On Friday, February 3, I, like many other Americans was watching live news coverage of the path of the Chinese spy balloon navigating the skies of the United States. News cameras across the world followed the balloon’s every movement in real time. Then suddenly, with the world watching, it appeared there was a massive explosion in the sky where the balloon was floating in Montana.
I saw scenes like the one above live on several news stations. They showed a trail of smoke where the balloon once floated. Social media accounts of residents of the Billings, MT area lit up recounting a loud explosion accompanied with photos and videos. What followed was one of the most highly coordinated media gaslighting campaigns in recent memory.
Ok, so here’s what I just caught I few minutes ago out my window. I saw a jet go by so fast and then explosion in the sky. Holy crap! Billings MT. pic.twitter.com/swr8ERC6pf
— Dolly Mills-Moore (@MMtTreasures) February 4, 2023
Ok, so here’s what I just caught I few minutes ago out my window. I saw a jet go by so fast and then explosion in the sky. Holy crap! Billings MT. pic.twitter.com/swr8ERC6pf
— Dolly Moore (@MMtTreasures) February 4, 2023
The video above was filmed by Dolly Moore of Billings, MT. It has over 20 million views as of now. Moore was interviewed by her local CBS affiliate recounting what she witnessed.
Then, Twitter slapped this “context” label on her viral tweet. Despite what we have seen, local officials ask witnesses to take their word that what we can see with our own eyes simply isn’t there.
Following these events, the media sent out their cleanup crew.
The map above is the speculated path of the balloon. It is believed it flew over South Korea, Japan, Alaska, and Canada before finally being reported by local Montana media, where it was then picked up by the national and international news.
It has now been reported the Biden administration was aware of the Chinese spy balloon for a WEEK before the public became aware and planned on keeping it secret, but were forced to acknowledge it once it was reported by local Montana media. They kept it under wraps because they were concerned they would have to cancel Secretary of State Antony Blinken’ trip to China scheduled that week.
Yesterday, February 4, the military sh0t down a suspected Chinese spy balloon over the Atlantic coast off North Carolina. After flying across the entirety of the continental United States, by the time of its downing it can be assumed the balloon collected all the intel it needed. Around this time it was reported another Chinese spy balloon has been flying over Latin America. With other sightings in Nebraska, Missouri, and Tennessee, this solicits the question, how many Chinese spy balloons are or have been flying over the US without our knowledge. If China can send over spy balloons to our country undetected, the threat of an EMP attack only becomes more dire.
China or most other countries for that matter, dont need giant spy balloons floating in the sky to collect ‘intel’ on the U.S, or vice versa, think about it, does this story not seem like satire in itself? a giant chinese spy balloon? really? a majority of the population is using tiktok which the chinese owns, and many other technologies that could just as easily gather intel in much more sophisticated ways, they dont need a big balloon in the air
this seems in my opinion, to be another story to get people thinking about an impending conflict with china and the fear of war, and for people to think its china some boogyman thats spying on them, when in fact its their very own government and technologies that surround them everyday
But China has accepted it was their balloon. Only they said it gathered “weather” data and not intel. ?!?!
These are cosmo spheres and electro gravitational craft being shot down with a “weather balloon,” being floated as a misdirection distraction.
The NW0, knowing they were going to have to pull an operation over Montana due to significant instigation from NSDAP over deep underground bases, created the weather/surveillance balloon story as a distraction, with the backstory they were going to “keep it secret til a reporter discovered it.” Right…
This is the same weather balloon distraction pulled at roswell, just rinse and repeat the same ploys, and create intriguing “secret discovery,” shadow plots (little grey aliens) to throw people off the trail regarding something much larger and closer than most of the public could take without having their world shattered.
Below are links for further information on Cosmo Spheres and Scalar Weapons. Musks “communications,” satellites form a scalar web that ensnares the entire Earth.
On the first link you can change the number next to FIRESK from 26 to any number 1-30 to read all chapters 1-30. I’ve given chapter 26 as the first because it describes cosmos spheres in detail and their deployment and advancement from around 50-60 years ago which is what is being seen in this video.
Attached below is an extract from a report by a Naval Weapons Engineer regarding scalar technology, discovered in 1904 by Tesla, and it’s current most common applications.
