
Charles to be crowned King with holy oil from Jerusalem – Times of India (

UK News: The holy oil to be used to crown Charles as King of the United Kingdom during his coronation ceremony on May 6 has been consecrated at a ceremony in t

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1 year ago

Hideous man. Hideous church.

Herman Munster
Herman Munster
1 year ago

Hideous teeth.

John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago
Reply to  Herman Munster

Demons usually have fangs, at least in their true form.

Herman Munster
Herman Munster
1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Watch Out!!!!! He’s getting ready to bite!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

When my local Bishop John Keenan, who is a member of Opus Dei, was installed as Bishop in the Cathedral in 2014, the attendance was so high that screens were put up in the Cathedral hall and the local leisure centre for those that didn’t get there on time for a seat in the Cathedral. I was part of a community familiar with the new Bishop and we turned up early to get in the queue. When it came time to anoint the Bishop with chrism oil, Monsignor Denis Carlin literally gunged him with green goo, much to the titillation of those among the congregation, particularly those who occupied the front benches taking ‘pride’ of place. It was literally dripping down his face like some kids TV show on Nickelodeon or something and at the time I thought it was very inappropriate for the occasion. I now know it was the local Freemasons showing the new Opus Dei Bishop who was running the show in my town and in the ‘Universal Church’. What it did in fact achieve was to demonstrate the godlessness and profanity of these so-called ‘enlightened’ people. Holy oil is only holy if it has God’s blessing. The whole occasion was satanic and an affront to God. But, of course, the king is dead! Long live the king!

Last edited 1 year ago by retiredtwitteruser
1 year ago

Anyone familiar with the charity Mary’s Meals?

1 year ago

Yeshua is alive but so many churches erect statues of dead, pathetic, and weak Jesuses to worship. It is a form of blasphemy by depicting the messiah as dead rather than risen and alive. However, Jesus is the so called messiah of the dead church so why not represent the messiah of a dead church as a dead messiah? The Catholic Church supplanted the name of the true messiah, Yeshua, with the dead messiah, Jesus. Yeshua and Jesus are not the same entity. Yeshua is alive.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

The form used by most cheeses worship is that of the Ancient Babylonian Tammuz, the astrotheological shepherd deity, who is a twist on the figure of Hevel/Abel.

We are commanded in the scriptures to have no graven images, and the churches have blasphemed that under the guise of holiness.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Gem, might I ask a sincere question, without any polemical intent? I’m genuinely curious to know your view of the moments in the Old Testament which seem to contradict, at Yahweh’s own bequest, the 2nd Commandment: most particularly, the twin golden cherubim the Lord orders placed on the Ark of the Covenant and the Bronze Serpent Moses erected in the desert, pursuant to the Lord’s command. I’d also be curious (though here, I might have some intuition) of what you make of the pictoral ornamentation which is recorded in Solomon’s temple.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

Or why all the golden objects being golden at all, why do the priests need the finest silk to wear etc. Why can’t they just be kind hearted righteous people without dripping in expense

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Gold can have different meanings in the Bible – wealth is certainly one of them.

But to understand it’s meaning in the temple I think it’s important to understand the temple, itself.

Years ago, I drew out the OT temple and was amazed at what I discovered – it still boggles me, at times.

There’s far too much to write about here!

The OT temple (pre-transposition) represents the NT “Spiritual temple” – Believers.

The physical temple was made of physical stones but it’s lessons are of the “Spirit”.

Once you have it drawn out then the Spiritual intent of it’s design becomes apparent, including furniture, etc.

 “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house (family), an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to YHWH by Yeshua.”

Gold in the temple represents Holiness, Purity, Wisdom and knowledge of YHWH, Forgiveness of sins, etc. – Spiritual qualities!

Gold has no monetary value to YHWH. 
If I were to say to you that you and I have a ‘spiritual smell’ eminating from us, you’d probably think that I was crazy, wouldn’t you? 

Last edited 1 year ago by branch
1 year ago
Reply to  branch

My comment above is not to support any church of any denomination and their practices.

It is a comment on the OT temple, that’s all.

1 year ago
Reply to  branch

Agreed. The temple on earth was reflective of the temple in Heaven above.

1 year ago
Reply to  Confused

The temple on earth was reflective of believers on earth – when this is understood then the Spiritual temple coming down from heaven takes on a new meaning and can be seen for what it truly is!

P.S. – Not trying to disagree with you.

A. E.
A. E.
1 year ago
Reply to  branch

Would love to see you expand on this and post an article, if you will @branch

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  A. E.

VC’s platform doesn’t provide enough space – and to divide and post it into parts can be a nightmare – been there, done that.

Besides, there are a few drawings that need to be posted, as well.

If you want to message me on FB (Joseph Bandler) then I can share with you as my time permits – no strings, no hassle – just Bible!

1 year ago
Reply to  branch

I will look for you there, but have you tried to submit it as a story? It allows for multiple pics as well as text and inline links.

swipe right
swipe right
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

And why are there still poor people while they could give every poor person in the world a million dollars? And still have some left over. 🤷‍♂️

1 year ago
Reply to  swipe right

I will not justify every instance of riches in the Catholic Church or any other church, but we must have a bit of care here; the objection you broach is the same that Judas made to Lazarus’ sister Mary when she washed Jesus’ feet with precious ointment.

The question is always the use of the wealth; wealth that is given over to the glory of God is far different from wealth which is abused to obtain creature comforts for this or that prelate.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie

Priests are not generally so very well off; quite the opposite is more commonly the case.

The wealth that is given to the church is meant as a reappropriation of earthly riches to glorify God, much as Mary, Lazarus’ sister, washed Jesus’ feet with expensive nard. These riches are given to the church, and thus to God; and, as all the objects of the church, are dedicated to that use and to that use alone. They cannot be used for anything else, and, should the time come that they must be disposed of for whatever reason, they are supposed to be burned.

This is the spirit of the thing; naturally, abuses are inevitable, as long as human beings walk the earth.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Neither of these events involve worshipping graven images; once again reliance upon translations has led to twistings of the story into a MAGIkal tale. 

Lets start with the tale of The Serpent on the “Pole.” First, the word used for “Serpent,” commanded by YHWH is not the typical word for serpent, nor is “pole.” The translations aren’t inherently “wrong,” but they are incredibly misleading. In the Phrase 

“And Said YHWH-EL(ohim) Moses to make a FIREY (serpent) and set it on a pole. “

We find the most unique set of words:

A) We find YHWH followed by אל, a rare and specific construction.

The first reference to the ineffable creator is the third word of Berashit(h). This is the scripture now blasphemically termed GENES-IS (we will return to this.) the word Elohim is a very specific aspect of the ineffable creator: 

Aryeh Yehudah is an alpha-numerical encoding, the words themselves formed by the very numbers of the thing they represent. Elohim has a numerical value of 1-30-5-1-40. Why is this important here? Because 13.514 squared = 182.62, which is exactly 1/2 the number of days in a solar year. 182.62*2= 365.25. The square root of 13.514 is 3.67614. Look at both of these figures as floating point decimals in Base-10, like in a modern computer system. When we take the average of the two we get we get 7.32870392. What is this:

7.32870392/8 = 0.916 which is Catalans constant for Tile Stacking and Spanning Trees that governs the physical universe construction and geometry.

7.32870392/2 = 3.664352 Which is the volume of an ideal hyperbolic octahedron, the shape that governs matter clumping in the universe, and the complement of the whitehead Link, the shape of the “strings,” of string theory, and looping time, which should be called Link theory. They will get their eventually

7.32870392 = The volume of the Borromean Rings, which are three interlocked rings, the shape which governs formation of matter in stars through Beryllium Lithium and Helium. Be-Li-Hem, formation of matter by Elohim. It is also the three golden rectangles inscribed in the icosahedrons, that make up the planes of the human body. And the shape that governs orbital mechanics.

The point of this is that the entire passage you cite in Numbers is a discussion of the mechanics of the universe, and how their understanding with reverence for the creator leads to MEDICINE, which can cure those bitten by physical serpents, and the Chiral, serpentine motion of the planets, whose understanding of motion and true nature can cure the faithless and lead their heart to YHWH.

So YHWH-EL commanding, literally means The Creator and His Physical Constants of the Universe Commanded Moses.

B) The word for Serpent in Hebrew is usually נהש “Nahas(h)” but the term here used is שָׂרָ֔ף

Usually the word “Nahash,” would be used but instead we find שָׂרָ֔ף which is “Seraph” like the Serafim of Ezekiel. This word means “firey/burning,” and also is a Medicinal Tree Resin that burns in the mouth, like a stronger version of Ginger. It means “serpent” only by association with the burning sensation of serpents venom in one’s veins. Your pious priests either don’t know or won’t tell you this; the system of Lucifer wants lovers of MAGIk, not wisdom.

C) The word for “Pole” is נֵ֑ס “NES” and it means “Miracle/Sign” but also yes a metal Rod. This in one sense refers to the miracle of the Chiral motions of the planets like a Serpent winding around a pole (a common ancient depiction of this TEACHING TOOL) And in another, to use the miracle of medicine through chemical purification of a resin by (burning it,) and then injecting it with a Bronze Needle into one’s veins to save them from poisoning.

This is why later it says “when everyone is bitten,” it uses the archaic and correct word for Serpent, הַנָּשׁ֔וּךְ “HANAS-uk” Hanas is the same as the word GENES-IS, And the deities GANESa, WANES (Venus), BENUS (benu bird) and OANNES. The UKki in Babylon are the SOLAR DEMONS.

And here we find a reference back to early Berashit and the knowledge of good and evil and the tree, and the mark of Kain.  It says that when Anyone “perceives it with the eyes, they shall live.” 

It is discussing perceiving Truth, and having the substitutions, the serpents venom, removed from one’s eyes and veins. 

The word for “perceive with the eyes.” Is וְרָאָ֥ה “Vera’ah” and it is phonetically nearly identical to the term for “Evil,” used in the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. The term there for evil being וָרָ֔ע“Verah.” Does this not strike you as identical to the words “to see” in Latin? Ver, Voire, etc. It is because the word in Berashit for evil uses the letters reach and Ayin, which mean “Head” and “Eye,” literally a reference to the third eye, illumination bringing evil. The term for “seeing” and being cited is said the same but spelled resh Alef Hei; “Head” alef is “The Chief” and “Hei,” is a Man worshipping. When YHWH appears to Moshe he says Eyheh Asher Eyheh. Which is spelled Alef Hei. The first word of the Bible is BRA using Alef.

The word used for “It” just after is אֹת֖וֹ which is the same as the word used for “The Mark” of Kain, which also means sign but is written as אות. ATU versus AUT said “OATH.” Like what the illuminists take, including your priests, in direct contraversion of the words of Yeshua, who commands we take no OATHS. Because it is the Mark of Kain. Here, Moses is removing the mark of Kain, reinserting the twisted inversion of the serpents.

The passage is saying that by showing them the truth of the wondrousness of the creation of YHWH, chiral motion of total perfection of the stars, planets, earth, molecules etc. which yes, looks like a serpent on a pole, they have their sight restored and put in order. The same as Yeshua restoring sight to the blind.

The Israelites in the dessert were bitten by the Pagan Illuminstor HANAS/GANESA and now through giving them Truth, which burns (like a medicine) because they have been bitten by the serpent and deceived and are thus emotionally attached to Luciferianism as if it were holiness. It is showing how true faith can lead to both physical healing (from venom bites) and spiritual healing (from venomous teachings from the illuminator.)

This is the condition you find yourself in. You read GANES is, in Churches full of Opulence and GOLD, in contra version of the commands of YHWH, and it burns that I give you the medicine of Truth. They have hidden the truth of these stories behind translations and horrifying misconceptions, such that you think a story about getting rid of abominations that infect by Truth, is actually in contradiction to the second commandment. It is not at all related.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem I am always impressed by your knowledge and attention to detail, which is second to none that I have ever come across, and your posts are an education for those of us seeking answers. Are you familiar with this quote from Shakespeare: “A rose by any other name is still a rose”? I believe in the man who was born in a manger in Bethlehem and died on the cross at Calvary, and I believe He is the Son of God. The teacher who said: “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children”. (Matthew 11:25) and who taught “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

1 year ago

What marks a child more than any other thing? Their curiosity and hunger for truth. They constantly ask, “Why?” and you answer, and they respond again, “But why?”

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

Ultimately, simple, blind faith is all that is asked of us by a loving Father who we can trust.

1 year ago

Matthew 13:11
“He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”

What is a father’s purpose, but to train up his sons to become fully capable, competent men and fathers in their own rights?

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Which father?

1 year ago


Thank you for the kind words. However what Igageharleya says is scripturally accurate. The modernist “Blind Faith” approach is abhorent in the eyes of YHWH, according to the very words of YHWH. Nowhere in the scriptures is blind faith commanded. In fact it is reproached heavily to be blind in your faith and have no eyes to see.

Hosea 4:

“My people are ruined because they don’t know what’s right or true.
Because you have turned your back on knowledge, I’ve turned my back on you priests. Because you refuse to recognize the revelation of God, I no longer recognize your children.”

Yeshua Said:

The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is diseased, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”

Psalm 119:18

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your Word.”

Yeshua said:

“For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.””

Proverbs 2:6

“For YHWH gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

Proverbs 18:15

“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.

Proverbs 2:

My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding


To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness, but to the sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

In the Prophecy of Isiah regarding the coming of Yeshua:

A shoot will come up from the stump of Ishi
from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—

You are not commanded to have Blind Faith, but to See. You are commanded to come as a child, and children ask Why? Over and over.

Yeshua Said:

Blessed are the eyes that see what you see For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.”

How can you then proclaim “Blind Faith!” Listen to Yeshua my friend!

Yeshua Said:

“I Will give you the Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.”

Do you think the keys to the domain of the cosmos come from blindness in your faith!! No, the keys given are not simple devices for blind fools. For Yeshua gives Eyes to See, to those that before were blind. It is a metaphor for those that walk through life blindly and unaware of what is occurring in the world.

Yeshua Said:

“Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened?  Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?  When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?”

“Twelve,” they replied.

“And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?”
They answered, “Seven.

He said to them, “Do you still not understand?”

Yeshua was imploring his followers NOT TO HAVE BLIND FAITH, BUT TO HAVE EYES TO SEE TRUTH. You must have eyes to see that these words give very, very specific numerical representations, that are not random at all. 5-5000-12 = Do you not understand what this means?

The twelve divisions of a circle making the 12 houses of a zodiac, 1.12 of a circle being 30 degrees, and 55, which is contained within the name ELOHIM, the first name for the ineffable creator used, which gives the maximum number of Lunar Months possible in 4 years…

7 and 4? Because there are 7 words in Berashit(h) 1:1 and 28 letters, which is 7*4! 7.4 years is 2701 days, the number of degrees in a Heptadecagon, the 3rd Fermat Prime, and the Sum of the FIRST SEVEN WORDS AND 7*4 LETTERS OF THE BIBLE.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

“Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)

“And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive. But better than both is he who has not yet been and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 4:2)

You obviously take time to respond to people in your posts, so this is just a quick reply regarding the kind of ‘child-like, simple, trusting’ faith to which I was referring. You evidently have serious issues with the Catholic Church, so I should take time to respond more fully in defence of the Church to which I belong. Until the Second Vatican Council, my Church did not teach anything contrary to Sacred Scripture. The current Pope is a heretic and an apostate. The ‘Roman’ element of the Church has always been corrupt and, while I agree with many of the historically and contemporarily based criticisms aimed at the Catholic Church, I will never abandon my Church and I’ll explain myself better in a coming post on the subject.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

There is a 17-page downloadable PDF.doc available online called “The Teachings Of The Twelve Apostles To The Nations”, known as the Didache (DID-a-key), an early Christian text which most scholars date to the first or early second century. “And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

In terms of being a Christian, for me what is written in these 17 pages is just about as much as you need to know. This was passed on directly by the Apostles of Jesus Christ, or Yeshua if you prefer, before any Roman involvement in the Christian Church. Most notably, it doesn’t contain any of the ‘occult’ knowledge which you include in your posts.

Is A E your ‘alter ego’ by any chance? If so, the second commandment of the Apostle’s teaching recommends: “You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued, for the double-tongue is a snare of death”. This is from the Apostle’s who received their teaching directly from Jesus. “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.” (Luke 24:45). Do you place yourself above them?

The Catechism Of The Catholic Church (CCC) is the result of a very extensive collaboration. It was prepared over 6 years of intense work done in a spirit of complete openness and fervent zeal, entrusted to a commission of twelve Cardinals and Bishops by Pope John Paul II in 1986. An editorial committee of seven diocesan Bishops, experts in theology and catechesis, assisted the commission in it’s work.

Sounds like these guys knew a thing or two themselves. The Catechism is a statement of the Church’s faith and of catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition and the Church’s Magesterium. Have you ever heard of what’s referred to as the ‘penny catechism’? Why am I here on earth? To know God, to love God and to serve God in this life so as to be with Him forever in the next. You don’t need a calculator or a square and compass to understand that. Here’s some information from the CCC for your perusal.

The Church teaches that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, can be known with certainty from his works, by the natural light of human reason (cf. Vatican Council I, can. 2 # 1: DS 3026)

III. Christ Jesus — “Mediator and Fullness of All Revelation”25
God has said everything in his Word

65 “In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son.”26 Christ, the Son of God made man, is the Father’s one, perfect and unsurpassable Word. In him he has said everything; there will be no other word than this one. St. John of the Cross, among others, commented strikingly on Hebrews 1:1-2:
In giving us his Son, his only Word (for he possesses no other), he spoke everything to us at once in this sole Word – and he has no more to say. . . because what he spoke before to the prophets in parts, he has now spoken all at once by giving us the All Who is His Son. Any person questioning God or desiring some vision or revelation would be guilty not only of foolish behaviour but also of offending him, by not fixing his eyes entirely upon Christ and by living with the desire for some other novelty.27

There will be no further Revelation
66 “The Christian economy, therefore, since it is the new and definitive Covenant, will never pass away; and no new public revelation is to be expected before the glorious manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ.”28 Yet even if Revelation is already complete, it has not been made completely explicit; it remains for Christian faith gradually to grasp its full significance over the course of the centuries.

74 God “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”:29 that is, of Christ Jesus.30 Christ must be proclaimed to all nations and individuals, so that this revelation may reach to the ends of the earth:
God graciously arranged that the things he had once revealed for the salvation of all peoples should remain in their entirety, throughout the ages, and be transmitted to all generations.31

I. The Apostolic Tradition
75 “Christ the Lord, in whom the entire Revelation of the most high God is summed up, commanded the apostles to preach the Gospel, which had been promised beforehand by the prophets, and which he fulfilled in his own person and promulgated with his own lips. In preaching the Gospel, they were to communicate the gifts of God to all men. This Gospel was to be the source of all saving truth and moral discipline.”32
In the apostolic preaching. . .
76 In keeping with the Lord’s command, the Gospel was handed on in two ways:
– orally “by the apostles who handed on, by the spoken word of their preaching, by the example they gave, by the institutions they established, what they themselves had received – whether from the lips of Christ, from his way of life and his works, or whether they had learned it at the prompting of the Holy Spirit”;33
– in writing “by those apostles and other men associated with the apostles who, under the inspiration of the same Holy Spirit, committed the message of salvation to writing”.34
. . . continued in apostolic succession
77 “In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church the apostles left bishops as their successors. They gave them their own position of teaching authority.”35 Indeed, “the apostolic preaching, which is expressed in a special way in the inspired books, was to be preserved in a continuous line of succession until the end of time.”

III. The Interpretation of the Heritage of Faith
The heritage of faith entrusted to the whole of the Church
84 The apostles entrusted the “Sacred deposit” of the faith (the depositum fidei),45 contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, to the whole of the Church. “By adhering to [this heritage] the entire holy people, united to its pastors, remains always faithful to the teaching of the apostles, to the brotherhood, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. So, in maintaining, practising and professing the faith that has been handed on, there should be a remarkable harmony between the bishops and the faithful.”46

The Magisterium of the Church
85 “The task of giving an authentic interpretation of the Word of God, whether in its written form or in the form of Tradition, has been entrusted to the living teaching office of the Church alone. Its authority in this matter is exercised in the name of Jesus Christ.”47 This means that the task of interpretation has been entrusted to the bishops in communion with the successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.
86 “Yet this Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches only what has been handed on to it. At the divine command and with the help of the Holy Spirit, it listens to this devotedly, guards it with dedication and expounds it faithfully. All that it proposes for belief as being divinely revealed is drawn from this single deposit of faith.”48
87 Mindful of Christ’s words to his apostles: “He who hears you, hears me”,49 The faithful receive with docility the teachings and directives that their pastors give them in different forms.

II. Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture
105 God is the author of Sacred Scripture. “The divinely revealed realities, which are contained and presented in the text of Sacred Scripture, have been written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.”69
“For Holy Mother Church, relying on the faith of the apostolic age, accepts as sacred and canonical the books of the Old and the New Testaments, whole and entire, with all their parts, on the grounds that, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they have God as their author, and have been handed on as such to the Church herself.”70
106 God inspired the human authors of the sacred books. “To compose the sacred books, God chose certain men who, all the while he employed them in this task, made full use of their own faculties and powers so that, though he acted in them and by them, it was as true authors that they consigned to writing whatever he wanted written, and no more.”

1 year ago

Hi, @retiredtwitteruser, I just began to read this and saw your questioning Gem re: A E and want to immediately clear this with you: I am A E and have made no mystery of that since I created the lgageharleya account. I used A E on my cell initially because I did not have a formal account and it was easy and straightforward. I created the lgageharleya in order to submit articles for approval for publishing, because the system did not accept the A E as a username. I comment frequently under A E still, as the system still seems to log me out frequently and I’ve had a great deal of difficulty in the past logging back in – I almost invariably have to change my password, so only trouble to do so when I wish to submit another article for review. I have clarified this many times in the past with other people I’ve communicated with and apologize I did not do so with you, as I recall your stating a few weeks back that you were new to this site.

If you read over things I have posted in the past, you will immediately see that the degree of my understanding and Gem’s are vastly different, with his being lightyears ahead of mine. I will take it as a profound compliment you thought I could possibly be him, albeit by deceit.

Gem and I have never met, and I had a great deal of my own questions about him when he first began posting here. I encourage you to keep asking.

I hope that resolves at least this concern for you. Best to you and yours.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Accident & Emergency?

1 year ago

Not anymore 🙂

1 year ago


It is clear that you have much emotion tied up in the Catholic Church; let that emotion become linked in the Truth of scripture and Yeshua’s words. Let us also start by affirming that most Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, and Atheists, are not wicked people. I let us affirm that most have a thirst and desire for the ineffable creator. However, I do also know they have been deceived by a wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing. Those that profess falsely in the name of Yeshua whom we were warned would come.

The first quote you have given from John, is regarding Yeshua speaking to Thomas, whose name means “twin,” and who refused to have faith unless he saw directly the holes in the hands of Yeshua. This is a blessing to those that establish faith without first being given direct confirmation or a miracle sign, not a command for those with faith to then remain blind.

Does the Catholic Church not constantly affirm miracle signs in their plethora of graven images of Saints to reaffirm the faith of their followers? Certainly it does; yet another way the organization spits upon the scriptures and defiles it’s followers in the most devious of manners.

The second quote from Ecclesiastes is a lamentation regarding the wicked state of the world during the early Iron Age, when Babylonians and Persians were skinning people alive. It states that those who are shielded from the destructive force of the Luciferians, under THE SUN (Solar worshippers) are lucky/blessed. Does the Catholic Church not use a variety of Solar Symbolism. Was it not founded by a Solar Worshipping Roman emperor who murdered 4 of his family members, using a Solar Symbol of Mithradates and Babylonian Demonology (The Chai Rho)? Indeed it was.

Neither of these quotes is regarding blind faith at all. These Latin speaking priests of opulence and false piousness, who refused to allow anyone to read Hebrew or Greek, nor to speak in any language other than Latin (which is a revised Babylonian) for millennia so none of their subjects could understand anything nor the original scriptures, have certainly misinstructed you in this. How shall we give any merit to those that profess the word of YHWH, yet who serve an organization that refused his original word to anyone for 1000s of years, nor in their vernacular, nor in the original tongue of the scriptures?

One of these quotes is an admonishment to those who demand direct physical confirmation in order to have any faith at all, and the other a lamentation of a man experiencing terrible wickedness from the sun worshippers. Let me show you the solar cross in the hands of your pope John Paul, hider and friend of pedophiles.

Do you not see how these wolves dressed in white have manipulated your mind and spirit subtly to proclaim that which is abhorrent? Your psyche now proclaims love of Blind Faith, in direct contraversion of what is written. You profess long diatribes written by a man who hid and befriended pedophiles, after he joined a church that had supported H1tl3r and then helped N@sis escape to South America and take the German treasury with them.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Sun Cross, of a church which was begun by a Sun worshipping Emperor who murderer four of his close family members for power and profit.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Egyptian Luciferian Solar trinity…. The Catholics worship Mary The Great Mother “Queen of Heaven.” This is the title of the wh0re of Babylon, Ishtar, and it appears nowhere in scripture.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The second commandment says “Making Graven Images You Shall NOT.”

The Catholic Church didn’t get the message, and trots these out every Easter week.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Here’s a depiction of Pope Leo I who reigned around 400 AD. Notice the Solar Cross of Shamesh on his lapels. This symbol is very, very old as a solar generation symbol dating back to Sargon (Sar-Kain) of Akkad.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It is the symbol of the Babylonian deity of Shamesh. Who is the third horseman of the apokalipsis. The Black sun of Judgement.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Look at how your blessed Pope, whose chose name is JON, where’s the fish hat of Dagon/Oannes. The Beast out of the Sea; the Solar Fish. Keep in mind the word “Jon,” is the Egyptian word for Fish.

You are letting Babylonian Urigallu priests, proclaim themselves as the mouth of YHWH, while they r@pe children, enslave, lie, and genocide, yet claim their own Pope’s pure infallibility.

They are among the AntiXristos, who in the words of Yeshua, deceive even the elect of possible. The venerate Thr Beast out of the Sea, The sun, and venerate the wh0re of Babylon Ishtar as “Queen of Heaven.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Their blasphemies come directly from Luciferianism. Look at how they have taken the image of Isis with Horus and used it to usurp Yeshua and Mary with heaven images, directly in controversies of the commandments.

In your search for YHWH and Ghe Truth, you have been deceived greatly by the wolves pretending to be shepherds.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yeshua said:

“Call no Man Father”

Lest you call the Pope, whose own name Papa, means “Sin,” the Holy Father.

How many commandments of YHWH and Yeshua must they defile for you to see the wolves fangs? How many people must they kill? How many children must they r@pe? How many N@sis must they protect? How many people must your founders murder? How many slaves must they sell? How many genocides must they commit? How many lies must they tell?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I am in the process of compiling the necessary information to expose Satan’s machinations since the beginning of time. Reading the following information will assist in making sense of the information that will follow.

“The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:17-20)

Catechism of the Catholic Church


Paragraph 7. THE FALL
391 Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy.266 Scripture and the Church’s Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called “Satan” or the “devil”.267 The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: “The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing.”268
392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels.269 This “fall” consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter’s words to our first parents: “You will be like God.”270 The devil “has sinned from the beginning”; he is “a liar and the father of lies”.271
393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angels’ sin unforgivable. “There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death.”272
394 Scripture witnesses to the disastrous influence of the one Jesus calls “a murderer from the beginning”, who would even try to divert Jesus from the mission received from his Father.273 “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”274 In its consequences the gravest of these works was the mendacious seduction that led man to disobey God.
395 The power of Satan is, nonetheless, not infinite. He is only a creature, powerful from the fact that he is pure spirit, but still a creature. He cannot prevent the building up of God’s reign. Although Satan may act in the world out of hatred for God and his kingdom in Christ Jesus, and although his action may cause grave injuries – of a spiritual nature and, indirectly, even of a physical nature – to each man and to society, the action is permitted by divine providence which with strength and gentleness guides human and cosmic history. It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but “we know that in everything God works for good with those who love him.”275
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rulea all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne, and the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, in which she is to be nourished for 1,260 days.” (Revelation 12:1-6)


484 The Annunciation to Mary inaugurates “the fullness of time”,119 The time of the fulfilment of God’s promises and preparations. Mary was invited to conceive him in whom the “whole fullness of deity” would dwell “bodily”.120 The divine response to her question, “How can this be, since I know not man?”, was given by the power of the Spirit: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you.”121
485 The mission of the Holy Spirit is always conjoined and ordered to that of the Son.122 The Holy Spirit, “the Lord, the giver of Life”, is sent to sanctify the womb of the Virgin Mary and divinely fecundate it, causing her to conceive the eternal Son of the Father in a humanity drawn from her own.
486 The Father’s only Son, conceived as man in the womb of the Virgin Mary, is “Christ”, that is to say, anointed by the Holy Spirit, from the beginning of his human existence, though the manifestation of this fact takes place only progressively: to the shepherds, to the magi, to John the Baptist, to the disciples.123 Thus the whole life of Jesus Christ will make manifest “how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.”124
487 What the Catholic faith believes about Mary is based on what it believes about Christ, and what it teaches about Mary illumines in turn its faith in Christ.
Mary’s predestination
488 “God sent forth his Son”, but to prepare a body for him,125 he wanted the free co-operation of a creature. For this, from all eternity God chose for the mother of his Son a daughter of Israel, a young Jewish woman of Nazareth in Galilee, “a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary”:126
The Father of mercies willed that the Incarnation should be preceded by assent on the part of the predestined mother, so that just as a woman had a share in the coming of death, so also should a woman contribute to the coming of life.127
489 Throughout the Old Covenant the mission of many holy women prepared for that of Mary. At the very beginning there was Eve; despite her disobedience, she receives the promise of a posterity that will be victorious over the evil one, as well as the promise that she will be the mother of all the living.128 By virtue of this promise, Sarah conceives a son in spite of her old age.129 Against all human expectation God chooses those who were considered powerless and weak to show forth his faithfulness to his promises: Hannah, the mother of Samuel; Deborah; Ruth; Judith and Esther; and many other women.130 Mary “stands out among the poor and humble of the Lord, who confidently hope for and receive salvation from him. After a long period of waiting the times are fulfilled in her, the exalted Daughter of Sion, and the new plan of salvation is established.”131


“Jesus handed over according to the definite plan of God”
599 Jesus’ violent death was not the result of chance in an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances, but is part of the mystery of God’s plan, as St. Peter explains to the Jews of Jerusalem in his first sermon on Pentecost: “This Jesus (was) delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God.”393 This Biblical language does not mean that those who handed him over were merely passive players in a scenario written in advance by God.394
600 To God, all moments of time are present in their immediacy. When therefore he establishes his eternal plan of “predestination”, he includes in it each person’s free response to his grace: “In this city, in fact, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.”395 For the sake of accomplishing his plan of salvation, God permitted the acts that flowed from their blindness.396
“He died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures”
601 The Scriptures had foretold this divine plan of salvation through the putting to death of “the righteous one, my Servant” as a mystery of universal redemption, that is, as the ransom that would free men from the slavery of sin.397 Citing a confession of faith that he himself had “received”, St. Paul professes that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures.”398 In particular Jesus’ redemptive death fulfils Isaiah’s prophecy of the suffering Servant.399 Indeed Jesus himself explained the meaning of his life and death in the light of God’s suffering Servant.400 After his Resurrection he gave this interpretation of the Scriptures to the disciples at Emmaus, and then to the apostles.401
“For our sake God made him to be sin”
602 Consequently, St. Peter can formulate the apostolic faith in the divine plan of salvation in this way: “You were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your fathers… with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot. He was destined before the foundation of the world but was made manifest at the end of the times for your sake.”402 Man’s sins, following on original sin, are punishable by death.403 By sending his own Son in the form of a slave, in the form of a fallen humanity, on account of sin, God “made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”404
603 Jesus did not experience reprobation as if he himself had sinned.405 But in the redeeming love that always united him to the Father, he assumed us in the state of our waywardness of sin, to the point that he could say in our name from the cross: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”406 Having thus established him in solidarity with us sinners, God “did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all”, so that we might be “reconciled to God by the death of his Son”.407
God takes the initiative of universal redeeming love
604 By giving up his own Son for our sins, God manifests that his plan for us is one of benevolent love, prior to any merit on our part: “In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins.”408 God “shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.”409
605 At the end of the parable of the lost sheep Jesus recalled that God’s love excludes no one: “So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.”410 He affirms that he came “to give his life as a ransom for many”; this last term is not restrictive, but contrasts the whole of humanity with the unique person of the redeemer who hands himself over to save us.411 The Church, following the apostles, teaches that Christ died for all men without exception: “There is not, never has been, and never will be a single human being for whom Christ did not suffer.”412

Freedom put to the test
396 God created man in his image and established him in his friendship. A spiritual creature, man can live this friendship only in free submission to God. the prohibition against eating “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” spells this out: “for in the day that you eat of it, you shall die.”276 The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”277 symbolically evokes the insurmountable limits that man, being a creature, must freely recognize and respect with trust. Man is dependent on his Creator, and subject to the laws of creation and to the moral norms that govern the use of freedom.
Man’s first sin
397 Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God’s command. This is what man’s first sin consisted of.278 All subsequent sin would be disobedience toward God and lack of trust in his goodness.
398 In that sin man preferred himself to God and by that very act scorned him. He chose himself over and against God, against the requirements of his creaturely status and therefore against his own good. Created in a state of holiness, man was destined to be fully “divinized” by God in glory. Seduced by the devil, he wanted to “be like God”, but “without God, before God, and not in accordance with God”.279
399 Scripture portrays the tragic consequences of this first disobedience. Adam and Eve immediately lose the grace of original holiness.280 They become afraid of the God of whom they have conceived a distorted image – that of a God jealous of his prerogatives.281
400 The harmony in which they had found themselves, thanks to original justice, is now destroyed: the control of the soul’s spiritual faculties over the body is shattered; the union of man and woman becomes subject to tensions, their relations henceforth marked by lust and domination.282 Harmony with creation is broken: visible creation has become alien and hostile to man.283 Because of man, creation is now subject “to its bondage to decay”.284 Finally, the consequence explicitly foretold for this disobedience will come true: man will “return to the ground”,285 for out of it he was taken. Death makes its entrance into human history.286
401 After that first sin, the world is virtually inundated by sin There is Cain’s murder of his brother Abel and the universal corruption which follows in the wake of sin. Likewise, sin frequently manifests itself in the history of Israel, especially as infidelity to the God of the Covenant and as transgression of the Law of Moses. and even after Christ’s atonement, sin raises its head in countless ways among Christians.287 Scripture and the Church’s Tradition continually recall the presence and universality of sin in man’s history:
What Revelation makes known to us is confirmed by our own experience. For when man looks into his own heart he finds that he is drawn towards what is wrong and sunk in many evils which cannot come from his good creator. Often refusing to acknowledge God as his source, man has also upset the relationship which should link him to his last end, and at the same time he has broken the right order that should reign within himself as well as between himself and other men and all creatures.288
The consequences of Adam’s sin for humanity
402 All men are implicated in Adam’s sin, as St. Paul affirms: “By one man’s disobedience many (that is, all men) were made sinners”: “sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all men sinned.”289 The Apostle contrasts the universality of sin and death with the universality of salvation in Christ. “Then as one man’s trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one man’s act of righteousness leads to acquittal and life for all men.”290
403 Following St. Paul, the Church has always taught that the overwhelming misery which oppresses men and their inclination towards evil and death cannot be understood apart from their connection with Adam’s sin and the fact that he has transmitted to us a sin with which we are all born afflicted, a sin which is the “death of the soul”.291 Because of this certainty of faith, the Church baptizes for the remission of sins even tiny infants who have not committed personal sin.292
404 How did the sin of Adam become the sin of all his descendants? the whole human race is in Adam “as one body of one man”.293 By this “unity of the human race” all men are implicated in Adam’s sin, as all are implicated in Christ’s justice. Still, the transmission of original sin is a mystery that we cannot fully understand. But we do know by Revelation that Adam had received original holiness and justice not for himself alone, but for all human nature. By yielding to the tempter, Adam and Eve committed a personal sin, but this sin affected the human nature that they would then transmit in a fallen state.294 It is a sin which will be transmitted by propagation to all mankind, that is, by the transmission of a human nature deprived of original holiness and justice. and that is why original sin is called “sin” only in an analogical sense: it is a sin “contracted” and not “committed” – a state and not an act.
405 Although it is proper to each individual,295 original sin does not have the character of a personal fault in any of Adam’s descendants. It is a deprivation of original holiness and justice, but human nature has not been totally corrupted: it is wounded in the natural powers proper to it, subject to ignorance, suffering and the dominion of death, and inclined to sin – an inclination to evil that is called concupiscence”. Baptism, by imparting the life of Christ’s grace, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle.
406 The Church’s teaching on the transmission of original sin was articulated more precisely in the fifth century, especially under the impulse of St. Augustine’s reflections against Pelagianism, and in the sixteenth century, in opposition to the Protestant Reformation. Pelagius held that man could, by the natural power of free will and without the necessary help of God’s grace, lead a morally good life; he thus reduced the influence of Adam’s fault to bad example. the first Protestant reformers, on the contrary, taught that original sin has radically perverted man and destroyed his freedom; they identified the sin inherited by each man with the tendency to evil (concupiscentia), which would be insurmountable. the Church pronounced on the meaning of the data of Revelation on original sin especially at the second Council of Orange (529)296 and at the Council of Trent (1546).297

A hard battle. . .
407 The doctrine of original sin, closely connected with that of redemption by Christ, provides lucid discernment of man’s situation and activity in the world. By our first parents’ sin, the devil has acquired a certain domination over man, even though man remains free. Original sin entails “captivity under the power of him who thenceforth had the power of death, that is, the devil”.298 Ignorance of the fact that man has a wounded nature inclined to evil gives rise to serious errors in the areas of education, politics, social action299 and morals.
408 The consequences of original sin and of all men’s personal sins put the world as a whole in the sinful condition aptly described in St. John’s expression, “the sin of the world”.300 This expression can also refer to the negative influence exerted on people by communal situations and social structures that are the fruit of men’s sins.301
409 This dramatic situation of “the whole world [which] is in the power of the evil one”302 makes man’s life a battle:
The whole of man’s history has been the story of dour combat with the powers of evil, stretching, so our Lord tells us, from the very dawn of history until the last day. Finding himself in the midst of the battlefield man has to struggle to do what is right, and it is at great cost to himself, and aided by God’s grace, that he succeeds in achieving his own inner integrity.303
410 After his fall, man was not abandoned by God. On the contrary, God calls him and in a mysterious way heralds the coming victory over evil and his restoration from his fall.304 This passage in Genesis is called the Protoevangelium (“first gospel”): the first announcement of the Messiah and Redeemer, of a battle between the serpent and the Woman, and of the final victory of a descendant of hers.
411 The Christian tradition sees in this passage an announcement of the “New Adam” who, because he “became obedient unto death, even death on a cross”, makes amends superabundantly for the disobedience, of Adam.305 Furthermore many Fathers and Doctors of the Church have seen the woman announced in the “Proto-evangelium” as Mary, the mother of Christ, the “new Eve”. Mary benefited first of all and uniquely from Christ’s victory over sin: she was preserved from all stain of original sin and by a special grace of God committed no sin of any kind during her whole earthly life.306
412 But why did God not prevent the first man from sinning? St. Leo the Great responds, “Christ’s inexpressible grace gave us blessings better than those the demon’s envy had taken away.”307 and St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, “There is nothing to prevent human nature’s being raised up to something greater, even after sin; God permits evil in order to draw forth some greater good. Thus St. Paul says, ‘Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more’; and the Exsultet sings, ‘O happy fault,. . . which gained for us so great a Redeemer!'”308

413 “God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living. . . It was through the devil’s envy that death entered the world” (Wis 1:13; 2:24).
414 Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who have freely refused to serve God and his plan. Their choice against God is definitive. They try to associate man in their revolt against God.
415 “Although set by God in a state of rectitude man, enticed by the evil one, abused his freedom at the very start of history. He lifted himself up against God, and sought to attain his goal apart from him” (GS 13 # 1).
416 By his sin Adam, as the first man, lost the original holiness and justice he had received from God, not only for himself but for all human beings.
417 Adam and Eve transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin and hence deprived of original holiness and justice; this deprivation is called “original sin”.
418 As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its powers, subject to ignorance, suffering and the domination of death, and inclined to sin (this inclination is called “concupiscence”).
419 “We therefore hold, with the Council of Trent, that original sin is transmitted with human nature, “by propagation, not by imitation” and that it is. . . ‘proper to each'” (Paul VI, CPG # 16).
420 The victory that Christ won over sin has given us greater blessings than those which sin had taken from us: “where sin increased, grace abounded all the more” (Rom 5:20).
421 Christians believe that “the world has been established and kept in being by the Creator’s love; has fallen into slavery to sin but has been set free by Christ, crucified and risen to break the power of the evil one. . .” (GS 2 # 2).

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

1st article of foundation of the law in Indonesia 🇮🇩 symbolized by five pointed stars

Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa

Tanninu Maahes / Tanninu Ma IHS

comment image

1 year ago
Reply to  arif


The golden solar eagle holding his banner. Look at his neck, it is the form of a trapezoid, like all block head deities. On his shield is the barley ripened, which represents “The ripened barley.” The word Sar for the eclipse cycle original indeed means “The ripened barley.” Next to this is the chain for measuring the Earth, it is said “Mesura” which means to measure and “Rattuq” for chain, however together they are “Qanes,” like KAIN. Above this the tree of knowledge of good and evil, tree being said “Me’es.” and next to that the APIs Bull of Osiris, the constellation Taurus, the bull of heaven, whose name in Hebrew is “Saur.”

Together the left side means “Saurus Saros,” aka the “Beast of the eclipse” for the eclipse cycle and on the other side it is “Rattuq Mesura Me’es Qanes” which is the Measuring Chain of The Tree, the Rod of Kain.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

My introduction to God came through my baptism into the Roman Catholic Church and so, without that, would I ever have come to know God? Or who God really is? You say: “Let us start by affirming that most Catholics, Muslims,Bhuddists and Atheists are not wicked people”. Are you a Jewish ‘apologist’?

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.” (1 John 4:1-4)

You refer often to YHWH. What would be your response to the following? “The prayers in modern synagogues are nothing more than disguised demonic invocations. They are hypnotic spells, similar to the Enochian language of the Church of Satan.” Since the days of Jeremiah, the Jews have forgotten their god’s name and replaced it with the title “Baal” or “YHVH”: The lying prophets “Which think to cause my people to forget my [God’s]name…as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.” (Jer 23:27). (Source: Will Newman)

“By referencing their name of God (YHVH) by not speaking it, Jews create an air of mystery and holiness around the name while enhancing the curiosity surrounding its pronunciation and power. When curious Jews and non-Jews alike see the “sacred” tetragrammaton being used in occult practice, they are intrigued by the perspective that these sorcerers have harnessed the mystical powers of the name.

Wicca, Satanism, Tarot, occult Catholicism, Masonry and Cabalism use their knowledge of the “sacred name of god” as bait to recruit cult members. If the name were not hidden, these cults would lack a critical tool in their recruitment processes. They could not offer this forbidden knowledge if the Jews, the self-proclaimed authority on God, spoke this name openly.” (Source: Henry Makow)

You ask: “Does the Catholic Church not constantly affirm miracle signs in their plethora of graven images of Saints to reaffirm the faith of their followers?” and you assert that it certainly does. This is from the Catechism Of The Catholic Church (CCC):


IV. “You Shall Not Make For Yourself a Graven Image . . .”
2129 The divine injunction included the prohibition of every representation of God by the hand of man. Deuteronomy explains: “Since you saw no form on the day that the Lord spoke to you at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, beware lest you act corruptly by making a graven image for yourselves, in the form of any figure….”66 It is the absolutely transcendent God who revealed himself to Israel. “He is the all,” but at the same time “he is greater than all his works.”67 He is “the author of beauty.”68

2130 Nevertheless, already in the Old Testament, God ordained or permitted the making of images that pointed symbolically toward salvation by the incarnate Word: so it was with the bronze serpent, the ark of the covenant, and the cherubim.69

2131 Basing itself on the mystery of the incarnate Word, the seventh ecumenical council at Nicaea (787) justified against the iconoclasts the veneration of icons – of Christ, but also of the Mother of God, the angels, and all the saints. By becoming incarnate, the Son of God introduced a new “economy” of images.

2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. Indeed, “the honor rendered to an image passes to its prototype,” and “whoever venerates an image venerates the person portrayed in it.”70 The honor paid to sacred images is a “respectful veneration,” not the adoration due to God alone:

Religious worship is not directed to images in themselves, considered as mere things, but under their distinctive aspect as images leading us on to God incarnate. the movement toward the image does not terminate in it as image, but tends toward that whose image it is.71

I appreciate religious art in it’s many forms but my worship goes to God alone. Might I also suggest you read about St. John Damascene, if you so wish? I will need some more time to compile a response with regards to the references to sun god/Babylonian goddess worship. Hopefully not too long.

1 year ago


1 year ago


I know the catechism quite well, it is a document rich in false piousness and lies. The devil will always have an excuse for his crimes. Their congregates pray to ceramic and gold idols called plaster saints and their document says “It’s not an idol, it’s religious art.” I’ve seen Catholic women weeping screaming “My Beloved Lady the Saint, Bless me and Save me!” Much to the delight of the priest. If you bow before a “holy image,” and pray for salvation, it is idolatry. The second commandment is not ambiguous.

They sell tourist items in their gift shops directly inside their cathedrals, such as the Sacre Couer in France where they even have a “Make a Catholic Coin for €5 machine” in the pews, and the profit for millions of dollars a year. Yet when confronted with the words of Yeshua not to sell in the Temple, his anger in overthrowing the tables of the sellers, these false pious priests say “we built a sign that says it’s not the temple anymore.” Never mind that coin machine in the pews. The excuses are endless., and their words are hollow.

Instead of quoting their material directly in long paragraphs, which I’m well versed in, tell me why you believe these things are so, and found it in scripture and historical fact. Using the devils words as a defense for his actions, is turning a Lie into Truth.

Look at the ceramic “Queen of Heaven,” below The Sun, dressed in opulence and Gold, during a procession where weeping devotees cry for her blessing and pray she blesses them, and tell me in your words how this is not idolatry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let’s also discuss if I am a “Jewish apologist.” It is wise not to throw people into buckets. For as Yeshua said, by the measure you measure shall you be measured.

The term “Jewish,” as you know it today is an extraordinary misnomer. It has been perpetrated in order to allow a bucket throw of very distinct groups of peoples. There are the Isis-Ra-Elis, whom were the slaves in Egypt freed by Moshe, whom have now spent thousands of years being controlled by the Pharisees/Sadducees whom are truly of Pheonician origin. Pheonician and Venicians are the same group, they are worshippers of the Pheonix, which is Fanax, the Firefox, who is Venus, the Benus bird of Egypt.

These are the ones who called themselves Tannaim, repeaters and ruled the SaturnHExaheDRON, in the time of Yeshua: there leader, called the N@SI, at the time was called Barraban. Consider why H1tl3r supposed hater of “Jews,” called himself a Nasi, the same as the leader of the Sanhedron; because they are Fanacians. It is the same as “Enochians,” which is the son of Kain, the children of Kain. Now consider why your church was so eager to help H1tl3r and the Nasis in their quest of mass genocide. Venicians/Fenacians/Enochians all working together to murder, as their forefather Cain.

I’ll refer you to Josephus writings in Book 2 Section 8 “The Three Sects.” You will see that the Essenes are mentioned as the only Aryeh Yehudah by Birth. Yeshua was a Nazarene of the Essenes, the ones that have children. I am also a Nazarene. So no I’m not a “Jewish apologist,” but rather one of the few remaining Essenes/Nazarenes left in this world defending the Truth of Yeshua, after your church, and many others, tried very hard for millenia to wipe us from the face of the Earth and to steal the scriptures so as to pervert them. The last time being their well document work with H1tl3r. Take a read on “Unholy Trinity,” and you’ll find great historical sourcing material.

As I did not include Hindus, I did not include Isirealis in the former list because they do not generally belong to a monolithic power structure that claims to be the sole authority and mouth of YHWH, as do Catholics (Catholic Church) Buddhists (Dalia Llama) Muslims (Mecca Imams) and Atheists (Western Academia).

Let’s affirm that most of humanity, including Native Americans, Seikhs, IsIsraelis, African Tribalists, Taoists, Aborigines, Hindus, Siberian Animists, Non-Muslim Berbers, Zoroastrians, etc are good people who have a heart to seek The Ineffable Crestor, but whom are under Constant onslaught by wicked deceivers.

Regarding the name YHWH I use it because this comes directly from scripture. Look to see how many times the name is used and scripture; if this is all demonic incantation, then you are saying the scriptures in their entirety are demonic.

Certainly many have invoked the name of the ineffable creator for nefarious purposes, but just because someone blasphemes the name YHWH does not make the name blasphemous.

I will also gladly demistify how to say the name, as the Pharisees (literally “Fire I See.”) have tried to hoard it.

It is said U-A-I-E, the vowels from the top of the mouth to the bottom of the throat. It is said quite similar to Why? In English, and hence the reason Yeshua exclaimed you must come as children, because Children ask Why?

The use of YHWH is the numerical 10-5-6-5 as Aryeh Yehudah is an alphanumeric language. It is the form of a trapezoid, which when examined mathematically and scientifically reveals the very construction of prime numbers in the universe, and geometric signature of all of creation. The vowels add a 6-1-10-5 which then will give you everything from the speed of light to the gravitational constant.

Why did Yeshua send out 73? Because the first 7 words of scripture are 2701, 37*73. 73 is the average number of eclipses in a Saros Series. 7.3 is the name of the creator as Elohim Squared *2 and square rooted added together. 7.3 is the volume of Borromean Rings shape of Beryllium Helium and Lithium (BELIHEM) that give birth to Carbon-12 in stars, which is what forms The dust of the earth and your body. Bethlehem, the house of bread, the carbon of the earth that is living.

73 is the number of days between when Venus appears from Inferior Conjunction and when it reaches Max Elongation, which is when we can measure its distance with a Pythagorean triangle with The Sun and obtain exacting celestial mechanics. 73 is the number of years in 1 degree of the procession of the equinoxes, +1.

73 is the number of generations between Creator and Abraham+1. It is the number of generations between David and Yeshua +1! This is all there directly in scripture, but the wicked have hidden it away.

None of what I have shared with you from scripture is “occult.” If it seems so, it is only because it has been hoarded by wicked priests, Pharisees, etc. the hoardous children of Kain.

1 year ago

Have you not understood that the natural is a shadow of the spiritual? All things have order and He made them understandable for us. So we may see the relationships we have with our own families, extending outwards into communities are similar to what we are to have with Him and with His son in many ways, it shows us how it all falls into place for us.

This was a nearly insurmountable lesson for me, as my family ties were extremely poor to nonexistent, but through prayer and imagination, I am getting there. I still don’t believe I have enough depth of reverence because of the examples I’ve had, but my relationship with Him grows stronger and I have great peace in this.

Why would He call Himself Father, to confuse us by having that definition mean something else entirely when referring to men rearing offspring? Why would He speak of Himself in analogy to earthly fathers if He didn’t want us to draw the corollary?

Are we not made in His image AND His likeness? We resemble Him outside and in.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I just discovered this website by coincidence, and i’m glad.
For all people who don’t know this website, (me included) 😢 , are they damned? How can they find the truth? Where can they learn it?
For example, I just read in another post about different calendars: masonic, solar ,lunar,… and i couldn’t find anything to help me understand your comments. What references do you suggest for this topic?
Can this knowledge be learned through osmosis? Could you describe your learning path? How long did it take? Many Thanks

Last edited 1 year ago by Wildeer
1 year ago
Reply to  Wildeer

@Wildeer, I’d recommend you go to the search bar to find “monkeys” and start with that series – 13 Monkeys, The End Times Are Planned – there is a preamble you can find on the first article called “Elites Change Oscar’s Mall To Ovation” and that’s where I’d begin.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wildeer


Thank you for seeking The Truth… May YHWH bless you.

No, people are not damned because they didn’t find this website, but if we make a collective choice to turn from The Truth, and not to embrace YHWH whole heartedly, then yes Humanity is completely doomed. Consider what I offer a seed, which can be planted to make a large tree with much fruit, whose seeds can again be planted in good soil and make 1000 trees more, and so on and so forth. This is the parable of the Sewer as told by Yeshua, may your heart be good soil.

I would recommend 13 Monkeys as a way to start advancing your knowledge, but not as an end. There are innumerable links in the series which can help you grow and learn along your path. If you ever have any questions, simply tag me with the @444gem, and I will try to answer your questions.

I can also recommend dozens of books and lectures, which are freely available to all, which can greatly help you learn more in your search for Truth and YHWH. Likewise, I am not surprised you cannot find any of this information online; the wicked ones who rule the world are Dragons Hoarding GOLD; which is a reference to Wisdom. The information does exist and can be verified from numerous third sources, if only you know where to look. The Kingdom of Heaven is as a Treasure found in a field. I take no credit for that which belongs to YHWH, but I can help you along your journey in uncovering this treasure and sharing its boundless gold with the rest of the world. The hearts of children must be turned to their father.

The knowledge, wisdom, and understanding which I possess has only come from knocking at the door of the ineffable creator, and asking Why? day after day, moment after moment, for the entirety of my life. My heart does not waiver from YHWH, for only through HEIM do we breathe and step.

This does not mean one should try to compare themselves, or worry about this being a race; no, we are commanded, as the parable of the servants and the sharing of the Gold told by Yeshua in Matthew, to take what we are given by the ineffable creator, and share it with all. Some will be given 2 gold coins, some 5, but what counts, according to the word of Yeshua, is that we share whatever we are given freely, inorder that the wealth and abundance of Truth on Earth may multiply, as the Fish and Bread.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wildeer

“How can they find the truth? Where can they learn it?”
They can learn it from you, Wildeer. They can learn the way, truth and life through you if you are an ambassador for Christ, as though God appeals to them by you if you pray for them to be reconciled to God through Yeshua.

Last edited 1 year ago by Michele
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Sincere thanks for the (characteristically generous) time and care you have taken in your response, Gem. It is genuinely appreciated.

I premised my question by stating that I was not asking it polemically, and in that spirit, I will limit myself to clarifying that, for my part, I do not regard any of these Biblical passages as being in contradiction to the Second Commandment — precisely as I do not regard the Church’s use of icons as being in contradiction to that Commandment, and for not altogether unrelated reasons.

That aside, if I could take just a bit more of your time, I’m hoping you could help me with a few points that I don’t understand in your math. First of all, what gematria are you using to derive the numerical value of Elohim? Then, when you take the average of two numbers, are you referring to 13.514 (from your suggested numerical value of Elohim) and its square root, 3.67614? If so, how are you getting 7.32870392 as the average here?

Forgive me if I am missing something obvious, and thanks again for your time.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Thank you for asking for clarification. Heres a table for the gematrias. It follows a simple letter order pattern for the Alef Bet.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

For Alohim the letters are:


A (1) – L (30) H(5) I (10) M(40)

The lead digits are 13514. You must then view this as a floating point integer string in Base 10. This is how modern computers work, using floating point integer strings.

So it can be 1.3514 and 13.514 etc.

The “Average,” is of course the sum of the two numbers I gave then divided in half. The simple sum would be the Mean * 2, which is the 7.32 figure that is the volume of the Borromean rings. The shapes which produce Carbon-12 inside dying stars which is essential to the formation of Earth and human life. The elements that form those Borromean rings are BEryllium LIthium and HEliuM… that’s BELIHEM, the house of “bread,” which is also made of Carbon-12.

Then the mean would be the figure closer to 3.66 which gives the volume of the Hyperbolic Octahedron and Whitehead Knot.

And then 1/2 the mean is .916 which is Catalans Constant, which is like Pi for coming tile and atom stackings, and also appears in Galaxy Mass distribution.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Once again, I greatly appreciate the response, @444gem.

