
A Warning To Those Who Might Stand To Defend?

Shocking video shows vagrant being choked to death on NYC subway (

The pics accompanying this story are incredibly fortuitous, almost like some photog was sent along to capture the drama.

Makes perfect sense to me they’d make a hole for a pic in this particular moment (supposedly the moment rescue efforts to code this dying man are in full swing):

Then there is this vignette:

Apologies for pasting this pic in two sections, I couldn’t screenshot it all. US military forces are all trained in first aid, plus there are three other capable-appearing adults all standing around, looking pensively thoughtful/remorseful. Yet no one is trying at all to resuscitate when this man just, by all accounts, lost consciousness?

Today, they are calling this vagrant a “beloved Michael Jackson Impersonator” who was “just hungry and thirsty” and some unidentified man making these claims has started a go fund me presumably for the family.

Outrage mounts over chokehold death of Michael Jackson impersonator in clash with veteran US Marine on NYC subway ( – this article, notably, contains zero pics. Why..? Possibly because they are now trying to pass this man off convincingly as a Michael Jackson impersonator….uh, huh, sure guys.

More fuel on the fire: 

“Rafael Shimunov, co-host of the radio show Beyond the Pale on WBAI, said that all Neely did was throw his jacket to the ground and ask straphangers for food and water.

“(He was) a hungry New Yorker choked to death by a grinning Marine who is being celebrated as a hero by NYPD and press,” Shimunov tweeted. “His offense? ‘Aggressive speech.’”

If this man truly lost his life, I am grieved and the situation sounds terribly sad and preventable. Forgive me, but we have seen so much staged propaganda over the past several years that it is difficult to not see this as another gaslighting – where did these professional photographs come from, surveillance cameras? Bystanders’ cell phones?

Most commenters have mentioned how people are tired of the lawlessness and menacing and many use the word “vigilante”. Seems this is another passion play forewarning the masses what will happen to them should they dare try to defend themselves or others. Remains to be seen, but all signs point to yes.

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1 year ago

Pretty interesting that the only witness just happens to be a freelance journalist

Sharine Borslien
Sharine Borslien
1 year ago

Yep, this just screams “I’d turn back if I were you” to anyone with courage and voice. I have been seeing these “scare the dissidents” propaganda pieces for over a decade now, and they really ramped up during the CovAin’t. This is going to keep increasing.

1 year ago

How do I know the guy is dead ? There are too many suspicious things that stand out about the video and pics. #1 ia that we never actually see the man begging for food and the passengers all fleeing…out of all the people on the subway, why did these 4, 5 people stay behind. And the ambulance , where is the ambulance loading him up and trying to revive him ? Surely the one documenting the whole thing would want to get video of that and who was the one taking pics after he was trying to be resuscitated? It screams fake pics, with the intent to scare. Any obituary of the man as proof. And the other commentator mentioned the others hanging around in the pic looked military and they do. They don’t look concerned at all. What a bizarre story. Yeh, it’s fake

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

A blonde haired blue eyed white straight Male unleashes toxic masculinity fueled by racial hatred on completely unsuspecting beloved New York street artist, ending his legendary career as Michael Jackson body double and impersonator . But not once single word about the violence against white kids in public schools, the white teacher that was nearly beat to death for telling a kid that he’d have to wait until he got home ri play with his toys. The sick of this blatant propaganda and race baiting and controlled narrative woke bullshit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Crazy Bear

Hey, you’re not supposed to notice that !!

1 year ago

wow, the mental calisthenics just to downplay this, exactly like what transpeople do to themselves.

Redpill Portugal
Redpill Portugal
1 year ago

This really looks like a staged event for Vice, like that staged event in France with that Illuminati/ satanic band a few years back.

Do you all still remember?

1 year ago

I think these people are “plants” and that this was staged as well. The powers that be use Summer to propagate rioting.

1 year ago

Looks like your run of the mill false flag op.

1 year ago

Ugh. George Floyd part 2. I hate these psy-ops.