
Satanic Temple launches telehealth clinic for 'religious abortion ritual' (

The Satanic Temple, an organization that claims abortion bans violate religious freedom, has announced plans to operate a telehealth abortion clinic in New Mexico.

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1 year ago

So they are making human sacrifice legit! Why did America allow this abomination of a Satanic Temple become legal in the first place? And NAMBLA? …what on Earth is so wrong with society that allows something like this happen and then wonders about pedophiles spreading like fungus and having more courage than ever, and cannibalism becoming a trend?
Does anybody still think humankind has a long future ahead? I sure don’t. I feel like the end is very near.
Like someone said it here before- “we are the z generation”.

Last edited 1 year ago by crisspf
1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Abortion has always been a human sacrifice to the demon ‘Moloch’. Planned Parenthood, other abortionists and the politicians that condone abortion literally sacrifice those babies to demons in exchange for power. The Satanic Temple is openly doing what has already been done in the U.S. for decades if not centuries. The Bible includes accounts of Canaanites sacrificing children to demons thousands of years ago.

150,000 Jews Celebrate Moloch Child Sacrifice Ritual In Chicago July 3, 1933

Last edited 1 year ago by Michele
1 year ago
Reply to  Michele

I knew that! Still, what makes it more outrageous is that they do take it further and call it what it is in an attempt to desensitize people and make it look so normal. They have more and more courage and they throw it in our face. It’s like with LGBTQ. We gave them freedom because we are tolerant (stupid and weak, that is) and now they are uncontrolable ( spoiling anatomy, history and biology and reshaping the way society works by imposing (it is imposing) their evil standards).

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

Hundreds of children and babies at a time used to be thrown alive into fire pits as sacrifices to Moloch. Body parts of conquered people were cut off of and paraded around on sticks or jewelry. Heads were put on stakes around towns. People were hung in cages to die slowly and left there. Etc etc etc. We’re not even CLOSE to how bad things have been over the centuries. Eventually those types of things will cycle back around, but to think we are living in the worst times is just not accurate if you look back at how bad things have been in the past.

1 year ago
Reply to  Theylie

Well, actually it is, in my oppinion, and I will tell you why.
They did indeed do all those terrible things you mentioned, but they thought they served a god not knowing perhaps the real one. …and in their excuse (sort of speaking) they didn’t do it on a dayly basis (eating the babies’ flesh and all, raping and mutilating them and selling then for se* like they do now). These ppl now do know the god they are serving is evil and is satan. They do know it. Just because mainstream media covers it, hides it doesn’t mean things are better nowadays. Think about it: there are aproximately 8 million children that vanish every year. I am not even talking about abortions (we might be talking here about tens of million unborn children being savagely dismembered in their mothers’ wombs).
It is a declared war on innocence. Literally! They are killed by tens of millions every year. We are not talking here about prisoners in battles, enemies, but about children. The other things that happen only complete the scenery. You know what will make it worse? 70 or 80% Earth population being killed in wars, by famine and diseases (man-made) and the rest being forced to receive the chip. Sounds close enough?

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf2000

The people who call themselves satanists are in the minority. Most people who are doing the acts you listed are indeed serving the same demon gods of old and do not worship Lucifer in their minds. Things are not even close to the worst ever. Since sin was chosen, the world has been the worst ever at all times for thousands of years. The problem with thinking that “the end is near” is that many people who believe that will talk endlessly about how they think they’re going to get raptured or that it’s all going to end soon and not do a thing about what’s going on in the world. Apathy seems to be the name of Lucifer’s game to get people out of the way, and the end is near narrative seems to be one of the most effective. That’s why i think it matters very much. Nobody has any way to claim which era is actually the worst ever. What everyone does have the ability to do is oppose evil in thousands of tiny ways every day, and I don’t see people don’t that. Selfishness and deceit rule the day right down to the smallest things in people’s lives, which is why the big scary evil things keep growing unchecked.

1 year ago
Reply to  Theylie

I am not talking about rapture here. I agree that those who find confort in the rapture might get tempted in many ways and start believing they are in the safe zone and that they are somehow special and that they deserve it (which looks more like pride to me). They might get a bit too lazy (spiritually speaking) a bit too soon.
Still, who has eyes to see will see. One cannot ignore the signs and I find it also dangerous that people keep ignoring these things and would rather believe there is still plenty of time ahead. That also leads to laziness. Remember Jesus’s parable about the 10 wise maids?
The chip agenda is very close I’m affraid. This digitalization thing that has a dead-line in 2035 together with their 2030 agenda (for sure big things happening) …this doesn’t look good at all. I would tell you some other things but I fear you won’t believe it anyways.
I do appreciate your being cautios and I do understand what you mean though. Your fight is a good fight.

1 year ago

those words parallel the fruit of knowledge, good and evil in GENESIS. Turned out to be a curse, not a gift

1 year ago

When people show you who they are, believe them. Satanists say they don’t believe in an actual devil, they are atheists and rationalists who believe in human potenrial, then they do this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Actions speak louder than words

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

So on the surface they are using their position as a “religious” organisation (shudder) to create an abortion “ritual” to avoid state laws.

No. They are out, loud and proud – period. Degeneracy isn’t the word here.

Along with the article on prisoners and organs I think I’m done tonight.

1 year ago

BROOO WHAT THE F???? this is the worst thing ive seen all day like how are the crazies gonna defend this now?

1 year ago

The part that really weirds me out, is that it says it’s Telehealth: Healthcare facilitated by telecommunication technology.
If that is so, then they are telling people how to do home-abortions (illegal) over Zoom?