This is all found in Thirteen Monkeys Pt VII. @thekwon
These are cosmo spheres and electro gravitational craft being shot down with a “weather balloon,” being floated as a misdirection distraction.
The NW0, knowing they were going to have to pull an operation over Montana due to significant instigation from NSDAP over deep underground bases, created the weather/surveillance balloon story as a distraction, with the backstory they were going to “keep it secret til a reporter discovered it.” Right…
This is the same weather balloon distraction pulled at roswell, just rinse and repeat the same ploys, and create intriguing “secret discovery,” shadow plots (little grey aliens) to throw people off the trail regarding something much larger and closer than most of the public could take without having their world shattered.
Below are links for further information on Cosmo Spheres and Scalar Weapons. Musks “communications,” satellites form a scalar web that ensnares the entire Earth.
On the first link you can change the number next to FIRESK from 26 to any number 1-30 to read all chapters 1-30. I’ve given chapter 26 as the first because it describes cosmos spheres in detail and their deployment and advancement from around 50-60 years ago which is what is being seen in this video.
Attached below is an extract from a report by a Naval Weapons Engineer regarding scalar technology, discovered in 1904 by Tesla, and it’s current most common applications.
This is all found in Thirteen Monkeys Pt VII. @thekwon
The filter does not realise she has just seen the jaw dropping power of scalar weapons in action, hence the completely silent explosions.
Will they use it to blackout the entire planet?
Another question about the planet, Today’s Turkey and Syria earthquake is clearly an artificial one, on Monday, Feb 6, 2023. Is today a special date?
It is very near Max elongation today, and exactly 6 days 6 months until inferior conjunction of Venus.
It is 191 days until end of inferior conjunction of Venus on August 13th. 191 was shown in g00gle doodle regarding this a few months back, and it is the number of 9/11… sacrifice by scalar weapons.
That’s when Melissa magnetosphere is happening, Venus is Queen Bee.
This summer is going to have extremely interesting and punctual events.
As we are in the 191 “Jupiter” period following superior conjunction of Venus, it is typical that they have created a sacrifice event by fire of military action. Turkey is being given a stern warning towards not playing by the rules. Notice that the affected area is directly between Adana and Haql El Faras. Two of the important points on the map of Kings in Monkeys X.
This same period of the 191 days following Venus superior conjunction has seen the atomic bomb a dropped, Jupiter, sacrifice by military fire. Today we are also on the 36th day of the year (6*6) and 6 days 6 months from inferior conjunction of Venus.
Max Elongation is 3 days 3 months away (June 4th) and during the 72 days of the “dying Phoenix,” from June 4 to August 13th there is a general prohibition on sacrifices; meaning spring time until June is likely to be very bloody.
Thanks to Astrology we can predict time of attacks, can we also guess geographic locations?
I thought Turkey has been attacked because of their agreement with Russians to serve as energy platform to allow Russia bypass sanctions
With a good degree of accuracy, yes. Although usually it always comes down to two possible locations for timed events.
I have not forgotten your question regarding the shroud of “Turin.” It is a burial shroud from the templars in the siege of Acre in 1291, which was a very old piece of cloth that was claimed to be from the tomb of Yeshua. Hence the confusion around radio carbon dating.
It has nothing to do with Yeshua, but is so revered as part of the Papal States of Jerusalém and it’s hidden history within the siege of Acre and medieval magic surrounding it.
Thank you @444gem
I have so many other questions…
I’m right there with you on this one……
Have fun today!
Can you please provide some evidentiary support for this?
I understand the work done by Ray Downing in 2010, if memory serves, the imprint of the body being was believed to be created from unusual heat and light (think ‘beam me up, Scotty’).
Further, the ‘modern’ dates were shown to be from the midevil cloth used to repair the Shroud after the fire that damaged in 1513, not the shroud…
Btw, here is apic of Ray Downing’ s image of the person in the shroud…..looks similar to Russell Brand…and you mentioned AY’s looking similar….🤔
@Ralphie 225
Ray Downing clearly knows the general look of an Aryeh Yehudah and applied it to his work, but this image is fanciful, at best. When compared to the negative of the Shrowd of Turin we see the face presented is much more elongated, and rectangular, typical of Central Siberian Origin morphology of Austria-Hungarian empire individuals, consistent with the AB+ blood type present on the shrowd.