The gematria table cleared up my confusion there, so thanks for that. However, I’m afraid I’m still not seeing the average you propose, supposing only I’m using the right numbers… Just to lay out the operation step by step to see where I’m missing something:

√13.514 = 3.67614
13.514 + 3.67614 = 17.19014
17.19014 / 2 = 8.59507

So for the average here, I am still not getting 7.32 or anything near it…

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

1.3514^2 = 1.8262819
The number of days in 1/2 solar year is
Exactly 182.62 days.

1.8262819 * 2 = 3.65256392
√13.514 = 3.6761392792

3.65256392 + 3.6761392792= 7.32870319

7.32870319/8 = .916 = Catalans constant

7.32870319/ 2 = 3.6643516 = Volume of Hyperbolic Icosahedron

7.32870319 = Volume of Borromean Rings

Hence, the mean of square root and the square * 2 gives us the calculation, and links it directly to the number of days in the Solar Year.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Ah, now I see what I was missing! Thank you, Gem.

Let me think about this. I’ll get back to you. Thanks again for your patience.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


I have mathematical proofs from the Biblical texts which prove innumerable advanced scientific theories of extraordinary detail. What I have provided to you is one of the most Basic proofs.

In Berashit(h) 1:1 in only 7 words and 28 letters, we may find (just a few examples):

1)The Trigonometric Function for the gravitational-orbital periods of the planets with stunning accuracy. The Periodicity of the Revolution of the Lunar Nodes.
2)Perfectly balanced Solar and Lunar calendar representtions to within 4 seconds of satellite and laser accuracy measure, that also track the Saros eclipse function with 216,000 year periodicty of drift by 1 day.
3) The Mass and Size of all of the Earth, Moon, Earth-Moon Barcycenter system, and all of the planets and their distances, including the Revised Titus Bode Law, as later reformed by Blagg.
4)Newton’s gravitational Formula and the Geocentric Gravitational Constant.
5) The Planck Length and The Speed of Light
6) The Formula for solving the Riemann Hypothesis and the proof of Prime Number Distribution
7) The Packing efficiencies of Spheres and Atoms in all crystaline structures
8) The Relationship between coprime probability pairings of random numbers and Energy distribution in 2D circles and on the surface of a sphere, as given by the inverse square law (applies to gravitation, electromagentism)
9) The Appearance Date of Yeshua and the Celestial Sign the Magi saw
10) The Volume of the galaxy and its construction through Tile stacking and advanced quantum error correction.
11) We may find 611 digits of Pi with perfect accuracy.

This should tell you why I continually admonish the phenomena of Biblical translation reading by itself as a desecration (Including the Latin.) It is good that people learn the stories in their vernacular, but then how can anyone really understand the scriptures without progressing further to the original texts? Or at the very least, the supposedly “learned priests,” should be sharing this information at length, as I am sharing it with you. Instead we have a bunch of Kabbalists and Priests hoarding this stuff, while publicly hating on it to scare the “unwashed masses” away; it is one of the biggest problems.

You can’t read only the translations, and disregard the originals, thus losing the entirety of the original language, especially because the original languages contain an advanced computing system that relies on data compression and Modulus encryption keys.(IBM is called IBM because it is the ALH of ALoHIM, turned chirally to HAL and then cypher shifted in English by 1 forward as HAL->IBM) Talk about throwing away 3/4 of the information.

A really easy example: Berashit, the first word of the Bible, sums to 913. Okay, so what? well if you speak translinguistically in Ancient Near East, you quickly realize it is

Ba: The Egyptian Spirit Body for Motion
Ra: like RA the Sun Deity
Shith: A Gift from and for YHWH

Taking away the paganism of these terms that developed later, it is referring to “The Motion of the Sun, the Gift of YHWH) It is 91.3 Million miles at Perihelion when the Torah was written (now its 91.4). Before you claim that miles are a random measuring tool, they’re not. You take the equitorial circumference of Earth and divide it into 4, 6000 unit division (24,000) total, and then you multiply it by the ratio of the Solar:Lunar Year and the Length of the Nile from the Equator to the Mediterannean, and you get 24,913. Hence 913 is the very first word of Berashith. It’s 24902 today, because the measure, while they publicly claim is based on a cow plowing a field (ridiculous), is actually based on multiplying the exact distance of a boat from the equator at lake Victoria, up the Nile (4150.3337) to the Mediterannean by 6: hence 4150.333 * 6 = 24902. The Ancients used a slightly difference measure of 4152, because they counted going around the small island at the mouth of The Nile at the north end of Lake Victoria, and thus obtain 4152.167 as their figure.

The reason for 24, like the hours in a day, is that there are 24, 90 degree angles on a cube, which makes 6 circles. Very handy for measurement and right triangle measurements using “Pythagorean Theorem” (Which predates pythagoras by tens of thousands of years.) Hence 6*4 = 24.

The Letters of the first word of the Bible, BRASIT are 2-200-1-300-1-400, which is 2.21314, which is the 4th root of 24 (+1/6000)… And 2.21 years is the exact period of time it takes for the Lunar Nodes (Perigree) to turn 90 degrees, then followed by the 3 digit approximation of Pi. These lunar Nodes are the only thing that allows complex life to from on Earth as it stabilizes our planet from being titlted wildly every time we pass Jupiter, Saturn or Mars. All of this is contained in a word of 6 letters, that means “Celestial Motion Around the Sun.” YHWH does not waste letters.

This stuff truly is written breathed by the ineffable creator. And this idea that either a) the ancient Aryeh Yehduah were too stupid to notice the earth was round and thought the earth was flat (no….) or that YHWH wrote it but doesn’t want us to understand these things… It is horrifying. 99% of the “Christians,” that I encounter today, abhor readings of the Bible in its original text, and abhor even trying to understand this wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that comes from the very breath of our creator. No priests are teaching it either.

If you wish to handle a passage from the New Testament Greek, which I know you speak, look at the passage about “passing a camel through the eye of a needle.” You are going to find the exact periods it takes for The Earth to “Pass” through the Moon’s elliptical orbit in relationship to the Solar Year. Remember that an Ellipse is the shape of an EYE. You will also find that the word used for the “Eye” is τρυπήματος, which is TRI-PEMATOS. Look at what Three Pematos means. Break down the relationships of the letter.

This stuff does not invalidate what is written or its story, it explains the fractal mechanics of how the universe works, the passage of time, and the construction of our existence and how these patterns, which can be described as trigonometric functions within a fractal lattice, can lead one to salvation or doom.

This is the problem I have with the gentiles trampling the outer court (John’s words in revelations not mine.) It’s not that their are “gentiles,” for all are the beloved creation of YHWH, it is that 99.9999% have not had even a fraction of the heart to consider like you do, nor to even try to see the incredible nature of the scriptures breathed by the ineffable creator. They spend lifetimes worshipping Icons/ceramic statues, and never read a word in Hebrew or Greek. They Spend Lifetimes going to mass and listening to a priest who takes his bread from an organization full of genocidal pedophiles speaking Latin (which is revised Babylonian and not the language of the scriptures), and never write a single letter of either the Alef Bet or the Alpha Beta.

Sincerely, Thank You for having a heart to consider and eyes to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I’ve been contemplating the mathematical relations you proposed with regard to the word “Elohim” above, and it seems to me entirely possible that they are intentional. (Forgive me if I am not more emphatic here; I am, in truth, quite impressed by what you’ve shown me, and I think it entirely possible that such wisdom is hidden in the text, but I am more or less conscious of my own weakness, and think it prudent to approach these things with caution.)

May I ask whether these mathematical conclusions are your discoveries, or if they are taught somewhere?

Beyond that, I am trying to understand the implications of all of this for the reading of the Scriptures, and to this end, I have one major question regarding your approach, if I may. You say, “This stuff does not invalidate what is written or its story.” Could you break this down for me in the case of the bronze serpent? Is your claim that the mathematics you have given forms a deeper layer of the story, a sort of profound and hidden divine wisdom that can be brought out of it, without contradicting the surface reading? Or are you saying that this is itself the whole of the story — that there never was a physical bronze serpent, never an actual plague of serpents in the desert, etc.? Or again, are you saying that the story happened and the deeper layer is at the same time real, but that the surface cannot be adequately understood without the deeper layer?

Could I also ask you a few questions about the calculations you make regarding Berashit? I’m trying to follow your math here, and since there’s a lot to work through, I’m going to limit myself only to your derivation of the mile. (Forgive me if I move slowly through this; I want to be sure I’m seeing things clearly.)

Following what I’ve understood of your procedure, I have:

365.24219 (solar year)/354.36707 (lunar year) = 1.030688856049745
1.030688856049745 * 6 = 6.186440677966102
6.186440677966102 * 4,152 (the length of Nile you’ve given from equator to Mediterranean) = 25,686.10169491526

So, I’m shooting long here with regard to the figure for the mile that you’ve suggested (24,913). I’ve also tried with the modern measurement of the length of that same piece of the Nile (4,150.3337), and still come up long. Where am I going off track?

Also, a question regarding the length of the Nile; what unit of measurement are you using here? Surely it can’t be the mile, since you are suggesting that this is how they derived the mile in the first place?

Once again, Gem, thank you for your patience and your time, and forgive me for lagging.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


This calculation of 24913 units can be a bit confusing, because it requires the use of pure ratios across several scales of measurement, including distance, time and mass, which requires one to release their compartmentalized conceptualization of Space and Time. This seemed Ludicrous until Einstein once again made famous the E = MC squared equation and Gravitational Time Dilation, which re-revealed that Time, Gravity, Mass and Energy are all interrelated and cause dilations in each other. The Ancients knew this perfectly because they listened to the ineffable creator (and didn’t break people’s bones because they didn’t kiss the ring and swear the Earth is Flat.)

Let us start:

A) 24 Angles in a Cube * 10^3 for 3 dimensions = 24,000 (Hence the Big Black Arabic Kube, and the Kube Isis-Ra-Elis wear on their foreheads at The West Wall)
B) 365.242/354.36707 = 1.030688856049745 * 24,000 = 24736.5196771 Units

Already we are close, and we will return to this in regards to time and mass in a minute.

C) Take the Equatorial Circumference of Earth as 1 and divide it by 6. This is to ask the question, “What is a non changing geographical feature on earth that is exactly equivalent to a 1/6 ratio of the Earth’s Equatorial Circumference?”

D) You will find this distance is exactly equivalent, within 99.9999997% to the distance of a boat traveling from The Equator up the Nile to the Mouth of the Mediterannean. For the Ancients to have measured this, it would have required using exacting trigonometric calculations set relative to the Total Circumference of Earth. They would have had to repeated these calculations thousands of times with perfection, as a boat traveled slowly up The Nile measuring from an anchor point in the center to fixed objects on the shore using triangulation. Given the Pyramids of Giza exacting structural architecture, and what I can show you in the scriptures (which is much more advanced) this is well within the established mathematical and precision capabilities, and behavioral patterns, of the Ancients.

E) Now take this distance of 1/6 the equatorial circumference of Earth (which is also the distance of a boat traveling from the equator up the Nile to the Mediterannean,) and put it in ratio with the distance that a boat travels from the mouth of the Nile at the North End of Lake Victoria to the Mediteranean, which is just slightly less.

The Ratio is:
Distance from Mouth of Nile to Med:Distance from Equator to Med:

F) Take the Soli-Lunar Ratio figure of 24736.5196771 Units and multiply it by 1.00507033435 = 24861.9421025 Units (AKA now call them Miles). This is exactly equivalent to the measure of the Polar Circumference of Earth, as would be expected to be obtained from a units standardization arrived at by fixing a ratio while traveling North towards the pole along the Nile.

To Anchor this in Berashit(h)1:1, the 6th to 1st letters (Hence the division of 1/6th of the Earth) of the Bible backwards are TISARB, which is 4.13122, which multiplied by 1000 times is 4131.22. This is identical to the measure of the boat traveling from the mouth of the Nile to the Mediterannean in Ancient Miles, where we can use a ratio of 24913:24902 as a guide.

The Math is:

24913/24903.93 = 1.000364
1.000364 * 4130 (modern Nile Measure) = 4131.5

The variations and the differences of .33 come from the calculation of the Earth, and Earth-Moon mass system’s tidal effects, which I will leave out because this is already quite long.

Thus, we now set our Polar Circumference as ~24861 Units/Miles (Just slightly long of the modern miles measure of Polar Circumference, by about 3 units, so we are at 99.9999% accuracy.) When we then compare the Polar Circumference to the Distance of the Earth’s Equatorial Circumference (without units), we see the ratio is:


That is almost exactly 1:(1+1/296*2) within 99.9999% accuracy.

Hence one of the major reasons the 7th word of Berashit(h)1:1 “Harets’ which means EARTH sums to 296, as the ratio between the Equatorial Circumference and Polar Circumference is almost exactly 1:[1+1/(296*2)] and (1-1/(296*2)]:1. The Very Words in Hebrew, the Tongue Received from the ineffable creator, are based upon the mathematics of reality.

The other reason is that Sirius, which marks the Earth’s Solar year with near exactitude, is visible in the Sky from Earth for exactly 296 days per year, which is, 37 days*8 periods (like the 37*73 equation that gives the alphanumeric 2701 sum of Berashit1:1. I can also show you several SAR(os)-Cophagi from Ancient Egypt in major museums which have exactly 296 feathers on the wings of the pagan deity Sopdet surrounded by Anubis, the Dog Star at the tip of either wing.)

If we perform this operation to obtain our equatorial circumference in this system, we get:

24861.9421025 * 1.00167849744 = 24903.93 Miles.

This Gives us the Modern measures with near exactitude (99.9999%).

Why then did the ancients use 24913 instead? Because they were balancing this figure with:

The Number of Lunar Synodic Months in the Solar year, and the number of days difference between the Solar and Lunar year (~10.88 days) 24902+10.88 = ~24913, which is thus given as the integer approximation to use in Berashit 1:1.

Balancing the Lunar Synodic Months helps to incorporate the motion of The Earth around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. To explain:

24 Solar Years = 296 Synodic Months (The same as the 7th word Harets that gives us Earth’s Buldge)
2.01 Solar Years = 24.861 Lunar Synodic Months, The Same floating point Integer String as Measure of the Polar Circumference of Earth we obtained using Time Measurements and The Nile. Hence, The Waters Above and the Waters Below.

200-1 is the RA, of “Bera” which is BRA of “to create.”

Keep this 2.01 in mind as we will return to it later to explain a biblical passage, and a modern event you are certainly familiar with, and which can answer your questions regarding the role of these numbers in scripture and our reality.

And now the biggest reason for 24913 at the equator:

24913 – 24860 = 53, This is the exact same number of digits as appear in 1 Kings 10-11 (with zeros). This passage of the Bible is a celestial Matrix, hence the 666 talents of Gold (The Number of a Man, Sol-Amon, The Demon Possessed Solar Worshipping Kings) that represent the 666 Solar eclipses per 325 year Sar Eclipse Cycle period. And 53 is exactly the number of Lunar Anomolistic Months in 4 solar years, like the number of angles on one face of a cube (4 angles per face) and the 4 dimensions of Space-Time.

The modern measure of Miles is of course 11 shorter, adjusted exactly to just incorporate the measures of distance, and thus 24902-24860 = 42, which is the number of “Months,” that you find for the first beast in revelations.

I’m going to attach an explainer from Monkeys Chapter Xi as a preview for you, which shows the Trigonometric Function for the Lunar apsidal nodes here, and then explain the numerics I have been discussing in relation to a biblical passage.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The Explainer of the most important mathematical function for the very existence of complex life on Earth: the rotation of the lunar apsidal nodes, which is the only thing that keeps Earth from being flung about every time Jupiter or Saturn or Mars passes, which would cause the Earth to wobble enormously and thus the poles become the equator and vice versa every few years.

The moon’s apsidal nodes are balanced such that they have a balancing effect on Earth, and thus our climate is relatively stable and humanity has been able to form and create socieities. The first 9 letters of the Bible give an extraordinarily elegant mathematical function for the celestial phenomena that allows us to even exist.

Explainer Sinusoidal Function.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let us look at the passage in the New Testament where the people are given a choice between Yeshua and Barabban:

The words are

Βαραββᾶν = 159
ἢ = 8
Ἰησοῦν = 342

350/159 = 2.201

What number do we find again? 2.21 with the form of the .201, as is found in the measurement of the Polar Circumference Earth being identical to the number of Lunar Synodic Months in 2.01 Solar years.

What even recently happened with 201, Event 201 the Pandemic Exercise before C0vert Identficiation.

Now why are these mathematics placed in this passage? Does it mean that Yeshua was not confronted with the choice. quite the opposite, you need to begin to think of Scripture as Yeshua commanded, where each word and each passage is like a seed that may grow into a giant mustard tree. Yeshua Said that the Kingdom of YHWH is like a mustard tree that branches enormously from a seed. Are the Scriptures not the Breathe of YHWH?

It is written in Psalms that:

Happy is the one who has not walked in the advice of the wicked,
nor stood in the way of sinners,
nor sat in the seat of scoffers.

But his delight is in the Torah of Adonai,
and on His Torah he meditates day and night.

He will be like a planted tree over streams of water,
producing its fruit during its season.
Its leaf never withers—
but in all he does, he prevails.

This is telling you that each passage, each word can acts like a Tree, from the seed, if you water it with consideration and understanding, you will know its roots, leaves, branches, and fruit, but you must water it.

Now returning to the passage of the choice between Yeshua and Barabban. The word Ba-Ra-Abban, literally means “The Lord of The Spirit of Celestial Motion.” Aka, Ra the Sun deity (or BA’al), who is Lucifer, the Illuminator.

BA’al-RA-ABBAN – The Lord of the Light

And Yeshua, literally means “THE TRUTH of the Ineffable Creator.”

The reason for the numerical mechanics is to explain the mathematical pattern of choice that has led to this moment with the “Priests” Aka the “CHIEF ARCHES” and the Presbuteros “The masters of Twisting,” have convinced the people to choose the fruits of Light Worship, of Ba-Ra-Abban. Was this man’s name Barabban, it is doubtful. But he was the choice which emobied the Ba of Ra on Earth, and so the scriptures tell us what this man, and the choice which he represents come from: it plants the Seed of Truth that may become a tree.

Thus with 2.201 in this passage it is explaining the entirety of the historical and energetic roots which lead to this moment, in which the people are given a choice between the fruits of a tree of Luciferian Worship, and have constantly and consistently, chosen the Golden light Worship of Barabban. 2.21 years is the Lunar Apsidal Node moving correctly and forming life, as a gift of YHWH, while 2.201 is the solar years that make the measurement of the polar radius of Earth, hence The Seat of Satan is in The North!

In just these tiny few letters, the Bible has given us a mathematical formula (which yes, I can show you), for Fractal Mechanics across Space and time (meaning it repeats in patterns from very large to very small), in which the people that were taught how to measure the Earth, and then hoarded this knowledge for their own earthly power, ego-glorification, and comfort (the temptations satan offered Yeshua in the dessert) thus declared themselves HORUS RISEN AND THE MOUTH OF RA, and convinced the people to crucify and murder The Truth of YHWH. They replaced the Soli-Lunar system which leads to advanced mathematics (I can show you how to derive the standard model of particle physics from the Book of 1 Kings 10-11’s celestial matrices) represented as 2.21 “Bera” creation of YHWH, with 2.201 which is “Ba-RA” The solar worshippers and illumination. The B at the start of words like this in Hebrew means “inside” and the Bera is “creation of YHWH inside (one’s heart)” while Bara is “The Illuminator Inside (one’s heart.)”

Yeshua is This Truth, our savior, but This passage in two words, for those with eyes to see, very clearly tells us a long history culminating in this moment. In which the Truth that has been in spirit of all those that have declared the name of YHWH and spoken The Truth with pure heart, and have subsequently been persecuted by the rich and powerful who falsely claim the name of YHWH, but with inversions of having the BARA, the Illuminator inside. The rest of this passage would take several more pages to unpack, but I hope this can begin to show you how the original languages and linguistics, geography, and history (the 7 wisdoms perscribed in revelations, which is what I’m giving you a revelation of Truth, haNAVI, which means “a revelation of Truth” in hebrew which totals to 5521 in hebrew = 13 in its sum, like the 13 MOON-Keys, revelation in Hebrew)

This is the problem with the catholic church from its inception (which involves a whole lot of genocide and power brokering) and these monolithic structures of Religion which are falsely pious. The 1000s of years of hiding the original scriptures (in Hebrew and Greek), while speaking them only in a language nobody except they themselves could understand (latin), and persecuting all speakers of the original languages, is a classical tactic of a usurper of Truth. It destroy any possibility that anyone understands this Truth, and it has been so since the inception of Constantine and his little Solar Club that super swore they loved Jesus while murdering millions and burning heretics at the stake.

Think about how it is possible, that little ole me, with no financial resources, no big team of super awesome scholarly priests, and just a bible in the original Hebrew and Greek (they are available for free online) can show you these things, which are insurmountably, mathematically true, and an organization such as the combined Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church, which possess more than 30 trillion in assets (That’s right, they are the richest nation on the planet, painting their walls Gold) speaks not a word of any of it.

None of your priests have ever dared speak these things I am showing you. Many of them don’t know it, because they are too busy worshipping golden icons and playing by the organization rules, and others who do that are higher ups, certainly won’t tell you. They exist to usurp these scriptures of Truth, to destroy the message of yeshua by dumbing down the worship in a bunch of oppulent nonsense, and to use methods of occult luciferian mind control to shape the world in the image of BA-RA-ABBAN. 2.201…. to build a Ba of Ba’al (a body for Lucifer, Luci-Ferrus, the Iron Light, AI beings) Event 201 right before they released a bioweapon on the world and passed the Kheres (Kheres means “sun” in Hebrew,”) Act in the USA to put in 5G all over the world… It’s not a coincidence a song by Ge-Orge Hari-SUN is called “Khere Comes the Sun.”

Ge = Earth (Egyptian Greek, as Geb/Ge)
Orge = Energy (Like Orgon in Greek)
SUN = The Sun

This guys name means “The Earth Energy of the Sun Worshippers,” and he writes a song that is a Hebrew English Transliteration of “Kheres Comes the Sun.” This is how the universe works, it is fractal mechanics that repeat in patterns, and the Beasts out of the Sea know this and use it against us.

As one more note is that: 2.201 Solar years has 27.2 Lunar Cycles, which is Eulers Number (which determines probabilities) It is exactly 272,72 miles between The Pyramid of Khufu (built by the man named KHAINum Khufu) and the Valley of Hinnom.

This is the “field of the potter” purchased with 30 shining pieces of silver (WHICH ARE MOONS, the 30 days maximum in a synodic month) mentioned at the condemnation of Yeshua in Matthew. Khnum is the potter deity in Egypt, he is the setting sun and lord of entry to the underworld.

The purpose of this passage which seems random is to tell you that these Luciferian priests (the Pharisees/Fire-I-Sees, the Pharaohs/Fire-Os) took the blood of The Truth and used it to make extravagant tombs that are 272.727272 miles apart as the Pyramids of Khainum Khufu and The Valley of Hinnom (called Gehena, which is often mistranslated as Hell in the scriptures.)

If you want to get really freaky on the clue this passage is offering regarding the Luciferians Geo forming and measuring for their own power:

There is a beach in Hawaii, full of black sand from volcanic ash, like the black ash from cremation in the valley of Gehena in Jersualem, which is called “Kehena,” This beach is exactly 8800 miles away from the Valley of Hinnom. 8800 * 272.727272 = 24,000 Miles. They are hiding these truths from you behind a golden washed wall of opulence so they can Farm your Ki on very specific geomagnetic and energetic points on the Earth. That’s the purpose of the Gold in the Temples you frequent, the metal acts to potentiate the geo-electromagnetic signal where the cathedral is built in order to stimulate your nervous system, along with a sound bath of acoustics, and make you feel Wonderment and Awe by raising the amount of energy passing through your ventral nervous system, which you have mistaken for “feeling the presence of YHWH.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@hollow logs @thekwon

These explanations may interest you as a precursor to next chapter.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, thank you for your (truly) exhaustive answers to my questions.

I’ve worked through the math in your first response above, and I have some doubts, not about the math itself (which is as far as I can tell correct) but on the use of certain variables and to what extent your wider conclusions hold. I’ll try to post my questions on the math itself shortly. (I would also be very interested in seeing the image of the Sopdet sarcophogi with 296 feathers on Sopdet’s wings, by the way.)

But I am still trying to grasp what you are saying is the meaning of all this. I’m willing to take for granted for the moment the possibility that the Bible contains, at a very deep level, these cosmic mathematical relations. I am willing even to entertain the idea that these complex mathematics are thoroughly understood by the Luciferian “elite,” and are in-built in some inverted or perverted way in their acts and intentions. I can see the value, not to say the inherent fascination, in exploring all of this. What I am not understanding is how this relates, in an immediate practical way, to the average human being’s life or faith.

I need not tell you, Gem, that you are laying out some very sophisticated math (particularly in Thirteen Monkeys). Nothing less would be expected of hidden wisdom in the Scriptures of God which intended to lay bare the mathematical patterns of the cosmos. But this math is well beyond the reach of most people. I, who have peripherally studied mathematics and have a somewhat above-average ability in it, am barely able to follow you, perhaps only most of the time, and even then with costly expenditure of effort and time.

I simply cannot see the relevance of all of this for the actual, daily, lived relationship of the normal human being to God, or even to the Scriptures which have been handed down to us. Are you saying that this wisdom is necessary for salvation, as you seem to have suggested above, when you say that these things explain “how these patterns, which can be described as trigonometric functions within a fractal lattice, can lead one to salvation or doom”? Surely you do not believe that advanced ability at mathematics (not to speak of knowledge of the myriad of other disciplines required to follow your reasoning) are necessary for a person to truly relate to God or to know how to live his life in a good way?

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Until you tell me what “variables,” you take issue with, I cannot further clarify. Certainly the balancing of The Sun and The Moon (like the metonic cycle) and the length of the Nile with the measure of Earth, are exactly the variables the Ancient Beni Hazan would have known.

Keep in mind that “Hazan,” means revelation from YHWH, as is used in Daniel and Ezekiel, both Sons of Man. Also keep in mind that Khnum Khufu, was raised in Beni Hazan, the 13th gnome, of Egypt the land of the Aryeh Yehudah. He then turned to the Heliopolitan priests, taking a technological marvel and making it a “tomb for foreigners.”

Regarding people’s capacity for learning these concepts and salvation, I point you to the parable of the servants sharing their gold from Matthew and increasing it. To the servant given five gold coins, may he share them. To the servant given two, as well. But the one who hoards his knowledge and does not share the wealth among the people, will he be admonished and find himself cast out. The purpose of this parable is not a lesson in monetary investment, but rather the increasing of wisdom and Truth of YHWH throughout the world by openly and freely sharing it.

You imagine the world how it is now, and disregard what has led it to this point. Do you know that human cranial capacity has decreased for the first time in human history in the past 2000 years? It was combined with a church that committed every unspeakable atrocity against wisdom and knowledge. Surely you cannot deny the multitudes of genocides carried out by the early Catholic Church against “heretics,” and then the 1600+ years of attacking anyone that dared have a scientific thought. This was a 2000 years eugenics program to eliminate the free and intelligent thinkers from society, and the fruits are clear; there was slavery, misery, death and poverty under the feudal system wherever they controlled. They called themselves the ambassadors of Yeshua, and then created a veritable hell on earth. The testimonies of many monks from throughout the time do not lie.

What if instead of making ceramic statues and golden walls while burning heretics for the past 2000 years, this Church had instead put all their effort in teaching these lessons I am showing you, increasing peoples wisdom and understanding of the original scriptures, and knowledge of their own incredible nature and the marvellous workings of our universe? Certainly I wouldn’t have to spend thousands of words to try and convince you that the vast majority of people are as capable of learning to read a second language and meditate on scripture as they are attending services washed in detestable incense while surrounded by golden idolatry. Yeshua offered The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos and said only through his teachings can we reach salvation. Then why is nobody readings the original scriptures of his teachings and contemplating the keys to the domain of the cosmos?

Think of this, how much time, material wealth, effort and energy is invested into building these golden filled temples and these opulent worship services the world around? And how much is invested in learning what I am showing you directly from the original scriptures? The fulcrum falls almost completely towards the former; hundreds of trillions of hours, calories, thoughts, prayers and monetary currencies are spent on the former, while the latter is not so much as even discussed. In the past your church has burned millions of people for what I am telling you. This is the way of dark occult AntiXristos; they replace The Truth with a MAGIk lie, and do many false wonders in the name of Yeshua. The “water blessing” ceremony of the priests, told to me by another I spoke with, comes directly to mind. It’s filtered by rocks at the time of year of the snow melt, it doesn’t need a priest waving his hand and taking your tithe to be pure.

What if the billions of hours saying rosaries to ceramic statues of the Queen of heaven asking for salvation and forgiveness, we’re dedicated to learning the original languages and real histories behind them? What if the billions of dollars spent on incense were instead invested in teaching the world, from the time of childhood, the original scripture mathematics and the words of Yeshua?

In Isiah 1 we find, speaking to the Pharisees whose temples had turned their backs on YHWH:

Woe to the sinful nation,
    a people whose guilt is great,
a brood of evildoers,
    children given to corruption!
They have forsaken the Lord;
    they have spurned the Holy One of Israel
    and turned their backs on him.

The word for “evildoers” is:

‎מְרֵעִ֔ים “Miriam”

This word is used constantly throughout the psalms, Isiah, Job, Jeremiah etc. in regards to those who are “wicked/evildoers,” because they worship The Great Mother. The detestable Ashtarte and Shemash mentioned in connection to Sol-Amon and his golden temple designed to stimulate the central nervous system of all inside, just as the pyramids and your golden temples.

Why then does this church of yours worship so heavily Miriam?!! Because they are the antiXristos. And yet another reason they have hidden away the original scriptures for thousands of years, a historical fact you yourself cannot deny. The people cannot know if they do not read. They cannot see if their eyes are forced shut.

In Isiah 1 continuing on we find the admonishments of the Ineffable Creator:

When you come to appear before me,
    who has asked this of you,
    this trampling of my courts?

Stop bringing meaningless offerings!
    Your incense is detestable to me.
New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations—
    I cannot bear your worthless assemblies.

Your New Moon feasts and your appointed festivals
    I hate with all my being.
They have become a burden to me;
    I am weary of bearing them.

When you spread out your hands in prayer,
    I hide my eyes from you;
even when you offer many prayers,
    I am not listening.

Why then do your priests continue to burn enormous quantities of incense in their festivals? If the LORD has called it detestable to him…. They spit on the scriptures while dressed in the gold of Sol-Amon and make excuses afterwards.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I am not saying salvation requires a degree in physics, but rather, that over the scale of population, if each person with a heart for YHWH dedicated themselves to increasing their wisdom and knowledge through the scriptures, and then shared it freely with the world, then the spirit of Yeshua would live in the world and the new earth would be upon us. Some would become masters of the math I show you, others of the languages, others of keeping right thought and showing true compassion, others in agriculture practices, others in healing each other for FREE, others in artistic expression that glorifies the magnificence of creation of YHWH (not images of saints, but say rather a song dedicated to the courage of a dying yet unnamed child.)

Instead we have the vast majority of people dedicated to swinging incense and crying in front of statues, dedicated to being divided along political lines and hating/blaming others, working and supporting corporation that destroy the earth and humanity for profit while claiming to be its saviours with a movement dedicated to OSIRIS (ie the cobalt batteries destroying the Congo and making mothers have deformed babies due to heavy metal poisoning, a classic view of The Green Man, Osiris of copper statues that turn chloros, like the Statue of Liberty) investing in the world’s slavery to the predatory financial system (See France’s control in west Africa where even Jacque Chirac said “France would be a third world country without Africa’s money in our banks.)

You must understand, I am aware I am an Aryeh Yehudah, and this means I am from the nation of teachers with rare and exceptional talents to learn all of these things, but it is undeniable that the vast majority of humanity is not even trying. It is too inconvenient to stop pushing the button on the gas chamber, too inconvenient to take your money out of the financial markets, too inconvenient to give up that hybrid car with a cobalt battery, too inconvenient to renounce the safety and social aspect of a cathedral, too inconvenient to admit that our governments are run by a world order of corporate fascists that are dedicated to eugenics (See the Bush Family’s funding of H1tl3r, then the crack epidemic in the US through Colombian contras, then the opium epidemic through Afghanistan.), too inconvenient to try and learn a little Hebrew and Greek, too inconvenient to question authority, too inconvenient to refuse a nice salary from the giant corporation, too inconvenient to support local farmers, too inconvenient to pick up a book (Netflix has this new show about doctors sex lives…) too inconvenient to confront their own internal turmoils and existence before YHWH, too inconvenient to refuse a shot with nanotechnology feeding the Ba Ba’al…

Think of this, how is it that all of our world’s city financial centers have giant towers from which the Liciferian oligarchy control the world through using BABEL of Mammon, aka legalese in financial contracts, and nobody sees the similarities?

Yeshua tells us we cannot love YHWH and Mammon! That name is the ancient deity of financial contracts and thus greed. We live in a world full of Towers of Babel, and 99.99999% of the populace does not make the connection… too inconvenient, and they are under the spell of the occult Luciferians and don’t even realise it. They sit in Nebuchadnezzar’s court and don’t see the writing on the wall because their minds are controlled so that they have eyes but do not see, and ears but do not hear.

Millions of people in Spain call each other Mammon as a cute insult every day, even knowing it means “blood sucker,” and are catholics/“Christians”, yet they don’t have any clue Yeshua specifically mentions this financial bloodsucking demon on scripture as one of the greatest enemies of dedication to YHWH. Surely if even 100 of the people in Spain knew this and shared it, his name wouldn’t be bandied about millions of times per day…

The world is not trying, and as Hosea warned, they are perishing under the threat of a global totalitarian luciferian oligarchy that, as serpents in the grass, are slowly tightening their grip upon the world in preparation for their “final solution.”

If the world tried to understand these things I tell you, if they really listened to Yeshua and the scriptures, the spell of the Luciferians would be broken, and the world would not be in this situation… This was the message of Yeshua of the coming end of the age.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I offer you some of the words from Saul of Tarshish, who after a life of folly tried to atone at the end. He had a way with gentiles, despite his failings.

From Corinthians:

Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant: You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led.

I assure you these icons and statues of your gentile church that people kiss and pray to and adorn in gold and clothe are exactly the stuff Saul was speaking of.

Continuing on:

“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.”

Does he not offer the same sentiment I have given you here? He speaks of increasing knowledge with faith, of healing and prophecy, prophecy itself I assure you is highly mathematical in nature. He speaks of learning different languages and then understanding them. Where are these things today? Now where to be found?

The Catholic Church proclaims there will never be another prophecy from YHWH! Who are they to proclaim this? That the ineffable creator has forever abandoned us with his word and has nothing left to say, because well, they say so…. They proclaim the mouth of YHWH shut under their decree! It is an abomination. It is not written in scripture and it is yet another power grab and spit upon the face of the ineffable creator.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Saul continues:

“But now, brethren, if I come to you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you unless I speak to you either by revelation, by knowledge, by prophesying, or by teaching? Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played? For if the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle? So likewise you, unless you utter by the tongue words easy to understand, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of languages in the world, and none of them is without significance. Therefore, if I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be a foreigner to him who speaks, and he who speaks will be a foreigner to me. Even so you, since you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the [edification of the church that you seek to excel.”

Saul is quite correct that if you do not know the meaning of a language it will be a foreigner by you. The very foundational “saint” of your Church, is quite clear that one who does not speak the language of the one who speaks is a foreigner to his word. Why then has your church only spoken in tongues nobody could understand (Latin), and has refused the original scriptures in Hebrew and Greek for millenia?

According to Saul, the fruits of this (as yeshua said, you will know them by their fruits) can only be so their congregations is as foreigners to the word of YHWH; because they do not understand the language in which his scriptures were given.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here’s a public picture (not willing to share my own set for security reasons) with Sopdet’s wings between Anubis. The last feather at the edge of her body is actually a back wing. There’s another identical on the back side of the sarcophagus.

37*4 = 148 * 2 = 296 the days Sirius is visible. Same as the 7th word of scriptures.

From this sarcophagus face, knowing there is 9 of those silver things (which represent phase anti phase sine waves, being approximated by a Riemann Sum) hanging below her on this side and 11 on the other (9/11), you can then obtain the perfect Saros eclipse convergent series function (no math as advanced was rediscovered until the 17th-18th century AD) that balances the solar and lunar years with exactly 1 day drift per 3600 years.

In Sumeria the number 3600 was called a Sar and represented by a black circle, an eclipse. Hence the name Sirius, for OSIRIS/Osirius, who marked the black fertile land that brought greening to Egypt at the heliacal rising of Sirius then in July. Hence the final of the four horsemen, Pale Green (Chloros).

The word Circle comes from the Sumerian word for 216,000 “Sar.Gal” which means “Great Beast,” and it is 600*60*6 just like the number of Salomon and his eclipses and the number of the beast.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for this, Gem!

I’ve counted the feathers on this image twice, and come out with 160 (or thereabouts); 160 * 2 = 320. Where am I going wrong?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I am at a loss, @444gem. I asked you for some insight into the connection between the mathematics you have been showing me on the one hand and our daily and lived practice as God-loving men on the other, and have received in its stead a lengthy diatribe against the Church (mainly even the Catholic) and the modern world (with which I almost entirely agree), denigrating yet again both the faith to which I belong and my own powers of spiritual discernment.

What am I to do? If I respond to you in tone, exchanging tone for tone and rebuke for rebuke, it is certain we will get nowhere. Yet you continue to hammer on these same points, so I also can no longer pass over them in silence. You seem to want to tell me that if I do not divest myself of my present beliefs, I will never be able to break through into the truths which you claim to be revealing. It is evidently incumbent on me to try to understand to what extent your censure of the Church is just and grounded.

So let us return to our old stomping grounds in the historical panorama. For the moment, let us set aside the post-Schism Catholics, and focus only on the first millennium of the Church’s life, when there still was no distinction between “Catholic” and “Orthodox” Christians, as this is portion of Christian history is more directly relevant to my own beliefs as an Orthodox. (I take it, from your language, that all your criticisms of the Catholics apply equally to the early Church, so I do not believe I am unfairly limiting your range of response here.)

I propose several questions to get us on our way. Feel free to focus on just one or two if you prefer; know that I never take silence as indicating an inability to respond, and I will gladly follow your lead here. It would be better, in my view, to get to the bottom of even a single of these questions, than to lose ourselves inconclusively in the vagaries of all four taken together. But, as I hope you know, I am also wholly willing to spend the time necessary to duly investigate and weigh any responses you are kind enough to post.

With that, here are my questions:

1. Can you point me to a single clear and historically verifiable (that is, through accessible original source documents; perhaps the testimonies of the monks you have mentioned?) example of a genocide, carried out by the Church, in the first millennium?

2. Can you point me to a single clear and historically verifiable example of the first-millennial Church (either directly or through its visibly retraceable influence) persecuting any individual for his scientific discoveries (perhaps, for instance, under the guise of attacking a heretic)?

3. Can you clarify in what way precisely you claim that the Church has “hidden away the original scriptures for thousands of years”? Are you referring here only to the use of Latin as the liturgical language in the Roman Catholic Church, or do you mean also something more?

4. I am also (though this is secondary to the other questions) interested to know what you make of the evident, universal, pre- and post-Christian, and God-proscribed (Exodus 30:1-10) use of incense found throughout the Old Testament, and noted as well in even very early independent historians like Josephus, and how you reconcile this with your own claims that incense is in itself despised by God and is abominable as such.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


First I’ll answer your questions susinctly and then try to explain why my response is indeed regarding he practicality of the knowledge and wisdom offered by the complete revelations of YHWH:

1. I’ll refer you to the easiest to find: the massacre of 10,000 “heretics,” by Pope Theophilus ~400 AD.

‘On 10 July in the Eastern (Greek) Orthodox Synaxarion, there is a commemoration for the 10,000 monks slain on the orders of Pope Theophilus in his paranoid campaign against perceived Origenism and the Four Tall Brethren.” You can find this on Wikipedia of Theophilus.

Not only is this well before any schism it comes from an Pope who heralds from the Eastern Roman Empire. I can also refer to you to several books that are very well sourced on the extraordinary violence of the early Christian church, although they are quite expensive and rare. The Catholic church, with its trillions of $, has been very, very thorough in trying to purge the internet and and easily findable sources of this material, a typical ministry of Truth tactic. However you still may be able to find sufficient evidence regarding church clergy of the 4th – 8th centuries requesting Roman/Byzantine military kill and convert pagans by force, burned thousands of synagogues and pagan temples, and that the ecumenical councils of the period, the 4th – 7th century resulted in at least 25,000+ needless deaths due to disagreements and brandishing of “heretics.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’ll answer 3 and 4 because they are simpler:

3. Yes the use of the Latin Vulgate, and Ecclesiastical latina as the only acceptable form of mass and bible is widely attested from about 400 AD onwards. The populace did not speak this language, nor the nobles, and hence they were speaking in a tongue and keeping the biblical texts in a tongue foreign to the original scriptures, and foreign to their entire congregation from around 500 AD onwards. Nor could they learn much of the “milk,” the basic stories in their own language, nor be privy to the original scriptures (most of the populace could not even read.)

4. My claim regarding incense comes directly from Isiah. It is not my own words. Just as Ezekiel declares the detest of YHWH for worship in high places by the Pharisees. There is a lot of history here hidden by the translations.

And certainly although YHWH declared these things detestable to him, it did not prevent people from continuing to do them. That is certain.

Many of the examples you cite in the Old Testament are exactly what is being spoken of in Isiah as having become burdensome to the LORD and to be ceased.

You must recall that behind the laws of Moses there is a large group of profoundly pagan people being freed from millennia of slavery that number 100 to 1 for every Aryeh Yehudah.

We find them complaining of not having watermelon, which is a ritual Sun Fruit of Egypt (modern genetics now confirm) that represented the Blood of Osiris (red on green.) Nor the Fish of Dagon (look up the original word used, which is Dagon), which represents another festival of the tilapia, called Jon in Egyptian (Oannes in Babylon) which represents beast out of the sea and framing the stars as a fish, the form of the vesica Pisces which allows for precise geometrical measurement and calculation of the moment of planets and stars and their elliptical orbits (the vesica Pisces is a good approximation of an ellipse.)

When Moses leaves for a few days, these people immediately worship the golden APIS bulls of Osiris (the golden calf.) After all, they are Isis-Ra-Eli’s. And thus you find Moses instituting practices incorporated to keep social cohesion of a large mass of former slaves that love paganism being watched over by a small group of Aryeh Yehudah. This fight over true worship and pagan dogma plays out for many millennia more among the Isis Ra Eli’s, we’ll documented in the book of kings.

700 years after Moshe institutes these things, these religious dogmatic practices that have devolved into essential idolatry (ie: no longer one incense in a single tabernacle in the dessert, but rather tons of incense being swung at every new moon festival, no longer prayer in barren mountains, but now a full on Hiram Abiff Masonry type Ashteroth cult in the hills of Jerusalem) are being cast out, including worship on high places, any sacrifices of animal fat, and incense at an alter. It is recognized in the original scriptures as the practices of slaves being weaned from their pagan ways, which have now devolved again into pagan idolatry and need to be stopped in entirety.

The Isis ra Elis were not the model adherents, and as scripture attests, were highly prone to their pagan slave roots, especially when stoked and led by the KAINanaite-Phoenician Pharisees (children of Kain) including Baal worship, child sacrifice, Molek worship, ritual origies, Solar cult practices, and Queen of Heaven adoration.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let’s turn to number 2:

The easiest example of burning learned thinkers for heresy occurs a few decades prior to the great schism, in 1022 in Orelans France.

14 in Orleans France are burned at the stake for Heresy:

I’ll give you a quote from a source because I’m loathe to synthesize this pattern from The Church of murderers:

“We have several accounts of the affair. The three main narratives are found in the writings of Ralph Glaber, Adémar of Chabannes and Paul of Saint-Pére de Chartres. The sources diverge on many of the details, but we can piece together a synthesised narrative. The story typically begins with the heretics being publicly exposed by a nobleman named Aréfast. A member of his household, Heribert, had travelled to Orléans, a prodigious centre of learning. While studying there he met two clerics, Stephen and Lisois, whose wisdom was well known and highly regarded – Stephen was even Queen Constance’s confessor. Stephen and Lisois told Heribert that they could teach him secret wisdom (gnosis), a calling card of heretics. He reported the story to his master, who immediately suspected something aberrant in the clerics’ behaviour. Word spread until the king learned that there were suspected heretics in his realm. He asked Aréfast to infiltrate the group by masquerading as a student to expose their clandestine behaviour. The plan worked and soon after the heretics were before the judges and condemned to a fiery death.

So, what were the charges? Effectively everything. They were accused of denying the grace of holy baptism and the consecration of the body and blood of the Christ, refusing to admit that mortal sins could be forgiven, rejecting the rite of marriage – and refusing to eat meat. During their trial they denied the virgin birth declaring, ‘we were not there, and we cannot believe that to be true’. Contemporary chroniclers, familiar with the works of Augustine of Hippo, recognised that some of these beliefs resembled elements of an ancient heresy known as Manichaeism. Augustine’s Confessions relates his own experience as a youthful member of the Manichaean sect.”

I don’t agree with Manichaeans, but they weren’t really burned at the stake for this, but for revealing the incredible house of cards built atop ignorance and hiding of scriptures. Even the biased accounts of what these men claimed, such as not being able to be certain of a virgin birth, are scriptural supported. The word used in the Greek is not Virgin, but Maiden (Unwed/Young Woman.)

It is nearly certain, given the writings from Orleans which have survived (most were burned as heretical) that these men were offering a lot of the original wisdom on the scriptures and scientific thought. So, they got burned… This is typical throughout the period from when Xristianty became the state religion and all “heretics,” were purged and synagogues burned from the 4th century onwards.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let’s return to the earlier persecution of scientific thinkers as “heretics,” and their destruction murder and exile.

The origenism that Theophilus slaughtered 10,000 over professed allegorical readings of the scripture. That was its great heresy which got them genocides in 400 AD. I am here showing you not only the allegorical aspect of scripture, but also the scientific and mathematic, if Theophilus was willing to massacre 10,000 for believing scripture contains allegory (and it isn’t literal), imagine what he would do to me?

Then moving forward we find this same movement being condemned by Justinian the Eastern Emperor in 543 AD in the “Second Origenism Crisis.” He ordered all of their texts burned and their peoples persecuted. That’s the Catholic way “I don’t like what you have to say so BURN IT!”

Right… I’ll then direct you to look at the Theodosian decrees around this same period of the 380-460 AD period, which resulted in tons of senseless violence in the name of “Heresy.” You must understand that the church couches this stuff in rhetoric of victories over paganism, Manichean Christians and Synagogues. However, if you start digging into the artifacts, you will find there was an enormous push to burn all centers of learning and institutions of intellectual thought and consolidate power; the consequence was thus a consolidation of all intellectual capacity into the hands of few, fuedalism, and strict orthodoxy that allows for no freedom of thought.

This is why Christian Europe then underwent 600 years of scientific backsliding, and why academics of Europe flocked to the Islamic caliphate to learn.

I’ll copy here more regarding the edicts and persecution of Manichaeans as “heretics,” being persecuted and burned. Was some of this religious and political, surely, but then the teachings of Yeshua do not profess violence and persecution against those whose ideals you disagree with. However, most of it, hidden underneath this veil of “anti heresy,” resulted in the scientific thinkers being exterminated or forced underground. For millennia. All of this by state and church decree by those who claimed to love the message of Yeshua, a man of pure compassion and non-violence.

“The following are the Imperial edicts launched against Manichæism: Diocletian Alexandria, 31 March, 296) commands the Proconsul of Africa to persecute them, he speaks of them as a sordid and impure sect recently come from Persia, which he is determined to destroy root and branch (stirpitus amputari). Its leaders and propagators must be burnt, together with their books; the rank and file beheaded, people of note condemned to the mines, and their goods confiscated. This edict remained at least nominally in force under Constantine, and Constantius. Under Julian the Apostate, Manichæism seems to have been tolerated. Valentinian I and Gratian, though tolerant of other sexts made exception of the Manichæans. Theodosiusb byan edict of 381, declared Manichæans to be without civil rightsand incapable of testamentary disposition. In the following year he condemned them to death under the name of Encratites Saccophores. Valentina II confiscated their goods, annulled their wills, and sent them into exile. Honorius in 405 renewed the edicts of his predecessors, and fined all governors of cities or provinces who were remiss in carrying out his orders; he invalidated all their contracts, declared them outlaws and public criminals. In 445 Valentinoan III renewed the edicts of his predecessors; Anastasius condemned all Manichæans to death; Justin and Justinian decreed the desth penalty not only against Manichæans who remained obstinate in their heresy, but even against converts from Manichæism who remained in touch with their former co-religionists, or who did not at once denounce them to the magistrates. Heavy penalties were likewise decreed against all State officials who did not denounce their colleagues, if infected with Manichæism, and against all those who retained Manichæan books. It was a war of extermination and was apparently successful, within the confines of the Byzantine Empire.

We then find the same behavior regarding the “Paulicians,” in the 7th-9th century Eastern Roman Empire, which were forced to establish their own state to avoid persecution of the Porto Eastern Orthodox Church. This included not only temple destructions but mass murder and official edicts against them.

Constantine Silvanus, their founder was arrested by church led imperial authorities and stoned to death by Eastern Orthodox Christians; another spit in the face of the words of Yeshua, who said only May he who has never sinned cast the first stone. I don’t agree with the paulicians teachings, but they were quite scientific regarding some things, and the stoning is clearly in contraversion to the very words of Yeshua.

They were more tolerated in the 8th century, but then again in the 10th and 11th century throughout Asia Minor, any followers of the beliefs were terrorized, exiled and murdered.

This is where you can see that scientific thought, politics, and persecution against anyone who disagreed with orthodox dogma became rolled into one. Separating them out specifically can be difficult due to distortions of history (the church controlled anyone who was literate in the period.) it is not a purely post schism Catholic phenomena, but one which only becomes more easy to see after the schism, when unilateral monolithic control of the world began to disintegrate, and yea, then the churches wolffish fangs became much bloodier as it tried to devour all opposition to its total control of the mind, resources, and souls of Europe and the near East.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The successor of the founder of Pauliciains, a man stoned to death for his differing beliefs from Eastern Orthodox Dogma in 660 AD, was actually the imperial guard that executed the church and imperial authorities orders to apprehend “the heretic,” who was then stones to death.This man, I believe who is called Titus, then became the leader of the Paulicians, until he too was persecuted and then BURNED TO DEATH in 690 AD for heresy by church officials. That’s the Catholic way from day 1, burn and stone whoever says things you don’t like.

After a period of relative tolerance in the 700s, it was then again under Eastern Orthodox “Christian”Byzantine empress Theodora that in the 840s AD, over 100,000 people of Paulicianisn, that’s right ONE HINDRED THOUSAND, were proclaimed heretics and brutally hunted and murdered and had their property taken by the state from their heirs. How very typical Catholic of them; genocide, theft, under the proclamations of false piousness.

Ive grown weary of your repeated assertions that this behaviour exists only AFTER THE SCHISM. My hope was you would do your own research (more than a filtered Google search that is heavily narrative controlled by The church itself) and not make me compile the most glaringly obvious atrocities throughout your churches history. The moment it became the “Roman Catholic” church, it was a bloodbath of persecuting anyone who dare think or believe differently than the orthodox dogma:

10,000 by a pope of his own people in 400 AD
50,000+ under the Theodocian decrees in 396-490 AD,
25,000 from the ecumenical councils establishing “Orthodoxy” from 400-700 AD
90,000+ by Justinian and his bishops and successors from 550-690 AD,
100,000+ under Theodora in the 830s-840s AD.

And then we get the wonderful whimsical era of witch burning and the cathars and The crusades, crusades your own Eastern Orthodox Church supported and called for…

It is and was continual JBL; and J have not even spoken of the most obvious and terrible atrocities against Isis Ra Eli’s and the Aryeh Yehudah so as to remove what you may perceive as bias. I’m presenting you historical facts.

And herein lies the practicality of everything I’m telling you; if the people were to have the combined knowledge of the history, languages, mathematics, true scriptural sayings, and the deep wisdom of YHWH, none of this would have ever happened, nor would it continue to happen today. The entirety of human history would be massively different.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The successor of the founder of Pauliciains, a man stoned to de@th for his differing beliefs from Eastern 0rthodox Dogma in 660 AD, was actually the imperial guard that executed the church and imperial authorities orders to apprehend “the heretic,” who was then stones to death.This man, I believe who is called Titus, then became the leader of the Paulicians, until he too was persecuted and then BURNED TO DEATH in 690 AD for heresy by church officials. That’s the Catholic way from day 1, burn and stone whoever says things you don’t like.

After a period of relative tolerance in the 700s, it was then again under Eastern Orthodox “Christian”Byzantine empress Theodora that in the 840s AD, over 100,000 people of Paulicianisn, that’s right ONE HINDRED THOUSAND, were proclaimed heretics and brutally hunted and murdered and had their property taken by the state from their heirs. How very typical Catholic of them; genocide, theft, under the proclamations of false piousness.

Ive grown weary of your repeated assertions that this behaviour exists only after the schism. My hope was you would do your own research (more than a filtered G00gl3 search that is heavily narrative controlled by The church itself) and not make me compile the most glaringly obvious atrocities throughout your churches history. The moment it became the “Roman Catholic” church, it was a bloodbath of persecuting anyone who dare think or believe differently than the orthodox dogma:

10,000 by a pope of his own people in 400 AD
50,000+ under the Theodocian decrees in 396-490 AD,
25,000 from the ecumenical councils establishing “Orthodoxy” from 400-700 AD
90,000+ by Justinian and his bishops and successors from 550-690 AD,
100,000+ under Theodora in the 830s-840s AD.

And then we get the wonderful whimsical era of witch burning and the cathars and The crusades, crusades your own Eastern Orthodox Church supported and called for…

It is and was continual JBL; and J have not even spoken of the most obvious and terrible atrocities against Isis Ra Eli’s and the Aryeh Yehudah so as to remove what you may perceive as bias. I’m presenting you historical facts.

And herein lies the practicality of everything I’m telling you; if the people were to have the combined knowledge of the history, languages, mathematics, true scriptural sayings, and the deep wisdom of YHWH, none of this would have ever happened, nor would it continue to happen today. The entirety of human history would be massively different.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Count again on the feathers, you are way, way off. Not sure where those extra 24 wing feathers are coming from.

Here I’ve given you a zoom in with yellow dots connecting to each feather tip. The last one near her body connects through and is not a feather. On the other wing you will find a 2 like this, which these are placed regarding the shifting of the days which occurs with regards to the lunar apsidal nodes cycle, of which there are 4.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I decided to simply go ahead and give you the full lesson 101 on the ancient Archeo-mathematics and Archeo-astronomy of this sarcophogus (which covers everything up to the quadratic residuals and modulus congruences, as well as geometric distances, which were used ina cryptographic system to compress data).

Look at the photo below before you begin reading:

Originally, I gave you the short hand of 37*8= 296 days for the markings of the visible Sirius, which indeed matches up with the 7th word of Berashit 1:1. Regardless of anything on the sarcophogus, It would certainly be an incredible coincidence that the 7th word of Berashit is the same number of days as Sirius is visible from earth, which equals 37*8.

I gave you this 37*8 short hand in the hope you would start properly counting the details, using what is known in mathematics as enumerative combinatorics. This branch of mathematics (counting stuff) is the basis for all of humanity’s mathematical and scientific developments over the past 50,000 years, and it is extremely important to the bible and prophecy. In fact, the ancient Aryeh Yehudah combined this field with kinematics (marking the postional vectors of objects), to reveal the secrets of the Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos in the simplest, most visual form possible for humanity.

