SICK: “B********y will no longer be considered a criminal offense if there are no injuries to the animal.”
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“criminal offense”
What is more immoral is giving government bullies the authority to kidnap and torture you for disobeying them. Shame on you for supporting government. Government is slavery. They don’t have authority.
Another thing. Where is your moral outrage about animals being brutally tortured and slaughtered for food? Billions of them a year. THAT warrants outrage, and those poor souls deserve to be freed by force. You, /u/deletetheelite, are more concerned about about a dog getting sucked off. Gross? Yes. Rape? Probably not always. And it certainly doesn’t warrant government tyrants using violence against said people. THAT is a greater evil.
Wow, another new low for you Steven,defending beastiality you sick f*ck..You would be right at home in Spain then. I just don’t see the eating meat for food equates to having sex with the animals spin. So far you have defended pedophilia and beastiality on this site, what’s next?
I agree with you @deletetheelite, those types of arguments display the kind of illogical thinking/mental gymnastics applied by those defending mutilating healthy body parts in the name of ‘gender theory’ or calling black people ‘white supremacists’. How much of an animal lover is this guy?
What is sick is a site full of so called truth seekers who think torturing an animal for its entire life, then stealing its life, is better than touching one tenderly.
Selfish psychopaths. You are blind.
You don’t have to eat meat for food.
I’m not sexually touching any animals, but y’all are paying others to do daily violence against them out of sight and out of mind. And you call ME the bad person? Incredible.
You are not a bad person Steven, and your opinions are respected and appreciated.
What you need to understand Steven is that this decriminalization is way more than just allowing zoophilia, the objective is to allow human animal hybrids to be born, in other words : SWEET TOOTH in real life. Always remember that movies, series, are simulations to future projects.
Yeah Steve is pure evil he is a kiddie fiddler and animal abuser how on earth can you say he’s not a bad person
“Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” (Genesis 1:26)
“The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray. And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth. In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air. And there came a voice to him: “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” But Peter said, “By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.” And the voice came to him again a second time, “What God has made clean, do not call common.” This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.” (Acts 10:9-16)
“let them have dominion”
You are the worst kind of Christian.
Those are God’s words. God must be a terrible Christian. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The thing is, not everyone can be right. Except God, so I’ll always defer to The Bible, play it safe. You can have your opinion about The Bible as well, maybe even write a new one where tenderly touching animals is the highest virtue. Whatever.
The worst kind is an atheist defending pedophilia and beastiality. No morals and therefore no shame. Just the rebellion spirit. Most of us are against government whenever it acts contrary to the best interest of people, that is normal decent people (and I assume that happens a lot lately)
remember that children with ,,shapely curves,, are still children and they cannot defend themselves against a manipulative horny adult even if that adult is 30+ years old and is at his ,,peak value,,(your words …describing yourself… probably). The same with b********y although all the animals cannot equal a human being’s life especially that of a child. When you defend these things that makes you a potential child and animal rapist. You only need a
context that is in your favour.
I’m not an atheist. And government is always evil because it uses the threat of violence to gets its way, propping up morally relativistic laws. If you still believe in government, you are a child and a bad person.
That’s right! Skip to your gouvernment obsession.
I am bad for other reasons. Not for paying my taxes. I am bad because at the end of each day I know I could have done a better job, be a better person, do more for my family (for example)…you can’t understand that because your mission on this planet is not to protect children or people, generally speaking, but to save bugs and animals (still, not from rape) . …and since I am such a child does that mean I reached the “peak value”? (again… your words “15-25 years old for females”). Maybe you’ve fooled others but I know some here whom you have no chance to. You are sick!
“ People are terrified of children because of Matrix programming and a lack of shadow-work”. This gives you away, you sick, and the fact that girls as young as 15 year olds or younger are ripe for you. This speech of yours does not make you a service
It is a vital source of food for those at the top of the chain.
How about when animals kill animals? Thats okay because nature.
Go kick some dust. You sound like someone who would have sex with a raccoon.
“top of the chain.”
“okay because of nature”
You have been programmed by Satanic Darwinist ideology. We are held to a higher moral standard than lions spiritually.
It is not vital for humans. We can use our will and high intelligence to take care of our shared family.
You have your pet dog in your avatar. You’d be upset if you saw Indonesians caging and slaughtering dozens of them. But you don’t even think twice about the thousands of cows and pigs and chickens that are brutally tortured every second.
