
Absolutely Striving To Be As Offensive As Possible. (

This one packs a punch. They are trying to cram and spread their broad mockery as widely as they can. This is a chaos movement. Mocks faith, mocks women and men, mocks families and all concept of respect. Mocks Yeshua, who is first poledanced across and over, then is taken, slain, and laid down by this man continuing to make mockery of us all in flagrant manner, while he is cheered on.

They continue to destroy even totems they have already twisted and degraded to lay a foundation for rebuilding more closely to their true image.

What do you think?

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Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

God will not be mocked…. blasphemy is considered unforgivable

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Oh yeah so lets say nothing. Hope you dont claim to be a believer

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

No one says God will be laid low by this. God has patience but He also has righteous anger. We as followers of Christ should be zealous just as Jesus was when drove the vendors and collectors from the temple.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Which evidence is clear? The fact that christians are fleeing their religion?
Maybe one should start thinking why so?
Maybe Truth calling as it is done today doesnt resonate with people?

The question is WHY?

People waste their energy in what doesnt work to bring in the lost souls and yet save it when they are called to defend their faith.

Lost souls keep citing hypocrisy as one of the main reasons they reject Faith. Hypocrisy of the believers and of the clergy.

Both play a major role because they embody the relationship with G-d.

Unlike in other religions such as judaism and islam who have a direct connection (no sacrament needed).

Hence they take to the streets much more easily: Because they personally feel the offense.

Most christians dont.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

“Which evidence is clear? The fact that christians are fleeing their religion?
Maybe one should start thinking why so?
Maybe Truth calling as it is done today doesnt resonate with people?
The question is WHY?”

What, exactly, do you think I am saying here?

“Lost souls keep citing hypocrisy as one of the main reasons they reject Faith. Hypocrisy of the believers and of the clergy.” – yes, and this is sewn into the faith from inception, a thing I’m personally working to delve and hopefully undeceive myself.

I don’t recall a single instance of any protest by scripturally cited believers in the way…? They employed other ways to reach people.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E


**What, exactly, do you think I am saying here?**
Dont make me guess, state it clearly 🙂

**They employed other ways to reach people**
Which ones?
And do these ways work? Nope

Isnt it time to set the limits on how much one can be mocked or despised for believing in G-d or Jesus?

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

@AE @Igaheharleya

So you ve just uncovered your double peudos.

You are a one and same account. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

@AE @Igaheharleya

I commented o. @Igaheharleya yet @AE replies using the pronoun “I”


1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Well I wasnt aware of it, I didnt come across those posts that mentionned your two usernames.

“Why stand on the sidelines and lob stones?**

I dont “lob stones”, I participate.

If my participation has offended you in the past, please accept my excuses. It is not my intent and as I have said several times already, I have much respect for those who use their critical mind. Nobody is nowhere near the Truth, we just try to come closer to it. We may be sometimes right and sometimes wrong.

**Why don’t you consider contributing? You seem to have some valuable understanding, share it?**

I dont know if my opinions and interpretations are enough to base threads on.
And there are so many things that I want to react on that I dont know from where to start 🙂
I have thought at writing a series in the like of “the 13 monkeys” from 444gem.
I just havent found the time 🙂

Probably like most of you here, I8 years ago, I was laughing at the first person who mentionned what we can read on this site today.
Yet, here I am now.
Without a critical mind, one gets stuck into a truth which isnt Truth.

Together, we may connect the dots to bring forth a larger picture. I may be right on some postulates, you may be right in some interpretations of yours and each can contribute to making the larger picture clearer. Its not like you or me and others are right for everything, I doubt there is anyone on earth who is.

This is why, in a parallel post, I questioned @444gem.
I dont share his main interpretation but I definitely believe that some of his research are valuable and do give weight to other possible interpretations.

See, the conclusion/interpretation might be wrong, yet the arguments may still be true.
And inversely.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

I am not offended. Just a bit weary of sideline critics who never contribute except to “correct”, accuse, insinuate or mock others.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


We must remain open to having honest discourse. SoAnnoyed is asking some important questions and doing so with what appears to be an honest curiosity.

We have discussed together the issue of time wasters and energy sucks. The Luciferians have, probabilistically set up so that their Re-legions, nearly endless quantities of zombies bearing the mark like the duo here, will appear and waste our time with fruitless discourse, distractions, and to lower our energy so that we do not move forward. This is why I bothered to hold this conversation; for the sake of showing you the pointless nature, that you cannot, no matter what you do, save a hostage that wants to be in the cage.

It is of critical importance to develop the ability to recognise the difference between the two. Read again what so Annoyed has written, and try to reply with a more level headed, wholistic understanding.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


I am sorry you had a busy week.

I have not meant to lump you in that “deceitful crowd”, I voiced my opinion. At the end of the day, it is just that. an opinion.

So sorry if you felt offended

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


exactly, we are here for the same reasons, just voiced differently.
Have a resting day 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you, I appreciate you translate what you have perceived well.

Yes, I am genuinely interested in what make you believe what you believe in.

Most of the time, we learn from those we dont agree with. Or else, what’s the point of exchanging ideas? To garggle one’s little knowledge and contently scratch our belly buttons with pride?

I also agree that we all need to focus on our common ground rather than on what divides us (ethnicity, beliefs, economical status or nationality).

I dont believe, when Time has come, such details will be of any importance.

We’ll have greater enemy to fight. We all came in here to know more of who that enemy is. Some of us are hardcore communists, “bigots”, atheists or racists; rich or poor, westerners or not, yet, we still have one common ground which unite us.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Let it go.
You will feel better.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


It is okay. It seems you are reeling from the effect that comes from dealing with the Re Legionaires. This is a product of what is called emotional transference, and while it is addicting in a way, it is very desturctive. One of the most important aspects is to be able to remove the personal emotional attachment from any of this, which often then brings clarity.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Yes, I spoke broadly 🙂

I was using a metaphor for all of us (me included), for people, mankind 🙂

In my native language, we can use the second pronoun to describe a generality. It doesnt mean that the message is personally intended to the listener/reader. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed


I gave you a more in depth response to the other inquiries on the other post.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

**who never contribute except to “correct”, accuse, insinuate or mock others.**

Tell me what I have said that make you assert that I have accused you, insinuated or mocked you?

How you interpret my contributions is solely dependent on your own psyche, wish or personal interpretation.

In any case, I dont have to bear the consequences of personal impressions triggered by my contributions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bueller

That’s not what they’re saying. lgageharleya is the one that shared the article, what do you mean they’re saying not to say anything? They’re exposing it!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

When you have a genuine testimony, this kind of sacrilegious display fills you with a kind of sorrow that is indescribable to those who don’t know it. To have tasted a little bit of the love of Christ, and to have an inkling of how intensely and unconditionally He loves each of us, despite our flaws and our shortcomings, is to be filled with sorrow for those of His children who haven’t tasted such divine mercy.

They don’t know why they’re missing, because if they did, they wouldn’t mock Him so. All it takes is a teensy desire to have a greater understanding…..the parable of the mustard seed…..and in time that will blossom into a solid testimony, an understanding, of Divine Truth.

God wants to love all people, especially those who have lost all sight of Him. Seek, and ye shall find.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jhess

Entirely agree. But we already know because scripture tells us that the many will not choose Him. It is immensely sad. But none of that changes our mission. To be offended means someone on offense offended you, it makes you upset, sad and/or angry, and defensive, no?

Compare that same language to what we know of games of strategy and skill – the team on offense is the only one able to advance with the hope of scoring, barring an interception – the one guarding against the offense is only defending against being scored on. It is a receptive posture and they may hold the line for a long while but so long as they don’t switch posture, they can never advance their own position.

I am saying ,yes, we need to be aware of these displays because of how they impact their actual target audiences (weak believers and the young they want to train to feel automatically averse) but we need to switch sides to advancing ourselves if we want to truly make inroads against this. Railing agaisnt it, or even feeling sad and sorry for them isn’t going to change a single heart nor mind.

1 year ago

Wrong! Blasphemy against the holy spirit is unforgivable. Which is rejecting the holy spirits calling to accept Jesus’s free gift of salvation. Don’t die without accepting this or you will call the holy spirit a liar and blaspheme him.

