
'I'm showing my allegiance for all you candy a***s!' The Rock (I might have imagined the statement πŸ˜‰)

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1 year ago

This symbol is a form of showing allegiance to the Babylonian Solar Deity Marduk, who is Sol-Amon, the Illuminator. It is the spade symbol placed atop the Luciferian temple at right, which the pet dragon of the Solar deity, who represents the moon, pays homage to.

Pictures below is a stone carving from Babylon circa 1100 BCE. See the spade symbol, of which this hand symbol is a stylized representation clearly displayed with the dragon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Is he the same Solomon who was said to have written the Book of Proverbs? And the very same to build Solomon’s Temple?

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


Yes it is the very same Sol-Amon who is credited in Kings 4:32 as speaking “proverbs.” This does not mean Solomon wrote the book you know as the “proverbs.” That is a later abomination brought forth by Pharisees based on a false lexical similarity. I will explain.

The word used for proverbs in 1 Kings 4:32 is in Hebrew ΧžΦΈΧ©ΦΈΧΦ‘Χœ “Masal.” This word itself quite literally means “a lesson of wisdom by analogy/allegory.” Quite literally, we are told, that these works are works of wisdom that use the allegory of the mythical Sun King (not an actual guy). That a bunch of Pharisees, which quite literally means “Fire-I-Sees,” have gone about convincing people otherwise simply speaks to abject lack of knowledge of the original Aryeh Yehudah language.

This sentence is found in the numbering as 4:32, because there are 432,000 seconds in 1/2 day, and there are 432,000 miles in the radius, 1/2 diameter, of The Sun. Quite literally, telling us that wisdom of humanity was born from understanding the size of the sun and the length of the day. It is not about worshipping these things, or some really super awesome intellectual king.

The whole of the book of Kings is a numerical encoding designed to give wisdom of sign and celestial mechanics. I can show you how to derive Quantum Theory from 1 Kings 10-11 and its celestial matrix.

The number of the beast we are supposed to calculate in Revelations is 666, and it is called “The Number of a man.” the only other place this number appears in scripture is in 1 Kings 10 in reference to Sol-Amon (a man) having 666 talents of Gold. Why? because there are exactly 666 Solar eclipses (the sun is gold) in one, 325 year solar-lunar eclipse cycle. It says sol-amon brings baboons and peacocks in his “boats.” the term for boat is “Ani” which quite literally means “the sky.” The baboon is the animal embodiment of the Egyptian Lunar deity Toth, while the Peacock is The Solar Bird, aka The Pheonix, aka the Benu Bird. The word used for “peacock,” is Χ•Φ°Χͺֻכִּיִּֽים “Wu-Tukkim” is completetly unique in the scriptures to 1 kings 10 and the story of Sol-Amon, but it is very common somewhere else: In Babylon as a reference to the Utu, The solar deity, and his council of solar demons called the Utukku and later the “Udug.” You can more easily find them under the second name. or through the original text π’Œœ.

The purpose of this, and the reason that later stories make clear about the demonic character of Sol-Amon and his Solar Demons, is to explicit the horrible nature of exactly what lays behind the glittering gold of the solar mysteries (the entire song Stairway to Heaven is about the worship of the glittering golden virgin MARdux-I-AMon, who is the “May Queen….” hence she can buy her way into heaven with all her golden temples she receives.)

The role of the “Queen of Heaven,” is played by Queen “Sheba” whose name is actually said ‘Shiva,’ like the Hindu deity Shiva who is the illuminator and the destroyer of the tibetan mountains. It still means “Seven,” in Hebrew, as the seven planets of the inner solar system, as the 7 candles on the Menorah. The knowledge and wisdom of this being important, the worshipping of it leading people to their downfall.

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


Let me also include that the term for “King” in hebrew is MeLeK, which is MLK, these letters in Hebrew are 40-30-20, quite literally 432 in the leading digits. The entire book by its name, is designed to point towards the allegories of measurement of the solar system. This is why “Dr. Martin Luther King” had the initials MLK, a literal Hebrew-English transliteration of his entire name, a dead give away of his bloodline.

432 = 108*4, the 4 dimensions of Space and Time.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Is β€œMoloch” correlated with β€œMeLeK”? I understand that the last letter in the name β€œMoloch” as well as the word β€œMeLeK” is the sofit of Kaph, ך, giving each word the β€œkh” ending sound.

Is this a similar situation to how the word β€œBa’al” is/was said to mean β€œlord”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Channah


1 year ago
Reply to  A E


This is an excellent question. The terms Moloch and Malek, so discussed in scholarly circles, indeed come from the same root: Sacrifice.

Just as in English the word sacrifice may have two connotations, the word for the blood thirsty child burning deity of Χ”Φ·ΧžΦΉΦΌΧœΦΆΧšΦ° said β€œHamolech” and Χ”Φ·ΧžΦΆΦΌΦ”ΧœΦΆΧšΦ° β€œHa’malek” the word for king, both mean Sacrifice, but in the two very different senses of the word.

One is a thing which requires great sacrifice of innocents, a blood sucking deity, while the other is a position which requires great sacrifice from the one who takes the role of king to lead his people. These two ways of perceiving the word, are identical to the ways a righteous king, or a self-serving luciferian king may perform in his role:

One may require his subjects to sacrifice for his own gain, while the other sacrifices his own freedom and desires fro serve his people. This same choice befalls Yeshua at the start of his ministry in the dessert: or to be a self serving king and accept the temptations of ego glorification, pleasure and earthly power offered by Lucifer, or to use all he has been given to sacrifice his own desires and serve others.

The detestable Moloch is the creation of Phoenicians, (Fanacians/Enochians) Punic murderers and the children of Kain. But one more reprehensible pagan deity of the Luciferians, a group which creates a society that serves a self-serving ego glorifying king & priest class, that requires the people shed innocent blood to appease the great blood sucker they worship.

And so while scholars have bickered for centuries about this, the word is clear, it is a sacrifice, one which takes, and the other which gives.

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago

I liked Dwayne Johnson so much better when he was JUST a wrestler. I knew the minute he broke into Helly-weird that he’d signed his name in blood & made a deal with the Prince of this world, Satan.

He, like the rest of Hollywood & D.C., will regret their choices VERY much…and soon.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

too right Mr. Smith!! word.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

the sooner the better. wink! *

1 year ago


1 year ago

btw when Christians say “Amen”, they are also showing allegiance to an ancient Egyptian diety Ra. Amen Ra.

1 year ago
Reply to  Perple

That is not true – Rev 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. (KJB)

1 year ago
Reply to  Yero

are you kidding?

1 year ago
Reply to  Perple

It has been said the word ‘Amen’ was coined by an Egyptian god called Amen-Ra and Moses introduced this term from Egypt.

According to Biblical text, the word ‘Amen’ was commanded by the Lord (Numbers 5:22).
Would God invoke the name of an Egyptian god? The answer is emphatically NO.

In this, our world today, Satan’s purpose is to kill, steal, and destroy. Unfortunately, the majority of people in this, our world today, cannot discern between truth and lies. Most unfortunate because the deception grows exponentially every day.

Luke 21:28

(and if you don’t know where you are going when you die, best to contact someone who can fill you in regarding the Truth. AMEN).

1 year ago
Reply to  ToS

Wow, just wow .So are you a Christian or a j….You know what forget it.Just wow.smh.How easily….🀐

1 year ago

He said too that he isn’t on s******s. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

1 year ago

He’s extra cringey to me

1 year ago

Masonic Hand Gesture!!!