If we aren’t different than the other animals, then why are you all so upset by the idea of sex with one? So much that you’d actually pay the government to throw someone in jail for doing it? Because we are different.
There are people who practically were vegans , vegetarians for various time : from one year to 20 and more years and all of them felt and looked worse when they where not eating meat. Look at youtube chanel Vegan deterioration for example. Thats nice idea not to eat meat, but not practically possible for health reasons. If you are stupid or stubborn enough not to learn from someone else’s experience, than you will learn from your own. Thats one thing.
Now about that sickly decrimilization. Thats absolutely sick and disgusting. Thats not the same thing to kill for food and to torture. And animal can not give consent by the way. Rape is one of the most disgusting and damaging thing for living being – human or animal.
And I think that you are defending various sick ideas , because your mind is so open that your brains fell out. You are naive or just stupid. And thats it. For now you are just useful idiot.
“Vegan deterioration”
This is false. There are many lifelong vegetarians and vegans who are incredibly healthy. If all you eat is soylent and junkfood, then of course you will have issues.
“animal can not give consent by the way”
Oh, so they consented to being caged and slaughtered for food? What is more damaging? Touching their genitals or slitting their throat?
Point taken. Could you recommend a good plant-based frankfurter? I suddenly feel guilty about eating hot dogs…
That is life, carnivorous animals kill , because they must eat meat. That is biological neccessity.
So, you are saying that for animal being constatly raped for all its life by mentally disturbed , sick individuals without empathy (because no one with normal sexuality and normal psichological state would engage in such heinous acts ) is better than being slaugtered for purposes that all nature is based.
Of course, there should be ensured suitable conditions for farm animals, that their living conditions in farms be fitting and slougtering shoud be also qiuck and with as little as possible torment for animals. And thats where efforts should be directed.
Lion or tiger hunts and kills because they need food, and they do that not personally. They kill and eat, not consiously torture that animal, thats it. For normal people, eating meat, thats the same.
And you are advocating psichologically disturbed individuals that want to make animals their sex slaves. Rape is torture. Do not advocate absolute barbarism and crime.
“There are many lifelong vegetarians and vegans who are incredibly healthy. If all you eat is soylent and junkfood, then of course you will have issues.”
My best friend is precisely such a vegan. He has been a vegan since he was five, and is in splendid good form. On the other hand, if I go long without eating meat, even on a diet that my friend proposes, I rapidly waste away and begin to suffer a variety of physical and mental problems. Needless to say, I’m speaking from experience here.
Not every human being is built the same way. Many of us (probably most of us) need meat to stay healthy.
I’m cooking a grass fed steak right now. Meat provides us with vitamins and minerals and has for thousands of years. You can take supplements and eat bugs if you want, but I’m not going to.
“Meat provides us with vitamins and minerals and has for thousands of years.”
And adrenochrome has provided the ruling class with youthful vigor for thousands of years. Just because aborted human baby stem cells are good for you doesn’t make it moral to use them.
Bugs are animals ya idiot.
Adrenochrome lol now you’re just showing your stupidity, dirty Paedo
A sexual act with an animal is usually done to gratify the human, not the animal. It is a very one-sided, abusive relationship.
In the best case scenario, a human is emotionally bonded to an animal and wants to engage with it sexually. But that is a personal travesty. Nobody starts life looking for that kind of bond with an animal. They seek it with another person.
No animal contact will ever be able to substitute for the kind of care we receive when a fellow human recognizes the goodness and beauty of God in us, and loves us for it.
“A sexual act with an animal is usually done to gratify the human, not the animal. It is a very one-sided, abusive relationship.”
Again, where is the outrage about torturing and killing animals? It is even more one sided and abusive. Gratifying your mouth with no heart / care for who you hurt in the process.
You all ignore it. You’re bad people and worship an evil God.
You seem to care a great deal for animal life. Why do you care so little for animal dignity?
You comment on dignity got 11 upvotes at the time of this reply. As if the animals in the documentary Earthlings are experiencing dignity. You people are disgusting and have your head in the sand.
I’ll say one thing, you must be a very devout vegan. Seems like you’re not preaching to the choir here though. Meat is just too tasty.
As above so below. Until we stop being cruel to other beings for pleasure, we will continue to be under the boot (and fork) of the unseen powers above us.
