
I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to my grandkids

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Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

Sadly funny.

1 year ago

This covid hoax did some scary things indeed.

the thing that scared me most of all (and there are plenty things that scared me about this hoax) is that people are so easily turned into 2 groups and the aggression and hate 1 group had for the other. Most of all the pro vaccination group vs the anti vaccination group.

Here in my country (Netherlands) people say World war 2 should never happen again and we have learned from it. Well, the covid situation definitly showed we learned nothing.
The way people turned against eachother is exactly what is needed to trigger another catastrophic event.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, for grand kids the worst is yet to come. You will rather have a hard time explaining them concepts like freedom, privacy, justice …

1 year ago

This video seriously disturbed me to my core. It’s both unfathomable and frightening how easily people are brainwashed and coerced into doing things. Fake statistics and misinformation is all that is required. This is a very very scary world we’re living in and it’s only going to get worse from here. This is a spiritual war indeed.