There are a whole lot of former satanists who are going to heaven despite their blasphemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


Where in scriptures does it say this?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Mat 12:31 For this reason I tell you, people will be forgiven for every sin and blasphemy, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 
Mat 12:32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. 

People are forgiven for every sin and blasphemy. The holy spirits job is to convict people of their sin and lead them to Jesus. So, rejecting this calling of the holy spirit means you are calling the holy spirit a liar.
If you die without Jesus, then you have called the holy spirit a liar and will not be forgiven.

There are no words you can utter as a sinner in your ignorance, which will automatically condemn you to hell with no chance for repentance.
Dying without heeding the holy spirits calls for repentance will condemn you to hell.

The only instance in the bible where you will be condemned to hell while you are still alive is to take “the mark of the beast”

Last edited 1 year ago by randallhewgley
1 year ago
Reply to  randall


Thank you for this. I will answer in two parts, so I ask for patience. There is certainly Truth in what you say regarding those making errors by the trickery of the serpent, having the opportunity of forgiveness.

In Matthew 12:31 that you quote it stays the word used for “sin,” is a very particular one:

αμαρτία “Amartia.” The word is used commonly in Ancient Greek regarding accidents or mistakes which lead to tragedy, with a strong connotation of honest and unintentional errors, rather than any sun, regardless of intention. The English word “sin,”loses any of this subtext which denotes intent.

Notably the English word Sin is taken directly from the ancient Mesopotamian word for moon, Sin. This is a subtle and covert linguistic twisting in the translations, and not incidentally, sin/shin/Sheshat etc, was often the deity of knowledge, or cognisance. As such we see the same parallel in the linguistic twist, where the text seems to indicate forgiveness of all mis-deeds, even when produced in full knowledge of the mis-deed, or with SIN. (Misdeed with knowing)

Likewise the original texts’ word amartia, is taken directly from the same word as ancient Mesopotamian deity Maru/Martu/Amaru/Amurru. (Like AMORites) It is the same deity as Mars in Latin, and Amaru/hAMARUca of the “Americas.” It means in no uncertain terms “The serpent (of the underworld)” or the “divine serpent.” Ganes-is.

In this sense, it is giving the possibility of absolution to those that makes errors by being fooled by the cunning serpent, and is without question, a reference to the sins of the same character as that described in Eden. Of note is that אד דו “Ed En” means: before judgement.

So here we see the scriptures do directly support your statement, but with a significant nuance: while the KJV Kult English twist gives absolution for purposeful and knowing transgressions, the original text is discussing those that make errors by being fooled by the ancient serpent.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This and the next answer may be helpful for learning how to cross reference between Greek and Hebrew Scriptures.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Huh? I don’t understand the “nuance” you are referring to.
You can be forgiven of any transgression including those done with ignorance and those done with intent. The only real unforgivable sin is dying without heeding the Holy Spirits call for repentance. There is no need for nuance here.
It is very clear.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


In this first part I am conveying to you is exactly what this specific passage in its original form states regarding the portion that “sin” , and the subtle twist the translations have put on it.

Sin = Moon deity of knowledge or cognizance in the ancient tongue. Thus a Sin, as it is said in English, is designed to include all wicked/abominable acts which trample against the commandments of YHWH, regardless of the persons intentionality of the act or not. It is a twisted mistranslation designed to support the idea of “Hitler if he accept G Zeus went to heaven,” theology.

Amartia on the other hand, refers to making an unfortunate choice, or going against the commandments of YHWH without awareness of the disobedience of the action; and it specifically references being fooled by the serpent, as Adan and Hava were in Eden. That is to say, they disobeyed the commandment od YHWH, but we’re fooled by Amaru, the serpent into their actions. These types of transgressions, disobediences to the commands, those done without conscious understanding/intent or through be fooled by the serpent/Amuru/Lucifer will be forgiven.

So it is the difference between a passage where the mistranslation says that consciously abominable acts (say raping a child for fun, or knowingly falsely prophecying for money) shall be forgiven equally likewise as those that are committed by those that mean well, but have been deceived. Does Yeshua not say that at the time of judgement, he will send away those that falsely prophecies and “did wonders” in his name, that claimed to follow him but knew him not? Certainly he states that he will send them away. This passage is giving an exemption for those deceived by the serpents, the false prophets and wicked ones.

The English Mis-Translation also completely removes the very clear reference to the serpent of Lucifer, and the events of Eden (before judgement.)

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@randall @igageharleya

Although you have stated that “There is no Need for Nuance here,” I will finish the answer. Do you truly believe the word of YHWH requires no nuance to understand? How can you speak in such demeaning terms of the scriptures?

Now let us continue:

The passages of Matthew 12:30-32 which you have quoted, you are applying while disregarding the entire context of the story in which they appear: Yeshua has “driven out demons,” (I won’t get into what this means for brevity’s sake), and the Pharisees have accused him of doing so by the power of BA’AL Ze-BOB.

You may know that Ba’al is the Phoenician/Fanacian name for Ba’al Hammon, whom is the sun king, euphemistically called SOL AMON in the Hebrew Scriptures. Recall the “number of the beast” is 666, and the only place this appears in scriptures other than revelations is in The book of 1 Kings 10, in reference to the number of “talents,” of Gold of SOL-AMON MELEK (as in the three detestable pagan Solar deities of Sol/Suel, Amon, and the Bull/Ba’al Moloch.) These are in reference directly to the 666 Solar eclipses per Saros (Sar = Beast, written in Hebrew צר ).

You may not also know that the name Bob or Bub is a reference to Kain, as “Lord of the Flies.” But I digress.

The Pharisees (literally Fire I sees said “PaRISHIm” in Hebrew, like the RISHI fire sages of India.) have accused Yeshua of healing people using medicine, as though he is invoking the Solar Demons of Babylon to do so. This is the context in which they appear.

Now let us move on to understanding the terms you call the “Holy Spirit,” and “The Son of Man.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@randall @Igageharleya

First the term “Son of Man.” In Green it is written as

Υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου
“Huio Tou Anthropou”

It just so happens that it is the word #444 in alphabetical order of the Greek scriptures! It is one of the primary reasons I chose the name I did.

This term however, is so terribly misunderstood among Gentile Christianity, as the vast majority haven’t even touched a word of Hebrew Scriptures. It appears throughout the Hebrew Scriptures as the term בני אדמ.

“Beni Adam.”

Incidentally the name Adam, written Alef Dalet Mem (ADM) is also 444 in the alphanumerics of Hebrew! And the word Beni, written BNI is 71! There are 71 generations from Creator to Abraham. There are another 71 generations from Abraham to Yeshua. The term Son of Man, is a reference to Aryeh Yehudah. The Sons of Earth. This term is used in Berashid, regarding the “daughters of Men,” which are mixed with Nephalim. It also appears in reference to Daniel (another Son of Man), and to Ezekiel! The title refers to the Aryeh Yehudah, whom are descended directly from Adam, the first humans, male and female (Berashid 2 for reference.) There have been many sons od Man, even though gentile Christianity has blasphemed and twisted the term into being a reference solely to yeshua. As you say, the scriptures are clear about the term.

Hence when Yeshua says this to the Pharisees, that those who are Fooled by AMARtia (the serpent) and speak falsely against the Aryeh Yehudah (the shepherd kings) as the Pharisees we’re doing against Yeshua, will be forgiven.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@randall @igageharleya

Let us now look at the term for “Holy Spirit.” As this is another nuance, which you may have no awareness of since you likely have never read the scriptures (English translations are not scriptures, but are somewhere between fanciful tools of indoctrination and and somewhat decent vernacular guides to introduce The Word.)

The word used in the Greek is

Πνεύματος του Ἁγίου
“Pnuematos tou Agiou”

The word Pnuematos is the same as the word Pneuma, which means “Breath,” such as the word Ruach in Hebrew. It is often translated as “spirit,” because in the Hebrew scriptures, it is clearly stated that it is the Ruach, the breathe of YHWH which has given us all our life, our own breathe (as long as you are animate, you are breathing.) and YHWH SPOKE the universe into existence.