We can’t even muster kindness out of self-preservation.
“(Sin) is just too tasty.”
Yeah, well since we aren’t showing any sign of change, our future is only going to become more hellish. And we deserve what is coming to us.
For a man so contemptuous of Christianity, you certainly use a lot of its language.
“Romans 13
Submission to Governing Authorities
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing.”
There is great wisdom in the Bible, but bits like that aren’t one of them.
How can you be so aware of the way the powerful people today control the media, and be completely blind regarding their manipulation of holy texts?
I’ve already responded to your strange use of Romans 13 in another thread, Steven, where I invited you to expound your views more fully. As you might not have seen my invitation there, let me restate it here.
How precisely are you interpreting the call to “submit to authorities” here, given the fact that Christians were famous in Rome for their refusal to bow to Roman rituals, even when doing so could have saved their lives?
Or again, in light of your latest charge: could you explain to me how precisely Romans was “manipulated” by “powerful people”?
1 Peter 2:13-17: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.”
Titus 3:1: “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good,”
1 Timothy 2:1-3: “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,”
Matthew 22:21: “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.'”
These verses emphasize the importance of submitting to the authority of the government, obeying laws, and paying taxes. It isn’t rocket science to understand.
“how precisely Romans was “manipulated” by “powerful people”?”
The canonization of these texts was done by the occult priest class. Throughout history, various governments and leaders have used the Bible to exert control over their populations. Here are some examples:
The Holy Roman Empire: From the 10th to the 18th century, the Holy Roman Empire was a powerful political entity in Europe that was closely tied to the Catholic Church. Its leaders used religion to legitimize their power and control over the population.
The Spanish Inquisition: In the late 15th century, the Spanish Inquisition was established to root out heresy and maintain Catholic orthodoxy. Its leaders used the Bible and religious doctrine to justify their persecution of non-Catholics and dissenters.
The Puritan colonies in America: In the 17th century, Puritan colonies were established in America, where religious leaders used the Bible to enforce strict moral codes and control the behavior of the population.
The Divine Right of Kings: This doctrine, which was popularized in the 17th century, held that monarchs were appointed by God and had absolute authority over their subjects. Many rulers used this idea to justify their power and control over their populations.
The Roman Empire was initially hostile to Christianity and persecuted its followers. However, in the early fourth century AD, Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and issued the Edict of Milan, which granted religious toleration to Christians.
It was a strategic move to consolidate power and maintain political stability within the empire. He commissioned the building of Christian churches and supported the development of Christian theology and scholarship helping to establish Christianity as a major force within the Roman Empire, laying the foundation for its eventual dominance in Europe.
Thanks for your response, Steven. I appreciate the care you’ve taken with it.
Let me begin with what we can agree on: we agree that Scripture is not magically immune to misuse at the hands of wicked, self-serving or impious men. With this in mind, I’m willing to grant most of your historical claims out of hand.
But saying that Scripture has been abused over the course of history is very different from saying that it was written with the aim of justifying abuses, which seems to be your more fundamental claim. So let me respond to the verses you have listed with this idea in mind.
If we include also the verses immediately preceding those of 1 Peter (that is, verses 11-12) which form the immediate context for the lines you have quoted, then the first three passages you have cited have this in common: they are all concerned primarily with living good and holy lives. Obedience to authorities is never recommended as such, but rather as a means toward the end of living a good and holy life. The question immediately arises: what is a Christian to do if the authorities demand evil, impious or unholy acts — acts which are manifestly incompatible with a good and holy life?
It is not even necessary to try to conjecture an answer to this question; it suffices to look at the acts, the lives, and often enough the sufferings and deaths of the early Christians (including those at the time of Constantine) to immediately perceive that these passages were never taken as blanket justification of the wicked commands of the authorities, nor of blind obedience to such commands.
As for the famous words from Matthew 22:21, the obvious follow-up question is, precisely what belongs to Caesar, and what belongs to God? Certainly, in the context, it is suggested that the gold coin, which bears the portrait of Caesar, belongs to Caesar; but does Caesar himself, along with all his possessions, not belong to the God that formed him? If you can find me a single quotation, in any of the Fathers or scholastics or scriptural interpreters anywhere in the allegedly corrupt Christian tradition, which even comes close to interpreting this passage as granting temporal authorities a realm of jurisdiction in which the commandments or wishes of God are somehow no longer relevant, I will gladly reconsider your view. Until such a point, it seems to me that your interpretation of these passages is precisely as tenuous as that of the Inquisitors or the Puritans.
