
Now you're an antivaxer if you speak out against open air prisons..

Now you’re an antivaxer if you speak out against open air prisons…

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John Smith
John Smith
1 year ago

This is what panic looks like. The left, and the “POWERS THAT SHOULD NOT BE BEHIND THE CURTAIN” are panicking because none of their b.s. narratives are sticking- people are waking up in droves every day & learning the truth. So they’re regressing back to insulting anyone who questions the WEF/NWO’s plans for humanity. Unfortunately for them, the term “conspiracy theorist” is not longer an insult that describes crazy people w/tin foil hats- it’s a term that describes educated people who do their own independent research & search of their own answers by reading multiple sources & thinking critically.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Not only are we doing our own research and thinking critically, but we remain connected to our Divinity and continually check in with our psycho-spiritual essence. In-tuition is our built-in BS Detector!

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

I don’t think this is panic at all, I think they’re hitting every note they intend to. It is long known that the fearful, when cornered, can be the most dangerous, well, they’ve already cultivated that population and we have seen their potential for violence in self preservation (even of the preventative kind).

The fact they’re playing this from not only the environmental angle but one headline mentions access for the disabled (as if this same group of people actually protest that) tells me they are deliberately restirring that public vat of anger. Why? For the obvious pressure against the nonconformists, but also, so when they deal with the disobedient, not only will there be no public outcry, there will be cheering. In any case in which that is in the slightest doubt, some cover story will be given out about what baddies this smallish group were, and look! we saved you from them! or there will be some environmental disaster or other outbreak to blame.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Maybe the catch is that in order to live in these 15 min cities, you have to be vaxxed. I wonder how are free thinkers who refuse the agenda supposed to live in the future?

1 year ago
Reply to  Collins

Like outlaws. In the forests. In the mountains. In small groups, watching after each other. Practicing or learning survival skills.

There is no future in the beast system! It is only slavery and death.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Good thing you’re plugged into the net spending most of your time concentrating on things you”despise”…where your eyes are, they your heart will be also.

i suggest going out into that nature and living how you preach.. Jesus said abandon ALL, and follow me. Not buy and device and spend your life looking at darkness in the guise of exposing it

1 year ago
Reply to  Collins

Have you seen Demolition Man? We are the underground people. Lol

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

Like all narcissists, they are most concerned with reputation capital. They like to exist in the shadows. Expose them and watch them scatter like roaches. Learn the 10 4IR buzzwords and how they’re being used in your American city to roll out the surveillance state.

Last edited 1 year ago by QuestionEverything
1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

“The left”…and that’s where I stopped reading.
this site isn’t about exposing the truth..It’s about supporting your side of the corrupted government.
Im happy this house dived is falling

1 year ago

“and that’s where I stopped reading”

What? A troll who didn’t bother to read the post or the reply before making sweeping generalized insults? Shocking!

1 year ago
Reply to  John Smith

I think that what you are saying is one of the biggest traps of these times. And that is that people think we are going in the right way and people are waking up.
This is unfortunatly very far from the truth. I mean look at the world and were we are going, we are going downhill faster then ever before.

Many people think they are waking up, but unless you have found Jesus and follow his teachings one is hopelessly lost.

Besides even if people would wake up. The much harder part is to take action. Make a difference, make things better.
we are all enslaved and not even knowing it. We need the latest gadgets and our comfortable lives. 99.9% of people would never trade this and go to “war” with institutions like governments. This will never happen. The psycological war is long lost, and hopelessly lost at that.

Most people will fall for this world and satan’s tricks. Without God nobody and i mean nobody has the slightest chance to overcome demons and satan.

The powers behind the curtain as you say are going on stronger then ever. They are not even scared to openly discuss their demonic visions for us. We as people are now more in their grip then ever before. This is partly because technology is being used to enslave the masses this makes it much easier then ever before.

also God has warned us that most people will fall for the tricks of the world (satan) and will not make the journey to God’s paradise.

Last edited 1 year ago by dutchm
1 year ago
Reply to  Dutch_M


1 year ago
Reply to  Dutch_M

Sounds 100 percent correct to me. I think we need to change that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Dutch_M

some people are waking up, but they keep on believing maha-amut

1 year ago

The wef is very open about their plans. 15 minute prisons are a big part of it.
There is no “theory” to it.

1 year ago

Interesting that the media is now freely using the terms “antivaxers” and “conspiracy theorists” interchangeably… Those are not necessarily the same people, although there is of course overlap. But yet, why burden down the media with a responsibility to be accurate?

Last edited 1 year ago by vievie
1 year ago

The left is right that ACAB. Government is evil. And our cities need to be restructured. But people on the right throw the baby out with the bath water and say “Climate change is fake. I don’t need to take care of the planet. Jesus is coming any day now and it will all be nuked anyway.”

Stop falling for the dialectic.