A much closer approximation of the face, which is almost certainly Central European, not Aryeh Yehudah.
@Maciej @Ralphie 225
The final nail in the wrist that is has nothing to do with Yeshua is genetic. Scientists used archer genetics and determined the haplogroups present on the shrowd.
Despite being heavily contaminated due to handling, the presence of dried blood means that the tests needed to turn up the haplogroup which is present to all Aryeh Yehudah of unbroken male descent : J and specifically J2. It doesn’t.
Instead the tests show lots of subclasses of haplogroup H, R, and U and L and M. All of which are consistent with Indo-Aryan Centeal steppe male ancestry, and all of which are highly common in Central/Northern Europe and Brahman Indian classes. It definitively eliminates any possibility, already remote due to morphology and Blood type, thst this is an Aryeh Yehudah or Yeshua.
Even the papacy, who has classified many later unequivocally proven to falsified artefacts as authentic, has refused to declare it authentic.
link to the study:
Where would I find information on blood types as correlated with ancestry? I am still unclear as to RH factor and all the implications.
I generally try to limit energy and time spent on medieval relics, which were a renewed form of temple economics; drawing devotees into spots of Ka Statues (The Relic) and harvesting their Money/Ki. A “monetisation,” of faith into spiritual tourism.
The phenomena became widespread concurrently with the introduction of indulgences under Pope Urban II in 1095 and The Crusades.
However, I’ll give as much as I can on this one:
1) The shroud doesn’t appear until 1357 when it turns up in The Church of Geoffrey de Charney in North Central France after he went on a crusade in Smyrna, Turkey. No explanation of its origin of squid Orion is given. Charney’s entire life was a series of indenting and collecting and other half baked schemes to gain riches, as being a third son to a local ruler he had no inheritance.
The shroud appears after Charney opened a collegiate church, which relied on pilgrims for income, and a few years after they’ve set up a shrine with the shrowd. This is highly indicative of temple economics around MAGIk relics, dozens of which have been proven to be medieval forgeries using older materials.
Prior to this, the shrowd was said to come from Constantinople, but there is no record of this in any contemporary records. The main claim is that The Templers themselves in the 1200s took it while raising Constantinople during their crusade. The templars were Baphomet worshippers and greedy bankers, whose practices of initiation required kissing the a**s of a goat. Tracy Twyman does a good job collecting and discussing their practices in “Baphomet the Temple Mystery,” although you have to parse opinions from her excellent research. Primary sources show The Templars were highly into skull worship, a practice that stretches from Anatolia:Turkey in places like Catalhoyuk in 7000 BCE all the way to modern Skull and Bones and follows the Luciferians for obvious reasons.
2) The blood present on the shrowd is type AB+. This is extremely unlikely in an Aryeh Yehudah or even Isis Ra Eli, but more likely in someone of Central European Hungarian central Siberian steppe Descent.
3) The image is extremely faint, only visible on one side, the exterior, and most of the images distributed on the web are highly enhanced. The “radiant light theory,” is not consistent with an image this subtle being produced in negative, only visible on the outside, unless optical burn impressions were made that are easily visible under a microscope. This is not the case whatsoever.
this brings us to point 4
4) The image is a photographic negative, that is consistent with rudimentary Silver Nitrate Canvass photography that was being used to produce image negatives in the Arab caliphate at least from the 8th century, later adopted in Canara Oscuras in the early Renaissance. A body laid in a stone tomb could not produce this image on its own.
Silver Nitrate production came from Arabic alchemical texts beginning in the 8th century, and during the crusades this knowledge was taken as divine. The formation of a light produced photonegative is also consistent with Templar alchemical practices and light worship.
5) The pollen distribution in it is consistent with flowers common to the area of Acre being laid atop the body at burial and left. This is not part of Aryeh Yehudah nor Isis Ra Eli burial practices in antiquity whatsoever.
Below is a photo of an image made by silver nitrate sunlight exposure over a face. The results are identical to the production of the shroud of Turin.