You have made one further claim which I will emphatically disagree with, but perhaps you can convince me I am wrong. You say, “The canonization of these texts was done by the occult priest class.” I would be very curious to know who you believe these priests were, how and when you think they commandeered the Tradition, and what historical evidence you have to suggest that such a revolution ever took place.
Bravo! 👏👏👏
The passages advocating submission to authorities, such as 1 Peter 2:13-14 and Romans 13:1-7, are not simply concerned with living good and holy lives, but rather with the idea of divine authority and order. These passages specifically call for submission to governing authorities as a matter of obedience to God, even if those authorities are not always just or righteous. While it is true that the early Christians often suffered for their refusal to obey unjust laws or decrees, this does not negate the fact that the Bible does indeed advocate for submission to authorities.
As for Matthew 22:21, the larger point being made is that ultimately, all things belong to God. The idea of submission to authority can be taken to an extreme that allows for the abuse of power and the justification of unjust actions.
There is no hard evidence I’m aware of that temporal authorities directly tampered with the Bible. The process of canonization involved multiple communities of scholars and religious leaders. The texts that were ultimately included in the canon were selected based on a variety of factors, including their theological coherence, their widespread use and acceptance among the early Christian communities, and their historical accuracy and reliability.
I did not mean to suggest that there was a single “occult priest class” that commandeered the tradition. Rather, I was referring to the fact that the process of canonization was a complex and often contentious one that involved different individuals and groups with their own agendas and perspectives. You really think those of the “Babylon Mystery Tradition”, whose work this website is devoted to, and got the entire world to wear diapers on their face, had zero influence on a massively influential body of work like the Bible? It is important to recognize the human and occult element in the formation of the canon and to approach the texts with a critical eye.
“So Pilate said to him, “You will not speak to me? Do you not know that I have authority to release you and authority to crucify you?” Jesus answered him, “You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin.” (John 19:10-11)
Jesus humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death.
“For God has put it in their hearts to execute His purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God will be fulfilled.” (Revelation 17:17)
Freemasonry was founded in Britain in the year 1717. Common Purpose is an organisation linked to Freemasonry. Read the rest of The Book Of Revelation. It doesn’t end well for those ‘in authority’.
“Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!” (Revelation 14:13)
From now on, we are being asked to be obedient to God, even unto death. Veganism or Wokeism aren’t going to save anybody. You willing to be martyred?
Many thanks for the reply, Steven. Once more, we agree on a number of points. I’ll come to those presently.
You have cited, in the case of 1 Peter and Romans, the passages concerned with obeying authorities; but we must also keep in mind the context in which these passages occur, which is tellingly similar in both cases. Here are just a few of the verses from both books immediately preceding the passages you have quoted:
1 Peter 2:11-12:
11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
Romans 12:17-18, 21:
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. … 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
The whole of Romans 12:9-21 could be fruitfully quoted here, as well as the remainder of Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2, and the entirety of 1 Peter 3; but I have sought to keep this as brief as possible. The point I want to make is simply that the passages enjoining obedience to authority are, in both cases, clearly and deeply nested within the broader summons to live honestly, decently, virtuously and in sanctification. Those secular powers which have employed these texts to bolster unjust or impious acts or laws have been forced to take them out of context to do so; they have abused, not used, the Scripture.
Moreover, the context is even wider than the verses surrounding these passages. We must remember that both these letters were written to Christians trying to find a way of living as Christians in a pagan world, and facing such difficulties in this attempt that our present plight (at least for now) pales by comparison. There is a constant awareness in both texts that Christians in the Roman Empire were a people set apart by their ways and their morals — “foreigners and exiles” as St. Peter has it. Leaving aside its moral and political aspect (constant revolution, as modernity teaches us, seldom brings any good to men), the injunction to obey authority is simply sound practical advice for small and despised minorities dwelling in hostile states. And this attitude of Christ-like peaceableness even in the face of utmost adversity is large part of the reason that Christianity ultimately triumphed: the early Christians followed the counsel of St. Peter and St. Paul, not by blindly adhering to every Roman decree no matter its content, but by “overcoming evil with good,” and by “living such good lives among the pagans…that they saw their good deeds.” That the pagans did indeed see, and respond favorably to what they saw, is evinced by the rise of Christendom itself. It is not difficult to imagine how things would have ended had these same Christians adopted an attitude of violent and stubbornly disobedient enmity instead.