The term Hagios, often translated as Holy, comes directly from Hebrew, and tells us CLEARLY what this passage is saying.

The term in the Hebrew Scriptures is קדוש “Qadosh,” and it is used in what is often called to this day in Greek TrisAgion, which is the thrice (three times) the repition of “Holy, Holy, Holy,” before writing the name of YHWH! It is said as “Qadosh Qadosh Qadosh!” Many, many times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Including in Isiah, Hosea, Habbakuk, Leviticus, Dueteronomy, etc. this appears. This was (and is) well known among any that have read the Hebrew Scriptures, and is unequivocally directing towards those that slander The Name (HaShem) of YHWH.

As such, in this situation, where the Fire-I-Sees (who are serpent fire priests, the worst type of deceivers that serve Lucifer but pretend to serve YHWH) accuse Yeshua of healing by the power of Satan (Ba’al as Bub) he clearly and unequivocally is telling them that those they deceive by their terrible accusations against the Beni Adam (the Aryeh Yehudah) will be forgiven.

Keep in mind that these same Pharisees later deceive the people to choose Ba Ra Abban over Yeshua, and that this passage is a foreshadowing of coming events, while it is also referring back to the serpent that deceived Adam and Hava at the very beginning of time of the Age. It is also clearly stating that those that KNOWINGLY AND FALSELY SPEAK AGAINST THE NAME OF THE INEFFABLE CREATOR, THE SERPENT FIRE PRIESTS, WILL FIND NO FORGIVENESS ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT.

That you are extrapolating this into an entirely different theology regarding a separate entity from YHWH through the trinity (which is not scriptural at all, and it is the same split deity theology found in Hinduism of the Tri-Murti, or more relevantly in Egypt with the Solar trinity of Isis-Horus-oSiris, known as IHS, which is as still used by cattle licks along with solar symbolism to this day), and removing all context, both culturally and situationally, is very misguided. Furthermore given that it disregards the entirety of the original words of the scriptures, and directs towards this separate “Holy Spirit,” and away from YHWH, is falling into the very deceptive trap of these serpent priests which it is warning of.

However, your initial sense and declaration that those that are deceived into disregarding the commands of YHWH by the serpents will find forgiveness, is quite astute.

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem “it is the word #444 in alphabetical order of the Greek scriptures” is there a list available with these words? I believe you also mentioned this with Hebrew words? And is a regular dictionary sufficient for Greek?

1 year ago
Reply to  Vesica_Pisces


Strongs dictionary is quite accurate. It can be viewed free online or purchased as a physical book.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You are drawing distinctions between types of sins and consciousness of those sins. However, this is not necessary in a discussion on the topic of “blasphemy of the holy spirit” which can only occur at death.
To put it simply.
Any sin deserves death. Including Moon = Sin and Amartia.
You seem to be arguing that there is an exception for some sins that people will not be held accountable. ie,
This passage is giving an exemption for those deceived by the serpents, the false prophets and wicked ones.”

We are held accountable for sins that we are not aware of.
Eve was held accountable despite being deceived by the serpent.
The bible is full of people that have been deceived by evil but are yet still held accountable.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall

When given a chance to repent, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent. I think they weren’t forgiven because they didn’t accept responsibility and ask forgiveness.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


They were judged, hence why they were cast out of the place outside of linear time, the place “before judgement.” ED Den.

However, they were given the opportunity to continue and to learn in the Age as humans, as YHWH knew they had been deceived by Amaru/Hanas/Janus/Ganesha (The serpent) into committing an Amartia.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


Indeed, what you say is True regarding accountability. Yet none of these sins were held before Judgement, except that of Hava, whom was judged and cast into the start of this Age. This passage is specifically invoking the cycles of judgment stating “This Age and the Coming one.”

The word for ”Age,” is αἰῶνι “Aeon.” What a terrible translation the word Age, when the word Aeon is still in use in English. It specifically refers to this iteration of the universe. This is a theme in the scriptures which gets completely erased (and brushed over) in the translations: Creation and the universe are in a loop of a Whitehead Knot of Time. And at each Judgement, “Eden,” before judgement, time begins again. That “whirling fore scythe,” at the gates East of Eden, is the Solar Analemma, that the sun makes a looping figure eight motion (just like a white head knot), in a cycle year after year. The “Pass Over,” is a literal reference to when the Sun passes the equator at the equinox, and completes passing over the central loop point of the analemma.


I am praying on how best to respond to your query and have not forgotten. Potentially beginning with the looping nature of time, the analemma, can help begin to give understanding.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Below the Solar analemma. Note also that the word αἰῶνι Aeon is also found directly in the name of the Aryeh Yehudah in Greek. In the scriptures it is written as:


both contain the root Aeon, and are a reference to the Aeon, this iteration of the universe. The first part is given as Yod, which is of course the first letter of the name of the Ineffable creator YHWH, which are the letters YOD-Hei-Vav-Hei. The letter Yod is the symbol of “The Hand,”

Hence Yod-Aeon, The Hand of this Aeon. This begs a larger discussion of the hand, and why the mark of the beast is put on the right hand, but for now, it suffices to say that it regards the ability of a human to affect change and grasp things in Thai universe.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Picture of the analemma. Note the Sun Oassing Over the loop point at the date of Pass Over, the Spring Equinox.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

By the way, while responding to your post I missed your last two posts as they were not posted yet when I responded.

It is exhausting reading your posts and more than a little convoluted.
I think we are dealing with a spiritual absolute and not something that needs nuanced interpretation. Either you blasphemed the Holy Spirit or you didn’t. What are the conditions for blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (and what are the nuanced exceptions?)?

State plainly and summarize your position on Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
You are jumping through a whole lot of hoops to justify something. So what is it.

Last edited 1 year ago by randallhewgley
1 year ago
Reply to  randall


Unfortunately, because everything I am presenting is unfamiliar to you, and comes from many different areas of learning, it is difficult. I greatly appreciate that you take the effort and time to consider it.

To put this as plainly as possible the text is stating things on two levels:

An immediate level within the story of Yeshua:

1) That those who are deceived by the servants of Lucifer, the serpents (the Pharisees) into speaking (blaspheming) against Yeshua (Son of Man) at his coming condemnation and execution, will find forgiveness at the time of judgement. But that the Pharisees themselves, those who sully the name of the ineffable creator (what you call the “Holy Spirit”)by serving Satan but claiming to serve as the priestly authority YHWH, will find no forgiveness at judgement.

A broader level over space and time:

2) That throughout this Aeon (the Age of Pisces), those who are deceived by the servants of Lucifer into committing transgressions and blasphemy, shall be forgiven, but that the servants of Lucifer who knowingly trample on the name of YHWH, will not be forgiven at judgement.

This is what the text states quite plainly to anyone that reads it. It is stated by Yeshua speaking to Pharisees, who accuse Yeshua of using the power of the devil to do the work of YHWH. (Typical of Serpents…)

Yeshua is quite clearly telling them that he knows they are slandering him by accusing him of exactly what they themselves are doing (pretending to be priestly authority of YHWH, but really working for Satan), and that while those whom they deceive with their lies (tongues of serpents) will be forgiven, that they themselves, the wicked Luciferian that trample on the name of YHWH, will not be forgiven.

Because of about 1800 years of theological twisting from first the Catholic Church founded by a psychopath (Constantine choked his wife and killed all his kids for fun), and then another significant linguistic scriptural twisting by the even greater Psycopath King James in English (he killed his mother, personally had fun burning 10,000 “witches,” and was a practicing necromancer and child rapist, not someone to trust with translating and authorising the word of YHWH) what you have been taught theologically about this passage has been scrubbed of all of this information by the same Luciferian priests whom Yeshua was condemning herein. There is a vested self interest in that.

I’d point you to look into the vitriolic hatred that the proto Catholic priests (Pharisees in a new brand name), presented to their gentile congregations during the 100s CE onward. One notable and easy to find example is the sermon from Bishop Melito on Passover/“Easter” in 191 CE, where he goes on for about 150 lines condemning and hating all “Jews” for their role in murdering Yeshua. Never mind this passage, most of the populace was illiterate back then anyways and they were busy trying to steal the scriptures and usurp authority for Lucifer.

