
Harry Styles recalls playing 'Fine Line' to Stevie Nicks and her "witches coven" (

Harry Styles has recalled playing his new album ‘Fine Line’ to Stevie Nicks and her “witch coven” ahead of its release, as well as recounting his mugging

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1 year ago

Very very weird. Hmmm Satanism ??👿So is he trying to tell us that Stevie Nicks is a Satanist and part of a group of “witches?” I don’t know….. but I don’t like it.

Lisa L
Lisa L
1 year ago
Reply to  Klynn

Not the first time I heard that.

Herman Munster
Herman Munster
1 year ago

Gotta get that free advertising!

1 year ago

I wonder if Stevie nicks groomed Taylor Swifty

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

She’s been a witch for ever

1 year ago

I know. When you think of the phrase Veteran Hollywood Witch. Stevie is one of the first names to come up.

Disappointed not surprised
Disappointed not surprised
1 year ago

They are all satanic trashbags

1 year ago

Aaaaa, “Whitchy Wooman…”, anyone?

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago

Of course Stevie Nicks is a satanic witch, that’s not news. Explains how she’s been able to smoke 3+ packs of cigarettes a day every day since she was 12 & somehow hasn’t developed lung cancer or COPD. I always say that, sadly, if you truly sell your souls to Satan you’ll get what you want, but nothing that you need, and there’s ALWAYS a ‘catch,’ or hidden detail. That being said, I’d rather suffer thru life on this Earth realm (because it’s NOT A GLOBE) and spend eternity in paradise with my Lord & Savior than have a grand ol’ time here in this world for maybe 80-90 years tops & spend eternity in HELL. I’ll take option ‘A’ any day of the week & literally twice on Sunday.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

There can be but little liberty on earth while men worship a tyrant in heaven

1 year ago
Reply to  xyz

One person’s tyrant is another person’s liberator.

He’s only a tyrant to those who fool themselves into believing they know more than He does, proudly thinking they they can actually live this life without Him. If a person doesn’t want to be with and denies Him in this life He isn’t going to force them to be with Him in the next one and at the end they will get their heart’s desire to be separated away from Him.

Psalm 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Matthew 11:29-30 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

I hope you come to a different view.

Lisa L
Lisa L
1 year ago
Reply to  xyz

How is free will tyrannical?

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  xyz

If God were a tyrant, you’d be long gone little fella.

1 year ago
Reply to  xyz

Ignorance is such bliss.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Fully agree with you in every word, but that part about smoking – my great grandfather smoked permanently since he was 13 and he lived very healthy and decent life up to his natural death. He smoked the pipe, 40 cigarettes a day and even opium from homegrown poppy pods in summer months and he died when he was 98 years old.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anton

Good dad, hi is my friend

1 year ago

He’s a musician, I find it disingenuous that he claims he can’t stay up all night. It’s part of the job description.

11 months ago

Why tf would you let witches listen to your album before release, anyway do you guys think he pushes the effeminate agenda cuz he’s been acting sus