You say, “These passages specifically call for submission to governing authorities as a matter of obedience to God, even if those authorities are not always just or righteous,” and I can accept that as a decent summary, so long as the following qualification is made: these passages nowhere call for submission to governing authorities when they are unjust or unrighteous.
You say, “As for Matthew 22:21, the larger point being made is that ultimately, all things belong to God. The idea of submission to authority can be taken to an extreme that allows for the abuse of power and the justification of unjust actions.” I am somewhat mystified, for I happen to agree with you on both your points. I simply do not see how the second in any way follows from the first. To the contrary, if the first is true, then the second can only be brought about by wilfully ignoring that truth. Once again, it is not Scripture which is in the wrong, but the hearts and deeds of men.
So far as the canonization of Scripture goes, I think you have actually said almost all that needs to be said, so I’ll gratefully just repeat your words:
“The process of canonization involved multiple communities of scholars and religious leaders. The texts that were ultimately included in the canon were selected based on a variety of factors, including their theological coherence, their widespread use and acceptance among the early Christian communities, and their historical accuracy and reliability.”
A Christian would add to this list only the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but even leaving that out — if the process of canonization was as you have described, then where precisely is there any room for the maneuvering of anti-Christian influences? The canon was accomplished “from the bottom up,” as it were, rather than by fiat from above. It came together at the local and traditional level, in many groups over a wide geographical range, at a time when the later victory of Christianity over paganism would have been absolutely unimaginable. By the time there was any unified political or religious power in the Christian world such as might have provided space or motive for malicious and powerful agents to act upon it, the work of canonization had already been accomplished.
It is precisely for this reason that I can state with great confidence that “those of the ‘Babylon Mystery Tradition’” really did have zero influence on the formation of the canon.
Many thanks for your reply, Steven. Once again, there several points on which we agree; I’ll come to those presently.
You have cited, in the case of 1 Peter and Romans, the passages concerned with obeying authorities; but we must keep in mind the context in which these passages occur, which is tellingly similar in both cases. Here are just a few of the verses from both books immediately preceding the passages you have quoted:
1 Peter 2:11-12:
11 Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
Romans 12:17-18, 21:
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. … 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
The whole of Romans 12:9-21 could be fruitfully quoted here, as well as the remainder of Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2, and the entirety of 1 Peter 3; but I have sought to keep this as brief as possible. The point I want to make is simply that the passages enjoining obedience to authority are, in both cases, clearly and deeply nested within the broader summons to live honestly, decently, virtuously and in sanctification. Those secular powers which have employed these texts to bolster unjust or impious acts have had to take them out of context to do so; they have abused, not used, the Scripture.
Moreover, the context is even wider than the verses surrounding these passages. We must remember that both these letters were written to Christians trying to find a way of living as Christians in a pagan world, and facing challenges in this attempt that make our own plight (for the present moment) pale by comparison. There is a constant awareness in both texts that Christians in the Roman Empire were a people set apart by their ways and their morals — “foreigners and exiles” as St. Peter has it. Leaving aside its moral and political aspect (constant revolution, as modernity teaches us, seldom brings any good to men), the injunction to obey authority is simply sound practical advice for small and despised minorities in hostile states. And this attitude of Christ-like peacableness even in the face of persecution and martyrdom is part of the reason that Christianity ultimately triumphed. The early Christians followed the counsel of St. Peter and St. Paul, not by blindly adhering to every Roman decree, but by “overcoming evil with good,” and by “living such good lives among the pagans…that they saw their good deeds.” That the pagans did indeed see, and responded positively to what they saw, is evinced by the totally improbable rise of Christendom. It is not difficult to imagine how things might have ended, had these same Christians set upon a course of violent disobedience.
You say, “These passages specifically call for submission to governing authorities as a matter of obedience to God, even if those authorities are not always just or righteous,” and I can accept that as a decent summary, so long as the following qualification is made: these passages nowhere call for submission to governing authorities when they are unjust or unrighteous.