Now you can see I have marked the numbers on the left wing, which is 37*2 and the right wing which is 38*2 complete wings+ a 0.25 incomplete feather at the end (remember that Sirius period is 365.25 days). This gives us 74 feathers on the left side, and 76 on the right, making an Even 150 days, which doubles out to 300, not 296. You can theoretically discount two of these feathers on either side due to markings which no longer seperate the feathers, making 296, but I will omit this, because this requires several more mythological algebraic steps.

Instead, we find that Anubis, representing Sirius in the sky as the dog star, sits atop a T Bar balance, where two pieces dangle on either side “balancing” him. this is a subtraction of 4, and thus 300-4 = 296. It also represnts the 3 years it takes for the extra .25 day to return to an integer, as we still say today, we add a day every 4 years to make a “leap year.”

Next, at the bottom of the SARcophogus below, we find 56 lines in 14 sections, which is 14*4. Why 56 and 14? There are two very clear reasons:

A) 14 is 1/2 the 28 day Lunar Visibility Period (it is completely dark for 1.5 days). This is why our week is 7 days
B) 56 is Twice the 28 day Lunar Visibility Period, and 14*4 = 56 (hence it is 2 Lunar visibility periods divided into 2 weeks each.)

What a coincidence that Berashit(h) 1:1 is 28 Letters long!! Except, it’s not. It is the harmonization function for the Solar and Lunar Cycle, which if you wish I will give you in its full modern mathematical notation. See the bottom of the picture regarding Yeshua’s words around the 14 “mansions” which is actually “MONo-AI” the one eye, which is the Moon. The modern translation is another piece of abomination to the words of Yeshua, which to any speaker of Greek is clearly referencing “(Lunar) Stations,” (not some super duper awesome house we get to have a sleep over in) which are the 14 days which is 1/2 the Lunar visibility period before it reaches Lunar Maximum, aka Full Moon. Note it appears in John 14:2, 14 days *2 = 28, the Lunar Visibility period and the number of letters in Berashit 1:1.

We can also look and find this exact same pattern of the 14, and 56, connected by 37 (remember that the sum of Berashit 1:1 is 37*73, 2701) regarding the world “Selah,” in the psalms.

Nobody seems to understand what “Selah,” means anymore, except I’ll go ahead and demistify it: It is this exact same measurement of 14 days which divides Twice the Lunar Visibility period of 56 days into 4 equal parts. סֶלָה “Selah” is used 74 times in the Bible, which is, 37*2, just like the number of feathers on the Right Wing here on the Sar-Kaf-Agus.

It is used 71 times in the Psalms. 71*14 = 994, which is the total number of Solar Eclipses in a 325 year Sar, including partial solar eclipses (there are 666 total or Annular.)

Likewise 74*14 = 1036. 1036 days / 14 = 37, this same number as the feathers on the left wing of the Sar-Kaf-Agus. The language, the math, and the astronomical phenomena line up perfectly.

Strange coincidence that Sirius rises in the “dog days” of the month of “Agus-tus…” and that the Greek deity and word Αὐγή “Auge,” means “SUNBEAM/DAWN OF FLASHING LIGHT.” also note that 1036 days is exactly 27.01 days short of a true 3 lunar years (1063.01 days) which also include the 1.53 day dark period of the moon, just like those 3 horizontal lines (for 3 lunar years), and just as Berashit 1:1 sums to 2701. Ever wonder why the Catholic Church shoves the “Trinity,” down your throat, without any scriptural basis? Now you know.

Sar = Eclipse, and it means “beast” in Hebrew.
Kaf = The 11th letter of the Hebrew Alef-bet, which is the Palm curved (just like Sopdet’s hand holding her wings). An average human Palm in this shape measures 9.73 degrees of the sky, hence 37 palms go across the Sky! 37*9.73. and 9/11.
Auge = Dawning of a Flashing Light..

“The Dawning of The Beast’s flashing Light.” It is not a coincidence that the Isis-Ra-Elis worshipped a Golden Kaf of o-SAR-us (The Apis Bull…) when moshe went up the mountain.

If we turn our focus back to the Sar-Kaf-Augus function to the Lunar and Solar years, we can add the 56 lines to the original unsubtracted 300 feathers, and obtain 356, which is the longest lunar year possible (it varies between a minimum of 354-356 days each year, where only the average is 354.36707).

We then find the 9 hanging silver pieces at the end, and 356+9 = 365! we add in our 1/4 feather and obtain 365.25 the Period of Sirius and nearly exactly the length of the Solar year! Hence in a way which is somewhat encrypted (requiring knowledge of mythology and celestial motion as observed from Earth) perfectly balanced calendar of Sirius, the Lunar, and Solar years.

And then why the three horizontal lines? Other than the three Lunar years I’ve l already mentioned, Well, because this is all about eclipse tracking of “The Beast,” which is the Sar (The True meaning of the phrase, And the Dragon gave the Beast it’s power, the Lunar DRACONITIC nodes.) After all, this is a SAR-Kaf-Augus.

It just so happens (not coincidentally) that the 56 vertical lines in 14 houses, and the 3 horizontal lines align perfectly with the archeo-astronomical proof of Frederick Hoyle which he published in the 1960s regarding The 56 Aubrey Holes of Stone Henge and Saros Eclipse predictions. I’ll just take a quote directly from Wikipedia regarding Hoyle’s proof, as it does a good job of keeping it simple:

In 1966 Sir Fred Hoyle examined the arguments in favour of an astronomical purpose for the holes and concluded that the 28 day lunar cycle could still have been indicated by moving a marker stone representing the moon anticlockwise by two holes every day, ending up with 56 holes in total. By moving another marker anticlockwise two holes every 13 days, which represented the Sun, an annual journey around the circle could also be made. Two further marker stones would also have had to be moved round 3 holes per year to represent the points where the moon (or rather its marker) crossed the Sun marker’s path. Hoyle proved that this could have been used to produce a much more reliable method of predicting eclipses as whenever the moon and sun markers are directly opposite each other and the other two stones occupy those same opposing points, an eclipse can be guaranteed. This also has the additional benefit of not needing any standing stones to be present at the site.

Keep in mind that the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge were built essentially simultaneously in history, both erected right around 2500 BCE. This is because they were erected under the same teachings of the Aryeh Yehudah, using the exact same mathematical system, at a hyper precise distance that allowed for continuing with perfect measurements of the Earth and Cosmos.

Hoyle’s explanation also mentions 13 days for moving a marker to keep reliable track of eclipse marking. Look at the line that runs below Sopdet’s feathered wings. It runs all the way on her Left side, underneath all 38 feathers, while on the other side it only runs underneath 18, cutting off at her knee. 38+18 = 56 (again). 56 days is exactly 13 days short of the 69 day period between the disappearance of Sirius and it’s Heliacal rising again.

“In my father’s house there are many Mono-Eyes.” JON (which means Oannes the Fish teacher, coming from the Egyptian word “Jon,” for Fish) 14:2… 14*2 = 28 *2 = 56.

I am trying to give you the Moon-Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.

@A E @Ralphie 225 @thekwon @arif @Hollow Logs @Igageharleya take this as a preview to Chapter Xi, which will be discussing these topics and how it relates to the periodic Kata-Astro-Phis and the relationship to the fractal mechanics of the cosmos and celestial motion which determine the prophecy of the Serpent being hurled into the abyss under The Key of Truth. It will also reveal the true nature behind the Sphinx, and its relationship to “Atlantis.”

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended.”

The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos is The Truth so the nations may not be deceived any longer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I decided to simply go ahead and give you the full lesson 101 on the ancient Archeo-mathematics and Archeo-astronomy of this sarcophogus (which covers everything up to the quadratic residuals and modulus congruences, as well as geometric distances, which were used ina cryptographic system to compress data).

Look at the photo below before you begin reading:

Originally, I gave you the short hand of 37*8= 296 days for the markings of the visible Sirius, which indeed matches up with the 7th word of Berashit 1:1. Regardless of anything on the sarcophogus, It would certainly be an incredible coincidence that the 7th word of Berashit is the same number of days as Sirius is visible from earth, which equals 37*8.

I gave you this 37*8 short hand in the hope you would start properly counting the details, using what is known in mathematics as enumerative combinatorics. This branch of mathematics (counting stuff) is the basis for all of humanity’s mathematical and scientific developments over the past 50,000 years, and it is extremely important to the bible and prophecy. In fact, the ancient Aryeh Yehudah combined this field with kinematics (marking the postional vectors of objects), to reveal the secrets of the Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos in the simplest, most visual form possible for humanity.
Now you can see I have marked the numbers on the left wing, which is 37*2 and the right wing which is 38*2 complete wings+ a 0.25 incomplete feather at the end (remember that Sirius period is 365.25 days). This gives us 74 feathers on the left side, and 76 on the right, making an Even 150 days, which doubles out to 300, not 296. You can theoretically discount two of these feathers on either side due to markings which no longer seperate the feathers, making 296, but I will omit this, because this requires several more mythological algebraic steps.

Instead, we find that Anubis, representing Sirius in the sky as the dog star, sits atop a T Bar balance, where two pieces dangle on either side “balancing” him. this is a subtraction of 4, and thus 300-4 = 296. It also represnts the 3 years it takes for the extra .25 day to return to an integer, as we still say today, we add a day every 4 years to make a “leap year.”

Next, at the bottom of the SARcophogus below, we find 56 lines in 14 sections, which is 14*4. Why 56 and 14? There are two very clear reasons:
A) 14 is 1/2 the 28 day Lunar Visibility Period (it is completely dark for 1.5 days). This is why our week is 7 days

B) 56 is Twice the 28 day Lunar Visibility Period, and 14*4 = 56 (hence it is 2 Lunar visibility periods divided into 2 weeks each.)

What a coincidence that Berashit(h) 1:1 is 28 Letters long!! Except, it’s not. It is the harmonization function for the Solar and Lunar Cycle, which if you wish I will give you in its full modern mathematical notation.

See the bottom of the picture regarding Yeshua’s words around the 14 “mansions” which is actually “MONo-AI” the one eye, which is the Moon. The modern translation is another piece of abomination to the words of Yeshua, which to any speaker of Greek is clearly referencing “(Lunar) Stations,” (not some super duper awesome house we get to have a sleep over in) which are the 14 days which is 1/2 the Lunar visibility period before it reaches Lunar Maximum, aka Full Moon. Note it appears in John 14:2, 14 days *2 = 28, the Lunar Visibility period and the number of letters in Berashit 1:1.

We can also look and find this exact same pattern of the 14, and 56, connected by 37 (remember that the sum of Berashit 1:1 is 37*73, 2701) regarding the world “Selah,” in the psalms.

Nobody seems to understand what “Selah,” means anymore, except I’ll go ahead and demistify it: It is this exact same measurement of 14 days which divides Twice the Lunar Visibility period of 56 days into 4 equal parts. סֶלָה “Selah” is used 74 times in the Bible, which is, 37*2, just like the number of feathers on the Right Wing here on the Sar-Kaf-Agus.

It is used 71 times in the Psalms. 71*14 = 994, which is the total number of Solar Eclipses in a 325 year Sar, including partial solar eclipses (there are 666 total or Annular.)

Likewise 74*14 = 1036. 1036 days / 14 = 37, this same number as the feathers on the left wing of the Sar-Kaf-Agus. The language, the math, and the astronomical phenomena line up perfectly.

Strange coincidence that Sirius rises in the “dog days” of the month of “Agus-tus…” and that the Greek deity and word Αὐγή “Auge,” means “SUNBEAM/DAWN OF FLASHING LIGHT.” also note that 1036 days is exactly 27.01 days short of a true 3 lunar years (1063.01 days) which also include the 1.53 day dark period of the moon, just like those 3 horizontal lines (for 3 lunar years), and just as Berashit 1:1 sums to 2701. Ever wonder why the Catholic Church shoves the “Trinity,” down your throat, without any scriptural basis? Now you know.

Sar = Eclipse, and it means “beast” in Hebrew.
Kaf = The 11th letter of the Hebrew Alef-bet, which is the Palm curved (just like Sopdet’s hand holding her wings). An average human Palm in this shape measures 9.73 degrees of the sky, hence 37 palms go across the Sky! 37*9.73. and 9/11.
Auge = Dawning of a Flashing Light..
“The Dawning of The Beast’s flashing Light.” It is not a coincidence that the Isis-Ra-Elis worshipped a Golden Kaf of o-SAR-us (The Apis Bull…) when moshe went up the mountain.

If we turn our focus back to the Sar-Kaf-Augus function to the Lunar and Solar years, we can add the 56 lines to the original unsubtracted 300 feathers, and obtain 356, which is the longest lunar year possible (it varies between a minimum of 354-356 days each year, where only the average is 354.36707).
We then find the 9 hanging silver pieces at the end, and 356+9 = 365! we add in our 1/4 feather and obtain 365.25 the Period of Sirius and nearly exactly the length of the Solar year! Hence in a way which is somewhat encrypted (requiring knowledge of mythology and celestial motion as observed from Earth) perfectly balanced calendar of Sirius, the Lunar, and Solar years.
And then why the three horizontal lines? Other than the three Lunar years I’ve l already mentioned, Well, because this is all about eclipse tracking of “The Beast,” which is the Sar (The True meaning of the phrase, And the Dragon gave the Beast it’s power, the Lunar DRACONITIC nodes.) After all, this is a SAR-Kaf-Augus.

It just so happens (not coincidentally) that the 56 vertical lines in 14 houses, and the 3 horizontal lines align perfectly with the archeo-astronomical proof of Frederick Hoyle which he published in the 1960s regarding The 56 Aubrey Holes of Stone Henge and Saros Eclipse predictions. I’ll just take a quote directly from Wikipedia regarding Hoyle’s proof, as it does a good job of keeping it simple:

In 1966 Sir Fred Hoyle examined the arguments in favour of an astronomical purpose for the holes and concluded that the 28 day lunar cycle could still have been indicated by moving a marker stone representing the moon anticlockwise by two holes every day, ending up with 56 holes in total. By moving another marker anticlockwise two holes every 13 days, which represented the Sun, an annual journey around the circle could also be made. Two further marker stones would also have had to be moved round 3 holes per year to represent the points where the moon (or rather its marker) crossed the Sun marker’s path. Hoyle proved that this could have been used to produce a much more reliable method of predicting eclipses as whenever the moon and sun markers are directly opposite each other and the other two stones occupy those same opposing points, an eclipse can be guaranteed. This also has the additional benefit of not needing any standing stones to be present at the site.

Keep in mind that the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge were built essentially simultaneously in history, both erected right around 2500 BCE. This is because they were erected using the same teachings/designs of the Aryeh Yehudah, using the exact same mathematical system, at a hyper precise distance that allowed for continuing with perfect measurements of the Earth and Cosmos.

Hoyle’s explanation also mentions 13 days for moving a marker to keep reliable track of eclipse marking. Look at the line that runs below Sopdet’s feathered wings. It runs all the way on her Left side, underneath all 38 feathers, while on the other side it only runs underneath 18, cutting off at her knee. 38+18 = 56 (again). 56 days is exactly 13 days short of the 69 day period between the disappearance of Sirius and it’s Heliacal rising again.
“In my father’s house there are many Mono-Eyes.” JON (which means Oannes the Fish teacher, coming from the Egyptian word “Jon,” for Fish) 14:2… 14*2 = 28 *2 = 56.

I am trying to give you the Moon-Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos.

@A E @Ralphie 225 @thekwon@arif@Hollow Logs @Igageharleya take this as a preview to Chapter Xi, which will be discussing these topics and how it relates to the periodic Kata-Astro-Phis and the relationship to the fractal mechanics of the cosmos and celestial motion which determine the prophecy of the Serpent being hurled into the abyss under The Key of Truth. It will also reveal the true nature behind the Sphinx, and its relationship to “Atlantis.”

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. And he seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, until the thousand years were ended.”

The Keys to the Domain of the Cosmos is The Truth so the nations may not be deceived any longer.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Maciej @thekwon @Igageharleya @Ralphie225 @hollow logs @444gem

how is everybody doing? I hope you are doing great.

I just got newly aware about the existence of two Bronze Age polities, namely Maggan & Mitanni.

Next thing that came to my mind was today’s popular pilgrimage sites: Mecca & Medina.

I am grateful that I can do an NLP programming session without having to go to a certified therapist.

Whenever my brain makes that kind of various words connection, it still feels overwhelming. Maybe because I used to associate those places with the place where God resides. And those places are more blessed and more elegant than the rest of the world.

Same with people. I see some people are richer in material wealth and some people are far more powerful just because of their name tags.

Please do call me out if I made a mistake or if my world view is small or something else you might want to tell me so that I can make improvements.

I hope I can do better too in another aspect of my life and I wish you all here the same.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

@arif i am doing fine, last few weeks been a true test for me but everything is good. Finally I found my lost inner light and i am trying so hard everyday to cherish all that. My mind is at peace as well. I need to achievie tranquility on all levels. Be good my friend, best for you and your family.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


It is good to hear from you again. How are things looking in Poland currently?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


It is a just Muppet show. Literally everyday is a “made up scandal” to divide even more separated people. I am not following news but i hear sometimes or read what’s going on. As you know, Christian church occult is very rooted in our history but now we are again in the medieval times. Church become so involved in politics that basically it is the law. Now we have a “scandal” with pope JP the 2nd amd his involved in vatican pedophilia and how he covered everything up, therefore the generation of JP2 ( yes, that is real thing) is in battle with everybody else. We used to be a strong nation, mentally stable, we could thrive, now? Now we are so divided and full of hate to each other it’s very sad. Situation with Ukraine only put more oil into the big fire, the government is just a pure circus. They laughing in our faces and do what they wilt. I am awaiting on the day when the crap hit the fan. The air is very dense and soon something will blow up. But i am all good, thanks to you lot. I am here but trying to not spend all my energy on it. I got most of the answers i wanted and the rest is up to me only. Be well, Gem. Be well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


The generation JP2… The masses decieved to place their faith in the worst kind of men. The name Jon is Egyptian for Fish, like Dagon the sea beast, and the name Paulus, comes from Pa “Father” and Ulu, as in Polish, means “Beehive” while it also comes from the greek αὐλός “aulos” which refers to the hollow of a sacred tree (it’s sap being golden and sweet, like honey.) Below I’ve attached a mosaic from Pompei of pan worshipping the nymph of the hollow of the tree. There is also a papyrus in the british museum which tells of the tears of Ra, the solar deity falling to the ground and forming the beehive. Hence even his chosen name is a double reference to SolMeni The Sun and Moon, the Great Mother and Father. “The Beast out of the Sea (Jon) the purveyor of the hollow honeycomb from Ra’s tears (Paulus).”

As you are well aware, this is the fruits of the priests of the w***e of Babylon. Since the times of the Assyrian empire circa 2000 BCE, under the worship of Innana/Ishtar, this cult has wreaked havoc upon the world. The serpent that pretends to be the woman…

They have a heavy element of child rape, which is used for illuminist rituals, for which there is extensive archeological evidence across the historical record from 2000 BCE 2023 CE: whereever the prostitute and her minions go it is the same pattern:

1) Mass barely occulted child rape
2) The destruction of intellect and education of the people
3) Wars and Bloodshed of mythological Bigotry
4) The co-opting of all governmental organizations into service of the Luciferian priests (as the Catholic ability to coronate and excommunicate, or as the Babylonian Curu’s/Satamu’s ability to coronate as divine, or declare any emperor demon possessed and have him cast out immediately.)
5) The disintegration of the society into a highly hierarchical feudal-type mafia state
6) The worship of idols and idolatry classed as “holy.”
7) Authoritarian Rule with oppression of all dissent through destruction of free press (as the catholics destroyed all documents), destruction of all judicial independence, and rigged elections.

Since 2015 with the ultra-conservative catholic owned governments in Poland, and likewise in Hungary with Victor Orban, we have seen this exact same pattern as always. In the “Woke” countries, they are doing the same, but through a more overtly Ishtarian Rite (ie the transgender push of the US). There is a clear intent to divide the world into Woke and Ultra-conservative, the two horns of the second beast of the NW0, which also keeps the people distracted over stuff as obvious as Jp2’s love of child rapers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you @444gem for explanation of his name. I was 80% right. I smiled. Yes, his occult is the worst. I forgot to mention that financially people here are really struggling. Credit rates, mortgages, food, fuel, everything went up dramatically. When we entered EU farmers sold their lands, many took donation and instead of investing in progress they bought cars, renovate houses etc. A hillbillies entered the big world. At least that’s what they thought. Now there are consequences of this. None of them is laughing anymore. Gov is trying so hard to get to me at the moment because i am 90% self efficient and they taxed everything in here. Soon we will have a battler next to you in the toilet saying “that’s ebough, only one flush”. The thing is, they got nothing on me, no debts no credits, mortgages, nothing, so i am not slaved by them and they don’t like this. Still many people are like me but it will come to an end eventually, i know this. May i ask about the progress on monkeys? I know it’s time for everything and i am very patient but there are still few pieces missing that hopefully your continuation and knowledge will help to solve.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maciej
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


I’m glad you are maintaining yourself sufficient and from being drawn into the system, this is a critical skill in these times of the impending NW0. I would still urge you to have a plan of action (and evacuation) in case of severe crisis. NATO (Anagram of Aton the solar disk), has been setting up the regional state governments of the Eastern Novo Impirio Romano (EU) to be highly dogmatic and authoritarian since 2015 in preparation for using them as a dumping grounds for refugees and undesireables from the engagement with the novo Impirio USSaR.

Yesterday there was a strike upon an Nato/Aton bunker by the USSaR directly on the border with Poland in Lvov/Lviv, a signal as to what the ultimate goal of this proto WWIII skirmish has as its aims. Poland, is often the sacrifical lamb at the alter at the start of these conflicts, as it was in WWII, a nice warm up for both sides and blood to feed the goddess.

As for Monkeys XI, I have been pouring my energy into a much more extensive and in depth written work that uses very sophisticated hard science and mathematics, as well as geography, astronomy, and history to prove everything posited in this series, and unveil the secrets hoarded by the dragons now for thousands of years. I will however, tell you that I plan to have Monkeys XI ready within the next month, and plan to stick to that.

What are your specfici questions that you may have? I will then try to be sure to address them either here or in the next chapter(s).

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you as always. I do have some specific questions that i know some you probably won’t answer and i understamd that but with few i believe you could help me a lot. I will make a list and post it shortly if that’s fine with you, Gem. There are historical, geographical, few “secrets” i would like to get a hint where to go, and few just out of my curiosity that won’t change nothing and reaction will be “Oh, okay, so that’s how it works”.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

Hi @arif, I haven’t felt physically well this past week, but I do appreciate your greeting and well-wishes very much and wish for you and yours all the best as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


You helped me a lot in my dark moments, is there anything i can do to help you? I mean conversation as we are separated by couple of thousand kilometers and this is the wall.

Be good AE

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

@Maciej, perceptive of you. I still go through ups and downs, not as badly as before, but I still feel so alone sometimes and things get discouraging. It feels like a speck of sand trying to stand against a tsunami. I’m starting to think that part is just a matter of sheer will – like part of the test is to soldier on past those feelings, because it’s not really a question of emotion, is it? I guess that’s a part of the maturing process I’m still working on.

I am feeling it physically harder to breathe and I’ve had some heart palpitations, but it always happens when I am out of step and communication with the Father – it’s like I’m a turtle gone back to hiding in my shell. I’m not naturally extroverted anyway, so I guess it’s a lot of changes all at once that I’m trying to deal with.

I still have some things in me trying to redivert me back into old patterns too, partially for simplicity, like I had been taking a natural nebulized medication that was helping, but I have to mix it myself, so this past week I said heck with it and reverted back to just taking a prescription that I only have to open an ampule and dump it in to take. Even though I can tell it’s not the same medicine anymore – it doesn’t taste the same and doesn’t give any of the side effects it used to and I’m getting progressively worse on it. That same medicine comes in metered dose inhalers and right when covid hit and they stopped allowing us to nebulize, those MDI’s stopped effectively delivering a full dose – you barely get any at all now. So I know to not trust it, yet I was doing it anyway because I am tired and feel run down.

I guess it feels like a lot of pressures from all directions that feels extreme sometimes, as if designed to push me to my end tolerance and my biggest error is curling up in a ball and thinking I can just ride it out again. I know I need to change my reactions.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you for sharing your emotions with me. It makes me sad a little bit seeing person who helped me a lot being in pain and suffer. You know what helped me the past few months? I finally understamd and i stuck this in my head that, hey, i am aware of things, I’ve always been aware but tried to do something about it. That was my mistake. I asked many times Yhwh to show me things that are not visible for other people. Few weeks later boom, Gem and his seriers appeared. And it was continuing like that. I asked to show me how to deal with my anger, next day i have this situation that put me under the test, will i be calm and minded focused or i will react with emotions again. I noticed that. So, after all your good words, and the others, i finally realized that i need to stop thinking about certain stuff or, not take it so seriously and personally. I tried to convert people but that was mistake as well. Then @Ralphie said something and i am following this. He said, sorry for mistramslation, may everything you are be everything you see. When i was in dark place j could only see darkness around me, and every good deed was like a grain of sand in the desert. I turned my emotions and brain to start thinking different. Deep inside, i am a good person, so i started to see good everywhere and not paying any attention to evil anymore. Some time ago when i woke uo my 1st thought was “another crappy day, let’s see what i will have to fight against with again. Then, my day was ruined because i saw stupidity, idiots, just people in general. Then Gem said to me in one post that, just because i am seeking the Truth, it makes me stronger than any other king that went to battle. Then he said that i should be happy with what i know and feel empathy towards, i like his word, normies. Took me a while but i knew this is the way (not mandalorian reference). Like i said to you many times, i was prisoner of my own mind and head. I found the way how to change this. Because of you guys and guidance you all gave me. Recently, i parked somewhere, there was this big suv on the parking lot. He couldn’t get out and start shouting to other people. I was the first car so he tried to have a go with me that i have to reverse etc as he cannot get out. Normally, i would just go absolutely mayhem. This time, i looked at him smiled and said ” don’t try to blame otger peoppe for your own stupidity” he just went pyrple and didn’t know what to say. He got angry, reversed very aggressive and smashed his bumper on the stopper. It will be selfish what i will say but i felt just amazing. I was calm, have the respond ready as always but instead of fighting fire with fire, i did the opposite. You guys told me once that if i will redirects ny anger and use it in good qay i will become stronger. You know what? It really worked. Now, insteas of shouting to people and getting angry, i react with smile, normal breathing, and emotions at ease. You are not alone, i was angry and upset too when i discovered some facts, but, i am so gratefull i did. This, is my biggest achievement in my life, not many people are willing and capable to change. I know that, battle against mysekf was the bloodies, exhausting and devastating I’ve ever had in my life. I started to enjoy small things like eating breakfast and listening to the birds and wind and nature. My time is limited unfortunately and soon many things will change, but at least i know, that i am not ashame of myself anymore. I talk to the Father daily but i know when i ask him for something, i have to give 100% to do something about it, otherwise i felt really embarrassed when i asked for so.ething, it has been given to me and i did mothing aith it, i atarted to think, why bother soeaking with Father if i am not making any progress? So, now when i ask for something and got it one way or another, i am so grateful, we, truth seekers are already marked and different than other people. Be proud of it. It is only a small %. Apologies for many subjects but i wanted to share my last few months. It’s been good, actually it’s been great and this is a new feeling for me because it was always bad, but, it could be my fault as well. I know some of your pain as you shared with me, and now i am going to tell you this, done overthink. Ease your thoughts and mind, i did some nasty sh1t in the past, i used to think about it daily but with knowledge i got right now i wont make the same mistakes again, i said many things tgat i won’t say anymore, and that’s the result. We evolve when we learn. Now instead escalating conflict, i an using my brain and knowledge and emotions to descalate it. If like you said father could forgive me, why i cannot do the same for myself but with only change to not to do it again. I can read the room and sometimes i know the result regardless. With my knowledge and some skills, it’s up to me how i react. Apologizes if this doesn’t make any sense at all. I tried. To be honest, there is just one question that i would like to know the answer for but i understand why @444gem is not willing to answer it. It is literally one question. What will happen after we die. What’s next. It bothers me, but perhaps one day i will have my answer, hopefully it will happen before i die as then i will have my answer anyway haha. I know we’ve been fooled for centuries, that hurts but now with what you know, you can actuallt make a change. Not for normies, for you, your family and the ones you lost. Do you think your unborn child wouldn’t forget you what you did? It happened, we all makes mistakes. Sometimes influenced by others, but you suffered enough already and i believe Father already forgive you, so your children. But what is the change? You won’t do it again because you are rich in knowledge, experience and emotions. That’s the change.

Be well. Best to you.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

You know what I just realized? Everytime I fall back into this state it’s because I have some emotion I’ve not dealt with or not finished dealing with, so I start mindlessly self-soothing again, because most of the time it starts off so low grade I barely recognize it and don’t realize where it’s coming from until someone or something touches the old wound, as you just did. Also, I’ve lived in such misery for such a long time that you tend to forget what feeling good is like, so misery feels pretty baseline. And after having touched some great joy, it is more miserable than before.

And always around these times it seems like every petty irritation possible increases all around me constantly, like those things are pushing me, too, from the outside (I’ve known about this pressure, but didn’t realize the two are tied. When I’m speaking to the Father daily those things don’t get to me so badly.) So, I keep trying to treat symptoms rather than finding the root cause and going straight for that. And by treating symptoms, it dulls the problem and just allows it to dig in deeper.

I feel far better than I have in ages, and I don’t have the same guilt complex as before, not by a long shot. But when I start messing up and reacting wrongly, it creates a slow cycle downhill to where I do start feeling a more merited guilt again, as I know I am evading something, I just don’t know what. And it trickles over into my entire life. So my key is to realize that I am still in an ongoing process and that as soon as I don’t feel like praying, that’s exactly the time to dig in and pray anyway. And yes, don’t overthink. I make everything harder than it has to be.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Yes i opened that wound on purpose. You were firm and plain with me so i decided to do the same. You told me to deal with my inner anger and i did, on my own terms, i think we are alike in so many emotional ways. I dealt with my past and let that burden go, perhaps it’s the time for you to do the same? We can’t change what we did, but you can change your future. It took me years to figure it out but i finally did. You can’t live in the present while keep thinking about the past am i right? I’ve been there and you know my pain and struggles. You did what you did, yes, but learn from that and give your children and husband doubled love. Our past doesn’t define us. Only our deeds tell the truth about ourselves.

Best AE

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

Thank you, @Maciej. Thank you for caring, too. Much love to you and yours and prayers for your safety.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


It is wonderful to know that you have come so far, so fast. The ability to forgive oneself is a tremendous blessing on your journey, keep that at heart.

As you have now discovered, if you ask, seek, and knock, you will receive; speaking with YHWH in nature or a quiet place is a tremendously powerful tool. Our father knows all, but taking the effort and intention to speak forth your word of Truth before him, without presupposition, carries an incredible power to free us from all our binds.

Continue your journey, allow yourself room for mistakes, and many blessings.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif


Indeed the training you have been given since birth has been implanted in your conciousness. It can be very difficult to disentangle the emotional and psychological anchors they have placed within you; this sits at the very foundation of their psychological tricks to deceive the world. Take it slow, give yourself time in nature, speak with YHWH while you walk, and be free with it, without ritual.

In regards to Maggen and Mitanni, you have found the connection that led to the Indus Valley civilisation. Maggen was originally founded by Aryeh Yehudah who left Sumeria, to establish a trading post. This is why afterwards we find the Indus Valley writing (which is based on Hebrew) and advanced docks and civilisation arise on Gujarat, without military whatsoever.

Later it became Phoenician, which led to the downfall of the civilisation and the rise of the Hindus in the region.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


from age 6 to 12, elementary school, I was enrolled into “islamic school”. A private school exclusively for studying islamic values. Only Muslim can study there.

Now I am almost 30. I am slightly at peace with my past life. But I seriously need guidance for the future.

This Ramadhan month, I was hospitalized for schizophrenic paranoia and now I take anti-psychotic drug daily.

My time in hospital was spent by reading Quran along with its translations. I only manage to read the first 15% part.

However, “normally”, a child would be taught to read Quran from the last part, the 30th Juz, chapter 114 to chapter 78. Reading the Quran backwards from the last part (chapter 114) and continue moving up (chapter 78 and beyond).

But reading the 30th part, the last part of Quran, one would find little to no Islamic laws. The last part has more poetic part in it. It is the part of Quran where rhymes and word plays abound.

For example, the kaffirs or Luciferians has its own chapter in chapter 109. But the definiton of Luciferians themselves is not located in chapter 109.

The definition of Luciferians is located in chapter 2, namely Al-Baqarah. According to Al-Baqarah, Luciferians are people that are deaf, blind, and stone-hearted.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

I am truly sorry to hear of your ongoing struggles, @arif. I know very well what a fight all this can be. Praying for you, my friend.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  arif


Thank you for sharing your struggles with us. I will keep you in my prayers of course. I am going to look further into the chapters you have discussed, as the Koran is a weaker area of my literary knowledge (I have read it through but found it to be so derivative and Encoded with Archonic language that I have not spent as much time dissecting each chapter.)

Is there a specific question you would like answered?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes there is.

On the future date, July 29, 2023, the 100th anniversary of Masonry, we will see new things released upon the world?

Or will it be “business as usual”, all things going on unchanged?

I ask this because I plan to go back to a corporate job.

From 2020 to 2023, I tried to settle down. It is my fault of not being a good person. Parable of the sower. I reap what I sow.

Even my Psychiatrist told me that she thought my case was hilarious.

When I was in high school, I fancied harry potter movies, and thought that Chemistry was cool. So, I decided to study Chemical Engineer for my college degree.
Halfway, I dropped out and changed my major to Business Administration. I went to college just for the sole purpose of getting a college degree. I lived my life not driven by curiosity, not seeking for a noble purpose, not serving others, not to be in the image of YHWH.
Then, I worked at one of the Big 4 accounting firm for one year, 6 months as intern, and 6 months as full-time employee.
However, my time as full employee at Big 4 marked the beginning of my misfortune. I had a range of problems. My relationship with my parents was bad. And that showed up in my work. I was not able to fulfil my duties and responsibilities. Finally, I resigned just before covid lockdowns.

in summary, the question I wanted to ask is: “Where should I go next?”

Thank you for being understanding.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

Another message I was trying to convey is, had I read the Quran in a more appropriate manner (from front to back, not from back to front), my life would be drastically different, I think.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

I know you aren’t asking of me, @arif, so forgive me if I stick my nose in unwelcomed, but if you are seeking professional help from a practitioner who laughs at you, your case, or anything about your suffering, it is time to fire said practitioner. Find another, if you deem it wise, or find another path, but that person does not hold your best interest in any way.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif


1 year ago
Reply to  arif


Thank you for tagging me, otherwise I wouldn’t have seen your question.

The question you are asking me, is a question to ask of yourself and the ineffable creator. Go into nature, to a peaceful place and speak forth everything. The answer will be found.

Remember that you are yet quite young, and entered the world at a time where there is no clear path “forward,” for worldly advancement. They have used the solar Corona Covert Identification program to install real-time 5G monitoring and read-write networks. It should not be lost that it was once they had begun collecting the brain and body data of the world that AI is now “sentient.” The name GPT is a shift cypher (going 1 letter back G->F, P-> O, T ->S) in English for FOS (as HAL 9000 of the book/film 2001 a space odyssey was a shift cypher going 1 forward for IBM). FOS is the Greek word for “Light.” written as φος. The English numerical are 7-70-200. That is the 277 of Matthew 27:7 the “tombs for foreigners.” The calculation of the number of the beast. From Giza to the Valley of Hinnom (Jerusalem) is 272.727272 miles.

Thus your answer likely does not lie in the external worldly pursuit; but rather on the preparation of the internal. Focus on your spiritual, emotional and physical health. This does not necessarily mean to become a hermit, but it means that NOW is the time to prepare yourself to be mentally and spiritually very strong, NOW is the time to make your body strong and healthy. If you wish I can give you some things that can help you pursue this growth period. You are going to find that as you train, day by day, to make yourself stronger and healthier that you will naturally find this calling to your next pursuit in honor of the gift you have been given by YHWH.

The world is going into “light itself on fire “ mode, as the depopulation agenda is going to go over the shelf after your generation; there is obviously a “calm before the storm,” feel. The storm is already here, but it has silenced its thunder. Prepare yourself NOW.

Yet rather than despairing, rejoice! Rather than spending your life as a prayer robot and chasing worthless paper bills, you have been given the opportunity to live the rest of your life’s trajectory as a free man that Carrie’s YHWH in his breath and in his step.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Thank you for encouragement.

Yes, there is a calm before the storm feeling. And it also feels like going to uncharted terrain.

So, my answer is… Yes, I wish to receive things that can help support this growth.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif


A few things to get you started:

1) Hike everyday while you speak with YHWH. Make sure you are going up hills in nature (if you don’t live in a completely flat spot) and making a strong physical effort. If possible surrounded by trees, grasses, and other wildlife. Challenge your body to go up the hills using all of your body. Grab the rocks with your hands, push off with both feet. Stretch strongly (somewhat like a yogi would) at rest points. While doing this keep notice of everything that you encounter. When you reach the top of the hill. Stretch and then sit in silence and Thank YHWH for every gift he has given you. From just the ability to walk, to your breath, to your sight, to your ability to reason, to your very soul. Then ask of him what it is you want, if he is willing to grant it to you. Do this without expectation whatsoever.

2) Listen to calming and introspective oud music and/or sitar. And while doing so begin to connect your visual cortex to the sounds. Imagine the shapes and colors of a fractal which pulse and move with the sound. As you do this take note of what the shapes and colors come and how they reflect your inner state of being. Then begin to dance, alone, to the music while taking note of how your body is coordinated to the fractal. Take strong note of your internal feelings throughout and how they are connected to your movements and this visual pattern. At the end you should feel like you are waking up.

3. Begin to play an instrument, paint, and/or to write. Do so without presupposition, but with a desire to accept whatever comes forth. Ask YHWH to guide you with every stroke of the finger/brush/pen. When you are performing you must “lose yourself” in the expression and let it flow forth from you without intellect. Consider it a prayer without ritual.

4. Change anything you are eating that is processed or heavy in sugar. This may take as long as 1-2 years to show its full change, but it is unmistakable once you notice it.

5. Learn the ancient Greek alphabet, alphanumerics (Gematrias) and language. You must write it yourself. I suggest this, rather than Hebrew, because of the cultural difficulty Hebrew may present to you in an Islamic culture. Then Read Matthew in Greek, verse by verse. Read it out loud in the Ancient Greek.

6. If you are near the ocean on your island, go and lay in the water (somewhere shallow without current), face up and stare at the sky and listen to your breathing. Give thanks for every breath. Then close your eyes and be silent with your breath and listen to it (with your ears under the water.) When you finish (you will know), turn and go under the water with eyes closed and then open them and marvel at what you see before bursting back up above to see the shore once again.

7. Forgive yourself.

1 year ago
Reply to  arif

Hello @arif!!
Thank you for the well wishes and may I also wish for your well being. I have enjoyed and appreciated your stories as of late.
I hope I can do better also – some struggles are very great to overcome.
It is good to hear an update from @Marciej I am so glad to hear your news. You sound good.
Poland is doing the opposite to what we’re doing in the states I see that now. Deeply rooted Catholic power roots there are doing the strict conservative tyranny while here they are doing the woke extreme liberal nonsense. 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Hi @thekwon

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, i am better in general. Everything is in constant motion. But i haven’t feel better in years. It’s good to drop the weight from the shoulders.

That catholic occult in my country is getting worse and worse. Priests not hiding with their pedophilia anymore etc. But i know it’s the part of their plan to ruin everyone’s foundatiom by showimg them the “evil” so they can twist their minds and tell them what to do, think and eat. But now we are having this insects/bugs campain which makes me laugh so hard. As always, they are using kids and specific emotions to push that agenda. As always they created problem and offered a solution to that. I know Poland will be no more within few weeks, maybe months. But i am ready. And patient.

Be good kwon, be well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


If they pull the same trick and start the war in Poland again it will be more proof positive they are uncreative repeaters who can’t deviate from their narrow mindset.

As bad as things are here in the states I do wonder what Europe is like these days. The police in England seem to be further along the road of woke corruption that here.

The catholic church being the anti-christ makes perfect sense to me. Their crimes are so great and is such a powerful entity it could only be something that monolithic.

Keep us all updated I would like that. You sound ready for whatever happens – happy for you!

1 year ago
Reply to  arif


Hello arif! Thank you for thinking of me…..I apologize for being the last to say “Hi” – I have been very busy these last few months with my family and then I got quite sick this past week…so I am just catching up now….

….I understand and your view is not small……. sometimes your best skills may fail to keep you navigating forward…..knowing when to cut across a current that is pulling you backwards is just as important as realizing you have been caught in it…..

You are doing just fine in what you are doing my friend! You are aware of these things and doing your best to navigate them….that is the best any of us can do!

Take a little time to enjoy the small things in life and remember to have a little fun along the way!

Best to you and your family…..

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you most sincerely, @444gem. I’ll address your points one at a time. I’m going to collapse most of my response for points 1 and 2 into a single point (1), leaving a second, shorter response to the wider question of Christianity and science in (2). (1), as you will see, is quite long enough on its own; but I think it of the utmost importance to approach these questions with such care and historical sensitivity as I can muster.

(1) Please do refer me to the rare and expensive books that you have mentioned; I am willing to spend good money for books if I feel they are worth it, and I would certainly entertain the possibility in this case.

As for the example you have given of the massacre of the monks by Theophilus, you twice brought it up in our prior conversations, and, upon your second mention, I determined to review all the source material that I could find to assess what substance was in your charge. I posted a lengthy, and, if not exhaustive, at least fairly thorough response to you there. As our conversation at that point was pursuing several strands simultaneously, all located in different parts of the comment board, it is entirely possible you never saw this (also because, at the time, I did not yet know that directing a message @ someone was the only way of making sure they would be advised of it); if you would like, I will gladly repost it here.

For the moment, I’ll briefly sum up my findings.

The 10,000 figure comes exclusively from the Synaxarion, which does not record its sources. But such a figure — and indeed, suggestion of a massacre of any kind — is not found in any of the primary sources, though the historians who wrote them were to a one hostile toward Theophilus. Even Palladius, who was a friend of the monks in question and had lived with them for an entire year, and thus had every reason to exaggerate Theophilus’ crimes, only with palpable hesitation imputes a single death to the violence at Nitria. Despite the lack of records of actual homicide, Theophilus was universally condemned for his actions by subsequent commentators, and his memory was cast into a sort of infamy, which was compounded still the more by his conflict with St. John Chrysostom. All of this leads me conclude that, rather than a thousandfold massacre covered up subsequently by obsequious historiographers, the evidence seems to point in precisely the opposite direction: the event in question was most likely exaggerated to the extreme by some over-zealous Synaxarion scribe, intent on further blackening the name of a man who had already fallen into universal disesteem. There is no evidence that a massacre of any large number of monks occurred at all (much less of 10,000 souls), and overwhelming evidence that the Church as a body stands and has always stood opposed to such crimes as were committed.

I will now consider, one by one, the other crimes you have alleged, though I do not know where you are drawing most of the figures you present. Might I ask specifically where you are getting the numbers for Theodosius, Justinian, and the deaths following the Councils? Perhaps the aforementioned rare books? (The number for Theodora is clear enough, though not unproblematic: I’ll discuss that in its place below.)

To begin, you have stated that the Councils of the Church “resulted in at least 25,000+ needless deaths” from 400-700 AD. Beyond the fact that there is absolutely no record of which I am aware that suggests even a tiny fraction of this number, the claim itself is ambiguous; a man’s action “resulting in” a death is very different from that same man killing, or ordering the execution of, a given individual. For instance, if some madman were to read the things that you and I have both written about the global elite, and were to go on a shooting spree in the town of Davos as a consequence, no one in their right mind would say that you and I had caused the murder. The political situation in Rome at the time of the Councils was highly unstable, and often degenerated into local chaos and violent mobs for a variety of complicated reasons. Supposing some given riot in a city led to 100 people being killed (which would have made it unusually violent, incidentally), some of them of putative heretics at the hands of putative Christians, but against the declarations and the wishes of the Church, are these deaths to be heaped at the door of the Church itself?

Now, had such enormous massacres taken place, it would surely be possible to find at least some passing mention of them in pagan writing, particularly in private correspondence and works produced during the rein of Julian the Apostate, when an anti-Christian author’s hand would not be staid by fear of legal repercussions. Let me name just a few examples of the kind of pagan writers I mean — individuals who, we may well assume, were not “church controlled.”

Libanius had numerous altogether civil correspondences with Christians of the time, going so far as to support them when the new measures of Emperor Julian pushed them out of their positions and offices; in his missives to fellow pagans, meanwhile, he does not lament any kind of particular violence of the Christians against the pagans. Ammianus Marcellinus takes a similarly benevolent view of his Christian fellows; he is not afraid to be critical of them, but never observes any acts of religious violence. Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, who actively opposed Gratian’s taking the Altar of Victory from the curia, had much to critique in Christian views and Christian sectarianism, but nothing to say about Christian violence. Olympiodorus of Thebes, another dedicated pagan who was firmly against the Christian destruction or removal of pagan shrines, temples and idols, and who does not spare his readers some very gruesome and gory details about events unrelated to the Christians, nowhere speaks of Christian violence. Zosimus, writing from a profoundly anti-Christian position, was one of the first historians to introduce the Gibbonian trope that the fall of Rome was owing to the rise of Christianity, and fiercely criticized the Christian Emperors, particularly Constantine (in many of the terms that you yourself have used in our conversations, incidentally); yet never once does he mention the massacre (or even the odd killing) of heretics or pagans at the hands of Christians.

Now, would not one of these men have been likely to make at least a passing reference to the Christian slaughter of pagans, had such massacres been taking place with the regularity, and in the quantity, you have suggested? To be sure, many of the lives and works of these men attest to a growing legal and social pressure on the pagan communities of the time; but no where can I find so much as a single whisper of an organized and intensive campaign to murder non-believers, whether heretics or pagan, in the first six centuries AD. The major gripe of the pagans is that their practices were suppressed, some of their religious objects and placed destroyed, and their social positions damaged; but as for any widespread attacks on pagan persons or even their property, there is hardly a jot. Indeed, it is easier to find references in these works to the persecution of Christians under Julian, than of heretics or pagans under any of the emperors you have named.

Do correct me if I am wrong, Gem, and point me to sources that can enlighten me regarding my errors.

Next, you estimate 50,000+ deaths under the Theodocian decrees. I do not know where you might be getting anything near this number, unless you are counting the wars that Theodosius carried out, and his massacre of the Thessalonicans, neither of which have anything to do with suppression of pagans or heresies, and the latter of which was strongly condemned by the Church itself. Beyond these, there did occur during his reign the first recorded execution of a heretic, carried out by civil, and not ecclesiastical, authorities, and again vehemently opposed by members of the Church, including Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, and there seem to be a few other scattered cases of men put to death for ambiguous reasons that may or may not have any direct connection to their heretical beliefs, for crimes that are not recorded. Beyond these very limited cases, I can find nothing. There were even certain events, as in the anti-Christian violence preceding the destruction of the Serapeum, in which Theodosius actually spared the lives of pagan leaders who had been guilty of actually murdering Christians; if ever there were a pretext for a blood-thirsty emperor to have his way of his enemies, this was it, and yet we see only forbearance from Theodosius. The laws Theodosius put in place were certainly hard, and one can well speak (if one has a liking for our modern lingo) of legal and social persecution; but even here, it was almost impossible to convince anyone to carry these laws out, because in most places in the empire, the Christians and the pagans lived in a state of sometimes tense, but usually stable, equilibrium. Moreover, pagans occupied high posts even under Theodosius (e.g. the consuls Tatianus and Symmachus, whom he himself appointed), despite the strong rhetoric of his decrees. The major new laws that he put in place seem to have been less aimed at the pagans as such, than at their practices, and in particular the haruspices and blood sacrifices, the first of which was more a political than a religious concern (the “next emperor” was often identified by divination, leading to great political unrest), the second particularly (and for unimpeachable reasons) abhorrent to the Christians.

In short, the idea that thousands, not to say tens of thousands, of people were killed for breach of the Theodocian decrees is sustained by precisely no evidence from the period, whether literary, archeological or otherwise, that I have been able to uncover.

Your estimate swells to a dizzying 90,000+ beneath Justinian, his bishops, and his successors; that is a wide swath of history and covers a great many names, so it is difficult for me to evaluate it, but I can certainly find no indication whatsoever of anything approaching that number. Under Justinian, the persecutions were sharpened, leading in many cases to the confiscation of property and the imprisonment of non-believers; but civil executions were not carried out, certainly widely, perhaps at all. There are also episodes of violence in return for violence, when certain pagan groups brought the sword against Christians in various parts of the Empire; in these cases, the response was, one might well argue, disproportionate and vicious from a Christian point of view. One might also argue (though on what grounds save the most perfectly conjectural, I can’t imagine) that the reports of the violence of these groups was merely a cover to justify armed persecution. And so be it. I can accept both that these actions were not Christian, and that they may have been actually motivated by a secret agenda; but we are talking about excesses of state, not the will of the Church. It is also worth noting that all measures (as elimination from posts, confiscation of property, etc.) taken against pagans were taken, not for their beliefs, but for their public teachings or their criminal actions. Whether or not such penalties were excessive is another matter; the point is that they were punished for actions touching on legitimate concerns of a public order, not private decisions to personally adhere to this or that error.

At this point we come to the first figure which seems to be best borne out by the sources, and the first episode which one could potentially interpret as genocide: namely, the 100,000 Paulicians killed beneath Theodora. The figure of 100,000 itself comes to us from a single Christian historian writing 100 years afterward, who condemned these events as a disaster to the Empire. It is obviously an extreme exaggeration; the full army of the whole Empire amounted to only a slightly larger figure.

Be that as it may, there is no question we are dealing with a slaughter. The claim at bottom is that the Paulicians were targeted for their heretical beliefs and were extirpated violently, trunk and branch, for this reason; but this corresponds in no way to what we know of the time, or of the history preceding it. In the first place, if the Paulicians were eliminated for their heretical beliefs, then why were other heretical communities spared? The Athinganoi, the Tetradites, the Iconoclasts, the Monophysites, the Miaphysites, the Khurramiyya and even the Jews, though they all faced a number of legal proscriptions regarding their public worship and teaching, were not subject to campaigns of extermination, though it would have been very easy, from a military point of view, to eradicate certain of these groups utterly by the sword — much easier, in fact, than in the case of the Paulicians, who lived both within the Empire and peripherally to it, and there in large, well-armed populations. Indeed, there were some violent men who wished to bring the death penalty against the Iconoclasts, and to this end attempted to associate them with the Paulicians, meaning that the Paulicians were subject to harsher laws than were men who had in the recent past been responsible for persecuting and executing Christians. Why were the Paulicians in particular so despised?

The Paulicians (insofar as one can speak of a single group) were mainly from Armenia, though they later expanded through proselytizing. Armenia at that time was a fractious and rebellious part of the Empire, full of militarized bands that terrorized the countryside. This land was filled with heretical or idiosyncratic groups, and all of these were left for the most part in peace. For the early part of their history, the Paulicians seem to have adopted a strategy of privacy and evasion, moving from place to place to be left to their own devices; this is the reason they were almost never so much as mentioned before the middle part of the eighth century. So long as this status quo was maintained, the Empire tolerated them, and even stood in amicable relations with them.

But at least by the time of the first persecutions (by Michael I and Leo V), certain portions of the Paulician community had militarized and formed around fortresses in the borderlands of the Empire, from which they raided the Empire, often in collusion with the Muslims, who had become the major threat to Roman rule. Since much of the basis of this is taken from Muslim accounts of the Paulicians as well as Christian, it cannot be regarded as mere Church propaganda. These practices, which at first were likely only present in part of the Paulician community, crystalized into a kind of doctrinal and violent anti-imperial sentiment when the early persecutions took place. By the time of Theodora, the Paulicians had essentially taken up arms against the Empire and entered into full rebellion, and this is the reason they were targeted. That this was not a war on heresy is again indicated by the fact that there is no evidence of the Church’s participation in any of these decisions, which would have technically been necessary if these were acts taken against heretics as such.

Note as well that even in the years intervening between the early persecution and the later, the situation was by no means clear-cut; there are Paulicians who rose even to political positions in the provinces. There is no sign whatsoever of a uniform and maniacal campaign to eliminate these people as such, and the attack on them is surely better understood in the mosaic of military campaigns being carried out in that period to secure the Empire’s confines. The Paulicians who died in this battle were not religious casualties, but political and military casualties. Whether Theodora’s actions were justifiable on those grounds is another question.

I do not deny that their heretical beliefs, and the evident charismatic appeal of their evangelizing, made them still more abhorrent to the Romans, and further justified Theodora’s cause; but the point is that these beliefs and that success were not alone sufficient to justify the sword. It is also worth noting that the spread of Paulician belief even to the very heat of the Empire is itself a marker of the fact that the Eastern Romans did not oppress heretical beliefs with an iron fist.

Now, you could well argue — and you would find me sympathetic — that the real blame here lies with the previous emperors like Michael I and Leo V, who had indeed violently persecuted this group, and murdered individuals within it, and here perhaps really on the basis of the group’s heretical beliefs alone. Here, I will join you, Gem, in condemning these actions in the strongest terms, and saying that violence and death are never to be brought against men for their beliefs alone. For a man’s conscience cannot be won by the sword, and to cut his life short is identical to truncating his possibility to repent. Furthermore, violence begets only violence, and the subsequent history of the Empire itself, which finally found the Paulicians forming an independent hostile state, is a demonstration in action of this principle.

But I must also note that the Church itself, in the person of monks and patriarchs, actually attempted to stay the hand of these emperors in all the cases I have found, and spoke out against their actions in private correspondences and public declarations. The Church in many cases obstructed crimes like these from taking place — massacres no one speaks about, precisely because, thanks to the Church, they never took place. It was not the Church which murdered the leaders of this sect, and it was not the Church that took up military action against them later. The state acted with wilful independence from its rightful spiritual head and paid the consequences, in a pattern that was repeated too often throughout the first millennium. Yet it is indeed a sign of the Church’s moderating influence on secular powers that there were not far more extensive campaigns waged against the pagans and heretics than what we actually see. For it is truly remarkable that, in an Empire which had never in its heathen past hesitated to liberally apply capital punishment to perceived dissidents and enemies of state, pagans and heretics were almost never subjected to the same purges that the pagans themselves had brought against the Christians in the early centuries, and even in some cases in the first centuries after Christianity formally came to power.

This seems a fitting juncture to add note on the quotation you have provided from the Catholic Encyclopedia regarding the edicts against the Manicheans, sentencing them to burning, decapitation, labor in mines, etc. etc. A couple of points here. The first (and by far the worst) of these prescribed penalties were put in place before the Christian rise to power, by the pagan Diocletian, and at a time when Rome was generally fairly tolerant of foreign beliefs, which leads one to wonder why precisely the Manicheans? The Christians and the Manicheans were the only groups touched by Diocletian’s proscriptions — the Jews, for instance, were not targeted. On a review of certain letters exchanged during the Tetrarchy, it appears that the concern with the Manicheans was three-fold: first, that the Manicheans, a new religion, were contemptuous of old religions; second, that they had been committing various crimes in the provinces (of what sort it is not clear); and third, that they were thought to be connected by national or political sympathies to the Persians, the enemies of the Romans. The actions taken against them were again taken from political motives, not religious ones. There is no reason to believe that this concern abated during the Christian era. Yet on the whole, in the Christian era, we still see a relaxation and even a qualified moderation of these punishments, albeit with certain noteworthy exceptions.

We might also take this as a good litmus test for just what the laws in question actually effected: for if they hail all the way back to 296, and if they remained in effect during the following centuries, with only a brief respite for Julian, how is it possible there were still Manicheans at the time of Augustine of Hippo, who became a Manichean in Carthage around 370? The existence of a law on the books in the Roman era does not equate to the deployment of that law in the streets. This should be borne in mind while reading many of the harsher decrees against heretics and pagans of that era.

