
A blue spiral appears in the night sky over Alaska (

Longtime aurora hunter Todd Salat is no stranger to fantastic displays in the night skies of Alaska. But even he was not prepared for what happened after local midnight on Saturday, April 15th. “I was utterly

As previously stated in a previous post: Wormholes 

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1 year ago

im pretty sure something similar happened in 2009 over norway, same type of blue spiral

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

Yes, in 2009.

1 year ago
Reply to  Matthew

This article explains it away as “space-x fuel cells”. They mentioned this happening over several other cities, but not Norway….

1 year ago

If it’s a portal, I’d be concerned about what sort of beings are coming through. They might bring messages of love, but I’d wager that it’s actually self-love, or affirmation, and not actual love, which requires discipline. I’d also wager that they’d say that Jesus is, at best, ONE path you can take, but pushing towards self-actualization.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

It does look like a portal. Still, the veil is now so thin that we will be able to see these things and others pretty much everywhere.
It is said that in the end of times many will search for signs in the sky and will end up being deceived. The “messengers of light” will preach about love, exactly as you said, and say all the good things about Jesus, except that He is the Son of God (as part of the Holy Trinity).
Jesus was, is and always will be the only path, the life, the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Yeshua is the only path, the life, the truth. The Catholic Church supplanted the name of the messiah with its false deity of universalism. That is the lie that the one world religion and its demons use to deceive you. Jesus is the false deity that says that everyone is going to heaven regardless of whether you accept Yeshua who says that you will not go to the Father unless you accept Yeshua’s sacrifice for your sins.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

“ The name Jesus, announced to Joseph and Mary through the angels (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31), means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” Transliterated from Hebrew and Aramaic, the name is Yeshua. This word is a combination of Ya, an abbreviation for Yahweh, the name of Israel’s God (Exodus 3:14); and the verb yasha, meaning “rescue,” “deliver,” or “save.”

The English spelling of the Hebrew Yeshua is Joshua. But when translated from Hebrew into Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament, the name Yeshua becomes Iēsous. In English, Iēsous becomes Jesus. Thus, Yeshua and, correspondingly, Joshua and Jesus mean “Yahweh saves” or “the Lord is salvation.”

“ The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The Greek name for Jesus is Iesous (pronounced YE-soos in English). “Jesus” is the English equivalent of this word. English-speaking people have, therefore, traditionally used the word “Jesus.” The use of the Hebrew spelling and pronunciation or the English version is acceptable. The same is true in other languages, whether Iisus in Romanian or Is in Arabic.

Those who emphasize the use of Yeshua as the name of Jesus typically do so to emphasize the Hebrew or Jewish background of Jesus. While this background is important and is certainly helpful in understanding many biblical concepts, the use of Yeshua is not required. Using Yeshua instead of Jesus to refer to the Messiah does not make a person more or less spiritual. We are commanded to call on the name of the Lord, whether we do so in Hebrew, Greek, English, Korean, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, or any other language.”

… in my language (which is romanian) we call Him “Iisus”, an adaptation from the greek Iēsous.
… and although I am fully aware of some lies being spread over the centuries and some purposely “reformations” with the intend of diluting the truth, you are here 100% in error.

…and who said everyone is going to heaven? Iisus/Jesus/ Yeshua is not called for nothing the WAY. That means hard work every single day, means to follow Him, do our best to do what He requires from us. Faith without personal active commitment (deeds) is empty. (The devil knows and believes too.)

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

There is no command to only use Hebrew in addressing Him! People can call Him by the Hebrew Yeshua if they want but it doesn’t make anyone more spiritual or closer to Him. And yet some make such a big deal about these things! Be careful not to major on minors and minor on majors! Jesus said about the Pharisees:
Mat 23:24 “You blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

His name does not change Yahuah

1 year ago
Reply to  Halo

Again… the old greek!
That is why there is no mistake saying Jesus or Iisus. Translations are but a means to make things accessible for every single language and nation on the globe. I don’t recomend you to try spell it in chinese if you are stuck on phonetics… or phonology.

Mary (english)= Maria(romanian/latin)= Myriam(hebrew)…
Matthew= Matityahu=Matias=Matei (romanian)…
Paul= Pavel= Paulus…Pavlos

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

also, you literally have the picture of a pagan greek ‘deity’ as your profile picture so I guess you may know ‘old greek’ but that doesn’t you righteous nor does saying that the false christ is the same as Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

Well, you assume a lot starting from some truth distorting documentaries and a few truth-diluting articles found in the internet. Internet is also full of lies.
Have you even heard about the Holy Fathers? What about the Holy Tradition? St Eucharist? I recomend you read some theology instead.

Tell me, do you have a New Testament? If you do are you even aware you are holding a translation? You read and quote and interpret from a translated NT. The original was GREEK. No need to know greek. It’s the theologians and historians, objective, true historians who agree on the matter. Imagine the irony!
Never heard about a pagan deity called Jesus, but I definitely heard about Blavatsky and Alice Bailey and sellout authors propagating lies like Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Repent nutcase !! Repent your nutcaseism.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I wouldn’t say calling the messiah by some other name is straining out a gnat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

You see? My point exactly!
Messiah = Meshiaak (hebrew)= Mesia
Now please tell me why don’t you say Meshiaak?

Mary is Maria in my language. Myriam in hebrew.

Do not apply double standards when they suit you. I gave you a solid argument, that of adaptation to other languages’ particularities yet you keep on ignoring it.

Again ( in case you’ve missed it): “ The New Testament was originally written in Greek. The Greek name for Jesus is Iesous (pronounced YE-soos in English). “Jesus” is the English equivalent of this word.”