You say, “As for Matthew 22:21, the larger point being made is that ultimately, all things belong to God. The idea of submission to authority can be taken to an extreme that allows for the abuse of power and the justification of unjust actions.” I am somewhat mystified, for I happen to agree with you on both your points. I simply do not see how the second in any way follows from the first. To the contrary, if the first is true, then the second can only be brought about by wilfully ignoring that truth. Once again, it is not Scripture which is in the wrong, but the hearts and deeds of men.
So far as the canonization of Scripture goes, I think you have actually said all that needs to be said, so I’ll just gratefully repeat your words:
“The process of canonization involved multiple communities of scholars and religious leaders. The texts that were ultimately included in the canon were selected based on a variety of factors, including their theological coherence, their widespread use and acceptance among the early Christian communities, and their historical accuracy and reliability.”
A Christian would add to this list only the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but even leaving that out — if the process of canonization was as you have described, then where precisely is there any room for the maneuvering of non-Christian influences? The canon was accomplished “from the bottom up,” as it were, rather than by fiat from above. It came together at the local and traditional level, in many groups over a wide geographical range, at a time when the coming victory of Christianity over paganism was still absolutely unimaginable. By the time there was any unified political or religious power in the Christian community such as might have provided space and the motive for malicious and powerful agents to act upon it, the work of canonization had already been accomplished.
It is precisely for this reason that I can state with confidence that “those of the ‘Babylon Mystery Tradition’” really did have zero influence on the formation Bible.
Once again, outstanding.👍
The Bible has undoubtedly, in many instances, been mistranslated, is open to misinterpretation or reinterpretation by anyone, includes certain books but excludes certain others, etc. It is what it is. What’s most important is to familiarise yourself with it, as it is, as best you can. It is still the closest thing we have to the inspired Word of God. Most people who visit this site are aware that we are living in the prophesied ‘end times’. God is the ultimate authority, our only hope is to turn to Him or we are doomed. The ‘beast system’ is up and running and the plan is to exterminate 6-7 billion, ie, nearly all of us. Concern yourself with raising people’s awareness, not bickering with those of us who aren’t vegans and like an occasional burger or two. Just a suggestion.
Torturing animals without any care IS the “beast system”. 666 at its core. Until we raise our consciousness with issues like that and giving power to government, we won’t win.
Calling you out for your bad behaviour is essential.
The Magnificat
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
He has shown the strength of his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children forever.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.”
He uses a manipulative speech. ..and no matter how many arguments one uses he keeps saying the same crap every single time he has the chance. it is not ok to eat consume animal fflesh for it/s protein but is ok to rape it for sick pleasure. if the animal gets hurt,what then? will the abuser take that animal to the vet for treatment or just kill it? does he care if it survives?
this is the real cruelty!
he is against any kind of authority, not just that of the gouvernment. in his particular case – no God,no fear, no shame
other than that, the abomination itself is beyond words.for a man to lower himself that much means there is only one little step to prey on children or have se* with dead bodies.
No morals, no guilt!
You already know these things because of all the times you’ve argued with Ceetruth. Stephen CastEEl is Ceetruth. You also know about Ceetruth’s Gnostic sex beliefs, etc. He believes enlightenment and manifestation of various kinds may be found via his genitalia, and his belief system is couched in universalist language that makes it sound good and gaslights others with the we are all one truth, but twisted, as his beliefs are fundamentally selfish – everything is about his own enlightenment no matter the cost, he states that there is no evil, that evil is a mental construct, thus gives himself license to do as he will.
I go by stevencasteel on the internet. I’m not hard to find. And I don’t need to hide behind anonymous handles like every other person in this thread throwing hate my way. I’ve never heard of Ceetruth, but I agree that s***n retention is a powerful tool.
I’m a big fan of psychedelics but have not once propagated the idea that “we’re all one”. It might be true, but I’m not convinced of it (yet).
“he states that there is no evil, that evil is a mental construct, thus gives himself license to do as he will.”
There is certainly evil. Like the brutality done to animals for food.
“do as he will.”
I haven’t studied “Liber AL vel Legis” or Thelema, but I’m pretty sure “Love is the law, love under will.” should be included in your interpretation.
“everything is about his own enlightenment no matter the cost”
The cost of not attaining enlightenment is hell for you and all those around you. You need to follow God, Natural Law, at all costs. That means not doing willful harm to others. It also means developing self-mastery instead of waiting for Jesus or Trump or Q to do all the work for you.
I’m not afraid of you low-vibration know-nothings.