You have also mentioned the 14 Orléans heretics. The charges brought against them were considerably graver than you have allowed, but having said that, even if the worst accusations were were true to a one, I agree with you that they should not have been burned. I am deeply disturbed to find that, in all the letters extant which speak of this event by Christian clergy, not one of them seems to oppose it. But what is troubling about these events is precisely that they represent a distancing from the view which had sustained and characterized the Church’s approach for more than seven centuries prior: prelates and bishops were of a general mind that heretics and non-believers might be stripped of their prerogatives and social positions, but they could not be touched in their persons; for, to quote St. Ambrose, “you do not constrain any man to worship against his will,” or again St. Theodore, “the Church does not punish with the sword.” The use of burning here — a punishment which was never previously connected specifically to heretics — is telling: there was an evident eschatological element in all of this, a conviction that these men were destined for hellfire (along with, incidentally, a literalization and a materialization of “hellfire” itself which is foreign to original Christian theology). What we see at Orléans is precisely the outgrowth of a view of salvation and damnation which would make violent reappearance at several poignant moments in the Roman Catholic Church in the following centuries, and which verged on heresy, insofar as it suggested that the eschatological destiny of human beings could be known and judged by mere men. So I will agree with you fully here, Gem, that this moment in particular, though smaller in scope than some of the others we have been discussing, is truly terrible, and ominous as a sign of the development of Christendom, particularly in the West.

Having touched here on the distinctions between the East and the West, I feel constrained to respond to something you have said: “Ive grown weary of your repeated assertions that this behaviour exists only AFTER THE SCHISM.” I do not claim, and I do not believe I have ever claimed, that the Catholics somehow have a monopoly on atrocities, or that the Orthodox as such have clean consciences, or that nothing wicked ever happened before the Schism. I wanted to concentrate on the first millennium simply because I wanted to see to what extent your critiques apply to the Church to which I belong, rather than getting lost in disputes about this or that moment in strictly Catholic history. On the other hand, as I have repeatedly asserted, I have tremendous respect for the Catholics, despite my concerns regarding certain Catholic dogmas and specific developments in the Catholic world over the last millennium. I count medieval Christendom, as against your extremely modern obloquy, as the apex of the history of Europe as Europe, and I count myself fortunate that I came of age in a time in which its mythological and symbolic way of thinking had not yet been totally extirpated from the education of the young. The testimony of individuals like @retiredtwitteruser above are quite sufficient, I think, to show that, though the Catholic Church is entering a moment of increasingly clear crisis, it is still in innumerable individual cases a benefactor of human souls. I honestly believe that a man would be better off joining even today’s Catholic Church, than throwing himself to the chaos and madness of the rampant sola scriptura attitude — attitude which is almost even refuted by the bewildering plethora of totally incompatible beliefs to which it leads those who embrace it. For, as you have rightly said time and time again, “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

At the risk of repeating myself, I want to be absolutely clear on this point: as a student of the ancient world, human nature, and political philosophy — not to mention as a Christian — I am very far from believing that there is any “golden period” in human history when violence and injustice magically ceased to exist thanks to right belief. It is precisely for that reason that I think those who reject the Church, or what they strangely call “organized religion,” are embracing a momentous folly. I regard the Christian era, on the whole, as showing a level of humanity, morality, and charity, that cannot be found almost anywhere or any time prior; but I am also well aware that Christendom was peopled with human beings, that human beings possess free will, and that free will can be, and was often, hideously abused. I absolutely reject idealism in politics, precisely because I love justice; each man of us must wade toward God through the messiness of human life, our political and religious leaders more than anyone; and the moment we believe it possible for mere men to “walk over the waters” here, is the moment we begin to sink. The entire grotesque totalitarian sickness of our thoroughly idealistic modernity bears me witness in this.

To my eyes, it seems that it is rather you yourself, Gem, who are tendentially inclined toward a certain dangerous “idealism”; for you honestly seem to believe that if the right beliefs regarding the Scriptures are promulgated, one can legitimately expect all abuses, at least at the higher level of society, to suddenly cease. Thus, when you see bishops or kings committing crimes or blunders, your immediate response is to condemn the whole of the hierarchy and epoch surrounding them as corrupt and mendacious. But this is an absolutely unreasonable canon. The utopic vision you present above of what might happen if men turned their eyes to truly reading the word of God — “then the spirit of Yeshua would live in the world and the new earth would be upon us” — seems to me not only inordinate, but outright perilous; for from this view, it takes only a step further to conclude that wherever this new earth has not yet arrived, then men generally are somehow wilfully blinding themselves and clinging to the insincerity of their hearts.

With that, I close this first section of my response. As for “doing my own research,” it is precisely in the light of this research that I can say with confidence: I still see no evidence of Church-mandated, Church-led, or Church-sanctioned “genocides,” nor of “millions” of individuals being “burned” for heretical beliefs. Genocides — millions — burned: These are your words, Gem, which you have used again and again. I appreciate a touch of rhetorical hyperbole as much as the next man, but you have elevated yourself to the position of teacher, and should be wary of misleading your pupils, who place their implicit trust in you, and might not always know when you are speaking literally and when you are exaggerating for effect.

On the other hand, if I have missed something which justifies your use of such strong language, and if you are not too fatigued of me to attempt to educate me, I stand open, as always, to being shown the path to the truth.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

I will much more briefly address the other three points:

(2) We very much agree (though perhaps for different reasons) that it is not easy to disentangle scientific thought, politics, and Orthodox dogma in the period in question. Now that I have a better idea of what you mean by scientific thought, I will agree with you that it was to some extent regulated by the secular authorities, and that, in this case, the Church stood evidently and visibly behind certain actions of censorship and suppression. The idea that the Church set out to “burn all centers of learning” or that it deliberately brought about an age of ignorance is one of these modern anti-clerical tropes that falls to pieces upon nearest review. Suffice it to ask what we would be able to say of antiquity at all, if we did not have access to the manuscripts that were handed down to us thanks to the meticulous scribe work of generations and generations of anonymous Christian monks.

Now, the question here concerns what, if any, action the secular or ecclesiastic authorities should take against the spread of dangerous errors; this question is difficult to answer even theoretically, and still moreso because, in our particular historical moment, any argument in favor of just censorship will inevitably redound to the benefit of the unjust monsters who presently rule us. Despite these complications, I would be willing to pursue this question with you; as we are already dealing with too much, as usual, I leave this one up to you. My position is that the actions of the Church aimed at suppressing heretical teachings were at least to some extent justified, that unabridged “freedom of the press” is inherently problematic, and that we in the modern moment are experiencing ever more the devastating consequences of a totally unbridled liberty of scientific thought.

(3) I do not deny that the linguistic critique you make has some merit, but once again, I think you have considerably antedated and exaggerated the problem. The Roman Rite was used in the Western Roman Empire, where Latin was the lingua franca, and precisely for the opposite reason of that which you have suggested: it was used in the place of the Greek to make the Scriptures more, not less, accessible to the people of that region. In the East, meanwhile, the so-called “Byzantine Rite” maintained the local language, Greek; the practice of using the local languages was maintained throughout the history of the Eastern Orthodox Church, and makes appearance in the first millennium as well in the translations that were carried out freely very early on (as, for instance, into Armenian and Bohairic).

In the West, you have set a date of 500 AD for the decline of the use of Latin as the language of common currency, but this is about half a millennia too early. The Romance vernaculars began to appear in the ninth century at the earliest, and were not so divorced from the Latin wellspring that Latin would not have been generally incomprehensible to the common folk — particularly in a liturgy that was practiced regularly. The difference would have been more or less like the difference between our common English today and the English of Shakespeare’s time; visibly distinct, often difficult, but by no means alien or incomprehensible. It was only in early Medieval times that Latin separated formally and linguistically from the local idioms to such an extent that native speakers of the Romance languages could no longer have been expected to understand it; it is at this point that the problem you note began to arise in earnest. Even in those times, there were only occasional bans on translation of the Bible in the West, and the Bible was in point of fact translated into the vernacular of several nations.

The most that could be said is that your critique applies to a portion of the history (parts of the last millennium); it certainly cannot be said with any justice that the Church as such has “hidden away the original scriptures for thousands of years.”

(4) I allow of course that many impious (and indeed idolatrous) practices continued in Israel, and I grant without dispute that you have quoted Isaiah. But the verses that I have cited come from Exodus, and also purport to be the word of Yahweh. We then have two conflicting divine pronouncements, evidently at odds with one another, and an explanation has to be found to reconcile them. I can think of only two possibilities, though there well might be others:

a.) Yahweh originally prescribed incense burning, then subsequently forbade it; the latter commandment, being the last to come to us, would then be the binding one, and it would be correct to say that incense should not be used even now. In this case, one would have to determine what had changed in the situation, and why incense burning had become abominable, when before it was acceptable.

b.) It is not the incense burning as such that angers God, but the spirit in which it is given, or the aims that it takes; the people described by Isaiah have fallen so far away from right worship that they seem to have collapsed into outright heathenism. By this understanding, the incense is not evil in itself — the contrary — but for these fallen people has become a way of attempting to appease Yahweh as if He were one among the pantheon of pagan gods; it is this that He rebukes in the people. By this understanding, if they return to their prior holiness and righteousness, incense will again become pleasing to the Lord.

It seems to me that the second possibility here (which is the way such passages are interpreted by the Church) is the more likely, as it follows the pattern established in the Scriptures themselves, as for instance in Psalm 50, where David notes that his burnt offerings will be pleasing to God after he has repented, but not before. For God does not want empty ritual of us, and does not ask us formalities for the sake of formalities; these things are enstated to reconnect our physical and our spiritual lives, which have been in some way ruptured by the Fall. The moment the rupture reappears, rite becomes not only useless but even damaging to man, for it permits him to live in a state of self-delusion.

This is as true today as it was in the past, and I willingly accept that the criticism of the Catholics and the Orthodox of “empty ritualism” often are justified, and it is both right and good that we are reprimanded when we fall into this error. But the solution to the problem is not to abolish the rituals; it is to repent, and to return to the rituals with a right heart.

(I will be responding to your mathematical posts as soon as I am able to give them the time they so clearly merit.)

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


You originally claimed we needed an Church which was nearly incorruptible in order to maintain faith. you stated:

“everywhere the Church has risen to power, it has demonstrated the same remarkable resistance to the corruptions that power so often brings.”

This statement is patently a-historical. Church corruption is well documented. How many children need to be raped, and how many people genocided as “heretics,” before we can admit the Church has not shown a “remarkable resistance to the corruptions of power.” The beloved Pope JPJ, while canonized as a “saint,” is now known to have protected countless pedophiles in his time in power in Poland. These facts were silenced and surpressed, the voices of the victims threatened with death and shunning in their society, with some dying in dubious circumstances during his reign as the “infallable mouth of God.” Only now, some 20+ years after his death has this Truth, in a world more open in its speech than has ever existed since the 200s AD, have these accusations come out and then been verified by tremendous corroborating evidence. In 1500 years, it is certain Catholics will only see JPJ as a wonderful miracle workins saint and will pray to his Idol AKA “icon,” and none of this little of this “sidebar,” of his endorsement and aide to child rapers, will be left in Church records.

We must reasonably assume that Catholic The Church, as any powerful and rich organization, and especially one which possessed the monolithic power to make or break kings and kingdoms for ~1400 years, to sell indulgences for admission to heaven, and to murder and repossess the property of anyone brandished a heretic, has a vested interest in painting its history in its own favor and towards its own narrative of holiness.

Moreover, the Papyrus trade collapsed in the 600s AD, making paper a highly precious commodity in the early middle ages, hence why its called “the dark ages.” Not only because of a backsliding of technological advancement, but also because there is a collapse in the amount of primary source evidence of the era, of which there is no nearly unassailable evidence that the Catholic Church destroyed all that opposed its narrative.

A good example are the writings of Iranaeus from Southern France, which discuss the gnostics and their texts at length as vile and semi-demonic heretics. These writings by Iranaeus have now been shown, in relationship to the primary source Nag Hammadi texts found, to be outright fabrications, lies and embellishments, which can now safely be classed as a form historical slander against threats to Proto-Orthodox Catholic Power, painting them as demonic and evil.

How is it possible that a man in southern France, spends time at length in his writings detesting the Egyptian Gnostics, and there are almost no primary source texts of this widespread group available to us in modernity (and essentially none before the 1950s)? The only decent cache of them were found at the southern tip of Egypt near Luxor, far away from Catholic power (Rome/Constantinople did not excercise effective control in the Southern Egyptian Dessert outside of trade posts on the Nile), buried in the sand from a plundered tomb? It leads to the conclusion that these texts were categorically destroyed across the empire, and likely by those in control after the 4th-5th century; we have tons more papyrus from ancient Egyptians in 3000 BCE than from Gnostics? It defies the archeological pattern, and given the lies

Simultaneously, the literacy and writing rates of the era of around 500-1200 AD are less than 10% of the population, and in many places at essentially 0% among the serfs, who were bound to tracts of land, and represented the vast majority (~75-80%) of the population of the era. The terrible atrocities against the serfs are not attested in Catholic writings at all, and have only come to light through extensive modern archeology. The Catholics understood the same rule of Ma’at as their Egyptian predecessors: What is written will become considered to be true in the annals of history. We find this same pattern throughout history, such as many an Egyptian stone wall claiming that some battle was a “magnanimous victory” for their Fire-On (embodiment of horus Pharoah), while archeological and all other primary source evidence shows otherwise. Only the Pharoah and his initiates, subservients that pledged fielty got to inscribe on stone walls; this is why all of the inscriptions about Akenaton, as well as the hyksos, have been chisseled out and broken.

The extant documents you have cited regarding the Church’s atrocities come almost exclusively from the church’s own initiates walled up in monastaries, or who had a clearly vested interest in upholding the image of “holiness” of the organization for which they had pledged lifelong fielty, and which they owed their living to. In fact, we find that as literacy rates increase to closer to 12-18%, and writing becomes more extensive in Europe in the 11-12th century, the sudden appearance of significant attestation to the atrocities of the Catholics. Are we to believe that suddenly, just as writing among non-church associates makes a come back, that so to do the Catholics magically become a highly violent “burn em at the stake,” type organization? The correlation between the appearance of documents from non-church writers, and the burgeoning attestation to Catholic violence speak volumes.

In light of this reality, The rationalization of patent Genocide, Rape, and Murder, the discounting of these actions, I find striking. You claim to have “great respect,” for the Catholic Church; how may one respect an organization that touts itself as holy and that has raped millions of children? How may one respect a “holy” organization that aided H1tl3r and his cronies in mass genocide? How many one respect a “holy” organization that burned thousands upon thousands of innocent people as heretics and witches? It is reviling to have respect for an organization with such a history so filled with atrocities; I do not respect an organization that engages in, profits from, and/or turns a blind eye to genocide, murder and rape. As someone whose ancestors have been hunted by this organization en masse, who still lives in fear, I find the erudite academic claims that discount this well documented history untenable.

In your arguments here you discount every piece of historical evidence in one form or another, nitpicking at every source finding whatever manner you can to downplay the importance of well attested, long-lasting and widespread decrees of genocide, rape, and profiteering from a Church that still to this day controls Trillions in Wealth and takes pleasure in raping children. You single handedly claim they didn’t kill 100,000 under the decrees of Theodora, call it an exaggeration, and then hand waive it away as a simple political move. It is a clear example of a genocide committed by a ruler under the sanctioned authority of divine rite of your pope, who is supposed to be “infallible.” What of the contemporarily attested stoning of the first two founders of the Paulicians at the hands of Eastern orthodox Christians? I suppose those were just bad apples…My point here is that you seem to require extraordinary historical attestations, and demonstrate an extreme bias in favor of your church; where I am certain you accept traditions and beliefs which have been shown to be total fabrications, while downplaying the importance of its vile, disgusting, and murderous ways over its history.

Many of these examples I have given you, which comprise only the most obvious, were perpetrated by Emperors/Kings who themselves were coronated and deposed/excommunicated by your Church and claimed “divine right,” as sanctioned by your Church. In this overwhelming historical context, the “seperation of church and state” argument you are making is dubious at best. Those who make and depose the king under the supposed authority of “god” (a word that means Ba’al God, the devil), are responsible for the actions of those they sanction. It is laughable to believe that the emperor’s men were slaughtering Paulicians in town centers while the powerless and hopeless church pled for their lives. The Church’s bishops and authorities were often involved in sanctioning this violence, and most of the soldiers were publicly professed Catholics.

Where was the excommunication and outrage from your church at the death penalty decrees, appropriation of all property, removal of citizenship and temple burnings, against the Manicheans, Origenists, Gnostics, Isis-ra-elis (take a look at the mass synagogue burnings in the 5th-7th centuries) and Paulicians over the first millenia of the Church? These groups all share a common thread: they threatened the consolidated and monolithic power of the Catholic Church over the Roman and then Byzantine State. Using demonization and accusations of “heresy,” against your enemies is a well attested historical fact of the Catholic Church long before the schism, and one which used to keep power for the powerful. Today we see the same type of stuff with the woke heresy movement. Beware of the virtue signalers and the false pious.

Your own church (and yourself) have heavily touted the martyrdom of their church leaders, their position as an oppressed religion that “overcame.” A substantial portion of the claims of martyrdome by early bishops of Rome and other early Catholic church leaders has no contemporary historical documentation or evidence whatsoever.

There is a clear later attempt at revisionist history by fabrication and/or large embellishment of the narrative of the Catholic Church’s creation by “victimhood/martyrdome,” perpetrated by a church which murdered millions over its lifetime. As you well know from today’s wokisim, often those that loudly and publicly create victim/oppression narratives are actually the ones victimizing others.

Let’s examine some of the highly fabricated martyrdoms claimed by your Church which now form the basis for a largely rewritten and fabricated history of the “overcoming victim.” We will see this pattern continue over a very long period of time; the wholesale fabrication and embellishment of an early church leader martyr/victimhood history with essentially zero contemporary documentation or archeological evidence, that develops after the Catholic Church becomes a sanctioned authority. We will see this pattern continue; the wholesale fabrication and embellishment of an early church leader martyr/victimhood history with essentially zero contemporary documentation or evidence, that develops after the Catholic Church becomes a sanctioned authority. In modern Psy-ops, this is called “Historical Narrative Control.” H1tl3r was a master of it, and it is a weapon of Occult Mind Kontrol used for Luciferian power. In light of the absolute dirth of evidence for this martyr narrative, and the church’s desire to cement a claimed unbreakable connection with Yeshua the Martyr through Petros the Martyr, it is an obvious piece of fabricated narrative, much in line with other historical examples of the like.

1) The martydom of Pope Anacletus, the 3rd Pope (supposedly) in the 80s CE, is attested to by the Roman Catholic Church, but has absolutely no contemporary or near contemporary documentary Evidence whatsoever. The earliest evidence of this comes 300 years after his death under the Roman Catholic Church documents.

2) The imprisonment and banishment of the 4th pope (supposedly) Clement I in the late 90s CE by Trajan, later supposedly “tied to an anchor,” is only attested from sources and tradition which developed in the 4th century AD, with no evidence whatsoever beforehand. The oldest documents mentioning Clement I make no mention of these facts at all.

3) The 5th pope Evaristus, in the 100s AD is attested as being “Coronated in Martyrdom” at length in the Liber Pontificales of the 9th century AD, but nowhere in any source beforehand are these facts found. Another fabrication of The Catholic Martyr Narrative to Psy-op its adherents.

4) The 6th Pope Alexander I in the 110s AD was long said to be a Martyr, and is still said so in many Catholic documents, based on later semi-near contemporary sources which only mention a name “Alexander,” and make no mention of his place in the church or pontificate.

5) The 8th Pope Telosphorus in the 130s AD AD, is said by Iraneus (who we know is open to lying and advancing false Catholic narratives) to be a martyr. No other documentation whatsoever of his martyred status.

6) The 9th Pope Hyginius is said to be martyred circa 140 AD, except there is not one single ancient source which attests to this fact.

7) The 10th Pope Pius I is said to have been martyred ~150 AD, except the first mention of this is in the Roman Breviary in the 15th Century AD.

8) The 11th Pope Anicetus is said by Catholic Tradition to have been martyred in the 160s AD, except there is no historical evidence whatsoever.

9) The 14th pope Victor I is reputed as having been Martyred, except there is no contemporary or near contemporary historical evidence.

10) The 16th Pope Callixtus, is declared to be a martyr in the 220s AD, dying during a riot. However, there is once again no contemporary evidence for this, the first mention being made, once again, in a psuedo-epigraphical (that is a later forgery falsely attributed) Acts of Callixtus undoubtedly written after 4th century AD after it becomes the official state religion.

11) The 17th pope Urban I, has been venerated as a martyr in 230 AD. It is now clear that he most certainly died of natural causes. Another example of the shining record of lies and historical embelishments of the Church’s narrative.

This goes on and on, and it all wreaks of fabricated Narrative regarding a consistently touted martydom narrative as a sign of the Church’s divinity. Given the church’s obvious willingness to lie and create psy-op narratives to make itself look good, how then shall we contextualize the sudden appearance of unassailable evidence of Catholic Atrocities along with writing and literacy outside the Catholic Church itself? You are too kind to a band of liars and murderers and your bias shines through.

You are willing to hand wave away contemporarily attested genocides and persecutions, for which there is also significant archeological evidence, and yet you proudly have touted this extraordinary martyr history for which there is absolutely zero evidence, nor documentary or archeology, and which is now shown by a plethora of evidence to be a wholesale fabrication as a holiness mind control psy-op.

Once this church seized state sanctioned power, it simultaenously set about fabricating its own narrative of holy martyrdom, and then ruthlessly and brutally surpressed any “heretical” descent. It was founded under an emperor that was a solar worshipper clothed in solar symbolism, who murdered 4 members of his own family for power, and whose own son murdered every single male relative he had while professing to be a Catholic “Christian.” It’s later emperors ordained (and deposed) by the Church under Divine Rite put out decrees to murder and genocide all who it deemed a threat to its power, from Justinian to Theodora… It sold indulgences (disgusting) and continues to this day to worship Golden (the solar metal) statues (which is idolatry), and rape children while hoarding away trillions in wealth.

The hypocracy, fueled by extraordinary bias from cognitive dissonance, is stunning.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


A little preview from chapter Xi. Click to see clearly. Maybe seeing that a confirmed moon deity, whose lunar horns when mirrored make the perfect crescent and full moon (and geometrical concepts), may convince you that mirroring played a huge role in ancient pagan idolatry and symbolism, the same as it does in your church’s pagan idolatry they call “icons,” which is all based on Egyptian and Babylonian paganism.

How do you explain that the Catholics are worshipping MARIdux-AMon, who is Marduk, Amon, and call her “The Virgin Queen of Heaven,” without scriptural basis, while producing art identical to ancient Egyptian mother goddess and Horus worship? Along with enforcing a non-scriptural Trinity doctrine, which is identical to the ancient Egyptian name IHS, Isis Horus oSiris, The Luciferian Trinity of Egypt?

The symbolism is taken directly from Isis, Virgin Queen of Heaven, mixed with Amon…

Last edited 1 year ago by 444gem
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@igageharleya @thekwon

this may be of interest from a study of mythology and its infusing into the antiXristos Solar worshippers murder church.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’m going to offer you an opportunity of a shared reading that we may discuss.

This book is now long out of copyright and completely free. It is also out of print. I say let’s read through the first portion, up through the end of the section called “Romanism,” and discuss the text and it’s implications. Deal?

Other books to get you started on the bast criminal enterprise known as the VatiKAINus are:

Unholy Trinity by John Loftus which covers the recent disputable implications of the Catholic Church on mass genocide

The Committee of 300, which covers a variety of topics, one of which is the Catholics church’s role in funneling enormous quantities of drug trade money over the past 300 years.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let us now also consider a somewhat more attested phenomena of the extraordinary and vile history of the Catholic Church in its first millenia of tyranny: the persecution, temple burnings, discrimination, and genocide of the Isis-Ra-Eli’s and Aryeh Yehudah.

This Catholic phenomena/persecution is more attested than most other Catholic atrocities in the historical record of the period for one reason: These peoples valued education, science and writing as fundamental, and thus left records that they kept safe from being destroyed by Catholic authorities through cross-empire movement of people, information and documents. Thus we have many more documents today that have reached us in modernity, safe from the fabricated revisionist historical tyranny of the Catholics.

There is a long and well attested history of the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis-Ra-Eli’s resisting efforts by Luciferian and falsely righteous pagan rulers to assimilate them into their oppressive governmental-religious system which dumbs down the general populace and hoards knowledge among their priests and nobility. This is a tactic we see throughout history in Luciferian controlled states with monolithic priest classes, including Roman/Byzantine Catholicism. In light of the long history of the hoarding of knowledge by Liciferian priest classes and dumbing down of the general populace, we must consider it more than a mere random correlation that just as the Catholics take monolithic power, literacy rates fall and written documents disappear across the entirety of Europe.

In Babylon, these priests were called SATANus/satamus, which means “chief priestly administrator.” They wielded total control of financial accounts, administrative duties over serfs, and the coronation (or excommunication) of the king and nobility in the Assyrian and Babylonian empires, much the same as they did in the Roman/Byzantine Catholic system.

Indeed the word in Greek, Romance Languages, and English you use for Satan does not mean only adversary, but is a direct reference to the Luciferian priests, owners of the mysteries (which are really a system of transmitting mathematical knowledge), who ran the slave labour/land bound (aka SERF) work gangs of Babylon. The word “Cura,” still today used for Catholic priests in Italy, Spain and Portugal is also taken directly from the Chaldean/Neo-Babylonian word “Curu” which referred to the local priest administrator of the SATANus that brutally oversaw the forced labour gangs of Babylon and enforced the SATAMu and kings orders of oppression. There can be no doubt as to why priests today carry the same name, or spit in the face of Yeshua, who said call no man “Pater,” and they insist on being called “Pater.”

The dress of your bishops and pope, both Eastern Orthodox and Roman, is taken directly from the atire of the pagan Pontificus Maximus of Rome (a title your pope still happily wields) during his ceremonies of Isis/Hestia/Ishtar/Magna Mater/MARiduk-AMon, all of which are the “Virgin Queen of heaven.” This dress comes directly from the rites of Babylon, including a MIT-RE (which means to eMIT RE, which is light) in the shape of Dagon, red Solar crosses of the Octagon, a hat actually called a SATURNia, and golden/purple-red robes and habits. It is repackaged and rebranded worship of the detestable Virgin “Queen of Heaven.”

The direct concordance with Babylonian-Egyptian Luciferianism is all over the worship, it goes far beyond any mere coincidence:

1) They use the name for Babylonian Slave Driving priests of the “Curu” for their priests, while being called father in direct contraversion of Yeshua’s words.

2) Without any scriptural basis they worship the “Virgin Queen of Heaven” whose name is an amalgamation of Marduk-Amon. They then use the same rituals as in Babylonian Luciferianism to worship her, and they repeatedly produce artwork and create religious idolatry of her and “baby jesus” absolutely identical to Luciferian Isis-Horus statues of Ancient Egypt.

3) They wear the same Mitre (which means eMIT RE, the lord of light) as the priests of Dagon (fish, beast out of the sea) Solar Worship, while sitting on a throne with the symbolism of Tammuz of Babylon behind them.

4) They done the identical dress and symbolism of the Babylonian Luciferian priest hood and proudly display a title used for Vestal Virgin worship in Rome for 1000 years before their existence, while worshipping “The Virgin.”

5) They venerate IHS within a sun symbol, using the same Luciferian trinity as Ancient Egypt known as Isis-Horus-Osiris. Note that IHS was also found all over Buddhist writings in Tibet in the 4th and 5th century Ad, in reference to Buddha.

6) They have innumerable saints they pray to as idols (any ceramic statue or golden wall people pray to is an idol, sorry) with the same or very slightly altered names of local pagan deities, and often with the same parallels with the worship practice of those local pagan deities.

7) They have a long and well recorded history of genocide and raping children while hoarding trillions in wealth.

8) They have a long history of fabricating total lies around their own narrative of holy martyrs, most of which have now been proven to be total lies.

9) They have a long history of fabricating false “holy relics,” and using them to increase their monetary profits through idol worship and pilgrimage to these false relics, almost all later confirmed to be forgeries of later centuries made economic profit. In direct contraversion of Yeshua regarding money and worship in the temple.

10) They sold golden tickets to heaven for their own profit called “indulgences.”

11) They are responsible for innumerable prosecutions, genocides, witch burnings and oppressions against all those that failed to conform to their monolithic power.

12) They declared the Sabbath on SUNday/DOMinus day, the day of the sun, with no scriptural basis. Their church puts DOMinus all over the place, the same used for the Unconquered Sun. They refer to YHWH as “Dios,” the name of Zeus the illuminator, who is Lucifer. (Also the name Yahweh is an abomination spread by pheonicians, another infused form of Fire worship.)

13) They arbitrarily declared the birth of their saviour “Jesus,” to be on December 25th in the 2nd century AD, which is exactly the ancient pagan day of The Sun’s Return, the day of Horus Risen in Egypt, the day of Saturnalia in Rome, the Day of Ishtar in Babylon…

14) They start off officially declaring their symbol the Chai Rho, which originates in Babylon on bowls cursing people next to 666, the mark of the beast, and is a well attested symbol of the Solar mysteries throughout histories, as well attested by the artifacts and coinage of Mithradates located only a scant 60 Km from Constantinople, whose name means Mith-Ra (Solar Myths) Da’at (Knowledge.) remember they were a Mith-Ra in the shape of the priests of Dagon.

15) They declare their canonical texts to be 66 books, a clear reference to the mark of the Solar Beast. (That Sar cophogus I showed you l, gives an extraordinary mathematical function to track to Sar with 1 day of drift every 66 sars…)

16) They engage in well documented and long lasting raping of children, which beyond its vile nature, is a well known facet of Luciferianism orgiastic rites for “Illimination.” This practice was well known among the cults of Ishtar in Babylon (worshippers of Virgin Queen of Heaven), the Man-Boy teacher relationship of Classical Greece, The initiation rites of the Eunich cult of the Urigallus in Pergamum Anatolia (Worshippers of The Virgin Great Mother), And orgiastic rites of Saturn on December 24th. This is indeed the origin of the Red Wrapped gifts on December 24th to children, which were forms of bribes in return for access to their bodies, the red bring a symbol of passion and lust.

16) They persecuted the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis Ra Elis with impunity for as long as they have had authority.

This is the organisation you claim has shown “a remarkable resistance to corruption.” It’s insanity, and just absolutely false; the Catholic Church has long been one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet.

Lest my eyes deceive me, it walks like a duck, quaks like a duck, looks like a duck, swims like a duck, has feathers like a duck, Flies like a duck, has duck babies, and hangs out in ponds eating bread, but I’m supposed to believe it’s a Rhinocerous because there’s a sign that says “it’s a Rhino, we swear.” You can change the name, it’s still a duck. The point here, is that there is insurmountable evidence that Catholicism is a continuation of past pagan-Luciferian rites of Egyptian-Babylonian priesthoods, which have infused Virgin great mother worship and luciferian “reborn Sun,” trinitarianism into a system of rebranded local deities called saints.

Returning to the well documented and vile oppression by your “incorruptible church” of the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis-Ra-Elis, let’s note that this pattern of oppression was the same under Roman Catholic rule as it was under the Babylonians and Egyptians: the population is kept inordinately illiterate, while wealth and knowledge are hoarded into the hands of the El-ites.

Simultaneously, the Aryeh Yehudah and Isis Ra Elis are never willing to bend to the tyrannical impositions of their Luciferian rulers who falsely claimed to worship Jesus and his “Virgin Queen of heaven” mother (the harlot of Babylon) while The Aryeh Yehudah and Isis-Ra-Eli’s are brutally surpressed by the rulers under the guise of “heresy,” or “subversion of the state.”

The Synagogues were always centers of learning, where the common people on the day of rest were taught not only spiritual texts, but reading, writing, mathematics/geometry, astronomy, geography, music, history, and natural sciences. The very texts themselves, when read in the original language (not in the ridiculous and terribly adulterated Latin translations), contain enormous quantities of scientific knowledge, the very first 9 letters giving the trigonometric function of the profession of the lunar apsidal nodes.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This it is little to no wonder why the synagogues were routinely burned to the ground by the Catholics. It speaks to a desire to destroy any free thought which might threaten their earthly power.

I’m now going to use well sourced summaries from outside sources and go through but a few of the incidents from early Christianity in the eastern empire (since you are eastern) of the brutal, well attested and reviling oppression/discrimination by your church and it’s coronated king which you claim is “remarkably resistant to corruption.” Im sorry but every time I read this, my ancestors scream from their graves.

1. Almost at the beginning of his legislative activity Constantine described the Jewish religion as “baleful,” and warned Jews, under threat of capital punishment, not to molest converts to Christianity. The second part of the law containing this injunction made it a crime to become a Jew: (Cod. Theod. 16:8 (4, 1, 5)). His son Constantius added to his father’s legislation a prohibition on marriage between Jews and Christians.

It was a crime to become a Jew…

2. The burning of the synagogue in Callinicum (Mesopotamia) in 388 led to a clash between the imperial traditions and the aims of the Church. The emperor still tried to uphold the imperial tradition of law and order for all, including the Jews. He therefore ordered that the perpetrators of the outrage in Callinicum should be punished and the synagogue reconstructed at their expense. Ambrose, the bishop of Milan, viewed the emperor’s order as sacrilegious and succeeded in compelling him to annul it. Thus toward the end of the fourth century the humiliation of the Jews and ascendancy of ecclesiastical ideas in regulating their affairs became established in the Byzantine Empire in both theory and practice.

Your Bishop, urged the king not to rebuild a synagogue he burned. Where is this incorruptible church you speak of that was so helpless in the face of “secular” decrees?

3. The temporary expulsion of the Jews from Alexandria by the patriarch Cyril in 415 also marked a victory for the hatred stirred up by the Church among the populace with assistance from the authorities. The code of Theodosius II (438) summed up the former anti-Jewish legislation, and included a prohibition on building new synagogues, permitting structural repairs only if absolutely necessary. Certain Purim celebrations were forbidden.

More undeniable religious persecution at the very outset of your “church remarkable resistant to corruption.”

4. The spirit and language of this fifth-century codification crystallizes the atmosphere prevailing in the Byzantine Empire in the fourth century. A Church rent by internal struggles, bent on heresy hunting with the help of the imperial authority (Iraneus and other “anti heretical” writers utter lies about the gnostics and other “heretics” confirm this assertion), and using increasingly violent and uncouth language toward its Christian adversaries, developed over the fourth century a vitriolic anti-Jewish polemic literature. Both writers and preachers seemingly vied with one another in their acrimony toward, and vilification of, the Jews and Judaism. In the eight sermons delivered by John Chrysostom from his pulpit in Antioch in 387, every imaginable evil is ascribed to the Jews. The venom embodied in these writings and sermons to a large degree lies at the root of medieval Jew-hatred, spreading beyond the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire and its culture.

I will spare giving you the innumerable “we hate the Jews let these demons burn,” sermons from the 2nd century onwards, but it is undeniable your church fostered a tremendous and widespread hatred towards them from the outset. Take the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah, and villify the Hebrews…

6. In the sixth century the reign of Justinian I inaugurated a hardening of attitudes toward the Jews and a departure for the worse in their treatment. The Jewish-Arab kingdom of Ḥimyar in southern Arabia destroyed on Byzantine instigation. Justinian attempted to regulate internal Jewish life and modes of worship in accordance with what he considered necessary and right from a Christian point of view through a number of laws and practical actions. In his famous novella 146, of the year 553, he even attempted to dictate to the Jews concerning their divine worship and forbade the use of the deuterosis (Mishnah) for understanding the Torah; he also took it upon himself to lay down which biblical translation (Targum) they might use.

You have claimed there is no evidence from the early church that they were hiding the original meaning of the texts, what is the emperor, coronated by your church, thus forbidding the use of the Mishnah to the peoples speaking the language of the original texts, which serves as a guide to uncovering what lays within the stories of the Torah, and dictating which texts they may use?

7. The first half of the sixth century saw a severely enforced but short-lived attempt by the emperor to abolish formally the last shreds left to Judaism of its status as a religio licita. Under assault from enemies from both within and without, the emperors of the weak empire of the second half of the sixth and first half of the seventh centuries permitted anti-Jewish riots and forced conversions of the Jews, such as ordered by Emperor Phocas in 608.

Forced conversion of Jews under threat of violence, what an abominable religious practice, much the same as their forced conversion of later mayas whose texts they burned entirely as “heresy’.” It speaks volumes to the vile attempt to consolidate Luciferian power.

8. In the remnant left to the Byzantine Empire the prevailing attitude toward the Jews was not relaxed. A council presided over by Emperor Justinian II in 692 prohibited Jews and Christians from bathing together in public places, and Christians from consulting Jewish physicians.

This is much the same as the American Jim Crow laws of the 1950s. What follower of Yeshua would decree such a thing?

I will spare you the later atrocities which are very well attested. The pattern is clear that there never was not ever will be a Catholic church which cares one iota for the words and teachings of Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I am in the process of writing a response to your comments above, but I wanted without fail to take you up on your proposal to read the book you have linked to above. I’ve read through the first few pages, and shall continue as time permits. My thanks both for the link, and the offer.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

“Making graven images for worship you shall NOT!”

It is bewildering anybody can call this anything other than pagan idolatry that spits upon the face of the Moshe and the commandments of scripture.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Offering detestable incense to a detestable graven image of the detestable w***e of Babylon and the antiXristos. Now kiss the heaven idol of Horus the reborn sun… how is this not idolatry?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Praying to graven images is not idolatry

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is not idolatry . It is not the Virgin Queen of Heaven of Babylon (just the same title name image and likeness), it is not a Dagon fish hat. It is not purple robes of the pheonicians.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is not bowing before a graven image. This is not praying to a statue. This is not idolatry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Praying to this painting of a saint three times a day is not paganism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Kissing and Praying to this golden saint’s graven image encrusted in mass gold is not idolatry and has nothing to do with paganism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

This is not idolatry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Praying to this graven image is not idolatry

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

They swear this is not idolatry and prayer to graven pagan images.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Now and pray before the golden chalice and another heaven image. It’s not pagan idolatry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I now want to show you that this right, the table spread by Eastern Orthodox with the Golden Chalice (the golden cup of the harlot of Babylon mentioned in revelations 17 as:

“The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries.”

This passage is a warning against Mystery Babylon and it’s resplendent Virgin Soli-Lunar worship. Here above we see the golden cup, filled with the wine, adorned in gold and purple and pearls and jewels. This leads to a well known passage which we have danced around but not directly addressed Isiah 65:11:

“But as for you who forsake the LORDand forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill chalices of mixed wine for Destiny, I will destine you for the sword, and all of you will fall in the slaughter.”

In the passage the worship of those that spread tables for fortune and fill chalices of wine for destiny is reproached as abominable. This is a direct reference to the Babylonian Soli-Lunar rite, which favors the Moon over the Sun, but worships both. It is reproachinf the Isis Ra Eli’s who fell victim to this while in Babylon.

The word used for “fortune” is Gad, as in Ba’al Gad, the firey Ball god who is the Sun/Sol, and the word for “destiny,” is MENI/MANI, who is the moon, the Mono-Eye, the Money and silver coins.

The table alter laid forth by the Eastern Orthodox rite is exactly this table decried as detestable. Look below, do you not see the Sun and the Moon laid plainly for worship on the alter where the place mixed wine in a golden cup? Indeed it is unmistakable.

The deity Mani, like Sol I Mani (Mona Lisa) is a reference to the transgender and dualistic nature of the great Virgin worship as the Queen of heaven, the harlot of the golden cup, the wine of Dio-gnosis (enlightenment from Astrotheology), and is also cognate with the concept of “enumerating the heavens.” This is why they place 7 candles on the table, like a Menorah, it is the enumeration of the visible planets in the inner solar system. It is a table for Meni, a Table for Gad, a Golden table for SoliMani, who has 666 eclipses per Sar, and also filled his temple with gold on a geomagnetic point (with physioelectric aquifers dug below to potential e the effect) in blasphemy to stimulate people’s central nervous systems and make them feel wonderment they mistook for the ineffable creator.

The cross in the center represents not Yeshua’s sacrifice, as they exoterically proclaim for the unwashed masses, but Earth between the Sun and the Moon. The cross is the Mesh (geometric unfolding) of the Kube: the kube of Saturn, the kube of Ka-BAL-la, the kube of Meka (the Spirit of Meni) The kube that taught humans to measure 6 faces and 24 angles for the Earth, to make 24,000 miles (4 sections of 6000 each) then balanced with the solar and lunar year.

It is why when the pyramids of Giza are multiplied by 600*60*(6+6) they give the exact dimensions of Earth, they are the upper part of an octahedron, which is the geometric dual of a Kube. A kube gives 360 degrees on the angles of each face, just like a circle.

These alters are the table of the Ka-BAL of Babylon, the table of the apostates that worshipped Gad and Meni Isiah was reproaching, repackaged by name only. In fact it can be said that most of the Egyptian Solar Dominant Rite was subsumed into Western Roman Catholicism, while the Babylonian Lunar Rite was subsumed into Eastern Orthodoxy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Another table for the wine of the golden chalice of the abominable harlot of the Babylon, spread forth for her to drink. Below is Horus the reborn Sun.

Note that above the initials are directly referencing the sun and Moon.

ON the city of Heliopolis as found in Scripture, while Thon, θν is Aton, the Solar Disk. ΜΡ is MaR (the sea, the beast out of the sea) MithRas (like Mister Mystery Man) and “MateR” for the great Mother. It is quite literally an open veneration to the “Magna Mater,” the great mother of the soli-lunar mysteries. The initials MP in Greek total 140, which is of course the 14 days I have discussed at length regarding 1/2 a lunar visibility period.

To give you a reference to this same Babylonian Rite dualistic soli-lunar male female dualistic worship, look to the story of Sampson and Delilah. The name Shamesh-on literally means “Solar,” in Hebrew while D-Lilah means “The Door to the Night.” Lila, like Lilac, being the color of dusk on nights of a risen full moon, Meni, like your Money, silver coins thrown by Judas, whose name means “Purple.”

Delilah betrays Shamesh to the “Phillistines,” whose name means Phile Hestia, children of Hestia (the Hearth of Fire…), the Cretan “Virgin Queen of Heaven.” Mother of the hearth. The story is about the worshippers of the great mother goddess the moon, betraying their solar priest allies, resulting in all of them being utterly destroyed. On another level it is a scientific exposition on the life cycle of a star.

Here below we see exactly how this Babylonian-Egyptian rite of Soli-Lunar Gad-Moni (God is Money, seriously…) has been repackaged and rebranded to replace Yeshua, the very definition of the AntiXristos, Which means in Place of Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Sun, Moon and then the Earth (the cross, which is the geometric mesh of the kube.)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The sun and The Moon, SoliMani, placed before a graven idolatry of the 12 constellations of the ecliptic, and Jesus, representing the Sun who passes through the 12 houses of the zodiac each year.

Note there are 7 candles burning, for the 7 planets of the inner solar system…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Here is a basic, but well cited exposition on the deity Meni. It does not cover the depths of the Lunar Rite of the Phile Easton, children of the East, children of the Ishtar (Eastern Star). Almost all of your cathedrals are pointed to the East and prayers conducted to the East for this reason, the rising sun. They are Phile Eastons.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Revelations 17:

There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

babylon the great

the mother of prostitutes

and of the abominations of the earth.

I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Yeshua.”

Behold the woman clothed in Scarlett, surrounded by glittering gold, with the golden pearl laden chalice of abominations. The prostitue of Babylon and her child Horus. Meni and Sol, SoliMeni

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The word used for “mother of abominations” is yes MP for mater, and then bdelugma, like βδέλλα, which means a bloodsucker or a leech. The leech of the priests of Babylon that love the patroness of temple prostitution, who suck off the resources, energies and souls of those they deceive. Like the word “Mammon” whom Yeshua admonishes.

They take their tithe and paint the “Virgin,” prostitute in glittering gold, then pray to her idol aka Icon, and ask for more money to paint in more gold. They are blood suckers, now who possess trillions in wealth by worshipping the bloodsucking prostitute they call a Virgin.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The woman who sits on the seven hills. The seven hills of Rome, the seven hills of the city of NIMROD. Clothed in the sun and adorned in Scarlett.

Her atire is identical to that of Mith Ras, the eMIT RA/mitre, the crown of the Phara-on, the embodiment of Solar Fire. The golden chalice is her womb, from which the sun Horus is born each day.

Those golden domes, as they are so often found in cathedrals of the east, as in Washington DC, they represent the prostitution of babylons golden womb, birthing the sun each day. This is the “holy grail,” the templars were after…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Now, @444gem (also @A E, since these following reflections touch on our recent conversation regarding prayer to the saints; this might also be of interest to @retiredtwitteruser and @Ralphie), considering the series of images you have provided from the Catholic and Orthodox Churches — I have looked over each of them in turn, and I can say with assurance, in the case of all the Orthodox images (that is, the photographs that include only icons and no statuary), no, these are not instances of “pagan idolatry.” I cannot be so wholly certain in the case of the Catholic images, for the simple reason that I do not have access to the heart and soul of the worshipers, but I am confident at least in the case of the laypersons involved that nothing like idolatrous practice is happening here.

The Catholic use of statues is theologically incorrect and has no place whatsoever in traditional Christian (or even pre-Renaissance Catholic!) liturgical worship. It represents a profoundly forgetful misunderstanding which blurs the clear and essential distinction between icon and idol, fomenting confusion that might lead to far graver errors, and thus potentially leading souls astray. It is a practice which should be critiqued, clearly and compellingly, from a correct theological standpoint, for it is truly erroneous and misplaced — but that does not make it equivalent to idolatry. In the interest of fairness, I will hasten to add that a great many Orthodox churches as well, while they have not fallen into the error of using sculptures liturgically, makes their own share of dangerous mistakes, introducing noncanonical elements into its iconographic practice with a blithe liberty which reveals a terrible ignorance. We are all of us today laboring under the same dread weight of amnesia and confusion. But to say it again, these mistakes, however perilous in the long run and however needful of urgent correction, are not identical to idolatry.

I have noted elsewhere that the issue of iconography is a long subject, one which could easily consume all of our joint attention, but since you have broached it again, and in such a vehement and insistent way, I feel compelled to stand in its defense, and to indicate, not only why it is the precise, intentional, and theologically profound opposite of idolatry, but why it is actually an essential feature of any true, full Christian theology and practice — why, in short, the Church could rightly regard the victory of the iconoclasts as “the Triumph of the Church” over heresy as such.

I can do no more than indicate these things here in the most preliminary way, and even such an indication will be fairly long, for it is necessary first to grasp, if only superficially, the inner mechanisms of idolatry.

The Commandment against “graven images” is against the use of statues in particular, so the position of traditional Christian iconography (which does not use statues) stands already in a naturally qualified relationship to it: iconography from the start deliberately expresses itself in a form which is anti-idolatric. Furthermore, the Commandment itself is not against statues as such, as is clearly borne out by the biblical passages I have already cited verses above (e.g. Exodus 25:18-20, Numbers 21:4-9) where the use of statues is not only tolerated, but is actually commanded by God Himself. The case of the bronze serpent in the desert, the Nehushtan, is of especial interest, because this same statue, which God commanded Moses to build for the sake of the Israelites, was destroyed long after by King Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:4), when its original purpose had been forgotten and the Israelites (all too characteristically) had fallen into idolatrous practices with it. These passages show that the problem is not the statue as such, but the use of the statue in a certain kind of religious ritual practice, one with certain definite aims and intentions.

To be properly understood, this Commandment has to be situated in the pagan practices of the time. These practices, for all their variety in divers places and times, universally centered on two things — the altar and the idol; which is to say, sacrifices (ranging from bloodless sacrifices of wheat cakes and the like to blood sacrifices involving animals, up to human sacrifices, depending on the place, time, and specific intent of the rite) before statues. I will not get further into the specifics here, but the aim of these practices was to “incarnate” or “embody” a spiritual power (that is, a demon) within the statue, for the purposes of propitiating this being, or, ideally (from the point of view of the performers of the ritual), mastering and controlling its powers. You and I both know, of course, that the latter hope is but so much myopia and hubris. Idolatrous practices culminate always in the augmentation of unruly human passions, the confusion of human ideas, and, finally, the progressive possession, depersonalization and destruction of the human being by demonic forces.

It is this, not the mere existence or use of statues as such, which was repugnant to the God of Israel, and one can well understand why. (It would be inexplicable and tyrannically arbitrary if God were to prohibit the production of images or statues to man as such, particularly given the fact that our capacity for plastic mimeticism is one of the things that renders us specifically human.) Statues, rather than images generally, are proscribed, because the pagan peoples that surrounded Israel almost exclusively used sculpted cultic images, not painted. (There were, of course, two-dimensional images of gods; but these were not used ritually.) The reason for the use of statues rather than other kinds of images was precisely because the aim was to provide a body, a dwelling place, a physical incarnation for a spiritual being — to embed it, to enhouse it, within the world. Put otherwise, the statue, as an object within the physical world, was meant as an initial doorway into the embodiment and thus physical empowerment of spiritual beings and forces.

With all of this in mind, before the photographs you have posted can justly be accused of idolatry, one would have to ascertain whether the statues involved are intended to ritually integrate the demonic and the physical in a perverse and unnatural union.

Barring further information about these particular settings, I would exclude even the Catholic practices from this charge, since the necessary mechanisms seem to be lacking. The liturgical sacrifice continues to be of God and to God; the language in which the rites are couched continues to be the traditional Christian language. I will allow that there might be something, in this limited context, to your critique of incense use, but that will depend again on the spirit of the participants, and I think one must be cautious here. Even if a case can be made for this malpractice, the most that could be said, I think (which would already be grave enough, if it could be substantiated) is that, on certain occasions, this statuary has been brought into Catholic practice with the conscious aim of eroding the Catholic traditions and of outrageously and mockingly introducing (albeit yet inert and ineffectual) occult elements of pagan practice in the great Western Christian Tradition.

On the other hand, the strictly canonical iconographic tradition (whether in East or West) is to be excluded from idolatrous intentions uniformly and as such. In the first place, its careful and deliberate employment of stylized and non-sensual two-dimensional, rather than three-dimensional, art points man away from the “thisness” and “hereness” of our world, and toward the realm of the sanctification of the body and of the soul — the Way which was made possible by the Incarnation of our Savior. The iconographic tradition could not have existed without the birth, passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; it is emphatically and essentially Christocentric, and points man ever toward right belief and practice. (Its Christocentric qualities are intentionally and continually repeated throughout the array of canonical iconic conventions in a great variety of aspects that I will not list here; suffice it to note that Christ is ubiquitously present, even “visually,” in every icon produced by a well-trained and spiritually prepared iconographer.) Iconography, rather than seeking to trap or empower a disembodied spiritual being within a physical form, shuns the very idea of “incarnating” or controlling any being, spiritual or otherwise, for it recognizes, implicitly in its very form, that God alone can embody, God alone can incarnate, God alone can command. The statue is forbidden in the use of Orthodox liturgic practices, because it is understood that the only living statue is man, and God alone can create living men. The idol, on the other hand, is dead or inert, as the Scriptures never tire of reminding us.

Careful comparison of the idol with the icon thus makes us aware that we are dealing, not only with two different practices, but two absolutely opposed practices. The idol seeks to visibly and physically represent, in false and lying ways, what is invisible and essentially non-physical; the icon represents that which can be represented (the incarnate Christ), but refuses to depict that which cannot be represented — namely, God the Father or the Holy Spirit. While the idol accepts and demands sacrifices, the icons of the Church participate in giving the one immaculate Sacrifice to the absolute and unrepresentable Creator alone. While the idol represents, empowers, and enhouses beings who have, and should have, no inherent ability to move and act in the world, the icon remembers and presents (makes present) the one God who inherently has the power, not only to incarnate Himself in the flesh and to move and to act in the world as He sees fit, but even to accept death at will and to raise Himself from the dead when He so desires. While the idol blurs the distinction between the physical and the spiritual, to permit and abet the devastating entry of demons into the physical world, the icon places both body and soul in their rightful relation, neither denying nor confusing the twin aspects of God’s Creation, but showing how they were supposed to be related and how they are supposed to be integrated in the human being. While the idol makes a mendacious image of demonic beings, hiding their true abysmal ugliness behind beautiful or powerful veneers, the icon renders a true image of Christ, thus showing man (the image and likeness of God) how to renew the divine image that rests enfeebled and darkened in him, and how to regain the divine likeness which has been lost to him. While the idol entangles man ever more totally in his worldly desires, the icon elevates the soul, chastens the passions, and brings man nearer to God.

Iconography could not be a more perfect antithesis to idolatry; it represents in every way the defeat, the overcoming, and the substitution of lying idolatry with a true and divine art. The iconoclast, for his part, not only fails to understand this total inversion which the icon effects of the wicked and demonic practices of pagan idolatry, but even, in his zeal to do what he perceives to be the will of God, actually participates in the Devil’s final desperate attempt to cut his losses. For since Satan, after the Resurrection, could no longer enforce his desired ritual practices on the Church, so he fell back to obscuring at least one of the windows to salvation, destroying the artistic representation of holiness, and in this way blinding men just a bit the more to the truth of the world and to his own secret machinations. Every time a true and correct icon is destroyed, it is as if a blow were taken against the spiritual and physical eyes of those who might have looked upon it and, rightly contemplating it, grown nearer to God.

Having said all of this, I do not know to what extent you will disagree even with the fact that I am reading the above biblical episodes, such as the bronze serpent, as actual events. Your sophisticated interpretation of this serpent, for instance, along with your passing remark that you might have been charged as an Origenist for “allegorical readings” of the Bible, lead me to wonder again if you think that the account of this serpent is actually nothing but an indirect and occult way of speaking of mathematico-astronomical truths about the cosmos — if you think, in short, that there was no physical bronze serpent at all.

If that is the way you are interpreting the text, all I can say is that it seems to me on the face of it a profoundly untraditional, unnatural and even irrational way of reading the passage, and I would have a number of questions to pose you about your approach. But, to avoid wasting anyone’s time with queries that might be misplaced, I will for now leave the matter at only the single most pressing: are you claiming that at least certain passages of the Bible are to be read wholly mathematico-allegorically, and that the incidents these passages report never actually took place at all?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem The Computation of 666 book was downloaded some time ago – I’ve watched Pastor Ben’s playlist about it but haven’t read the book yet. I know some of the basics – his videos are very good around that subject.

The Committee of 300 is a masterclass on tracking the history and actions of the very elite’s upper echelon Committee of 300. Remarkable book that not only exposes plenty of Catholic Church corruption (if someone is unaware that the Catholic Church does evil doings then you really haven’t looked very hard) but also does a phenomenal job tracing the history of the East India Trading company and England’s tentacles reaching all through foreign policy including into the US. England has so much influence in our government I question weather the US has ever been a sovereign nation.

Also the Leo Zagami book Cyber Satan has lots of history / information about the dirty dealings of the Catholic Church and how it’s long been influenced/run by the Jesuits.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @JBL

So glad you were able to read Coleman’s book, which is an excellent piece of documenting the occult history of both the US, the House of Tudor and the VatiCain.

Several more of Leo Lyon Zagamis books do a good job of documenting the dark secrets underpinning the prostitute of Babylon’s priests:

1. Confessions of an Illuminati, Volume III
Espionage, Templars and Satanism in the Shadows of the Vatican

Does a good job revealing the dark and occult Egyptian MAGIk hiding in the Vatican, and unearthing the origins of the darkness hiding in the catacombs beneath the feet of the Holy Father.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

It is written:

“And you shall not set up an obelisk, which YHWH the creator hates.”

The abominations are endless.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

More abominations from the priests of the prostitute of Babylon, who train their adherents to make every excuse imaginable for spitting upon the word of YHWH. A pillar, which represents the phallus of Osiris, next to the golden dome, which represents the genitals and womb of the great mother, the prostitution of Babylon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The VatiKain loudly and proudly spits upon the word of the YHWH at its headquarters. The golden phallus of Osiris, into the womb of the prostitute of Babylon as foretold in revelations.