The issue is putting the cart before the horse. Until our rotten to the core governments are abolished, we shouldn’t be focusing on bandaids.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

These puppet governments are in their last moments. We are now living a radical transformation, we are switching to a totally privatized techno-government. Idiocracy (2006) and south park the movie are good illistrations. Before dealing with cities, govs, we need a global human awakening, maybe you are not seeing it, but it’s underway, and it’s unstoppable. Keep faith Steven, evil will never prevail

1 year ago
Reply to  Collins

“we need a global human awakening”


Stealing is wrong. That is the core of it. Nobody has the right to do violence against another. That includes animals. That includes taxes. That includes being and supported cops. All immoral.

But just because people see how evil the government, media, and tech companies are doesn’t mean they are looking inward towards their own evil ideologies. I’ve yet to see evidence in THAT transformation, and it is what really matters in this moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

When you say “I’ve yet to see evidence”, what parameters do you consider? How do you judge? Our universe is so complex we can only perceive a fraction of available colors.
People that think the elites are in control of the world are just having a limited understanding of the universe. What the elites have control of is our minds through internet and TV, and now people’s trust is vanishing.

Last edited 1 year ago by Collins
1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

You’ll see it when people won’t be able to work unless they “demonstrate” their commitment to the new collectivism. That’s when you’ll see it. Like the other nonsense that was forced on us during the pandemic. Many people didn’t agree with that either after awhile but sooooo many went along to get along. People “feeling good” about helping others is a powerful motivator, so is being able to work and feed your family. Of course you’re not really helping anyone .. all the problems that you refer to have been caused ON PURPOSE! So folks like yourself will beg fir a solution that the cult already has ready to go. Wake up please.

1 year ago
Reply to  stevencasteel

It is interesting to see that you think all gouvernments in this world are evil (on which I agree), yet you don’t seem to be aware about how the HAARP technology is impacting the climate. The global warming is gouvernment’s special not-that-little project. …Together with BLUE BEAM. It’s the “let’s kill the people to save the planet”. They do NOT care about the planet!
They do use HAARP and GRETA to kill both the planet and people.
Climate change is not fake. Agreed! As you probably don’t know, the gouvernments in some european countries are destroying forests in order to replace them with 5G towers “plantations”.

Jesus is not preocupied about saving the forests, but the souls.

1 year ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

I don’t get why anyone would buy a book (nor any art) written by AI when all they’d need to do is input a bunch of words of interest and the system would barf them up one, too. All I see that accomplishing is the death of literature, which would be a massive blow to humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  deletetheelite

Honestly delete, if this new AI material floods Amazon that’s a wonderful thing.
Amazon itself has done nothing but to destroy creativity, businesses and influence markets and consumer behaviour. There is no need to worry about human creativity. What’s happening is a natural society split, between AI fanatics and resistants.
As a solution people can reopen art galleries and bookstores and again give life to our cities. Where i live empty commercial real estate is everywhere.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

AI is already winning fine art contests and AI generated art is now being sold on stock art and media websites, which are used extensively by graphic and web artists worldwide, which means than an AI-generated image could be the cover art for your next book purchase, website visit, blog article, product packaging, you name it, not to mention the artwork hung on the walls of your local coffee shop. Which is insane, if you ask me ~ you would think that art and literature would be some of the last areas where the human touch supercedes cold robotic logic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vievie

So, the people who own the AI give their own creations awards at the expense of human beings. Why am I not surprised? All modern awards seem to be chosen specifically to honor at the expense of someone.

1 year ago
Reply to  A E

It comes down to stealing away from humanity all the ways of expressing itself. This is the imitation of humanity which is a robbery and a mockery. It’s like trans people in feminine sports. Robots will take our jobs and make us useless.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

It depends on how you position humanity? If you consider humans as just a group of slaves begging the elites for a job, or a sens of life then you are right.
Women can boycott competitions where trance people participate. Problem solved!
This is a crossroad every single human will have to face: can i exist outside of the system? Can i say no? Can i boycott when i don’t like the rules of the game?

1 year ago
Reply to  Danilo

Definitely ~ if I were an athlete and was being asked to compete with a trans, I would absolutely boycott. But “exist outside of the system”? That’s a pretty steep challenge, even for the best of us, and it gets harder by the day. Not saying it isn’t a worthy (or maybe even necessary) goal, though.

1 year ago
Reply to  crisspf

Yep, that’s a perfect comparison ~ it’s an unfair playing field not to mention kinda defeats the whole purpose. Art is, by some philosophers standards, one of the things that makes us distinctly “human”. Anthropologists point to cave art, which first appeared roughly 40-50,000 years ago, as the first sign of humans developing into modern civilized communicating people. And yet, now original “art” can be made by AI? If that is true, we may need to redefine what we think humans are.

Also, I personally make my living as a graphic designer ~ here I was thinking only the tech industries were at risk of short-term replacement by AI ~ accountants and engineers, for example ~ but it sounds like my head is on that same chopping block, too ~ we probably all are, and maybe sooner than expected at this rate.

Last edited 1 year ago by vievie
We are with nails
We are with nails
1 year ago


1 year ago

Off-topic troll is off topic.

1 year ago

Can you go outside of your 15-minute prison, uh I mean city?