
Former Disney actor Orlando Brown Claims The Illuminati Is His Family & Says Get With The NEW WORLD ORDER Or Else! (

Orlando Brown on the Illuminati. Via RealLyfe Productions. Posted By Persist

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Willie Jones jr
Willie Jones jr
1 year ago

If he truly were “in the Illuminati”, he wouldn’t be down the path of drugs and mental illness he’s on.

He would have a pristine protected image..

Or maybe not. Maybe they like he’s a loose cannon and this IS his role..

1 year ago

He was an mk ultra victim, then they left him loose

1 year ago

in my opinion this is the constant attempt to make the illuminati seem cool, by celebrities and such, it has also become somewhat of a ‘meme’ the past decade or so, people like this actor and others are probably involved with the illuminati or used by them, but when people say their ‘in’ the illuminati, its most likely their just being used by them, but stuff like this just makes it all seem like a joke, which i think servers their purpose. make people conditioned to look at it all as a joke or even cool

fritz springmeier has a good read called, ‘bloodlines of the illuminati’ if you actually want to read into what the illuminati is.

Brian Pierson
Brian Pierson
1 year ago

Not necessarily. Think Kanye.

1 year ago

One minute he’s exposing them the next they’re family.. Sorry but Orlando is just not a credible source..