Creation of mammal with two biological fathers could pave way for new fertility treatments in humans
Phasing out women entirely..?
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”
Ehm…Tower of Babel, anyone?…*cough*cough*
Hi lgageharleya, the Bible verse is really beautiful, what version do you read? Do you also read old testament? What version would you recommend a newbie like me?
This I copied from NKJV (New King James), because it was easy to understand.
This part:
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”
refers to Yeshua and how he bruised the heads of the Luciferians and how they put him to death in exactly the way it had to happen for our sakes, but the start of the verse shows their bitter acrimony towards the woman and where it began.
I recommend reading whatever is easiest for you to understand initially, because I believe that the Creator can reach any of us no matter where we are and at least it is a beginning and a seeking. It doesn’t do much of anything to read a version you can’t make any sense out of. I do read the old testament, because the entire scriptures are pertinent to us all and they all reveal to us the Father and His son from the very beginning.
That being said, I am working more now on reading the Greek Interlinear for comparing and contrasting translations of specific words. I’m not very good at it yet, but I have already seen a couple of instances in which the word used in an English text seems very off/misleading from what was originally written, or even just loses its impact.
I also think it helps a great deal to find a solid teacher who can help you to understand. It has been my experience that, when I am seeking and praying to understand, the right teacher shows up at the right time, so ask, seek and knock and trust that the Father will answer you according to your needs, where you are:
Matthew 7:9-119 “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
— this means that when you ask Him to give you something in line with His will, you can trust Him to do so and to lead you safely.
(This is from NIV New International Version, this is pretty easy to understand and doesn’t seem to water down the meanings like some do)
The first “right” teacher for me I discovered via a local radio station decades ago, all the others I have found online in various places. When you listen to any man teach or preach, pray for understanding and discernment, to know truth, and read the full context of what he is saying for yourself.
You will find, over time and getting to know God that you will recognize His voice because you will recognize His character and fruit.
I have found that the people teaching truth don’t just make you feel something emotionally for a time, when that truth enters your heart, it changes you from the inside-out. If you’re only feeling something at the time you’re hearing, but walk away and are unchanged, you’re not benefiting the way you’re intended to. Truth is alive, and it makes a real and lasting difference in our hearts.
It’s very hard for me to open up to someone in person. I went recently to different churches, but i didn’t feel comfortable. I have been gaslighted almost my whole life, and now i question everything, and i can’t trust anyone.
I honestly love you ideas, i’m learning from you, our interaction is totally anonymous, and i feel good vibes from a honest person spreading the word of god, please don’t stop.
I have been, too and we share a lot of similar qualities. Maybe that’s why we connect.
I don’t know anywhere near it all, but I will be honest with you if I’m not sure. There is only upward from here, and it’s all about you, your heart and your pursuit of the Father and the Son. I’m sharing with you what good people have, by the grace of God and their obedience, shared with me. One day you will do the same 🙂
The Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic Interlinear Bible align perfectly with the 1611 King James Bible ,KJV
I’ve read through most other versions and I’m not going to list them all but every one so far has changed things from slightly to egregiously .
One quick example
The KJV Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel
RevisedStandard VeVersion,RSV
Behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Imman’u-el.
That’s a pretty big difference in meaning, and it completely ignores the fact that Jesus has no earthly father.
Anyway personally I stick with the KJV and the above mentioned Inter linear . And on a side note, I’ve compared what are available of the Qumran Scrolls and they align exactly with the interlinear.
I’m 100% convinced that the long term plan is to get rid of women all together. They won’t need us to make more humans and all the tr**nies they’ve got out now prove that men will find them attractive.There will be men and men that look like women.
If you watch the film Prometheus that is how the engineers were unable to reproduce because all were males.