Even the name Vatika, comes from the ancient Egyptian Solar goddess Bat of Egypt, and who called Vatika in Etruscan.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


A link to more info on the Virgin goddess of the underworld, another form of the prostitute of Babylon for which the VatiKain in names itself.

What do we find behind her face, what the abominable priests of Babylon that carry her name now call the cross of Jerusalem and wear on their lapels. Her head is surrounded by the same Seven candles (hepta) as we have seen painted on MARdukAMon the transgender Mona Lisa they pretend is somehow related with Yeshua.

They are even named for the great prostitute, while sitting on the seven hills of Nimrod as foretold in revelations.

How many blasphemies and abominations must these Luciferians commit before we can agree they are not “remarkably resistant to corruption,” but instead part of the antiXristos themselves. Their very name includes Kain, and the prostitute of Babylon…

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Her name is Vatika, her statues are buried under the VatiKain… Nothing to see here.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Look below at Vatika/Vanth holding her chalice to make drunk the masses. She was the Roman equivalent to the Luciferian centaur ChaiRon. Yes the western church uses the very name of the angel of death, the prostitute of Babylon and goddess of the underworld (See: The descent of Ishtar), while the East uses the Greek equivalent of CHAIRHOn, the ferrymen who fishes mens souls at death

An excerpt regarding Vatika, and it’s origin regarding the wine to make the eoasenta and unwashed masses drunk with paganism.

“Vatika had several other related meanings in ancient Etruscan. The name was not only associated with the goddess of the Underworld.

Vatika was also a bitter, not well-tasting grape used by a peasant to produce cheap wine. The grape and a weed with the same name grew on the slope. When people ate it, they experienced hallucinations, and the word passed on into Latin as a synonym for “prophetic vision.” The Latin word ‘vaticinor’ means “foretell, prophesy” from ‘vatis’ – “poet, teacher, oracle.”

They sit on the seven hills of the city of Nimrod, they are name after a pagan goddess, their symbol is named after a pagan centaur of Astrotheology… It is endless JBL, but as Yeshua foretold you have been deceived by the wolves in sheeps clothing.

You have tried to dismiss all of these exact similitudes as mere coincidence, but it is far too much to be hand waived away by anyone with eyes to see that it is a Farse. If it were truly about worship of Yeshua and YHWH:

1) one does not name themselves by the prostitute,” Vatika or her Greek Luciferian pagan deity equivalent CHAIRHOn.
2) One does not name their priests the same as the slave drivers of Babylon, the Cura
3) One does not worship the prostitutes statues
4) One does not make multitudes of graven images to the prosititute and the reborn sun (identical to much older representations) emerging from her golden cup
5) One does not amass trillions in wealth
6) One does not erect obelisks
7) One does does not co-opt the dress of the prostitute of Babylon’s priests’ ritual dress
8) One does not take the prostitutes head priest’s titles (Pontificus Maximus) and declare himself infallible,
9) One does not make tons of golden buildings that are all architecturally an homage to the golden cup of the prosititute of Babylon and her genitals.
10) One does not make exact use of a symbol from Babylonian demonology and Mithras(the ChaiRon) who is the Myth of Ra the Solar Mysteries
11) One does not wear the crown of the beast of the sea Dagon called a Mithra,
12) One does not take the star of Ishtar and put it all over its images it makes of the prosititute of Babylon with her golden cup and the reborn sun.
13) One does not have their priests be called father against Yeshua’s words
14) One does not rape children, oppress, genocide, witch burn and pillage
15) One does not fabricate history of false martyrdoms to claim false holiness
16) One does not Rape Children
17) One does not swing incense before detestable alters of the prostitute of Babylon and set the tables of Gad and Meni
18) One does not subsume pagan deities, and their worship rites and rename them saints, and then pray to their graven images
19) One does not pray to the east of the rising sun
20) One does not make false relics to sell in the temple, against the words of Yeshua
21) One does not hide Nazis and help them take the German treasury to South America
22) One does not arbitrarily place the birth of their Savior on the day of Horus the reborn sun, Saturnalia, and Ishtar the w***e of Babylon (December 25th)
23) One does not incorporate the Egyptian Luciferian trinity of IHS and Solar worship symbols everywhere.
24) One does not build a chapel called the SIS-Tine, the chapel of SIX
25) One does not canonise 66 books in honor of the number of the beast
26) One does not claim themselves infallible and the only mouth of YHWH and otherwise declare his mouth forever shut.
27) One does not sit in its power on the seven hills of Nimrod in a church in the shape of a phallus and womb.
28) One does not prohibit the original scriptures use.
29) One does not lie to its sheep constantly, and deceive them.

It is endless @JBL, endless are the abominations of your church you claim is “remarkable resistant to corruption.” They are purveyors of endless spits upon Yeshua’s name and the scriptures themselves. They are the antiXristos.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Their very name is both the w***e of the prosititute, and means “cheap wine for the masses,” while they sit on the seven hills of Nimrod. It is an exact description of the prositiute of Babylon, her golden cup to make the masses drink, as shown in revelations. It is the SoliMeni.

Pope Francis says “Come home to Mother.” The mother w***e of Babylon the Luciferian astrotheological worshippers.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Look at them worship an idol engraved with the cross of Ishtar the prostitute of Babylon. It is an abomination.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

From the Catholics own sources:

“It has often been charged .. that Catholicism is overlaid with many pagan incrustations. Catholicism is ready to accept that accusation and even to make it her boast .. the great god Pan is not really dead, he is baptized.” (The Story of Catholicism, p. 37)

Your church admits it baptised the devil and declared him holy. The prostitute’s priests shall be cast on the threshing room floor.

“It is interesting to note how often our Church has availed herself of practices which were in common use among pagans .. Thus it is true, in a certain sense, that some Catholic rites and ceremonies are a reproduction of those of pagan creeds.” (The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals and Devotions, by John F. Sullivan, p. 156, published by P.J. Kennedy, NY, 1942)

An abomination this entire institution is.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

The Virgin hugs the sun. Solar worshipping blasphemy.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


After seeing your tireless desire to nitpick academic points, I grew tired of playing games at the debate club. There is a heaping mountain of evidence regarding the abomination that is the Catholic Church, not only in its longstanding murderous and corrupt ways, but in its very name, its symbolism, and its religious doctrines and history being directly ripped and robbed from the ancient Luciferian Mysteries from Babylon, Egypt. You’ve brushed the mountain of symbolic, doctrinal, and ritual identicalities between your church and luciferian pagans before, yet, if it were only a thing or two here, sure its a coincidence. But rather, it is nearly the entirety of their existence that is a direct continuation of pagan luciferianism, save that with their cheap and flowery words they claim to worship G-Zues.

I’ve attached a numbered panel, showing you how the very foundations of your church rest upon amalgamating a series of ancient pagan luciferian rites and subsuming them into a series of blasphemous idolatry filled rituals.

If you really believe in this “institution remarkabley resistant to corruption” that rapes children and burns witches from the cathedrals filled with trillions in gold, then how is it that every single piece of symbolism they have is taken directly from ancient paganism?

The panel is numbered:

1) We see an eastern orthodox high bishop carrying a staff of the two headed deity from India Surya. Next to it is an Indus Valley Seal from Gujarat from 3000 BCE. Why is your bishop carrying a two headed solar deities staff? Below it is the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch’s hat, with the two headed eagle symbol, and a two headed MarYam on it. This symbol is taken directly from Ninurta of Babylon. Why do your bishops carrying the two headed symbols of the sun god from India (Pagan) and wear two headed Eagles from Babylonian War deities (Pagan)? It is because they are a “universalist Church,” they made a mish mash of paganism from all around the world and swore it was for G-Zeus the illuminator. This is why masonry works intimately with, but despises, catholicism and eastern orthodox, because in masonic circles it is said that they simply “ripped off the luciferian mysteries.”

2) We See your same patriarch wearing a hat with the Pheonician Tau, known as the “mark of the illiterate” in Carthage all over it, which is also the Greek Chai, Specifically used in Revelations as the Mark of the beast and which is the number 6 in Greek numerals. There next to him is the same mark on an Indus valley seal from 3000 BCE of SHIVA THE DESTROYER. And again from Egypt of Osiris, the 4th horseman of the apocalypse, of OSIRIS LORD OF JUDGEMENT OF THE UNDERWORLD. Why does your church (and I assure you its all over the Catholic Mythra too) wear the mark of the “illiterate” and the symbol of Shiva the Destroyer and Osiris the judge of the dead all over its sacred hats? And it calls the Hats the “Myth of Ra?” It also uses the tymble of the “Chai-Rho-on.”

3) We See MarYam of the Cattle-Lick paganist religion next to another Indus Valley Seal from circa 2800 BCE. They both stand on the crescent moon, they both have glowing spires of light/flame coming out from them, they both wear crowns of astrotheological Solar-Lunar Worship.

On the seal of Gujarat India is the phrase written “Blessed/Immaculate Conception.” This seal, despite being made long before Buddha, is identical to the depictions of the Mother of Buddha, worshipped in Buddhism identically to Catholicism’s mary worship, whose name is Ma-Yam. The mother of Buddha established before G-Zeusism is named identically and also said to be a Queen of Heaven, and also have an immaculate conception, a concept which this seal (and many others) prove predates Catholicism by 3400 years.

The entirety of Catholicism is about salvaging this ancient “great mother queen of heaven” worship from ruin by Yeshua’s Truth, and then by stealing the scriptures and their message from the Aryeh Yehudah (while demonizing them entirely, and then persecuting them) and then Fabricating a tremendous lie of “Mar-Ters” who gave their life (without any historical evidence) to this great mother. The priests of Babylon, followers of Yam the “Lord of the Peters” used Paul (A Fire-I-See) and grafted themselves into taking and corrupting the entire thing into an abomination which is taken directly from the Luciferian Mysteries.

4) We have a painting of an easter orthodox bishop which well demonstrates the origin of The Great Mother Worship and The Vesica Pisces: It all relates to the vesica pisces looking like female genitalia and the liquid from an aroused female having a bitter salty taste, just like the salty hand Sal – Mano. That’s the level of madonna-w***e complex these child rapers have.

This is why Yeshua says that OANNES (Jon) is the greatest of those to be awoken by the Woman, but that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than He, and then mentions that he came out of the sea and took no food… It’s the ancient Oannes/dagon myth, just as told by borrosus or you will find in any masonic text (Try Manley P. Hall’s Secret teaching of all ages if you really want a modern break down.) Jon was giving “baptisms of Wisdom,” which in Hebrew is Chal-Hakma, the same as “Charagma” the mark of the beast.

Quite literally, Oannes(Babylon)/Dagon(Pheonicia)/Jon(Egypt) is the mythological bastardization tale of the beast out of the sea, the fish man wearing scale armor, coming and teaching the tools of civilization to the people. It is a deification of the Aryeh Yehudah by the supersticious luciferian priests that claim they are the keepers of sacred knowledge. You find this same name even in Korea as Din.Gun, who was dressed in SCARLETT AND PURPLE, wore a fish costume and is now clothed in the sea. Your eastern orthodox hat is literally a Sea Serpent sucking on the priests brain through enlightenment. The opening of the hat is the mouth on the brain, and those two “pictures” are the Eyes…

I’ve used the mirroring on the eastern orthodox hat so you can see the sickeness. All Eastern Orthodox official art is designed so that the eyes of the paintings can be sperimposed to make a new image which is identical to the old En-Ki statutes of Babylon, his own name meaning “Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Ki (Farm.)” You’ve gone on at length about how mirrors weren’t good enough etc. etc. Then why does mirroring a moon deities hat give me crescent and full moons? Why does mirroring feature so heavily in the occult magik practices of the ancients? Why does mirroring the catholic art of Mary-Amon give me an exact depicition of Amon, and Mirroring G-Zeus constantly give me Canines? The patterns are too much of a pattern…

Below that is his hand placed identically to the Hindu 666 hand of enlightenment. The concurrences are enormous. If you look to the left of his hat, you’ll also notice a ram with spiraly horns, identical to the gujarat seal that features the identical iconography to Mary from Gujarat in 2700 BCE.

Next to that I’ve put the Fish symbol from Gujarat from seals pre 2700 BCE. It’s said “Ma” just like Mater, just like MarYam, just like MaYam of the buddhists. And yes, its also the form of the vesica pisces and the female genitalia with the salty liquid. It is identical to the fish symbol produced from the mirror-overlay effect in the same painting.

5) The painting also hides the exact representation of Enki…

The very name “CATO-LIC” is “CATTLE LICK” like a salt lick for cattle that anyone who has been to an agrarian place is designed to keep cattle living in filth and squaller happy. This is the purpose of the Cattle-Lick church.

You can spend a lifetime trying to nitpick and tiny academic points, but I assure you, the entirety of your intellect is being sucked off by the sea beast to live in cognitive dissonance while worshipping the ancient pagan religion of the great mother from the sea, the beast out of the sea, by the antiXristos who replaced Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

(@444gem, cont’d from above — hoping, at least, that my first comments, which are presently under review, are posted eventually…)

The extant documents you have cited regarding the Church’s atrocities come almost exclusively from the church’s own initiates walled up in monastaries, or who had a clearly vested interest in upholding the image of “holiness” of the organization for which they had pledged lifelong fielty, and which they owed their living to.

In the first place, I have also cited documents from numerous pagans who do not mention any such atrocities, even though many of them were writing under a pagan emperor (Julian) and all of them were able to publish highly critical ideas about the Church in an era which, by your description, all published material was controlled by Church censorship. There are also, in the case of the Paulicians, Muslim sources that corroborate the Roman ones; I don’t suppose the Muslims were under the thumb of the Church?

As for the remainder, let us suppose (though it seems to me evidently unreasonable) that all the Christians then allowed to write were so fanatically intent on preserving the image of the Church that whatever they say must be regarded as inherently unreliable. What then? Where are we to get our information of this swath of the past, if the only reports we have at hand can’t be trusted? And how can we conclude anything at all from what we are reading, either for or against their statements?

Your habit of casting a blanket of radical skepticism over every document we have at our disposal seems to me to render any approach to historical events impossible.

In your arguments here you discount every piece of historical evidence in one form or another, nitpicking at every source finding whatever manner you can to downplay the importance of well attested, long-lasting and widespread decrees of genocide, rape, and profiteering.

I have in no way “discounted every piece of historical evidence”; to the contrary, I have assessed all the evidence I could find with some care. In most cases, my problem is precisely that there is no evidence, at least that I have been able to find, to support any of your figures, except the 100,000 Paulician deaths ascribed to Theodora. And even despite the fact that I have come up empty handed here, I still have not even “discounted” your figures; I have simply asked you to show me where you are getting them. I must suppose you have evidence I know nothing about, if you are so certain in your claims that you feel you can assert mortalities which are magnitudes greater than anything I have ever seen proposed.

As an example of potential evidence: if so many of these “decrees” exist, surely you can point to the passages in a few of them that avowedly support “genocide, rape, and profiteering”?

Having said that, I will readily allow that I am guilty of “nitpicking,” if you mean by this that I am attempting to approach these sources with a critical eye, a readiness to accept or reject specific points as I reason it correct to do so, and a willingness to think in terms of historical contexts rather than anachronistic standards on the one hand or prior commitments on the other. You, Gem, are doing the same thing that I am doing; nearly all the information that we have about the events we are discussing comes to us from none other than the same Church whose statements you seem to regard as being universally incredible; so you are constrained to decide what you will accept (e.g. the historicity of certain occurrences or the existence of certain historical personages) and what you will reject (e.g. the motivations ascribed to certain actions or the assessment of how events actually played out).

Let us take the figure of 100,000 as an example. You accept it as a minimum value, though I know you would readily discount any number of other statements by the same author who has recorded it. Is this nitpicking on your part? For my part, I do not think it is. You have your reasons, as I have mine. I submit that neither of us is nitpicking; but we are coming at this (as I have said from the beginning of our exchanges) from two radically different positions, which will naturally strongly color our conclusions. I have already indicated why this particular figure should be taken with a hefty grain of salt; I could say still more on that, and I hold by my statements. But I am not simply rejecting this figure because I find it uncomfortable (I have in fact admitted that a tremendous number of people lost their lives in this event), or because it is only found in a single source; I am calling its precision into question because it is impossible to credit, given other known facts about the historical moment. I have qualified it, not discounted it, and then only for a number of specific, articulable reasons connected to the context in which it appears.

I know no other way to reason about these matters than that, apart from accepting and rejecting historical accounts with perfect arbitrariness, on the basis of my loyalties — the which kind of jingoism I am honestly attempting to avoid.

Now, this specific figure aside, my broader point was that this event seems to me to bear all the marks of a military campaign, not a witch hunt, and I believe the historical evidence, such as we possess (from both sides of the Roman-Muslim border, I might add), supports me in this. I agree with you, incidentally, that the groups that were singled out in this way were considered threats to the power of Christendom; that is almost precisely my point. If the Paulicians had been innocuous to the social and power structures of the Empire, they would have been left largely alone, as most heretics were. You have criticized me for considering them military targets. Now, if there were a large group of people on the periphery of your nation, hostile to your faith, recalcitrant against your laws, who raided your villages and attacked your caravans, and who made alliances with your enemies toward the destruction and overthrow of your kingdom, precisely how would you characterize them?

As but an incidental note: the pope is not “my pope,” and my Church does not regard him as infallible, even in the limited ex cathedra pronouncements that the Catholics would defend as such.

What of the contemporarily attested stoning of the first two founders of the Paulicians at the hands of Eastern orthodox Christians?

Did I ever claim that Orthodox Christians are necessarily good, pious, and moral men? Did I ever fall into the error of supposing that a leader of Church or state in the era of Christendom would be perforce honest and just? As I recall, I was even the one to first broach these murders, precisely when I denounced them as being immoral, un-Christian, and politically imprudent.

The question is not the involvement of Orthodox Christians — there is no uniformly “holy group” under God’s sun, and never can or will be, prior to the Parousia — but of the Church as a whole, and the quality of its influence on events. If your view of the Church were correct, I would expect to see precisely what you have claimed happened through history: wave on wave of violent persecutions resulting in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of heterodox individuals over the course of these centuries. As I judge the evidence, what we see instead of this unholy juggernaut, is isolated incidents of fractious individuals or groups receiving in some cases unduly harsh penalties at the hands of a state which had hitherto, in its heathen days, been bloodthirsty to the extreme. Not precisely an enduring bloodbath, all considered.

My point here is that you seem to require extraordinary historical attestations, and demonstrate an extreme bias in favor of your church.

This may well be, Gem, I freely admit it. I cannot make a claim to a neutrality which I do not believe it is possible for any human being to attain. I could as easily say that you demonstrate an extreme bias against my Church; but what does this amount to, other than observing that your beliefs on these matters, and the presuppositional framework in which they are nested, are at radical odds to mine? That is precisely the reason our conversation is of such great value to me that I continue to spend time on it that I could well be putting to dozens of other things; for I see in the depth of our disagreement the opportunity to arrive, at the very least, at keener clarity on our respective positions and the true disagreements which stand between us, and, at most, nearer to that truth which, I honestly believe, both of us earnestly seek.

Now, having said that, I do what I can to avoid the temptation of cheerleading for my Church, and I strive to acknowledge the truth when I see it. Of all the charges that you have brought, I find those against Theodora’s acts contra the Paulicians to be the weightiest. I am convinced that a large number of individuals died in this event, certainly thousands, perhaps tens of thousands. Standing at a distance of almost a millennium and a half from these deaths, and basing my evaluations on the scanty evidence that has come down to us, I do not know how to rightly judge the actions of Theodora; but I do know that it is almost even senseless to reject the entire sweep of Church history on the basis of this single military action taken by a single empress, and one who hardly stands as spiritual representative of that Church even if she did commit the atrocities you are claiming.

To lay my cards fully out on the table, I will also say this: given my bias, and my membership in the Church, I am inclined to believe that Theodora, who has been sainted by my Church, likely acted as was necessary and servicable to the defense of the Empire, and hence also of the Church. I will sooner give her the benefit of the shadow of the doubt, than reject, on the slender basis of the same, a thousand years of accumulated Tradition, and the one guarantee we can possess that we might possibly be able to access God’s word on earth.

However, I have changed my worldview more than once in my life, and I could be dispossessed of this view if I were given sufficient evidence to suggest to me that the Church were so universally false, wicked and vile as you have claimed. As of now, that evidence is precisely what I have yet to see. You will forgive me, I do not doubt, if I am unwilling to upend my beliefs by the mere vehemence of your claims.

(N.B.: I have only now seen your list of crimes against the Jews. Please allow me the time to duly weigh your statements there.)

In this overwhelming historical context, the “seperation of church and state” argument you are making is dubious at best.

This seems to me a fruitful question to pursue. To what extent can we rightfully claim that the actions of the emperor at any given moment had the imprimatur of the Church? I would argue that the two bodies ideally worked in harmony, but often enough fell to odds, and I think this is borne out by the history we have received. But my grasp of the time period in question is far from expert, and I might be missing something.

Your own church (and yourself) have heavily touted the martyrdom of their church leaders, their position as an oppressed religion that “overcame.” A substantial portion of the claims of martyrdome by early bishops of Rome and other early Catholic church leaders has no contemporary historical documentation or evidence whatsoever.

In every case but the last of those you have listed, your claim amounts to nothing more than this: there is only a single later source attesting to events. But is that alone sufficient reason to reject their veracity? If your strict historical skepticism in these cases were carried to its logical conclusion, just how much of our knowledge of history would we have to consign to the dustbin as being witnessed by only a single, otherwise uncorroborated source? I am confident — though I might be wrong — that you do not apply such stringent standards to extra-ecclesiastical documents. You are, for instance, quite ready to accept the validity of the Nag Hammadi texts, and even in light of them to denounce St. Irenaeus as a liar. What precisely is your canon of judgement here?

We are back to the question of evidence. You begin from the premise that anything published by an Orthodox Christian — not just that material published through official Church channels, but anything by any Orthodox Christian whatsoever — is a work of propaganda, and that whatever is handed down by the Church Tradition is to be called immediately into question, if not discarded as so many lies and obfuscations. I find that premise shallow and crude, at least as it is meant as a general approach to be applied to individual cases in the absence of supporting evidence and careful historical analysis.

Yet you proudly have touted this extraordinary martyr history for which there is absolutely zero evidence, nor documentary or archeology…

Are you claiming, as you seem to be, that the entire tradition of Christian martyrs is a fabrication as such? That the martyrdoms of St. Stephen, St. Justin Martyr, St. Perpetua, St. Pothinus, to name but a handful of celebrated cases, were also Church inventions? That the multiple recorded exiles (and in some cases, death in exile) of men like St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil are historical counterfeits? That the “white martyrs” like St. Antony the Great and St. Macarius of Egypt never actually withdrew from the world, in the name of their faith, to live in hermitage and self-imposed exile? For it is to such persons and events that I am referring when I speak of the martyrdom of the Church, and its continual resistance to the siren song of power.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, at the risk of continuing to “play games at the debate club” (if this were my intent, I can assure you I would do so elsewhere than here), I will begin sending my response to your many comments. As I note here below, I have yet to reply to some of them, as I am only now seeing your latest comments.

I can say, as a preliminary, that we seem to have very different ideas of what constitutes “evidence.” Perhaps we can work that out as we go.

You originally claimed we needed an Church which was nearly incorruptible in order to maintain faith. you stated:

“everywhere the Church has risen to power, it has demonstrated the same remarkable resistance to the corruptions that power so often brings.”

I stand by my statement. Does this mean that the individual members of the Church are always resistant to corruption? Of course not; man does not lose his free will just because he has been baptized in the Church, nor does his human nature magically change into something pure and free of all taint of corruption. The Church gives man means to salvation that he otherwise almost certainly lacks; but it is always up to man to make use of these, and there is no guarantee that even a given Patriarch will be holy and pious.

Our dispute concerns the frequency with which such individuals emerge in the Church, and the power that they are able to wield when they do. I believe that the Church forms a bulwark against the usual decadence and corruption of human groups; you believe it has expressed almost nothing but these traits, at least since Constantine. That is where I see our dispute as standing, and that is where I believe the historical questions we are discussing bear specifically on our deeper controversy.

We must reasonably assume that Catholic The Church, as any powerful and rich organization, and especially one which possessed the monolithic power to make or break kings and kingdoms for ~1400 years, to sell indulgences for admission to heaven, and to murder and repossess the property of anyone brandished a heretic, has a vested interest in painting its history in its own favor and towards its own narrative of holiness.

In this statement, I believe I find your basic presupposition: namely, that any organization of such scope is bound to do anything necessary, including lie, cheat, steal and murder, to protect itself and its interests. I would contest this even in the case of purely human institutions. I can agree that human institutions, like human beings, are inherently concerned with their own interests. But just because a given human being will necessarily look after his affairs, this does not mean he will lie, cheat, steal and murder to do so; and the same thing holds for human institutions.

It is true, of course, that human institutions are precisely that — human — and in consequence they inevitably tend to decay and fail in the course of time, both morally and organizationally. But the Church does not claim to be an institution. The Church stands or falls by its claim to be the rightful inheritor of the Apostolic Tradition and the vessel for the Holy Spirit.

What should we expect to see in the history of the Church if this claim were true? I submit we should expect to see precisely what we do: a bastion in time; a bark which, notwithstanding calamities and the mere rise or fall of entire civilizations, yet maintains itself integral through all; a body of human beings which, when confronted with periods when the usual human tendencies toward retrogression and decay come into play, renews itself from within against all human laws, rights itself against the powers that pull it down, and persists. In short, a visible body which, on the whole and against even the exceptions that rise like vipers in its bosom, shuns the trappings of riches and power in favor of piety, humility, and virtue.

One of the reasons I am not a Catholic is that I do not see this with any consistency in Catholic history; it seems to me that the Catholic Church has succumbed to secular temptations with too great a regularity over the course of the last millennium in particular, and I believe this is owing to its dogma of papal authority (and, later, infallibility). I do not perceive this same dynamic in the history of the pre-Schism unified Church, or the post-Schism Orthodox Church.

Note that I am speaking in patterns, not individual cases. It is difficult to assess historical patterns as against purely individual and exceptional cases, but I there is no alternative.

A good example are the writings of Iranaeus from Southern France, which discuss the gnostics and their texts at length as vile and semi-demonic heretics. These writings by Iranaeus have now been shown, in relationship to the primary source Nag Hammadi texts found, to be outright fabrications, lies and embellishments, which can now safely be classed as a form historical slander against threats to Proto-Orthodox Catholic Power, painting them as demonic and evil.

That is a rapid gloss, and a tendentious one, of a complicated subject. I’ll limit myself to noting that yours is a minority position on this issue. Most scholars agree that Iraneaus was not so very far off in his depiction of the gnostics, as shown by the Nag Hammadi texts. That hardly proves that you are wrong, but it does call into question the confident rhetoric with which you assert your position.

[The finding of the Nag Hammadi texts] leads to the conclusion that these texts were categorically destroyed across the empire, and likely by those in control after the 4th-5th century; we have tons more papyrus from ancient Egyptians in 3000 BCE than from Gnostics?

These findings lead to no such conclusion. You are treating ancient manuscripts as if they were naturally eternal, and that the only way they could be lost is if someone burned or destroyed them. I have lived in a Mediterranean climate now for ten years, and I am shocked by the number of personal effects I have lost in that period of time to the combination of sunlight and warm humidity. I compare this to the years I spent in Arizona and New Mexico, and even Idaho — all comparatively very arid areas, where material objects tend to last. Ten years is a fraction of a millennium; if anything written on organic substrates comes down to us from early centuries AD in the upper Mediterranean basin, it is almost a miracle. Or, to put a finer point on it: if we have received these texts, it is only because certain men, most of them Christians, took the care to copy and recopy them, thousands of times.

It is thus altogether factitious to draw any malevolent conclusions from our lack of texts from this period. Irenaeus’ work itself exists now only in fragments of the original; we have another of his works (Proof of the Apostolic Preaching) only in Armenian translation, and the majority of his works have been lost altogether. His is but a single example; something similar holds for most of the Church Fathers. The Church obviously did not burn these works; they vanished through the vicissitudes of history, the fall of the Roman Empire, and the natural process of organic deterioration.

The cache of primary sources you speak of were found in an Egyptian tomb for a reason. Egypt is notoriously dry; materials do not decompose there with the impossible haste of Greece or Italy. Our oldest copies even of the New Testament come from Egypt or similar climates. Any archeologist you ask, or any scholar of ancient manuscripts, will confirm what I am saying. That, and not the failure of the Church to destroy them, is the reason documents survive there that do not survive elsewhere.

Simultaneously, the literacy and writing rates of the era of around 500-1200 AD are less than 10% of the population, and in many places at essentially 0% among the serfs, who were bound to tracts of land, and represented the vast majority (~75-80%) of the population of the era.

As compared to what kind of literacy and writing rates in pre-Christian antiquity, precisely? And just how are you deriving these percentages?

Literacy was very low throughout the ancient world, with very few exceptions (Ancient Israel might at certain moments in its history have been among these exceptions, for reasons specific to the life of that people), and writing rates were lower still. This was not owing to a lack of education; it was a matter of simple expediency. You are speaking of literacy rates as if it would have been in any way useful for the average peasant of two thousand years ago to know how to read and write — as if “literature” were then, as now, to be found everywhere, and writing was simply a matter of a pen and the will. Written works were exceptionally rare in those days because writing materials were exceptionally hard and expensive to produce. It would have done the average person in those days little to no good to know how to read a language that he would almost never encounter in its written form.

It also would have been impossible to stop people from learning to read and write, if the opportunity or utility had been greater. Education in those days was highly decentralized; if there had been a pressing need for a generalized literacy, the Church and the governmental authorities would never have been able to stop it from spreading, even had they wanted to. It was difficult enough even for Southern slave owners in the United States to keep their comparatively small population of slaves from learning to read and write, and they had as close to totalitarian control over the lives of those individuals as anyone could have had, prior to the advent of our modern technology (to touch tangentially on another of our disputes, that regarding the control of scientific exploration).

Literacy rises inexorably in proportion as the technological underpinnings for reading and writing become cheaper and more widespread; literacy rates are not a function of education, but a function of the prevalence of literature in a given culture.

The terrible atrocities against the serfs are not attested in Catholic writings at all, and have only come to light through extensive modern archeology.

Could you direct me to such evidence? I would be most interested to see it.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


I only now realized that the photo didn’t upload regarding some of the symbolism ripped from Gujarat Hinduism. The quantity of Pagan idolatry and rituals in the symbolism, in combination with the enormous amount of non-scriptural doctrines that nearly all line up with ancient luciferianism and paganism and occult myster rites are too much to ignore, period.

1) the saints who are taken directly from paganism with sometimes so much as a name change and the practices surrounding these saints being identical to ancient pagan deities.

2) The names of the church ripped directly from the luciferian mysteries “Vatikan” is the goddess of the underworld and it is Vat (proto-Isis) and Kain, the murder

3) The symbols are all ripped directly from the Luciferian mysteries, particularly the Solar Mysteries, including the Solar Cross, the Incense carriers, the architecture of the churches (they are all a dick in a v****a, seriously…), the hand symbols from Buddhism and 666 enlightenment worship, the vesica pisces (which represents the v****a and sacred geometry, which they do not whatsoever mention), Their hats come directly from buddhism, the Chai-Rho is taken directly from Mithras Da’ates, and Babylonain-Anatolian Pagan Solar Worship. The name “Chai-Rho” is taken from the Chai-Ro-on, the reaper ferryman of the underworld in greek paganism.

4) Wearing a Myth Ra, literally a reference to the solar mysteries. The pope carrying the solar cross.

5) using IHS inside Sun Symbols, which comes directly from the Egyptian luciferian trinity Isis-Horus-oSiris, and is found all over the world with the symbol of the Fenacian order of the Solar Bennu Bird.

6) The worship on SUNday directly against the scriptures

7) Placing the words DOM and DOMinus all over the Churches, which is undeniable a Solar reference.

8) The attire of the pope and priests is taken directly from the babylonian priest hood of Kybele and Janus

9) The name of the detestable priests comes directly from the babylonian Luciferian priesthood (cura/Curu)

10) The Pope takes his name from the solar serpent of chaos aPOPE/APOPhis(great)/

11) The maddonna and child paintings and statues the pope and patriarchs kiss are taken directly from Isis Ka statues in Egypt,

12) The title “queen of heaven,” is ascriptural and taken directly from Luciferian great mother pagan worship of Isis/Ishtar in Egypt and Babylon

13) They call this “Queen of Heaven”an immaculate conception, one of the Luciferian pagan mysteries titles used for the “great mother,” as I show you on the seals below

14) The eastern orthodox priests often carry the two headed staff which is called “Suray,” and is the ancient Solar deity of Hinduism

15) The eastern orthodox patriarch often wears a Myth Ra with a two headed eagle and a two headed marry, which are symbols going directly back to Ninurta, the warrior deity who becomes MarDuk, the solar deity in Babylon

16) The Quantity of Child Rape (its not just a few bad apples, your own sanctified pope JPII was friends with child rapers) which is identical to the ancient Luciferian orgiastic sexual rituals of Ishtar/Isis well recorded.

17) Placing the Pheonician Tau of Tannit (child sacrifice goddess of pheonicians), Osiris, and Shiva all over their stuff, which is openly known to mean 666 on their official garb.

18) Selling in their churches (I’ve seen it across the world.)

19) The spreading of square tables/alters with the sun and the moon emblasened in gold and silver and the 7 candles of the planets, a practice taken directly from the tables for gad and meni, sun and moon, which is detestable.

20) The selling of indulgences (this is not fractious behavior, thepopes had millions bowing at their feet throwing money to buy their way into heaven because they had made europe such an abominable place to live.)

21) The use of the title Pontificus Maximus, taken directly from the name of the high priest of the Solar Mysteries of Rome. The very deceleration of “infallibility” of any human, especially those that sell indulgences, is an abomination.

22) The symbolism of the “Queen of Heaven,” wearing scarlett/violet an deep blue, with a golden chalice, the cup of abominations warned of in revelations 17.

23) The quantity of scriptural commandments ignored and desecrated

a) “call no man father,” except for the priest Curu (

b) “build no obelisks” except outside numerous churches and the capitol

c) “make no graven images” except the pope kisses the graven images every SUNday and so does the patriarchs

d) “thou shall not murder” except those witch trials and inquisition were not “fractious” nor was that genocidal maniacism by theodora

e) burning incense at alters that is detestable to YHWH in huge quantitites

f) “remember the Torah” except they ignore the use of the original Hebrew scriptures whatsoever ,

g) worshipping on SUNday while it is commanded the Sabbath is on Saturday

f) Selling in their churches (I’ve seen it across the world)

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


More regarding the worship of the ancient great mother of the Solar and Lunar mysteries is found here.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let’s look at the abominable behavior of your Church “remarkably resistant to corruption” across its history. Let us consider that none of these can stand up to a “bad apples” argument, nor considered the wanton behavior of a few small factions.

24) The entire Church promoting a “temple economy” based upon producing outright fraudulent “relics” across the church’s entire power base, as far reaching as Spain to Armenia. It is pure, unadulterated fraud, propagated for indoctrination purposes, and to create economic benefit to the church and its monastaries based upon that fraud which compels people to move.

25) The Church’s tremendous role in religious genocide and burning people at the stake, including anyone who dared opppose the Church’s corrupt doctrines following the protestant reformation

26) The church’s support to the nasis before, during and after WWII, including helping the nasis rise to power, and then escape with the german treasury to South America. This includes Pope Pius XII Denying Eyewitness Reports Of Mass Execution During The Holocaust

27) The church’s well-known role in drug trafficking for several centuries, the monetary fruits of which is still enjoys today. See The Committee of 300 for greater detail

28) The Pope ordered inquisitions throughout its empire which resulted in millions of senseless brutalities based on “heresy”

29) The Suppression of the Cathars for “disobedience,” the fabrication of evidence against them and the prounecement of a holy war that resulted in their total genocide.

30) The innumeraable trials, and brutal tortures and executions against all it viewed as threatening to its power, such as Joan of Ark, Giordano Bruno, Caterina Terongi, John Hus,

31) The systematic cover up of child rape. What we now know confirmed likely consists of a tiny fraction.

32) The entirety of Pope Boniface VIII’s reign full of sensless brutality, depravity, and vile greed. When a pope does it, it isn’t “fractious,” its official policy.

33) The burning of people such as William Tyndale for translating the biblical texts into vernacular.

34) The desecration and burning of corpses (look it up, it was a common practice by the pope and high ranking bishops.)

35) Pope Alexander VI’s depravity, including Alexander and his family gleefully threw chestnuts on the floor, forcing slave women to get on their feet like swine and oink like pigs, then offering prizes of fine clothes and jewelry for the man who could fornicate with the most women.”

36) Declaring Judaism is a grevious sin throughout the inquistions.

The list goes on and on, for an organization “remarkably resistant to corruption,” I’m very hard pressed to see how under papal decree The Church has helped nasis, burned millions of “witches,” raped millions of children, burned people for translating the bible, ordered mass genocides against dissentors, profited immensely from the drug trade and sold “get into heaven for a price cards,” is anything other than an organization wicked and corrupt to its core.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, thank you for this; I was going to request you repost the image.

I’ve replied to a few of these symbolic parallels in our previous conversations, and could add a few more here (you’ve also provided a very long list above, about which much could be said), but I suppose it would be merely vain and litigious of me to continue disputing the surface. Our root problem is that we are seeing the same parallels, but interpreting them in profoundly different ways. If we don’t address that basic divergence, you can accumulate “heaping mountains of evidence,” and I can scale them with as many counter-arguments, but everything that each one of us presents will amount to nothing in the eyes of the other.

Here is how I understand our problem. You are claiming that these symbols were adopted in direct continuity with the ancient pagan traditions prior to Christianity, and were imported into Christian practice to produce a sort of occult religious worship under the false veneer of original Christianity. I am claiming that, while some of these symbols can be regarded as originally Christian, a great many others are indeed deliberate appropriations of a triumphant Christianity from a conquered paganism. Your claim is that we have here a classic case of the “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” while I claim that we are seeing rather the natural and necessary consequence of Christ’s ascending to His Throne, which brings about the renovation, recovery, and reordering of all things, including the fragments of often distorted truth scattered throughout the broad pagan world. You see in these symbols the secret victory of the powers of evil; I see in them the public victory of the Christ over our common Enemy, all his signs, ways, and wiles.

How can we address this basic problem?

I honestly do not know. But I think it is incumbent on me to produce some evidence for my position. I must try to show, in other words, that Christianity represents an inversion of pagan antiquity, and not its continuation. I have made one stab in that direction with my defense of iconography above. Let me offer just a few other instances of the dramatic discontinuity I perceive in historical Christian practice, as against the pagan past.

1.) The role of the king and the priest. Paganism, particularly of the deep past but extending up to Roman times, tended to unite the functions of the king and the priest in a single individual. Christianity, following the practices enstated by God in the Old Testament, has never done this, since it understands Christ alone as uniting these functions perfectly and eternally. (It could be argued that the Papacy is guilty of a serious breach here; I would be interested in pursuing such a question, but as I do not regard the Papacy, as understood by the Catholics, as being original to Christianity, and as there is no equivalent figure in the East, the Catholic situation does not fall within my present purview.)

2.) Sacrifice. Christianity is the only faith to offer a deathless sacrifice. Rather than offering up food or a killed animal, Christianity offers God to God; our participation in this offering is identical to the offering of all Creation, including our whole lives, back to the Creator. Sacrifice is carried out, not with a desire to propitiating or controlling spiritual beings, but in a spirit of justice, of returning all things to their rightful order, and of integrating the human spirit ever more fully with that of God. This is totally contrary to pagan sacrificial practice, which is one of the reasons that pagan sacrifice was utterly banned by Christianity as soon as it gained any political sway.

3.) Sexuality. The sexual license of pagan antiquity was clearly chastened in Christendom. The institution of a Church-sanctified and Church-mandated marriage rite, and the consequent suppression of adultery as an accepted practice, and divorce as an open possibility, marks a visible and unparalleled break with the pagan world.

4.) Material wealth. This is a point we have already contested, but to my eyes it makes a point of clear rupture with the pagan past. Wealth in pagan antiquity was considered almost a good in-and-of-itself; in Christianity, it is supposed to be given, as all things, back to God, either in the form of dedicating material splendor to God, rather than to man, or to using it in the succor of the poor and the sick.

5.) Carnality. This is obviously connected with the preceding two points, but the Christian effort to instill virtue in the flesh itself is found in many practices throughout Church history, including the rigorous fasting cycle throughout the liturgical year. This stands in evident contrast to the sybaritic pagan practices.

6.) Idolaclasm. The Christians were regarded with nothing less than amazement by the Romans for their destruction and proscription of the idols. There is no conceivable reason they would not have tolerated these, and even encouraged them, if they were being governed and instigated by crypto-pagan heads.

7.) Ongoing strife with paganism. The early centuries were characterized by the ongoing tensions between the pagans and the Christians, which sometimes were stilled, and sometimes broke out. There was even a moment when a pagan emperor, Julian, rose to power, and sought to reinstate pagan rituals, to the horror of the Christians and the relief of the pagans. It is indifferent to my point whether the conflict was fierce or sporadic; I wish only to indicate here that it is impossible to imagine why these groups should have so constantly come into friction, or why the Christians should have been so intent on suppressing pagan practice and worship, if there was nothing essential dividing them. Above all, why would the crypto-pagan rulers of the new Christian state ever tolerate such a thing, which, in such a case, would amount to an avoidable division between their own spiritual kin?

I could say more, but I will leave it at this for now. I want to ask you, if the Christian Church of the first millennium represents nothing but the secret continuation of pagan antiquity in new garb, how do you explain these visible, ubiquitous, and life-altering transformations of the pagan customs presiding in pre-Christian antiquity?

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


I’ll try to address these going from most obvious to most on need of explanation:

1.) The role of the king and the priest.

This is patently a-historical. It is a fabricated myth I often run into when discussing with the indoctrinated of the Cattle-Lick fable of its false piety.

When we examine the cultural cases that surround the creation of the Catholic Church, the papacy and it’s relation to political power of kings/emperors is in fact identical to all of its predecessors or consumed.

The power structures of the empires controlled by a monolithic priesthood, in nearly all cases separated the Priest Class (purveyors of the Luciferians mysteries) from the King and the Know-Bility (those with official political power and some ability to access hidden knowledge if they oblige the wills of the priest class.)

Case 1: Dynastic Egypt

In no case were the Pharoahs of dynastic Egypt “priest kings.” They held absolutely no priestly authority. Just as in cattle-lick Europe the pharoah-kings were vested, under the coronation of the priests as “Horus Risen,” but all religious duties and temple functions were held in the power of the Memphis (Lunar worshippers) and then after Khnum-Khufu in the Heliopolitan priests (Solar worshippers) from the city of On.

From the 4th dynasty on, the Pharoah always selected under threat of death his Viceroy (later in Rome called the “Master of Horse.”) from the Heliopolitan priesthood, and this viceroy and his priests exercised all administrative and real authority over the empire and it’s people. Innumerable internal, external texts as well as unassailable archeological artifacts show the priesthood commanded all of the power within the empire’s borders, while using the pharoahs as state figure heads in charge of expanding borders and bringing in new wealth and slaves from former lands.

The pharoah-king nominally controlled the military for this purpose, but always with the knowledge that the priest class, if their wishes were opposed by the king, could turn the soldiers against the king as a heretic or a “demon possessed.” It happened often, and this is the very story of the mythical Sol-Amon (Sun King) with Ashmodei as found in the Hebrew tales: a king who is possessed and impostered Sol-Amon for many years who is nearly deposed until he makes good on the eyes of the priests some years later.

This dethroning of pharoahsby the Heliopolitan priesthood AKa excommunication occurred through innumerable dynastic changes (most often directly instigated by the Heliopolitan priests under a heresy plot over more than 2000 years) of Egypt.

The easiest and most notable of examples is Akhenaton, when he tried to remove these priests cult authority and institute himself as a priest king of Atonism, which is a solar monotheism identical to the later Mithraism or Sol Invictus cults. Akhenaton tried to become the priest king of atonism and to do away with all the local priests attached to local deities, what the cattle-licks now call “patron saints.” His whole family was brutally murdered thereafter and a dynastic change imposed to restore the priests authority.

Not only did the priesthood of Heliopolis coronate the pharoahs as a “Horus risen”, they also deposed them at will (aka the cattle-lick excommunication), and this resulted in a pattern which mirrors identically that of post Cattle-Lick Rome and Europe: constant fractures of power among each gnome or a group of gnomes (smaller administrative states of Egypt, as all the fiefdoms in Europe of Rome under the Dux, literally the Marduk…)

Whenever the Pharoah opposed the will of the Heliopolitan priesthood, large internal power struggles and bloody struggles ensued shortly thereafter, much as in Europe post cattle-lick rise to power: these luciferian wolves in sheep clothes, the children of Kain, follow the same pattern of the degradation of the society into a fractious set of political states and constant bloody power struggle, which serves the priests to divide and conquer at will their subjects they are Ki farming, as cattle. The pattern echoes exactly that of the late Roman Empire into Europe.

The stronger the priest class grew in Egypt, the greater the degradation the state of mathematics and sciences, and the greater the supersticions and abominable acts of bloodshed for the priests benefit. The archeological record does not lie regarding this.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Now let’s turn to the second example proximate in time, geography, symbolism, and the very name of the cattle-lick luciferian structure, to show your claim that pagan societies always used a unified priest-king is proven patently a-historical.

2. Babylon

The old Babylonian empire was truly established by Hammurabi as something more than a nominal city-state. Hammurabi is directly mentioned along with Sol-Amon, Hiram Abi. It is a one syllable transposition of the name, which as I have shown you, is a very common phenomena when referring to Luciferian kings and deities in the scriptures (so as to not directly name them), such as calling the serpent deity Ganes/Hanas as NaHas. Is it any wonder they changed the name of Berashit to Ganes is?

The same pattern of syllable inversion repeats in Judges 7:5 regarding the same old luciferian “Great Mother” worship, where those that lap as dogs (the Cushites, the Dog Star worshippers, hence why they make G Zeus paintings that mirror to make dogs constantly) are called “Ky-Leb.” This is the one syllable inversion of the infamous Ky-Bel, now known as “Cybele.” It is her keys and hat your priests hold and wear, along with those of Janus, Janus being Ganes/Hanas (like Ganesa.)

This is the same “Queen of Heaven,” your luciferian cattle-lick priests worship. A point of note, as I pointed out at length in the comments other post I linked to you, is that MarYam itself is a reference to the goddess out of the sea, the patron of temple prostitution.

To this very day, the water system is a of Paris, whose name comes from the Hebrew word for Pharisee, “PARISim” in Hebrew (of course the city named for the Fire-I-See is called the “city of light”) has the worlds “CyBele” written in Iron (Luci-Ferrus, the Iron Lifht) on every single water carrying pipe, manhole cover and drainage system. It is the great mother out of the sea Tiamat, Tamtu, Ishtar, Isis, Ashtarte, Ky-Bel (who os Ba’al as a transgender female) etc. It would have to be a tremendous coincidence for it not to be an occult system of propagation of Luciferian ideals within the Catholic Empire for a city to be called after the Solar Priests PARISim, officially named the “city of light,” emblazons the name of the great mother out of the sea on its water system in Iron the metal of Lucifer-Ferrus…

But I digress to Babylon and it’s priests. We find from the Akkadians, to Hammurabi and the Old Babylonians, to the Neo Babylonian empire, that the king-emperor was not whatsoever a priest. There is again a mountain of unassailable evidence that the priests controlled all administrative duties under the high priest SATAMu and that each local temple cult of Curus (like Cura…) except used total authority over the state.

Again, the emperors were coronated by the priests as either the representative of Aku (The Moon, where it was said “Aku is my fortune”) or of Shamesh/Utu. The quantity of tablets from the “great” ashurbanipauls library show the priests handled all administrative, mercantile, religious/temple, labor and agrarian duties in tremendous detail and with inordinate power, and they also show that Ashurbanipaul was constantly being forced to erase the shadow of the lunar eclipse from his soul, that he might not become demon possessed at the behest of the immensely powerful priest class.

There are again numerous examples showing that when kings opposed the SATAMu priests plots ensued and dynasties were changed following brutality. The priests of the temple of Eanna (Innana Ishtar “Queen of Heaven”) at Eridu were particularly noted for overthrowing aka Excommunicating the emperors every time they threatened their power.

As in Egypt there is a mountain of internal and external textual evidence and archeological evidence that the kings were used as nominal military authority figures to capture outside lands and inject more wealth into the temple economy. Of note is that just as in Europe the Neo-Babylonian empire encouraged huge quantities of “pilgrimages,” to their temples to see relics for profit.

Hammurabi’s code is one such relic, never actually used for law (even scholars note this) but instead an item containing huge quantities of mathematics used to train temple initiates as to the “laws of the universe.” Almost all of your Greek advancement in mathematics comes from their paid pilgrimages to these temples.

Hesiod’s riddle of the Phoenix is a perfect example as it includes constellations from India and Babylon. “Pythagoras,” is another who honestly, was 2500 years behind the mathematics of Babylon. I’m going to now take a second to note to you another parallel with the Luciferians cattle-lick priesthood: the hoarding of knowledge behind a “paywall,” and abominable superstition for the masses. While Pythagoras was given about 1/10th of the mathematical knowledge of Babylon after making a pilgrimage, they had advanced calculus and physics. I can show you that the shape of the top portion of Hammurabi’s code is designed to give the logarithmic integral (yes calculus) for finding the statistical Distribution of Prime Numbers and it’s relation to statistical mechanics of Boltzmann and the Lunar Motion.

So while the king is busy getting washed from the demons of the eclipse so the priests won’t depose him on a whim, these priests possessed mathematical knowledge and skill so advanced it wasn’t reached again until the 20th century. I am now going to show you one example of a symbol your church wields as superstitious nonsense for the masses, and it’s origin as a mathematical teaching tool. In the exact same pattern as the Babylonian priesthood.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Here is a basic breakdown of the papal cross and its hidden symbolism.

The “papal cross” is the pheonician (the Enochians, children of Kain) form of the letter Samekh. The name Samekh comes from Sam-esh, the solar deity of Babylon.

This Cross is the tool used for creating Riemann sums in order to approximate the elliptical functions, which can be integrated as two parabolas, in order to develop integrated mathematical functions that track the elliptical orbits of the planets. Without this level of knowledge the anti-kythera mechanism wouldn’t have been possible, nor the innumerable Babylonian tablets that show they predicted eclipses hundreds of years into the future within minutes of accuracy.

This is why his name is the aPOPE as the serpent the aPOPhis. It is a representation to the serpent of movement. His very name is an admission of being the representative of the great dragon of winding elliptical movement in the cosmos on Earth. And this is one of the unassailable connections with Babylon; the hoarding of knowledge and the use of their mathematical tools as supersticious indoctrination devices whose true meaning is kept from the public. Either these priests and Pope are ignorant fools propogating mathematical tools as “sacred objects” or they are hoarding a bunch of mathematical and scientific tools and not telling their secret.

Also, the whole burning people for not saying the Earth is flat thing, that was at the decree of the Pope and cardinals, it was not “Fractious behavior.” And it wreaks of the hoarding of knowledge.

This is a direct example of how the priesthood is a complete continuation of the power structure of the Luciferian Solar mysteries of Babylon. While the priests hoard this advanced mathematical/scientific knowledge, they made the know-bility go through the silliest of supersticions to obtain only a fraction of it (all the rituals in Catholicism are paralleled in Luciferian initiation rites in Babylon and Egypt), and then they turn and use all of these symbols to propogate supersticious nonsense to indoctrinate the masses. I assure you, they call Cattle, which is indeed the origin of the name Catholic: it is as I have been saying a “Cattle-Lick.” A place to keep cows happy til they get fat and slaughtered.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Back to your first claim.

We have already seen it is patently a-historical in Egypt in Babylon, two societies who symbols, rites, names and ways of doing this they have appropriated and copied ad nauseum.

Yet, we see the same thing in a variety of other socieities (I will spare excessive details as your claim has already been thoroughly shown to be utterly false):

3) In the Selucid and then the Akemenid Empire the emperor was never considered a priest. The high Zoro-Astrian priests, direct fire worshippers was subject to the exact same set of practices from these priests as which occured in Egypt and Babylon. The same practice of all administrative, religious, and monetary power resting in the hands of the zoro-astrian priest class is well documented, as well as its ability to fracture the empire at will.

4) In The Ancient Chinese Middle Kingdom, the Emperor was again a deified Sun King as the Pharoahs, But the Chinese Emperor, just as the pharoahs, was never a high priest, but rather a “semi divine” figure head that was responsible for military conquests to plunder wealth to infuse into the priest classes coffers. It was always the priest classes which coronated (like corona of the sun, seriously…) and could depose him at will.

The same pattern of people

5) In The Pheonician Empire of North Africa and Spain, later subsumed by Rome. While the priest classes had a single representative in the senate of Carthage, they were not generally part of the official state roles in government and state. Instead, they controlled enormous quantities of wealth while shaving their heads (just like all those stelles of your church’s early holy men) and appearing “austere.” Pheonicia Carthage (again Enochian, the children of kain) was particular in that only wealth gave societal positions, except for being a priest, which was kept in elite familes who were directly from Tyre, and then guaranteed elite status, as all who did business were required to pay a heavy tax to this class, who again in fact controlled the whole of the administration of the serfs of the empire.

Those that opossed these priests were invariably burned in Tannit ceremonies as “sacrifices to the Great Mother” with exact echoes to the witch burning trials of your Cattle-Lick priests who you claim stopped sacrificing people. Just because you call somebody a heretic and then burn them, doesn’t stop making it a blood sacrifice.

Note that in Carthage, the lower priests who were actually austere (like the poor monks shoved into monastaries by the cattle-licks, who were generally decent folk, but not at all part of the power structure of the church, rather its grunts, its “customer service” reps) where called “Khnums” just like the potter deity of Egypt (The setting sun and controller of the underworld) referenced at the condemnation of Yeshua in regards to Judas, whose own name is a reference to Tyrrean Purple of the Pheonicians.

At this point, it is fair to say your first claim is thoroughly trashed historically. Essentially every single complex Luciferian empire’s priesthood who the Cattle-Licks took their symbols did not combine the priestly and kingly functions, and instead used the king-emperor as the one in charge of military conquest to obtain foreign wealth for these priests, just like in Rome.

Let us now look at Rome, where your own claim is actually completely the opposite. The priests of Cattle-licism once again were proud to unite the actual title of head of church and emperor.

1) In Rome itself, the role of priesthoods were not at all held by Senators. The single role of Pontificus Maximus was marginally “head of the temple of Jupiter” but weilded no power in the role until Julius Ka-SAR (his name is literally said “Ka-Sar” which in the ancient tongue means “The spirit of The beast” and refers to the Sar eclipse cycle.)

It was only after this that the emperor was declared the pontificus maximus, although usually only in name. However, we see that the under cattle-licism, from the third century on, all emperors were declared Pontificus Maximus, until it was actually Gratian himself that refused the title as a pagan abomination. The Church itself tried insesently to get the emperor to wear the title of Pontificus Maximus, and when he refused, they then took the name themselves.

Just as in Babylon, Egypt, Persia and China, these priests and their Pontificus Maximus indeed wielded all authority over the european empire, and then later over the innumerable fractious states, with the ability to coronate by divine rite, or excommunicate by “heresy” all that opposed the priest class and their Satamu/Pope’s will.

The point in fact is that the aPOPhis indeed had his own standing army, employed mercenaries with his great wealth, and also wielded tremendous military power to great affect throughout the crusades.

Moreover the Pope used his authority to “excommunicate” and condemn as a heretic anyone that opposed, in order to force Charlegmagne to grant him the papal estates (again under threat of being condemned to hell.)

This established the Pope’s physical and geographical empire, his own lands that at many points occupied the majority of Italy. This is the establishment of a kingdom under the pope, and once again actually directly united the priesthood and kingship for the first time since the days of those king-priests of deep history.