Very high-vibe of you to say so.
Thank you.
“it is not ok to eat consume animal fflesh for it/s protein but is ok to rape it for sick pleasure.”
Where have I said that? You assume a lot, like when you called me an atheist twice.
I have not said people should have sex with animals.
What I HAVE said is,
As someone who was in the same camp as you that eating animals is the root of all problems around here I can empathize with your position.
The point being missed is there must be a distinction made between corporate mass produced meat and family farm ethically raised meat and best of all meat processed by oneself.
The corporate meat industry is designed to inflict as much misery into the animal as possible which indirectly transfers to the consumer. They try to invert EVERYTHING that is instructed for humanity by YHWH.
In new research I’m doing it seems there have been at least 6 cataclysms that have wiped out almost all life on the planet each time. The 1% that survived were effectively in the stone age again. What are they to eat? There are no gardens or fruits or vegetables. Their one option was to eat the animals for a time until agriculture can be reestablished. Are these people ‘evil’?
The only truly ethical way to consume animal meat is to do the killing and processing oneself while thus honoring the animal making it’s life meaningful – while not making a profit off the lives of others. Personally I don’t have the stones to do this – for a while now even killing a cockroach is repulsive as I’ve seen too much suffering. In this way it feels like sinning to consume animals only others have done the killing.
Seems to me you are neither a pedophile or engage in animal sex – but someone who relishes playing “the devil’s advocate” lashing out at the first sign of hypocrisy. Just because a young girl has curves and reached puberty does not mean she is ready emotionally especially with an older more experienced person. That is taking advantage of someone. Admiring their natural beauty is one thing but going into sexual thoughts and action is a totally other arena and an unethical one. It’s a sign of maturity and serving YHWH, having love for humanity, to be able to control one’s thoughts and actions around this. True love for humanity is a very advanced state of accomplishment as most people seem very difficult to love at all.
Is killing an animal for food worse than being sexual with it? I don’t think so – YHWH instructed us to subdue the planet and use the animals for food and agriculture but with love and compassion – not profit, greed and psychopathy. Sex with an animal is not life sustaining it is just personal perversion. Sex with a minor is not much different in that it is self serving – as what amount of real mutual love could be there?
Thank you. Killing an animal yourself is still stealing, so I disagree with you there, but it is certainly several magnitudes higher of a path in consciousness.
And yeah, I have never once condoned rape. People are terrified of children because of Matrix programming and a lack of shadow-work.
Being sexual in any way with children is deranged and a truly terrible sin taking away their innocence.
Being sexual with a minor has some grey area because they may be seeking it out themselves so is consensual – but this does not make it ok for the adult. The adult needs to act responsibly and refrain from it on the account a minor is not mature enough to make a good decision. These kids are almost always having trouble at home and in life so can make really bad decisions that are not good grounds for consent.
Not sure what you are saying about people being terrified of children due to matrix programming. It kind of sounds like condoning sexual pursuit with them. As an adult male over 6 ft tall I avoid being around children in public I don’t know because there is so much fear around adult males and children. Parents have an understandable fear around it as there are real and imagined dangers – the fear around them is palpable so I just avoid that situation all together. It only takes an accusation (without any proof) these days for men to be locked up innocently.
“As an adult male over 6 ft tall I avoid being around children in public I don’t know because there is so much fear around adult males and children.”
Right there. You just spelled out what I mean about people being terrified of children due to Matrix programming. Pathetic, honestly.
“It only takes an accusation (without any proof) these days for men to be locked up innocently.”
You gonna stop making eye contact with women too? What about misgendering someone? You gonna conform, like wearing a mask, because some Karen calls the thought police on you? Jesus man.
If you aren’t going to hurt anybody, then you have nothing to be ashamed about.
Avoiding kids in public rather than deal with the suspicion, fear and possibly worse is hardly being terrified of kids it’s just a simple way to get along better in this lunacy. The other bad examples you used have nothing to do with the topic so are irrelevant. Why on earth would eye contact with women have anything to do with jail? I certainly don’t stare at teenagers like it sounds as you do. A Karen once hassled me about my mask because it wasn’t on straight (when they were enforced to enter a building) and I came back at her plenty hard for getting in my business. And mis-gendering people what are you talking about. You went off the rails. Done with the conversation.
“Avoiding kids in public rather than deal with the suspicion, fear and possibly worse [is] a simple way to get along.”