The Catholic Church was created by Roman Emperors bloodlines (Vespasian and Titus, such as through Clement I) who were the ones that actually burned and genocided and mass raped Jerusalem to the ground in 69 CE. This should help shed some light on why they twisted this passage away from the very clear original meaning, while they set about to usurp the authority of Yeshua.

This passage itself, is a prophecy for the age of Pisces, of the reality that has come to pass of those that falsely pretend to represent YHWH, but trample his name in every way possible. Think about how many major scriptural commands Catholic doctrine, as authorised by the Papa spits on every day. Here’s just a few easy ones:

1) Have no graven images (millions of statues of saints, Mary, crucifixes)
2) Call no man father (every priest and the Papa…)
3) Blowing incense to the Queen of Heaven is abominable (every mass)
4) Do not sell in the temple (they do)
5) Do not murder (witch burnings, inquisitions)
6) The son of man was sacrificed once and no priest should re-enact this (official Catholic doctrine is to true enact it every Mass)
7) They declare the sabbath on SUNday and use solar symbolism everywhere
8)They declare themselves the sole mouth of YHWH!

Nevermind the mass child rape.

The point is, that you have been taught that this passage states and justifies something terribly different than what it does, because it specifically condemns the wicked deceivers of the Luciferians that masquerade (imposter) themselves as the priestly authority of YHWH.

This has been perpetrated by subtle twisting of the words, which result in a cavernous difference that is said to justify something completely different than what it says. This doesn’t mean that the person who taught it to you is evil; likely they have been deceived by the serpents themselves into accepting this.

What I’m trying to do here, is in plain language as possible, explain what the passage actually says and the tremendous power it carries, which is not as abstract nor as magical as you’ve been taught.

We are reading a text in a different and ancient language, written in a Hellenic Hebrew context from about 2000 years ago.

You stated I was distinguishing between Amartia and other types of sins. It was not me!

The text itself uses the word Amartia, so I provided you a definition of the word, and then provided the etymology and the understood cultural context of the word as it was written a very long time ago.

I also explained That the modern English word “sin,” is inexact to the original word in the text, and that the choice of the translation itself reveals certain linguistic twistings they have perpetrated upon the words of Yeshua. As I’ve explained here above, which I hope you will verify for yourself, this was done for very specific reasons by the Pharisees/Luciferians themselves.

Discussing the Eid Amartia isn’t me making a distinction, it is what is actually said in the text, and though the distinction seems at first subtle, it is actually quite different from what the translation is used to justify theologically in modern gentile Christiniaty. The text uses the word Amartia, as opposed to numerous other words it could have to describe a “sin.” So unless we understand the word Amartia, we don’t understand the text. Should I read a word that is not there?

I did the same for you in terms of trying to explain what the original words for Holy Spirit and Son of Man mean.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here is a really great lesson on how the original meanings of the Aymryeh Yehudah letters, combined with understanding the branches of the term, can help reveal Truth through examining the original Greek scriptures.

We see here Yeshua refer to The Name of the ineffable creator as the πνεύματος του άγιο.

It could be somewhat more accurately translated (particularly given the modern off-base connotations of trinity of “Holt Spirit,”) as:

The Breath of The Chief Shepherd

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now how can this be? Let us look at how we can understand this sentence as Yeshua spoke it:

The word άγιο “agio,” is a tremendous clue in relationship to the Hebrew. Above I gave the reference to the “Tris Agion,” the repetition three times of Qadosh which occurs in the English translations as “Holy, Holy, Holy,” before the name of YHWH. This is a shortcut (which I took for for brevity), as it stays within Greek and gives no reference as to how Agio in Greek ended up in this role in reference to the Hebrew usage.

Thus let us examine the term Agios deeper meaning.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Agio appears across a huge swath of space and time in what are called the “Proto Indo European” languages:

In the Proto-Germanic Subtrate, spread across a dozen or so la gauges now, we find that “Hago,” means Pasture, specifically the verb “to pasture.” Keep this in mind.

Now, in the Proto Greek Substrate, we find the term ἀγός “agos,” which means in no uncertain terms, LEADER.

Literally “The Leader to Pasture.” Keep this in mind, as it deeply connects with the name of YHWH and the Hebrew Scriptures.

The Green term ago is cognate with the Sanskrit अज “Aja.” Which also means LEADER, but also is used for “Ram.” Recall that Moshe and Aries is the Ram of YHWH, the Arnion!

As we may expect given the pattern of Luciferian linguistics which you are now familiar with, the Sanskrit aja is also used for “beam of the sun,” and “goat.”

There is a subtle scientific nuance in the Sanskrit term, of course designed into making Lucifer be worshipped in place of YHWH (Dios/Bog/Gad… you know the drill) which now forms part of what is called Einstein’s theory of relativity: that Light is the maximum velocity of the universe, and that light moves in terms of the shape of a Ram’s horn, which is the golden phi spiral. This is the “wave particle duality” of photons as described by Einstein. As per usual of the pattern, we teach advanced science, and then the serpents teach the masses to worship the scientific term as if it were YHWH himself.

So, here we find that in Greek and Sanskrit, what could be classified as the southern branch of Aryeh Yehudah derived languages, that “Ago” references a LEADER who spoke (his BREATHE!) the AURder of existence into being, in which Light is the governor of maximum velocity in space and time. This is the first utterance of ALOHIM (the tree of space and time) from Berashid 1, often translated as “Let there be Light,” but which more accurately should be translated as “Let there be the Cosmic Order.” The ALEF א that forms the first letter of “AURder” is the 137th letter of the scriptures. The Fine Structure Constant, which governs the construction of matter and energy in the universe is 1/137…

Why the letter Alef? If you watch the video of Alef from the instructional videos I gave you regarding the original Hebrew Alef Bet, you will find that Alef means “Chief.” and Lamed ל means “Shepherd,” or “Shepherds staff,” and thus ALohim means “Chief Shepherd.” Hence the term agios, which means “Leads to Pasture!” Is this not what the Chief Shepherd does? Certainly it is 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This may help with an understanding of the phrase where Yeshua says, as is now mistranslated:

“I am the light of the World.”

Right. That sounds like the sun, does it? How they always twist everything back to sun worship.

The original phrase is:

Ἐγώ είμι το ψος του κόσμου
“Ego Eimi To Fos Tou KOSMou”

Is much more closely translated as:
“I am the Order/Light of the Cosmos!”

This of course references something much greater than the the sun, it refers to all the light of all the stars in all the galaxies, and the very construction of the universe itself (referencing back to the first utterance in Berashid)! The translation of “world,” comes from the Latin junk translation “Mundus,” which now means earth or world, but originally in Latin refers to a “dug Hole or Pit.” Wonderful translation for cosmos.

The term Mundus specifically is used by the Cattle Lick Luciferians as it references the gravitational pit of the sun (see general relativity for reference) and evidently replaces the order of the entire kosmos (how can anyone see the word cosmos translated as world as accurate it beyond me…) which is ALohim, with the Sun which forms a gravitational well and a bubble (the heliopause) in which we find ourselves. Replacing the chief shepherd with the Sun.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


And now we may come to the use of Agio in Mathew 12:32 by Yeshua and the relationship to the letter of Alef in Hebrew and the name of ALohim and YHWH and his breathe which gives all its life, its breathe.

When Moshe asks our father (called אלהים ) who he is, what is the response?

אהיה אשר אהיה

“Eyheh Asher Eyheh,” which is the name of YHWH יהוה with the Alef, the letter of the Chief, Alef, in place of the Vav, and shifted two positions. The word of course begins with Alef, the Chief, and in letters means The Chief whose worship puts the hand to Open the Door. And thus the term Agio, also starting with the Greek Alpha, which means “Chief Leader to Pasture.” Note also that the letter Γ gamma of Agio most closely resembles the Shepherds staff of ל Lamed in ALohim

אל is written very closely to ΑΓ of AGios. Hopefully this provides you some keys to understanding the scriptures in Greek relationship to the Hebrew and the Truth which pervades throughout, but which has been systematically twisted by the serpents into magical Luciferian nonsense.

