
A Story of David Bowie & The Occult: The tale of the haunted pool and the white witch (

The tale of the haunted pool and the white witch.

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1 year ago

Wasn’t expecting that from ultimate guitar lol

1 year ago

Other than just abandoning the house in general. Bowie would have spared himself a lot of torture if he knew you can’t just spiritually cleanse water demons from its natural habitat. You got to throw the water in the ocean.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

Huh. Where did you learn that? I thought you could just use metals and certain music

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Well in the Bible when Jesus cured the possessed man and they went into the pigs. The pigs then killed themselves in the ocean. The water in that pool was completely irredeemable since Gypsy was using them to keep herself in the spotlight. Just like being better off burning a completely haunted object. It would be better to throw the water into the ocean so the demon can’t hurt anyone anymore. Also in my experience with water demons. They are some of the hardest demons to get rid of in general. But since old pool water is drained into the sewer. I hope it eventually got back to the ocean where it belongs since the house was on a coastal area.

Last edited 1 year ago by frenchtoast2000
1 year ago

I thought they just drown. Doesn’t electricity flow through salt water better though?

1 year ago

This guy always gave me the creeps. Something just doesn’t add up. I simply cannot imagine how somebody can be so aware of evil and so terrified of it and still keep his wrong ways. Seeing some of his videos, his picks, his blasphemous music… his eye. … I mean it looks more like he was embracing the dark rather than fear it.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Yeah ditto. Since Weinstein I’ve been patiently waiting for the me too stuff to hit the music industry….nope. nothing. Nada.

Look at how thoroughly acceptable this behaviour was – even by the victim.

I seem to recall similar stories about Elvis.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosey

Once they are deviant (that is especially when they involve in the occult and play “tge big game”) you can bet all of these sickos get to feast on “fresh meat”. The sky is the limit for them.
Of course there are many in the music industry. Big names. Maddona even wrote a book in which she bragged about having s*x with a minor. Sometimes their victims do come to light and make public accusations and still nothing. I feel so much rage when I think about it.
As you said – nothing happens.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Looks girly. I think his eye was from his mother being a w***e getting an std which causes that eye defect in the infants they give birth to

1 year ago

Any herbalist or healer was considered a witch it’s funny how it changes