
History is an eternal repetition. Here are quotes from those who lived through the fall of the Roman Empire.

“The Empire has become a police state, with spies and informants everywhere. People are constantly watched, and their every move is watched by the authorities.” – Synesius of Cyrene, Greek bishop of the 4th century AD. J.-C.

“The Roman Empire is ruled by a small group of elites who only care about their own interests. They have no concern for the welfare of the people, and will do anything in their power to maintain their power.”
– Salvian, 5th century Christian writer

“The Roman government has become tyrannical and oppressive. People are no longer free to speak their minds or express their opinions without fear of reprisal.”
– Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman historian of the 4th century AD. J.-C.

“The taxes levied by the Roman government are a heavy burden on the people. They cause great suffering and great difficulty, and yet the government shows no mercy.”
– Synesius of Cyrene, Greek bishop of the 4th century AD. J.-C.

“The taxes imposed by the Roman government are unfair and oppressive. People are forced to give away their hard-earned money to support the luxurious lifestyles of the elites.”
– Augustine of Hippo, Christian theologian of the 4th century AD. J.-C.

“Some people have sunk to such levels of depravity that they seek sexual pleasure with animals. This is a sign of the moral decay of our society.”
– Suetonius, Roman historian of the 2nd century AD. J.-C.

“The morals of women have become as corrupt as those of men. They indulge in all kinds of shameful behavior and no longer have any sense of decency or shame.”
– Seneca the Younger, Roman philosopher of the 1st century AD. J.-C.

“Women have become corrupt and immoral. They are no longer satisfied with fulfilling their traditional roles as wives and mothers, but rather seek power and influence in society.”
– Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman historian of the 4th century AD. J.-C.

“The men of our time have become effeminate and decadent. They are more interested in their appearance and their pleasure than in their duties and responsibilities. They have lost the spirit of self-sacrifice and service”
– Cassius Dio, 3rd century AD Roman historian

“The men of our time have become effeminate, preferring to spend their days in luxury and indulgence. They have lost the courage and strength that made our ancestors great.”
– Salvian, Christian writer of the 5th century AD.

“The sexual practices of our people have become so perverted that they are now considered normal. Men marry men and women marry women, and no one bats an eyelid.”
– Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman historian of the 4th century AD.

“In our time it is easier to break the law than to obey it, and virtue is more often punished than rewarded. We now love pleasure more than honor, and value money more than justice.”
– Jerome of Stridon, Christian scholar of the 4th century AD

“The Roman bureaucracy was like a maze, with countless layers of officials and paperwork. It was impossible to do anything without paying bribes or pulling strings.”
– Procopius, Byzantine historian (circa 500-560 AD)

“The institutions of the Roman Empire were breaking down, its armies were weakening, and its people were becoming less and less able to defend themselves.”
– Salvien, theologian and Christian writer (around 400-480 AD)

“Government was crippled by bureaucracy and people were oppressed by taxes. Roads were in bad shape and towns were in decline.”
– Cassiodorus, Roman statesman and writer (c. 485-585 AD)

“Roads are no longer safe and bridges are collapsing. Public buildings are in ruins and aqueducts are in poor condition. The public treasury is empty, and the army is ill-equipped.”
– Ammian Marcellinus, Roman historian and soldier (c. 330-395 AD)

“Courts are corrupt, tax collectors are greedy and officials are incompetent.”
– Zosimus, Greek historian, describing the administrative collapse of the late Roman Empire in the 5th century AD.

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1 year ago

can you provide the link to to where you found these quotes

1 year ago
Reply to  one

Took me two seconds to google and found plenty. Come on, it’s not that hard

1 year ago
Reply to  one

Just look up the name of the person and “quotes” and you’ll likely find them quickly. I would not support Google in the process however…just because.

1 year ago
Reply to  one

Yes just search the names and you’ll find where they came from. My sources are in french so i don’t think it will help you

1 year ago

History only repeats because the majority of people refuse to wake up and stand up for their own divinity and sovereignty. It takes work; believe me, I’ve had to do it my whole life in order to maintain my dignity in the face of everyday folks acting as police and trying to shame me into suffering as they do. The most powerful word in human language is NO. (And oddly enough, NO is the chemical acronym for Nitric Oxide, which is essentially the Divine Creator’s combustible gas in our bodies that creates the spark to start and continue Life.)

1 year ago

big fan of NO👍

1 year ago

If you are still in California, I imagine it’s getting harder everyday. If you’re thinking of getting out, don’t forget my home state…Louisiana! We’d love to have you!

1 year ago

it’s probably the same entities. Now their dream to destroy. mankind is a clear probability with CERN at their disposal.
good luck everyone.

1 year ago

Yep, that’s the crumbling Amerikan Empire to a tee.

1 year ago
Reply to  MrLiberty

Mostly everywhere. Certainly in the western countries anyway. Places where there is such a thing as too liberal.

Dawn Green
Dawn Green
1 year ago

This was an awesome post. Thank you!

1 year ago

That’s what this great power proxy war is between NATO and Russia, crumbling empires struggling to hang onto former powers. The more empires try to regain past glories the more they burn through present resources and accelerate their own collapse.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour


Osiris originally is spelled: USA-RUS, literally USA Russia. They are two horns of one beasts head.

NATO = ATON, the sun disk.
RUS-IA = Enki Lord of the Head (Resh IA)

1 year ago

That really puts things in perspective.

Herman Munster
Herman Munster
1 year ago

History is not “ETERNAL” repetition, but it does tend to be REPETITIOUS. Nevertheless, it has a BEGINNING and a coming END, ergo NOT “eternal”. “History” is a man-made concept. Only God is ETERNAL. “A thousand days are as nothing in His sight,” sayeth the Psalmist.

Words have meaning. Learn them, and you will help to put an end to the seemingly endless (but NOT eternal) repetition of history.

No Name
No Name
1 year ago

Worth a read & goes along with this.

1 year ago

History continues to repeat itself because we never learn.

Dave Huff
Dave Huff
7 months ago

Let’s go Brandon!