
“Don’t taze me bro!”; How the media meme’d its way out of reporting on politicians memberships in secret societies

People remember the meme, but barely anyone remembers the events leading up to it. 

In September of 2007, a University of Florida student was tazed by a police officer at a forum featuring then Senator John Kerry. 

Undergrad student, Andrew Meyer had been allowed to ask Senator Kerry a question during their question period. Meyer asked Senator Kerry about his membership to the secret society Skull & Bones. Campus police immediately restrained, tazed, and arrested Meyer as the audience applauded.

During his arrest, Meyer shouted “Don’t taze me bro”, which in the weeks following was widely mocked in mass media.

By framing the coverage around “Don’t taze me bro”, the media was able to redirect the attention away from his question and towards a “memeable” catchphrase.

Why his question is matters

Skull & Bones is a secretive society associated with Yale University which has been the source of many controversies and conspiracy theories. Despite some of the world’s most powerful men having been members of Skull & Bones, the organization remains shrouded in mystery. Skull & Bones has even been rumored to be a branch of the Illuminati.

John Kerry has admitted he was a member of the organization, but has refused to elaborate further.

Since the tazing incident, Kerry has gone on to serve as Secretary of State and currently serves as the Presidential Climate Envoy under the Biden administration. Shouldn’t someone who has held such powerful positions be more transparent about groups they’ve been affiliated with? Seeing a college student assaulted and arrested for asking a powerful man a legitimate question 16 years ago was also quite prescient of the current prevalence of how far the elite will go in the interest of censorship. 

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1 year ago

Well, that is incredibly upsetting and disturbing. I never knew that that question is what precipitated that incident, like a lot of people all I heard about was the Don’t Taze Me Bro! and thought it was something stupid. The worst part is how he is screaming Help me! and everyone just sits there smirking. And the second worst part is how quickly those cops leaped on him at that question. It’s like they knew all about Masons already because that is who they serve, or they got a signal from a higher up or they have a chip in their brains. Or all of the above.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fleurdamour

Look at the individual in the brown suit behind the police officers in the back right. Both he and the cops, who all had earpieces, look over across the room simultaneously around :07 in a bit of shock (receiving an order before the actual event) and then at the following words “Are you a member of skull…” at 0:10 this individual makes an emphatic “cut off the neck,” gesture, and the attack dogs swing into action while he fades into the background.

This is extremely typical of how the luciferians use foreknowledge of events and subtle manipulation to control the outcomes.

The kid is wearing a big 18, 666 shirt, likely an influenced outcome he was not consciously aware of, as it is a typical sign of events that are “part of the plan.”

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

When they receive the order, 3 seconds before he asks the forbidden question.

1 year ago
Reply to  444Gem

You are so right, I didn’t see that. Thanks for pointing it out.

1 year ago

Skull & Bones is a secretive society which has been the source of many controversies and conspiracy theories —- Guess what else has been the same ? I mean “source of many controversies and conspiracy theories” ?? Bible. Read Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (ok ok he is just part of mass media manipulation, gullible ppl don’t understand yadda yadda blah blah blah ….). Read Arthur Hailey’s novel Detective.

“how far the elite will go in the interest of censorship” — And how far did Catholic Church bulldozer go to eliminate every other spiritual/religious tradition so that Christianity remains only one in whole Europe ?? People have been brainwashed to think all pre-Christian systems were all about child-sacrifice and cannibalism. Anyone who asked any “legitimate question” was called HERETIC and was killed or variously punished.

Last edited 1 year ago by whatevs
1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs

It is not correct to say the hierarchy of the Catholic church is truly Christian. It was a project of imperial Rome. They saw which way the wind was blowing with the rise of Christianity in the populace and coopted it as a tool for power. I have read that in pagan times a giant stone was brought from the Near East and placed under Vatican Hill. It was a stone worshipped as Cybele, the “great mother goddess” who is Satan. I bet it is still there. And the worship of that entity as stones is the basis of Freemasonry. That tells you what you need to know about the Roman church.

1 year ago
Reply to  Whatevs

This idiot here is so full of hate they don’t even realize they’re talking about the same people

1 year ago

Wow !!that was absolutely terrifying..took him down that quick..he was shouting what did i me..screaming in terror being tazed..this was before the phone zombies..and no one did anything..Scary beyond belief

1 year ago

Has Mr. Meyer, the man who was tazed, ever heard from again? Where is he now?

1 year ago
Reply to  HeebSeed

He was a guest on the Timcast IRL podcast a month ago.

1 year ago

at 12 seconds he already turns to the authorities like he’s expecting to get arrested or something

1 year ago
Reply to  matt

It occurred to me that this might have been a psyop to condition people not to ask that question.