together and realize they’ve taken part in occult rituals, meant to give power to the plans of the occult elite. Probably most of them don’t care, and remain willfully ignorant, because they are paid extremely well. Plus, their pride and egos are continually fed by becoming “stars”, which are false idols for humanity to worship. However, some of them know exactly what they are taking part in.

1 year ago

Remember that Dr Zelenko informed the public just before he passed away that Zn can be used to block ANY virus. He also reminded us that Quercetin was an excellent way to accelerate the uptake of Zn into the cells.