“The basic reason why Greek was chosen for the New Testament instead of Aramaic or Hebrew was that the writers wished to reach a broad, Gentile (non-Israelite) audience, not just a Jewish audience.
Greek was the leading written and spoken language of the eastern Mediterranean world when Rome ruled the world during the New Testament period. Indeed, it remained the dominant language, especially in the large cities of Alexandria, Antioch, etc., until after the Arab Muslim conquest, long after the time the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D.
By the time of the New Testament church in the first century A.D., Hellenism had greatly influenced and changed the people and culture of Judea. Greek, not Hebrew, was the commonly used language of Palestine during the rule of the Roman Empire.

The ability to speak the Greek language, especially during New Testament times, was a needed skill as it was used as the standard way of communicating, carrying out business, and so on.

The language was written and used during the early church period to communicate between people who grew up in different areas of the world and whose native tongues were quite different.

The well-known Jewish historian of the New Testament period, Josephus, stated that the ability to speak Greek was very common not only among the general populous but also among servants and slaves.“

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Do you say Virgin Myriam or Virgin Mary, by the way?
To me they both represent variations of the name of Jesus’s holy mother and therefore both correct.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

I have lived all over the world and yet everybody calls me by my name even when they don’t speak English but yet Satan wants to convince you to pray to some other deity other than Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

Well, that is because of english language which is used world wide. The most spoken language in the world. Chinese people, indians, russians… most of them can speak it.

Again… old greek was like english today.

You are being deceived by documentaries that dilute and twist truth confirmed historically. You are stubbornly contradicting the modern scholars that reached a consensus about this specific matter.

You know better than early christians, right? Better than theologians, martyrs, saints… good to know millions of people died in vain in arenas or public trials because of defending their faith in Jesus (Iesous) over the false ancient deities.

I pray to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, my saviour, the Son of God, the Word, the Lord, the second person of the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit) whom I struggle to follow every day.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Well said man, shame the peoples here who speak only English are so close-minded and delusional.

Last edited 1 year ago by Katbor
1 year ago
Reply to  Katbor

Thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

You are Michele, not Jesus Christ. You and me are two in billions. Ordinary people. The Son of God is one. He needed to be introduced to every nation at that time and the language in circulation was greek.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

Ah, the mistakes of people who only speak one language… So much of world’s culture and history is lost on you. This discussion is so ridiculous. Crisspf is 100% right, and you are uneductaed. That is the whole matter. Most names of famous people in history occur in different versions in different languages. It’s not just Jesus. Examples:Plato, Aristotle, Julius Caesar, Ptolemy, John, Matthew, Lucas, Peter & Paul, just sticking to the Mediterranean antiquity. You probably wouldn’t even get it if somebody called you by the local equivalent of your name… But then I bet you wouldn’t be able to pronounce my name and would substitute with the English equivalent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Katbor

The romanian equivalent of her name is Mihaela (pronounced Mee-high-EH-la). Michael = Mihai (Mee-high)
I sincerely doubt that if she heard me call her Mee-high-EH- la she knew it was her whom I called

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf


1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs

Very mature!

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

Yahusha not Yeshua

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

Paul, what you are saying about real love vs self love or affirmation somehow rings true even though I’m not sure I fully grasp the concept yet.

We’re all on a journey, and I desire to draw nearer to god, but i feel something is missing, and the thing that tang true to me in your statement was the part about discipline. I would love to hear more.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jhess

The commands of God are simple to understand, but difficult to follow: Love God, love your neighbor as yourself. But this gets twisted because of those last two words: “as yourself.” It’s taken to mean that one must love themselves first. But if you truly love yourself in a healthy way, you are building yourself up in spiritual and physical strength. You are seeking God first, studying his Word, being faithful to him. You are helping your neighbor, caring for the sick and the elderly. You are taking care of your body so that you can help your neighbor to the fullest extent possible. If you follow one of the two commands faithfully, you are following the other by definition.

But to do this requires self discipline. We must not give in to our flesh, that is, our sinful desires; but instead allow our spirit and conscience to rule our bodies and minds. Take every thought captive, and dwell on that which is good, holy, beautiful, and praiseworthy. Do things that you know are uncomfortable, but are good. Get up early. Pray. Go to the gym (and train your eyes to not stare at the hot bods there). Read your Bible. Put aside the time on your phone or watching TV and instead be in prayer or helping someone else.

By setting aside temporary pleasures and instead pursuing God and his purposes, we find true fulfillment. It’s hard, but through discipline, it’s possible, and becomes easier as time goes on.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

We need the Holy Spirit to empower us to follow the Word of God and this is by accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour.

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

And I will wager that ur a VC-certified NUTCASE.

11 months ago
Reply to  Whatevs


11 months ago
Reply to  paul

Indeed, it could be the opening of a portal which i see falls in a very particular day for muslims.

During the last 10 days of ramadan, muslims stay up at night to pray until dawn hoping to fulfill “Layla el Qudr” or night of Destiny.

Nobody knows exactly which date this sacred night falls on among those 10 days, but it is believed to fall on an odd day.
in this video, it was an odd day and a friday so most believe it was the night of Layla el Qudr.

The Quran mentions that it is a blessed night worth 1000 months of prayers and deeds because angel Gabriel and others come down to earth only on that night.

Also funny that the one who films the video is named SALAT which means prayer in arabic: this is litterally what muslims must do during that special night of the year in order to benefit from this portal opening.

1 year ago

Gearing up/playing with Project Bluebeam… the sky is a hologram. Once you let that sink in, you realize we are in a virtual reality in a layered simulation with one overlay after another.

1 year ago

You are a complete tool. I disregard everything you have to say. Why don’t you go sell your soul at the flea market.

1 year ago

That’s just a modern (computer-inspired) metaphor for the same old thing. But it doesn’t say anything new.