Yeah, going along to get along. Being a coward. It is why we’re living in clown world right now.
“Why on earth would eye contact with women have anything to do with jail?”
Because offending people with your toxic masculinity is considered a micro-agression today, and a jail-able offense tomorrow. Since you are too afraid to be in the presence of kids, you better stop making eye contact with women too before you get harassed.
“mis-gendering people what are you talking about.” “The other bad examples you used have nothing to do with the topic so are irrelevant.”
The entire reason Jordan Peterson became famous was because Bill C-17 made it a jailable offense.
Isn’t there a single lurker on this website who isn’t a complete idiot that needs everything spelled out for them?
Bill C-17 sounds like a cloning reference. The 17th cloned iteration of Bill Clinton. I urge extreme caution going on those sites – they have so many layers of disinformation as to be psy-ops intended to get ones head turned around obsessing about things you can never ever get to the bottom of anyway. They track and install a lot of malware too. They make you feel like being on the cutting edge of ‘conspiracy theory’ when really you’re going around in circles – it isn’t important in the bigger scheme of things.
Sites? Malware? What are you even on about? Are you talking about this website? If so why are you talking like it is somewhere else?
And who even sees ads that would give malware any more? You all should have been using uBlock or Adblock on your browser at MINIMUM the last 5 years. It takes less than a minute to install.
Go to YouTube, type “jordan peterson bill C16” and educate yourself. The stuff Jordan was worrying about 5 years ago has come to pass. FFS
The next time you’re staring at teenagers and “getting tingles” please keep this in mind:
Mathew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart
I bet you’re good at spells.
I think , Steven, that you are that lurker and idiot who is too stubborn and too prideful that you absolutely can not take into consideration any facts and ideas from other people when they do not agree with you. Arguing with you has no point and is not even interesting, because you can not take thought that you can be wrong at something. I think you are narcissist. I am really sorry for people who have to deal with you in real life.
“I think, Steven, that you are that lurker and idiot”
A lurker is somebody who only views a forum and never comments. I am in the top percent of active participants on this site. You don’t even know the definition of terms. Once again, a know-nothing is utterly failing at insulting me.
This discussion started with people questioning why you seem sympathetic to people sexually abusing animals and pointing out that you attempted to rationalise pedophilia on a previous occasion. Of the numerous comments, I think one person extended some sympathy towards you, most have engaged you in debate, some have called you a sexual deviant in one form or another. More importantly, no one agrees with you, but I’ve found the discussion to be enlightening thanks to your stubborn refusal to, at the very least, agree to disagree and petty insistence on having the last word. I would say I’ll bow out for now but it might get interesting again. Watch this space…
Maybe you know definitions well, Steven, but that does not help you to distinguish good from evil.
I hope you don’t ever visit a zoo and fall into the lion enclosure. When, in your unbridled passion, you attempt to tenderly touch the ‘king of the jungle’, you’ll most likely go viral and be forever remembered as a cautionary tale, the moral of the story being lions will eat anybody, even their best buddies. Hell, they even eat their own cubs but, of course, we have a higher calling. So what about that plant-based frankfurter? I’m willing to give it a try.
“lion enclosure”
I’d be fine if I was calm and treated the lion with respect. They are just big cats. People like you live in fear, but these creatures have just as much personality as your pets.
“So what about that plant-based frankfurter?”
I’m not obsessed with eating flesh so I don’t have a suggestion for you. I’m sure there are options. Black bean patties from Costco are pretty good.
You’re taking a bit of a pounding on here mate but I admire your determination. I’ll do my thing and you go about saving the world, one veg-burger at a time.
Spain is a failed society.
Viva España!
… where promiscuity and lascivious acts run wild!
Yeap this happens when we have socialists and communists in the government.
So basically they passed two laws in the last weeks, one that states that you need to prove consent to have sex with a female, or you are guilty of rape. The other law, you can f**k your pet if you don’t harm it physically. No dan puntada si hilo.
Also you can’t kill any vertebrate animal, so if your house is infested with rats you have to chose between leaving your house or going to jail.
I hope people will start to understand why 1936 happened, and why it was a good thing.
The satanic religion forbids anything natural, war on normal familly of a dad and mom, cheers on monoparental or homosexual families. But the fact is, if this agenda goes through it means society is changing it’s religion. Day after day the majority are embracing it!