
Former model Loni Willison: "I believe that someone was sending electrical currents into my body" (

Former model Loni Willison: ” I believe that someone was sending electrical currents into my body”

She mentions that she started using drugs after a psychotic break involving electric currents and went off grid. Possibly she was a beta kitten and was uder the typical electro shock mind control program but that alter was lost. 

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1 year ago

In Hollywood manipulation, they commonly use a surreptitious combination of low level (“microdosing”) psychedelic/perception/mood altering doping, either in water/food served, intraderm (skin to skin passing), airborne etc. with Lilly wave biphasic electromagnetic brain state altering technology on their minions/victims.

I know that @thekwon experienced this first hand, and was lucky to escape rather than becoming completely lost like this poor soul.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This article resonates because I thought a lot about giving up and going homeless – I fantasized about being a hobo on the trains for several years after the event. The constant anxiety especially around other people makes you want to be alone because being around anyone is too painful. If you don’t comply with their plan then they do their best to totally isolate that person and making them homeless and addicted is a good start. Getting out of LA helped but was not the end of it by a long shot. In LA I would get frequent fevers and flu like symptoms along with the anxiety. Leaving LA the burning fevers stopped but the other stuff continued wearing off very slowly over 2 decades.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

So glad you’re okay. That torture is worse than any pain you can imagine.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


The strength it took to overcome what you overcame is a testament to you and your incredible spirit of endurance. As you said, in that system, they try very hard to pick “the right victims,” to puppet, and it is few and far between those that get a Lily wave attack like you did and overcome it to go on and find their path.

Most end up total slaves,, dead from an OD, or homeless/in a mental health facility for life…

So glad to have you here.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you @444gem. It was you who helped me understand what happened. The interesting thing is over several years after this event and searching for answers I studied the scalar and lilly wave technology. It just never occurred to me that that was what was used on me. I pretty much forgot about it until discussed here again and I started making all kinds of connections. It turned on a big light.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I think your pure heart and drive for truth helped to protect you as well as your strong spirit. I think that the Father sees that and responds, even before we have any clue about Him.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thanks AE – He had to have helped me. I don’t see any other way. Meditation and long hikes were essential.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

How is there any other platform we can read where you go into more depth on this?

1 year ago

The electrocution thing is real, she isn’t lying about it and the drugs disconnect the nerve pain a bit. Being addicted because of pain is a littl different from being addicted because of emotional issues. She really needs help with her pain first because no matter if she gets off the streets and even stabilized her mind her electrocution will keep her up at night torturing her later through the days until she gets lucky with a tiny bit of relief which of course is crappy drugs and doesn’t last long enough. I’m surprised she didn’t kill herself but I guess she gets enough meth to keep it at bay by those studying her trying to push her back to ‘holy wood’ with torture. She is living on the streets because she knows the treatment centers will not take her pain seriously, could be mkultra centers and will just make it so she cannot get the miniscule points of relief she gets. I’m guessing they put something in her body that they can turn off and on etc. It could be a chemical maybe a metal that they used though.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Quietiapine, an anti psychotic, anti schizophrenia, etc that works by controlling serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain. Its also used to help addicts and alcoholic recover from withdrawal. If Loni can be given access to this, it will her a lot. Its helped several people in my life, its amazingly effective.

1 year ago
Reply to  john

She’s a meth addict. I’m also a recovering meth addict, and if the drug you mention is the same thing as Seroquel, believe me, she does NOT need this. She’ll have a hard time struggling to stay awake on a good day without it, this drug will knock her out for days. Trust me, I know.

Even tiny doses of 25 mg are too much for an addict who’s drug of choice is amphetamines/methamphetamines.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

In the article, the man from the rehab clinic that offered free treatment made me instantly think about what you said – many times clinics are acting as Handlers in the industry that are paid to reel in those trying to flee their entrapment. I bet she tried getting help and found those people to be disingenuous at best and seeking to harm her at worst. LA has so many people severely damaged by the intense Lilly brain wave bombardment over decades that many of them are true psychopaths. And they are not even in ‘the industry’ – those people are even more psycho.
I believe they can manipulate those heavily impacted by the brain wave bombardment into bizarre behavior. And they manipulate these people to act bizarrely around the targeted person so that they feel more isolated and hopeless.
I tried getting help at one point and my therapist didn’t have a clue what I was saying (I didn’t understand it either) and ultimately the experience was probably more harmful than helpful. Thank goodness she was just clueless and not ‘in the industry’ because at that point I was very vulnerable.
Even the girls family is not entirely trustworthy because they can be manipulated too.
My understanding is that in order to experience the electroshock described there would need to be implants.
Thanks for your sentiments and info @marie. I wonder if you have experienced some of what you say.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I wholly agree. I made the mistake of checking myself into one of those places once. I was drugged and tortured, physically and psychologically for days, denied soap and towels for a shower, denied phone calls.

F**k their treatment centers.

1 year ago
Reply to  jabby

Hi @jabby. What you said here doesn’t surprise me. Many treatment centers, especially in LA, are really fronts for sadistic type facilities that perpetuate the downward spiral rather than offer real help. Some are literally programming centers while others are a cog in the wheel of inflicting more trauma and addiction. Fortunately I stayed out of these places. I’m glad you got out and seem on the road to recovery.

This is the only place I’ve ever shared some of my experiences. I learned quickly very few people understand at all what happens in these cases so I just stayed quiet. If you go through the Thirteen Monkeys series and the comments section you can pick up more details what I shared.

Last edited 1 year ago by thekwon
Airplane Clouds
Airplane Clouds
1 year ago

She’s living Home Free!!
Good for her!

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

First, I am not at all convinced that Loni Wilson is a biological female. I’m leaning hard to the reality that “she” is a full-on MTF t****y. All the signs are there, presenting what I see as a highly-feminized male structure.

Second, if the homeless person is actually the same person, it’s probably an act. If Loni was broken because of MK-ULTRA experiments-gone-wrong, she would not likely be sane enough to have the kinds of coherent, cogent conversations with people that were shown in the DailyMail story. That said, it could be all an act for some future revelation about which I will speculate at this time.

Third, if something is shown either on MSM or on very popular so-called “alt-media” like Daily Mail with tons of ads for luxury items, I am extremely skeptical at best. Actors are acting, money is changing hands, people are being deceived: That’s my assessment.

I am not in any way discounting anyone’s personal experience as a TI. I know they are for real. But when someone such as Loni Willison, a high-profile individual, gets a bunch of press, I cannot take it at face value.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sharine Borslien
1 year ago
