
HOW FITTING: King Charles first stop is Transylvania,Romania after Coronation (

They say that Charles is a related to Vlad The Impaler (Dracula)…

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1 year ago

Vlad’s hat has the symbolism of illumination I have mentioned before. It is red, like the Freemasonic liberty cap of the French revolution and like Phrygian caps worn by followers of the Cybele goddess, the original inspiration for the liberty cap. And the badge on it has a ruby, symbolizing rubedo, the final stage of alchemy ie risen kundalini, and the 8 pointed Ishtar star of the great goddess.

1 year ago

Same Jewish nose

1 year ago

They are not blood line related, he’s just trying for some type of credibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

how pathetic if he believes that identifying with a murderer gives him credibility.

1 year ago
Reply to  recap

They are related, Charles himself said he’s the descendant of Vlad. He was gushing about it.

Benji Razesu
Benji Razesu
1 year ago
Reply to  recap

Yep and trust me wheb I say, Vlad the Impaler is everything but the Western culture says it is, based on no historical evidence whatsoever, but a cheap novel only and the entire subculture around it.

He was not a vampire, nor he has ever lived in Bran Castle (the “Dracula’ Castle in Transylvannia) and his name as Impaler comes from his fierce animosity against the Otomans. He impaled only Otomans, because they’ve taken him and his elder brother when they were young boys, at the Otoman capital. Yeah, Otomans used to take countless children , young boys, many orphans of all social conditions from the conquered regions ir under their influence, and used them as sexual slaves, and soldiers. Vlad and his brother were children of noble family taken by Otomans as a warranty for their parents’ submission, loyalty and priviledges – this practice was very common during the Otoman Empire and children of noble families made no exception. Vlad and his brother were abused as young boys. Vlad has never forgotten nor forgiven that, his entire life. And that’s the reason he impalled only Turks , only through a**s . No need to explain why. Other enemies or criminals of different nations including his own, were punished “as usual” for those times.

Last edited 1 year ago by Benji Razesu
1 year ago
Reply to  Benji Razesu

I don’t know why someone down vote. This is the truth. Vlad Tepes(Impaler) came from a family associated with “Dragon order” and the latin name is “Draco”. All the information related to him are twisted by bram stoker and are not truth.

1 year ago

I know the British royal family do own a palace in Romania