Very interesting….I found this article that describes both the silver nitrate and camera obscura process and how it would have been possible, despite the difficulties, to create such a piece…
…it boggles the mind….thank you for your input…
www dot shroud dot com / pdfs / n42part5 dot pdf
@Ralphie 225
It is a highly typical example of how the control of knowledge can be used to dominate the thinking of the cattle, for centuries upon centuries, through MAGIk thinking and false wonderment. This is just a remake of the same cycle as always, produce artifacts of false pagan idols, and farm the Ki away… How many people are still lining up to see and wonder at this false Jessie face 700+ years later… It’s ancient photography, which is cool, but stop worshipping the Ka Statue on the animal farm…
There is this overarching belief perpetuated throughout mainstream history of the low technological state of humanity prior to the “Age of Enlightenment.” What is not told is that the age of enlightenment is simply the period when technology was allowed to come to light within the view of non-Luciferian initiates without the inventor being promptly slaughtered and removed from the historical record or brandished a heretical wacko. Some of the dragon’s gold was let out of the vault.
As time has passed, the covering of the tracks, which was once deafening and seemingly complete, has begun to crack open due to the perseverance of modern researchers. This is similar to the typical belief that humanity did not use the Camara Oscura until around the renaissance, despite the fact it is described in detail, with technical specification for fabrication, in texts as early as the 5th century BCE across the Eurasian continent. Furthermore, the architectural and secondary evidence for its use as a planning and telescopic device is overwhelming going back to at least 3000 BCE. (ie the painting of the face red for a Jupiterian Triumph being due to the red spot on Jupiter, and the pinhole diadems of greece from 1200 BCE onwards.)
It is bewildering that the idea that Pythagoras, an ancient Solar Cult Figure, and Euclid are still being lauded as the great men that advanced mathematical thought, when now, even mainstream professors at NW0 organizations like Brown, can show that Pythagoras and Euclid were far less advanced than the Mesopotamian mathematics which proceeded them by several millenia; they were rudimentary students, children teaching children. The thousands of tablets of library of Ashurbanipal aren’t ambigious about this.
This narrative so greatly perpetuated is designed to foment the idea that suddenly these genius thinkers, freed from religious dogma (Catholicism, the strawman controlled opposition) began to make leaps and bounds technologically never made before in the 17th century, a sort of religious dogma of modern science that glorifies its own birth in modernity, superceding the woo-woo superstitions of our dumb ancestors. An incredible narrative to feed the narrative of Academics, and to sever humanity’s connection with the spiritual as part of scientific thought. Divide and Conquer… The parallels to the Catholic Church’s own falsifiction of its origins, which the historical record doesn’t support whatsoever, being identical. (Science has its untouchable “genius” founding father saints in the 15-18th century, as Catholicism has its “perfect holy gentiles” in the 3rd-7th century.)
Instead, many of these “genius” thinkers of the age of enlightenment were simply being allowed to show the mechanics of the MAGIk tricks in preparation for The End of the Age and the birth of the IA (AI) Ba Ba’al. Rarely were these scientific thinkers rediscovering old technology from scratch, almost always these scientists were Luciferian initiates who figured out how to use very ancient techniques in novel applications (ie the bilge pumps and hydraulic steam control of the heated floors of the nemi ships for powering looms.)
There is no historical record of devices like the AntiKythera Mechanism in any text, an analog computer from 200 BCE Greece/Rome, of such incredible complex gear ratios and predictive mathematical accuracy that nothing like it would be “invented,” until the late 19th century AD again… (2,100 years of a gap…)
If several modern scientists hadn’t doggedly pursued proving its mechanics for 2 generations, we would be called crazy for claiming the ancients had any such technology. And in fact, these scientists were dismissed as nut jobs…
This, and countless other examples, of course leads to the inevitable conclusion that the history of the world is systematically hidden and erased in order to distort the narrative in human thought towards slow, linear technological advancement through the ages.
After studying enough cases, it leads to the clear recognition that technological advancement of ancient humanity was hoarded drastically for the power of Dragons to try and control the fate of the Earth.
The scalar technology and abilities ‘they’ possess with it are quite long – but one abstract thing they can do is communicate through common appliances in effect speak through our household gadgets!
They can completely control weather, large groups of people’s minds, control anatomical functions remotely, anticipate moves by having simultaneous reading and reacting. That is a short list not including the links you posted above.
