
Activists demand higher payments from California reparations task force: '$200 million' per person (

Activists demanded California pay millions of dollars to each Black resident in reparations, dismissing the proposals from California’s reparations task force as too little.

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Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

Coming to a city near you …

1 year ago

Why have we never seen Jewish people do this to Germans in regards to the holocaust? Seems that if anyone had a right to complain, they would. And I have never heard of this. This victim mentality is toxic, folks. And there are too many loud voices telling African Americans that they need to hold this grudge forevermore. How is this helping? How is this a healthy way to live?

Last edited 1 year ago by Farside
1 year ago
Reply to  Farside

The holohoax is a purile lie. I can’t believe people still fall for it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noragami

The Nuremberg trials revealed there were 980 concentration camps. And I’m pretty sure you’ve seen footage of bulldozers pushing dead bodies into ditches in Germany. What about the older Jewish people who still bore their concentration camp tattoos? Just an elaborate act?

1 year ago
Reply to  Farside

The trials were bs. The footage of dead people being used had to be removed because they were of people starving in Russia. If you haven’t looked into it being a hoax that is because you’re unwilling to hear anything but what you were told and you have an emotional bond to these things. In Europe you go to prison if you question anything about it, anything leading you to truth. The survivors hired have been caught lying dramatically many of them too young or not in the camps they said they were in. The camps themselves lacked facilities needed to kill that many and isn’t it funny 6 million ww1 6 million ww1, each time they lied about the population, ignoring the Christians who truly die for as you saw their bodies labeled as Jews.
Who gained what from WW2
Who lost what
Who got Israel and neverending victimhood so no evil deeds get questioned. Who took over Russia? Did every Jew get out alive? No, majority died from disease but they were fed better than the Germans and a whole lot more Christians were killed tortured etc by the Jewish bulsheveks who claimed Russia. Do some digging before you repeat everything you were told by the elitist sponsored crap. Why do you think these khazarians who call themselves Jews were kicked out of so many countries? How many times were they kicked out? Usury was illegal once. The Rothschild’s, Soros, Rockefellers, the corporate elitists, all the royals have one thing in common, they’re all family. Not one war was an accident, it was planned with winners and losers on one side.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

You have too much time on your hands Marie.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

My neighbor’s parents were survivors of Auschwitz. It was very real.

Last edited 1 year ago by Confused
1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

You forgot to read the explanation. Nobody has ever said the camps weren’t real.

1 year ago
Reply to  theylie

You forgot to tell us what you think happened in the camps. What do you think they were doing at the camps playing board games?

1 year ago
Reply to  Noragami

Yes, an extremely profitable MEGA Lie/scam, too. That “holocaust” storyline cloaks the misdeeds done by the Rothschilds and the rest of the ilk from the 12 other bloodlines. Just like in a hundred years the masses will be led to beLIEve the whole “covid pandemic” (CON-VID PLandemic) was “real.” People will have their “I was vaccinated” tattoos, as well, to perpetuate the scam. People always die in engineered events.

There is a book called: The Myth of the Six Million that everyone should look into.

1 year ago
Reply to  Farside

They already paid them ages ago. And still try to target countries who took things from them or kicked them out with the Israeli government. I know because I use to read Times of Israel. Besides nobody cares about the Holocaust anymore if it’s rubbed in our faces for so long and we ended up desensitized to it and their demands. Other than the fact more people realize now the Jews as a whole are hypocrites who taught black people how to be victims 24/7.

1 year ago
Reply to  Farside

If anyone should do this, it’s the Native Americans, who suffered the largest holocaust in history.

1 year ago

Reparation number 3.

1 year ago

Why don’t they make the khazarian fake Jews pay? They owned 90+ percent of the slaves and all of the slave ships. And how about the black slaves owners? What about the Scottish, Irish and Chinese?

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Moloch worship.

They were kicked out of sumeria and fled to modern day Ukraine.

Moloch symbol and Rus symbol are the same.

Last edited 1 year ago by ashleyhanks1986
1 year ago

violates the 14th