
Just a reminder, George Floyd would not have approved of the way the world reacted to his death

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1 year ago

Like Malcolm X (May Lord grant him eternal life in Heaven) said – (((satanic seed))) is using deluded Black people as a cannon fodder for (((their))) nefarious purposes, same as (((they))) use deluded white people. All dichotomies are false, (((they))) are creating these dichotomy everywhere (blacks vs. whites, Islam vs. Christianity, Americans vs. Russians, Pakistanis vs. Indians, Shias vs. Sunnis, etc etc…) But fortunately, people are waking up as we can see for example in West Asia – Iran coming together with Saudi Arabia after more than five centuries of serious enmity.

1 year ago

You wouldn’t have given this man the time of day if you had crossed literal path give me a break you care what he stood for??

1 year ago

Yeah threatening both lives by holding a knife to a pregnant women’s belly while robbing her in her own house kind of puts me off-among many other things the guy was no hero and certainly if I knew him I’d simply avoid him like the plague. Can’t believe a statue was made for him when there are people who die unfairly who are true heroes.