I will give you a bit (there is so much more) of the advanced science the ineffable creator gave us in his phrase to Moshe:

אהיה אשר אהיה sums to 21-502-21

When we divide 502/21 = 23,9047619047619

23,9047619047619 / 2φ ( golden ratio) = 7,386977623697 which is the energy maximum of any Photon (single light packet) in the universe, relative Electron Volts (the smallest unit of material energy is the electron.) This energy limit for a photon of light is determined by the geometric limits of the smallest amount of Length (a Planck length) and the smallest amount of time (a Planck Time) possible in materiality of the universe.

The ineffable creator tells Moshe, that he is YHWH, the one who has not only seen the seed, but is the tree of space of time, which has given rise to the constants of physical reality that guarantee our existence, and thus he has given us our Breathe.

The scriptures are truly magnificent, a fractal of perfection of the breathe of YHWH! How it makes me weep that anyone who is sincerely trying to follow our father (as I believe Randall is) has been deceived to believe that “no nuance,” is needed for a human to have any understanding of them. This is the very reason Yeshua states there will be forgiveness for those deceived by these wicked serpents and their false teachings, but that they will be sent away on the threshing room floor at the time of judgement.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I have seen your message and received it with great joy. I will respond soon after conversing with YHWH. In the meantime, the writings here may be helpful to you in further study.


The writings here may also be helpful for your study as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I will give an easier scientific signature in the phrase Eyheh Asher Eyheh:

The sum total of the words is 543. 543 = 2e or 2 * Eulers number, a fundamental math constant important to probability and geometric construction.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Hi @444gem

Hope you are fine. Quick question, you said that YHWH not only saw the seed but he is the tree of life, could you please explain how to look on this as this doesn’t match in my little brain. He saw the seed, but was he owner of the seed? Or there was something else that produced the seed itself. Also, if he is the tree of life, who is the owner of the seed itself, who created a tree that gave the seed to grow over and over, or who created the seed in the first place. but that brings us to the question what was first, egg or chicken, was the seed being created first and then planted so their fruits and seeds can continue the cycle?
Thank you as always and i really hope sometime you will find time to amswer my previous questions.

Take care

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


This is a typo. He has SEWN the seed, and is also the Tree. There is a lot of scripture on this. Now I will give a few more details for you to think upon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem that explains everything. I was thinking it might by typo but also thought of it as you wrote it down. Thank you for any input.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

In Berashid 2, we find that when giving the command not to eat of The Tree, that the ineffable creator is called

יהוה אלהימ


Hei is telling Adam that if he partakes a specific Tree, that surely he will meet TaMut. Remember that Alohim is as the word אלון “Alon” which references a Large and branching Tree, most frequently an Oak. It is the branching of space and time, as Yeshua discusses when he gives the parable of how to describe the kingdom of YHWH. What is YHWH

This really requires a full chapter, and honestly a full book to discuss. However the numerics provide a shortcut:

The numerics of the letters are:

10-5-6-5 1-30-5-10-40

The sum of YHWH = 26. What is 26, is its φ^2. The golden area my friend.

The sun of ALOHIM = 86, this is the square root of the MeV (mega electron volts) in a Proton, the only stable particle in the universe. I have in other posts explained how this also simply and directly connects to the length of the Solar Year and Catalans Constant/The Whitehead Link/ and the Hyperbolic Octahedron, all of which are fundamental to the tile stacking and construcfion of the universe in Soace and Time. General relativity relies heavily upon the the hyperbolic octahedron to explain celestial mechanics for this reason.

Together we find the lead digits are

156513514. 1.56513514 * 4 = 6.626054056 = Planck Constant to 99.997% accuracy, the constant which defines the relationship of frequency and energy of all things in the universe. The 4, are the number of dimensions of Space and Time.

Phi squared also is the key, of extraordinary simplicity, for how “distance,” ie space and energy-Time are connected into what we perceive as the construction of the universe. Hiwever modern physics has yet to figure this out, mostly because it’s running down Lucifer’s rabbit holes into endless dimensions and over complexity. I will include the link and proof in next chapter of Monkeys.

And so here we find, that Hei is both the sewer of the seed, and The Tree itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


If they know all that knowledge, and trying to reshape the fractals for their favour, the way i see it, they will fail over and over again because they are missing crucial detail or just ignoring it. It’s like inflating the baloon to huge size, you will be able to get that amount of air into it untill it will blow, they are trying to do the same? Messing around with energy untill they completely mess it up leading to it destruction, correct? The only difference is, after the baloon exploded many times in the past, they trying to make some improvements to it so hopefully it won’t blow up again, BUT if they know all what they know, and they keep trying for centuries, they must have learned they lesson but it seems to me like they didn’t. I am still thinking about how they have the nerve to come to someone’s house and tell them they don’t like the colour of the walls, let’s chamge this, even though they are not capable to design anything by themselves. Repeaters, trying to take this amazing creation and create their own but on the same foundation, i mean what the f. Isn’t inventing AI the biggest disgrace to the almight YHWH? In my opinion it is, i cannot think about something more disrespectful.

Thank you, as always

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@igageharleya @crisspf

The many thousands of bodies of the buried children at monasteries aren’t going to disappear. They are the antiXristos, staring everyone in the face, while they look for some silly project blue beam crap. The antiXristos has been here for 1800 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@A E

Look out for 2,023.59076059445. That is August 3rd, this year, the eve of the helical rising of Sirius. A nice announcement in the “dog days” of summer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

And July 29th the date of establishing the lodge of crowley. That will be one hell of a week than.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Now that you are beginning to study what the scriptures actually say, you are finding just how clear the scriptures are. This ravenous wolves, have eat granny, gotten into bed and put on her clothes. You can show them the wolves tail, ears and even their fangs, and yet they will only become angered with you for killing their grandma… This is the choice for the Barraban, and the very nature of the antiXristos, the mark of the Tau cross they bow before brainwashed.

This writer does miss one point: theoretical frameworks that show the ability to make accurate predictions repeatedly are the seeds of prophecy. True prophecy, a Hanavi,comes from rev revealing what has been hidden by asking seeking and knocking from our father.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Is the Whitehead Knot of Time not under the control of Lucifer; that which constricts the fractal tree of being to create a single point, the ego of electromagnetism (i.e. as symbolized by the Bhavacakra)? Each iteration ends in self destruction; the ego of electromagnetism perishing in its self immolation… then is the whitehead knot of time not a luciferian mechanism to continue the perfection of manifesting this ego? And thus Yeshua was sent to this iteration, to undo the whitehead knot.

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


This is an excellent question. Let us start first with the simple aspects of it:

Indeed Yeshua was sent to undo the whitehead knot of time. That humanity may reach the 7th day of creation, and thus face the judgement of YHWH, rather than their own self destruction, from which they will begin again in the next iteration of the universe from zero.

However, Lucifer, the ego of the emergent phenomena of conscious “generative force,” (which is most evidently experienced and seen as manifest electromagnetism) is doing exactly as he has been created to do: provide a choice to humanity; or to live in Truth, and find eternal life, or to murder it, and lead themselves to their own destruction and devastation, to perish into non-existence, the “separation from YHWH.”

A quick read of Berashid 3, even from the translations, will demonstrate the parrallels and explain the above writings I have offered regarding Matthew 12:32, and why Yeshua is saying that those deceived by the serpent (as Hava and Adam), shall find forgiveness at judgement, in the context of being accused of using the power of Satan, to do the work of YHWH, by the priests who knowingly serve Lucifer, but brandish themselves the mouth of YHWH.