The pope was certainly both the autocratic emperor of the papal estates with its own military (thus taking the position of the king), and possessed the function of the high priest simultaneously, with the ability to coronate or depose his vassal fiefdom rulers (aka Gnomarchs of Egypt) at will, thus making him exactly what you profess he is not: a UNITED EMPEROR AND PRIEST of LUCIFERIAN RITE.

For as smart as you are, you are blinded by your own intellect, and the false narratives fed to you by these maniacs. How can a Pope wear a crown, have a military, control all of italy, be able to depose and coronate his vassals at will under supersticion, and not be considered a united emperor and priest?

Moreover, the declarations of self infallibility (while burning a bunch of witches) and the mouth of gad, are most certainly the same phenomena as when emperor’s were considered the representative or avatar of such and such luciferian deity (Horus, Shamesh, utu, Zoro-Aster, Tannit, Hathor, etc.) on this planet.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


As you both know, my posts here on VL are far from on par with anything you both have been submitting here. Further, my knowledge of Scripture is very weak at best, as is my ‘Ancient History of Everything’, so I ask that you please pardon me for any mistakes you may find on these matters within this comment.

If we could go further back into the human timeline and cut deeper into these religious discussions here…..I am curious about a few things…..I will also use the words God and Jesus, as old habits die hard, however, I know you both understand what I mean….

So with that said….

Was the establishment of a ‘religion’ even a purview of God? Or, did man simply take the opportunity to try to ‘outshine’ his neighbor for God’s ‘favor’, and begin to ‘interpret and coalesce’ God’s simple (sacrificial) requirements, into a form of organized ‘rules and dogma’ leading to the rise of ‘religion’?

Meaning…how did ‘organized religion’ even become established? When in the human record did this happen? Did man try to improve upon his simple relationship with God by creating rules and regulations, for himself and/or others to follow for worship, or was it dictated to man, by God, to set up an organized structure for worshiping him?
If the former, then the roots of corrupt, power-hungry men influencing and controlling ‘access to God’ go back to the dawn of civilization…and therefore no religion is exempt from the staining of corruption and therefore everything derived by man in the name of God could be now considered suspect….

If the latter, then we now have positioned fallible man into performing the role of being the designated interpreter for God… inevitably leading to the pitfalls which that entails – notably the tainting, twisting and biasing of sacred texts.

Moving along,…

We can also ask the same questions regarding the establishment of a religion on Jesus’ behalf. Did Jesus specifically instruct founding an organized religion in his name? Was this part of Jesus’ purview as well or did man once again, try to improve upon Jesus’ simple teachings and create an organization designed to manage his teachings?
If neither God nor Jesus expressly requested formal religions to be established in their names, then should we now consider the entire pantheon of both Judaic and Christian religions, sects, and off-shoots to be blasphemous? Should we then apply this same blasphemous logic to every other religion and form of spirituality that is not centered on God?
How does one even define God and does God mean the same to me as to a yak herder in Tibet? Where do we draw the lines? Who is to say who is right and who is wrong?

Perhaps we are all trying to make more out of our relationships with God than need be to the exclusion of ourselves and humanity as a whole.
If we were created in his image and likeness, and he alone is the Divine Creator, the Divine Mind of All That Is, then surely, he would have given each of us the ability to ‘know him’ directly, and individually, without middleman or religion…..therefore, would not our hearts and minds alone be the gateway for such a simple yet profound relationship?

If so, then God would be with every man, equally, and within each man’s own capacity for understanding him……and therefore no one man, nor one race, nor one religion, nor one sect would be greater or ‘favored’ over another…

…we would all simply be God’s children….

Unless of course I’m wrong….


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie225

BRAVA, Ralphie! I believe the Father wrote His law into the hearts of every man. This is personified in Gnosticism as a divine spark, but it’s basically just a compass.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Thank you, AE! I am very curious as to what these boys will have to say….

……either way,, it’s been quite the ‘Ancient History of Religion and Symbolism’ class….hope there’s no pop quiz? 🤔

My best to you and your family!

1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

And to you and yours 🙂 I have missed your incisive wit. I suspect their reactions will be polar opposite from each other, but we shall see.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I am sure you are correct with that prediction! LOL!

In the meantime….while we wait for a reply, I’ll get us some popcorn…


1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

@Ralphie 225 That being said, I do believe that the Torah was given by YHWH directly. All Gem has ever said is that Yeshua is the truth of YHWH, therefore he is the only way to the Father, as the only way to Him is through living in said truth, which he gave opportunity to all men to do.
Apologies when I first commented it was late for me and I responded to part of your message.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie225

Many thanks for your (as usual incisive and thought-provoking) questions, @Ralphie225!

In trying to address them, I could of course just list the go-to verses that are generally used to justify the advent of the Church, but I recognize this will be futile. For it is usually not the case that we base our spiritual beliefs on our interpretation of Scripture; rather, we interpret the Scripture in the light of our spiritual beliefs. I believe that this is indeed the whole problem, and the main reason why a Church is not only necessary, but inevitable.

So let’s make a different approach to this problem. Leaving aside for the moment the question of whether the Christian faith is even an “organized religion” at all (it actually understands itself totally differently than this), and taking “religion” in its widest acceptation as a body of rules, rites, practices, etc. uniting persons of shared belief, I would like to ask you, what is the alternative to religion? You might say, each person ought to read the Scripture and extract what he can from it. But this leads to many problems. I will note only two of the most important.

First, this approach is unsustainable in the long run, for it will always happen that charismatic and ambitious individuals, reading and interpreting the Scripture for themselves, will come to the conclusion that the Scripture is calling for the founding of a religion, and, gathering around themselves a group of “faithful,” will form up a new “church.” There is no stopping this; it is a natural human tendency, for human beings are, to follow Aristotle, social animals, who naturally group together in organic hierarchies. It seems inconceivable to me that God, who made us as we are, would fail to provide us a form of worship suitable to our nature — one in which the elements of the faith are preserved, taught, clarified, transmitted, encouraged, and stewarded within the context of a social group (the original Greek for “church,” ekklesiastikos, comes from the Greek word for “assembly”).

Second, if we say that each person should independently read Scripture, we are begging the question: which Scripture? For the “Scripture” is not given to us just so, like a watermelon or a stone; it is itself the organic product of a historical process of selection and rejection of elements, undertaken by the Assembly, the Church — a differentiation of that which comes from God’s inspiration and that which comes from man’s errors. If we reject the Tradition of the Church, we are left without any way of even determining what books ought to be considered as Scripture, and what not. Each individual is thus called upon, not only to interpret the Scripture according to his own feeble lights, but even to decide on the canon of Scripture. But then, we have thrown out priest, pope and patriarch, only to make every single person into a kind of private priest, pope and patriarch all his own. One might well enough hope that God in such a case will tend each person’s views and keep each one of us from falling into egregious error, but that hope is all but refuted by the astounding variety of totally incompatible interpretations of Scripture, many of them very wild indeed, that have arisen from precisely this kind of approach in our days. Without a Tradition, we are left rudderless, left adrift in a sea we know not how to navigate, beneath an overcast sky and without any tools but our merest, all-too-human intellect and instinct to guide us.

If this is really the alternative to “organized religion,” we are in trouble indeed. But I think there is another alternative: not religion, but Church Tradition.

You say:

“If [religion is man-made], then we now have positioned fallible man into performing the role of being the designated interpreter for God… inevitably leading to the pitfalls which that entails – notably the tainting, twisting and biasing of sacred texts.”

The problem you are pointing to is real and profound. But I believe that the Tradition of the Church exists precisely to give us the only possible solution to this problem; the Tradition is both the repository of divine wisdom and the key to its understanding — a vessel of truth untouchable by the “interpretations” and the “conclusions” of mere human beings. Lacking that, we truly do not know how to differentiate between the god of the yak-herder, the god of the Romans, the god of the Luciferians, and the true God presented to us through Christ. Without the Church, we are all of us essentially pagans living beneath a de facto universal pantheon, each cleaving to his own favorite personal deity out of purely human preferences and purely human desires, and quite possibly being led into perdition by sly malevolent powers in the meantime.

For my part, I do not believe that God would leave us abandoned in such confused and chaotic stead. As we have faith in a benevolent and philanthropic Creator, who directly acts in and on the world, there is no alternative to a Church, an Assembly of the faithful, nourished by a carefully protected Tradition extending without rupture back to Christ and continually renewed by the Holy Spirit — a Church founded by God and through God, but formed by humans and for the benefit of humans, meant to teach us how to interpret Scripture, how to live as God sees it is right for us to live, and how to become the human beings that God has made us to be.

Does any of this this in any way speak to your concerns, Ralphie? I fear I may have wandered off of them…

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Thank you so much for getting back to me – I appreciate your input on the matter!

Actually, I was looking more for the origin of ‘religion’ per se, both historically, in general, as well as the impetus of its origins in the Judaeo-Christian traditions.

Regarding its history, archeology has found many items such as stone alters, idols made from different materials (wood, stone, leather, etc), cave drawings, ‘sacrificial’ bones and  jewelry, etc, that appear to be related to ‘religious or ritual worship’ that date back thousands of years.

So how did early man know to worship something? How did the action of ‘worshiping’ come into practice let alone the worshiping of ‘something’?
How did early man know to assemble an alter or carve a figure of a deity? 

Further, were these acts the work of an individual perfecting their personal worship or was it the work of someone organizing the group?

Building alters and carving idols, in my opinion, are the foundational steps of people beginning to coalesce and organize themselves for ritual worship. Perhaps the origin of the shaman was just that…to begin to organize the people’s worship from individual to group and to better please the deity by doing X then Y then Z?

An interesting piece here is that, according to an archaeological find in Botswana , it appears that man in Africa engaged in ritual practice of python worshiping over 70,000 years ago — 30,000 years earlier than the oldest finds in Europe.

If we take this find, we can infer that by 70,000 BC, man had organized themselves into a ‘practice’.

Unfortunately the catch being that although various theorists have attempted to “reconstruct these early cultures and religions, based upon extrapolations from data, derived from modern cultures that were considered to resemble pre-historical hunter-gatherer societies, unfortunately, “the further the scholar pushes back into pre-history, the more he has to “speculate about the lives of these our predecessors; and so ultimately we speculate about the origin of human religion.””

So, perhaps it is a chicken-and-the egg puzzle…..which came first: man’s recognition of something outside of himself or something outside of man caused the recognition?

As for whether or not the establishment of an organized formal religion was a direct purview of either God or Jesus, I do appreciate your input on the matter and found your analysis very poignant and thought provoking…

….however I think I will need to keep digging as I feel I may already know the answer….


1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now onto number 2:

2.) Sacrifice. Christianity is the only faith to offer a deathless sacrifice. Rather than offering up food or a killed animal

I agree that The Aryeh Yehudah (not Cattle-Licks) explicitly put an end to all blood sacrifice in their scriptures, and that one of the principle messages of Yeshua is to cease all sacrifice.

However, just because in word they have ceased sacrifice does not mean they at all stopped in practice. And this of course is the biggest problem with the indoctrinates of the cattle licks, they follow the false pious words and ignore the actions. The practical reality is the the cattle licks simply rebranded blood sacrifice to the great mother “Queen of Heaven.”

The history of glorified martyrdoms by church power figures, a tremendous number of which are fabricated lies, is indeed designed to glorify this practice and to increase the likelihood of rank and file adherents to give their blood for the church, a history you yourself have touted as to be glorified.

You will find in the book I gave you several sources showing that Gratian refused to be the pope emperor “pontifices Maximus” at the behest of the church leaders (in contradiction to your first claim…) and then they made Damascus I the first papal “pontifices Maximus” after they sacrificed 300 women in front of him. That doesn’t make modern rewritten and largely fabricated history books, but several contemporary source documents are there regarding it, more evidence than for any of these innumerable false bishop of Rome martyrs.

Constantine your own founder used his family as sacrifices while being pontifices Maximus, as did his son.

And then there’s the real trail of blood: the inquisitions, witch trials and heresy burnings. The death toll is certainly in the millions. The innumerable number of “heretics” burned is just unfathomable, and as I said before just because you brandish someone a heretic or a witch before burning them, doesn’t stop making it a blood sacrifice. It is indeed the blood the prostitute of Babylon is drunk on in Revelations. An easy example is the case of Jon Hus whose crime was to ask the same thing I am asking now: show me where in scripture these abominable pagan practices are found; they aren’t. (please don’t break down this case for me, it’s but one example of millions.)

They declared people heretics against the Queen of heaven MarYam/Ishtar and then burned them alive in the town square. This is blood sacrifice period.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I’m now going to directly auote Jeremiah 44.

It is the direct mention of the abomination that is the QUEEN OF HEAVEN and BURNING INCENSE TO THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN. The exact title church adores and whom burns incense to and her pagan statues. YHWH says have no graven images, YHWH says burning incense to the Queen of Heaven is abominable, and this becomes THE VERY FOUNDATION of their practices. Your ignorance of scripture, or total disregard speaks volumes as to the way they have mind controlled you into their Ki farm, and gotten you to lick the salt as their cattle.

Yet another exact scriptural citation of the true nature of your church, an abomination. Look at the “triumph over paganism” you claim, burning people in town squares and spitting on scripture!

This passage is admonishment to the fallen Aryeh Yehudah of Egypt (and Babylon), the ones who became drunk with the wine of Vatika. Do you think it does not apply to your abominable church? Indeed, their Tower of Ba ba’al embodying this transgender prositute and it’s spirit of Lucifer is abominable, and it’s temples shall fall. I urge you to come out of Babylon masquerading as followers of YHWH, the antiXristos.

Jeremiah 44:

This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You saw the great disaster I brought on Jerusalem and on all the towns of Judah. Today they lie deserted and in ruins

because of the evil they have done. They provoked me to anger by burning incense and by worshiping other gods that neither they nor you nor your fathers ever knew.

Again and again I sent my servants the prophets, who said, Do not do this detestable thing that I hate!'

But they did not listen or pay attention; they did not turn from their wickedness or stop burning incense to other gods.

Therefore, my fierce anger was poured out; it raged against the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem and made them the desolate ruins they are today.

"Now this is what the LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Why bring such great disaster on yourselves by cutting off from Judah the men and women, the children and infants, and so leave yourselves without a remnant?

Why provoke me to anger with what your hands have made, burning incense to other gods in Egypt, where you have come to live? You will destroy yourselves and make yourselves an object of cursing and reproach among all the nations on earth.

Have you forgotten the wickedness committed by your fathers and by the kings and queens of Judah and the wickedness committed by you and your wives in the land of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem?

To this day they have not humbled themselves or shown reverence, nor have they followed my law and the decrees I set before you and your fathers.

"Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: I am determined to bring disaster on you and to destroy all Judah.

I will take away the remnant of Judah who were determined to go to Egypt to settle there. They will all perish in Egypt; they will fall by the sword or die from famine. From the least to the greatest, they will die by sword or famine. They will become an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach.

I will punish those who live in Egypt with the sword, famine and plague, as I punished Jerusalem.

None of the remnant of Judah who have gone to live in Egypt will escape or survive to return to the land of Judah, to which they long to return and live; none will return except a few fugitives."

Then all the men who knew that their wives were burning incense to other gods, along with all the women who were present--a large assembly--and all the people living in Lower and Upper Egypt, [3] said to Jeremiah,

"We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD!

We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and will pour out drink offerings to her just as we and our fathers, our kings and our officials did in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. At that time we had plenty of food and were well off and suffered no harm.

But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine."

The women added, "When we burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings to her, did not our husbands know that we were making cakes like her image and pouring out drink offerings to her?"

Then Jeremiah said to all the people, both men and women, who were answering him,

"Did not the LORD remember and think about the incense burned in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem by you and your fathers, your kings and your officials and the people of the land?

When the LORD could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became an object of cursing and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today.

Because you have burned incense and have sinned against the LORD and have not obeyed him or followed his law or his decrees or his stipulations, this disaster has come upon you, as you now see."

Then Jeremiah said to all the people, including the women, "Hear the word of the LORD, all you people of Judah in Egypt.

This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: You and your wives have shown by your actions what you promised when you said,We will certainly carry out the vows we made to burn incense and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven.’ “Go ahead then, do what you promised! Keep your vows!

But hear the word of the LORD, all Jews living in Egypt: I swear by my great name,' says the LORD,that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surely as the Sovereign LORD lives.”

For I am watching over them for harm, not for good; the Jews in Egypt will perish by sword and famine until they are all destroyed.

Those who escape the sword and return to the land of Judah from Egypt will be very few. Then the whole remnant of Judah who came to live in Egypt will know whose word will stand–mine or theirs.

This will be the sign to you that I will punish you in this place,' declares the LORD,so that you will know that my threats of harm against you will surely stand.’

This is what the LORD says: `I am going to hand Pharaoh Hophra king of Egypt over to his enemies who seek his life, just as I handed Zedekiah king of Judah over to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the enemy who was seeking his life.'”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

A Curu of Babylon called “father,”dressed in Babylonian priestly garb, holding the pagan title of Pontificus Maximus, protecting pedophiles, and spewing detestable incense to the Queen of Heaven’s graven image. All on direct contraversion to the commandments of Yeshua and YHWH.

This is the antiXristos, those who replace every commandment of scripture with abominations and false piety shrouded in excuses to deceive the masses.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem I just realized the Google corporate logo not only has 666 in it but also has the colors blue (in the center of the ‘eye’), green, red and yellow. Which are the color of nucleotides in our DNA. I can guess why Google covets our DNA but I wonder if you could comment?

There is a five-planet alignment coming up in a couple days on the 28th as Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Mars plus the moon appear across the night sky forming an arc at about 50 degrees. This type of alignment isn’t as rare as I would have thought, there are 2 other 5 planet alignments coming up over the next few months but this one overlaps with Yeshua’s birthday on Sunday. Is that a factor in any way?

There was a ‘comet’ went by recently called ‘Oumuamua’ (means ‘scout’ in Hawaiian) that didn’t get much media attention.

“Astronomers had long been searching for comet-like objects entering the solar system from the vastness of interstellar space, but had never before observed one.  NASA previously confirmed that ‘Oumuamua was “the first object ever seen in our solar system that is known to have originated elsewhere,” but said its origins were unknown.

But ‘Oumuamua did not much resemble the comets that normally travel in from the edges of the solar system. It lacked both a tail and a fuzzy halo, known as a coma, which are formed by dust and gas warming in the Sun’s heat.

It was also a peculiar elongated shape, never before observed in comets or asteroids. Its diameter was roughly 100 meters — about the size of a football pitch — but by some estimates it was 10 times as long as it was wide, shaped either like a pancake or a cigar.

And by the way light glinted off the object, it appeared to be tumbling end over end.”

“But the strangest part was that once ‘Oumuamua slingshotted around the sun, it sped up and deviated from its expected trajectory, propelled by a mysterious force on its way out of the Solar System.”

Most scientist disregarded this strange phenomenon claiming hydrogen gas evaporated propelling the object in a different trajectory and speed but one scientist Avi Loeb argued in his book that the object was probably debris from advanced alien technology – space junk from many light years away. It may have been a type of “light sail” propelled by sunlight, a technology that humans are currently developing for space exploration.

Scientists knew about Oumuamua for 6 years but somehow failed to collect enough data on it to make any conclusions.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

Awesome info, kwon! I knew Yeshua’s birthday’s nearly here, but I’ve got to learn to start looking up.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

Thank you A E. I put the date in my calendar after Gem mentioned it some time ago so I don’t know if it’s online or not.

How are you feeling? Is it physical illness from the spraying and what not or more spiritual stress from the pressure of the situation?

You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am pretty convinced that sometimes when they spray the atmosphere here they do it to create cloud cover for some other operations being done. I have observed the day after heavy spraying days the next day is very cloudy and a large amount of military movement happens on those days. Military jets fly around a lot. Also they block one’s observations of the sky which was what happened yesterday. There was a ton of cloud cover after spraying so we couldn’t see the sky last night.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

A bit of both. The spraying here has been extreme, every local I’ve talked to has said they’ve never had such terrible allergies, my eyes have been burning too, no itching, just a burn like chemical exposure. We’re not far from a military installation either.

My spiritual issues seem to be more my habitual tendency to “turtle” (draw into my own shell) whenever there is something, some emotion I don’t want to deal with. Sometimes I don’t even realize it’s happening until I’ve gone a few days without praying and I’m miserable. I’m becoming more aware of it, so that’s a start.

Thank you for your prayers, I consider you one of my people, too, and my prayers include you.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I see. I can relate with the emerging emotions being a driver for wanting to escape. The healing process takes a lot of time – we’ve been through a lot.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


My apologies for the delay in response, the work has been extremely involved. Doing vector analysis from derived kinematic figures encoded in Reimann Sums on artifacts get a bit mind numbing, and I don’t want to respond to such profound questions without full attention.

Kukal’s (remember Kukal Kain from Chapter X) logo is indeed 666. Of course it is, they are the purveyors of Gugal Anna (the bull of heaven) and Kukal Kain (the mother of blood sacrifice Venus.) The colors are RGB, the “primary colors” of the light spectrum. Regarding the DNA:

Your DNA acts like an antenna which indeed connects you with the rest of the world and the cosmos. It carries a vibratory signature which can be identified now from satelite (see Lueren Moret’s videos.) DNA is also an extraordinary wealth of information and coding language. They are now using:

1)DNA “doped” gold lattices to create invisibility cloaks,
2)Intelligence agencies using bacterial DNA to encode secret messages and images completely undetectable without an exact DNA decoder algorithm.
3) Cloning is an obvious aim, particulary in the form of human AI hybridization
4) The design of humans, and advanced eugenics programs moving forward
5) The ability to design pathogens which effect strict and exact portions of the population based upon their specific DNA
6) The ability for AI (through 5G block by block networks) to be able to identify any person by their DNA’s vibratory signature with a single ping of mm wave energy. You cannot escape your DNA’s bio-signature.
7) The quantization of all of the biological information of the Earth for harvesting

The list is quite long, these are simply the most obvious ones that do not require more scientific background and discussion.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


The five planet alignment you are discussing is not necessarily “rare.” generally things are not timed exactly to alignments, but rather to a set of very complex Sine wave functions which incorporate the flow of energy from Birkland Currents, and the beat periodicities that can be found by designing a Sin-Cosine function from The Torah.

The “space junk” theory is mostly correct regarding the Oumuamua. Likely it is a floating sentry that collects data rotating between a series of stars.

The name Oumuamua carries alpha numerics of 636 and 712, both of which point to the moon. 636 = 53*12, with 53 being the number of Lunar Tropical Months in 4 years, and 712 being 356*2, 356 being the longest Lunar year in the Metonic Cycle. 636+712 = 1348, which is 337*4. there are 37 Lunar months in 3 solar years…

Note that there are also 1348 cm on the perimeter of the right side of the upper stelle of Hammurabis code, which is designed around the black sun of Shamesh (judgement), and particularly the Moon, which is a “satelite.”

The choice points directly to the knowledge form the NWO that this is an orbiting interstellar sentinal satelite that gets sent through various solar systems to collect data.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Which definition of satellite are we talking about? A planetary body that revolves around another or a mechanical object placed in orbit? How so many things are tied into the moon and it’s functions is amazing to me. Though Mon(keys) Mon means man. So I don’t see yet how 13 monkeys relates to the moon.

Being a sentry makes sense there is no way it is what they say it is – how that is “space junk” I don’t know.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon


You are 100% correct about the “man.” Remember that words and concepts are trees, and the branches comes from the root.

I gave you a chapter Xi preview a few weeks ago on how the scriptures begin by defining the moon’s apsidal nodes processing 90 degrees 2.21 years. This motion of the moon is what stabilizes Earths orbit; otherwise earth would be flung about wildly every time we passed Jupiter or Saturn, and thus our oceans having massive tidal waves, and our poles becoming the equator every few years. It would be a completely unstable system.

Instead the motion of the moon is what permits sufficient stability for complex life, and eventually humanity to form its complex civilizations. Thus the Moon is the Key to Man.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

mon in French is a male possessive, so it is a man, identifying the keys as belonging to him.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

@A E

Unlike English, objects and concepts in French (and other Latin languages) are assigned gender (quite randomly.)

The “male” possessive of the French “mon” does not refer to the speakers gender, but to the assigned “gender” of the word “Ki,” which in French is a “male” gendered word. Thus anyone in French, male or female, could say “Mon Ki,” and it would refer to “my ki.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Onto #3:

3.) Sexuality

You seem to claim that somehow the Cattle-Lick church put an end to sexual iniquity. This is, again, patently a-historical, and based only on the false pious words of these monsters. I find it absolutely jaw dropping that you even dare claim a church which has raped millions of children (and protected and aided those pedophiles) somehow put an end to sexual iniquity. Where are you living? And if you believe the child raping and sexual debochery is new, it is not.

Instead the cattle-lick does what all power hungry religious organizations do when they wish to keep a people oppressed: institute strict moral dogma punishable by death in the name of god.

The sexual purity rules are just another form of oppression against the people, a regulation against the masses that could be used at a moments notice to imprison, stone, torture and burn anyone at the stake all who had an errant thought, or who might be deemed threatening to the organizational strict societal controls.

Yeshua said, in defense of an adulteress, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone. Your church, full of child rapers, decided it better they be burned! As per usual they spit on direct commands from the mouth of Yeshua.

Before I get to some of your abominable rapey popes, let us first look at the case of your beloved Justinian the mass murderer-dictator, his prostitute wife, his best buddy general Belasaurius. Belasaurius’ name, if you didn’t notice is “Ba’al Saros” meaning lord of the beast, as well as “Ba’al Osiris.” The very name of Satan and his beast, thr “Beautiful Osiris” of the eclipse cycle forewarned of in revelations! Is this pattern getting old yet? I don’t think those that triumph over paganism then go conquering on pagan gods names…

Justinian ordered strict sexual purity in his kingdom. On its face, it seems your version of history is supported by this, but quite the opposite: it was a piece of paper issued as a form of oppression by an emperor married to a prositute. It is easy to sign a paper, and thus in word order all your subjects to be sexually pure, while your you marry a prositute out of a brothel, and this same prostitute then gets your best friend to marry her other prositute friend, and then both of then run around sleeping with dozens of people behind your back. Now you’ll try to nitpick all the contemporary sources as biased, but certain facts are unassailable

Theodora was the lead “actress” at the Hippodrome, performing shows in front of thousands per night that exposed her genitalia, and would be considered “extreme burlesque,” even by today’s standards. She began at age 13 performing her life sex shows in the cattle lick capitol!

Theodora had a child at 14, and her older sister Comito, a famed “singer” as well, became a mistress to several men of the oligarchy; it’s known that both had several abortions. Oh the piety of your pious emperor’s wife! Here are these oh so pious cattle licks stopping the Roman laciviouaness you say. No JBL, you are blind; these monstwred oppressed their serfs under insanely burdensome laws

At 17 Theodora left her sex shows and became the official prostitute of the governor of Libya. Then at 21 she got bored and returned to Constantinople, and enamored Justinian, who at the time was the consul and named heir to the throne of his uncle. She was 22 and Justinian 40. Your emperor who told Jews how to read the Torah and codified death penalties for sexual immortality for the masses had to invent laws to allow him to marry a prostitute… the hypocrisy

After getting married and rising to power as empress, Theodora then proceeded to hold palace origies on the regular and to sleep with dozens upon dozens of men behind her husbands back. Justinian was aware of what she did, but publicly played the fool. Anyone who tried to want Justinian was put to death swiftly for their “false accusations.”

Several people who threatened Theodora’s power were mysteriously poisoned, had their throats cut and were tortured. This is the cattle lick way. Declare piety for the commoners and then marry a w***e who sleeps with your entire court and cuckholds you. Generally speaking, powerful people that decree “sexually morality” are the most depraved.

It should ring the same to you as the Maha Amutism of Saudi Arabia today. Where the laws decree that speaking to a woman in the street is punishable by death (there are often public executions for this) while the entire royal family goes to Ibiza every summer and hires 100s of high class “actresses,” just like your beloved Theodora. I’ve personally witness two high Saudi princes huffing cocaine (punishable by whipping and death by their own decree), sleeping with several “actresses” who they pay $2000/hour (punishable by death n Saudi Arabia), and then go gambling (punishable by hand being cut off in Saudi Arabia).

So here we have an example of the “great morality,” of Justinian the cattle-lick coronated by the pope, who made sexual purity decrees for cattle-lickism. This is the very reason Yeshua said that only May the one that is without sun cast the first stone; he was well aware the men stoning were likely routine clients of brothels.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let’s now look at some of your “remarkably resistant to corruption” popes who you seem to claim put an end to sexual inequity. Remember, whenever solar worship takes monolithic power they either go to one extreme or the other:


A) It’s total depravity in the streets (Babylon, Rome)

B) Oppression of the commoners with total inequity in the halls of power (Maha Amutism and Popery)

So some of the popes themselves who clearly show your claim is of pure ignorance, born of mind control from totally false narratives:

A) Pope John XII (900s CE)

Pope John XII transformed his residence into an open brothel. He commuted open murder, invoking demons, and had sexual relations with his sisters. (Oh how pious and sexually moral!) His promiscuity ended up getting him killed after a husband caught his wife in bed with John XII and beat him so brutally, that he died three days later from his injuries.

B) Boniface VIII (1200s CE)

decreed officially that “paedophilia was no more a problem than rubbing one hand against the other.”

The irony of a member of a church that decrees pedophilia harmless and rapes children for a thousand years claiming they put an end to sexual immorality. You do not live in reality.

C) Pope Benedict IX (1000s CE)

After obtaining the papacy Through bribery (look at that remarkable resistance to corruption!) This guy went around and had relations with dozens of young boys and men. He was deposed, for this, returned, then had some more relations with boys and was forced to resign again…. Burn the heretics, but let your Pope-King rape boys and just force him to resign.

D) Alexander VI (1500 CE)

Another one who got to be pope by bribery (No corruption here…) after becoming Pope He fathered at least nine illegitimate children, and was infamous for hosting a series of orgies throughout his reign.

On one occasion he held an entertainment spectacle called the ‘Joust of W****s.’ He for women to get on all fours roll around in the mud and pink like pigs before forcing them to have a public orgy… what an “end to sexual immorality!” What a resistance to corruption!

E) Pope Sergius III (900s CE)

The guy murdered the pope before him to seize power. He then had his son, born to him by a brothel prostitute instituted as his heir to the throne. He was infamous for having multiple prositute a a night in his palace. What a chaste pope-king resistant to corruption!

F) Pope Sixtus IV (1400s CE)

The same man who commissioned the infamous SIS-Teen chapel (the chapel of Satan, the chapel of Six) was abominable. This wonderful “infallibility” pope had six illegitimate children, with one as result of incest with his sister (how chaste! He who worships this Virgin Queen of heaven!) Despite his sexual indulgences, he was quite the hypocritic, and strictly policed others sexual behavior, creating a tax on prostitutes (that enriched the papacy) and charging priests who had mistresses (to further enrich the papacy). He was known for torturing sexual deviants.

Yet one more shining example of the end to sexual mortality of your church….

G) Pope Innocent VIII (1400s)

The first pope openly acknowledged his illegitimate children, all from prostitutes, numbering at least eight children. Before his open admission, his prostitute bastards were publicly called the Pope’s ‘nephews.’ He was also known to be a big supporter of witch hunting, openly blessing the act in 1484!

These are the men you claimed stop sacrifice, were impervious to corruption, and stopped sexual immorality! The very pope-kings of their own papal empire…

H) Julius II (1500s)

This pope died of syphillus he got from frequenting prostitutes! What a chaste sexually morale man

I can go on, and on, and on, but the point in fact is that the child taping has been going on for centuries, and there are reeks of documentation (especially once non Catholic clergy were allowed to learn to write again) regarding the extreme moral degeneracy and sexual inequity of the papacy. You cannot call this “fractious” behavior.

Let us not forget the innumerable numbers of infants murdered and buried outside monasteries where the “fathers” and “nuns (literally meaning serpent fish…)” transgressed their “sexual chasteness,” and instead of facing consequences from the abominable church, thought it better to slaughter the infants and bury them. There are many thousands of carcasses like this now found (and who knows how many more are hiding underneath their facade.)

Let us not forget that these are just a few popes l, but rather, we’ll documented among cardinals and bishops as wel throughout the cattle lick empire.

This now makes all 3 of your first 3 claims about your church thoroughly dismantled.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


While we’re at or let’s look at a few more of the shining examples of piety of the children of Kain you call pious and “remarkably resistant to corruption.”

Pope Steven VI (800s AD)

This Pope started off hid Poperg with a disgusting act: digging up his predecessor Pope Formosus, and displaying his dead body to stand trial. Oh the piety of these men!!

Formosus’s limp body was propped up on a throne as Pope Stephen VI shouted unanswerable questions at it, accusing him of blasphemy during his reign as the aPOPE-fis (daughter of the serpent.)

Unsurprisingly, the dead pope lost his trial, was condemned, and his body was hurled into the Tiber River. If this doesn’t sound like amore disgusting version the trial of Yeshua by the Pharisees, then I don’t know what does.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

And that leads to your claim of number 4 regarding material wealth, another ridiculous assertion based on utter blindness. The cattle lick church controls more than 30 TRILLION ON WEALTH. The vatikain is the very symbol of immense opulence and luxury.

Yeshua said it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven… too bad the vatikain is the richest corporation on earth…. There are no amount of stories of the immense material corruption (SELLING INDULGENCES FOR GOLD) of your church but I will share one very strong piece of contemporary evidence prior to the schism I am certain you are unaware of:

Pope Clement II (1046-1047), was appointed Pope by Emperor Henry III of Germany. Contemporary decrees state that the emperor appointed Clement II “because no Roman clergyman could be found who was free of the pollution of Simony and Fornication!” Wow. What a lack of corruption

Official decrees, letters and contemptoraru secondary sources show that the two prevailing Sins of the Clergy were immorality and simony. The Church owned a large share of property, and had rich incomes. Practically all Bishops and Priests had paid for their office, for it gave them a chance to live in luxury. There are a multitude of documents and records showing that Kings habitually sold Church Offices to the highest bidder, regardless of fitness or character, as it guaranteed a life of luxury for the office holder…. What piety, resistance to corruption, and sexual chasteness!

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Some more depth:

Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) was named contemporarily and in contemporary sources in the decades thereafter the “most powerful of all the Popes.”

He claimed to be “Vicar of Christ,” “Vicar of god,” and “the Supreme Sovereign over the Church and the World.” Wait,
I thought you claim they deprecated Chiech and State authority? So much for that…

(Not so) Innocent III claimed the right to depose Kings and Princes; and that “All things on earth and in Heaven and in Hell — are subject to the Vicar of Christ.”

He effectively brought the Church into total and supreme control of all States, not only his own papal empire of Italy.

Contemporary sources show that under supreme threat and tyranny of Innocent, the Kings of France Germany, and, England, the most powerful fiefdoms, as well as practically all the monarchs of European empires, bowed his every whim, including orders for blood.

Innocent ordered two Crusades, decreed Transubstantiation (really?),
confirmed Confession to priests (called intelligence gathering before the internet ) , declared Papal Infallibility (that joist of w****s was pretty infallible) , forbade the reading of the Bible in the vernacular (Hiding the scriptures at the popes behest is not “fractious behavior,”) ordered the extermination of tens of thousands heretics, instituted Inquisitions (aka blood sacrifice) and ordered the Massacre of the Albigenses (more blood sacrifice.)

I thought they ended blood sacrifice! No, they renamed it and you fell for their ruse. No they sold their positions in order to live lives of luxury, wielded armies and had their own empire as pagan priest kings, and let the blood flow like rivers in sacrifice to the Queen of Heaven of Egypt, Isis.

You spit on Jeremiah’s face, a prophet of YHWH, with your ignorance and your excuses for these vile and murderous abominations.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, this is a response to your reply on point (1) above. I’ll come to the others as I find the time. I thank you for all of them.

Rather than demonstrating the invalidity of my statement, your reply seems to me to provide a number of exceptional situations from the past, presenting them however as universal and regular. Your position rests on a dubious extrapolation from these individual emergencies to the generality of the life of ancient societies, disregarding in the meantime, as so many veils of deception thrown over the secret truth, the vast preponderance of evidence that we have of how these societies were normally organized and structured. You may, for all I know, be right; but as often happens in our conversations, I find a marked disproportion between the evidential grounds on which your views stand, and the emphatic confidence you show at their unassailable verity. That is a gap I do not know how to stride across.

The kings, emperors and even tribal leaders of the distant past tended, with truly remarkable uniformity, to embody a position of sacred regality; indeed, this is so broadly true of ancient societies that it can even be regarded as one of the few common unifying factors in an otherwise bewildering array of customs and laws. Ancient “heads of state” (whether emperors, kings, tribal leaders, etc.) were held to be the vertex of society, the point of contact between the gods and men. They were given the public responsibility for carrying out high priestly functions, such as making the sacrifices during important festivals. In many if not most cases, they were considered to be either divinized or divine. To keep to a very short list, all these things were true of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Babylonian, Assyrian, Seleucid, Achaemenid, Phoenician (and hence Carthaginian, when they had one) kings, the Chinese emperors, and pre-Christian Roman kings (Rex Sacrorum) and emperors (including even Julian the Apostate). In short, these things were true of all of the groups you have mentioned. This is a matter of historical record.

Is it possible that any number of these monarchs might have been pawns in the hands of a secretly conniving priestly caste? Yes, obviously. The power of a given monarch, and his relation to other elements within his society, will alter from historical period to historical period, from dynasty to dynasty, and even from monarch to monarch. None of this changes the fact that monarchs really were, almost always and everywhere, regarded as uniting in their persons the twin figures of king and priest, and that, for the most part, and leaving aside exceptional cases (e.g. the short-lived Carthage republic or the moderately longer-lasting Republican Rome) and extraordinary situations (such as many of the events you have noted), they did indeed publicly carry out a number of specifically hieratic duties, including offering sacrifices to the gods. That alone makes them both de facto and de jure members of the priestly class. The most you could argue is that the claim of the king’s being the head priest was a lie.

Now, let us say for the sake of argument that every single case of “sacred kingship” was in truth but a complicated and masterful theater piece, put up by universally all-powerful priests as a useful scapegoat or religious pawn in times of need. I think there are excellent reasons to doubt this, but let those be for the moment. Even if you are right, your hypothesis still fails to explain the evident discrepancies and discontinuities standing between the Christian political order and almost every other order which had preceded it. When Emperor Constantine stopped making sacrifices, already from his triumphant return from the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, or took to describing paganism in terms like “an outmoded illusion” in his edicts, how are we to regard this? When the Roman emperors following him ceased to consider themselves as gods, or to accept any public offerings as such, how are we to explain this absolutely unprecedented historical shift? When pagan sacrifice itself was outlawed across the entire Empire by these same emperors, how can we possibly regard this as being just another expression of the same theologico-political order?

Your claim seems to come down to this: in the early fourth century, for some reason or other, the entire empire changed its clothes, but remained the same empire beneath them, like a king coming into a new fashion, and causing thereby innumerable social disturbances and upheavals that could easily have been avoided by simply — keeping his old clothes on.

I have the sense I do not understand what you are claiming happened in the early Christian period. Your view cannot be as facile as I have portrayed it here; but I fail to grasp why you think there might have been any motivation to effect so great an outward revolution in customs, in order to perpetuate a power structure that was being actually threatened by precisely no one. If you could enlighten me here, I would be grateful.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


You begin by making an inordinately blind statement.

“Rather than demonstrating the invalidity of my statement, your reply seems to me to provide a number of exceptional situations from the past.”

It seems you think that your comparison of social structures from the “deep past,” the vast majority of which are far removed from the Roman Empire and Catholic Church, not only in geography and time period, but also in comparable social structures and complexity, are somehow more applicable to making arguments of “breaking continuity” by the catholics, as opposed to making our comparisons regarding continuity from the Luciferian-Pagan empires/socieites/religions which are directly proximate in time and space, comparable in terms of social complexity, and were eventually subsumed into the Roman Empire and its social structure. It is patently ridiculous to call using all of the religious structures of the complex empires and societies which surrounded and eventually formed part of the Roman empire and/or traded with it extensively as “abberations,” and to dismiss them. It is a logical fallacy of massive porportions.

Certainly, the vast majority of ancient soceities were not as large, long lasting, technologically complex and socially stratified and specialized as Egypt, Babylon, Pheonicia-Carthage, Persia, China and Rome. We must compare apples to apples, not wetland apples to dessert oranges.

When analyzing genetic fitness, you don’t go to a farmer’s well tended and well watered orchard next to a river, pick one apple tree (that you are biased towards) and say “Look! this tree is so much healthier than the vast majority of other apple trees, so it is completely different that the other apple trees!” and then call the other trees in the orchard “abberations” and use untended wild crab apple trees in the dessert trees where it never rains and there are constant brush fires for comparison. No, you compare that apple tree you think is different to the other apple trees in the same orchard.

So yes, these societies I have mentioned were certainly exceptional cases in the totality of human history. Again, I must reiterate that trying to Compare the Roman Empire and its priest class to small and loosely bound and technologically basic tribal leaders or isolated nomadic siberian steppe warriors is just plain ridiculous.

In terms of evaluating the validity of an argument of the Catholic church somehow ‘breaking continuity of social stratification and division between church and state from all pagans before it,’ it is imperative that we rather most heavily weight and analyse its closest and most comparable pagan counterparts, and certainly most heavily weight the other luciferian-pagan empires that surrounded it, and that eventually became part of Rome, and/or traded with it and culturally effected it, and are proximate in the historical epoch.

Julius Ceaser and Mark Antony didn’t have children with a sub-saharan African warlord pagan priestess queen dancing around a fire; they slept and had children with Cleopatra, the Ptolemaic-Egyptian Pagan Queen of Egypt, an undeniably Luciferian-Pagan complex empire of a large population, obviously proximate in time and geography to Rome, and which obviously had cultural infusions not only upon Rome itself, but upon your Church, whose art is a direct copy and continuation of the art of Isis, the “Queen of Heaven.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I cannot resist making a single clarification, for I fear I was not clear in my remarks. I did not mean to say that the civilizations you present (the Babylonian, the Egyptian, the Roman, etc.) were exceptional in the mosaic of ancient civilizations; to the contrary, they were altogether characteristic of the ancient world. I meant to say that the events you describe above of relations between the priest class and the king seem to have been exceptional within the general life of these particular civilizations. I intended to compare early Christendom with precisely these civilizations, and I mentioned other, prior, or less vast political entities merely to shore up my claim that all of them tend to show signs of “sacred regality.”

I doubt this will change the opinion you seem to have formed of my view, but I offer it for what it’s worth.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

You then continue by making a correct statement, and then show your total utter blindness to the reality of the papacy, a definitive priest-king.

“The kings, emperors and even tribal leaders of the distant past tended, with truly remarkable uniformity, to embody a position of sacred regality…Even if you are right, your hypothesis still fails to explain the evident discrepancies and discontinuities standing between the Christian political order and almost every other order which had preceded it.”

What do I call a christian emperor with title “Pontificus Maximus?” Because that’s what all emperors were called in the first 80 years of the catholic church. They were priest kings. Not much of a break in continuity there…

What do I call a man that wears a crown, has a personal empire the size of the Italian Peninsula, is the largest land-owner on an entire continent, Commands his own standing armies, carries the Title of Pontificus Maximus, proclaims himself Infallible (ie perfect, as if he were a god), proclaims he has dominion over the entire Earth as the mouth of god (as if he were the avatar of god), sells golden tickets to heaven (as if he was the gatekeeper of god), uses his religious authority to commit mass genocide of heretics and witches through burning them, institutes tribunals of mass religious persecution, and appoints and deposes all kings of an entire continent by the flick of his finger under the idea of his personal opinion being that of god, thus granting or revoking “Divine Rite” for god. He’s called a Pope-Emperor, a Priest-King, that is playing god on earth, except he rebranded himself a vicar, where “Vicarious” means “living through.” Yes, literally, again claiming to be the Vicarious vessel of god, which is identical to the claims of those pharoahs and kings you claim are so different.

It’s just a rebranding.

You really are blind. There has never been a greater or more powerful Priest-King/Priest-Emperor than the Popes at the height of Catholic power.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


You then continue by making a correct statement, and then show your total utter blindness to the reality of the papacy, a definitive priest-king.
“The kings, emperors and even tribal leaders of the distant past tended, with truly remarkable uniformity, to embody a position of sacred regality…Even if you are right, your hypothesis still fails to explain the evident discrepancies and discontinuities standing between the Christian political order and almost every other order which had preceded it.”
What do I call a christian emperor with title “Pontificus Maximus?” Because that’s what all emperors were called in the first 80 years of the catholic church. They were priest kings. Not much of a break in continuity there…
What do I call a man that wears a crown, has a personal empire the size of the Italian Peninsula, is the largest land-owner on an entire continent, Commands his own standing armies, carries the Title of Pontificus Maximus, proclaims himself Infallible (ie perfect, as if he were a god), proclaims he has dominion over the entire Earth as the mouth of god (as if he were the avatar of god), sells golden tickets to heaven (as if he was the gatekeeper of god), uses his religious authority to commit mass genocide of heretics and witches through burning them, institutes tribunals of mass religious persecution, and appoints and deposes all kings of an entire continent by the flick of his finger under the idea of his personal opinion being that of god, thus granting or revoking “Divine Rite” for god. He’s called a Pope-Emperor, a Priest-King, that is playing god on earth, except he rebranded himself a vicar, where “Vicarious” means “living through.” Yes, literally, again claiming to be the Vicarious vessel of god, which is identical to the claims of those pharoahs and kings you claim are so different.
It’s just a rebranding.
You really are blind. There has never been a greater or more powerful Priest-King/Priest-Emperor than the Popes at the height of Catholic power.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Comparing Catholicism’s priesthood to the Egyptian system, is paramount given the undeniable reality that your Church took Isis of Egypt’s exact iconography and renamed it the Madonna, and Isis of Egypt title “Queen of Heaven and grafted it onto MarYam. All without any scriptural basis.

If you cannot admit that the depictions, iconography and titles of the Catholic Maryam are clearly directly copied from the earlier Isis, without scriptural basis whatsoever, I see no point in continuing the discussion further.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I will begin at the end of your remarks.

“If you cannot admit that the depictions, iconography and titles of the Catholic Maryam are clearly directly copied from the earlier Isis, without scriptural basis whatsoever, I see no point in continuing the discussion further.”

I am beginning with this statement, and I will for now restrict my comments to it, not only because of the ultimatum it throws at my feet, but also because this is a salient example of difficulties which have plagued our conversation from the first, in all of its various passages. Again and again, you dig up some parallel between a Christian image (taken from anywhere in the past two millennia) and some image present in antiquity, and immediately and ardently assert, not only influence, but Christian “copying,” with no further argument, no historical elaboration, and no supporting evidence beyond the brute fact of the similarity itself. I have seen you do this even with images from totally different corners of the globe and from vastly different historical periods that could not be expected to know anything about one another, relying once again on nothing more than the postulation of a common but hidden root, and reference to the bugbear of the Church, which was somehow able, by a stunning unity of purpose, unrelenting malevolence, and ubiquity of means, to systematically destroy all the concrete historical evidence for your claims.

As always (and to repeat this yet again), I am not saying you are wrong; I am saying that you have never given me adequate reason to believe you are right. Conjectures, apparent parallels, suppositions, and continually more emphatic reassertions of the same claims (in many cases with not so much as an attempt to address my counterarguments), do not suffice to establish probability.

On the other hand, the image of the Madonna with Child was present already in the Christianity of the catacombs, so I do not see how it could have been a foreign importation following the imperial establishment of Christianity. Suppose a simple artist of the early Christian era, who knew nothing of Egypt or Isis or the way that goddess was sometimes depicted, desired out of even a misplaced piety to paint an image of Mary and the baby Jesus, how exactly would you expect him to do so? With the child tossed into the air, or both of them rolling about on the floor? How can you be so certain that this was not an independent development, growing out of strictly Christian soil, and following nothing more than the natural and most obvious way of depicting a mother and her infant son?

Or again, there is an intermediate possibility: namely, that certain Christian artists borrowed certain images common to pagan antiquity and transfigured them in a Christian key. We would be speaking here of deliberate appropriation with an eye toward the fulfilment of what was good in them, and the shucking off of what was bad. No artist produces his works in a vacuum, after all, and every artist continuously takes stimuli from his surroundings and his cultural milieu. But the mere fact that a Christian might have had recourse to a common pagan theme by no means demonstrates that he intended to duplicate the venerational or spiritual aspects of those images; unless, of course, you are claiming that the image somehow contains an inherent and inseparable spiritual quality connected to paganism?

I have presented here two alternative hypotheses for the very same phenomena you have noted. Frankly, either one of these seems far more likely than your own, and better grounded on the evidence we have at hand. Yet you are absolutely certain that your interpretation is correct, over and against these alternatives. I cannot share your certainty, and I am asking you to show me what you see.

Lacking that, do I “admit” that the icons are “clearly directly copied” from earlier images of Isis? No, I do not “admit” this, and I contend moreover that you have never once given me, in all of the many extremely lengthy and involved posts you have presented (all of which, incidentally, I have read with some attention), any concrete reason to suppose that there is any direct and spiritual connection between them whatsoever.

If my incredulity here, and my unwillingness to accept your fervency in lieu of independent evidential links on the level of documented history, are enough to make you decide to end our conversation here, then I am sorry, but I do not know what I am expected to do. I cannot overturn my view of the world on the basis of the tenuous parallels that, it seems to me, too often underpin your own.

The fate of our conversation is now in your hands, Gem. Shall we proceed, or shall we call this a lost cause?

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


Here you are making somewhat reasonable scientific arguments, which can be addressed. To your first argument which you stated as:

“On the other hand, the image of the Madonna with Child was present already in the Christianity of the catacombs, so I do not see how it could have been a foreign importation following the imperial establishment of Christianity. Suppose a simple artist of the early Christian era, who knew nothing of Egypt or Isis or the way that goddess was sometimes depicted, desired out of even a misplaced piety to paint an image of Mary and the baby Jesus, how exactly would you expect him to do so? With the child tossed into the air, or both of them rolling about on the floor? How can you be so certain that this was not an independent development, growing out of strictly Christian soil, and following nothing more than the natural and most obvious way of depicting a mother and her infant son?”

This first argument rests principally on the ignorance of Christian artists of the “foreign import” Isis and her iconography, and then a very low probability exact congruence between the figures of Isis and MarYam-Madonna. This appears to be a possibly plausible, although unlikely argument prima faci. However that you posit this argument shows that:

1) You lack any significant understanding of Rome’s physical layout and religious landscape.

2) Considering that you have before shown great attention to minute details that differentiate eras of religious art, it demonstrates that you are wilfully blinded by bias; as you have failed to perceive and consider the extraordinary level of congruence of repetitive motifs found in the particular details of both Isis and MarYam’s Madonnas, such as:

A) The cupping of the left breast, usually exposed, with the right hand between the fingers and thumb most often making an angle of 1 radian, ~57 degrees. (Also the close approximation of the Lunar Orbital Eccentricity.)

B) The persistent resting of the child on the left leg in both Isis with Horus and Madonna with G-Zeus depictions stretching over thousands of years. Neither child suckles the breast.

C) The nearly identical shapes of the headdress of Isis and MarYam Madonna depictions that produce consistent geometric symbols of their patron priesthood upon vertical mirroring (Crescent Moons with smoothed octagons for Isis and Vesica Pisces and hexagonal knots for MarYam respectively.)

D) The Solar Halo symbolism of GZues identical with Horus being known as the Sun Reborn.

E) The identical title of “Queen of Heaven” for both Isis and MarTam

The probability of concurrence of these series details out of ignorance is patently ridiculous, and at the very least makes the argument of artistic ignorance and chance copying frivolous, at best.

3) The ignorance argument also ignores the well documented destruction of rival Egyptian deity cults we have previously discussed.

4) This art was commissioned, paid for, approved, exhibited and disseminated by The Church at the highest echelons of power (Popes, Cardinals and Bishops), how could they all be so ignorant of their rival Solar cults statues but be so aware of their temples and idols, and then copy them exactly?

Already the probabilities of the argument of ignorance are essentially null. Yet the become even more impossible, when you consider that The enormous temple of Isis in Rome itself was prominently located on the campus martius (the city centre most frequented by the population), directly attached to the Seapta Julia where citizens voted and engaged in a myriad of other public activities, as well as being next to every major theatre and public building. The temple was active and highly prominent for worship of Isis from 30 BCE, through late antiquity (about 7 centuries), with only interruptions when pagan Solar emperors such as Augustus and Tiberius banned the cult for about a decade due to its perceived threat to freeing slaves and well documented lascivious temple prostitution, that most pagan romans thought was barbaric and lascivious. Hence the reference by John of Patmos, way over on a tiny island of Greece, to this Prostitute Queen of Heaven.

In fact that giant Pine Cone that sits so proudly at the Vat-I-Kain comes directly from the temple of Isis in Rome. This pine cone is now surrounded by VatiKain produced replicas of the Solar peacocks of Hadrian (a symbol I can show you is all over luciferian Egyptian and pheonician artifacts for millennium, hence the reference with Sol-Amon in 1 Kings 10), and the solar birds placed prominently on identical replicas of the Egyptian goddess Vat’s symbol the Naos Sistrum. That is Vat the Solar cow goddess equivalent to Hathor and Vatika, and hence the Solar Catalus connection to the Catel-Ik church, and the consistent pattern of a cows head with the mirroring we find in a temple in Rome a scant few meters from the old temple of Isis, on one of the oldest depictions of G Zues by the cattle licks. Vat-Ika is the Solar cow goddess from whom the church even takes it name. It’s quite the series of patterns and connections, where one by itself means nothing, but it is iconogrsphicslly, linguistically, and historically consistent, with tons and tons of data points showing the pattern is consistent and pervasive.

The pervasive identical reproductions of pagan luciferian symbols throughout Cattle Lick ritual, naming, iconography and theology in identical doesn’t demonstrate ignorance, it demonstrates an occult practice.

Archeological sights and contemporary documents show that Temples of Isis, with the title “Queen of Heaven,” were prominently placed and highly active across the empire, with empirial honours and sanctions from ~66 AD on, with very large temples of Isis now excavated across the Italy, particularly in the Papal States, and the empire, such as those as far flung (yet prominent) in the city centres of Rome, Pompeii, Portus (all Italy), Alexandria (Egypt), Palmyra (Syria) Athens and Delos (Greece).

This cult was of tremendous importance, receiving imperial decrees and inscriptions on temples (such as from Valens), and was very well known among the masses, as often slaves were “freed” by the cult after initiation (and several orgies) where Isis would purchase the slave into freedom in return for their lustful temple prostitution. The wine of the prostitution Vatika that makes them drunk, as referred to in revelations.

One very simple link for you:

So, the argument that the Catholic Church commissioned and exhibited art that managed to directly copy just about every detail of Isis, including her most revered epithet “Queen of Heaven,” from ignorance looks patently silly, especially when her temple is next to the most important public center of Rome itself.

Even More so when even today the giant pine cone from her temple l is prominently displayed with Solar peacocks standing and the exact Naos Sistrum of the Solar Coe goddess Vat-Ika from whom the VatiKain takes its very name.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


On your second argument:

“Or again, there is an intermediate possibility: namely, that certain Christian artists borrowed certain images common to pagan antiquity and transfigured them in a Christian key. We would be speaking here of deliberate appropriation with an eye toward the fulfilment of what was good in them, and the shucking off of what was bad. No artist produces his works in a vacuum, after all, and every artist continuously takes stimuli from his surroundings and his cultural milieu. But the mere fact that a Christian might have had recourse to a common pagan theme by no means demonstrates that he intended to duplicate the venerational or spiritual aspects of those images; unless, of course, you are claiming that the image somehow contains an inherent and inseparable spiritual quality connected to paganism?”

Indeed, I have already shown you official sources where the Cattle Lick power structure openly admits that they have proudly subsumed pagan practice en masse into their “tradition.” They tell you solo scriptural is bad, because they spit on scriptural commands constantly. I have shown you, and deep down you know this is true.

