
Disney blasted for allowing mustachioed employee to wear dress, makeup (

A viral video shows the mustachioed Fairy Godmother’s Apprentice welcoming a young girl at Disneyland’s Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique in Anaheim, California.

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1 year ago

not expecting anything else from disney

1 year ago

The same ones who brought you sexual subliminal messaging, club 33 and walts freemason ties.

All the ex-mousketeers who ended up bad, ahem britney and christina aguilera.

1 year ago

Douse it with holy water, shoot it with silver bullets, burn it with fire, chop off it’s head and bury it upside down on unhallowed ground. Garlic in the mouth too, as it seems to be draining and contagious.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dagny

Uh so you really wish the guy dead? I hate this too but God youre a creep

1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller

It’s called humour, and I was obviously parodying vampire folklore mixed with Stephen Kings IT (a child eating monster). Humour will deliberatley emphasise a stereotype or point to the extreme to highlight a greater truth. The point here being that I think he’s utterly monstrous addressing children like this and that this type of predatory behaviour should be fought vehemently.

No need to be rude and resort to name calling either Bueller. Quick to judge me as a murderer. To take everything literally is rare in a character so I’ll forgive you calling me a murderous creep. If indeed you still believe me to be a creep then stand by your conviction. It just means I will limit my interactions with your comments going forward.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dagny
1 year ago
Reply to  Dagny

Further to my point – and I’ll admit I’m curious now and can’t leave this be – I note you brought God into this (with an air of taking his name in vain I might add).

Do you know what fate the Almighty says of those who harm children and cause them to sin? Do you think He is also a creep? And do you think any parent who wishes this on a predator is a creep? And victims of abuse, are they creeps for their thoughts on punishment? Do you know my personal story to judge me as a creep? Further still, wishing something and thought are not equal to action. Are you the thought police? A societal judge and jury? Are you that confident in your own glass house? As I said, just curious….

Today you have taught me something. Even on forums of like minded individuals we are just that, individual, fractioned and struggling for understanding. As such we will not unify. Not only are the emeny attacking us, we’re attacking each other.

1 year ago

Disney = Evil!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tyln93

a bit of an aside, but your picture reminded me of it. The singer Jimmy Buffett wrote a mystery book in the 1990s called ‘Where is Joe Merchant?’ and in it there is a character who owned a bar across from Disney World where you could feed mice to snakes and the target market was parents angry about (and the cost of) their Disney vacation.
**been awhile so minor details may be wrong but the killing mice across the street from Disney for ticked off parents is correct**

Anyway for years there was talk of it becoming a movie and it was sold/bought!
Not getting made,one of Disney’s company’s owns it.

Last edited 1 year ago by imtrash3
1 year ago

And remember all the hidden sexual content in it’s films right from the start of was showing penises and b***s to children.

1 year ago

That mustache is not compliant with Disney’s look. It is too long across and passes the crease of the mouth. Standards really dropping there.

1 year ago

Tbh I don’t care if a man wants to wear dresses and makeup, but please, for the love of everything good, stop forcing this on kids.