In Berashid 3:4 the serpent appears in the garden of Eden (Before judgement) and makes his first sentence, in which he says:

“Surely you shall not perish.” or “Die”

The word used for the die/perish, again reveals much to any who speak the ancient language:

מוּת “Mut/Ma’at”

My what a word to use to describe “death.” It of course invokes the concept of perishing which is best known today through Luciferian serpent theology as the Egyptian great mother deities Ma’at and Mut. The function of both of these deities comes from a singular root that later split within Kemet as the Fire-I-Sees serving the Fire-On (Phara-On, embodiment of luci-Ferrus, embodiment of Fire…)

First a discussion of the aspect of the word “Perish” through the diety Mut, for which I will use the Luciferian twisted theologies only because they are most easily researchable for you withing the discussion’s sake:

Mut’s name was also said “Mata” in Kemet, a word that to this day in Latin means “Death/Kill.” (Like Facebook’s new name, and its f iconography symbol which is shown on a vase of blood sacrifice to Ishtar from 3000 BCE in Monkeys Chapter X.) In Kemet, Mata/Mut means “Mother.” This of course relates to all of the “Great Mother,” blood sacrifice reaper of the underworld worship embedded into Luciferian theology, from the antiXristos death worshipping Cattle Licks and MarYam (Sea Beast..), to the Etruscans Vatika, to Egyptians Mut/Ma’at, to the Tri-Murti in India, to the self castrating UriGallu priests of Ishtar and Kybele, etc. Note that Mut was always dressed in Bright Red (of Blood) and Deep Blue (of the waters of the deep, or the dark of the cosmos), just as MarYam is done constantly in Cattle-Lick iconoraphy.

Mut is known somewhat non-trivially known as the mother of Khonsu, the moon deity in early Egypt (and the origin of the word Consul in Rome and now Consultant, meaning adviser); hence why the twisted translations of Matthew 12 make sure to use the word “SIN” as a reference and wink to Mut’s child, the moon deity Sin, and to erase the reference to the name of the serpent, which is extremely revealing and draws the parallel directly back to Berashid 3. in Berashid 3:2 we find the Greek scriptures refrence AMARtia appear as:


“Amar” It means a Command or an Utterance. As such as Amar-tia that appears in Mathew12 referns not only to the serpent AMARu, but also is a reference to disregarding or the cutting (artia) of a command by being tricked by the serpent.

Mut, was also dubbed the great mother of all that exists in materiality (reaping and sewing of the great mother or “queen of heaven” the one that harvests energy and souls from materiality), which relates to the geometric construction of the universe through the Vesica Pisces, and is said like “PI*C,” quite literally the relationship of Pi and the Speed of Light (C, and Sea), and is geometrically similar to female genitalia. For brevity’s sake, this relates back to the geometric construction of the universe being called the great mother, which received the animating vital force (the sperm), of the male deity, which is energy and forward motion of time.

Our lady of death Mut is said to receive the animating force into her geometry (her vesica pisces shape) from her consort Amon, like Sol-Amon, later Mother of Ra-Amon (like the RAMONes… seriously the level of linguistic coding) and the now in the English translation of Revelations as a reference to Sol-Amon’s number of “Aman.” The translations, to those that read the actual scriptures, tell a Luciferian story of their own; the serpents are boastful in their ways.

From this we can understand that in one sense the serpent is telling Hava that surely she will not find Mut, which means that her soul will be cast into the primordial waters of non-existence without animating force, what sometimes is called Sheoul. Removing the Luciferian twist, we can understand the serpent telling Hava that her soul will not be erased from existence for the transgression, and that it will not be put before ultimate judgement.

Note Sekhmet, the firey lion goddess that was the personification of the previous Kata-Astro-Phi, is considered an avatar of Mut; and hence here we arrive at the serpent telling Hava that she will not be erased from existence for disobeying the command of YHWH.

This brings us to the concept of Ma’at “the weigher of hearts,” who upon a soul reaching the underworld, would render judgement of the “weight of their heart, defined essentially where a “heavy heart” denotes one that had interrupted the cosmic order. This should give some understanding onto Hava eating the fruit being likened to upsetting the cosmic order. If you follow done the mythology of the weigher of hearts, you will find that if one’s heart is “heavier than a feather,” it will be eaten by aMUT, and the soul will forever perish.

Casting aside all of the dogmatic luciferian theology, what you find here, is that the serpent is informing Hava that consumption of the “fruit,” will not lead to her forever destruction.

It written as:


“Miperi” like a Pear, which requires more discussion that I can afford energetically at the moment. However, to give a brief overview, it’s sum is 330, a reference to the .33 (like of masonry) the 1/3, the splitting of reality into 3 dimensions. Moreover, it is quite directly the fruit, as in the consequences of an action, but also importantly “the womb.” Hence, if you partake of the womb, surely you will die (all that lives in this universe dies.) YHWH doesn’t speak without clarity, but the serpent loves to twist the words of clarity. The relationship to Mut, “the great mother,” and the disobedience of YHWH by entering into the “underworld,” through the “womb” and onto “death,” in Eden (before Judgement), may help explain your query somewhat better.

@Guinchido it may also help explain your questions regarding reincarnation. The theology across the world stems from this relationship to the looping of time, and the cycles of death and birth. However, the way it is taught is fraught with difficult twists to untangle. I might suggest taking a look at the Seikh concepts as a first step towards untangling that mess.

On a final note, Lucifer does not control anything, regardless of what it may appear. The ancient serpent is allowed to carry out, as designed, so that humanity may make a choice; to live in Truth and accept their free will, or to surrender it to enslavement and to Perish. The lower ranked Luciferians are more concerned with repeating, yes, as to be like gods in this realm, but the ones that pull the strings much higher, are more concerned with eFing the INEFFABLE creator. This relates back to FREQUENCY, and trying to create a cancellation wave into non-existence.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


An Insurance company in France. Do you see the Beast opening its mouth, from which its tongue of a trident, quite literally parabolic motion of gravity, appears?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


the above messages to Ariah may also help you continue in learning the linguistic connections.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Quite a lesson and you have a gift for verbosity, However, I don’t don’t see what any of this has to do with “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit”
All of these extra biblical sources are not needed to interpret the bible. The bible interprets itself. Extra biblical sources often distort the clear message of the bible not being divinely written i.e. the torah and talmud.

To understand “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” all of your references and deep scholarly research into the esoteric are unnecessary and counterproductive.

If the bible needed all of these esoteric sources to interpret it then no one would ever understand it. It would be inaccessible to 99.9 of men.
Thankfully, that is not the case as its spiritual truths are accessible to all people no matter their education or the time period in which they lived.

The bibles spiritual truths are eternal and accessible to all.

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


The larger “esoteric” discussion is an advanced lesson and historical discussions of the concepts of Mut, which refers to death and non existence, separation from YHWH. I These concepts which were later corrupted in Luciferian esoteric mythologies, but are there plainly in the language of Berashid.

In the modern context, sometimes I must work backwards. Unfortunately these things I speak of when written, we’re not so complicated nor esoteric. The word AMARtia, for any Hebrew and Greek bilingual speaker, is obvious in the meanings I have laid forth for you here. Do you question what the word Mishap, versus Transgression means? You do not, because English is your language, but to someone who does not speak English at all, it would require an equally significant explanation in their native tongue regarding the difference between these two English words.

Unfortunately these things I speak of have been made “esoteric” by the knowledge hoarding serpents, who have twisted the doctrines and hidden away the original language so as to be able to better deceive the people, just as Yeshua says in Matthew 12:30-32.

You claim what I do is counter the scriptures; it is directly supported by the words of Yeshua himself!

As Yeshua said, speaking to his disciples, all of whom are humble Aryeh Yehudah (not popes and kings and haughty men of renown):

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.”

“What has been spoken in the dark will be told in plain daylight. The things whispered in the the inner rooms will be shouted from the rooftops.”

This is a direct reference to the hoarding of wisdom by the Luciferians in their esoteric societies. Likewise it is a direct and clear command, an AMAR, to expose what has been made hidden/esoteric by the wicked hoarders of knowledge for all of humanity to see and hear. Keep in mind that the meetings of the esoteric, including the Pharisees, were always held in dark places and inner rooms of the temple only for initiates to their priesthood.

Am I not following the commands of Yeshua and publicly and loudly proclaiming what has been made hidden, but which is there in the word of YHWH for all with eyes to see?

Directly prior to this command, which is Hebrew is AMAR, to expose the Truth that is hoarded in the rooms of esotericism, Yeshua tells his Aryeh Yehudah disciples:

“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as cunning as serpents and as blameless as a lamb. Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.”