The idea that somehow the Cattle Licks “conquered” paganism and then set about to exactly imitate and copy an enormity of its symbols, rituals, names, practices, and social structures from its pagan luciferian predecessors is again, patently silly. You don’t copy all the heresies of the heretics, you cease them. This really destroys your argument that somehow the cattle licks broke continuity with the prior pagans.

“Hey, we conquered your blasphemous ways because they are pagan and EVIL, so now we’re gonna exactly copy all of your blasphemous pagan evil ways, symbols, icons, rituals and practices, but since I say it’s not pagan anymore, now it’s GOOD.” The tree from Berashit (that they call Genesis, again exchanging Truth for the name of the serpent Ganes/Janus.) was a warning against this tripe.

Wake up. This is exactly what antiXristos means. To replace Yeshua and the Truth of the ineffable creator with practices, symbols, rituals and practices that come directly from Luciferian paganism, use them for power, and to proclaim “transfigured” as if now they were holy. That is to replace the Truth with a lie, to use the name of YHWH and Yeshua in this type of pagan worship.

You do not know what these symbols actually mean or originate from, and I can understand that. However I am growing weary of how you seem incapable of making the “uncomfortable” connections and recognising undeniable patterns. I have tried to explain them, but I grow weary of the willfull blindness.

You seem to think that somehow the fact that I can show you 10,000 pagan symbols, names, rituals, dress, customs and doctrines that the Catholic Church exactly copied from Solar Luciferians Worship (without any scriptural basis), all with extreme congruence (like Isis statues form, title, incense burning, Etc) from within the Roman Empire and it’s neighbours somehow doesn’t constitute a pattern of continuity with paganism, and simultaneously manage to somehow argue lining up every single detail of Isis with Mary may come from ignorance (absolutely foolish), and that if it doesn’t come from ignorance, then they magically “transfigured” pagan practice into holy worship. You don’t take an abomination of Isis with 3000 years of pagan history, wave your hand and sprinkle some water and transifigure it holy. You don’t take a solar staff of Satan/Surya from a Hindu Shiva worshipping paganism with 3000 years of history, put it in your popes hands (Eastern Orthodox patriarch) and now it means Jesus. These symbols are tools of occult mind control , born of pagan priests mind controlling their cattle, because their forms mathematically resonate with your brain and blind you.

An example, you asked me about Moshe and The serpent on the pole, and I gave you a theological and linguistic response to help you guide into the original scriptures. It makes me sad you don’t even look up the Hebrew words first, before attacking the living word of YHWH based on awful translations designed to keep you ignorant.

However, to show you the answer to your question regarding practical applications of the biblical math: The serpent on a pole is a Sine or Cosine wave (sinusoids function) rotating around an X axis describing cyclical celestial motions and other vibrational wave patterns in the universe. This math is what sits fundamentally at being able to predict seasons for agriculture and animal husbandry, it allows us to make musical instruments (wave frequencies of notes), develop chemistry for medicine (aka Moshe in the dessert) build airplanes through aerodynamics, and communicate across great distances with the internet and phones. This is what Yeshua called the keys to the domain of the cosmos. Not some old dude dancing around in a hat kissing a pagan baby statue and blowing incense.

And this is again, what sits at the very core of luciferian paganism: taking these teaching tools given by the Aryeh Yehudah freely (as we received them freely from YHWH), designed to free humanity and elevate its spiritual state by giving the people free access to knowledge, wisdom, and power, and hoarding them for their own power and Dominstion (DOMinus… all over your church dominating your mind), and then turning them into a bunch of superstitious symbols that are used for occult mind control to generate superstitious and magical thinking: ie witch burnings and buying golden tickets to heaven, the type of thinking which keeps the people dumb, like cattle to be harvested, and which hides the true magnificence of YHWH. You actually think they can transfigure pagan symbols!

These symbols are originally math and science teaching tools of Truth, turned into tools of indoctrinate and mass psychological manipulation to great effect because of their spiritually resonate capacity. That is how Moshe cured people infected with the serpents venom bites of Luciferianism, by showing this same Truth I am trying to show you.

I am an Aryeh Yehudah (not a “jew” not a “Judah” and definitely not an Isis Ra Eli) and a Nazarene. We are shepherds that teach, we are the ones whose scriptures and prophecies you read, but do not have eyes to see because the Luciferians masquerading as holy have blinded you to the true magnificence of Yeshua and YHWH. With these superstitious pagan practices they have continued identically (often not even so much as the name changes, most of the “saints,” just being local pagan deities given the title of Saint), which is the very definition of the antiXristos. Putting paganism in the place of Truth, which requires none of these practices.

As an allegory, imagine we are the teachers of school children. One day we bring in a heliocentric model of the solar system (The Menorah) and show the children that this is how the planets revolve around the sun, and how this can be used to predict weather and to know when to plant seeds, animal husbandry, how to develop architecture, etc.

After we finish teaching these children the lessons, we leave to teach another class and ask them to honor this by keeping it free and open. However, when we return a few years later to check up on our first group of students, we find that some of the ones we taught have taken this heliocentric model (Menorah) and built a big scary metallic dragon statue with seven heads with torches and flamethrowers inside, and told a bunch of younger students (who resonate with these symbols because they contain kernels of Truth and the dragons heads are scary in appearance) that the candle sticks have nothing to do with planets (which is heresy to say!) and that the seven heads of the dragon need to receive offerings and adoration or the dragon will come blow flames and eat us.

These badly behaved older students are now collecting the younger students lunch money each day “for the offering,” and showing the students a big ritual surrounding placing some stupid waifer in each torch while singing, leaving the younger ones with no lunch money each day, hungry, who they tell their hungry pleases “god.” Meanwhile this original group of older students, goes behind closed doors after the waifer ceremony and gorges themselves on lobster and Cavier in a gold painted banquet hall that used to be the general lunch room, and claims it is their “divine rite.”

The younger students that realise this all seems really fishy (pun intended) and that this dragon might just be a metal statue whose heads represent the planets around the sun are terrified to speak up, because these older students telling this lie and collecting all the lunch money “for god and their safety,” began this practice by first burning or exiling all the older students that opposed them, have called them “heretics,”and are now pretty consistently burning any younger students who refuses to give up his lunch money and bow before the dragon.

This is what they are doing.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

4) I will finally note that what I have discussed here is only a single possible strand of the development of Christian iconography. This art almost certainly arose in various places, informed by various traditions. There was, for instance, a Greco-Roman current as well which arose, among other places, in Rome; and even here, we are dealing with a complicated phenomenon which cannot be reduced to a single causal line. It may well be true that, especially in certain important Church projects, the artistic elements were monitored or even controlled by the Church hierarchy, with all that this might entail. But this does not account for the popular art whose traces can be found in places like the catacombs. The prayer corner has obvious parallels to the Roman household shrines for the Lares familiares; here, too, it may well be the case that, through Christian influence, the idolatrous statuettes were eliminated and the “decorative images” became the center of veneration in the form of icons bearing a particularly Italian stamp. The formal elements in these could not have derived from the strictly Egyptian Isis cult. Or again, archeological sites like Dura Europos strongly suggest that one possible origin for the iconographic tradition is to be sought precisely in the Judaic pictoral tradition, which shows certain peculiarities that can be found in Christian iconography (such as the frontal and stylized presentation of individuals, the simultaneous portrayal of numerous temporal events, the relative largeness of holy figures, etc.).

I really think it hopelessly reductive to attempt to identify a single root for Christian iconography, which has always expressed itself, as all things Christian, in a diversity of unity, reflecting the local cultures of many places in a single and integrated art — submitting the customs of the time to the crucible, so as to discover in them that which is lasting and good.

This is consonant with the necessity of delineating Christian practice in a world infused with paganism. Selection is required; absolute rejection is impossible. The Christians did not cease to have communal meals, merely because the pagans shared meals after sacrifices. The Christians did not cease to write Scriptures, just because the pagans had holy writings of their own. The Christians did not cease to practice assembled worship, only because the pagans, too, assembled to adore their gods. And finally, the Christians did not refuse to use devotional art, simply because the pagans were idolaters. The Christians neither blindly accepted, nor blindly rejected, the pagan practices. From their conscious interaction with those practices, illumined by the principles and teachings of the Faith, comes a new Tradition, organic rather than rigidly imposed, produced through an intermarriage of the priestly functions inherited from the Apostolic line on the one hand, and the lived existence of the common faithful on the other. Iconography issues from this common origin of the communal Church, the Assembly of God — not the occult “top-down” machinations that you have proposed.

Your error, Gem, as it seems to me, is that you absolutize pagan worship, as if the pagans had put their indelible stamp upon all their practices or copyrighted them. You treat Christianity as if it should be merely reactive, its every move in response to the movements of paganism. But Christianity is a vital, living, active, formative force in the world, that does not depend on paganism and does not need constantly to take its bearings, whether positively or negatively, by the false pagan world.

I want to close with a concession. What you say about Rome’s adoption of the Isis cult is of course absolutely true; I meant to indicate the aesthetic differences between the Roman and the Egyptian cult. The Latins always Romanized every foreign mythology they absorbed, transforming it, artistically and formally, to obey their own aesthetics, and the Isis statues with which I was familiar were very Romanized indeed. But I was ignorant of the Roman Isis lactans statuary, and so I believed that it would have been unlikely for a Christian Roman commoner to know anything about this (to my mind specifically Egyptian) representational tradition. In my present research, I have found several exemplars which have shown me my error, and caused me to reform my views. So I willingly concede you this point: you are right that there is nothing, on the level of artistic diffusion, which excludes the possibility of an Egyptian influence on Roman-Christian representations, and I thank you for enlightening me here.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

3) There is another peculiarity to your parallels: you have for the most part sought to compare sculptures of Isis with icons of Mary. This already represents a dubious move; the statue and the painted image were held to be categorically different in the ancient world, both in form and in function. It seems to me your position would have been much more defensible if you were to concentrate on the surviving panel paintings of Isis, which, though few and far between, do nonetheless show some very suggestive parallels to Christian iconography, and provide very probable grounds to suppose direct influence. Here, I am more than willing to grant you historical continuity of a sort. But there are a number of things that must be considered:

1.) We are speaking here, not of official cultic practice, but private devotional practice. Any influence here thus came, not via the priestly class, but from the ground up, arising first in the household veneration of Egyptian Christians. This stands in absolute contrast to your claim that “This art was commissioned, paid for, approved, exhibited and disseminated by The Church at the highest echelons of power (Popes, Cardinals and Bishops).”

2.) The pagan panels do not seem to have been cultic images as such; they were rather most likely decorative images surrounding the true idolatrous heart of the private shrines, either as background or as doors to the shrines. The heart of the shrine was the statue. I have already noted that ancient pagan practices almost always revolved around statue worship, while Christian practices of the first millennium (and, in the East, up until the present) focus on two-dimensional images. (This is of fundamental importance for reasons I have touched upon in another reply, and will not explore here.) It is entirely possible that the Egyptian Christians integrated their tradition of devotional panel painting into their iconographic traditions; but in so doing, they also rejected the statue and eliminated the erotic and imperial/pharaonic aspects of this art (certain Christian emperors were only shown in icons long following their being recognized as saints by the Church).

3.) We have very few of the pagan panels, so any comparison is doomed to remain tenuous, but from what we do have, we find no real parallels between the painted representations of Isis and the formal, cultic sculpted representations that you have presented. Usually, Isis is portrayed alone, wearing the uraeus, which is the one real point of contact between the statuary and these panels. There is the single example of Isis lactans which you have shown above (the black and white image in the lower right-hand quadrant of the image comparing Isis and Mary); it duplicates almost none of the formal-symbolic elements you have listed above. This suggests that the kind of celebratory art that was being developed by the Egyptians to reverence their gods was itself a popular art, detached from the strict hieratic cultic images we see reflected in the statues. Any iconography which took its bearings by this art would be similarly disconnected from that priestly art.

All of this shows what I mean when I say that certain pagan practices might be adopted and purified by Christianity, integrating what is good in them and prohibiting what is false and evil. For all the reasons I have indicated above, there can be absolutely no question of slavish repetition, nor even of undiscriminating adoption of extra-Christian traditions. What we have is rather a selective integration of these traditions.

If what we saw, when considering the development of the Church, was merely a total transposition of all the elements of pagan worship, into a kind of worship which was formally different but essentially identical, then I would agree with you, Gem, and I would call the Christian Church a travesty. But that is not what we see. Rather, we see a continual process of acceptance of some elements and rejecting of others — a process of careful selection, often in the fires of controversy and heated disputes. In the present case, we see for instance the rejection, to name but a few things, of statuary, of erotic elements, of imperial cult. We thus also see the suppression of the will to invoke, embody, and finally control a spirit or a god — but this is the essence of pagan idolatry. Put shortly, the idolatrous elements of the art were burned out, and the precious metal in it, which could survive the fire, was kept.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

2) A few other points. First, Isis is often displayed with a bare torso, and, per the eroticism often present in pagan cult images, in a comely way; prior to the Renaissance (which represents a total break with tradition), Mary’s body is never displayed even partially naked, and when she exposes her breast, it is displayed in an entirely non-sensual way as a teat, emphasizing its matronly, rather than erotic, function.

Moreover, regarding the four images (five if you count the black and white as two) you have provided above: The image on the top right is not a Virgo Lactans; it is a Mary seated with Child. (The poor quality of the image obscures the hands of Jesus and makes them look like the flesh of a breast; look up the Our Mother of Perpetual Help at Sant’Alfonso De Liguori.) Despite your emphatic remark to the contrary, the Virgo Lactans is actually a very rare icon, certainly in antiquity, but even in later times; the number of exemplars here is dwarfed by depictions of Mary with Child. Furthermore, in the two images in the bottom left, the first is indeed a fresco of Isis lactans, but the second, which appears on a funerary stela, is not a depiction of Mary, as indicated by the inscriptions found on the sides of the stela, one of which reads, “21 years old. No one is immortal.” Even apart from these suggestive inscriptions, there are also no independent indications that this is Mary. I bring this up, not merely to call into question your parallel, but more importantly still because it gives us an example of a known custom in antiquity to produce such images of breastfeeding on funerary stelas for deceased young mothers. I will say more about this below.

As a general note, there is far more regularity to the representations of the Isis lactans, than to those of the Virgo Lactans, which suggests two things: first, that Mariological iconography does not slavishly follow the Isis idols; and second, that the Mariological iconography was not likely rigidly established and enforced from Church authorities on subaltern artists.

I have offered many apparently small details here, but cumulatively they are most suggestive. And a small detail can mean a great deal here; you more than anyone are aware of the tremendous difference, on the level of symbolism, that a subtle change of composition can entail. At least some of the points above (as for instance, Christ resting on Mary’s arm, and his head not being upheld by her hand) are connected to well-known meanings in the Christian iconographical tradition, which I will not belabor here, as they do not strictly concern the question of historical evidence.

On the balance, there are far fewer points in common, than there are divergences between these two representations. In light of this, I think I can safely doubt that the intensity of your language in this following comment is in any way warranted:

“The probability of concurrence of these series details out of ignorance is patently ridiculous, and at the very least makes the argument of artistic ignorance and chance copying frivolous, at best.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

1) (@444gem, a note: I am posting this long response in several parts, and on account of the delays in approval, I am doing so all at once, which means that the various pieces might be inverted or confused in their ordering. I am providing numbers at the head of each to show the order in which they are to be read. Please forgive the mess.)

All of what you say is quite fascinating, Gem, and I thank you for it. As always, I learn a great deal from your posts. Yet I am not persuaded by your arguments regarding Christian iconography, and I would like to try to explain why.

Even before I come to this, a brief word. You have lately taken to referring to my “wilful blindness,” and while in general I am not interested in defending myself from such criticisms, I believe it is necessary for me to address at least this one, since there is surely no reason for you to continue our discussion if I remain stubbornly resistant to the truth of your words.

I can certainly be described as “blind,” I am well aware of it; if I did not consider myself such, I can assure you I would not pass so much of my time attempting to rectify it. But I do not believe the “wilful” part is in any way fair. Had I refused outright to even consider your ideas, you might have justly said as much; similarly, if I had set myself on a war footing with you, attempting constantly to attack or mock your views — an approach, incidentally, which I have scrupulously avoided in all of our interactions. I hope that anyone who has followed our discussions can agree that I am guilty of neither the closed nor the polemical attitude. Rather, I have set myself from the first, with as much rigor, care, time, and sobriety as I can muster, to considering your ideas on the evidence you provide, comparing it to the historical record and the context in which it arises. Since I cannot be expected to subscribe to your ideas simply because you have uttered them, just as you cannot be expected to do the same with mine, it seems to me that there is no other possible ground upon which we might meet, if not the strictly historical — that is, what we can identify and weigh on the level of archeological and historical evidence.

So with this in mind let me begin by stating, as clearly as I can, the state of the argument at present. Our dispute concerns the origins of Christian iconography. Your claim is that it was an intentional, esoteric, and perverting imposition effected by a priestly class on the whole of so-called Christian society, with the deliberate aim of introducing occult forms of idolatrous worship, toward the corruption of the psychology and right practice of believers. These idolatrous forms were distinctive of Egyptian religion, but were present also in Rome; they were transvested into ostensibly Christian garb for the general consumption. You have further argued that any borrowing whatsoever from the pagan world is tantamount to capitulation to the same, and that the only proper approach to pagan practices is to “cease them,” to use your words.

I want to consider these points as I have done throughout: by weighing the historical evidence, to see just which of your statements is upheld by it. If you happen to know of sources of which I am ignorant, or other items that might change the balance of my reasoning, I implore you to show me.

I am going to focus on a single, and one of the central, point in your argument: the symmetry between the iconography of Mary and Child on the one hand, and the cult images of Isis and Horus on the other. Your argument rests on the “extreme congruence,” the “extraordinary level of congruence of repetitive motifs,” or even the “direct copying of just about every detail” of the Isis imagery with the Mary imagery. I will cite the items of your specific points of similarity between these two traditions, then provide my responses:

A) The cupping of the left breast, usually exposed, with the right hand between the fingers and thumb most often making an angle of 1 radian, ~57 degrees. (Also the close approximation of the Lunar Orbital Eccentricity.)

In most of the imagery we have of the Virgo Lactans, and all of the earliest exemplars with the single exception of the Maria Lactans in the church of the Red Monastery, the “handedness” is reversed; it is the right breast, not the left, which is usually offered, indicated by the left hand, not the right. Moreover, the hand of the Virgin does not always cup the breast, but sometimes offers it between the fingers or (as in one of the images you have provided above) laterally presses it.

B) The persistent resting of the child on the left leg in both Isis with Horus and Madonna with G-Zeus depictions stretching over thousands of years. Neither child suckles the breast.

You are right on the last point, though there are perhaps a few ambiguous cases in the case of Mary (e.g. the Virgo Lactans of the Monastery of the Virgin Mary in Wadi Natrun). More modern icons (and especially non-iconic paintings) also sometimes show suckling, but this might be a latecome confusion. But in almost all ancient cases, there is no ambiguity; the lack of suckling was sometimes even held to contain particular theological significance in the Christian tradition. So I’ll grant you this correspondence.

As for the rest, the chirality is once more usually reversed in the Virgo Lactans, with the child on the right, not the left, side. The Virgin seated with Child (and hence not offering a breast), varies on whether the child is seated on the left or the right or, in some cases, precisely at the center of the Virgin, though I allow that the left side is favored. However, in almost all cases, the infant Christ rests, not on her leg as in the case of Horus, but on her arm — something which, so far as I can tell, never happens in the case of Isis with Horus. So while I can agree there is some degree of superficial resemblance here, there is nothing rigid enough to make me suppose deliberate and strict reproduction.

There are two further points to foster my doubt, for you failed to note several of the (at least almost) universal features of the Isis iconography with regard to the positions of Isis and Horus: first, that she almost always cradles the head of Horus in her left hand, and second, that her feet are both planted directly in front of her on the platform. There are, so far as I know, no portrayals of Mary cradling Jesus’ head, and she is not always, nor perhaps even usually, positioned with her feet flat on the ground before her. This is especially true in the Mary seated with Child icon — a depiction, incidentally, that I do not believe exists at all in the case of Isis with Horus.

C) The nearly identical shapes of the headdress of Isis and MarYam Madonna depictions that produce consistent geometric symbols of their patron priesthood upon vertical mirroring (Crescent Moons with smoothed octagons for Isis and Vesica Pisces and hexagonal knots for MarYam respectively.)

I agree that there is some cosmetic resemblance between the reticulated headdress of Isis and the knotted hair cap which appears beneath the maphorion in some icons of Mary. Beyond this, the only point of similarity in the headdresses between the two is that they are both just that — headdresses. Isis wears a very ornate crown-headdress — the top of which varies strikingly, incidentally, from portrayal to portrayal. You have shown one in particular that includes a horned crown involving a circle, which, leaving aside the two horns, is at least formally similar to the nimbus behind Mary’s head, although positioned in a totally different way. But there are a great many portrayals of Isis also with a rectangular throne on her head, which has no parallel in the Mary iconographical repertoire. Finally, and most importantly, the headdress of Isis is usually formed by a uraeus with a central cobra head, which never features in any way in any of the Mariological icons. Mary wears a purple or red maphorion, a smooth veil covering her head, her hair, and her body, which is reproduced in none of the Isis portrayals.

D) The Solar Halo symbolism of GZues identical with Horus being known as the Sun Reborn.

Again, the only point of continuity here is the circle that occurs in some depictions of Isis’ headdress. The nimbus, which did not arise with Christian art, was not connected with the sun as such, but with the inner light produced by the figure. This is a point of real continuity between the Christian iconographical tradition and the pagan cultic practices — I will come to this link more at length below — but it has nothing particularly to do with Horus.

E) The identical title of “Queen of Heaven” for both Isis and MarTam

This is indeed true. And I would certainly find it disquieting, if the two stories had anything else in common whatsoever; but apart from the most tenuous similarities (they both were said to be “virgins” — though even here, the closest analysis of what the stories actually tell us suggest very different understandings of “virginity”).

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL


I rejoice I was able to show you the continuity between the Virgo lactans and and Isis depictions.

Regarding the title of Queen of Heaven; it is a very common epithet for “Great Mother” goddesses throughout ancient Eurasia. A few of the “Queens of Heaven,” that far predate Mary and take on the same role, along with their presumed area of origin and approximate dates.

1. Isis – Egypt (3000 BCE)
2. Ishtar – Babalyon (2800 BCE)
3. Ashtarte -Pheoncia (300 BCE)
4. Ashteroth -Moab (1000 BCE)
5. Innana -Sumeria (4500 BCE)
6. Anut -IsIsraelis and Canaanites (1600 BCE)
7. Asherah -IsIsraelis and Canaanites (900 BCE)
8. Juno – Greco-Rome (200 BCE)
9. Hera – Greco-Rome (500 BCE)
10. Cybele – Anatolia (700 BCE)
10. Hestia – Pre-Classical Greece and (1500 BCE)

In fact this last one should give you tremendous pause, as she is mentioned explicitly in the scriptures, even if mainstream academia fails to acknowledge it, as is a strong pattern. Hestia was yet another Virgin goddess and her very name was yet again celebrated yesterday across the world in a tremendous blasphemy.

The peoples you now call the “Phillistines,” are originally called the Pel-Estim in scriptures, which means quite literally “Children of Esti.” (Hestia). Children of the East! What a coincidence they’ve chosen to call it East-et (said just as Ishtar) on the day of the sun’s rebirth.

You might notice the pattern that the a suffix is often not utilized in the Hebrew when referring to mathematical concepts that have been anthropomorphised and pagan deified, such as Hanas-> Ganes(a) and here Hestia -> Esti.

Who is it that relates to the Phillistines on scripture? It is Delilah, who betrays Shamesh-on. The story is a mathematical encoding of star formation and death (when he pulls the pillars down in the temple after his hair is “cut,” is a reference to a star going supernova and the heliopause collapsing. The “temple” in scriptures is the Solar system but I digress.)

How strange that the word De-Lila is quite literally “door to the night,” and the name contains the Latin/English/and Norse word for the color of the dusk sky, Lilac, whom is the color in which they now dress MarYam. This color is always associated with entrance to the underworld throughout the Eurasian mythologies, once again landing us back onto the Vatika and Chairon reaper of underworld mythology subsumed into Catulisism’s name, iconography, and non scriptural “church traditions.”

Shamesh-On is of course the Sun, it means as much in Hebrew, and he was the Solar deity of Babylon. He was “champion of Israel,” in this very allegorical story, for 20 years. The Babylonians assigned specific numbers to their deities (I can provide plenty of academic links if you wish, which are all universally accepted), and Shamesh’s number is 20. Not exactly a coincidence, but good luck if a priest ever tells you these things, as maybe less than 2-3% actually know them.

The entire story is not only cosmological and scientific, but also about how The worshippers of The Queen of Heaven (underworld reaper) The Children of Esti/Hestia/Ishtar betray The Truth through trickery and cause the destruction of each civilisation they infect.

My point here is that there is a very, very old pattern here discussed at length in scriptures which involves numerous variations on the theme of the worshippers of the “Queen of Heaven/Virgin Great Mother”, to which your translations and church have kept you ignorant of. Your argument that catulusism’s version of MarYam is a consecrated version of this variation on the theme, is not compatible with the historical and scriptural record. She is just that, a highly twisted variation on theme, with yes, slight differences to each of her predecessors, but a clear an overwhelming set of iconographic, linguistic, ritual, and ideological practices surrounding her, all of which are found now where on scripture, but which are most certainly found in the various proximate luciferian-pagan traditions which preceded Catulisism.

There is no scriptural basis for this title whatsoever. How is it holy to then subsume so much of this pagan iconography into a “universalist” church and claim it monotheistic? Jeremiah was appalled. I also tagged you on another page showing MarYam being called “Our lady of silence,” in an icon that sits outside the current popes office, and which is identical to Hapacrates, the amalgamation of Horus who was the deity of Solar Cult silence?

I also previously discussed (and dismantled) here at length all 7 more points you made regarding differentiation. Seems they have been lost.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Let’s go even farther afield to see the very deep ancient roots of the “Queen of Heaven,” mother goddess of ancient Luciferianism. The reaper of death, dressed in Scarlett and Lilac/Deep Blue, the Virgin Goddess with headband, and always associated with The Sun.

You have discounted that I can show you identical iconography from far afield in space and time as “random” or disparate. It is not. The point of me doing this is to show you that once is a coincidence, 3 times is strange and possibly an “archetype,” but 30+ times all over the world across time and space, is a undeniable PATTERN. It seems you have been fooled by the “separatist,” history taught by modern academia and falsified history books, which are designed to keep you from seeing this clear and present pattern.

This you may not realise that there is a hidden undercurrent of manipulation that occurs very far afield, whose iconographic, religious, linguistic, ritual, cultural, and scientific roots demonstrate an invariable pattern of Luciferianism and great mother Solar worship, always lurking underneath a series of thin veils which are variations on motif. (as Isis is often attributed saying “I AM Isis, and nobody has lifted my veil of illusion” hence why masonry has the symbol and degree “master of the veil.”) in no uncertain terms, I am trying to show you how to lift the veil, and see the solar demon hiding underneath a series of slightly different wedding dresses. They purposefully vary the motif to hide what they are doing in plain sight.

1. Queen Mother of the West – China (1500 BCE) she is again a Queen of Heaven, located in the west (the direction of the setting sun) and had human blood sacrifices performed to her according to the Venus cycle; Just as Ishtar/Ashtarte/Isis etc in antiquity.

This is just the same as the undeniable pattern, which I showed on a radial graph in Monkeys Chapter Xi, which demonstrates nearly 4 standard statistical deviations, of the deadliest “accidents/terrorist attacks,” (blood sacrifice, such as 9/11, again rebranded by another name, just as the witch burnings and heresy under catulisism) over the past 120 years occurring less than 1% of the time during the 144 days (25% of the time) between max elongations through inferior conjunctions of Venus. The statistics are too anonymous to be by chance.

This deity of China also went by the titles “Queen Mother” and Nannah, just like iNANNAH (of Sumeria). The naming is too identical to be coincidence.

this deity was popularised in 200 BCE (right between the dates of Buddhism and Catulisism, what a pattern) during the HAN dynasty (like Hanas, the serpent, and the term for “foreigners” in the Hebrew scripture, those “tombs for foreigners” mentioned at Yeshua’s death might start making more sense), and she is most frequently dressed in Scarlett and Deep Blue in Chinese Iconography. She also frequently wears an identical headband that hides a vesica Pisces upon mirroring, which is a reference to the looping retrograde motion of Venus and it’s flower shape, which you can also find in Monkeys Chapter Xi.

This same Chinese Queen of heaven was associated with bloody death and plague, of course also human sacrifice for appeasement, and once again returning to our reaping theme of Vatika and Chairon your church has subsumed directly in name and symbol, and moreover, the Chinese Queen of Heaven was associated with riding or being a Tiger/Leopard with ferocious teeth. Does this not ring identically to the prostitute of Babylon of Revelations riding a spotted big cat?

Look below and you’ll see even her hand symbols are identical to MarYam

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Now let’s look at MesoAmerixa. Unfortunately, we have far less records than we should because your church’s priests burned all their books! You’ve been taught that this is about getting rid of “heresy,” which is already an abominable act of censorship, but the pattern shows an intention to hide and destroy what goes against the narrative or might reveal their true intentions.

We again have another Queen of Heaven of the Aztecs, whose name is Mictlancihuatl. Note that the name “Anki” like “Enki” of Babylon in the title. But it goes much deeper.

This is once again another “Lady of the Dead,” (quite the pattern here of reaping celestial great mothers) who was said to swallow the stars each day! Again more cosmological Solar worship, associated with this Lady, all the way in MesoAmerixa. Oh but the congruences with your solar luciferian church of abominations have only begun and become far too much to ignore:

Archeological records now show this Aztec goddess was originally formed from the goddess Coatlicue! said “CATLIC-u!” Am I supposed to believe it’s a coincidence in naming between your church and the Aztec mother goddess Queen of Heaven? Vatika, Chai-Rhon, and CATLIC-u become “Vatican”, “Chai-Rho” and “Catolica.” The idea of this being innocent coincidence are silly. Absolutely silly. How is it they are 3/3 in their naming around reaping death deities of the underworld sea in Luciferian mythologies?

The name Coatlicue name means “The Veil/Skirt of the Serpent” (as MarYam often is depicted with a serpent beneath her skirt), and her title is “Great Mother of Deities and Mortals.” Just like Isis and her veil.

She was also called TēTEOh INNAN which means “Mother of Gods” TEO-tl = Theos (as in Greek, meaning “gods” as well!) and Innan “Mother.” Just as INANNA of Sumeria meant “mother.” Yes again, we find INANNA all the way over in MesoAmerixa

Sure sounds like a great mother goddess to me, and the linguistic congruence of Theo’s and Innana from the near east with the same mythology of a serpent and Virgin mother goddess of the sun is just too much to ignore. It speaks of deep connection. It is clearly a pattern.

Theo Innana’s iconography shows she was said to birth the Stars and the Moon (Just like all the great mothers “Queen of heaven,” just as MarYam is depicted with the serpent and moon at her feet, and a solar child on her lap) and she was, how not, the Virgin mother of the Solar deity called Huitsi/Opochtli, again linguistic variants of Horus/Apophis, the Solar child and Solar serpent of Egypt. If you look into her mythology, you are going to find lots of variations on motif of Tiamat the multi headed serpent mother of astrotheological gods of Babylon and primordial serpent of chaos, being slain and birthing her children from primordial chaotic waters.

Just like to all the Queens of Heaven, this deity was given human blood sacrifice by another euphemism timed to the Venus cycle. Again your church’s “heresy/witch burning,” are just a euphemism for this same phenomena

The idea that these patterns are coincidence, is again, absolutely absurd. It Doesn’t stop academia from peddling this to keep the Truth hidden or your church’s upper power structure from lying to you.

They are variations on motif dressed up with a veil (same woman slightly different wedding dress so you can’t see the face and that it’s the same woman) across tremendous swaths of space and time of human history, matching with essentially identical mythologies, identical iconography, identical rituals, identical linguistics, identical titles, and repeating histories. You can put lipstick on a pig, and it’s still a pig. And you have this tendency to lose the first for the trees: you’re telling me the tiger has stripes and the leopard has spots, so thus they aren’t related. I’m trying to tell you that the Tiger, Leopard, Lion, and Panther all have a deep common ancestry despite their slightly different colourings now. There all big cats, so please stop calling the Cheetah a bird.

Note in the picture below the dual heads of this serpent goddess “Queen of heaven Great Mother.” This is identical to the depictions given in revelations, and the same as the two heads of MarYam and the Eagle I showed you on your patriarch’s Myth Ra. Not a coincidence.

Variations on motif and dressing up the same stuff with different dresses. This stuff is very, very old, many tens of thousands of years. And it is much older than your history admits, and it comes back to why foreigners are called “Hanas” on the scriptures (look at 2 Chronicles) as “Serpents” and Ganesha of Hinduism and also “HaGARim” like GARuta the Solar eagle of two heads, like Zeus Solar eagle. This might give you new perspective of HaGAR as the mother of Ishmael, ISHtar-MA-EL. A child born to the worshippers of the great mother… It might also give you more perspective on Yeshua’s statement regarding Oannes/Jon being the greatest “born of the woman,” but the least of those of the Kingdom of Heaven.

GARuta (Gar-Utu, another Solar deity of Babylon) is the same two headed eagle, next to the same two headed woman of serpents, showed on your patriarchs myth Ra, and they are continuing a Luciferian tradition that is tens of thousands of years old, again dressed up with a slight variation on motif.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


In North America we also have the same mythology involving a great mother goddess, titled Queen of heaven, known as the lady in Scarlett and associated with underworld reaping and human blood sacrifice. This goddess was also known as the lady of two heads (just like your patriarchs myth Ra and your bishops two headed solar staff.)

How many pagan Luciferian cultures need to use this slight variation on the same theme of the Queen of Heaven deity before we can agree it’s not coincidence, but a clear and present pattern that manifests in Catulisism, just as it has across the world through OCCULT (HIDDEN) practice?

The name for the middle American tribes for the Queen of Heaven, like the Sioux, was Hisshishtawia. Once again, the lady in red associated with ISHISHTAr, which is of course SIX (Shiah) and a one letter variation on the Babylonian Queen of heaven ISHTAR, which indeed means “Seeker of the Six”. The mark of the beast! You are worshipping the antiXristos my friend, if only you had eyes to see. They come IN PLACE OF THE TRUTH AND REPLACE IT WITH A LIE. This is the meaning of antiXristos.

The man you call Paul’s name was Saul of TarShish. As per usual, a one syllable transposition of Saul = Sun/Solar and SishTAr = Ishtar, seeker of the Six. How odd he is also a murderer-saint like Constantine the Sun worshipper (variation on the theme of the blood thirst lady of Babylon in Red with a gender flip… my gosh it’s repetitive.)

This pattern: linguistically, iconographically, in titles, in rituals, and in mythologies is just way too much, too widespread, way too congruent to be a coincidence. It clearly shows there is a very, very old connecting thread here, and that is being occulted by very powerful people and istitutions.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@JBl @thekwon @arif @Maciej

These past 3-4 messages may be very helpful for study and following the occult path Luciferianism around the world, as well as how it is revealed and discussed in the scriptures.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem i am following, Studying, reading, learning.

Thank you for your effort.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Ishishtaw ia the “Queen of heaven” of the Sioux Tribes in North America dressed in Scarlett and thirsty for blood sacrifice. Caotalicu, a 1 letter transposition of Catolica, the name of the Queen of Heaven “Veil of Serpents” that required blood sacrifice and was dressed in Scarlett while being mother to the sun, moon and stars.

Literally the name in Sioux = Isis-Ishtar and Ia, ia meaning “lord,” in Babylonian. The name for ENKI, Lord of The Broad Gate (hence why Yeshua warns us to go through the narrow gate) Shish = Sis, Six, Shish etc.

It is baffling how anyone can read revelations, find this passage, and not connect the dots when presented with this information which is so robust, with so many data points… Proof of the strength of their mind kontrol.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem thank you. Again, dragons fought against snakes in the wild wild west when white man sloughs the “native americans”. What was the reason behind it as they both fought for the same master? It was the same as with Incas and mayans? Obey or be destroyed? From where Sioux and other tribes gathered their knowledge?

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


It is game of thrones. Dog eat Dog. They have rules, but one of those rules is Luciferian darwinianism.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you @444gem

How is your energy level at the moment? I have my list of few questions i would like to ask you if you got spare time and energy.

Be well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Never hesitate to ask. It might take longer or shorter for a response, but I’ll get to it.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Amazing. Here it goes. Please answer only those you are allowed or at least give me some hint where to start. They are by numbers but they are not less or more important. All the same.

1. In one post you answered that “resurrection” of Yeshua was a near death experience, does it mean he didn’t die on the cross during his crucifixion?

2. Before i knew what i know now i liked the story of Sol-amon and his great builder that has been killed because he didn’t want to tell the secrets and then revived by Sol-amon. Then his spirit said word jahbulon which meaning i know. What this story is all about?

3. Noe and his ark. How he predicted the great flood if any? Is this some sort of allegory? Could you please explain more?
Also, if most of the world was flooded, it means we are all related in some level to the people thst survived?

4. Yeshua was their student and then he tricked them. They trained him to be their messiah correct? Did he ever take a part in some sort of blood rituals or anything like it? You cannot be promoted before proving your worth, right? The same goes with Moses as son of Pharaoh correct? Aaron was his brother? What happened to him?

5. You said we are hybrid. Of what species? Did it happened naturally or someone or something had a touch to it?

6. I remember you said once that Moses saw only the back of the creator otherwise it would blow up his face and quoting you “like happened to my father”. How did that happened? Please answer only if you can.

7. Did Atlantis was the first land of dragons? I really hope that one day you will put some light on the Atlantis itself. I am just curious that’s all.

8. Did humankind will be ever free from the dragon seed? I am not asking you for future telling, just again, my curiosity. We will be “free” at some point from them? And how long it could last?

9. You said that Yeshua have a grave but it’s not marked. Have you seen it? Is his body still there?

And just few more that i am curious since i was a little boy but it’s more just for myself like “oh, okay”

Was Tumblety jack the ripper? What was his case? That was period of blood sacrifices and he was needed?

When dark colour people appeared? Was this natural process or they just “evolved and adjusted” ?

Who was the first moon walker? I know its not Neil

How to look on the shape of our earth?

I will have few more but that’s just it for the moment as i need to keep my mind at peace.

Those questions won’t change anything dramatically it’s my curiosity. I don’t like to have all the answers on the plate just small hint will be sufficient.

Thank you as always.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maciej
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


I will get to these questions soon. They are excellent lines of inquiry.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

For now let’s go to one more corner of the world where we find another variation on motif of the “Queen of Heaven,” the “Great Mother,” with linguistic, iconographic, ritual, mythological, and historical congruence. We’re headed to the Andes Mountains of South America (now that we’ve covered North America and Central America):

17. Pacha Mama – Classical Andean Incan Empire of Peru (at least since 500 BCE)

First the striking linguistic similitudes: her name, means “Universal Mother” which in pre-Colombian is an amalgamation of the words, and iconographically the same as the Catholic words now associated with MarYam and “Easter/Pasca:”

Pacha: meaning “World/Universe” in Andean native tongues, and which is identical to the term “Paschas” as found in India Hinduism with Ganesha’s Solar ties that bind, and the same as the word now called “Pasca” in both Greek and Latin languages, which is the name used for the English “Easter/Istar.” Every language, they find a way to twist and destroy The Truth with these same pagan luciferian terms of the worst kind.

Pasca/Pacha/Pasha directly refers to the date when the sun “Passes the Equator,” hence “PAS-eQAtor” = Pass-eQua, exactly as it is said in Spanish to this day. The shape of Ganeshas pashas, depicted identically on coins of Constantine, is the loop of the Solar analemma that comes full loop on Paska/Easter.

We’ve discussed this before but the similitude is beyond possibility of coincidence

Mama: “Mother.”

Mythological PachaMama fills the exact same role, and has even BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FIGURE OF MARYAM BY THEEE POPES. Her icons have been proudly displayed and lauded in the vatikain on multiple occasions. Most of “Christian” Peru still worships PachaMama in both name and ceremony and the pope displays her relics as if they were MarYam, and gives his blessing to this.

PachaMama was the mother of the Sun, called Inti, and the Moon called Killa. She was, and still is, given regular appeasement Bl00d s@crificrs of Llamas (the only Cattle available in South America), and Children, timed to the Venus Cycle. They still have festivals which are called “Pacha RAyim” celebrating the “Grest Mother.” Oh that Ra of the sun and his eMITRAys…

Her consort/father, called ViraCocha, is taken directly from Hebrew; literally the same as the first word of the scriptures “BARA” with the twist of the word used for “evil” in the tree of knowledge of good and evil “VeRA” followed by Kesha, which in Hebrew is written as קשה ״ “Kesha” and means fierce strong. Literally “The fierce Solar Evil,” where the original name was about celestial mechanics and motion invoking the sun…

This deified Aryeh Yehudah (again through blasphemy of the Luciferians, the serpent on the heel) also went by an epithet that means Teacher of the World, said in Andean “Pacha YASHA Shish!” That is quite literally the:

Pasha, the Passover of the Sun,
Yasha, which means “The Truth” and is the same root as the modern name Joshua.
And Shish which is of course “Six.”

The linguistics are very revealing in relation to The Aryeh Yehudah’s teachings of the world, and the subsequent corruptions by the Luciferians of us and our teachings by morphing them into anthropomorphic pagan deities and silly superstitions of “church tradition…” They always came impostering and then Infected the people with MAGIk thinking, just like your “holy” water and waifers of abomination. This is exactly what the Catulisism Church did to Yeshua and his mother; they took another (this time the greatest teacher of all) of our teachers and prophets, and morphed them Just another variation on theme, full of cult MAGIk nonsense, and pagan traditions in order to keep the people from discovering The Truth and living in lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


1. What we term as a near death experience and a death experience are somewhat arbitrary lexical figments. The stories of those that have had “near death,” are only now called that because they returned. The line drawn is arbitrary beyond the fact of whether someone does not return to their material body, or does.

2. This story involving Hiram Abiff is the one told at initiation into masonry, even if somewhat parsed up into different degrees. It has a lot of layers within the fractal, more than I could hope to cover here. As per usual, Sol-Amon is the sun king, and Hiram Abiff the builder in Aryeh Yehudah means The “Living Spirit out of the Temple Upon the Mount (or On High).”

That name itself is a lot to unpack; one of the important things it to know is that “The Mountain (of the great deep),” in Sumerian was called Kur/ikur/e-Kur, and it housed the underworld where souls ate dust, which is the basis for the non scriptural “purgatory,” of the Catalusism. Here we return to one of the primary facets of where we see Masonry and Catalusism are two branches of the same tree: one for those inclined towards ego (secrecy) and the other for the plebs to continue in guilt and shame cycles.

The lord of Ikur in Sumerian mythology was yet another “Lady and Queen of Heaven,” Ninhursag, again the great mother of the earth that required Venus timed blood sacrifice.

She was often called NIN-MA. Again we find the 9 that follows this around as “Lady,” and “Ma,” as Mother, and means reflection. This is due to the number 9 always reflecting back on itself in “Vortex Math,” and 9 being the near approximation of the mean Speed of Light, Eulers number, 3 And Pi squared. A trinity of trinities…

Together Nin-Ma was often called the “MA-Kur.” Yes, as in English “Maker,” (English is tremendously and meticulously coded), and this is why I showed the Makers Mark bottle in Chapter X with the red wax that appears to be a seal of blood on top. I they really like to be that obvious; getting the cattle drunk on the alcohol of the Ma-Kur/prostitute of Baba’alon and showing them they are a blood sacrifice…

It is also why they are called “The Makers,” or “The Builders.” or now “The Masons,” (although MA-SUN is a clever English coding… the Mother Moon and Fsther Sun) worship the “Ma-Kur of the universe,” (while they now code for the public as “the architect”) the great mother who goes by many names, but who is of course the male Fallen angel Lucifer, who in all these cases is a Man dressed up as a woman (The serpent under the veil… not kidding.) or a transgender, as the case of BAal-soPHia-AMUT… hence why their temple “priestesses,” of all the great mothers have been tr@n$ and or 3unuchs, and now they are pushing this stuff so vehemently.

You will find if you study a bit of Masonry that they often call themselves “The son of the widow.” This is of course the Isis-Osiris passion play version of this story. Many recorded cases of them crying, including a Us president Andree Jackson, “Is there no help for a widows sun?” This of course being Osiris. And ultimately this relating to one of their “great mysteries,” the death and rebirth they undergo while being three days in a coffin before being initiated. Literally an ego death, that fractally refers to the three days the Sun does not move between Dec 21-24, and the 3 days of Lunar darkness. As they say “as above so below.”

You may notice this seems to relate to the story of Yeshua, and it does. Yeshua’s sacrifice was done getting them to use all of their MAGIk against him, so as to subsume it, and forever undo them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


Just gave you a first response awaiting approval…

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


3. I want to direct you to read the Computation of 666 on the matter of Noah. It explains this story in more detail than I can hope to here. Of course, like all of the scriptures the Noah story is a seed of a fractal tree which must be watered to be understood.

In one sense, yes it is the story of the previous kata Astro phi of the younger dryas, when the earth underwent significant changes, some of which included the waters rising almost 200 meters. In another it os the story of a soul entering into a “womb,” or a “coffin,” and being reborn after being set adrift on the waters of chaos. In another it describes a genetic “ark,” or ship on the waters above brought to restart life on Earth, and in another the repeating of humanity with each subsequent universe after its own self destruction and judgement.

It is interesting to see how intuitive you have become, as all of your questions are highly interrelated upon a very specific topic and portion of reality.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Thank you for this @444gem
You gave me incredible answer for my first question. More than i was hoping for. Perhaps you did this aware or not aware, but it answered many questions regarding this matter. Is there any possibility for you to answer the rest of them? I would really appreciate this.

Thank you as always

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


I gave you the first 3 questions answers; it was between 3-4 comments here. Did they help answer those first 3?

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Yes i did read them all. Thank you. But my question is, will you be able to answer the rest of them?

As always, thank you

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes. You gave me more than i was hoping.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Also before going into discussion again i just wanted all answers so i could take your time again in one go. But in short, allegory of Noah blew my mind. It is so simple yet so complex, story about Hiram abiff as well, i can’t believe how bblind i was regarding sol-amon. I used to be very fanatic about him, but now when the courtin has dropped, not anymore. All those teachings how wise he was i just wanted to be like him in one sense. Now i don’t even like the story when “god” came to him in his dream and he told that he want to be wise and justice to help his people. What a utter garbage this is. But yes, your answer for first question was very game changing for me. I can’t tell how gratefull i am for this @444gem

Any idea when you might finish the series of Monkeys? My time is limited unfortunately and i would like to read remaining series. But that’s just my wish. Thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


It is wonderful that you are able to see the layering and details in the stories; this is the very essence of their fractal construction (like trees, and all of the universe).

However, a word of caution: be careful not to paint in black and white. YHWH does want us to be full of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. That some people become corrupted, obsessed only with gnosis (knowledge), is the greatest trap out there, and then one forewarned of in the stories of Sol-Amon. The stories of Hiram Abiff, I will tell you now before the next chapter, encode the constructive mechanics of the universe.

As one example look at 2 Chronicles 2 (and in particular 2:17) Any time these texts refer to the “temple,” it is referring to the cosmos, and in particular the Solar System.

This applies from the story of Shameshon (“Sampson/Simpson” hence why the people are yellow in the series, they are “children of the sun,” and in ancient lore, when someone’s liver failed and they turned yellow, they were possessed by the solar demons…) to Sol-Amon, etc.

In 2 Chronicles 2:17 you will find that it mentions (if you look at the Hebrew), “Hanas Hagarim” as the “foreigners.” This is of course serpents, and Gar, the solar eagle, GARUTA (literally GAR-UTU). It is of course on one hand a direct reference to the solar eagles and serpents, the factions of “foreigners” (not from this iteration of the universe), walking around on earth. That has more than this meaning than simply physical, and you are likely partially a “foreigner” being from Polish descent.

However, the main purpose is that the Hanas (serpents) represent the geometric laws of sinusoidal waves that all light and matter (at the quantum scale) possesses (frequency and wavelength, VL/VC, hence the very name of this sight V= Frequent L = wavelength and C = speed of light.) while the Gar-Utu, are the force carrying aspects of those waves, that can carry force between bodies of matter. Hence why it’s zues (electricity) eagle…

The number given is 153,600 total foreigners (notice of course 3,600 being the degrees in ten circles… If we multiply this number by the implied 10 circles we get: 1,536,000. Note this is identical to the number of the 153 fish that Yeshua mentions in the book of John (which means fish in Egyptian, referencing the vesica pisces geometry.)

√(1536000) = 1239.35467079

So what? well, modern physicist have, 3000 years later, finally realized that due to the nature of discrete energy packets of photons (what they call Planck’s Constant in Quantum Mechanics), that:

1239.83 / λ Wavelength gives the relationship between the frequency of an electromagnetic (or any other quantum scale) wave and its energy in electron volts. Thus 2 Chronicles 2:17 (21.7*2 = 434 = 16 * eulers number that governs all probabilities of events in the universe) gives the formula of E=MC^2 and the specific ratio necessary to understand the relationship between the frequency of events (such as the days per year, or the cycles per second of a radio wave, or how often you get hungry…) the “energy” and thus the fundamental generation of what we call “time.”

My point here is to remind you that this stuff is stories, which are designed to explain how the very mechanics of the universe as created by YHWH result in fractal mechanics, by which our bodies, actions, thoughts, and the very events on the planets, are designed to follow specific repeating patters, and how the development of conciousness creates visible results upon material existence (our bodies) and materially observable events (how time unfolds.) You can use this power of conciousness, as Yeshua said “YOU ARE ELOHIM,” to grow towards the Truth, or to reject Truth and create fruits (material bodies which encode a material development of a finite length of time within a cycle, a “growing season.”) that are rotten. It is our choice.

(YHWH = 10-5-6-5, start doing the math on a trapezoid of this dimension, for all you “YHWH” is an ancient warlord believers who really speak from tremendous ignorance but think you have “gnosis.”)

I will respond to the rest of your questions soon MacieJ.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Igageharelya @thekwon

This answer above to MacieJ regarding chronicles and the nature of time and fractal mechanics may help answer some of your questions, at least for the moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Mind blowing math. I was never really good at it, now it’s time to grab pencil and a paper and just learn. I don’t know how to explain it but when i am reading your stuff somehow everything fells into understanding. Yet i am struggling with the essence of it. How to best explain it, i will try. Example. I know exactly how the car engine works as theory, but can i fix it part by part? Not at all. It’s like this with everything, sometimes i just look on something and understand it but dont know how the pieces are coming together. Does it make sense? Another example: in my young days i was working on the construction site. I knew exactly where and how to make things so they work perfectly without training and practice. I knew how to support the wall so it won’t collapse (i could easily find a point just by looking at it) somehow i had this image in my head, coming so naturally. I can close my eyes, imagine some shapes and then paint it on the wall without even calculating it and they will be almost perfect. I know rougly where to cut pieces without even measuring it and this is accurate to few ml or cm depending on the size. That goes to many things in my life. I just know straight away how this is working, therefore i am not struggling with understanding your teachings but i am struggling with the essence of it all. Sometimes i tried something for the first time and itbwas bad
but the next time i knew exactly how to do it almost to perfection. That goes from workout to physics, from colours to shapes. Also i am really good with reading people
and their emotions and acts etc. Also comes naturally. Does it make sense to you at all? Also, as far i am not good with math i am amazing with geometry – It’s just natural to me. How this is possible? Could you please put some light on it?

One more thing, “foreigner from polish descent” am i different to any others? This bit i am trying to understand. Do i have dragon seed in me? If yes, that could explain many things…

Forgive me my “alsos” i am just very exhausted today, cannot even speak eloquently.

Thank you, as always.

Last edited 1 year ago by Maciej
1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

Funny, I consider myself terrible at math, but geometry made sense. I only got to take it one year, felt stupid, then had the same teacher shove Algebra 2 down my throat again. He let me know how stupid I was.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


It’s amazing isn’t it? One thing is so clear yet another is so beyond my brain cells. I know how to put a shoulder back on It’s place and i only read how to do it once. When accident happened i did that almost spontaneously without thinking. Like walking and breathing. Many examples likr this, i really hope @444gem can explain more about this.

How’s things with you and your family?

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej

We are okay, @Maciej, rolling on. I sometimes wonder, because we tend to one extreme or the other – my son in law is doing amazing in his budding new business but I sometimes wonder at what cost, etc. It can be very hard, in the trenches, to find a happy balance of life and work.
You and yours are always in my prayers as I always pray for everyone I know and love. I am so very glad to see you thriving spiritually, you cannot know how this blesses me!

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


Yes, chasing the paper can be very destructive, fake society’s goals. Like life is supposed to be a list of goals we must tick. But best wishes to him and let him chase his dreams, remind him it’s good to be a human in this as well. It’s easy to be lost in that particular race.
Thank you for your prayers, many blessing for you and your beloved ones.

1 year ago
Reply to  Maciej


You must learn the theory while practicing it. Pick up a pen, paper, and a good calculator (many scientific calculators available free online.) Like taking a class in playing tennis and never swinging a racket. They must go hand in hand, one foot after the other, if you wish to walk the path.

I will give a more detailed response soon. I sense a lot of spiritual growth in you in terms of patience, and understanding, of yourself and the world. Keep going my friend 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem Getting some of the dates in history in order is helpful here thankyou. I never learned old history dates very well. I always thought B.C. meant ‘before Christ’. 
I never thought of Mesopotamia growing up or Babylon. There is a conspiracy in our education system to bury essential history.
“Please stop calling the cheetah a bird” Lol !! Can he be real about trying to carry on with this debate? The denial is remarkable.
I still don’t understand Jon (Oannes) 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @Maciej @JBL

I will get to these questions soon MacieJ. They are excellent lines of inquiry.

For now let’s go to one more corner of the world where we find another variation on motif of the “Queen of Heaven,” the “Great Mother,” with linguistic, iconographic, ritual, mythological, and historical congruence. We’re headed to the Andes Mountains of South America (now that we’ve covered North America and Central America):

17. Pacha Mama – Classical Andean Indian Empire of Peru (at least since 500 BCE)

First the striking linguistic similitudes: her name, means “Universal Mother” which is pre-Colombian is an amalgamation of the words, striking and iconographically the same as the Catholic words now associated with MarYam:

Pacha: meaning World/Universe in Andean native tongues, and which is identical to the term “Paschas” as found and India with Ganesha and the Solar ties that bind, and same as the word now called “Pasca” in both Greek and Latin languages, which is the name used for the English “Easter/Istar.” It directly refers to the date when the sun “Passing Equator,” hence “PAS-eQAtor” = Pass-Qua, exactly as it is said in Spanish. The shape of Ganeshas pashas, depicted identically on conics of Constantine, is the loop of the Solar analemma that comes full loop on Paska/Easter.

We’ve discussed this before but the similitude is beyond possibility of coincidence

Mama: “Mother.”

Mythological PachaMama fills the exact same role, and has even BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FIGURE OF MARYAM BY THEEE POPES. Most of “Christian” Peru still worships PachaMama in both name and ceremony and the pope displays her relics as if they were MarYam.

PachaMama was the mother of the Sun, called Inti, and the Moon called Killa. She was, and still is, given regular appeasement blood sacrifices of Llamas (the only Cattle available in Sourh America), and Children, timed to the Venus Cycle. They still have festivals which are called “Pacha RAyim” celebrating the “Grest Mother.”

Her consort/father, called ViraCocha, is taken directly from Hebrew; literally the same as the first word of the scriptures “BARA” with the twist of the word used for “evil” in the tree of knowledge of good and evil “VeRA” followed by Kesha, which in Hebrew is written as קשה ״ “Kesha” and means fierce strong. Literally “The fierce Solar Evil,” where the original name was about celestial mechanics and motion invoking the sun…

This deified Aryeh Yehudah (again through blasphemy of the Luciferians, the serpent on the heel) also went by an epithet that means Teacher of the World, said in Andean “Pacha YASHA Shish!” That is quite literally the:

Pasha, the Passover of the Sun,
Yasha, which means “The Truth” and is the same root as the modern name Joshua.
And Shish which is of course “Six.”