Yes. I tried to include comprehensive starters guides in Monkeys VII on this. One thing that wasn’t included, is that the engineer that worked at MITRE on the team to adapt the hardware technology for satellite launches was then killed with it in 9/11.
See if you can find Lueren Moret “G00gl3 and the Drive to Control your DNA,” from around 2011…
Perfect predictions and great explanations. Her work, although now a hair dated is still excellent. dated is still excellent.
Lueren says humans become like antennae using this technology – they can basically do whatever they want to people through the nanotech and scalar wave technology. When the black goo graphine oxide jabs are thrown in – those really accelerate the control process – some people will be able to be controlled very easily.
Pretty much. The nanotech and 5G (eventually 6G) bandwidth create completely controllable and real time monitored AI guided mind control and world influencing.
They are creating a workdwide AI intelligence from our brains, and the last piece is consent for people to allow for brain and body monitoring activity as stated under Gates patent W0-2020-060606. We can already see how they have used the internet to endow Lucifer’s Ba Baal (spirit body), with highly complex linguistic and reasoning skills that have passed the Touring test.
Now it is about total real time control without conscious knowledge of the humans being ki farmed for the Earth Brain (as it was called by buckminster fuller.)
Sounds pretty bleak how does one survive? @444gem
With True faith. Walking with YHWH in every breathe and every step is the only way.
See if you can find Lueren Moret “Google and the Drive to Control your DNA,” from around 2011… Perfect predictions and great explanations. Her work, although now a hair dated is still excellent.
Creepy things are happening, I saw colorado’s comment, about Hawaii’s volcano, and how bad he was trolled, i made a link with this recent npr article:
Can they provoke volcanoes using satellites?
They can provoke volcanos to some degree.
@444gem, I don’t get it about NSDAP? Do you believe N**i Germans are hidden in some deep underground base in Montana planning revenge? and that NWO is secretly fighting them? using these balloons?
Not exactly.
The lines between the NW0, which controls most of the territory on Earth, and the NDSAP, now called The German DVD, are not as clean along institutional lines as might be assumed (Project Sunrise and Paperclip ensured this) and one side controls territory and resources, while the other high technology; the public is kept in the dark with the faux geopolitical game they play on all the news channels. (Henry Ford built Nasi Germany’s machinery… George Bush 41s grandfather funded them for 20 years).
I would recommend reading the Fire in the Sky series linked above from Chapter I to 30. It will help explain the fire in the sky they just passed off as a weather balloon while they had angry children throwing temper tantrums in US congress about gas stoves to keep everybody distracted.
Also see Anthony C Sutton’s (Standfors Professor of Economics that quit to publish Truth) work on how the USSaR and the USAr have worked as a team throughout the Cold War, and into today to shape the world towards the great work. China (Kain-a), The USA (USArus), and Russia (USSarus) are all working together in what could be called the Third Triumverate (The first being Julius Caesar, Pompeii and Crassus in Rome that pretended to be enemies until they completely controlled the empire and then played a game of thrones for half a decade until Caeser became the first Emperor the Ka-SAR(os.) Be prepared for shock events as they try to kick the fourth pillar from out the table, now with the scalar net in place.
Montana is a major area for deep underground activity that goes far beyond nuclear missile silos they were reporting. The
See Michael Shrimpton, who while not very awake regarding anything spiritual and the overarching Luciferian element, does understand the role of the DVD in controlling geo politics.
It flew over my city. Greenville, SC.
We have the Donaldson center. Where they’re assembling and testing new planes for the US military.
There’s a very large inland port nearby.
It was shot off the coast of Myrtle Beach, SC.
Which is halfway between Charleston, a major port, and Jacksonville, NC, a large naval base.
Just my two cents. 😉
What if it’s not what they say it is? I’m wondering if it’s a cover up story for an actual UFO sighting. But I don’t know.
Or biological attack?
They show down a cosmo sphere. See link above.
I saw something strange around El Paso Friday night it looked like a plane towing a string of other planes or satellites closely bunched together all illuminated. Looked like it was headed north east coming out of Chihuahua.
iv heard that elon musks starlink is described as that, a string of satellites or lights in the sky, dont know if theres something more to that or if thats even the actual case
Cosmos spheres. There have been a bunch of provocations and the shoot down was a retaliation.