Once The Way became “Christianity,” and fell into the hands of the children of Kain, the sons of Vespasian and Titus, it became the religion of kings, governors and popes. Was Yeshua incorrect in his warnings of their terrible atrocities against any who proclaimed his Truth against their heresy of their solar antiXristos? Do these same hidden Luciferians, through their secret societies such as ma$onry not persecute and assassinate all that oppose them to this very day? They do.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The most important aspect of what I wrote in terms of our discussion is:

1) The term “Amartia,” in this passage is a direct reference to the command (the AMAR) Adam and Hava disobeyed in Eden due to the cunning deception of the serpent (AMARU).

2) The term “Holy Spirit,” is not some seperate entity of a trinity, a doctrine which spits on scripture, and is much better translated as “The Breathe of the Chief Shepherd.” It references directly those that serve Satan but claim to serve YHWH, thus defiling his word and name.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Semantics! Holy Spirit is used in a 100 or more versus across different translations. The Holy Spirit is most definitely part of the trinity. Read the versus!
Your translation is correct and all of these scholars are incorrect?
Are there any translations that support your translation?
Cheap semantics

1 year ago
Reply to  randall


If you read what I have written with an open mind, you would not call it “cheap.” You may not agree, but certainly it is not cheap semantics, nor unfounded.

An appeal to “majority wins,” authority is an argument of fallacy, given the many thousands of years or tyranny of the “Christian,” majority; the severe religious oppression, witch burnings, child rape and mass genocide over 1500 years of Gentile Christianity are a fact.

By the logic that what the vocal majority professes is True the following can also be stated:

1) The the pope was correct in asserting the world is flat in the 1400s-1500s CE, and Columbus was going to fall of the end of the Earth on his journey. The majority certainly agreed with him.

2) The opinion of the majority to crucify Yeshua over Barraban was the correct one in punishing a criminal.

3) Racial slavery was “god Honoring,” in the US South throughout the 19th century.

4) The US economy and housing market was robust and healthy 2007, (only months before the financial collapse.)

5) C0Vert IDentification was an imminent danger worth shutting the entire world down

6) Hitler was “making Germany great again,” in 1939.

7) The Titanic was “unsinkable,” in March 1912.

Often times, the tyranny of the majority represents those deceived by serpents, not those with Truth. Group think is a very dangerous foe to one’s clear discernment, and it has been used to great effect by the servants of Lucifer for a very long time.

The trinity is an embedded and entrenched interpretation originally asserted originally by the gentile Catulus Church in the 3rd-4th century CE, many hundreds of years after Yeshua. It has since become a self-reinforcing notion that gets repeated/parroted withib an established Theological framework for what is “Christian.” This doesn’t make it correct.

Let’s look at the scriptures: can you show me where the term “Holy spirit,” is used in the Hebraic texts? What is the Hebrew word used for “Holy Spirit?”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Mine is not an argument for majority rules and a bit of a strawman assertion on your part.

So I agree with your points on the majority is not always correct and so dismiss the strawman.

However, the burden of proof is on you!
You assert that all of these translations are faulty by using “Holy Spirit”.

Are there any translations or even commentaries that translate it as, “The Breath of The Chief Shepherd

I also have no disagreement with “The Breath of The Chief Shepherd”
Sounds like as good as any description for the Holy Spirit.

However, offering another name for the Holy Spirit does not
counter my argument about blasphemy of the holy spirit.
Like I said, semantics.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

My apologies for such a late reply dear 444Gem, I am always in awe by your replies and I need to take my time to digest these insights.

The serpent makes an offer; by partaking in the womb (the participation in the manipulation of matter towards providing the energy required to manifest the emergent phenomena) you will find continued existence (in this looping knot of time, thus never having to see ultimate judgement). However, the kinetic energy (full participation) leaves no potential energy (humanity’s free will), thus harvested and drained are those who participate in the creation of the manifested phenomena, continuing the looping knot of time. You have mentioned the self destruction leads to a new beginning from zero in the next iteration; however, if the purpose of the manipulation of this looping knot of time is for the continued manifestation of the emergent phenomena (or atleast one of the purposes) then surely they must introduce an initial condition, would that be correct to assume? in other words, do these iterations act as positive feedback loops towards their purposes? These symbols they use to represent lucifer, the man of many faces, are they not representations from the previous iterations, carried over to the next? Their ultimate goal is the negation of the ineffable creator, through resonant inverse frequencies at every scale, across the entire universe… do they believe they would exist outside of their non-existence?

I am honored that you would take your time to answer the questions from my inexperienced mind, dear 444Gem. I may surely make mistakes in my interpretations, but I am constantly swimming with the guidance YHWH and the teachings of Yeshua to lead me to their way; I am always striving to match my breath with their breath. Thank you humbly again 444Gem, you are truly a blessing.

Last edited 1 year ago by ariah
1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


I will respond soon with full detail.

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


Thank you for having patience with my response. Your questions are quite profound, and that I take longer to respond is due to taking greater consideration before responding to such important matters.

Your entire understanding expounded here is extraordinarily accurate and very perceptive. I am impressed with not only the clarity you have understood the message, but also expressed your thoughts. I have little to directly add, subtract or modify in your original statements here.

To your question of positive feedback loops; yes they are positive feedback loops, much the same as the phenomena found in those thermodynamic interactions within the universe which create greater AURder (Let there be AUR! Said Elohim) rather than disorder in the universe, seeming to defy the rule of physics that entropy increases in a linear and positively correlated fashion with time.

I would point you to the work Of Ilya Prigione on “far from equilibrium” thermodynamic systems and dissapative structures, which are systems that self organise via the emergent phenomena in positive feedback loops. There are plenty of free videos online which explain the phenomena well enough.

I would also point you to look at the field of Chaos Control, in which small corrects made to chaotic systems can continually harmonise energy and motion in an otherwise unpredictable system.

By the principle of wave cancellation, it should be understood that as long as energy is emitting the waves, cancelling them only works as long as the phase is in perfect cancellation. This can be demonstrated by sitting between two speakers emitting longitudinal sound waves that are exactly out of phase. If you move directly off center even a bit, the frequencies become audible again. The universe is designed such that by irrational numbers as it’s fundamental constants (π φ e), no direct perfect cancellation can ever be achieved by this method.

So how do you cancel a frequency you cannot modulate and remain directly in the middle of? You must, as you say, convert all potential energy into kinetic energy.

This will bring you to the concept of the black hole heat death of the universe expanding infinitely fast. Are black holes potential or kinetic energy? Given that they radiate particle pairs and evaporate, the question is not so simple. Yet if the universe asymptotically approaches an infinite negative pressure (outward pushing) which is what they call dark energy, the slightest perturbation in a field will cause another period of “inflation.” Gravity is a series of knots of the threads of the universe, the branches which become tangled, until their growth eventually untangles the knot. Paradoxically, gravity is the same as “dark energy.”

As Yeshua said: The tree of Elohim grows from the smallest of seeds that when sewn grows into the largest of trees with a great many branches in which the “birds,” nest. (Look to the creation of “birds” in Berashid, and look at the equations in the alphanumerics and the Hebrew linguistics.) It is as a great amount of flour in which yeast is worked such that expands bigger and bigger.

Is a seed potential or kinetic energy? Certainly it contains neither in great measure; it contains a data compression of genetic material.

The seed is the result of a nearly infinite series of dissapative, self organising thermodynamic processes of that take available kinetic energy (light, heat) combined with available chemical potential energy and converting those conditions into a large self reinforcing dissapative structure that creates a record of the four dimensional fractal of time, into a material body, an Alon (Alohim, Tree), which manifests as materially stable in the present.

This process then gives rise to a compact potential, the seed, which contains neither much potential nor kinetic energy, but is a highly compressed informatics structure which encodes the entire history of those dissipative structure leading up to its creation, and the instructions for a similar, although slightly updated (evolution) repetition of the previous iteration of its existence.