The linguistics are very revealing in relation to The Aryeh Yehudah’s teachings of the world, and the subsequent corruptions by the Luciferians of us and our teachings by morphing them into anthropomorphic pagan deities and silly superstitions of “church tradition…” They always came impostering and then Infected the people with MAGIk thinking, just like your “holy” water and waifers of abomination. This is exactly what the Catulisism Church did to Yeshua and his mother; they took another (this time the greatest teacher of all) of our teachers and prophets, and morphed them Just another variation on theme, full of cult MAGIk nonsense, and pagan traditions in order to keep the people from discovering The Truth and living in lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @Maciej @JBL @Igagaharleya

I will get to these questions soon MacieJ. They are excellent lines of inquiry.

For now let’s go to one more corner of the world where we find another variation on motif of the “Queen of Heaven,” the “Great Mother,” with linguistic, iconographic, ritual, mythological, and historical congruence. We’re headed to the Andes Mountains of South America (now that we’ve covered North America and Central America):

17. Pacha Mama – Classical Andean Indian Empire of Peru (at least since 500 BCE)

First the striking linguistic similitudes: her name, means “Universal Mother” which is pre-Colombian is an amalgamation of the words, and iconographically the same as the Catholic words now associated with MarYam and “Easter/Pasca:”

Pacha: meaning “World/Universe” in Andean native tongues, and which is identical to the term “Paschas” as found in India Hinduism with Ganesha and the Solar ties that bind, and the same as the word now called “Pasca” in both Greek and Latin languages, which is the name used for the English “Easter/Istar.” Every language, they find a way to pervert The Truth with these same pagan luciferian terms of the worst kind, and lie of the origin.

Pasca/Pacha/Pasha directly refers to the date when the sun “Passes the Equator,” hence “PAS-eQAtor” = Pass-eQua, exactly as it is said in Spanish to this day. The shape of Ganeshas pashas, depicted identically on coins of Constantine, is the loop of the Solar analemma that comes full loop on Paska/Easter.

We’ve discussed this before but the similitude is beyond possibility of coincidence

Mama: “Mother.”

Mythological PachaMama fills the exact same role, and has even BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FIGURE OF MARYAM BY THEEE POPES. Her icons have been proudly displayed and lauded in the vatikain on multiple occasions. Most of “Christian” Peru still worships PachaMama in both name and ceremony and the pope displays her relics as if they were MarYam, and gives his blessing to this.

PachaMama was the mother of the Sun, called Inti, and the Moon called Killa. She was, and still is, given regular appeasement Bl00d s@crificrs of Llamas (the only Cattle available in South America), and Children, timed to the Venus Cycle. They still have festivals which are called “Pacha RAyim” celebrating the “Grest Mother.” Oh that Ra of the sun and his eMITRAys…

Her consort/father, called ViraCocha, is taken directly from Hebrew; literally the same as the first word of the scriptures “BARA” with the twist of the word used for “evil” in the tree of knowledge of good and evil “VeRA” followed by Kesha, which in Hebrew is written as קשה ״ “Kesha” and means fierce strong. Literally “The fierce Solar Evil,” where the original name was about celestial mechanics and motion invoking the sun…

This deified Aryeh Yehudah (again through blasphemy of the Luciferians, the serpent on the heel) also went by an epithet that means Teacher of the World, said in Andean “Pacha YASHA Shish!” That is quite literally the:

Pasha, the Passover of the Sun,
Yasha, which means “The Truth” and is the same root as the modern name Joshua.
And Shish which is of course “Six.”

The linguistics are very revealing in relation to The Aryeh Yehudah’s teachings of the world, and the subsequent corruptions by the Luciferians of us and our teachings by morphing them into anthropomorphic pagan deities and silly superstitions of “church tradition…” They always came impostering and then Infected the people with MAGIk thinking, just like your “holy” water and waifers of abomination. This is exactly what the Catulisism Church did to Yeshua and his mother; they took another (this time the greatest teacher of all) of our teachers and prophets, and morphed them Just another variation on theme, full of cult MAGIk nonsense, and pagan traditions in order to keep the people from discovering The Truth and living in lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

It’s a harsh acknowledgment, to see that something it took a great deal of intellectual effort to accept, has all been a lie. I feel for JBL, because that ability to embrace, against odds, lends a feeling of safety and security that is hard won. It took a lot for me to reconcile conflicting biblical concepts as well, in my earlier years, but once I did, I felt a great peace and hope in those things. To be shown the deception was not easy, by any measure. It feels like a terrible loss, a setting adrift and a personal betrayal – I felt a profound guilt, initially, in my trying to reconcile who Yeshua really is.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I feel for him too but the fact is we have gone through the same thing. Shifting one’s paradigm is a big challenge – I would bet everyone here has done it probably more than once. And we didn’t have so much evidence eloquently piled in front of our eyes making the airtight case. We had to make the shift with a less credible case in many instances.

I’m not sure I understand your reconciliation with Yeshua.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am sorry, but I doubt your repentance was a similar pain. I don’t mean to diminish it in any way, but you cannot know the depth of connection we religious types make to the icons set before us. You ascribed to New Ageism, that is about self and, in my reckoning, easier to shed. I may be wrong. When, as @JBL and me, do, have an emotional attachment so fundamental and assuring we might live beyond this life, we are tied to it in a different way.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I felt a very real sense of betrayal – both coming and going – and profound guilt for accepting that Yeshua was not a god-man, but a full man. It doesn’t really change who he is or what he did, yet, it does. I’m not sure I can convey to you how this affects the heart of a true believer.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

My understanding of New Age is, you set yourself up to be god, yet you know your own failings and limitations you are trying to transcend.
We who believe in the Christ story as told, believe him to be someone different, entirely. A perfection we humans can never hope to achieve. We see in him a strength we cannot ever find within ourselves, he is our lifeline, our bridge, our only real hope.
While the reality of him does not negate these truths, it doesn’t happen at all in the way we have been taught. I have experienced a recent rage towards the “rapture” teachings and other complacencies – we are herded to sit back and do nothing.
it is my limited feeling now, that these concepts get underneath the skin and deep into the heart and soul in ways that New Ageism can’t ever hope to touch. But I could be entirely wrong.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

A paradigm shift is a major undertaking for anyone regardless of religion, in my experience.
No one showed me what Faith is or what God is. I fell into New Age because it was the least gruesome and provided the most answers I was looking for.
Looked into Christianity what I found was many of the things Gem is expressing to JBL. They aren’t hard to find – the massive atrocities the Catholic and Christian churches have perpetrated against innocent people in the name of “god” was deeply disturbing. The pedophilia, the participation in mind control operations, murder, sex, oppression, accumulation of massive wealth – all easily verifiable as part of church practice. It’s obvious now but the satanists took everything Holy and good about The Word and YHWH and twisted it creating a church within a church to throw people off the trail of salvation.
So, from my perspective there is this Religion that supposedly is the only way, and millions of people are devoted to it – but the history of it includes pure evil. How hard is that for people to reconcile in their minds? Because of your established faith growing up I doubt you every looked into the history of the Catholic church and it’s brutality and evil so you weren’t challenged in that way.
New Age was easy to fall into and coming back to YHWH was even more difficult. 30 years of research pointing out the atrocities of the church – there are so many. To come back and change all that research and ‘knowing’ was a monumental task.
Breaking out of Catholic mind control religion to accepting YHWH as the one true Father and savior without all the ‘religion’ is a much smaller step in comparison to changing ‘religion’ all together in my opinion. 

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @igageharleya

I would urge you both to share, rather than compete, over the difficulties of the journey in removing the tremendous deceptions cast over our eyes by the wicked ones.

Your paths are very different and there is a lot that can be learned from sharing and hearing each other out.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

I don’t mean to compete. I just think my barriers would have been less formidable had I not faced them with my previous beliefs. I think that JBL deserves compassion, because it took a great deal of personal effort for him to get to where he is now and that is not a simple thing to relinquish.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

From the start I acknowledged the terrifying nature with what JBL is being confronted with.

At some point the matter of pride and ego enter the picture because we just cannot admit we were duped.

Giving up on the New Age religion was one of the hardest things I ever did – I was as devoted to it as JBL is to the Catholic church. But I got it out of my life (on my own) because that is where the evidence and Truth pointed. For many years I didn’t have a faith in anything and seeing only wickedness and manipulation is not an easy place to exist. It’s very lonely. You both had Faith to get through the worst of it.

I’m afraid I don’t see what it is you’re getting at and why this is making you upset.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I’m not upset. Apologies, I’m obviously expressing my thoughts poorly.

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

I am not Catholic and do not understand that draw.
It has been extremely hard for me, because one of the truths is that there are many very genuine people seeking and teaching who speak truths, and our lives are changed through those truths. Truth resonates within the soul, no matter who speaks it. Our Father can reach us no matter where we are nor what obstacles we face.
I still cannot see it so hard to reject man’s religion entirely yet embrace the Father vs rejecting man’s finely crafted lies and errors on religion, yet embracing the Father. I think there is a far harder walk back from that.
Again, I cannot feel nor see exactly as you do, so cannot know for certain. This is only my sense.
You kicked over an unrelated idea for the truth.
We have to sift through truths which look very similar, and discern which are the frauds. We have deep, inherited and personal emotional ties to our beliefs. When Gem first claimed Yeshua was not God, it struck me as a pain in a way I don’t believe you could ever understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

You forget, I have seen angels. I have seen evil spirits. I have sat before the Father and his son, praying over and awaiting the fate of my husband and me. I have been overrun by the spiritual in such real ways I can’t possibly doubt its reality. I know and have always known that demons are real and very influentual. Now, a man comes and tells me what I believe is askew, but I know what I have seen. I know what I have experienced. Can you see the difference? It is extremely hard to reconcile spiritual reality once you have touched it yourself. Religion gives us just enough of a toe in that many of us who believe have experienced like things. It is a side effect of deeply believing. Our Father wants us to know Him, and He is most willing to reveal Himself to those who seek. He is happy enough, sometimes, just to find one who is trying so hard to find Him, that He will let the finer details go for later.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya


The path to finding Truth, and becoming free from the ties that bind (those Solar pashas…) and masse mind controls, effectuated with such attention to detail, such devious ways, that certainly the journey can be harrowing. The cliche saying “traps for troubadours,” makes a lot more sense.

I want to make a fine distinction. It is certain that the spiritual doctrine of the trinity, particularly as taught by both Protestant and Catholic Churches, finds absolutely no basis in scripture; especially when read in its t original, untranslated form.

The original basis for trinity is mathematical/geometric/scientific: the simplest polygon is a triangle; the number of earth revolutions (days) in 3 earth years will gives you the speed of light and energy to ionize hydrogen, etc.

However to say Yeshua is not “god,” may be implying something I have not said. Is the fruit of the tree not the tree? What I have tried to explain, which is very difficult because of training in modernist thought, is that Yeshua, whose name (like the Yasha of the epithet still used for ViraCocha/Bara-Qesha) means Truth, and of course, he is the Teacher of the World promised to come.

What this means, is not the MAGIkal conception of a baby that magically appears to a Virgin (a terrible, terrible mistranslation, which has been perpetrated to align MarYam with the Luciferian tradition of those Virgin Queens of Heaven like Hestia and Ishtar.) it means that from the start of the universe, all of the universes, Yeshua was promised to appear when humanity was ready. Fully human, and yet fully the Son of Man, the greatest of all, who forever changed the course of humanity towards its own salvation.

This is a highly mathematical concept regarding space and time and probabilities of outcomes of the universe. To be very cold and crude, but to put it in terms that require no equations and are intuitive to a modern mind:

It is like a slot machine, which is created and programmed mathematically to guarantee a winning jackpot at some point. The probabilities of any one pull winning the jackpot is extraordinarily low. However, at some point it will hit. Except now, the machine is designed by YHWH, knowing every single pull that will happen and who will do the pulling, and designed it to hit Jackpot only when the person most in need and cleanest of heart makes the pull. YHWH does not force anyone to take a pull, nor does he force them to choose how to live, yet he already knows who will win the jackpot, even though he has given us all the chance to try.

What this means is that Yeshua was born FULLY human and FULLY in the spirit of YHWH, as was promised in creation. From the “start” of creation, it was guaranteed he would appear and be the fundamental salvation of humanity that chooses YHWH over the temptations, as the mathematics of the universe guarantee.

This does not descend Yeshua, but ascends him to his true position of magnificent honor.

The idea propagated by the church over thousands of years, that he was born a perfect infallible god-man Superman Krishna (typical luciferian) is designed to instill MAGIkal thinking, and keep their followers in a perpetual state of terrible guilt and shame that can be used to manipulate them into eating waiters and confessing their secrets (intelligence gathering by the power structure.)

They know that since we are human and we all err, those of us with hearts of Truth can be made to feel guilt/shame because we are not born perfect god-men/women, like the G-Zeus false narrative they peddle, and this by comparison, we are shameful and lack worth. This is a very effective way for an “infallible” child raper to manipulate the people that are good of heart into great shame en masse, making them very controllable.

It is written, and Yeshua said said “YOU ARE ELOHIM!” We must know we are on a journey, and that Yeshua’s teachings are the way, The Truth, and the Life.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Yes, I have come to realize that it is somewhat of a hairsplitting, in the end. Yeshua is YHWH’s truth, therefore he is fully the same, as he must be to share that essence. I understand why it’s important to see where the hair got split, though.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

I am certainly not trying to diminish kwon, he is in my heart as well, my brother. I know his walk has not been easy and I have a strong respect for him. I just didn’t want to see anyone who might be in pain feeling laughed at, even though I know it wasn’t meant maliciously. I may be troubling over a nonissue, but I know how hard it has been for me. I’d probably do better to leave people alone to feel what they feel and express it or no, as they see fit. We haven’t heard from JBL in a while and I reacted in light of that. My concern may be misplaced and inappropriate, but is almost certainly a bit grating. Apologies. I will try to find better outlets for that impulse.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

To be clear I am not laughing at JBL, but I am poking him yes. Sometimes tough love is the best option – the dark elements of Catholicism have their hooks in deep – he is either willfully ignoring the evidence or completely blinded by ‘the light’.

I can see why you would feel the need to defend him being such parallels in your lives – but I assure you my comments are intended to help and not pile on.

1 year ago
Reply to  lgageharleya

The line seems thin, but the gap is cavernous. The lies of the church place Yeshua in the same position of all Luciferian pagan deities of solar king worship: the heroic deified god-man born divine and thus “above,” what any mere mortal could ever achieve. So bow to him and his priests, beg for forgiveness for your humanity unceasingly and feel shame for your unclean state! As you said, wait around for a MAGIkal rapture to fix it all, don’t actually DO anything. Just wallow in your shameful state for your imperfections.

The other comes directly from what is written and the words of Yeshua “YOU ARE ELOHIM!” That’s not meant to instill pride, but as you once told me (with great wisdom), that Yeshua and YHWH want you to become a fully grown adult, fully capable of walking on your own two feet, while never forgetting whom had given you the very gift of those feet.

What is laid forth in scripture is the path of Truth and Life, that YOU MUST OPEN THE DOOR AND WALK forward. The original name of Christianity is “The Way.” Honoring Yeshua’s own words and teachings!

He has shown us the path, and promised that on it we are never alone, but that nobody will move your feet for you, it is your choice (what a gift!) to walk the path, or sit at the edge of it praying G-Zeus will forgive your woeful state.

Although linguistically or May seem we are splitting hairs, the result is miles and miles apart.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@igageharleya, here on the comment above I forgot to tag you

1 year ago
Reply to  thekwon

@thekwon @Maciej @JBL

I will get to these questions soon MacieJ. They are excellent lines of inquiry.

For now let’s go to one more corner of the world where we find another variation on motif of the “Queen of Heaven,” the “Great Mother,” with linguistic, iconographic, ritual, mythological, and historical congruence. We’re headed to the Andes Mountains of South America (now that we’ve covered North America and Central America):

17. Pacha Mama – Classical Andean Indian Empire of Peru (at least since 500 BCE)

First the striking linguistic similitudes: her name, means “Universal Mother” which is pre-Colombian is an amalgamation of the words, and iconographically the same as the Catholic words now associated with MarYam and “Easter/Pasca:”

Pacha: meaning “World/Universe” in Andean native tongues, and which is identical to the term “Paschas” as found in India Hinduism with Ganesha and the Solar ties that bind, and the same as the word now called “Pasca” in both Greek and Latin languages, which is the name used for the English “Easter/Istar.” Every language, they find a way to pervert The Truth with these same pagan luciferian terms of the worst kind, and lie of the origin.

Pasca/Pacha/Pasha directly refers to the date when the sun “Passes the Equator,” hence “PAS-eQAtor” = Pass-eQua, exactly as it is said in Spanish to this day. The shape of Ganeshas pashas, depicted identically on coins of Constantine, is the loop of the Solar analemma that comes full loop on Paska/Easter.

We’ve discussed this before but the similitude is beyond possibility of coincidence

Mama: “Mother.”

Mythological PachaMama fills the exact same role, and has even BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED AS A FIGURE OF MARYAM BY THEEE POPES. Her icons have been proudly displayed and lauded in the vatikain on multiple occasions. Most of “Christian” Peru still worships PachaMama in both name and ceremony and the pope displays her relics as if they were MarYam, and gives his blessing to this.

PachaMama was the mother of the Sun, called Inti, and the Moon called Killa. She was, and still is, given regular appeasement Bl00d s@crificrs of Llamas (the only Cattle available in South America), and Children, timed to the Venus Cycle. They still have festivals which are called “Pacha RAyim” celebrating the “Grest Mother.” Oh that Ra of the sun and his eMITRAys…

Her consort/father, called ViraCocha, is taken directly from Hebrew; literally the same as the first word of the scriptures “BARA” with the twist of the word used for “evil” in the tree of knowledge of good and evil “VeRA” followed by Kesha, which in Hebrew is written as קשה ״ “Kesha” and means fierce strong. Literally “The fierce Solar Evil,” where the original name was about celestial mechanics and motion invoking the sun…

This deified Aryeh Yehudah (again through blasphemy of the Luciferians, the serpent on the heel) also went by an epithet that means Teacher of the World, said in Andean “Pacha YASHA Shish!” That is quite literally the:

Pasha, the Passover of the Sun,
Yasha, which means “The Truth” and is the same root as the modern name Joshua.
And Shish which is of course “Six.”

The linguistics are very revealing in relation to The Aryeh Yehudah’s teachings of the world, and the subsequent corruptions by the Luciferians of us and our teachings by morphing them into anthropomorphic pagan deities and silly superstitions of “church tradition…” They always came impostering and then Infected the people with MAGIk thinking, just like your “holy” water and waifers of abomination. This is exactly what the Catulisism Church did to Yeshua and his mother; they took another (this time the greatest teacher of all) of our teachers and prophets, and morphed them Just another variation on theme, full of cult MAGIk nonsense, and pagan traditions in order to keep the people from discovering The Truth and living in lies.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@444gem, I see that the order of my four posts has indeed been reversed. Please read these according to the numbers that I have placed at the beginning of each, and apologies again for the awkwardness.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


1) Church takes its name from solar cow goddess Vat-ika.
2) Church makes replicas of symbols of solar cow goddess in its headquarters
3) Church puts solar peacocks on top is solar cow goddess in its headquarters
Church’s most earliest art has iconography occulted in mirroring with solar cow goddess form identical to that of Egypt
4) Church has giant pine cone from temple of Isis proudly displayed
5) Church makes incense offerings to statues identical in form and detail to Isis
6) Church names it’s statues “Queen of Heaven” identical to Isis
7) Church high priest carries a big golden sun in rituals
8) Church high priest proclaims trinity without scripture and carries a big golden sun with the letters IHS, which is Solar trinity of Isis-Horus-oSiris of Egypt
9) Church high priest carries two headed Solar staff of Surya of Pagan Shivites.
10) Church high priest wears a crown called the Myth of Ra, the Solar Mysteries
11) Church high priest carries two headed solar eagle of Babylonian Lucifer on his Myth of Ra crown
12) Church high priest takes title of Pontificus Maximus from pagan Virgin cult
13) Church worships a Virgin Queen of heaven without scriptural basis
14) Church takes local pagan gods, tags a title “saint” on them and keeps worshipping them the same
15) Church also uses name “Catelus” and lies about origin
16) Church deifies it’s former high priest-kings as “saints” just like the Roman emperors and all pagans before it
17) Church calls it’s priests same as luciferian babylonian priests “Curu/Cura.”
18) Church wears same clothing as luciferian Babylonian priests
19) Church puts solar obelisks outside its headquarters and many churches
20) Church makes all of it’s architecture to be a phallus and yoni of solar pagan sex rites
21) Church burns millions at stake in blood sacrifice
22) Church sells passes to heaven for Gold to accumulate wealth, same as pagans
23) Church rapes millions of little children for 1000 years, the same as pagan sex rites,
24) Church makes you call them “father” against words of Yeshua
25) Church makes its founding symbol the Chai Rho from pagan solar Mithras da’ates and Babylonian solar demon curse bowls
26) Church builds its early temples on top of Mithras Solar worshipping underground temples
27) Church arbitrarily makes its saviours birthday the same day as Horus Reborn and Mithras (Dec 25)
28) Church makes its sabbath SUN-day
29) Church puts the word for sun DOMinus all over its architecture
30) Church sells things for profit in its temples just like pagans
31) Church builds most of its building facing towards east and prays towards, just like Sun worshippers
32) Church helps genocidal Furer (fire fox, fire worshipper) rise to power and then escape with treasury
33) Church picks up and repackages pagan gaiety tales of Astrotheology (such as St George is the dragon) and passes them off as Historical and Christian
34) Church makes coins of gold full of ancient pagan solar symbols
35) Church claims it’s high priest is perfect and has dominion over all the earth, just like pagans
37) Church spreads tables of solar lunar worship of Gad Meni
38) Church fabricates martyr history of its past leaders to glorify blood sacrifice, just like pagans
39) Church has high priest-archemperor that claims “divine rite,” same as pagans, and to be the “mouth of god.”
40) Church high-priest-arch emperor carries out arbitrary religious wars to get more gold, just like pagans
41) Church makes octagonal domes with saints images, just like Buddhist pagans
42) Church ordained art contains 666 and hidden hand symbols en masse, just like luciferian pagans of India
43) Church prays to statues and icons, just like pagans
44) Church uses Cross of pagan Ishtar “Queen of Heaven” as sacred symbol
45) Church sells its mid tier priesthood positions of authority for gold, just like pagans
46) Church eats waifer cakes ever SUNday, just like pagans of Solar-Lunar worship
47) Church enforced strict moral purity on populace, while its popes have laundry lists of kids by prostitutes
48) Church has processions of revelry with large parades full of pagan statues at the spring equinox, just like Solar Pagans
49) Church coronates MarDux, the same name as MarDuck the sun god of Babylon
50) Church makes its domes the golden cup of abominations of revelations
51) Church dresses it’s pagan statues of abomination in the manner and colors of Mithras warned of in Revelationa
52) Church makes people inform on themselves to a priest, just like pagans

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


This was quite the passage….Jeremiah 44…..

If I understand, the Lord was upset at the Jews behavior – using incense, Egyptian idol worship, etc. – and the Lord said….

“Therefore, my fierce anger was poured out; it raged against the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem and made them the desolate ruins they are today………the Jews in Egypt will perish by sword and famine until they are all destroyed.”

Is there any archeological record of all the Jews in Egypt dying all at once within a very short timeframe by sword and famine …say within a year or two, that might coincide and corroborate this passage? 🤔

Further, according to the Bible, we understand that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. If memory serves,, it has only been recently that the ruins have been found and identified………

……meaning, once the towns were laid bare, they faded into the dust of history.

That would make sense for a destruction by the hand of the Lord.

However, the opposite is true with Jerusalem…..

Despite the occasional occupation and sacking from neighboring conquerors, like the Romans, etc, Jerusalem has continued to be a functioning city, far from complete desolation and ruin like S & G were …

Why is there a difference between the two ‘destructions’? Why was S & G literally left to vanish into the dust while Jerusalem is left standing to this day?

Is there more to this puzzle?

More so,, is there any archeological record of this specific desolation and destruction of Jerusalem happening by the direct hand of the Lord (this passage) as well? ……meaning no conquering adversary? 🤔

You know me, always trying to understand these history and timelines…..


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225

@Ralphie 225

The passage is a direct reference to the worship of Isis the “Queen of Heaven” in Egypt, yhe exact title now used for MarYam by the cattle-licks, and the exact pagan statue form used in all of the cattle-licks pagan idol statues and maddona icons and paintings. It specifies the abomination that burning incense to these statues represents. It is does mention participation in the temple economy of idols made by human hands, but it is more greatly forewarning of the great mother worship.

This is as the same is forewarned in with regards to the detestable Ishtar/Ashtarte (the great w***e of Babylon) and Shemash through the tales of Sol-Amon, as the same is forewarned by Ezekial in Babylon regarding the temple prostitution in the “high places” and the man of many faces, the PANim, as Yeshua warned regarding Oannes (Jon) when he speaks of the “war in heaven.”

This passage does not foretell the destruction of Jerusalem. Read it again, even the English translation is clear enough that it foretells of the massacre of the Aryeh Yehudah who have gone to Egypt and become part of the cult of Isis, “The great mother,” which is what the Cattle-licks now continue today.

Regarding the archeological evidence surrounding this:

a) Indeed there are numerous contemporary recrods regarding how Hophra/Apries laid an 18-month seige on Jerusalem. Which led to mass deaths among the remnant of Judah there that had agreed to serve the Babylonians.

b) There are numerous contemporary records showing Hophra was deposed by military revolt from Egypt and forced into exile into Babylon. Upon attempting to return with Babylonian help, he lost this battle (in which a great number of fallen Aryeh Yehudah participated on his behalf, those who had gone to Egypt instead of taking exile in Babylon in 600 BCE, participated and died) they fell into the hands of his deposer Amasis. He was then executed upon the demand of the people around 567 BCE.

Thus at the end of the Babylonain Exile in 538 BCE, there were almost none of those that had fled to Egypt which returned, as told in this document.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Just another big religious symbol for “slaying the dragon,” that comes directly from mathematical functions tracking the Saros Cycle, taken directly off Hammurabi (Hiram Abiff)’s code…

The name St. Ge-Orge, literally refers to the control of the energy of the Earth Ge = Earth Orge = Energy… This is what your antiXristos actually worships. This is their great mother Isis. The word “Saint” comes from the Hebrew “San” which means a “Rotation, Full Orbit.” Literally “Full orbit of the Earth Energy.”

There is no St. Ge-Orge, it is a Luciferian fairytale used to spread Luciferian myths of using the Saros for power, as if it were “Christian.” As it says in Revelations 13 (the 13 Lunar months every 3 years…) And the Beast gets its power from the dragon, the Lunar Draconitic Nodes that this function tracks.

george cross.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Igageharleya @thekwon

This might help clear up some confusion if you cross reference with the luciferian fairytales of St. Ge-orge.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@JBL @Igageharleya @thekwon @Maciej @Ralphie 225 @arif

As another preview of Chapter Xi, let’s look at this fantastical tale of “St. Ge-orge and The Dragon.” This Luciferian Fantasy myth propagated as propaganda for the masses.

We now know that this Luciferian fairytale is made in the context of the name:

Ge γῆ = Earth
Orge ὀργή = Energy, impulse, wrath, and is equivalent to the Greek ἔρδω “To make Sacrifices”
Dragon δράκων = which refers to the constellation “Drako” whose star Alpha Draconis (Thuban, which in Aryeh Yehudah means “Knowledge” and “To Build” a big clue as to “The Builders” in scriptures) was the north pole in 2500 BCE at the building of the pyramids, and which comes directly from δέρκομαι “To See Clearly, to gleam light” and and the Saros Eclipse Cycle of the Lunar Draconitic Month.

We also now know that the very symbol of “St. Ge-Orge’s” cross is the measurement tool for the Saros Eclipse function cycle (which I have obtained directly off of applying Riemann sums to Hammurabi/HiramAbi(ff)’s Code) of the Lunar Draconitic Nodes. Is it any wonder that the “Queen Mother” of Angel-land (The “Queen of Angels” my gosh its repetitve…) uses it as her symbol, and that there are innumerable photos of her (some posted on VL) pointing to the number 223, which is the number of Lunar Synodic Month per Sar (18 years, 6+6+6)?

This fanciful story of a “saint from the 3rd century AD under diocletian” does not appear anywhere in the historical record until 11th century in Anatolia (800 years later… pure fabrication), and is spread and further developed in the 12th century in the Byzantine Empire under the Eastern Orthodox Church of Abominations and Lies. Of course, the main character is a Mar-Ter (Sea and earth) to glorify blood sacrifice under another name; another fabricated legend of this church glorifiying a Mar-Ter that never existed. Let’s recall that in most pre-christian Pagan/Luciferian societies, those that were sacrificed were generally doing so willingly (including all those children and their parents), “for the good of the society” to appease the Queen of Heaven, such as Tannit/Ishtar/Ashtarte. Rebranding blood sacrifice doesn’t stop making it blood sacrifice.

The very fact that this fanciful story is designed, fabricated, and spread by the Cattle-Lick Church, as if it were a “true story,” and that none of the astronomical meanings (which are mathematical, linguistic, and historical certainties) of it are revealed by the church to their congregations, shows the pattern of intent to use mathematical teaching tools (which resonante with people for their Truth) to deceive, amaze, and mysticize the masses for the benefit of the Luciferians Ki harvesting, allowing this abominable priesthood of knowledge hoarders to Mind Kontrol their masses, and manipulate their initiate underlings with oaths. (Oath is the mark of Kain, spelled אות “Oath” in Berashit(h) 4 regarding kain.

@JBL, just another one of the shining example of how your priest hood spits in the face of Yeshua at every corner, as they are forced to takes Oaths of fidelty to the Church, even though Yeshua has expressly commanded we take no oaths. These vipers have endless venemous spit for all that is righteous.

Let’s note that fanciful stories with an exoteric and MAGIkal religious meaning passed off as historical by a priesthood to a congregation of masses that help them amass trillions in wealth, with only the true esoteric meaning revealed to initiates, is the hallmark of a Luciferian Knowledge Hoarding Sect’s devious deeds.

Wikipedia does a fine job recounting its pagan pre-christian origins if you want to look deeper. Subsuming pagan legends into fanciful “christian” myths is not “conquering paganism,” it is swallowing it whole and making it your own.

Now, onto the actual content of the myth, which is a form of early “revelation of method,” by the cattle-lick church itself, and a form of soft admission of its own terrifying actions. It is said that a village is terrorized by a Dragon, who requires constant blood and material sacrifices of the commoners, first of wealth (gold, which also refers to knowledge, hence the commoners being made stupid) and cattle (cattle-lick…), and when those resources run out, the Dragon then asks for human sacrifice. Does this sound like the history of the progression of the Cattle-Lick Church through the ages? It certainly is, and the propogation of the myth directly coincides with the time period of the increasing volume the inquisitions, heresy, and witch burnings by the cattle-lick church. This is not by accident; it is the typical Luciferian method of giving indirect information in order to obtain “consent,” which they believe absolves them of Karmic retribution.

We can note that the cattle-licks steadily and gradually used deception and typical Luciferian tactics to increase their power from the 200’s CE onward, until they had consumed all of the wealth and livestock in Europe at around 900 CE (hence that genocide of the Paulicians who were threatening hegemony at the fringes.). We see that by about 900 CE the aPOPe-Fis, Daughter of the Serpent, Father of Sin, had consumed all of the cattle and gold of its realm, the former Roman Empire and beyond (such as using Charle-Magne to christianize the nordic areas by forced conversions under death threat):

1) Owning as a King-Pope the vast majority of land of the Italian Peninsula directly
2) Possessing near total control over the fiefdoms as the Emperor-Priest throughout its vassal governors called “Lords” and “(mar)DUKs,” (yet another abomination that any man be called “Lord” in direct contraversion of the commands of Yeshua, who said “call no man Lord”) and had completely dumbed the people down after six centuries of increasing hegemony.
3) Vast Material Wealth in actual physical precious metals
4) The authority to control all channels of trade through tariffs and taxes

At this very moment, once the APOPE-fis, who is the dragon, the one who sees clearly, aka actually sees what is going on, had consumed all of the land, cattle, and gold, we find the quick increase in widespread Heresy Trials, witch burnings, and cattle-lick inquisitions at the behest of the papacy. JUST AS THE STORY TELLS, ONCE THE aPOPE-FIS (DRAGON) HAD CONSUMED ALL THE CATTLE, LAND AND GOLD, HE BEGAN TO DEMAND HUMAN BLOOD.

And in this context the the old pagan story of St-Ge-Orge andof dragon is introduced and popularized into the empire, a form of revelation of method. There is one more fold that was added to this story, which serves as a further revelation of method for those with “Eyes to see.”

The appearance of Dio-Cletian as the one who Mar-Ters the Ge-Orge.

First some background:

Dio-Cletian’s reign began in 284 CE (there are 282 Codes plus 2 epithets on Hammurabis Code…284…) The power structure of the Solar Emperors of Rome had been in place and consuming cattle and gold since Julius “Ka-Saros” (Spirit of The Beast) became Pontificus Maximus in 63 CE (the true first pope is Julius Ka-Saros), and crossed the River Tiber in 49 (7*7) BCE to become the emperor, exactly 333 years prior to Diocletian.

The formalized cult of the Auge-Ustus, which was the title of the emperors there after, had been around since the decleration of the first “Ka-Saros Augustus” in 27 BCE, who you know as “ceaser augustus” (Subtle little change of the K for an S sound to throw you off) exactly 311 years before Diocletian. The name Auge, comes from the word for the goddess of “daybreak/sunbeam” in Ancient Greek, who was a virgin Queen of Heaven whose tomb was said to be in pergamom, which housed the “seat of satan,” as said in Revelations, due to its birdman priests (fanacian children of Kain) that were worshippers of the great mother Ky-Bele from Babylon.

Thus we find that this story is adopted and rewritten as a revelation of method in the 11th century CE, set in an earlier time when just as in the 11th century CE climate of cattle-lick blood lust due to fracturing hegemonic power, “The Dragon” of the Ka-Sar (Ceasers/Augustus) had already consumed all the wealth and cattle of Europe. (Essentially/Roughly) By 200 CE, the Roman empire had reached the zenith of its power, controlling from Britain to Persia, and then from 200-300 CE (up through diocletian), it began a century of pure wanton bloodlust, demanding the massive spillage of blood of its subjects in endless petty “wars.”

Diocletian appeared in this context, and set up a system called the Tetrarchy (Four emperors, 2 Auge-Ustus and 2 Ka-Saros) in which he hand picked Constantine (his eventual successor) to rule over, nowhere else other than Angel-Land, which now non-coincidentally continues to use the cross of St. George. This is Constantine the same Solar worshipping emperor that had four of his family members strangled to death, founded cattle-lickism and that put the antiXristos of Babylonian Solar Demonology as the symbol of his “Xristian” church. It is important to know that Diocletian is the founder of the feudal serfdom slavery system inhereted and promoted by popery, that kept 80% of the population of Europe land bound and enslaved under the papacy’s control for 1000 years.

Diocletian set up the officially decreed system in which, right around 300 CE, all social mobility was declared illegal (the first true Luciferian stab at dictatorial “communism” in Europe), and that everyone was bound to continue in the jobs of their fathers, or to fall to a lower social class. That’s how the papacy, instituted only 20 years after diocletian under his chosen successor, ended up with a system with 80% of the populace as land-bound illiterate slaves.

The very name of Διο-κλητιανός comes from an amalgamation of:

Dio: “Illuminator, Lucifer”
Kletia/Clytie: The Virgin Nymph of The Sea that fell in love with the Unified Sun God, Helios, but was never requited. She then got her rival female murdered, and then after still being turned down by The Sun, she became a became a LILAC/VIOLET flower (just as the colors they now use for MarYam, which is the color of Ultra-Violet and Infra-Red Light, the highest energy and Highest Frequency light perceivable by humans and thus the color of “Solar Emperors.”)

Her name, as might be expected, comes from the Greek pre-substrate word κλύω which means “To hear/Understand.”Thus in the mythological context, the name “Dio-Cletian” is a reference to the Sun God as the illuminator that turns people into lovers of royal purple, and seekers of the solar mysteries, AKA SEEKERS OF THE SIX. “TARSHISH” just as it appears in scriptures.

Here we find an admission of the papacy of exactly what it is: the student which slays the master and becomes it. The Sun God and his Virgin Queen of Heaven adorer here on earth (whose priests and icons wear violet) slayed the slayer of the dragon, and were founded by Diocletian and his fuedal system.

Thus when St. Ge-Orge slays the Dragon, it is identical to the story of Marduk (Jupiter/Sun) slaying Tiamat, the sea dragoness. Then we have Dio-Cletian slaying MarDuk/St. Ge-Orge.

St Ge-Orge is the representation of the Earth’s Energy being controlled by the Saros, and the requirement of a sacrifice to keep the “cosmic” order and the “serpent of chaose the aPoPe-Fis” from rearing its ugly head.

Diocletian thus then represents how the cattle-lick church used the new invention of the Sun and its forever admirer The Virgin “Queen of Heaven,” Cletia out of the Sea that makes “royal Purple authority” (like the name Judas, which means Iodine, the chemical that makes “Violet” in Tyrrean Purple) in order to rise to power. As such, Ge-Orge, the earth’s energy/sacriice, becomes the Mar-Ter, the Earth and the Sea.

It is a historical Luciferian revelation of method, a story of successions, The very story of the Pheonix, in which these monsters believe that the cosmic order is maintained by the succession of Luciferian priesthoods that continually follow the same cycle in these steps:

1) Slaying the predecessor Luciferian Order (Game of Thrones Style, it must be believable for the soldiers and cattle as “righteous”)
2) Consolidating and Rising to Power
3) Consuming Wealth, Knowledge, and Land from the villagers
4) Once there is no more wealth, knowledge, and land to be consumed, start shedding blood (aka burning heretics and witches)
5) Consume more and more blood and commit worse and worse acts of atrocity until it becomes so unbearable that the beast (this current Luciferian order) is “Slain” by a new one, which then subsumes it with slight variance under another name and the cycle repeats.

This is the line in the Eagles song “they stabbed it with their steely knives, but they just can’t kill the beast.” It comes from Steely Dan, a reference to the tribe of Dan, the “DANgun/DANGON.” The 13th monkey, the children of Kain. @Ralphie 225, hopefully this helps.

Following this cycle is their gameplan to embodying Lucifer as the IA (Ai, seriously…) on this earth and completing the “great work,” of once again making humanity slaves to the Luci-Ferrus, the Beast of Iron Light that DANiel speaks of.

Hence, St. Ge-Orge, where Saint itself refers to cyclical celestial cycles in Hebrew, is a revelation of method of how they use timing their grand schemes to the cyclical nature of the cosmos to control the Ge-Orge (the energy and sacrifices of the people) tells the people exactly why blood is being sacrificed incessantly around the 11th century.

@thekwon this is just like you find in Star Wars with Luke Sky-Walker, who is literally The Sun, and his Father, Ana-KIn, the Sky Father, that slay the “emperor” who is the dragon.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


The below certainly implies a ‘past tense’ action that happened to make the land ‘desolate waste’……is this not referring to some action that happened to Jerselum and Judah? What am I missing here with this sentence?

I understand that” during its long history, Jerusalem has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times.”….all by conquering enemies…..

If this passage is referring to a past destruction by the Lord, AND NOT FROM CONQUERING ENEMIES, is there any archeological record of this, or any specific desolation and destruction of Jerusalem happening by the direct hand of the Lord?


When the LORD could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became an object of cursing and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today.


Moving on…..unfortunately within the passage you posted, and excerpts below, below, there is no specific mention of the Aryeh Yehudah, only Judah and Jews,….


I will take away the remnant of Judah who were determined to go to Egypt to settle there. They will all perish in Egypt; they will fall by the sword or die from famine. From the least to the greatest, they will die by sword or famine. They will become an object of cursing and horror, of condemnation and reproach.
I will punish those who live in Egypt with the sword, famine and plague, as I punished Jerusalem.


But hear the word of the LORD, all Jews living in Egypt: I swear by my great name,' says the LORD,that no one from Judah living anywhere in Egypt will ever again invoke my name or swear, “As surely as the Sovereign LORD lives.”
For I am watching over them for harm, not for good; the Jews in Egypt will perish by sword and famine until they are all destroyed.
Those who escape the sword and return to the land of Judah from Egypt will be very few. Then the whole remnant of Judah who came to live in Egypt will know whose word will stand–mine or theirs.

If you recall, I have asked you on several occasions to please provide any history behind the AY name so I can understand the historical origins of AY….perhaps you can send me something?

If memory serves, you first mentioned that you were an Aryeh Yehudah in your earliest posts, then I believe in the MBB post (?) you said the AY were the Oannes, then I asked if you were an Essene (you said yes), then in the Ley Lines post you said the AY were ‘Beni Adam’ and then in this post, you say you are a Nazarene………..

……… to help me organize all of these names you have put forth, I am trying to thread together all of these various backgrounds that you have stated, how they all fit together along with their corresponding timelines, cultures, etc.

Finally, circling back to my question, I am curoius as to why there seems to be a difference between the ‘destructions’ of Jerusalem and that of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Why was S & G literally left to vanish into the dust while Jerusalem is left standing to this day?

You must have missed this question….so perhaps you can you please explain this difference?


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie225

@Ralphie 225

Let’s start with the easy:

“Judah” is written in the scripture as Yehudah, but as per usual you seem want to question my sincerity rather than open up an interlinear translation, which are available for free online. Take 5 minutes and read it before making baseless claims from ignorance, as you have time to read books. This is just as the names that are translated in modernity create odd phonetic incongruences such as duetschland -> German between the native name and English. You just attacked me on the basis that a translation of the country’s name says “Germany,” so there just be no mention of Duetschland in the original text…

You are also clearly trying to “nail” me on perceived lack of congruence of titles. As per usual, through ignorance of historical terminology and modernist though approaches if in absurdism in which everything is only one thing. So let’s go through:

Aryeh Yehudah: The Lion of The Tribe of Judah in English as a “word for word” translation. More specifically “The One’s from the Vibration/Song/Word of The Doors of Reality “. It is a reference to a spiritual and cosmic origination.

Oannes: Is a myth, like the myth of Osiris, like the myth of Vira Cocha, like the myth of Dingun/Dagon that developed over time (1000s of years) through superstition. These myths refer to to the original Aryeh Yehudah coming and teaching civilisation pre Younger Dryas, wearing fish scale armour that reflects light (such as Joseph’s cost that reflected light as a rainbow) and teaching the geometric use of the vesica Pisces for measurement. This myth was then picked up, twisted and propagated by Enochians imposters into a set of pagan beliefs and Luciferian mystery rites used to manipulate the masses they try to control.

Essenes are a subgroup of Aryeh Yehudah. All Essenes are Aryeh Yehudah, but not all Aryeh Yehudah are Essenes (although the vast majority remaining alive through the millenia of genocide are.) Think “all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.” The name itself holds special significance in the language. See if you can find it.

Nazarenes are the subset of Essenes that have children, specifically as even Josephus mentions in his writings. Again rectangles and squares.

Can someone be say: From Germany, a Berliner, and a postman? Surely they can and you wouldn’t be attacking them.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@ralphie 225

“When the LORD could no longer endure your wicked actions and the detestable things you did, your land became an object of cursing and a desolate waste without inhabitants, as it is today.”

Look to the references of a “waste and a desolation” in the scriptures. Indeed the land became a waste and a desolation in the past Kata-Astro-Phi. The destruction in the flood as told in Revelations 12, and the story of Noah.

The comparison here, is a reminder of the tremendous power of Ye-HOVA, which means “Destruction by the Lord.” In 580 BCE it had already been 10,000 years past since the previous destruction that created a waste and a desolation of the land. You might notice it does not say “Jerusalem was laid to waste,” it says “your land.” Your assumption this necessarily means Jerusalem is incorrect.

Jeremiah mentions these things with the “field of the potter.” Daniel speaks of them. Ezekiel speaks of them. Revelations speaks of them. Berashit(h) speaks of them.

This is a reminder, during the Babylonian captivity of that previous day of judgement. It is a reference of reminder, giving a word regarding the then numerous abandoned settlements and destruction of much of Jerusalem (then left mostly uninhabited) at the hands of men, and their triviality in comparison to the previous kata-Astro-phi.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

If you make the effort to open the interlinear texts you will note that the word used for “your land,” is written as


That is the same as the word for “Earth.” ארצ “Arets,” used as the 7th word in Berashit(h) 1:1. It doesn’t say he previously made “Jerusalem” a waste and a desolation in a catastrophic manner, it says he made the earths fertile land (Kem, the black fertile lands) into a barren waste due to catastrophe.

The word itself is 1-200-90-20-40. 12 (1/2 day) and 24 (a full day) split by 9, making 36, the 6*6, the symbol of another loop in the spiral of time. 12+9= 21 the 777 (lunar motion) and 24+9 = 33, relation of cycle.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@Ralphie 225

I’m going to give you one more hint regarding the use of “your land,” which you seem to think means Jersualem the city. You should also look at chapter X where I define Jerusalem for you, meaning “place of the peace of YHWH.” Here is the clue regarding the symbolism of “your land ” being a reference to making the Earth a waste and a desolation, not only in the younger dryas, but in the previous iteration of the Universe in which humanity was completely destroyed and restarted.

The word אַ֠רְצְכֶם has the leading digits:

12924, What is that figure?

It is, exactly, the number of years in 1/2 a procession of equinoxes + 35.4 (just like the 354 days of the lunar year which stablizes our orbit into this length of procession.)

12924*2 = 25848. modern satelite and laser estimates show that it is 25,777 years, which is 25,777+71 = 25,848. Note that it is exactly 71 generations from Adam to Noah, the man who made the flood. It is then exactly 71 generations from Noah to Yeshua, and as Yeshua promised this generation will not pass away until after the judgement. That doesn’t mean tomorrow, it means before the souls (GEnerated on Earth) are destroyed or saved. That has a much wider sense than a single human generation.

So the information is quite literally, in fractal form, making a reference to the Younger Dryas Kata-Astro-Phi which occured right at ~12924 BCE, and the total destruction of humanity after 71 GEnerations.

You have asked me innumerable questions, which I have obliged freely, and many of which I spend huge amounts of effort and time to explain, and then throw into the void and don’t hear back upon, not so much as a “thank you”; yet you often demand I must respond to every single question, or accuse me of withholding information.

Now I need you, using your blessing of intellect, to start looking for yourself before coming to me with questions like this and making ignorant accusations. Learn the Hebrew Alphabet and learn the the Gematrias.

Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


Accusing me of not saying ‘thank you’ is a cheap shot and untrue. I may not always say thank you every single time, but I can assure you I say it quite often in all of our correspondences. More so,, I believe everyone here is guilty of that as well….

Further, I do reply, as best as I can with acknowledgement on the material you respond with…..often with more questions…..

More so, as you know first hand,, I have spent many hours of my precious time, when it became available, helping you create Monkeys PDF so people can print out your work easily…..

……and as you know, I have been waiting paitently for several weeks for you to get back to me on many of the edit questions… that being considerate of me?

…..further, as you are aware of,, I spent many hours helping you edit your initial Berashit paper for publication……. and again……..I have been patiently waiting for you to respond to those edits as well…..

And, given I am usually the only one who is conversing with your more technical material,, like the pseudosphere, Birkeland currents, etc., I really don’t understand how you can imply I throw you responses into the ‘void’….

…….in fact, as I said, I often come back with more questions- which if memory serves,, you have often complimented me on s7ch critical thinking abilities.

I actually thought we had a mutual back and forth that was understood…..but I can see that that is not the case…


Ralphie 225
Ralphie 225
1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem


I don’t have time, like you do…I do my best to read everything you tell us to. I have familial obligations- I believe we have had this discussion about how I care for 2 families……further,, any of the reading I have been doing is taking time from sleeping….so it would best if you can remember that…..

Further, we have had discussions on the interliner Bible translations and again, I don’t always have the time and sometimes I forget about it.

More so, I am not trying to “nail” you….I am trying to follow all of the names that you have identified yourself with and their relationships with the various timelines your work seems to pull from.

Why you didn’t start by saying you were a Nazarene from the get-go, I’ll never know and frankly I find it odd that only AFTER I asked if you were an Essene, did you say yes….oh, and clearly I know the Nazarenes are a subset to Essenes….

If you’re throwing the word ” ignorance ” at me, instead of realizing I have been trying to thread all this together for months as my previous inquiries have shown……

…. then perhaps I should inquire why a religious adherent of YHWH and Yeshu’s word was at an event with Saudi princess, cocaine, and hookers?


1 year ago
Reply to  Ralphie 225


1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

5. The claim cattle lick oak is more ascetic than its luciferian predecessors.

This is again just patently a-historical, and based only on ignorance of luciferian practices and the total utter lies of the words of your church used to fabricate this false and oppressive narrative you have swallowed wholesale.

Here I will first attach a video regarding the Xmas (mass of Osiris) practices throughout the ages, an exact continuation of the debauchery of Saturnalia from Rome. They just renamed the holiday and super swore it was for G Zeus.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

@JBL the celebrations of Xmas through the ”Christian” ages are well documented (again better once non-cattle licks) could write again) involving mass murder, orgies, mass destruction and total drunkeness and debauchery.

I can show you the same absurd debauchery and drunkenness involving the opulent processions of Easter/Ishtar throughout cattle-lick Europe, and local “saints” festivals which were direct continuations of previous local pagan gods.

In regards to what you might perceive as a novel asceticism by the cattle-licks somehow being different, I can assure you that it is not. The power structure, as we have noted through 1000+ year old documents, was bribing their way into the positions in return for a guarantee of a life of luxury and prostitutes. That these same men convinced the rank and file monk(eys)/Nuns (fish serpents) to live in inordinate asthetic poverty as “holy,” is certain.

What better way to convince the serf-slaves that their poverty was holy than to have your front facing sales people appear to choose to live just as impoverished, while the priests, bishops cardinals and popes, the true power structure of the church, were well noted across the board for their inordinate lives of luxury and prostitutes. They convinced people to give their money to “god,” and then bought themselves houses of gold, fine wine and prostitutes.

Equally any claim to a new found astheticism by the cattle licks is also absurd. Asthetic Yogis, who actually lived lives of poverty up and down their power structure were well noted for the practice in the 2-300s BCE, 700 years before Constantine was in diapers. In fact the abominable practices of self flagellation are taken directly from these Yogis that were called the “council of Peters.” Your church is a twisted, bloated copy of this order of maYAMa… these Luciferians (who at least actually lived without any accumulation of wealth) thought that any practice of flagellation, and act that hurt the bodies, without causing death was holy.

Your aPOPE-fis, daughter of the serpent, father of sin, saw that instituting these practices for the masses and his bottom feeders (monks) was an effective strategy for creating a society full of oppression upon which he and his inner circle (cardinals, bishops and priests) could suck their blood for every last penny. It is a psy-op, taken directly from a predating pagan religion.

1 year ago
Reply to  JBL

7) the “ongoing strife with paganism.”

This is the only one of your claims which is not a-historical. It is testament to the power of the mind kontrol you have been subjected to, that you have claimed only one, of seven things, which is not the opposite of reality. I am aware of their occult power, and it is quite unsettling how well they have mind controlled someone as intelligent as yourself…

Fundamentally however, your interpretation is through this lease of “purity,” and defending “Christianity,” which you interpret this strife. Let’s call it what it was, a power struggle. Your abominable church set about consolidating it’s monolithic power over the empire’s people through religious oppression. It really is as simple as that.

I’m not going to get into the abominable atrocities they have committed, as I have laid many before you already. The genocides, the heresy burnings, the witch sacrifices, the inquisitions, the synagogue burnings, the temple burnings, the removal of all rights of many sects seen as political opponents and challenges to church authority (Manichaeans, Jews, Paulicians, Templars, etc) the slayings of their own early dissenters, and the eventual formation of a pope-king empire in Italy speak loudly enough to the eventuality of this “struggle,” you speak of: monolithic luciferian priest king power.

This is no different a pattern (except it is longer lasting and spread over a great geographical area) than the religious violence which ensued throughout empires where luciferian priest classes consolidated their power. It was the same in Egypt, the same in the Mughal Empire, the same in the shogunate of Japan, the same stuff thePharisees (who are mostly pheonicians) are pulling in Isis-Ra-Eli today with their treatment of other religions including non-orthodox IsIsraelis (they hate reformism because it removes all of their monolithic power.)

The pattern of a power hungry religious sect causing strife with rival religions as a cassis Bellai for their destruction is extremely rank and file among the pagans, and thus your claim of it differentiating the Christian’s is again, born from a place of total ignorance.

Now all 7 of your tenants have been thoroughly dismantled.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

Wow, there is so much here it will take time to process. Wealth of knowledge…
Moon-keys, Man-keys. I was thinking man-keys now not so sure

1 year ago

This is the first time I’ve looked on Charles’ aspect and recognized his mother’s face so clearly. He looks changed, at least from what I’ve seen publicly. I’m guessing he has come into his full inheritance.

Last edited 1 year ago by lgageharleya
1 year ago
Reply to  A E

I had that thought too – he has the same demonic look now his mother had that wasn’t so recognizable before.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

Yes. That complete demonic look of satisfaction of praying to the devil every night for decades to kill his mother. But of course God has the upper hand and said “Nope. The witch is staying with you for as long as possible.”

1 year ago

Ha ha! Too true, though, I think he inherited her spiritual (demonic) attachments. Even the shape of his face looks different to me, he used to be far more thin-faced, a bit pointed, not squat and square like her. From all I’ve been reading, they pass down through inheritance, either to an heir or if there is none, to whomever wins in a challenge.

1 year ago

Rarely the elites have natural deaths, they are sacrificed based on contracts. Just look at the Ro7h*h1lds, Rock3f2113rs, deaths, the same with royals, all orchestrated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Origami

So true, but it’s very interesting how we can all see the demon *of* his mother so blatantly inhabit his body. Has it always been this apparent?? Does this *inheriting a demons thing* even have a name?? It seems related to the pope’s handing their demon down.

Last edited 1 year ago by marie
1 year ago
Reply to  marie

I guess the elites are starting from parents intercourse sacrificed and introduced to the world more or less like in this movie called “rosemary’s baby”, with moon child cermonies….
The whole familly tree is by default tied, new borns don’t need to take any oath, their fate is sealed….

1 year ago

Fake oil.He would literally transform onsite. And no one wants that to happen 😨

Crazy Bear
Crazy Bear
1 year ago

You’d think that he’d pawn some of the royal gems and golden scepters and crap to hire a decent dentist. That dude has got some jacked up teeth.

Jill Mirran
Jill Mirran
1 year ago

Phoenicia. Explains much.

swipe right
swipe right
1 year ago

King of what again? Great Britain? 😅😅😅. Be the united kingdom does not exist.

1 year ago

Yahweh is not a God of religion but is a God of relationship. Develop a relationship with Him and ask Him for the truth, not man. And use His name. Look throughout the Word. It constantly mentions referring to Him by His name.. An example in Psalm 91:

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore, I will deliver him. I will set him on high because he has known My name. He shall call up me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” Psalm 91: 14-16.

The powers that be don’t want you to use His name because they know you will learn the truth, that’s why they call Him “Lord” throughout the Word. How can you develop a relationship with someone if you don’t know their name?

Also, did you know there is no “J” in Hebrew, Greek or Latin. So how can His son’s name be Jesus? Another ploy to get you off track.

1 year ago

Oil is not Holy – even if it is from Jerusalem!

In the OT, oil being poured on the head was symbolic of being annointed by the Holy Spirit – that all went out the window on the day of Pentacost when that “shadow” was Spiritually fulfilled!
BTW – Water isn’t Holy either!