
AI is amoral. In good hands it is a threat to the ruling class.

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1 year ago

Their is no way the globalists elites are going to allow this. They want every student dumbed down and emotional. Easily controlled.

1 year ago

It is always like this when something new comes around the corner ‘trust us this will be good for you’ yea right…

It is all part of the beast system. There is 0 chance that anything good wil come out of this.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

I don’t know if you writing a book that you couldn’t write by yourself without the help of computers proves that AI has done any good in the world…

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

You sure lack imagination.

I’m just some random guy on a conspiracy forum. If you’re hearing from a rando that they are about to publish a finished product that they’ve never pulled off before, then many thousands, if not millions, of others are also enhancing their productivity in a myriad of ways.

ChatGPT was the fastest adopted software platform in history. While you continue to scoff at its usefulness, you’re going to be left in the dust.

Not against AI.

Against humans using AI.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Again, the dude that needs a computer to help him write a book is saying I lack imagination, come on bud, you must see how dumb you sound. If you can’t write a book on your own, you probably shouldn’t bother

1 year ago
Reply to  Theghostofkyiv

It’s not about needing help to write a book, it’s about using AI as a tool to enhance and improve the writing process. And if you think that only amateurs use AI, then you’re in for a rude awakening. Some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world are investing heavily in AI to gain a competitive edge. The fact is that AI is already changing the world as we know it.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

If it’s not about needing help writing a book, then write it on your own. Didn’t you say you quit your job to work on the book? Then why can’t you do it on your own? You are never going to get me to read your book, but I would have a lot more respect if you took the time to do it yourself. Bragging about co-writing a book with AI is one of the lamest things I have ever heard smh

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

Thanks to this new technology, there are for the first time more book writers than book readers in the world, which makes one seriously wonder where we’ll find an audience to appreciate this new flood of undoubtedly groundbreaking literature. I suppose all we’re lacking now is an computer “intelligent” enough to read and enjoy all the books it itself writes, in order to make up the deficit.

At which point, naturally, we can cut out the middle man, and leave AI to contemplate its own grandeur without the interruption of these pesky human beings.

Honestly, Steven, I am tried to imagine what benefit you see in all this. You realize, don’t you, that you are contributing to making yourself utterly superfluous?

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

Not to mention that these people moving the big pieces are certainly as capable of a psy-op at this level as anywhere else. We forget that a lot of the mid-level and newly entered players onto the world scene, while driven (or kept in line) largely by securing their own prosperity and safety, are often naive and/or true believers. Why not lay a side snare for those bright enough to fret, yet gullible enough to accept this line..? Anyone who believes AI in the hands of a few scattered “good guys” can beat them at their own game is foolish in the extreme.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

Thanks to digital cameras, many more people were able to contribute to that art form.

Thanks to digital video editing software, many more people were able to contribute to that art form.

Thanks to digital audio editing software, many more people were able to contribute to that art form.

Thanks to digital audio books, many more people were able to consume that information.

I for one am happy to have more choices of music than the Billboard top 100 and the VHF channels at the turn of a dial.

Making good art will always be a thing, and people will recognize it with the attention they give it regardless of the money situation in the future.

My ability to create quality pieces of art is expanded upon greatly by these tools and the new ones coming out just around the corner.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You used AI to write a book and call that art? While technology has made a huge impact on the advancement of humankind, AI is playing a different role to our detriment. You are foolish if you can’t see that.

1 year ago
Reply to  terf2001

Just illustrates how forcibly a man is able to blind himself when he perceives a thing to be in his best immediate financial-societal interest. He doesn’t want to miss this window, so he insists this tool is other than it is and accepts every reassuring line he is fed by those holding the cattleprods.

1 year ago

They said the exact same thing when the internet rolled into everyone’s homes. Until they realized the masses were only interested in cat memes and p**n.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vievie

The internet allows you to frequent this website.