The seed encodes the informational instructions to create another self organising dissipative structure that converts kinetic energy into potential energy, and so on, does it not?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Then the repeaters are the source of the artificial fluctuations that cause the phase change when the system has been raised to the edge of chaos, which the system self organizes into as a result from the previous iteration of a similar nature. As the universe enters a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, it will essentially enter a state close to its initial condition (as theorized through poincare recurrence), but if its initial state was that of high density and temperature, would this imply the universe (after heat death) eventually will see a sudden entropy decrease, from the perturbation signified by the final disentanglement of the knots of gravity, that causes the next inflation and eventual creation of another universe? All potential energy, raised artificially to a state of kinetic, drained in vain for the emergent phenomena, only for the emergent phenomena to disintegrate in failure, leading the universe into a heat death, from which the next universe emerges to begin again… Is this the looping knot of time? If so, then the positive feedback loop (the transfer of information from the previous universe to the next) would occur through some kind of quantum tunneling, would be my conclusion. Likewise, that I take longer to reply is in greater consideration of what you expound. I have also seen your mention in your reply to Igageharleya. I will admit that a critical weak point of mine (among many) in these discussions is not being fluent in the ancient languages. Perhaps another question is where do I begin learning the ancient languages to maximize my understanding of the original scriptures? I believe someone has asked you this before in a Thirteen Monkeys discussion thread, I will look again to see your suggestions. Speaking of Thirteen Monkeys, I am gleeful in anticipation for the next post. Many blessings to you 444Gem.

1 year ago
Reply to  ariah


1 year ago
Reply to  ariah

forgot to @444gem in the post, thank you @Vesica_Pisces

11 months ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Guinchido @channah if you haven’t read this thread, it might be interesting for you.

1 year ago

Sodom and Gomorrah!!!
Two cities destroyed by God for their wickedness!!!
Today, God will destroy them again!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by tyln93
1 year ago

may I ask? I am not American and I live somewhere in Southeast Asia. You see, it is against the law to mock or appropriate Native American totems and Gods, correct? I mean, no woke person would dare do that and flagpole wearing Native American costume and customs and doing it in a sexual manner. Now, what I would like to know is, why is it okay for them to do it to Christians? These people are not Christians so my question is why is it okay for them to appropriate someone else’s faith? It doesn’t make much sense.

1 year ago

Why do these people do these things? Is there an agenda or are they just crooked?

1 year ago
Reply to  Yuyu


1 year ago

I feel sorry for them, but more so I feel for their mothers. To mock anything in such a fashion says more about the mocker. Poll dancing and naked exhibitionism indicates both narcissism and an insecurity in their own spirituality. The need for public attention is so, so sad, vile, and tragic, and deep down they know it. They want to bring you down with them. They have nothing but the flesh so it’s exposed and offered to us all before it sags and wrinkles. A happy person, irrelevant to faith, would not do this to belittle another.

Remember this, your faith bothers them. If they believe in nothing then it why does it drive them to mock? Why do they continuously attack something that doesn’t exist to them, to the point where they will publicly prostitute their own flesh to offend others.

This display will mostly be forgotten by the wider public but the Almighty Lord will not forget. Every knee will bow. Including theirs when they come down from their polls.

1 year ago

The only thing they look like is ridiculous.. like petty adults who refuse to grow up living in a fantasy world. It’s hard not to laugh at them, they have no idea how embarrassing they are to themselves. Like anyone/everyone with narcissistic personality disorder which is really the jezebel spirit/devil, it blocks self reflection and awareness.

1 year ago

Man this is direspectful and dangerous. This could be unforgivable and damning behaviour.

I see what they are doing. They are masking blasphemy with “art” and purporting to support Christian values as the stripper man “saves” jesus from the cross. A lot of people will give it a pass as being benign for this.

It is said that in the end days, even good sheep will be fooled.

1 year ago
Reply to  rick

I agree. Why aren’t we outraged about this? Why aren’t religious clerics reacting to this blasphemy? So sad.

1 year ago

If only God knows what He considers a blasphemy, I do not agree with the idea that one should not react to such a display.

The absence of reaction should not be determined by what the lost souls think nor by what the onlookers may think.
Only by what is right or wrong.

Yet, this is wrong. If it were a mockery of another fundamental right, this would cause outrage.
To have a faith is a fundamental right.

Mocking a faith is not a fundamental right, not even a right to free expression.

No fundamental rights would be disrespected if such religious mockery were banned.

Muslims would have taken the streets to protest and they would be right to do so.

He who remains silent is complicit.

He who accepts disrespect of his religion is complicit.

I think Yeshua would have been more shocked by the laissez-faire of his pseudo followers than by this group of degenerates.

1 year ago
Reply to  SoAnnoyed

If you are not allowed to criticize a group, a belief system, an individual, especially a monolithic one, then you are not free. It is most certainly everyone’s fundamental right to disagree and criticize whatever and whomever they will, and to freely associate OR disassociate from whatever or whomever they will. Free speech which is pleasant and broadly acceptable doesn’t need protections.

I never said to remain silent or to do nothing. I said to react, but not with emotion, and understanding the intent and targets, then moving FORWARD with the Truth. They persuade by devious methods, so moving from outrage to protest over and again is only losing ground.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E


**If you are not allowed to criticize a group, a belief system, an individual, especially a monolithic one, then you are not free.**

This is what you are made to believe.
You are certainly less free than many other under developed countries’ citizens: you have to pay taxes, then taxes on taxes, you have code of laws which regulates every single aspects of your life from how you drive to how you raise your kids (or mostly cant raise them), to your interactions with your spouse, neighbours and colleagues all the way to your estate and how you should build your house and care for your backyard.

Believe it or not, but in many of what people consider autocracy, i ve found more freedom. One just need not to voice his political opinions (well, same happened in France for a woman who ended up in custody for having twitted against Macron..).

Your freedom is just an illusion.

**Free speech which is pleasant and broadly acceptable doesn’t need protections.**
No, not every thing can be said. You just bought the concept sold to make you believe that you are free when you are even more enslaved than a serf was.

I suggest you read Aristle definition of a wise society. Free speech isnt part of it.
And without wisdom, every civilization is bound to collapse.

So called free speech is just the sexy term to say “f@#$ faith and let us be degenerates so we can make that civilization collapse for a greater moral reset…!”.

** I said to react, but not with emotion, and understanding the intent and targets, then moving FORWARD with the Truth**
Tic tac tic tac

And yet, truth is sleeping away from our world and taking away the little wisdom that is left.

**They persuade by devious methods, so moving from outrage to protest over and is only losing ground** not at all.

It is being silent like you have been for the last 60 years that have killed your community.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


**I don’t need this input to recognize things for what they are, but thank you.**
See, if we both recognize things for what they are as you said, we still have divergent views on how to cope with them.
Have I offended you for sharing mine?

**Free speech may not be advantageous, but it may be necessary and even correct, do we do away with it for expediency and favor?**
which expediency and favor are your referring to?

**A wise society is rather a long way off, don’t you think?**
Does it mean we have to go the opposite way that leads to this wise society?
Cant we just try to come closer to it?

If so, can we set up boundaries that allow for that?

Free speech that rips away the right to have one’s faith respected, on the account that one should be able to voice whatever thing that cross his mind is less necessary to society than having people experience their faith in peace and harmony with others faiths/ atheists.

Just see what mankind consider the most important things in their life and you will see that political/social opinions doesnt come before love/work/family/spirituality/economic security.

**For now, is it not better to not constrict voices**
This is your opinion.
And this is because of that, that we have now the gender choice aberration.

Not in countries where “voices” are constrict as you say.

Yet, gender blurring agenda affect the functioning of the brain; it has very deep implications for the next generations, and even in ours right now.

**Let society make arguments for or against, but let it be from the people, not a constrictive censors “for our own good”.**
This is precisely because society is not making any argument, it is the elite and only the elite who is.
Collective good comes before individual good, like within a family or couple environement: so if there must be individual censors for the collective good, so be it. This is what the code of laws are full of: restrictions and censorship by the way…

So no, dont stay silent, one needs to react whatever his religious views, even atheits reject the current agenda. People need to stand up together to fight the mockery of what is necessary and important for most of mankind: the soul.

I do not believe in the symbol of the cross, which I think is also a mockery, yet I am in to join those who do.
Because the debate is not on the symbolism of that cross but on the symbolism that is sent by mocking what is dear to some.